Development of lexical and grammatical side of speech in older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of the third level

Speech as a factor of human development and socialization. Deviations of children in the formation of speech activity, phonemic perception, vocabulary and grammar and understanding of speech. Factors of underdevelopment of speech activity of preschooler.

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Development of lexical and grammatical side of speech in older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of the third level

Panov M.S., Zhadlenko I.O.


More and more children have such a disorder as general speech underdevelopment, which is manifested in the low level of development of all aspects of speech activity. Since speech is an integral part of a full life and learning activities, it is important to combat such disorders as general speech underdevelopment in the early preschool years.

The relevance of the study is that, children with speech problems, in particular with general speech underdevelopment is becoming more and more. Speech is the most important factor of human development and socialization. With the help of speech is the exchange of information and interaction with each other [1]. Children with general speech underdevelopment face a violation of all components of speech, which can lead to such consequences as problems with adaptation in society, poor emotional background, due to communication problems and poor performance in educational activities.

Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment have deviations in the formation of speech activity, phonemic perception, vocabulary and grammar and speech comprehension.

Presenting main material. In preschool, speech is actively developed; children learn to express their thoughts through words. Coherent speech helps in this. Coherent speech is a process of detailed, complete and grammatically related to the content and emotions of the statement, which is characterized by the presence of interconnected sentences [2]. It is worth noting the lack of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. We can call their speech - poor and stereotyped. Children with general speech underdevelopment often use the same sounding words that have different meanings and indicate the sign or condition of the subject.

Children with general speech underdevelopment have difficulties in expressing their opinions. Difficulties in expression are due to poor vocabulary, problems with sentence construction and more. The detailed expression of such children is characterized by omissions of certain semantic components. Their speech is filled with a large number of pauses [3].

It is appropriate to distinguish the following factors of underdeveloped speech activity in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment:

Slow, in contrast to the norm, speech development.

Poor vocabulary.

Simplified syntactic constructions.

Special perception of the addressed speech [4].

Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment have problems with monologue and phrasal speech. This is due to secondary abnormalities in the development of mental processes. Children with such disorders have difficulty planning detailed statements and their speech design [5].

Children with general speech underdevelopment tend to express their own emotions when retelling stories, rather than specific actions in the story. This presentation of the content of the story is bright and emotionally colored. Nouns and verbs predominate in the active vocabulary of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. Such children have difficulty creating word variants using suffixes and prefixes. This is due to the inability to use different forms of word formation. The following features of grammatical forms and word formation are noted in children of preschool age with general underdevelopment of the third speech level: speech phonemic vocabulary grammar

A new meaning has a combination of language signs, which differs from the meaning of each of the language signs used in this combination. Integration occurs when words formed from morphemes, phrases from words, sentences from phrases, (merging into a single whole) meanings and eastern and similar elements.

When learning and mastering the native language, for children certain difficulties are the variety of signs, according to which to denote the same extralinguistic phenomenon are often used different material language means (different denote) [6].

The grammatical form of the word of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment is disturbed. There are defects in the grammatical side of speech, narrowing the set of constructions that they use. Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment have grammatical disorders. Agrammatism is a speech disorder characterized by difficulties in reproducing or perceiving sentences. The grammar of such children is both general and specific. Such children have a dependence on lexical semantics, the degree of use of the word in the environment, the sound structure of the word and the type of sentence [7].

E. Bates and V. Marchman noted that preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of the third level have difficulty in choosing grammatical means that are intended to express the wishes and thoughts of the child. Such children cannot combine their thoughts and express them in speech. Scholars emphasize that violations of the lexical and grammatical side of speech are caused:

Underdevelopment of morphological and syntactic generalizations;

Unformed speech operations in the process of grammatical construction [8].

M. Moyle notes that children of preschool age with general speech underdevelopment of the third level have problems in the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. The scientist emphasizes that there are incorrect forms of word combinations in a sentence. He singles out such problems of the lexical and grammatical side of preschoolers' speech with general speech underdevelopment of the third level:

Incorrect use of generic, numerical and singular endings of nouns and adjectives;

Incorrect use of singular and genitive endings of numerals.

Incorrect coordination of verbs with nouns and pronouns.

Incorrect use of generic and numerical endings of verbs in the past tense.

Incorrect use of prepositional-singular constructions [9, 10].

Thus, we considered the peculiarities of speech of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of the third speech level. We can conclude that such children have disorders of all aspects of speech development. These are the problems: coherent speech, phrasal speech and monologue. The lexical and grammatical side of speech is also violated, which is expressed in the incorrect formation of grammatical constructions of speech, poor vocabulary and inability to compose sentences and express their feelings and thoughts.

The aim of this study is to highlight features of the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech of older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of the third level and to offer recommendations for the development of the lexical and grammatical speech side of senior preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of the third level.

To achieve the stated goal, we aim to fulfill the following objectives:

To determine the features of speech of senior preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of the third level.

Empirically investigate the peculiarities of the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech of

boys and girls of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment of the third level.

To develop recommendations for the development of the lexical and grammatical speech side of senior preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of the third level. The study involved twenty senior preschoolers who have a general underdevelopment of the third level. Among the subjects were ten girls and ten boys. Information consent was obtained from the parents of all participants in the study. According to the set goal, the following tasks of empirical research were formed:

To determine the ability of the subjects to find synonyms.

To study the features of the lexical and grammatical side of the subjects'speech and the ability to retell the text perceived by ear and picture.

Investigate the ability of subjects to invent new words.

Compare the results of girls and boys according to the methods and make a conclusion about the statistical significance of the differences in their scores.

According to the set tasks, methodical tools were selected. It included three methods: «Selection of synonyms» (V. Makarov), «Study of coherent speech» (V. Makarov), «Determination of the ability to invent new words» (V. Makarov).

To perform the third task, we used the method of mathematical statistics, namely - Mann-Whitney U-test. It is a method of mathematical statistics that aims to find the significance of differences between two groups that are independent of each other. In our case, it is a group of boys and a group of girls. Mathematical analysis was performed using the program SPSS Statistic 18.0.

Thus, having determined the organization and content of our empirical study, we can proceed to the analysis of the results.

Therefore, having obtained the results of the methodological tools of the study, we processed and interpreted them. Consider the results of the boys, the first method - «Choose a synonym» (V. Makarov), with which we were able to perform the first task of the study.

According to Table 1, we see that one boy tested has an average level of ability to find synonyms and vocabulary (10%). Nine other boys tested have low levels (90%). The average score for the tested boys with general speech underdevelopment is 1.4, which corresponds to a low level. Consider the results of the tested girls, according to this method.

Table 1 Results, according to the method of «Choose a synonym» (V. Makarov). Boys.

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on the level of ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary

Code of the tested person

Receivd score

Conclusion on the level of

ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary































The average for the tested boys


According to Table 2, one girl has an average level of ability to find synonyms and vocabulary (10%). Nine other girls tested showed low rates (90%). The average rate for the tested girls is 1.6, which corresponds to a low level.

Table 2 Results, according to the method of «Choose a synonym» (V. Makarov). Girls.

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on

the level of

ability to find synonyms and

the volume of the dictionary

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on the level of

ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary































The average for the tested girls


We tested the hypothesis that the level of ability to choose synonyms and the volume of vocabulary of senior preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the third level does not depend on gender, using the method of mathematical statistics - Mann-Whitney U-test. The obtained indicator (levels of development of the ability to choose synonyms and vocabulary of boys and girls = 0.08) indicates that the differences in the level of the trait in the compared groups are not statistically significant (43>23). Thus, we can conclude that the level of ability to invent synonyms and the volume of vocabulary of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the third level does not depend on their gender.

Consider and analyze the results of the tested boys with general underdevelopment of the third level, according to the method of «Survey of coherent speech». According to Table 3, all ten tested boys with general underdevelopment of the third level have a low level of development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech (100%). The average score for the tested boys is one, which also indicates low scores.

Table 3 Results according to the method of «Survey of Coherent Speech» (V. Makarova). Boys

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on

the level of

ability to find

synonyms and

the volume of the dictionary

Code of the tested person

Receive d score

Conclusion on the level of ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary































The average for the tested boys


Consider the results of the tested girls, according to this method.

According to Table 4, one girl tested had an average level of coherent speech development (10%). Nine other girls tested had low levels (90%). The average rate for girls tested was two, indicating a low level of coherent speech development.

Table 4 Results according to the method of «Survey of Coherent Speech» (V. Makarova). Girls

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on

the level of

ability to find synonyms and

the volume of the dictionary

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on the level of

ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary































The average for the tested girls


Consider and compare the results, according to the second method, using the Mann-Whitney U-test. The obtained indicator (levels of development of coherent speech of boys and girls = 0.07) indicates that the differences in the results of boys and girls are not statistically significant. That is, the level of development of coherent speech in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the third level does not depend on their gender (29> 23).

So, consider the results obtained by the latest method used - «Determination of skills to invent new words» (V. Makarov), which allows gaining knowledge about the ability of subjects to invent new words and the development of the lexical side of speech. First, consider the results of the boys.

Thus, according to Table 5, all tested boys with general underdevelopment of the third level have a low level of lexical side of speech (100%). The average for the tested boys is one, which corresponds to a low level. Let us determine the results of the tested girls of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of the third level, according to the method «Determination of skills to invent new words».

Table 5 Results, according to the method «Determination of skills to invent new words» (V. Makarova) Boys

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on

the level of

ability to find

synonyms and

the volume of the dictionary

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on the level of ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary































The average for the tested boys


According to Table 6, the two tested girls have an average level of development of the lexical side of speech (20%). Eight tested girls with general underdevelopment of the third level have a low level. The average rate for girls tested is 1.2, which corresponds to low rates.

Table 6 Results, according to the method «Determination of skills to invent new words» (V. Makarova) Girls

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on

the level of

ability to find synonyms and

the volume of the dictionary

Code of the tested person

Received score

Conclusion on the level of

ability to find synonyms and the volume of the dictionary































The average for the tested girls


We compared the obtained results of boys and girls, according to the method «Determination of skills to invent new words» (V. Makarov), using the U-test of Mann-Whitney. The obtained indicator (levels of development of the lexical side of speech of boys and girls = 0.08) indicates that the differences in the results of the level of development of the lexical side of speech of boys and girls are not statistically significant (40> 23). We can conclude that the level of development of the lexical side of speech of children with general underdevelopment of the third level does not depend on their gender.

Thus, we conducted an empirical study of the lexical and grammatical side of speech of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of the third level. Determining the level of ability of the subjects to find synonyms, we can conclude that low rates prevail. Having studied the features of the lexical and grammatical side of the subjects' speech and the ability to retell the text perceived by ear and picture, we can also see the transmitting low scores. Examining the subjects' ability to invent new words, we can conclude that older preschool children with general underdevelopment of the third level have a low level of development of the lexical side of speech. Comparing the results of girls and boys, according to the methods we can confidently say that the level of speech development of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of the third level does not depend on gender.

Considering the results of our subjects, we concluded that all tested senior preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment should undergo corrective work aimed at the development of their speech, namely its lexical and grammatical side. We have made recommendations on methods and forms of work that will help improve the level of speech development of our subjects.

Keep in mind that the development of speech activity could occur only under favorable conditions. One of the main rules for stimulating the speech of a preschool child is constant communication with adults. Entering into a dialogue with a child - an adult stimulates him to speak independently. Therefore, first, it should be noted that the presence of visual materials is very important for preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Children's observation of visual material can encourage them to use speech, significantly improves their vocabulary. Children of this age like everything bright and colorful. Therefore, when selecting visual material, it is advisable to choose color subject and plot pictures, threedimensional, bright puzzles, etc.

Work to stimulate speech development in preschool education should be carried out throughout the day. During

washing, breakfast, games, when looking at pictures, illustrations to books, in the process of games and activities, when children draw, sculpt; build buildings from building materials and more. Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment need to talk about everything around them. In each joint activity, it is necessary to involve the child in communication, to encourage him to verbal communication. Individual work with children in the conditions of preschool education institution is one of the main methods of stimulating speech activity. It is a question of the description of toys, pictures, drawing up of joint stories with the tutor. Individual work usually takes place in the morning and evening. May include game components, artistic and folk art, etc.

Therefore, according to our recommendations, in the senior preschool age with children with general underdevelopment of the third level, it is advisable to use the following methods of lexical and grammatical development: games for speech development and fine motor skills, folklore, art, logarithmic, Montessori pedagogy and art therapy. It is always necessary to have a dialogue with the child and stimulate his speech activity.


The conducted research and substantiation of the mentioned tasks gave grounds to draw the following conclusions:

Having identified the peculiarities of speech of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the third level, we can conclude that such children have disorders of all aspects of speech development. They have difficulties with coherent, phrasal, monologue speech; there are violations of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. The vocabulary of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the third level is very poor, there is an incorrect construction of grammatical forms and such children cannot express their opinion correctly through speech.

Empirically examining the peculiarities of the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech of boys and girls of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of the third level, we were convinced that among the subjects prevail low rates of development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. It is difficult for children to find synonyms for words, to retell the meaning of the text by ear and picture, to invent new words. Comparing the results of girls and boys, according to the methods we can confidently say that the level of speech development of older preschool children with general underdevelopment of the third level does not depend on gender.

We offered recommendations for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech of senior preschoolers with general underdevelopment of the third level in the senior preschool age, it is expedient to use the following methods of development of lexical and grammatical side of speech: games for speech development and fine motor skills, folklore, works of art, logarithmic, Montessori pedagogy and art therapy. Dialogue with adults should also always be present to stimulate the development of all aspects of speech.


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