Developing creative personality in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) in the context of research activities during professional training

The influence of the development of personal creativity on the expansion of the boundaries of educational and research activities of the student. The professional training of future teachers of professional training for research and creative activities.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 24.01.2022
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Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda state pedagogical university

Developing creative personality in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) in the context of research activities during professional training

Serhii Laun,

PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer at Department of Professional Training Theory and Methodology


The article deals with the issues of developing creative personality in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) in the context of research activities during professional training. The article proves that the development of creative personality expands the limits of students'learning and research activities. Professional pedagogical training of future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) for research and creative activities contributes to developing new knowledge and skills in the organization of research in accordance with professional qualities of lecturers. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the concept of creativity in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) is regarded as a comprehensive activity and development of something new, which is the opposite to a stereotyped pattern activity, and shapes creative imagination characterized by the high level of creativity, pronounced personal qualities and сapacity for creative and research activities, which contribute to effective professional performance. The readiness for research activities in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) is defined as the result of professional training and a qualitative characteristic of their creative activities based on relevant abilities and skills required to conduct research activities and projects, which allow them to use the acquired skills when conducting scientific research due to the well-developed theoretical foundations of the essence and content of the research process. The article shows that research activities are a powerful mechanism for developing creativity in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) and one of the main objectives of higher education in accordance with the new requirements of society for professional training of specialists able to solve professional and research tasks independently, actively and creatively.

Keywords: personality, creativity, creative personality, activity, research activities, higher education, future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health).


Формування творчої особистості майбутнього педагога професійного навчання (охорона праці) до дослідницької діяльності у процесі професійної підготовки

У статті розглядаються питання формування творчої особистості майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання (охорона праці) у дослідницькій діяльності у процесі професійної підготовки. Доведено, що розвиток творчості особистості розширює межі навчально-пошукової та дослідницької діяльності студента. Професійна підготовка майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання (охорона праці) до дослідницької та творчої діяльності сприяє виникненню нового знання, формуванню навичок і вмінь організації дослідження відповідно до професійних якостей педагога.

На основі аналізу наукової літератури поняття творчість майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання (охорона праці) розуміємо, як всебічний процес діяльності і розвитку чогось нового, що є протилежним стереотипній шаблонній діяльності і утворює творчу фантазію, що характеризується високим рівнем креативності, яскраво вираженими особистісними якостями і здібностями у творчій і дослідницькій діяльності, які сприяють успішній професійній діяльності. Готовність до дослідницької діяльності майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання (охорона праці) визначаємо, як результат професійної підготовки і якісну характеристику творчої діяльності особистості на основі відповідних умінь і навичок, необхідних для виконання майбутніх дослідницьких завдань і проектів, які передбачають можливість проявити уже наявні практичні задатки проводити науково-пошукове дослідження за рахунок сформованих у студентів теоретичних основ сутності і змісту процесу дослідницької діяльності.

У статті зазначається, що дослідницька діяльність є потужним ядром для формування творчості особистості майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання (охорона праці) та є одним із актуальних завдань вищої школи відповідно до нових суспільних потреб у підготовці компетентного фахівця, здатного до самостійного, активного і нестандартного вирішення професійних і дослідницьких завдань.

Ключові слова: особистість, творчість, творча особистість, діяльність, дослідницька діяльність, вища школа, майбутні педагоги професійного навчання (охорона праці).


professional training educational teacher

В статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования творческой личности будущих педагогов профессиональной учебы (охрана труда) в исследовательской деятельности в процессе профессиональной подготовки. Доказано, что развитие творчества личности расширяет пределы учебно-поисковой и исследовательской деятельности студента. Профессиональная подготовка будущих педагогов профессиональной учебы (охрана труда) к исследовательской и творческой деятельности способствует возникновению нового знания, формированию навыков и умений организации исследования в соответствии с профессиональными качествами

На основе анализа научной литературы понятия творчество будущих педагогов профессиональной учебы (охрана труда) понимаем, как всесторонний процесс деятельности и развития чего-то нового, что есть противоположным стереотипной шаблонной деятельности и образует творческую фантазию, которая характеризуется высоким уровнем креативности, ярко выраженными личностными качествами и способностями в творческой и исследовательской деятельности, которые способствуют успешной профессиональной деятельности. Готовность к исследовательской деятельности будущих педагогов профессиональной учебы (охрана труда) определяем, как результат профессиональной подготовки и качественная характеристика творческой деятельности личности на основе соответствующих умений и навыков, необходимых для выполнения будущих исследовательских заданий и проектов, которые предусматривают возможность проявить уже имеющие практические задатки проводить научно-поисковые исследования за счет сформированных у студентов теоретических основ сущности и содержания процесса исследовательской деятельности.

В статье отмечается, что исследовательская деятельность есть мощным ядром для формирования творчества личности будущих педагогов профессиональной учебы (охрана труда) и есть одним из актуальных заданий высшей школы в соответствии с новыми общественными потребностями в подготовке компетентного специалиста, способного к самостоятельному, активному и нестандартному решению профессиональных и исследовательских заданий.

Ключевые слова: личность, творчество, творческая личность, деятельность, исследовательская деятельность, высшая школа, будущий педагог профессиональной учебы (охрана труда).

Main part

Problem statement. The modernization of modern higher education is related to Ukraine involvement in the Bologna Process, which leads to global changes in the Ukrainian educational system and involves a fundamentally new approach to professional training of qualified specialists, in particular future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health).

The modern labour market requires competent specialists. According to competency-based approach, the specialist should be prepared for active and creative professional activities, be able to independently acquire new knowledge, be self-motivated and ready to solve professional and research tasks. Nowadays, the state education policy aims to create relevant conditions for development and creative self-realization of every Ukrainian. Thus, modern higher education seeks to enhance future teachers' readiness towards self-knowledge, research activities and self-development.

Therefore, there appears to be the need for specialists ready to conduct independent research and especially future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) who should be able to skillfully manage the education process. Given the rapid development of modern education and the introduction of the advanced technologies and the large arrays of information into educational space, it is vital to study the problem of developing creative personality in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) in the context of research activities during professional training.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The content analysis of modern pedagogical studies shows that the problem of developing creative personality was addressed by such scholars as (Андреев, 1988; Сисоева, 2006) et al. Theoretical and methodological principles of future teachers' professional training were studied by (Свтух, 2002; Зязюн, 2001) et al. The problem of training future teachers for research activities was explored in various aspects by many keen researchers in pedagogy and psychology. For one, (Леоненко, 2002; Пшюшенко, 2004) considered the principles of organizing research activities. Such scholars as (Горкуненко, 2003; Шзовцев, 2009) analyzed the process of developing research skills in students. The problem of activating research in higher education was covered by (Британ, 1992; Князян, 2006; Сотвник, 2008) et al.

The research aims to reveal the essence and content of technology for developing creative personality in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) in the context of research activities during professional training. It can be achieved provided that the following objective has been met: to analyze the existing studies on the problem of developing creative personality in students in professional education (015 occupational safety and health) during research activities.

Results. In accordance with the new social needs for professional training of competent educators, which emerge as a result of constant changes in political, economic and cultural life of Ukraine, social consciousness is transformed and a system of value orientations is reconsidered and the requirements for personal qualities are radically changed since the individuals are expected to actively live and create in the modern world. Presently, society needs such specialists who are able to think creatively, conduct independent research and draw justified conclusions. Therefore, the system of higher education must search for the most effective ways to shape a creative and active personality in a modern educator, in particular future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health). Research activities are one of such ways. Under the conditions of education modernization, Ukraine needs specialists, who are ready to solve professional and research tasks independently, actively and creatively.

The increasing requirements for professional training of university graduates require that both lecturers and students should be more involved in research activities. When possessing well - developed research and creative skills, university graduates are able to rather easy integrate into professional activities and apply scientific knowledge in practice. In this regard, most curricula of Ukrainian higher education institutions include special academic courses on the principles of research activities and incorporate the elements of scientific creativity in fundamental, profession-oriented and special courses. In addition, future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) start studying such courses as «Principles of Engineering and Pedagogical Creativity», «Methodology and Methods of Scientific Pedagogical Research», «Methods of Technical Creativity» from Year 1, which develop their creative skills and enhance such personal qualities as research initiative, commitment, independence.

It must be noted that research activities of students are one of the most important forms of the education process since they allow students to demonstrate their individuality and creativity from the beginning. Also technical laboratories, scientific clubs, student societies and scientific conferences motivate students to engage in full-fledged scientific activity and choose the right path to realize their inclinations. Thus, students can develop their creative potential since they have the opportunity to share their experience with peers and jointly conduct research and discuss the obtained results.

All higher education institutions require that students conduct research activities, which include writing reports, course papers, dissertations. The latter, in turn, always involve conducting researches, experiments, searches etc. If the student is engaged in scientific research, he/she attempts to independently study and solve the problem and dedicates a substantial amount of time to it. Therefore, the student develops such important and necessary qualities as independence, commitment, initiative, persistence and, most importantly, creativity.

Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is characterized by individuality, originality and sociohistorical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person and always involves the creator, that is the subject of creative activity (Прозоров, 1992).

V. Andreev indicates that creativity is one of the types of human activity aimed at solving a contradiction (or creative task) which requires objective (social, material) and subjective personal conditions (knowledge, abilities, creative skills). It is always characterized by novelty and originality, personal and social significance and progressiveness (Андреев, 1988: 49-51).

It must be noted that creativity is a complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, which covers many spheres of human activity, including creative and research ones.

A. Nisimchuk considered the process of developing creative personality in future lecturers and emphasized that «the true value of personality is measured by their creative contribution to social development» (Нюшчук, 2007: 259).

In view of the above, we can conclude that the development of creative personality expands the limits of learning and research activities. Creativity improves the results of human activity and, therefore, its role in developing quality results of research is rather important, too.

Practice proves that students can creatively work in nonstandard and problem situations, which require an individual approach to their solution. Research activities are one of such situations. When investigating a particular phenomenon or a problematic issue students are expected to deal with successive tasks, which are partial on the path to solving the overall planned problem. Consequently, they are forced to think creatively and search for some new ways to achieve the goal quickly and appropriately.

Therefore, creative activity is a process which motivates the individual to develop and achieve certain goals and results in one or another activity. Due to creativity, students move further and discover new values of mental abilities. In addition, the initiative stimulates them to actively search for effective solutions to the problem.

Based on the data obtained from theoretical study of psychopedagogical sources (M. Bilalov, M. Koshelova, O. Kryvylova, Ye. Kulyk, I. Shovhurova, N. Shumilova, T. Shypylova, O. Troshkin et al.), the concept of creativity in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) is regarded as a comprehensive activity and development of something new, which is the opposite to a stereotyped pattern activity, and shapes creative imagination characterized by the high level of creativity, pronounced personal qualities and сapacity for creative and research activities, which contribute to effective professional performance.

It must be noted that professional training of future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) for research and creative activities contributes to the emergence of new knowledge, development of abilities and skills in accordance with new professional qualities of these specialists. Therefore, research activities are an important factor in professional training of young specialists and scholars. The student acquires such abilities and skills he/she is going to need throughout his/her all professional life. They include independence of judgment, multi-faceted views on the emerging problems, the abilities to concentrate, constantly consolidate their knowledge and work purposefully and thoughtfully.

N. Amelina indicates that research activities are a kind of individual and cognitive activity based on a creative attitude to the subject under study and the object, that is pedagogical theory and practice (Амелина, 1982: 8).

From a pedagogical point of view, P. Horkunenko defines the concept of «research activities» as individual work supervised by the lecturer and aimed at developing creative potential of the individual, gaining some primary experience of scientific research, shaping readiness for research pedagogical activity (Горкуненко, 2007: 7).

Thus, the content analysis on such aspects of formation and development of research activities as the modernization and organization of research activities in higher education institutions and the study on the process of developing research abilities and skills in students (O. Abdullina, S. Arkhangelskyi, V. Kraievskyi, I. Lerner, M. Khrabrov, V. Krutetskyi, N. Kuzmina, R. Malafeiev, O. Mitrosh, Yu. Saurov, T. Shypylova, V. Slastonin, S. Rubinshtein, L. Vyhotskyi) made it possible to define the concept of research activities of future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health). Thus, it is defined as a creative research process which begins with a motive, includes some goals and results and requires relevant theoretical knowledge and practical skills, namely, creative and technical thinking, comprehension of the essence of facts and phenomena due to the laws of thinking. The readiness for research activities in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) is the result of professional training and a qualitative characteristic of their creative activities based on relevant abilities and skills required to conduct research activities and projects, which allow them to use the acquired skills when conducting scientific research due to the well-developed theoretical foundations of the essence and content of the research process.

The main forms of research activities of future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) in higher education institutions include studying the course on «Methodology and Methods of Scientific Pedagogical Research», namely, methods and organization of scientific research; scientific organization of independent work; acquisition of skills in using library funds; involvement of students in the elements of scientific research during practical and laboratory classes, seminars; writing of reports followed by their discussion in student groups; incorporation of some elements of scientific research in home assignments and individual tasks; students' application of creative approach when writing a term paper, dissertation, etc.; introduction of research elements into teaching placement; participation of students in scientific clubs, scientific-practical conferences, olympiads and competitions.

Conclusions and prospects of further research in the area.

The current research proves that today it is necessary to provide high-quality training of future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) for research activities in higher education institutions. This will effectively solve the problem with the compliance of education with the modern requirements and its integration into the global and European Higher Education Area.

Research activities are a powerful mechanism for developing theoretical views and technical creativity, independent work skills, research activity and initiative; the process of enhancing readiness of students for creative and research activities has always been one of the main objectives of higher education at all times of society development. The readiness for research activities in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) is defined as the result of professional training and a qualitative characteristic of their creative activities based on relevant abilities and skills required to conduct research activities and projects, which allow them to use the acquired skills when conducting scientific research due to the well-developed theoretical foundations of the essence and content of the research process. Further research should be focused on the process of shaping research competency in future lecturers in professional education (occupational safety and health) by means of the latest information technologies.

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