The peculiarities of training future foreign language teachers in higher educational institutions through the prism of an acmeological approach

The peculiarities of training future foreign language teachers, English and German, on the basis of an acmeological approach. The peculiarities of the subjects of the educational process are identified from psychological and pedagogical points of view.

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Дата добавления 30.10.2023
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The peculiarities of training future foreign language teachers in higher educational institutions through the prism of an acmeological approach

Yuliia Kazak, Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

The article deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of training future foreign language teachers, English and German in particular, in pedagogical institutions of higher education on the basis of an acmeological approach. In the context of the study of the problem raised, the peculiarities of the subjects of the educational process are identified from psychological and pedagogical points of view. Professionally significant qualities of future teachers of foreign languages are summarized and systematized. They are subject-practical, psychological and pedagogical.

Keywords: future teachers training; professionally significant qualities; professionogram; acmeological approach; future English and German language teachers; pedagogical institutions of higher education; European integration of specialists; innovations in education.

Особливості підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов в закладах вищої освіти крізь призму акмеологічного підходу

Юлія Казак, доктор філософії, старший викладач кафедри теорії та практики іноземних мов, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини.

У статті проаналізовано особливості підготовки майбутніх учителів іноземних мов, зокрема англійської та німецької, у педагогічних закладах вищої освіти на засадах акмеологічного підходу. В контексті дослідження порушеної проблеми означено особливості її суб'єктів освітнього процесу з психолого-педагогічної точки зору. Визначено наступні підходи до характеристики професійної діяльності педагога: професіографічний (характеризується педагогічною діяльністю) та ергологічний (характеризується умовами професійної діяльності). Узагальнено дефініції терміну «професіограма». Здійснено теоретичне обґрунтування основних складових професіограми вчителя іноземних мов в аспекті акмеологічного підходу, яка регламентує його багатогранну діяльність на теренах освіти в епоху трансформаційних процесів у вищій освіті України за відсутності затвердженого стандарту вищої освіти за спеціальністю 014 Середня освіта.

У контексті вивчення теоретичних засад професіограми вчителя іноземних мов зосереджено увагу на аналізі його професійної компетентності. Узагальнено та систематизовано професійно значущі якості майбутніх учителів іноземних мов, до яких відносяться предметно-практичні (практичне володіння іноземною мовою щодо нормативності, стилістичності, образності, методичні знання з іноземної мови, здатність виступати посередником між іншомовною культурою і здобувачами вищої освіти, застосування стимулюючих методів впливу, обізнаність у лінгвокраїнознавчих і соціокультурних особливостях країн, мова яких вивчається) та психолого-педагогічні (здатність до передбачення результатів педагогічної діяльності, педагогічна винахідливість, інноваційний потенціал, педагогічний такт, уміння адекватно й оперативно вирішувати проблеми учнівського колективу, саморегуляція, регулятивні навички, творчий підхід та активна позиція, вміння будувати конструктивні відносини).

Ключові слова: підготовка майбутніх учителів; професійно значущі якості; професіограма; акмеологічний підхід; майбутні учителі англійської та німецької мов; педагогічні заклади вищої освіти; європейська інтеграція фахівця; інновації в освіті.

Integration into the European and international community raises the issue of foreign language proficiency at the present stage particularly acute. The possibility of communication with national and cultural representatives depends entirely on the knowledge of foreign languages, primarily defined at the official level as the languages of international communication, as well as the official languages of the European Union. Many pedagogical institutions of higher education in our country have opened faculties where future teachers of English and German are trained, so the question of finding ways to improve the professional training of future teachers of foreign languages is relevant.

The requirements for the future teacher as a member of society are reflected in the legislative and program documents - the laws of Ukraine “On education”, “On higher education”, “Concepts for the development of Teacher Education”, “Strategies for the development of higher education in Ukraine for 2021-2031”, aimed at improving the system of teacher education, creating conditions for the training of future teachers of a new generation and the development of innovative models of continuous professional growth and self-improvement.

The works of S. Amelina, V. Bezliudna, I. Biletska, A. Kolisnichenko, and N. Sydorchuk are devoted to the problem of studying the peculiarities of training future foreign language teachers. The issues of training future Ukrainian language teachers in pedagogical institutions of higher education were analyzed in the works by N. Barannyk, O. Kutsevol, L. Miroshnychenko, O. Semenog; primary school - O. Komar, I. Matios, M. Ostrovska; Mathematics - T. Godovaniuk, S. Sapozhnykov, S. Skvortsova; Physical Culture - N. Fedchyshyn, N. Kovtun, N. Yelagina.

The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of training future teachers of foreign languages, in particular English and German, in pedagogical institutions of higher education on the basis of an acmeological approach. In the context of the study of the problem of training future foreign language teachers, in particular English and German, in higher education institutions, it is necessary to identify the peculiarities of its participants of the educational process from a psychological and pedagogical point of view.

Subjectivity of the applicant is a sense of the necessity to show independence, initiative in organizing interaction with the environment; it is the ability to manage their own actions, model ways of activity, implement intended plans, as well as the ability to adapt to an unstable socio-cultural situation. According to H. Tataurova, the formation of personality occurs during the student years under the influence of changes in such qualities as independence, purposefulness, initiative, balance, perseverance, responsibility, etc.

The above-mentioned peculiarities are objective prerequisites for the training of future foreign language teachers, since they meet the internal needs of youth, research of the surrounding world, socially significant achievements, communication with peers and teachers. However, sometimes you have to face dubious moral ideas among some applicants for higher education, negligence, disorganization, etc. The undoubted importance to our research is the qualities and characteristics of future teachers of foreign languages, defined by Ya. Chernionkov, in particular: the thoroughness of professional and pedagogical education; the ability to communicate in a foreign language, the ability to overcome tradition in the process of mastering it; the ability to self-development and self-improvement; reflexive thinking as the ability to correct their own conceptual apparatus, the ability to adapt previous experience to modern pedagogy [11].

According to the results of the survey, analysis of scientific literature, own pedagogical observations, mastering foreign languages, researcher S. Radul found that the formation of the need to learn a foreign language in modern applicants for higher education is often due to external, social phenomena. One of the most common is proficiency in a foreign language at a level sufficient for successful implementation of professional activities and solving professional problems. In addition, it is necessary to represent different directions (individual-personal, professional-pedagogical, communicative) and approaches (language, activity, conscious, communicative, intuitive, cultural, socio-cultural, anthropocentric) in teaching foreign languages, their advantages and disadvantages; the specifics of professional training of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions.

During the integration of the national higher education system into the world space, works aimed at a comprehensive study of the process of building an individual trajectory of professional development of future foreign language teachers, in particular, on the basis of an acmeological approach, are relevant in the context of education transformations. Taking this into account, new challenges generated by globalization and integration processes, increasing requirements not only for the organization of the educational process in a modern institution of general secondary education, but also for the quality of knowledge obtained by students, become a “driving force” for generating new requirements for the professional training of future foreign language teachers. With a view to the above mentioned, the necessity for theoretical justification of the main components of the professionogram of a foreign language teacher, which will regulate his multifaceted activities in the field of education in the era of transformation processes in higher education in Ukraine, especially in the absence of an approved standard of higher education in the specialty 014 Secondary Education, is becoming more and more noticeable.

The modern world dictates new trends that significantly determine the necessity to reform general secondary education in Ukraine. That is why we consider it necessary to note that the long-term reform of the NUS is necessary to stop the negative trends in the development of the Ukrainian school, its transformation into “a lever of social equality and cohesion, economic development and competitiveness of Ukraine” [8]. Taking this into account, one of the main principles of the NUS is a motivated teacher, the requirements for whose professional activity should be rethought through the prism of the development of a professionogram.

Researchers define the following approaches to the characterization of a teacher's professional activity: professional (characterized by pedagogical activity) and ergological (characterized by the conditions of professional activity). I. Baraniuk notes that the term “teacher's professionogram” should mean a system of socio-psychological qualities and skills that materializes in his professional activity [1]. The professionogram should contain the criteria necessary for a comprehensive assessment and self-assessment of the level of professional qualification of a modern specialist.

Let's take a closer look at the parameters of the Ukrainian language and literature teacher's professionogram in the NUS format, described by the Ukrainian scientist A. Prykhodko, which are relevant in the context of developing a foreign language teacher's professionogram. The researcher outlined the following parameters:

— orientation in the basic concepts of NUS when teaching an academic subject;

— operating with concepts that represent modern educational trends;

— ability to simulate a lesson;

— a combination of modern European and national pedagogical experience;

— competence-based self-orientation;

— high level of knowledge of information and communication technologies;

— ability to integrate;

— ability to change, professional flexibility, ability to learn throughout life;

— creativity and innovation of the teacher's professional activity [10, p. 21].

We consider it appropriate to dwell in more detail on the characteristics of certain parameters in the context of the professionogram of a modern foreign language teacher. Considering the first parameter, we mean that regarding the basic concepts that a foreign language teacher should use, we can include the following: key competencies, end-to-end lines, approaches. The next parameter outlined by A. Prykhodko finds an echo in the teacher's use of concepts that reflect the latest trends in the methodology of teaching a foreign language and culture in the European context. The ability to model foreign language lessons using innovative technologies can also be regarded as a parameter of the professionogram of a modern foreign language teacher, since the construction of an individual educational trajectory of a general secondary education applicant is unthinkable without effective constructive interaction between teachers and students in the process of achieving common educational goals.

The combination of modern European and national pedagogical experience is, in our opinion, important in the light of the challenges associated with globalization and integration processes in the field of education. A competency-oriented specialist in the field of foreign language education is a priority figure in the context of the implementation of the NUS reform, since the level of professional skill of a foreign language teacher in the formation of competencies among students depends on this parameter of the professionogram. A high level of ICT proficiency is a requirement today. The necessity to design educational content that can be applied in the process of implementing the distance education format is becoming more and more noticeable. Under the ability to integrate in educational dimensions, A. Prykhodko understands the ability of students to use the competencies formed in a general secondary education institution in real-life situations [10, p. 21]. The following parameters, in particular the ability to change, the ability to learn throughout life, creativity make it possible to model such touches to the portrait of a modern teacher - initiative and an irresistible desire to step on innovative heights of pedagogical skill.

Despite numerous attempts by scientists to analyze the characteristics of the requirements for professional training of future foreign language teachers, the problem of developing a foreign language teacher's professionogram in the aspect of the acmeological approach remains insufficiently disclosed, the study of which is important in the context of our research. We consider it appropriate to analyze the term “professionogram”. In the textbook “Physiology and psychology of work”, intended for professional training of future HR managers, Ya. Krushelnytska notes that the professionogram is a system of requirements for a specialist in each profession. The scientist suggests filling the term under study with the following content: “a special map that contains a detailed list of conditions and characteristics of labor activity in relation to a particular profession, its individual requirements and professionally important qualities that an employee should possess” [5].

A. Dubaseniuk and A. Ivanchenko note that the teacher's professionogram should include a specialist's passport and qualification characteristics. With this in mind, it outlines the scope, correlation of socio-political knowledge, the program of pedagogical and methodological skills [6, p. 312].

K. Shchedrolosieva is inclined to believe that the professionogram of an educational worker synthesizes not only the requirements for the teaching profession, but also specific aspects of a teacher's activity in a particular specialty. In addition, she is convinced that: “research of personal and professional development of a person” is important for its construction [13, p. 332]. Agreeing with this point of view, we believe that the development of a foreign language teacher's professionogram should be based not only on the requirements for the level of organization of the educational process in an educational institution, but should also include a range of general requirements for pedagogical activity, which is that the teacher should not only organize the learning process, but also help the student choose the trajectory of the “educational” movement and get closer to the result - the ability to use the acquired knowledge base in practical activities.

According to V. Shovkun, the professionogram is: “an ideal teacher model that highlights the qualities of the individual, knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the function of a teacher” [12]. A. Yermolenko suggests the following definition of the term we are studying: “...description of technical, technological, economic, and legal characteristics of a particular activity and professionally significant medical, psychological, and pedagogical indicators and contraindications to work” [2, p. 79]. Highlighting the problem of professional qualities, researcher A. Prykhodko suggests understanding the term “professionogram”: “a set of professional, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and technological knowledge and skills, as well as personal qualities of a teacher...” [10, p. 16]. Summarizing the above mentioned definitions of the term under study, we emphasize that under “professionogram” we propose to understand not only the general requirements for the teaching profession, but also the characteristics of the activity of a teacher of a particular specialty.

In the context of studying the theoretical foundations of a foreign language teacher's professionogram, it is important to focus on the analysis of their professional competence. Under the term “professional competence of a foreign language teacher” O. Kotenko suggests the following: “an integrated creation of his personality, which synthesizes the necessary competencies (specifically-subject, psychological-pedagogical, personal-motivational) and corresponding competencies (language, speech, linguocultural, discursive, socio-cultural, communicative, ability to self-education, self-knowledge), the mutual influence of which contributes to effective pedagogical interaction in the process of studying the subject” [3, p. 211]. At the present stage, the main goal of the content of teaching a foreign language is the formed level of foreign language communicative competence of the applicant for higher education, that is, the formation of language, speech and socio-cultural competencies of the future teacher.

In the light of the above mentioned, it can be argued that learning foreign languages is a kind of attempt to “plunge” into the space of foreign language cultures other than their native one, and understand the peculiarities of the mentality, life ideals and values of its native speakers. Taking this into account, understanding themselves as future foreign language teachers among other cultures, tolerant and respectful attitude and understanding of cultural differences will indicate a high level of development of foreign language communicative competence of future teachers.

Considering the essence of professional competence of a teacher, researchers whose heuristic vector of scientific search was this particular research problem proposed to distinguish the following personal qualities of teachers: objective and subjective. Objective personal qualities of a teacher are represented by the level of their awareness and degree of proficiency in the principles of teaching, methodological foundations of teaching. Subjective qualities include the teacher's pedagogical skill, talent for carrying out pedagogical activities.

It should be noted that the methodological foundations of teaching are laid during training in a pedagogical institution of higher education. Since our research interest is the professionogram of a foreign language teacher, we consider it appropriate to focus on the specifics of forming the methodological foundations of teaching in a higher education institution. The project “school teacher of the new generation”, launched by the British Council in Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in March 2013, serves as a response to the challenges of today caused by the need to improve the mechanisms of methodological training of future English language teachers. The great relevance of the project can be explained through the prism of the reform of the “New Ukrainian School”, the success of which significantly depends on the teacher of a foreign language, who is able to build a trajectory not only for the individual development of the student, but also for his own professional development in order to organize an effective educational environment in an era of intensive changes and rapid development of innovative technologies.

We agree with the opinion of N. Nosovets [7] that the formation of professional skills of a future teacher is unthinkable without training in an institution of higher pedagogical education, during which the formation of competence in teaching activities takes place. Among the academic disciplines of the professional training cycle, a prominent place is occupied by: “pedagogy”, “fundamentals of pedagogical skills”, which are designed to form professional skills and abilities of applicants for higher education, pedagogical thinking. In addition, these courses contribute to the formation of a creative personality of the future teacher, who is able to create an environment for effective learning based on a thorough knowledge of the theoretical foundations of modern pedagogical science.

Taking into account another discipline of the outlined cycle - “History of Pedagogy”, we note that the future teacher, based on the acquired knowledge from the pedagogical heritage of the past and present, will acquire the ability to creatively apply pedagogical ideas in the practice of organizing the educational process in a general secondary education institution. The applicant for higher education is not aware of the modern pedagogical reality through the prism of the historical and pedagogical heritage of outstanding teachers of the past and present. An integral part of the above-mentioned cycle is the discipline “Psychology”, which aims to help the future teacher understand the age characteristics of students, their cognitive needs and learning opportunities as components of building an effective educational process.

Studying at a higher education institution makes it possible to form not only a holistic view of the teaching profession, the system of requirements for its implementation and conditions, but also familiarization with the system of foreign languages. Scientific and subject training of a competitive specialist in the field of foreign language education is provided by the formation and development of speech skills and abilities of speaking, reading, writing and listening in a foreign language and deepening the complex of linguistic and regional knowledge about the country whose language is being studied through the prism of courses: “Practice of Oral and Written Speech”, “Linguo Cultural Studies”. The courses “Practical Grammar” and “Practical Phonetics” are designed to help the future teacher master the system of knowledge about phonetic patterns of pronunciation and intonation, grammatical structure of speech for competent intonation and grammatical design of statements in the process of foreign language communication.

In the research of N. Nosovets [7], it is emphasized that in the aspect of pedagogical acmeology, the following main levels of professionalism of the teacher's activity and maturity of the personality are distinguished: mastering the profession, pedagogical skill, selfactualization of the teacher in the profession, pedagogical creativity. N. Kosharna mentions that on the basis of the acmeological approach, the teacher's professionalism is analyzed from the following sides: effective performance of various types of pedagogical activity; full- fledged humanistically oriented pedagogical communication; maturity of the teacher's personality [4].

In the context of our study, the research interest was aroused by the professionogram of a history teacher given in the study of A. Yermolenko, which includes the following components: psychological, pedagogical, subject, research. Let's take a closer look at the analysis of each selected component. The psychological component of the professionogram provides for the teacher's knowledge in the field of age psychology and physiology, the pedagogical component - knowledge of general didactics and methodological foundations of teaching in an educational institution. The subject component implies that the teacher has a set of special knowledge and the ability to organize the educational process in a particular discipline. The research component includes the teacher's understanding of pedagogy as a system of knowledge and methods of cognitive activity [2, p. 80].

Taking everything into account, we have reason to assert that the individual trajectory of professional formation and implementation of professional activity is unthinkable without a professionogram “as a set of professional, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and technological knowledge and skills, as well as personal qualities of a teacher” [10, p. 16]. We should note that the issue of developing a foreign language teacher's professionogram in the context of modernization processes that take place in a foreign language in our opinion, should be decided taking into account the acmeological approach.

Hardening of professional qualities of future foreign language teachers takes place even in a higher education institution, which is why it is advisable to solve a large number of tasks during this period. The professional development of the future teacher, the evolution of his professional competence become possible through the formation of appropriate professional and personal qualities, which should be discussed in detail, since they are key to achieving the heights of pedagogical skill. Based on the analysis of scientific works, we have generalized and systematized the professionally significant qualities indicated by the authors, which include subject-practical (practical knowledge of a foreign language regarding normativity, stylisticity, imagery, methodological knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to act as an intermediary between a foreign language culture and applicants for higher education, the use of stimulating methods of influence, awareness of the linguistic and sociocultural features of the countries whose language is being studied) [6].

Among the most important requirements for the professional qualities of future foreign language teachers, researchers distinguish psychological and pedagogical ones that characterize the personality as a whole (the ability to predict the results of pedagogical activity, pedagogical ingenuity, innovative potential, pedagogical tact, the ability to adequately and promptly solve the problems of the student team, self-regulation, regulatory skills, creativity and active position, the ability to build constructive relationships, etc.). Special attention should be paid to professionally important qualities that are to a certain extent in the plane of uncertainty about their formation (diplomacy, the ability to create an atmosphere of benevolence, tolerance, multiculturalism, dialogicity, a high level of cultural education, dialogicity, etc.).

So, the peculiarities of training future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions on the basis of an acmeological approach are directed in accordance with the professionogram of future foreign language teachers, which covers the following parameters: orientation in modern educational trends, taking into account European educational standards and national pedagogical traditions, foreign language proficiency, the ability to use information and communication technologies in professional activities, the ability to model foreign language lessons, readiness for innovation, creativity, motivation and the ability to constant personal and professional self-improvement. Further research prospects may be based on the study of peculiartities of training teachers of other Germanic languages in higher education institutions on the basis of an acmeological approach.

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