• Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Aspects of the sound matter of language. National and regional pronunciation variants in English. The system of vowel phonemes in English. Alternations of speech sounds in English. Methods of phonetic analysis.

    курс лекций (688,0 K)
  • The importance of English phonetics. The articulatory classification of vowels. Connection with other sciences. Development of phonology The structure and functions of syllable. The structure of English tone-group. The phonological level of intonation.

    курс лекций (809,0 K)
  • The study of information referring to phonemic structure and functions of every speech sound in English, the main characteristics, notation. Classifications and points of view of some Russian and British phoneticians. The main trends in Phonemic theory.

    реферат (64,5 K)
  • Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. National and regional pronunciation variants. Main phonological schools. The system of vowel phonemes in English. Problem of diphthongs. Theories on syllable division and formation. Phonetics of the spoken discourse.

    курс лекций (691,9 K)
  • Elucidation of the theoretical foundations of the formation of a culture of value attitude of future officers to their own physical health. Aspects of the formation of a culture of value attitude of future officers to physical health are considered.

    статья (22,7 K)
  • Classic and new scientific achievements about the principles of the study of zoophrases in English and Ukrainian languages. The classification of phrases. The periods of follow-up phraseology. Basic criteria and understanding of phrasemic affiliation.

    статья (27,7 K)
  • MPWB1K/6-31+G(d) and MPWB1K/tzvp theoretical models were found to provide reasonable accuracy of the prediction of ionization potentials for mono- and polycyclic azacompounds. The root mean square errors of the methods are 0.19 and 0.20, respectively.

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  • The author's model of nurturing a responsible attitude in future primary school teachers towards the design of a safe educational environment. Elements of each block of the model, the effectiveness of its use in the training of qualified specialists.

    статья (23,0 K)
  • Study of choreographic culture and its understanding as a cultural phenomenon. Signs of the concept of "dance" in historical terms - from antiquity to the 17th century. Its transformation in the context of the development of folk choreographic culture.

    статья (22,1 K)
  • Motivation as the activation or energization of goal-orientated behavior. The academic theories about motivation. The contribution of Rensis Likert. Frederick Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. Vroom’s Valence Expectancy and Reinforcement theory.

    реферат (18,0 K)
  • Review of definitions, as well as characteristics of the syllable as an integral part of the word. The comprehensive study of the basic characteristics of education syllables in English. An analysis of the theoretical aspects of language education.

    доклад (18,7 K)
  • The scientific management approach. Applying scientific management to today’s conditions. Weber’s bureaucratic approach. Features of application of administrative, human relations’, organism and contingency theories of the firm. Socio-technical systems.

    курсовая работа (470,3 K)
  • The analysis of the humanistic management culture, its features and key factors of development in the conditions of industrialism. The study of social phenomena and processes, the fundamental provisions of the theory and history of management culture.

    статья (144,2 K)
  • Waldorf education is humanistic approach to pedagogy based on the educational philosophy of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. Three broad stages in child development, each lasting approximately seven years. Transition to formal academic learning.

    реферат (23,7 K)
  • The concept and basics functional features of the electronic control systems, their internal structure and the relationship between elements. Of the practical application of these devices. The terminal characteristics of electronic control devices.

    учебное пособие (4,6 M)
  • The subject matter and tasks of lexicology. The main methods of lexicological research. The morphological structure of the english word. Classification of borrowings according to the language from which they were borrowed: french, latin borrowings.

    шпаргалка (55,6 K)
  • The theory of the balance of rights and responsibility of officials created and necessary intellectual basis of human rights protection as well as necessary basis of effective functioning of society, state. The protection of social-economic progress.

    статья (222,0 K)
  • Communication as the meaning of life. The concept of communication theory, its study from the point of view of scientists. Peculiarities of communication of plants and animals. The universal law of the relationship of living beings on the planet.

    презентация (861,7 K)
  • Study of the features of association of immune accentuation, analysis of their negative impact on the course of the reproductive process. Identification of highly reliable correlative and associative relationships between parameters of natural resistance.

    статья (790,4 K)
  • Theory of warrant and option pricing. The foundations for a rational theory of option pricing. Principal difference between valuing the call option. Effects of dividends and changing exercise price. An alternative derivation of the formula Black-Scholes.

    книга (3,7 M)
  • Features of the theory of technologies of geographic determinism in international relations. Application of the theory as a tool for identifying geography as a factor context of social relations in political and economic dimensions on the world stage.

    статья (36,5 K)
  • General representation of the electromagnetic properties of solids. The effect of temperature and magnetic field on the amount of condensation the object. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data of electrical conductivity of the dielectric.

    статья (343,0 K)
  • Defining freedom and considering the relationship between law and freedom. Discussion of the forms of government defined by S. Montesquieu, their basic principles and their impact on the social hierarchy. The connection between them is emphasized.

    статья (22,2 K)
  • The concept of translation, its object, objectives and theory. The structure of translation and types of linguistic equivalence of it. Aspects and pragmatics of translating process and the role of the translator. Main types and techniques of translation.

    реферат (118,5 K)
  • General issues of translation. Types of translation: classification criteria, functional. Lexical and grammatical equivalence. Ways of Achieving Equivalence. Translation Models, grammar problems. Differences in Russian and English word combinability.

    учебное пособие (1,8 M)
  • Contraindications to conducting therapeutic physical culture. Mechanisms of therapeutic effect of physical exercises on the human body. Means of therapeutic physical culture. Sports and applied exercises. General basics of therapeutic physical culture.

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  • Definition and nature of the freedom. Specificity and kinds of moral responsibility of the person by itself and a society. Advantages of the communistic world which was never reached and is still unreachable for our society. Concept of a great freedom.

    эссе (16,1 K)
  • Calculation of the average neutron energy. The converter of thermal neutrons. The reactor core. Radiography and tomography tumor contour. Project progress MEDAPP. Irradiation of the cell cultures. Determination of biological efficacy of a new beam.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • The thermal loading situations and their influence on the temperature field in teeth. Breathing, food consumption, and dental treatment as the processes disturbing the thermal balance in the oral cavity. Recommendations concerning cooling technique.

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  • A description of techniques for increasing the efficiency of a triple-flow pipe with finning used under particular conditions. Calculation of the cooled flow portion. Dependence of the heat performance coefficient on the proportion of the cooled flow.

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