Barrier-free educational environment: the role of individualization of learning and health promotion in pedagogical practice

Development and implementation of the concept of barrier-free teaching practice in Ukraine. Creating a favorable psychosocial environment for students to learn. Usage of methods of individualization and health preservation in educational institutions.

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Дата добавления 03.09.2024
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Berdiansk State Pedagogical University

Barrier-free educational environment: the role of individualization of learning and health promotion in pedagogical practice

Khatuntseva Svitlana, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Professor, Head of the Department of Biology,

Human Health and Physical Rehabilitation

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


Individualization of learning and health promotion play a key role in the implementation of the concept of barrier-free pedagogical practice. The aim of the study was to characterize the features of a barrier-free educational environment, to find out the role of individualization of learning and health protection in pedagogical practice. The article discusses the issues of individualization of learning and health protection in the formation of a barrier-free educational environment, provides examples of pedagogical practices aimed at their implementation, and highlights methods of individualization and health protection to create a favorable environment for the learning and development of each student. It is emphasized that in the modern educational context, creating a barrier-free environment requires taking into account the individual needs and potential of each student. The individualization of learning is aimed at adapting the educational process to the needs of each student, providing them with the opportunity to study in comfortable conditions and develop their potential. Health promotion ensures the physical and mental well-being of students, contributing to their successful learning and development. The strategies and methods of individualization of learning, such as differentiation of tasks, group and individual work, use of various educational materials and technologies are considered. The role of health promotion in pedagogical practice, including the organization of physical activity, psychological support and promotion of a positive psychosocial environment, is highlighted. The mechanisms for ensuring the functioning of a barrier-free educational environment are proposed, its components and factors of individualization of learning are considered. The article provides specific examples of innovative pedagogical practices that promote individualization of learning and contribute to health protection. In particular, the article considers methods of working with different types of tasks, the use of interactive technologies and tools that allow personalizing the learning process (stretching, flipped classroom, project method). It is found that innovative teaching methods are a mechanism for including different categories of students in the educational process. It is concluded that a barrier-free educational environment is a system that provides equal access and equal learning conditions for all students, regardless of their individual characteristics and needs; health protection involves systematic work with the physical and mental health of students, providing them with optimal conditions for learning and development; individualization of learning helps to prevent barriers to learning and promotes the inclusion of different categories of students in the educational process..

Keywords: barrier-free educational environment, individualization of learning, health protection, educational process, innovative teaching methods.


Безбар'єрне освітнє середовище: роль індивідуалізації навчання та здоров'язбереження у педагогічній практиці

Хатунцева СМ

Індивідуалізація навчання та здоров'язбереження відіграють ключову роль у реалізації концепції безбар'єрної педагогічної практики. Метою дослідження було охарактеризувати особливості безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, з'ясувати роль індивідуалізації навчання та здоров'язбереження в педагогічній практиці. У статті розглядаються питання індивідуалізації навчання та здоров'язбереження у формуванні безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, наводяться приклади педагогічних практик, спрямованих на їх реалізацію, висвітлюються методи індивідуалізації та здоров'язбереження для створення сприятливого середовища для навчання та розвитку кожного здобувача освіти. Підкреслено, що в сучасному освітньому контексті створення безбар'єрного середовища вимагає врахування індивідуальних потреб та потенціалу кожного учня. Індивідуалізація навчання спрямована на адаптацію освітнього процесу до потреб кожного здобувача освіти, надання йому можливості навчатися в комфортних умовах і розвивати свій потенціал. Здоров'язбереження забезпечує фізичне та психічне благополуччя учнів, сприяючи їх успішному навчанню та розвитку. Розглянуто стратегії та методи індивідуалізації навчання, такі як диференціація завдань, групова та індивідуальна робота, використання різних навчальних матеріалів і технологій. Висвітлено роль здоров'язбереження в педагогічній практиці, зокрема організації рухової активності, психологічної підтримки та сприяння створенню позитивного психосоціального середовища. Запропоновано механізми забезпечення функціонування безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, розглянуто його складові та чинники індивідуалізації навчання. Наведено конкретні приклади інноваційних педагогічних практик, які сприяють індивідуалізації навчання та сприяють здоров'язбереженню. Зокрема, розглянуто методи роботи з різними типами завдань, використання інтерактивних технологій та інструментів, що дозволяють персоналізувати процес навчання (стретчинг, перевернутий клас, метод проектів). З'ясовано, що інноваційні методи навчання є механізмом включення різних категорій учнів в освітній процес. Зроблено висновок, що безбар'єрне освітнє середовище - це система, яка забезпечує рівний доступ та рівні умови навчання для всіх здобувачів освіти, незалежно від їхніх індивідуальних особливостей та потреб; здоров'язбереження передбачає систематичну роботу з фізичним і психічним здоров'ям учнів, забезпечення їм оптимальних умов для навчання та розвитку; індивідуалізація навчання допомагає запобігти виникненню бар'єрів у навчанні та сприяє включенню різних категорій учнів в освітній процес.

Ключові слова: безбар'єрне освітнє середовище, індивідуалізація навчання, здоров'язбереження, освітній процес, інноваційні методи навчання.


Statement of the problem in general terms. Individualization of learning is a key element of creating a barrier-free educational environment, as it allows taking into account the needs and characteristics of each student.

Health promotion plays a key role in pedagogical practice, helping to maintain the physical and mental health of students in the learning process and is an important component of a barrier-free educational environment that contributes to the comprehensive development and selfrealization of secondary education students. Individualization of learning contributes to the creation of conditions for the development of each student, taking into account their individual needs, abilities and interests, helps each student to achieve their potential and maximize their opportunities in the learning process; takes into account the diversity of needs and capabilities of secondary education students, contributing to the creation of an adaptive and flexible educational environment.

The problem of creating a barrier-free educational environment is multidimensional and is highlighted in the scientific works of M. Gorobei, O. Osadchyi (general theory of health, healthy lifestyle and health protection in pedagogical practice) [2], S. Kryshtanovych, D. Skalskyi, L. Sushchenko (model of professional competence formation and the role of individualization of learning) [3], I. Glazkova, Y. Vaseiko, I. Shymanovych, S. Khatuntseva, L. Yaroshchuk (training of future teachers to overcome cognitive barriers in professional activity, formation of pedagogical culture) [1; 8; 10], С. Kara, S. Knysh, O. Zhernovnikova, N. Kabus, M. Portian (methodology for the formation of health-saving competence of students) [9].

The issue of maintaining students' physical health (providing students with the means to maintain physical health through sports, exercise and proper nutrition) is covered in the works of I. Liakhova, R. Rudenko, L. Sushchenko and other scientists [4; 5]. However, the issues of studying the components of a barrier-free educational environment, the role of individualization of learning and health promotion in pedagogical practice remain unaddressed.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of a barrier-free educational environment, to find out the role of individualization of learning and health promotion in pedagogical practice.

Summary of the main results of the study

In today's world, where stress, tension and competition are becoming an integral part of life, maintaining health, both physical and mental, is becoming one of the most important tasks of the educational process. Teachers and educators are responsible for creating and maintaining an educational environment that helps students succeed not only in their studies, but also in all areas of their lives. The health of secondary education students is the basis for their success and achievements. Health-promoting pedagogical practice includes a number of methods and approaches aimed at preserving and maintaining the physical, mental and social aspects of students' health. This becomes a key factor in building a barrier-free educational environment that takes into account the needs of each student and helps them to succeed in their studies and self-realization.

Let us consider methods of supporting the physical health of secondary education students: first, exercise and activity (helps to improve students' physical fitness and health, regular exercise and sports stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and maintain overall body tone); second, rational nutrition (providing students with access to healthy and balanced food helps to maintain energy and concentration during study); third, pauses and rest (regular pauses during learning help restore students' physical and mental strength, reduce stress and improve productivity); fourth, psychological and pedagogical practices aimed at understanding the principles of health, physical development, balanced nutrition and psychological well-being of students [2]. Let's consider methods of supporting students' mental health: first, mental support (providing access to psychological support and counseling helps students manage stress, anxiety, and emotions that may affect their learning); second, positive environment (creating a positive and supportive classroom environment promotes students' psychological well-being and motivates them to actively participate in the educational process); stress management (teaching students strategies for managing stress and anxiety helps them to effectively respond to challenging situations); fourthly, psychological and pedagogical support, which provides for the organization of the educational process, where an individual development program is provided for each student who can feel comfortable and realize their personal potential in a barrier-free educational environment [7]. Thus, students' health is one of the most important components of their success and achievements. A barrier-free educational environment is aimed at ensuring the physical and mental health of students, their social comfort through the introduction of various methods and approaches aimed at health protection and support in the educational process.

Let us characterize individualization of learning as a condition for the development of each student. Individualization of learning is a pedagogical strategy aimed at creating conditions that take into account the individual needs, abilities and interests of each student [10]. It allows to ensure maximum efficiency of learning and development of each participant in the educational process. Individualization of learning is a key aspect of modern education, as each student is unique and has his or her own characteristics. Ensuring an individualized approach to each student allows to optimize the educational process, increase motivation to learn and achieve better results [1]. In the context of our study, it is advisable to consider the main principles of individualization of learning: understanding individual needs, as the teacher must carefully examine the needs, interests and abilities of each student to effectively plan the learning process; flexibility in the methods, strategies and materials used for learning, so that each student can learn at their own level and according to their needs; stimulating students' independence and responsibility, as they can choose their own learning paths and make their own decisions.

The practical implementation of individualization of learning is as follows: first, the creation of individualized lessons (the teacher can prepare individualized tasks and materials for each student, taking into account their needs and level of knowledge); second, the use of differentiation methods (using a variety of teaching methods and organization of workflow to take into account the individual characteristics of students); third, the realization of the benefits of the consultative approach (the teacher can conduct individual consultations with each student to analyze and) [1]. Thus, individualization of learning is an important condition for the successful development of each student. Teachers should take into account the individual needs, abilities and interests of each student to create optimal conditions for learning and development.

Let us characterize pedagogical practices to ensure students' physical development. Pedagogical practices aimed at ensuring physical development play a crucial role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and an active life position. The importance of physical development in school age is difficult to overestimate. Physical development at school age is of great importance for maintaining and improving overall health, forming correct posture, developing coordination of movements, maintaining emotional and psychological well-being [4]. It is advisable to organize clubs where youth health culture will be formed, sports sections, physical education groups and other sports activities for active participation of students in physical exercises [10]; conducting regular recreational breaks for rest and exercise of students during the educational process [1]. Planning and conducting interesting and varied lessons in biology, health basics, physical education that promote understanding of the morphological and functional organization of the human body, development of motor skills, strength, endurance and coordination of movements, awareness of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Role model teachers encourage students to adopt an active lifestyle by participating in sports and recreational activities.

An individualized approach should be taken. Taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of each student when planning physical exercises and classes is a prerequisite for creating a barrier-free educational environment [5]. Thus, pedagogical practices aimed at ensuring the physical development of students are an important component of the modern educational paradigm. They contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, an active life position and support the psychophysical well-being of each participant in the educational process.

Students' mental health is a key aspect of their development and learning. Pedagogical practices aimed at ensuring psychological well-being aim to create a favorable and supportive environment for each student. An important element of creating a positive climate is emotional support. A teacher's ability to create an atmosphere of trust, where students can feel comfortable and safe to express their emotions and feelings, is one of the indicators of a barrier-free educational environment. A teacher's ability to support interpersonal relationships contributes to the creation of a positive climate. Promoting positive interpersonal communication, mutual respect and tolerance among students helps to reduce conflicts and build friendships [6]. It is important to remember the importance of individualized attention, the teacher's consideration of the individual characteristics and needs of each student, and the ability to provide support and assistance in solving personal problems. Another effective tool for creating a barrier-free educational environment is for teachers to organize group sessions aimed at overcoming communication barriers, developing social skills, self-perception and support [6]. teaching practice educational student

One of the conditions for health promotion is to increase self-awareness and self-knowledge, and to develop emotional intelligence. Lessons and trainings on emotional intelligence help students better understand and manage their own emotions and feelings. Stimulating students' self-knowledge and self-reflection contributes to the growth of self-awareness and understanding of their own capabilities and limitations. Thus, pedagogical practices to ensure students' mental well-being are an integral part of the modern educational system. They help to create a favorable environment for the emotional development and self-realization of each student, which leads to successful learning and building healthy relationships in the school community.

Let us characterize health promotion as a component of a barrier-free educational environment. In the modern educational environment, health promotion is becoming a priority component of life, an important task for an educational institution.

One of the conditions for the effective functioning of a barrier-free educational environment is the emotional and mental well-being of participants in the educational process: the development of programs and services to support emotional and mental health, including psychological support and counseling. Another condition for the effective functioning of a barrier-free educational environment is social protection: creating a safe and supportive environment for students where they can freely express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or insults.

One of the conditions for ensuring the effective functioning of the educational environment is the formation of professional competence as a result of pedagogical modeling of the development of a future specialist [3]. Practical principles of health protection, integration of health elements into the curriculum involves the inclusion of physical activity, meditation and psychological support in the lesson schedule to ensure regular health protection. This involves special programs: organizing events aimed at health promotion, such as lectures on healthy lifestyles, stress-resistance training, and master classes on psychological development. Researchers note that regular cooperation with public organizations, medical institutions, and parents should be carried out to implement health promotion programs and activities [5].

Thus, health promotion in the educational environment plays a key role in creating a barrier-free environment where every student has the opportunity to reach their potential and develop freely. Properly organized health promotion programs and practices contribute to the physical, emotional and social well-being of students, providing optimal conditions for learning and personal growth. Individualization of learning is a key factor in creating an adaptive and flexible learning environment. In today's educational context, where the diversity of learners' needs and abilities is constantly growing, the importance of individualized learning is becoming increasingly important. Individualization of learning allows teachers to adapt teaching materials and methods to the needs of each student, providing optimal conditions for their successful learning.

Let's consider the factors of individualization of learning that contribute to the adaptation of educational material and methods to the needs of each student of secondary education: first, stimulating motivation and interest (approaches that take into account the individual interests and abilities of students can stimulate their motivation to learn and actively study new material); second, developing independence (individualization of learning contributes to the development of independence and self-regulation of students, as they have the opportunity to choose the ways and pace of their learning). Individualization of learning includes: differentiation of tasks (use of various programs and tasks of varying complexity to respond to individual needs and level of training of students); group and individual work (a combination of collective and individual forms of work allows to take into account the diversity of students' needs and learning styles); use of technology (selection of digital and interactive learning tools allows to create individual ways to achieve learning goals). Individualization of learning plays an important role in creating an adaptive and flexible learning environment that meets the needs and capabilities of each student. The widespread use of individualized approaches in pedagogical practice contributes to improving the quality of education and the success of each student.

Innovative teaching methods are a mechanism for including different categories of students in the educational process. The modern educational paradigm requires the creation of an inclusive environment where every student, regardless of their characteristics and needs, can receive a quality education. Innovative teaching methods play a key role in ensuring this process: differentiated learning (using individual and group tasks that take into account the level of ability and interests of each student); project-based learning (creating projects that stimulate creativity and cooperation between students of different categories); flipped classroom (using video and interactive materials to study theory at home, allowing the teacher to pay more attention to practical tasks and individual support for students).); game technologies (use of game-based learning methods, such as role-playing games and simulation scenarios, to engage students and create a stimulating learning environment) [11]. Different categories of students should be included in the educational process: students with special needs (innovative teaching methods allow for individualized approach and support for students with different types of disabilities); students with low abilities (innovative approaches help to stimulate interest and develop learning abilities of students who may have difficulties with conventional teaching methods); migrant students (the use of multimedia resources and interactive teaching methods helps students from a migrant environment to more easily).

The use of individual and group tasks in biology, health basics, and physical education lessons is an effective method that helps to adapt the educational process to the diverse needs, abilities, and interests of students. Let's find out the characteristics of this method and its advantages: individualization of tasks (teachers create tasks that take into account the level of knowledge, interests and needs of each student, which may include individual tasks for students with different levels of ability and support for students with special needs); group work (students can be divided into groups depending on their interests or level of knowledge, which will promote joint interaction, mutual support and exchange of views between students, more effective learning of the material); differentiation of tasks (creating tasks with different levels of complexity and volume to meet the needs of each student); personalized approach (thanks to individual and group tasks, teachers can work more effectively with each student, taking into account their characteristics and needs, which helps to increase students' motivation and activity in the educational process). In general, the use of individual and group tasks in biology, health basics, and physical education classes helps to create an adaptive and barrier-free educational environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Another mechanism that ensures the functioning of a barrier-free educational environment is the use of practical principles of health promotion and the use of the project method in biology and health basics classes. The project method allows you to create a structured environment for learning, promotes the development of critical thinking and practical skills. Let's take a closer look at the use of the project method in biology and health education lessons, taking into account the individualization of learning. The project- based method is based on active learning, where students independently solve problematic tasks and solve real-life situations. The main principles of this method are: teamwork (students are organized into teams to implement a project, which promotes the development of communication skills and cooperation); problem-based learning (students solve real problems and tasks, which stimulates their critical thinking and creativity); interdisciplinarity (projects can cover different subjects, which allows students to enrich their knowledge in different areas).

The individualization of learning in the project method is to take into account the individual characteristics of each student and create conditions for their successful participation in project activities. Let's find out the advantages of individualization: choice of project topic, as students have the opportunity to choose a project topic depending on their interests and prior knowledge of biology and health basics; level of difficulty of tasks, as the details of the project can be individualized depending on the level of knowledge and abilities of each student; assessment of individual achievements, using different criteria to evaluate the work of each student allows you to take into account their personal achievements and make adjustments to the learning process.

The next mechanism that ensures the effective functioning of a barrier-free educational environment is the use of a flipped classroom. In modern education, much attention is paid to innovative approaches to learning, among which the flipped classroom or reverse lesson takes a significant place. This approach involves transferring the learning of theoretical material from the classroom to the home, where students study the material independently with the help of video and interactive resources, which allows the teacher to spend more time on practical tasks and individual support for students. Let's look at the main principles of a flip class: combining theory and practice (students study theoretical material at home through videos and interactive resources, and then focus on completing practical tasks and discussing complex issues in class); individualization of learning (each student has the opportunity to learn the material at their own pace by watching videos and completing tasks at home, which allows the teacher to provide individual support and assistance); stimulating active learning (thanks to the flip class, students are actively involved in the learning process, developing); use of video and interactive technologies, creation of video materials (teachers can create video lessons explaining theoretical material that students watch at home, which allows students to focus on independent learning); use of interactive platforms and online resources, which allows creating interesting tasks and exercises for independent learning that stimulate active participation of students in the learning process; ensuring accessibility of the material (the use of video and interactive resources makes learning material more accessible to all students, regardless of their individual needs and characteristics). Thus, the flip classroom is an effective tool for improving the educational process in general secondary education institutions, using video and interactive technologies to optimize classroom time, creating more opportunities for hands-on learning and individual support for students. This approach helps to increase students' motivation, activity and academic performance.

Another mechanism that ensures the effectiveness of a barrier-free educational environment is streamlining as an innovative teaching method that provides an individualized approach for students with different types of disabilities. Stretching is becoming an increasingly popular teaching method in modern schools.

This innovative approach not only stimulates students' creativity and imagination, but also provides an individualized approach to learning, especially for students with special needs. Stretching allows teachers to create individualized scenarios and tasks that take into account the needs and capabilities of each student, including those with special educational needs. Participating in the process of creating and telling stories helps to develop students' communication skills, which is especially important for those with speech or listening difficulties. Storytelling encourages students to use their imagination and creativity to create their own stories, which can be especially helpful for developing the cognitive functions of students with special needs. Let's find out the advantages of using storytelling for students with different types of pathologies: taking into account health conditions (storytelling allows teachers to create individual tasks that take into account the special needs and capabilities of each student, providing them with optimal learning conditions); development of perception (stories can be adapted to the needs of students with different types of pathologies and health disabilities, which contributes to better perception and understanding of the material); support for interest (storytelling arouses interest and enthusiasm of students, which helps to engage in learning even those who previously had difficulty learning the material). Thus, storytelling opens up new opportunities for creating a barrier-free educational environment where every student has the opportunity to develop and succeed regardless of their individual characteristics. Innovative methods, such as stretching, are key to ensuring an individualized approach to learning and creating a favorable educational environment for all secondary education students.

Another mechanism that ensures the effective functioning of a barrier-free educational environment is the use of multimedia resources and interactive teaching methods for students from a migrant background. With the constant growth of migration processes around the world, it becomes important to provide quality education for students who have found themselves in a new educational environment.

The use of multimedia resources and interactive teaching methods in biology and health education can be an effective way to adapt and integrate these students into the new educational process. Visuals and audio-visual aids help students from migrant educational backgrounds understand complex concepts and terms, which helps ease their adaptation to new environments. Interactive teaching methods, such as the use of interactive whiteboards and websites, stimulate active participation of students, which contributes to their integration into the school community and the development of communication skills. Multimedia resources allow you to use language files in different languages, which contributes to better learning by students in general secondary education. Thanks to multimedia resources, it is possible to include materials in the educational process that reflect the cultural characteristics of students, which helps them to adapt more easily to a new cultural environment [7; 11]. The use of multimedia resources and interactive teaching methods in biology and health education is proving to be an effective tool for the adaptation and integration of students from a migrant background into the learning process. This allows to ensure their health and successful adaptation in the new learning environment, contributing to their academic and social development.


Thus, a barrier-free educational environment is a key aspect of modern pedagogical practice aimed at creating equal conditions for the learning and development of each student, regardless of their characteristics, abilities and health status. The implementation of individualized learning and health promotion in pedagogical practice is an important step in the formation of a barrier-free educational environment that ensures the full development of each student of secondary education.

Individualization of learning allows us to take into account the needs, interests and characteristics of each student, creating a comfortable environment for learning and development. This includes using a variety of teaching methods and strategies, personalizing the learning process, and providing individual support to each student. Health promotion in pedagogical practice involves the implementation of a set of measures aimed at supporting the physical and mental health of students. This includes the organization of physical education classes, preventive health measures, psychological support, and the creation of a favorable classroom atmosphere. Thus, individualization of learning and health promotion are important components of a barrier-free educational environment that contributes to the successful development of each student in a general secondary education institution.

We see prospects for further research in further studying the impact of teachers' professional development on overcoming educational barriers in general secondary education institutions.


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