Development of inclusive education system in higher education institution
Analysis of various problems of inclusive with disabilities and process domestic science. The peculiarities of integrated training of persons with special needs. Necessity of creating an educational environment in higher educational institutions.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 39,8 K |
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Zaporizhzhia National University
Gladysh M.O. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Social
Pedagogy and Special Education
educational environment inclusive higher
The article deals with such concepts as “integrated approach”, “inclusive inclusive environment” and “inclusive education”. Various problems of inclusive with disabilities, process domestic science are analyzed. The peculiarities of integrated training of persons with special needs are identified.
The integration of persons with disabilities into society has become a leading trend based on the recognition of their social equality. With this understanding, the allocation of people with physical disorders becomes unacceptable, which is fixed by law at the state level. The ideas of integration are implemented in the context of public opposition to any manifestation of discrimination. There is a rejection of the terms “disabled”, “abnormality”, “handicap”, instead of which the terms “person with disabilities”, “special needs”, “normalization” and others are used. The new terminology is aimed at humanizing society and meets the main goal of integration into society of people with special needs. The regularities, processes and peculiarities of integration into society of people with special needs due to higher education are analyzed. The inclusion in the educational environment, in vocational training and further employment is considered.
The analysis of pedagogical, psychological, philosophical theoretical sources shows a steady increase in scientific interest in creating an educational environment in higher educational institutions, potentially harmonizing the development of physical and spiritual forces, abilities, endowment of the individual, optimizes the realization of potential in the conditions of humanization of society, the formation of internal intellectual and moral freedom of man.
The article covers the organization of the educational process of students with disabilities, since it is aimed at justifying the forms and methods of revitalization of their educational and cognitive activities. The ways of implementation of educational activities of this category of population are outlined, practical recommendations, forms and methods of gnoseological activity of students are presented, the basis of which was the author's many years of experience in teaching at the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology using various educational qualification levels and forms of education.
The article is aimed at pedagogical staff who provide the educational process for young people with disabilities, lecturers of various disciplines.
Key words: inclusive education, environment, students integrated approach.
Гладиш М. О. кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної педагогіки та спеціальної освіти Запорізький національний університет, Запоріжжя, Україна
У статті розглядаються такі поняття, як «інтегрований підхід», «інклюзивне середовище» й «інклюзивне навчання». Аналізуються різноманітні проблеми інклюзивного процесу в зарубіжній і вітчизняній науці. Виділяються особливості інтегрованого навчання осіб з особливими потребами.
Інтеграція осіб з обмеженими фізичними можливостями в суспільство стала провідною тенденцією, яка базується на визнанні їхньої громадської рівноправності. При такому розумінні виділення людей з фізичними порушеннями стає неприпустимим, що й фіксується законодавчо на рівні держави. Ідеї інтеграції реалізуються в контексті суспільного протистояння будь-якому прояву дискримінації. Відбувається відмова від термінів «інвалід», «аномальність», «дефект», замість яких використовуються терміни «людина з інвалідністю», «особливі потреби», «нормалізація» тощо. Нова термінологія спрямована на гуманізацію суспільства й відповідає основній меті інтеграції в суспільство людей з особливими потребами.
Аналізуються закономірності, процеси й особливості інтеграції в суспільство людей з особливими потребами завдяки отриманню вищої освіти. Розглянута інклюзія в освітньому середовищі, у професійному навчанні та подальшому прaцевлаштуванні.
Аналіз педагогічних, психологічних, філософських теоретичних джерел засвідчує неухильне зростання наукового інтересу до створення освітнього середовища у вищих навчальних закладах, що потенційно гармонізує розвиток фізичних і духовних сил, здібностей, обдарувань особистості, оптимізує реалізацію потенціалу в умовах гуманізації суспільства, формування внутрішньої інтелектуально-моральної свободи людини. Стаття висвітлює організацію навчального процесу студентів з інвалідністю, спрямована на обґрунтування форм і методів пожвавлення їхньої освітньо-пізнавальної діяльності. Окреслено шляхи реалізації освітньої діяльності цієї категорії населення, подано практичні рекомендації, форми й методи гносеологічної діяльності студентів, основою якої став багаторічний досвід автора викладання на факультеті соціальної освіти і психології з використанням різних освітньо-кваліфікаційних рівнів і форм навчання.
Стаття спрямована на педагогічних працівників, які забезпечують навчальний процес для молоді з інвалідністю, викладачів різних дисциплін.
Ключові слова: інклюзивна освіта, інклюзивне середовище, студенти з обмеженими можливостями, інтегративний підхід.
Problem statement
An inclusive educational environment in the higher education system of Ukraine is a key factor which affects the intensive reform of traditional higher education, enabling access to high-quality education for persons with special educational needs. The increase the actual number of students with disabilities and the intensity of integration of such students into the general educational space has formed an inclusive educational environment in the higher education system of Ukraine. This makes it possible to ensure continuity of education, to create opportunities for self-realization of persons with special educational needs. Integration into society is also considered as a central structural concept, which at the present stage causes the tendency to develop the theory and practice of professional education as a process, means and result of accompanying children and adults with disabilities in their socialization and self-realization.
At the beginning of the creation of an inclusive environment, the following problems needed to be addressed: universal design in university buildings, social and psychological support for students with special needs, training of teachers to work with disabled students, organization of studies and necessary conditions for learning, a clear system of methodological recommendations for integrated learning. It is important to know development results in the inclusive environment.
The purpose of the article is to define changes in the inclusive environment in higher educational institutions as indicators of the development of inclusive education in Ukraine.
Presentation of the main research material
After the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its ratification, Ukraine should ensure inclusive education at all levels, access to general higher education, vocational education, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and on a par with others in order to develop the physical, mental and creative abilities of disabled people, a sense of dignity and self-esteem, and provide opportunities for the effective participation of such people in the life of society [2].
The Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On the organization of integrated training of persons with special educational needs in higher educational institutions” (2019) states that an academic group is being created in the higher education institution, in which persons with disabilities are jointly trained. In addition, an educational and rehabilitation commission of a higher educational institution is created, which provides recommendations to persons with special needs, approves an individual educational and rehabilitation program, indicates the rights and responsibilities of participants in integrated learning and the educational and rehabilitation process [5].
Disability is no longer seen as a private problem by a person in need of custody and bringing in line with what society considers the norm. Today in Ukraine, higher educational institutions are designed to provide wide opportunities for a person with disabilities to be a full member of society.
The solution of this issue is seen above all in the implementation of the following areas of study:
- problematic nature of learning;
- use in the process of learning business games, trainings;
- development and application of forms of individual and independent, and in the future - distance learning with students with special needs;
- attestation of students on the topics passed and assessments to the session by modular-rating control of knowledge through the introduction of daily monitoring of educational activities, oral and written individual surveys, test papers, verification of the results of independent work, computer testing, step-by-step implementation of practical and laboratory tasks, etc.
The organization of educational and cognitive activities of students is first and for all implemented by setting a problem or creating a problematic situation. This is implemented in all forms of study - group, collective and self-study work of the student [1].
The lecture is the main method of learning. Half or a third of the study time is given to study the subject. Traditionally, the lecture remains one of the main sources of professional or scientific information, contributes to the mastery of the basics of any science.
In the organization of lecture presentation of the material it should take into account the level of training of the audience. The contingent of students with special needs mostly needs additional attention from the lecturer. This work is carried out through individual or group forms of work, which is a part of the structure of the lecture, the presence of a reference note on paper or electronic media. We had experience to work with students who had limited ability to record information, as they had disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Such students are not able to write, but can use various applications in their gadgets (voice recorder, voice set, camera, etc.) to record information.
The system of questions during the lecture intensifies the activities of students, makes them not just a passive observer, but actively think in search of the right answer. Such a lecture contributes to the development of logical thinking among disabled listeners, mostly not adapted to the environment in which they live. Actually, not just a lecture is held, but a dialogue with listeners, their knowledge is activated, analytical thinking skills and search activities are formed. In fact, the traditional lecture develops into new forms of speech, as:
- lecture-conversation, which is like a kind of dialogue with the audience;
- lecture-conversation with analysis of specific situations and providing feedback to the audience.
Along with the lecture presentation of information using active methods of organizing classes, practical classes are conducted, which are designed to ensure the accumulation of experience in using existing knowledge of the subject and obtaining new ones, developing practical skills and skills for their application.
The form of practical classes requires the development of a significant number of training instructions for a particular cleric operation, includes a comprehensive study of professionally oriented disciplines, creates conditions that imitate the real work atmosphere, and therefore contributes to the painless transition of the student from theoretical training to the real conditions of the production environment. This is especially important for students with disabilities, because such case studies create a chain of work situations, the solution of which causes them a sense of confidence in their abilities, contributes to the development of cognitive interest, creative abilities of students, designed to create new ways to solve managerial problems. It is here that ample scope for individual work with students with special needs is provided. Actually, students of different levels of knowledge and practical skills are included in individual work independently, and the pedagogue only corrects their activities.
Attestation of students during the semester in combination with individual work with students with special needs - a necessary structural component of the learning process. Knowledge control should be carried out constantly throughout the study period. In practice, methods such as daily monitoring of educational activities, oral survey, written survey, test work, verification of the results of independent work, testing, etc. are mostly used. The methodology for developing inclusive practices must, therefore, take account of these social processes of learning that go on within particular contexts [7].
To work with the category of students with special needs, the effective is the test control of knowledge, which involves setting a system of questions for students, by answering students show certain levels of educational knowledge and skills.
Testing on computers (usually in the Moodle system) in academic subjects makes it possible for this category of students to additionally work in their spare time, once again check their level of knowledge, promotes development of responsibility, creation of the atmosphere of the competition, formation of positive motives. There is always an opportunity with unsatisfactory test results to find out the causes of difficulties that arise during the study of students with special needs, to identify gaps in knowledge and skills, to make adjustments aimed at eliminating these gaps.
Modern computer testing programs make it possible to take into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students and greatly facilitate the work of the pedagogue [1]. And the main thing is to ensure objectivity in the assessment of knowledge. Today, the system of test knowledge control has been developed and constantly updated.
Test control of knowledge on computer is the result of the introduction of a modular rating knowledge control system, that is, training without a traditional session for those who have reached a certain level of knowledge. Training is carried out with the obligatory step-by-step implementation of practical tasks, independent work of the student, test control of knowledge and other forms and methods of work. Distance learning using different platforms (such as Zoom, Skype, Cisco Webex, Google Meeting, etc.) allows attracting young people with different health conditions to study.
Thus, integration into society is considered as a natural stage of development, associated with rethinking the attitude towards people with special needs, recognition of their rights, and providing equal opportunities in various spheres of life. At the same time, the practical implementation of social and educational integration of such people began to be purposefully carried out only during the last two decades. Before that, the processes of integration into society, for the most part, developed not systematically and spontaneously. The current state of the system of professional education and social protection of persons with special needs can be called prosperous, since the emergence of new social problems, although it inhibits, does not stop the processes of adaptation, rehabilitation and integration into society of persons with disabilities.
The organization of studies and necessary conditions for learning have significantly improved. However, in today's educational environment, there are still problems that need to be further solved: there is a lack of funding to create universal design in old university buildings; many universities lack funding for social and psychological support for students with special needs; insufficient training of teachers to work with students with special needs; lecturers usually do not have a clear system of methodological recommendations for integrated learning.
Social inclusion through high vocational training of students with special needs makes it possible to be full members of society, contributes to the formation of a person with special needs. Achieving this pedagogical goal is possible on condition of the use of active methods of learning, the use of online methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities. All this is designed to provide high quality training of specialists that meet the requirements of today.
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8. Hrabovets I., Kalashnikova L., Chernous L. The Problems of Implementation of Inclusive Education in Ukraine: Generalization the Experience of Empirical Sociological Researches Experience. SHS Web of Conferences, 2020.
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