Development of future teachers of migrant children
Trial in implementing a coaching approach with teachers. Provision of educational services for the development of the giftedness of migrant children. Formation of civic education and responsible position of each teacher for real changes in the society.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.07.2018 |
Размер файла | 38,2 K |
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Чернігівський національний педагогічний університет
імені Т Шевченка
УДК 373.5.016:37.091.214-053.5-056.24
Марина Валеріївна Коновальчук
м. Чернігів
The role of education in the XXI Century has changed; the traditional training of the professors that focuses on building knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject area, more often reminds behind the modern requirements. There is an urgent demand to focus on the social needs of the country and carry out social and educational transformation.
In Ukraine, the problem of providing quality educational services today is extremely serious, there is a great need to move away from the post-Soviet consciousness, develop active citizens with European values and desire to implement educational transformation by means of new technologies, integration of science, education and social activities.
The modern university is included in the network forms of cooperation with other academic institutions, combining the tasks of local, national and global levels, making the development of students as active creators of 10 themselves, their cities, and countries. Thus, local democracy that is developing in Ukraine and gains experience in Poland should be the driving force of social development, science and education, which will result in improvements in all abovementioned areas.
Recent events in Ukraine, which last for 2 years, caused a number of problems. It is a difficult political situation in the society, the war in Donbas, a huge number of internally displaced people and other problems associated with it, all that have revealed the need for social and psychological protection and educational assistance to immigrant families. In particular, as a result of our socio-psy- chological work in 2015 with 40 families of immigrants, we found that such families are limited in obtaining qualified educational services for children, especially in non-formal education (private-school institutions, centers for creative development of children, private foreign languages lessons etc.). As a result, migrants' children lose the opportunity for fully development of their potential to build successful life strategies in the future.
Another huge national problem is that Higher education stand apart of the crisis. With its huge capacity and resources (students who want to improve practical skills in work with children) and the need of society in helping workers from the East, at universities the reproductive system of education is still take place. Despite the declaration of personality oriented priorities and competency oriented education, 70 % of teaching time students of teachers-training universities spend by note-taking lectures or doing self-studies by reproductive methods (rewriting sources, articles, textbook chapters). Project method and coaching approach (increase the motivation of the educational process) are not enough used in higher education system.
This led to the activating of students volunteer professional-oriented practice on the departments of "Elementary Education" and "Preschool education" in Shevchenko Chernihiv National Teachers-training University during the study course "The development of gifted preschoolers" and "Development of gifted primary school children" (developed by M. Konovalchuk, 2015); the development and implementation of the projects, the purpose of which is psychological and educational support of migrants' children from the East.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the acquired experience in implementation project and coaching approach working with future teachers from the departments of "Elementary Education" and "Preschool education", including the provision of educational services for the development of gifted migrants' children (for example, socio-educational project "Sunrise").
S. Bahdikian (2010), T. Obolenska (2001), V Alexandrov (2006), V. Senashenko (2010) and other modern researchers deal with the problem of the specific educational services. They note that educational services, as public goods, have a value, which can be expressed by the quality and depth of provided knowledge. Thus education, as a specific area, has a great interest for economic analysis. According to S. Bahdikian (2010), educational services can be characterized as a focused systematic process of transmission and acquisition of knowledge, information, skills and the result of intellectual, cultural, spiritual, social and economic development of society and the state.
Educational services - is a complex of educational and scientific information transmitted to citizens as the sum of general and specific knowledge as well as practical skills for the further use. T. Obolenska (2001) in definition she indicates that educational services is a commodity, and draw attention to the fact that the process of consumption of educational services promotes human values, which in future will form the basis of cost sharing in the labor market [10].
Another view is performed by V. Alexandrov (2006), who does not consider the educational services as a commodity, and describes it as a process; giving such a definition: «Educational service - is an organized learning process to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities».
According to V Senashenko and G. Tkach (2010), educational service - is a system of knowledge and skills that are acquired during training and later used to meet the needs of man, society and the state.
Basing on these definitions, the educational services also includes the implementation of social projects to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups, including migrant children who cannot get quality education from one reason or another.
Education services may be provided both within formal and informal education.
Formal education - state system of lower, middle and higher education and training of professionals has approved the program and schedule training. It is usually occur in man-made circumstances (schools) and state- controlled. Educational Institutions of the system provide "educational qualifications" - different certificates, diplomas, titles, certifying receipt of a certain level of knowledge, skills assessment confirmed, awarded by conventional criteria.
Informal education - is a sort of education that is not necessarily organized and systematic, may be organized outside the educational institutions. Individual lessons led by trainers or coaches, workshops and short courses, pursuing practical short-term goals - are the forms of informal education. Non-formal education has no age, professional or intellectual constraints on participants, often not limited timeframe. Institutions or organizations engaged in informal education are usually not awarded with qualifications; do not carry out a formal assessment of learning achievements of participants. Innovative approaches and methods of practicing, and learning technologies often used in this sector (E. Huseinova, M. Lukianova, 2012).
Formal education is not able to change quickly, give a quick respond to changes and demands of society. Informal education, in contrast, is more flexible and adaptive, which causes its diversity, rapid development and demand for it in recent years. So, because of the situation in the country and a large number of immigrants non- formal education is first to respond: offering projects, programs, promotions, training courses that meet the urgent demands of the community.
The implementation of urgent social and educational projects and programs within the formal education contributes to human values, which in future will form the basis of cost sharing in the labor market and to some extent form the basis of a person's success. Consequently, their quality is largely dependent on the future of children who consume such educational services. We strongly believe that an important focus of developing projects and programs for children should enrich their endowments, full disclosure of abilities, interests, development of motivation.
We believe that the qualities of educational services for preschool and primary school age are psychological- educational support for different types of talents.
That's why volunteering work of students from the departments "Elementary Education" and "Preschool education" was aimed at the development and implementation of the "Sunrise", the purpose of which is psychologically- educational support, including the development of gifted children of migrants from the East.
We have identified two areas of implementation of volunteering work:
Through formal education of the students - in the learning process during the courses and special courses - choice of direction of the course "The development of gifted young students" and "Development of gifted preschoolers", namely the design of proceedings.
Through informal education activities for the students - extramural informal association of students - Creative Students Academy CHICS (Chernihiv Enterprising Creative Students - coordinator M. Konovalchuk). This club at Shevchenko Chernihiv National Teachers-training University positioned as the initiator of social projects in the city, won grants for social projects.
The problem of gifted migrant children in Ukraine and the preparation of future teachers for such as projects is almost no one investigated before, so our experience will be useful for other regions and subjects of formal and informal education.
During the intrusion of the "Sunrise" project we used coaching and project approach in preparing students-teachers.
We understood that the introductions of innovative technologies in teaching first of all, need to change attitudes and habits of classes in high school. It is also necessary to reorient the traditional approach of gaining knowledge to work with the students, allowing them actively engage independent thinking, develop intelligence, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, to realize their own projects. Such an innovation that can improve the quality of education and make it a competency oriented, educational coaching are that closely related and intertwined, complementary such methods, forms and strategies, as training projects, getting grants, Event-Marketing and etc.
We concluded that the coaching and project practice - are one of the most promising components of the educational process, so that it creates the conditions of creative self-development and self-realization of students: multicultural, speech, information, political and social. Self acquiring knowledge, ordering them the opportunity to navigate the information space, to see the problem and decide it is through these educational strategies.
We have not met in scientific quests definition of "educational coaching" because it developed independently. In our opinion, that is "the system of principles, methods, conditions under which the maximum disclosure and effective implementation of its own educational and creative potential of students. This person determines the goals, objectives own educational activities and reaching goals through teacher-facilitator in the process of formal and informal education in the creative educational environment of universities.
The educational purpose for students' volunteer project "Sunrise":
the construction of the individual trajectories of professional development;
enriching educational experience through active involvement in the educational process;
increasing motivation of educational activities, de- 12 velopment of altruistic thinking; coaching educational giftedness responsible
formation of the professional competence in the teaching activities (Konovalchuk, 2015).
The goal of developing creative activities for children of the "Sunrise":
motivation of creative achievements;
appreciation of the talents and abilities of each child, regardless of the needs of life and their development;
promotion of creativity and non-standard thinking;
prevention of adverse conditions, phobias, fears, increase self-confidence;
promotion of understanding and tolerance through daily interaction of children with disabilities and without them;
support the understanding of significant similarities between children;
underlining the unique diversity that makes each person individual;
psycho-educational support for children (Konovalchuk, 2015).
Let us briefly sum up the project "Sunrise" (psycho-educational support migrant children)
Project Title: "Sunrise" (Psycho-pedagogical support migrant children)
The value of the program: regional
Level of event: Regional
Target orientation: psychological, educational and social assistance.
Project Summary: educative, cultural and informational.
Implementation period: (January-July 2016)
The social orientation of the project: The children and their parents with the status of internally displaced persons.
Sector and region using the results:
Industry: Education.
Location: Chernigov region (Chernigov).
Objective: psychologically-educational, social and financial support for children with the status of IDPs, to form their successful life strategies.
psychologically-educational support for children and development of their abilities and talents;
reducing the sense of anxiety in children and their parents;
providing material support for creativity, development of abilities and talents;
informing parents about the results of the diagnostic abilities of their children.
Rationale for the program and its beneficiaries:
The extremely difficult socio-political situation, that are taking place in Ukraine recent years showed the need for social and psychological protection and assistance to migrants' children and their parents.
All that leads to the need of support families with the status of IDPs, especially to the individual psychological- ly-educational support for children.
The students (future teachers and psychologists) cannot stand by the difficult situation in the country and therefore with implementing a project that aims to helpchildren to develop harmoniously, to get a chance for a good future, to develop their potential.
Project manager: lecturer Maryna Konovalchuk, coordinator - student Natalie Kysil and the team creative student-volunteer of CHICS.
Organisations responsible for implementing the program:
Regional Charity Foundation "Arata";
Shevchenko Chernihiv National Teachers-training University;
Creative Academy CHICS;
Gifted Child Institute NAPS Ukraine;
Chernihiv regional center of the Gifted Child NAPS Ukraine;
Center for Human Development "Rodnik";
Salon "Yin Yang";
Magazines for children "Zaika", "Kliaksa" (published in Zaporizhia);
Chernihiv State broadcasting company "Siver center";
Chernihiv region radio.
Minimum number of participants: 40.
The number of employees: 20.
Children age: 1-14 years.
The logistic characteristics of the project:
Events are held in Shevchenko Chernihiv National Teachers-training University and the Regional Charity Foundation "Arata".
Stages of the project:
Stage 1 - preparatory - selection of diagnostic procedures, staffing (teachers) development of a plan of cultural activities, their scripts, compiling a list of student-volunteers group, coordination of organizational moments with the staff of the center (with the director of the Charity Foundation "Arata" and the director of the Chernihiv Regional Gifted Child Institute, preparing lists of IDPs children who need a help.
Stage 2 - carrying out the project - providing psy- chologically-educational, social and material support for children with the status of IDPs to create successful life strategies for children and parents, and particularly in the following areas:
Stage 3 - final - coverage of the volunteer groups work (writing and posting informative articles, photos and video reports in media: universities web page, social networks, "Dobrodel" Territory Development, Chernihiv State broadcasting company "Siver center".
Correspondence with the principle of "Three good things":
1) for children - psychological assistance, skills development and building individual trajectory of each child.
for universities - an opportunity to increase teachers level and volunteering experience for students'.
for the city / region - drawing attention to the problems of migrant people and their children, providing psychologically-educational support.
Individual and group work of teachers and students with migrants' children during the project "Sunrise"
Individual work
Work with parents take an important place in the development of children who have experienced psycho trauma of hostilities and forced relocation. Parents are usually the first to notice that a child has a problem. Migrants' children may show signs of mental disorders, eating disorders (loss of appetite or refusal of food, sometimes overeating), sleep disorders, urinary incontinence, increased aggressiveness, hyperactivity, poor school performance, and the desire to avoid family and friends. Often together with the development of talents we primarily conduct psychotherapy and prevention of emotional disorders.
The first interviews with children and adolescents are usually performed in the presence of their parents, so that children can overcome fear of the psychologist. Further meetings with the children and parents always held separately.
For young children, the game replaces conversation. Often children show their feelings through play and drawing. In the process of such integrated activities we achieve two goals: psychotherapy and talent development.
Group work
The most effective methods that were used in the group form of work with migrants' children during the project "Sunrise" were:
Drawing therapy;
Drama therapy;
Game therapy;
Drawing therapy was held with children from 4 to 12 years and includes drawing, modeling clay, plasticine, etc. Classes are held for 2.5 hours/once a week and consist of drawing on a set topic with a further discussion of the process and the results.
Along with the level of creative talent diagnosed (Torrens Test) children are tested for multiple intelligence by Gardner's test.
Topics are selected to meet the challenges which, according to the consultant, one need to be worked out with this very children in group.
Awareness and reacting on actual emotional experiences, "Fear", "Joy", "image", "Friendship", "Sadness", "Fun", "interest", "Boredom", etc.;
The identity development of "Portrait", "Emblem of the soul", "What I love," "I hate", "Family", "Past-Present-Future," "My House", etc.;
Awareness and reaction on potentially "problematic" zones: "Home", "Family", "What I am afraid of," "Why do I feel sad," "What annoys me", "Dreams";
Updating psychological "resources": "Happiness", "Holiday", "Favorite fairytale character", "Dream".
Drama therapy and creative talents development
Great role in such a theatre is given to improvisation and spontaneity.
Unlike traditional theater, drama focus of the psychological work is not aimed at external form, but on the internal experiences of the participants.
The structure of the psychological drama consists of two parts: training and proper performance of the play, training is the main body of the drama therapy.
Game therapy
Through the game children express their feelings, emotions and feelings that they cannot reveal in the everyday life. The game is free of pressure and adult supervision. Children are to take part in game therapy not only for fun but also to develop their capabilities and overcome the negative emotions.
Therefore, it is important that the project is the result of students' and teachers initiatives in its implementation carried out effective coaching education where students independently set goals and implement them in formal and informal education, initiate changes at the university, schools, city.
Through such projects occur gradual changes in the educational environment of the city in the post-Soviet life through really innovative creative student-teachers; implementation of European values in education Cherni- hiv example through active teachers, students and volunteers. Through this educational volunteering step by step formed civic education and responsible position of each teacher for real change in education.
1. Alexandrov V. (2006). Educational services: the nature and quality model / Education and Management.
2. An illogical way of funding universities (2012). University World News.
3. Bahdykian S. (2010). Educational services: research concepts, classification, basic characteristics, Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship.
4. Grantwriting: recommendations for public Governments' about project writing (2015). O. Zinchenko and others. Kharkiv: Zoloti Storinky.
5. Konovalchuk M. (2013), Teachers creativity working with gifted children junior age: educationally manual, Kyiv: LLC «Sitiprint».
6. Konovalchuk M. (2015). Organization of Creative Activities for Gifted Children in Terms of Inclusive Education/ Within the sphere of inclusions issues: Polish and Ukraine scientific experience exchange. Collective monograph. Sedltse, Poland.
7. Konovalchuk M., Radchenko M. (2015). From teachers work to creative education of the students: educationally manual, Kyiv: LLC «Sitiprint».
8. New dawn for higher education in Ukraine? (2012) // University World News.
9. Obolenska T. (2001), Marketing of educational services, domestic and foreign experience, Kyiv: Kyiv National Economic University.
10. Senashenko V, Tkach G. (2010). About the trends in the Russian High school reforming / Higher education in Russia.
This article is to analyze the acquired experience in implementation project and coaching approach working with future teachers from the departments of "Elementary Education" and "Preschool education", including the provision of educational services for the development of gifted migrants ' children (for example, socio-educationalproject "Sunrise "). Through this educational volunteering step by step formed civic education and responsible position of each teacher for real change in education.
Key words: educational services, child migrants, talent, coaching education, socio-educational project, future teachers.
Проаналізовано досвід реалізації проекту та коучингового підходу в роботі майбутніх учителів спеціальності «початкова освіта» та «дошкільна освіта», включно з наданням освітніх послуг для розвитку обдарованості дітей-мігрантів (на прикладі соціально-освітнього проекту «Схід сонця»). Завдяки цьому освітньому волонтерському проекту крок за кроком відбувався розвиток громадянської освіти та відповідального ставлення кожного майбутнього вчителя і реальні зміни в освіті та суспільстві.
Ключові слова: освітні послуги, діти-мігранти, талант, освітній коучинг, соціально-освітній проект, майбутні вчителі.
Эта статья посвящена анализу приобретенного опыта реализации проекта и коучингового подхода с будущими преподавателями специальности «начальное образование» и «дошкольное образование», включая предоставление образовательных услуг для развития одаренности детей-мигрантов (например, социально-образовательный проект «Восход солнца»). Благодаря этому образовательному волонтерскому проекту шаг за шагом формировалось гражданское образование и ответственное положение каждого учителя для реальных изменений в образовании и обществе.
Ключевые слова: образовательные услуги, дети-мигранты, талант, коучинговое образование, социально-образовательный проект, будущие учителя.
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