Mitochondrial genome expression as essential for organelle functional efficiency and intercompartment cross-talk. Biochemical approaches, methods of transfection in mammalian cells deoxyribonucleic acid associated with a liposome mitochondriopathy.
Testing various methods for DNA profiling of horse urine samples. Establishing and optimizing a reliable DNA profiling method for determining the donor identity of drug positive horse urine samples. Validate and refine the procedure for routine operation.
- 363. DNS-сервер
Базовая конфигурация DNS. DNS для разрешения имен. Преимущества интеграции Domain Name System с Active Directiry. Планирование DNS, проектирование инфраструктуры доменных имен. Обеспечение бесперебойной работы при администрировании. Добавление сервера.
The pedagogical sheet presents the set of activities united by the theme "Thank You". The objective of these activities is to make the students of the B2 level review the appropriate politeness formulas and to make them assimilate certain stylistic.
Анализ использования латинского слова doctiloquus галло-римским писателем V в. Сидонием Аполлинарием. Выявление интенций Сидония при использовании в своих работах редких лексем на примере термина "doctiloquus". Анализ поэм и писем Сидония Аполлинария.
The study of discrepancies between scientific terminology and the terminology of legislation on the definition of subjects and participants in the administrative process. Ways of solving theoretical problems in the science of administrative law, process.
The paper aims at substantiating the meaningful relationship between Descartes’ and Pascal’s positions as two variants in responding to the demand of the era in the development of anthropology. The existence of the doctrine of human nature by Descartes.
A methodological aspects of documentation. Presenting the main components of documentary culture in the comparative analysis of the definition of "documentary culture" and "corporate culture". Proper management of corporative culture potential.
Understanding the software documentation, before the actual maintenance work. Creating a discussion about those practices to foster ideas for the future. Requirements for software system maintenance documentation. Documentation process maturity model.
Manifestations of linguistic relativity in the understanding of Humboldt. Consideration of Rakugo as a genre of natural, conversational Japanese discourse. Features of translation of culturally marked discourse. The art of performing humorous stories.
There exists much diversity in linguistic forms in human societies and, translation is necessary in order to share literary works. As an empirical example, a script of rakugo, which is the traditional Japanese performance art of telling comic stories.
Comparative analysis of the challenges faced by EFL teachers with different teaching experiences. Difficulties in teaching oral speech, motivating students, teaching writing and listening, differentiating learning, and ensuring effective learning.
- 373. Does higher competition lead to lower probability of license withdrawal in Russian banking sector?
Сonnection between banks’ license withdrawal and competition in this sector, and if there is a relation, the purpose includes discovering type of this connection (whether it is positive, negative or non – linear). Types of competition and types of banks.
The study of social capital components. Reduction of investment flows into the country. Collective action and cooperation among the social networks of agents. Reduced operating costs. Creating the prerequisites for economic growth and social welfare.
Evidence of causal influence of social capital on road safety, measured by the number of road accidents. Vertical and horizontal channel of the concept of social capital. Collective actions and self-organization of society. Index of road congestion.
Analysis of the theoretical models of the bilingual lexicon and morphological structure. The influence of lexicalization mismatching. Mean and standard deviation of association strength. Linear mixed-effect model of word type and language proficiency.
History of dogs. History of Bulldog. American Bulldog, Bull Terrier, French Bulldog. English Bulldogs in culture and art. The role of dogs in lives of people. Working dogs and dogs in World War One. Dogs and entertainment. Dogs that changed the world.
Властивість синхронної скоординованої активності інфікованих хостів в трафіку Domain Name System. Нетиповість поведінки користувачів, ігнорування періодизації. Здійснення запитів поза локальними серверами. Зростання кількості відповідей з кодом помилки.
In the scientific article, the author considered an unbiased critical analysis of the contribution made by domestic and foreign researchers in clarifying the problems of spiritual and cultural development of society in the policy of Ukrainian governments.
Same-sex couples in Russian socio-political context. Heteronormativity and gender attitudes. Roles’ distribution among same-sex couples. Methodology, methods and empirical base. Same-sex couple’s domestic life experiences. Adaptive coping strategies.
The Workplace stress is probably the most common problem. Confirmation of the emergence of the workplace stress and to detect the dominant categories of stressors in the Macedonian institutions. The dominant categories of stressors in state institutions.
Therapy of dopamine, metabotropic glutamate and schizophrenia. Presymptomatic and symptomatic stages of intracerebral inclusion body pathology in idiopathic parkinson's disease. Glutamatergic neurotransmission in sensitiza and neurodegeneration.
- 383. Doppler Effect
Theoretical information about the history of the discovery of the Doppler effect, the disclosure of its physical nature. Building plot of the Doppler frequency of target velocity at a certain speed range and for given parameters of the wavelength.
- 384. DoS и DDoS-атаки
Атака на вычислительную систему с целью создания условий, при которых пользователи системы не смогут получить доступ к предоставляемым системным ресурсам (серверам), либо этот доступ будет затруднён. Изучение видов DoS-атак. Захват системных ресурсов.
Понятие MS-DOS, его сущность и особенности, история создания и развития, значение в современной компьютерной индустрии. Внешние и внутренние факторы DOS. Порядок создания файла в операционной системе. Характеристика и отличительные черты команд DOS.
The growth of bacteria Desulfovibrio Piger of the human intestine at different concentrations of acceptor and donor of electrons. The increase in the intensity of bacterial growth and production of hydrogen sulfide in the environment of cultivation.
Investigate how Qur'an translators resolved amphibolies while rendering verses superscripted by the interchangeable pause sign. To explore and analyze how they sequentialised anacolutha when translating anacoluthic verses marked by the elliptical sign.
- 388. Dr. Web
Суть и история разработки антивируса Dr. Web, его практическое использование для защиты от почтовых и сетевых червей, руткитов, файловых вирусов, троянских программ. Особенности работы антивируса, характеристика его положительных и отрицательных сторон.
Аналіз одного із засобів створення електронних навчальних ресурсів для організації ресурсно-орієнтованого навчання – програмного додатку Dr. Explain. Можливості й ефективні прийоми, які використовуються під час створення електронних навчальних ресурсів.
Исследование христианского послания в видеоигре "Dragon Age: Inquisition", выпущенной компанией Bioware в 2014 г. Анализ традиционных способов представления религии, богов. Повествовательные приемы и игровая механика, представленные в виде ролевой игры.