The study of sports as a form of propaganda used to build faith in the ideas of communism through the high achievements of members of society, including Olympic medals. The history of the continuous gradual introduction of sports into Soviet society.
The conceptualize the sport development of philosophy and physical activity with one’s own body as the human health basis. With regular exercise, the brain adapts, new receptors are formed, a person begins to feel joy and pleasure from movement.
- 123. Study of the effectiveness of the traditional system of training 6-10-years-old involved in football
Detection of the degree of efficiency the organization and conduct classes on football with students 6 to 10 years in Ukraine. The indexes of the pulse energy and the cost of various options for training sessions, traditional held in the sections.
Determining the mode of the day as the basis of any recreational system. Assessment of adaptation to the conditions of stay, the correspondence of the intensity of applied natural and preforming factors to the functional capabilities of children.
Analyses the Island districts Co To (including 400 islands) and Van Don which have a favourable geographic location. Delphi as a method to establish an effective process of exchanging information among groups to allow team members to solve a problem.
- 126. Swimming
The history of sailing sport. Major attacks and strokes. Swimming legs and stroke. The main types of races. Starting and turns. Grab the beginning. Water security. Nutrition. Engineering food during the competition. Features synchronized swimming.
SWOT-анализ развития внутреннего и выездного туризма в Приморском крае, матрица сильных и слабых сторон, угроз и возможностей отрасли. Оценка состояния и перспектив развития международного туризма. Структура туристского потенциала Приморского края.
Наведено SWOT-аналіз, як варіант стратегічного розвитку виду спорту. В дослідженні вказані сильні, слабкі сторони та можливості і загрози в окремо взятому регіоні з рейтингом імовірності появ факторів та коефіцієнтом їх впливу на розвиток хокею на траві.
Consideration of the characteristics of the development of tourism activities. Determination directions for the development of tourist activities by forming unique tourist offers based on the analysis of the tourist potential of a tourist destination.
Some of the most spectacular terrorist attacks from the 21st century and their impact on tourism market. A characteristics feature of criminal terrorism. Impact assessment of terrorist threats on the development of the tourist industry in the world.
Uzbekistan possesses enormous tourist potential аnd recreational resources, here lay the Great silk way, played significant role in integrations of the Orient and West. Our Government actively assists the development international and national tourism.
Present women’s anaerobic power in soccer players, table tennis players and weightlifters. Anaerobic power in all athletes was recorded during 30- second Wingate test, with resistance set at 0,075 kp x kg (-1). Somatic variables in 3 groups of tested.
London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames. The best places of the West End. Historical places as well the famous parks. To the east the large area called the East End.
Analysis of activity of collective accommodation facilities, problems of effective hotel business functioning in Ukraine. Increasing of productivity of hotel enterprises and competitiveness by implementing effective organization and management methods.
- 135. The current state and the peculiarities of physical activity of teenagers in Ukraine and Poland
The study of the physical activity of children and youth, the proper level of which is the key to the health of the nation. The article provides a comparative analysis of the results of a survey of Polish and Ukrainian 13-15-year-old school students.
Butler`s concept of the destination. S-shaped cycle model. The exploration stage characteristic. Rapid tourism growing and changes in all aspects of the tourism sector in the region. The strategic planning process. Development of the destination Myvatn.
A sharp change in the number of clubs and the number of athletes as a result of the current management and marketing strategies. Analysis of the dynamics of the sports movement in Romania, connected with the elements of management and marketing in sports.
Evaluation of the effect of exercise on stretching on prevention of hypotension during one-hour sessions in girls, leading a sedentary lifestyle and have normal blood pressure. Training strategy for it to reduce mean arterial pressure in young girls.
A study of the attendance of the games of the "Zenit-Saint-Petersburg" team. Determination of the main factors affecting the motivation of fans during a trip to the stadium. The main factors that affect the motivation of fans of the St. Petersburg team.
History of origin of the game of football and its popularity in the UK. Team members, its objectives and rules of the game. History of Football Association and the football club. First FA Cup and first league, the first international game and its results.
Determination of the level of lung capacity, volume of forced air for 1 second and record peak expiratory flow the volleyball players of high qualification. High level of fitness of the body of female volleyball athletes, which ensures adaptation.
Introduction of new types of services in the field of tourism. Formation of a high level of library and information service in Azerbaijan. Organization of direct communication between communities and tourist organizations at the national and local levels.
New York as a luxury mansions in Greenwich Village, China Town and gleaming downtown skyscrapers. Touristic attractions of USA: Statue of Liberty, the skyscraper Empire State Building, Times Square, the Rocky Mountain. The history of Miami city.
The main stages of the development of the hospitality industry in Kharkiv. Impact of trade growth on increasing demand for overnight stays for all visitors and sales representatives. The dynamics of hotel business development and its current state.
- 145. The personality of sempai as a motivational aspect in the upbringing of a children’s group in aikido
Analysis of the state of physical culture and sports activities of childhood, adolescent aikido athletes, its consideration from the point of view of pedagogical motivation. The influence of the presence of a senpai in a group on its cohesion, motivation.
Determine the physical development and physical fitness of the boys at the age of nine years old attending football classes. Assessment of the physical development. Consideration the somatic built indicator which was calculated according to Rohrer index.
Important role to play in the major muscles of postural awareness and healthy movement, vital muscle fitness for drivers, riders, runners to achieve good results. A unique program of exercises to train different muscle groups at any place and at any time.
Improving the manifestations of awkwardness and body schema disorders in some children in primary classes through physical education and sports lessons, where they have been involved in various games, battleships, application trails, gymnastic exercises.
Review of approaches to state and regulatory regulation of rural tourism on the example of leading European countries and Ukraine. Characteristics and directions of rural tourism. Rural tourism as a tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Analysis of the issue of using artificial intelligence in eSports. The role of aI-powered bots that can simulate real-world scenarios and provide players with an opportunity to practice. Assess opportunities to provide real-time feedback to players.