Изменения во внешней политике авторитарного государства в условиях санкций: кросс-национальный анализ

Изменения во внешнеполитических и внешнеэкономических показателях государства, произошедшие в условиях санкционных экономических и политических ограничений. Факторы и условия, влияющие на изменения во внешней политике авторитарных стран под ограничениями.

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Дата добавления 10.12.2019
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15) Erokhin V. Contemporary Reshaping of Eurasian Integration: Russia's Policies and their Implication for the EU and EurAsEC // Procedia Economics and Finance. 2015. Vol. 22. P. 402-411.

16) Escribа-Folch A. Authoritarian responses to foreign pressure: Spending, repression, and sanctions // Comparative Political Studies. 2012. Vol. 45. №. 6. P. 683-713.

17) Escribа-Folch A., Wright J. Dealing with tyranny: International sanctions and the survival of authoritarian rulers // International Studies Quarterly. 2010. Vol. 54. №. 2. P. 335-359.

18) Gerschewski J. The three pillars of stability: legitimation, repression, and co-optation in autocratic regimes // Democratization. 2013. Vol. 20. №. 1. P. 13-38.

19) Grauvogel J., Von Soest C. Claims to legitimacy count: Why sanctions fail to instigate democratisation in authoritarian regimes //European Journal of Political Research. 2014. Vol. 53. №. 4. P. 635-653.

20) Heine-Ellison S. The impact and effectiveness of multilateral economic sanctions: A comparative study // The International Journal of Human Rights. 2001. Vol. 5. №. 1. P. 81-112.

21) Hufbauer G. C. et al. Economic Sanctions Reconsidered. Washington, DC: Peter G // Peterson Institute for International Economics. 2007

22) Jones L., Portela C. Evaluating the “Success” of International Economic Sanctions: Multiple Goals, Interpretive Methods and Critique. 2014.

23) Konrad K. A., Skaperdas S. Succession rules and leadership rents //Journal of Conflict Resolution. 2007. Vol. 51. №. 4. P. 622-645.

24) Korhonen I. et al. Sanctions, counter-sanctions and Russia: Effects on economy, trade and finance. 2018.

25) Lektzian D., Biglaiser G. Investment, opportunity, and risk: Do US sanctions deter or encourage global investment? // International Studies Quarterly. 2013. Vol. 57. №. 1. P. 65-78.

26) Levitt M. Foreign Fighters and Their Economic Impact: A Case Study of Syria and al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) // Perspectives on Terrorism. 2009. Vol. 3. №. 3. P. 14-24.

27) Looney R. Economic consequences of conflict: The rise of Iraq's informal economy // Journal of Economic Issues. 2006. Vol. 40. №. 4. P. 991-1007.

28) Mack A., Khan A. The efficacy of UN sanctions // Security Dialogue. 2000. Vol. 31. №. 3. P. 279-292.

29) Mau V. Russia's economic policy in 2015-2016: the imperative of structural reform // Post-Soviet Affairs. 2017. Vol. 33. №. 1. P. 63-83

30) Marinov N. Do economic sanctions destabilize country leaders? // American Journal of Political Science. 2005. Vol. 49. №. 3. P. 564-576.

31) McKay B. M., Hall R., Liu J. The rise of BRICS: implications for global agrarian transformation // Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal. 2016. Vol. 1. №. 5. P. 581-591.

32) Mau V. Between crises and sanctions: economic policy of the Russian Federation // Post-Soviet Affairs. 2016. Vol. 32. №. 4. P. 350-377.

33) Moravcsik A. Preferences and power in the European Community: a liberal intergovernmentalist approach // JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 1993. Vol. 31. №. 4. P. 473-524.

34) Nguyen M. US Sanctions Syria // Arms Control Today. 2004. Vol. 34. №. 5. P. 42.

35) Nyun T. M. Feeling good or doing good: inefficacy of the US unilateral sanctions against the military government of Burma/Myanmar // Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 2008. Vol. 7. P. 455.

36) Oxenstierna S., Olsson P. The economic sanctions against Russia //Impact and prospects of success // Swedish Defence Research Agency. 2015.

37) Popp R. War in yemen: Revolution and saudi intervention // CSS Analysis in Security Policy. 2015. Vol. 175.

38) Ragin C. C. The comparative method: Moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies // University of California Press. 2014.

39) Reuter O. J., Robertson G. B. Legislatures, cooptation, and social protest in contemporary authoritarian regimes // The journal of politics. 2014. Vol. 77. №. 1. P. 235-248.

40) Rogers E. S. Using economic sanctions to control regional conflicts // Security Studies. 1996. Vol. 5. №. 4. P. 43-72.

41) Russell M. Sanctions over Ukraine: Impact on Russia. European Parliament Briefing. 2016.

42) Selden Z. Are economic sanctions still a valid option? // Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. 2010. P. 91-98.

43) Schneider C. Q., Wagemann C. Standards of good practice in qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and fuzzy-sets // Comparative Sociology. 2010. Vol. 9. №. 3. P. 397-418.

44) Simola H. et al. Russia's restrictions on food imports. 2014.

45) Sharp J. M., Blanchard C. M. Unrest in Syria and US Sanctions Against the Asad Regime // Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service. 2011.

46) Strindberg A. Syria under pressure // Journal of Palestine Studies. 2004. Vol. 33. №. 4. P. 53-69.

47) Takeyh R., Maloney S. The self-limiting success of Iran sanctions // International Affairs. 2011. Vol. 87. №. 6. P. 1297-1312.

48) To C. H. Qualitative Comparative Analysis-A Rigorous Qualitative Method for Assessing Impact. 2015.

49) Tuzova Y., Qayum F. Global oil glut and sanctions: The impact on Putin's Russia // Energy Policy. 2016. Vol. 90. P. 140-151.

50) Vinokurov E. Eurasian Economic Union: Current state and preliminary results // Russian Journal of Economics. 2017. Vol. 3. №. 1. P. 54-70.

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