• In the article, author defines the theoretical component of the introductory process from the point of view of the laws of thermodynamics. At the ecosystem level, plant groups with environmental conditions characteristic for each species were analyzed.

    статья (7,4 M)
  • Acquaintance with the main reasons for the behavior of the elite under the pressure of mass discontent during the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 in the GDR. General characteristics of the consequences of Gorbachev's refusal from the Brezhnev doctrine.

    статья (1,9 M)
  • Особенность идеи специфичности метода социальной антропологии Гирцом. Исследование понятия "насыщенное описание". Основные отличия подмигивания от моргания. Изучение райловского принципа анализа действия через описание его логической структуры.

    статья (43,2 K)
  • Study of individual differences in creative mathematical thinking. Analysis of the search actions of subjects in solving problems. The influence of mathematical thinking styles of students on the process of understanding a creative mathematical task.

    статья (36,0 K)
  • The most serious environmental problems. Water pollution, poison and kill fish and sea animals. The pollution of the air which is come from cars and buses in big cities, factories and plants work. What everyone person must to do to save our planet.

    реферат (6,7 K)
  • An elegant hoax - a literary device that involves creating a detailed biography of a fictional author and including it in a real historical and cultural context. Сharacteristics of the specific features of the peculiar poetic style of Ossian legends.

    статья (16,1 K)
  • Thomas Gainsborough as one of the most delightful, spontaneous and naturally gifted of all English painters and draughtsmen. Childhood and youth of painter. Using by Gainsborough some of his sketches of mountain scenery for the little show box.

    реферат (30,6 K)
  • Understanding the current crisis of European values through the prism of Russian intellectual heritage. Discussion of the ideas of such thinkers as L. Frank and F. Dostoevsky, in the context of the search for new approaches to understanding the "human".

    статья (22,1 K)
  • Transactional memory, the interface matters. Programmability is the key motivation for transactional memory. Processors support small (few memory operations) easily. Unlimited transactions are convenient for software. Virtualize transactional memory.

    презентация (89,2 K)
  • Features of the impact of radioactive radiation on the environment and human health. Identification of the main threats to radiation public health and the environment. Connection of radiation factor with the state of somatic morbidity of the population.

    статья (61,9 K)
  • Pragmatist treatment of "religious" and postmodern criticism of radicalized post-Kantian forms of enlightenment, leading directly to atheism. Dewey's socio-philosophical ideas. Study of religious experience, various doctrinal and spiritual practices.

    статья (59,4 K)
  • Focusing on moral aspects of the problem of a scientist, M. Shelley polemicizes with the Enlightenment "science of happiness", calling in question the prospects of happiness by obtaining knowledge, the very idea of knowledge and virtue identity.

    статья (15,6 K)
  • The article is devoted to clarifying the features of stereographic images, the main aspects of using 3D printing as modern creative technology in various fields of human activity. The article analyzes the principles of creating three-dimensional products.

    статья (30,5 K)
  • Evaluation of the influence on the stress distribution patterns in and the magnitude of stresses on fixed partial dentures under different anatomic and design condition. Three-dimensional finite elements models of posterior 3-unit all-ceramic FPDs.

    статья (144,0 K)
  • The model for 6Li nucleus is used to study the structure properties of this system within the variational method with Gaussian basis. The description of the elastic S-phases at low energies simultaneously with correct values of the binding energy.

    статья (1,5 M)
  • A five-phase inverter control algorithm in the over-modulation zone, which provides a transition from a linear modulation zone to a ten-step phase voltage. The results of the simulation of basic modes of operation in the zone of higher output frequencies.

    статья (359,0 K)
  • Description of the cellular composition of carp thymus. Evaluation of the intensity of inflammatory processes in fish when using the probiotic preparation Cellobacterin-T. Analysis of changes in the parameters of lymphocytes, myelocytes and neutrophils.

    статья (1,7 M)
  • Study sites in Tibet, which is the highest point in the world, located north of the Himalayas, and is home to the indigenous Tibetan people and their related ethnic groups. The main attraction is the Potala Palace in Lhasa, and the Jokhang Temple.

    творческая работа (1,9 M)
  • Market segmentation of hotel services has been investigated as the base of determination of the goals which will be the objects of further marketing investigations. The assessment of segmentation criterion: segment capacity, segment essentiality.

    статья (104,7 K)
  • The legal status of prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in Poland in the electronic monitoring system. The maintaining ties with the social environment, the family in the evaluation of the Service for the supervision of execution of punishments.

    статья (569,3 K)
  • Familiarization with market analysis of ceramic tiles in Ukraine. Characteristics of the main consumers and customers company. Research of features the strategy of "market share protection", prices and advertising budget of the company "Cerzanit".

    презентация (288,3 K)
  • Tillypad XL как система автоматизации ресторанов, которая помогает значительно эффективнее решать актуальные, каждодневные задачи рестораторов и успешнее работать в высококонкурентной среде, ее механизмы и конфигурация, возможности и эффективность.

    контрольная работа (18,0 K)
  • Achieving a higher degree of control over their time using time management techniques. Learning the basic skills of personal effectiveness. Time management role in the organization and personal life. 10 most amportant common time management mistakes.

    реферат (561,8 K)
  • Characteristics of conditions for optimal construction of communicative competence, analysis of the most important components. Consideration of current trends in the formation of communicative competencies of future managers of socio-cultural activities.

    статья (65,9 K)
  • Directions of optimization of time resources of the investment project on an example of the project of construction of the integrated gas chemical complex in Kazakhstan. Analysis of a discrete-event (process) model implemented in the "Anylogic" system.

    статья (176,4 K)
  • Питання особливостей перекладу окремих польських лексичних одиниць українською мовою на прикладі оригінальних польських текстів різних жанрів. Виявлення залежності перекладу від змісту висловлення, його контексту, структурних відмінностей обох мов.

    статья (68,6 K)
  • Features the design of tooling for casting under pressure of zinc alloys. The problem that arise when designing a press-forms of analysis. Experiments to study thermal stability of materials, parts, equipment subject to cyclic thermo-mechanical treatment.

    статья (46,9 K)
  • The organizing the educational process, allowing it to adapt to the capabilities and abilities of students, developing cognitive independence. The advantages of the rating system for assessing knowledge. Organization of work of the modular-rating system.

    статья (14,7 K)
  • Metrological examination of a technique of performance of measurements is understood as the analysis and an assessment of a choice of methods and measuring instruments. Operations and rules of carrying out measurements and processing of their results.

    статья (13,3 K)
  • The peculiarity and the content of foreign language teaching of various categories of adults in the process of non-formal education. The conceptions, global strategies, trends, and forms of foreign language teaching of various categories of adults.

    статья (16,8 K)