The necessity of developing professional communicative competence in teaching a foreign language through authentic legal videos

Peculiarities of language training for future masters of jurisprudence. The use of audiovisual materials in the process of learning a foreign language. Development of the ability to understand and use professional vocabulary for academic purposes.

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Дата добавления 24.02.2023
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Размещено на

National University “Odessa Law Academy”

Department of Foreign Languages № 1

The necessity of developing professional communicative competence in teaching a foreign language through authentic legal videos

Olena Bilobrova, Senior Lecturer

Katherina Georgievskaya, Lecturer

Odessa, Ukraine


Globalization deeply influenced the necessity of development of professional communicative competence. Modern requirements put forward to specialists suggest modern, innovative approaches to teaching a foreign language. This article covers the need to determine the scientific and practical importance of the professional competence of the student and teacher as direct interacting initiators and participants within the educational process, its development, in turn, is a prerequisite for the further professional formation of a future specialist through authentic legal videos. The idea of using movies for developing law students 'professional communicative competence has changed the emphasis from pure language training to forming professional communication skills. The aim of the article is to show the necessity of development of professional communicative competence offuture masters of jurisprudence through authentic legal video, developing the audio skills in the sequential translation of authentic English-language video material. Special attention is paid to legal discourse, the use of legal vocabulary in the analysis of linguistic and cultural features of legal realities along with peculiarities of cross-cultural communication. New effective principles play an important role in the formation and effective coordinated implementation of communicative-language and professional competencies. As a result of such effective activities based on video lessons on legal issues law students develop professional communicative competence through the audiovisual perception offoreign speech, using professional vocabulary for academic and professional purposes. Students are encouraged to understand foreign professional speech, which therefore builds their confidence, motivates to continue the learning process.

Key words: education, pedagogical process, language teaching, communicative competence, foreign language for professional purposes, use of authentic legal videos, stages of training.


Необхідність розвитку професійної юридичної комунікативної компетентності у викладанні іноземної мови за допомогою використання автентичних правових відеоматеріалів

Олена Білоброва, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов № 1 Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія» (Одеса Україна)

Катерина Георгієвська, викладач кафедри іноземних мов № 1 Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія» (Одеса Україна)

Глобалізація широко вплинула на розвиток професійної комунікативної компетентності. Сучасні вимоги, що висуваються до фахівців, пропонують інноваційні підходи до викладання іноземної мови. Стаття висвітлює необхідність визначення наукової та практичної ваги професійної компетентності студента й учителя як безпосередньо взаємодіючих ініціаторів та учасників навчального процесу. Розвиток цієї компетентності, у свою чергу, є необхідною умовою подальшого професійного становлення майбутнього фахівця. Ідея використання фільмів для розвитку професійної комунікативної компетентності студентів-правознавців змінила акцент від чистої мовної підготовки до формування професійних навичок спілкування.

Метою статті є демонстрація необхідності розвитку професійної комунікативної компетентності майбутніх магістрів юриспруденції через автентичне правове відео, розвиток аудіонавичок у послідовному перекладі автентичних англомовних відеоматеріалів.

Під час перегляду відеоматеріалів особлива увага приділяється правовому дискурсу, використанню юридичної лексики в процесі аналізу мовних і культурних особливостей правових реалій поряд із особливостями міжкультурної комунікації. Новітні принципи відіграють важливу роль у формуванні та здійсненні комунікативно-мовної й професійної компетенций. Як результат, відеоуроки розвивають у студента-юриста професійно-комунікативну компетентність завдяки аудіовізуальному сприйняттю іноземного мовлення, здатність розуміти й використовувати професійну лексику в академічних і професійних цілях, формують у майбутнього фахівця юриспруденції впевненість і мотивують продовжувати процес вивчення іноземної мови.

Ключові слова: навчання, педагогічний процес, вивчення мови, комунікативна компетенція, іноземна мова для професійних цілей, використання автентичних юридичних відеозаписів, етапи навчання.


The research objective. In modern society, specialists with abilities and skills that allow a professional to be more maneuverable and successful in present conditions of legal relations, carrying out effectively lots of labor activity, being at the same time quite socially adapted, is in great demand.

The role of personal and professional communication, which is growing in the modern world, is manifested both in real live communication, and in a form of electronic communication via email, social networks, instant or chart messengers and their options, print, audio and even video messages, as well as internal options phone calls. The indicated possibilities of communicative resources imply the expansion of the external boundaries of communication to almost global limits. That is, participants in such a wide range of interactions need to use a foreign language to carry out basic soft skills for future lawyers as personal and professional communication through the authentic video materials. Such a need entails an increase in demand for workers in the professional non-linguistic spheres such as Law, which is able to carry out the communication process using knowledge of a foreign language. Foreign language functioning user makes it possible to expand the scope of the employee's activity.

Communicative competence is divided into discursive, pragmatic and professional competence. (Gillette S., Goettsch K., Rowenkamp J., Salehi N., Tarone E., 1999: 105). Our research is connected with discursive and professional competence which are basically can be helpful in getting the ability to carry out intercultural communication, business and official communication in a professional environment at home and abroad.

The competence can be considered as the formation of the ability, for the qualitative functioning of an employee, in the field of a particular discipline applying some special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, awareness of responsibility for their own actions aimed at organizing and applying creative abilities in a professional sphere. Of great importance in the implementation of the functional properties of a professional and personal competence, integrating the development of creative abilities, is the communication process (Ломакина Е. А., 2018: 41).

Analysis research. Prospects for the development of education are due to both the use of innovative methods and technologies in the meaningfulness of the educational process, andthe growth ofthe teacher's professional competence (Дубских А. И., Зеркина Н. Н., 2018: 109). Recently, in psychological and pedagogical research, the issue of forming a professionally competent working specialist in any area of law has become particularly relevant. Within recent social environment, the model of socio-psychological of a competent specialist lays the emphasis on such personality psychological qualities as independence in solving complex problems, autonomous use of knowledge, skills, discipline, a satisfactory image of oneself; the ability to conduct coordinated communication, management of personal communication in a team, the internal need for self-development.

Great importance can be assigned to a communication process, in the implementation of one of the important functional properties of professional competence, namely, the one that integrates development of creative abilities, so ingenious communication it takes place both internally and at the intercul- tural level, implying the usage of a foreign language. The new many-sided and all-around world puts forward new requirements to a successful application procedure in general and work with personnel in particular (Frolova O. A., Lopatinskaya V. V., 2018: 57). As far as a distinctive feature of the present state of affairs in various fields of law is the presence of joint ventures and/or all kinds of relations with foreign partners, so it is hard to imagine communication with the personnel without a foreign language, as a means of communication. Almost everyone agrees that for modern Lawyers, English is not a luxury, but a tool to do some efficient work in the professional sphere. Modern requirements put forward to specialists suggest modern, innovative approaches to teaching, in particular, English (Romanova M. V., Romanov E. P., Varfolomeeva T N., Lomakina E. A., Chernova E. V., Ruban K. A., 2016: 300). One of such approaches in teaching English may be methodological management. The effectiveness of methodological management is determined by its functions (forecasting, planning, development and decision-making, organization, control by Law), which are aimed at implementing some necessary stages of managing activity in training (Зеркина Н. Н., Кисель О. В., 2018: 73). Along with the increase of a number of foreign language users among the future specialists right in their professional activities, a very important issue is the prospect of fruitful interaction between a foreign language teacher and students of non-linguistic specialties in the field of the professional orientation of the learning process and as a result of improving the quality of forthcoming activities of a future specialist according to the specialty.

So, language education on a professional basis within non-linguistic specialties is becoming an important component which takes part in creating the effective life of a future specialist in the global multilingual and multicultural space of the human community. “English plays a large role in the life of modern students, as it is the dominant language of international communication and cooperation. The development of modern IT technologies not only contributes to the development of a foreign language, but also emphasizes its relevance. The increase of information and communication resources in language professional training contributes to the formation of a foreign language to be real means of communication between future specialists and foreign-language colleagues. When implementing a functional-communicative approach, specially oriented types of speech activity are developed with the aim of mastering a foreign language in line with the specifics of a future profession within the framework of developing the professional competence of students. Attracting a socio-cultural approach means the cultural development of a future young specialist, contributing to building successful legal activity in the proposed conditions of intercultural communication, and an indicator of the presence of such ability is an intercultural competence, complementing the professional one from the position of inter-lingual, language-oriented professional communication in the framework of effective professional activities. Functional-communicative, socio-cultural approaches and IT modern technologies involved in the formation of professionally oriented competence are focused on the student's personal characteristics, self-improvement, and development of the individual creative potential (Ломакина Е. А., 2018: 408). Specially oriented language training in the framework of non-linguistic Law specialties gives students the opportunity to act in the future as a mediator between different languages and cultures in law and socio-cultural spheres, that is, it becomes a kind of tool for the formation of social mobility, activity and adaptability of a young specialist's consciousness. To accomplish such a task of social adaptation and professional self-realization, it is necessary to use an interdisciplinary approach in teaching foreign language for professional purposes, which is a coordinated, equivalent, mutually contributing interplay of educational disciplines, combined by one whole educational and didactic system.

Such an implementation of interdisciplinary relations provides the basis for the formation of communicative and professional competencies, which in turn becomes the key to high-quality teaching of a foreign language in non-linguistic specialties (Алферова Н. Г., 2018: 13). For example, when creating a work program with foreign language for professional purposes teaching, it should be noted that the use of a foreign language of a specialty helps to improve the professional competence of a future specialist, namely, broadens the horizons in the process of obtaining information in a foreign language and, accordingly, improves the quality and level of communication in law sphere.

The Purpose of the Article - is the need to determine the scientific and practical importance of the professional competence of student and teacher as direct interacting initiators and participants within the educational process, its development, in turn, is a prerequisite for the further professional formation of a future specialist, using authentic legal videos, as a tool for developing communicative competence.

The statement of basic materials

The usage of legal video material is one of the main modern approaches to teaching a foreign language to future specialist in law, which provides them with real communication in certain social circles, the speaker's rate of delivery, lexical and grammatical features thus forming an idea of the different ways of materializing communicative intentions. Listening the speech in an authentic setting with a cultural component improves oral speech, which is an integral soft skill of future specialist in law, including the ability to correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written language. Teaching English-language legal discourse as part of mastering a foreign language communicative competence without being in the country of the learning language is a difficult task. To solve it, the National University “Odessa Law Academy” has a group that uses work with various videos: lectures by foreign experts at the annual TED conference, informational clips on legal issues and authentic videos including: “Suits”, “How to get away with a murder”, “The Goodwife”, etc. Such innovative formats of video lessons on legal issues provide an opportunity to create an imaginary situation of professional communication in its entirety, which encourages students to study and compare legal concepts of countries, analyze legal phenomena and express their views on various issues of a professional nature. The plots of these videos help law students to get acquainted with various types of legal discourse. Also, watching such legal videos, future professionals have the opportunity not only to observe the case, the behavior of the parties and their lawyers, but also to assess the possibilities of modern technology, learn more about the procedure of various court hearings, motivate them to speak, ask questions and discuss the situation with colleagues.

For achieving such goals as legal discourse understanding in a foreign language and communication skills development, based on authentic videos, certain stages of training as pre -viewing, while viewing and post- demonstration stage can be distinguished (Gillette S., Goettsch K., Rowenkamp J., Salehi N., Tarone E., 1999: 105). Pre-viewing stage prepares students to watch the video which is necessary to identify and remove difficulties that may prevent the understanding of the content of the video, as each episode is an investigation of the case and focuses on certain areas of law and legal concepts. Lecturers are forced to take episodes from different seasons. Students get acquainted with the characters of the episode and past events from their lives. A preliminary discussion is advisable to be hold for activation of professional legal knowledge, obtained in English classes for professional purposes. In pre - viewing stage to avoid having the linguistic difficulties students are encouraged to perform a number of suggested exercises with the list of legal terms, expressions and sentences from the prepared episode:

- match the term with the definition;

- match the English term with the Ukrainian alternative;

- translate into Ukrainian;

For activation of new legal vocabulary and understanding its functions in preliminary discussion students make assumptions about the plot ofthe film based on the title ofthe episode and its lexical content.

The purpose of the while watching stage is to understand the content and details that determine the outcome of the case. Tasks for this stage may include:

- mark the statements true or false;

- arrange presented events in chronological order;

- name the actor who uttered a phrase;

- put parts of the dialogue in correct order;

The post-viewing stage is final and the following tasks as answers to detailed questions, filling in gaps in sentences with terms from the episode allow students to activate new legal vocabulary in discussion the episode and answer problematic questions for development of communicative competence from perspective of critical thinking (Бурмистрова К.А., Ступникова Л.В., 2017: 107-108). master jurisprudence language training audiovisual


The use of videos on legal topics in teaching English legal discourse gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with professional situations of foreign language communication. At the same time, communication skills in a professional language occur through the comprehension of a living foreign language culture, which increases the motivation to learn and promote better mastering of the material being studied.

Professionally-oriented language education in the conditions of a non-language educational environment is the process of developing the ability to: use an additional foreign language as a communication tool in the field of professional activity, taking into account its non-language specificity; recognize a foreign language professional culture; to build an adequate thought-out tolerant dialogue with participants in the inter-lingual process of communication (Ломакина Е. А., 2018: 94). The implementation of intercultural competence presupposes the ability of students, to maintain a communicative interaction in order to realize certain personal and professional intentions in reality, cooperate calmly within the framework of diverse situational communication.

So, in future specialists it is necessary to form the ability to put into practice a foreign language interpretation of the linguistic picture of the world and specialty with a further direct and easy access into the open information and communication space of professional activities. The process of combining the perception of the world fragments through linguistically designed language of the specialty is happening by means of a foreign language as a speech tool for a fragmented expression of the original native and newly emerging, recognizable linguistic worldview and the specialty itself within a large communicatively designed space of modern reality (Кисель О. В., Дубских А. И., Бутова А. В., Зеркина Н. Н., 2019: 185). Thus, linguistic education in the conditions of a non-linguistic university acts as an important instrument for the successful functioning of a person in a multilingual and multicultural community of people. In the era of the development of information technologies leading to the modernization of both global and Ukrainian education, it is necessary to develop new effective principles for the formation and effective coordinated implementation of communicative-language and professional competencies for foreign language for professional purposes in non-linguistic specialties and areas.


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  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015

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