Formal variation of auxiliary words in the Danish language that are similar in their syntactic distribution but carry different functional and semantic information due to the speaker’s perspective. Asymmetry in the functioning of these conjunctions.
The biography of the Queen Elizabeth II. who was known as The Queen Mother. She was the last queen consort of Ireland and empress consort of India. Early life. Marriage to Prince Albert. Duchess of York. Queen consort. World War II and post war years.
National dances reflect the spirit and nature, mentality of the nation. History of the Khorezm dance school. Study of the work of the People's Artist of Uzbekistan, award winner, famous choreographer, art critic and ethnographer Gavhargonim Matiokubov.
Formation of the logistics profile of the operator of the freight road transportation market. Identification of key standards of service in terms of basic services and services with high added value. Positioning of logistics services on the market.
Research of typical structural, content, pragmatic and stylistic means used by Nobel laureates in the field of literature in their speeches. Study of moral strategies of speakers. Selection of rhetorical models of information presentation in lectures.
Study of the philosophical foundations of mathematics Quine and his kraynihpozitsy nominalism. Concept ontological relativity and the holistic thesis, submitted to the philosopher. Minimization of logic functions using Quine, use truth table function.
Physical and chemical properties of the drugs. Reactions to chloride ions Cl- in a solution of AgNO3 in HNO3. Photocolorimetry with painted ferum hydroxamate. Reaction on heterocyclic atom of nitrogen. Using of methods of quantitative determination.
Патогенез метастатической прогрессии злокачественной опухоли. Диссеминация опухолевых клеток в анатомически отдаленные органы и ткани, их последующая адаптация к чужому микроокружению. Новое фундаментальное понятие в онкологии - метастатическая ниша.
Дослідження системи виконання команд. Розвиток концепції дружнього штучного інтелекту Елізером Юдковським. Розгляд людського мозку у значенні нейросистеми. Особливість використання штучного інтелекту для створення нових форм візуального мистецтва.