Oral and written communicative competence at the lessons of foreign and native languages in primary school in the process of blended learning

Analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of schoolchildren’s oral and written communicative competence at the lessons of literacy, Ukrainian language and reading and foreign language in terms of blended learning due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.08.2023
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Municipal University “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of Volyn Regional Council


Alla Blashevska Candidate of Pedagogical

Sciences, Assistant Professor,

Nataliia Dmytrenko Lecturer of Philological Disciplines,

Maiia Fedorets Lecturer of Foreign Languages



oral written communicative language

Nowadays the paradigm of the Ukrainian educational system determines that the main task of the educational process is the formation of key competencies during teaching primary schoolchildren. Modern educational technologies should be aimed at creating vital abilities and skills.

The article is devoted to one of the essential issues of the organization of the educational process in primary school in Ukraine, namely the peculiarities of the formation of schoolchildren's oral and written communicative competence at the lessons of literacy (1st grade), Ukrainian language and Reading (2-4 grades) and Foreign Language (1-4 grades) in terms of blended learning due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In the article we have analyzed and summarized the practical experience of the primary school teachers in terms of the formation of key and subject competencies in the conditions of blended learning in the educational process on the one hand, and the creation of the mobile educational environment during quarantine restrictions on the other hand. Also, we suggest the newly designed methodological tools for providing effective techniques while teaching primary schoolchildren at the lessons of linguistic and literature educational branch in general, and communicative (native and foreign) oral and written competencies in particular.

The article offers a list of digital resources, modern pedagogical technologies, methods, assessment tools, the peculiarities of planning and conducting online lessons, which allow organizing the educational process effectively in the conditions of the pandemic. We have paid attention to the radical changes in the teachers and pupils' activities, caused by the active usage of digital resources and innovative educational technologies in the blended learning conditions.

In the off-line mode, the way of learning, transferring knowledge and vital skills acquisition is planned and managed by a teacher directly and the results of schoolchildren' success depend on him/her. In the mode of online education, the role of the pupil becomes of paramount importance, because the independence, and hence: autonomy, self-regulation of educational activities prevail here.

The teacher, conducting the subjects of linguistic and literature educational branch, performs the functions of a mentor-consultant, tutor, coordinator of cognitive activity, and pupils become active participants in the dynamic learning process, which provides a productive implementation of oral and written communicative approach to mastering subject and life skills.

Keywords: primary schoolchildren, oral and written communicative competence, innovative learning technologies, distance and blended learning, digital resources, project, synchronous and asynchronous learning, native and foreign languages.



Алла Бляшевська кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, викладач іноземних мов КЗВО «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради, м. Луцьк, Україна

Наталія Дмитренко викладач словесних дисциплін КЗВО «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради, м. Луцьк, Україна,

Майя Федорець викладач іноземних мов КЗВО «Луцький педагогічний коледж» Волинської обласної ради, м. Луцьк, Україна

Розбудова України як незалежної європейської держави диктує системі вітчизняної освіти соціальне замовлення на всебічно розвинену, духовно багату, самодостатню особистість, людину з високим рівнем ключових компетентностей. Відповідно перед педагогічною спільнотою (науковцями, методистами, вчителями-практиками) постає пріоритетне завдання: розробка і впровадження сучасних технологій навчання молодого покоління, спрямованими на вироблення життєво важливих умінь і навичок на основі засобів комунікації. Формат дистанційного навчання, запроваджений через пандемію коронавірусу, загострив проблему перезавантаження системи початкової освіти, стимулював вироблення нової методології роботи з учнями та батьками, забезпечення результативності навчання шляхом створення безпечного освітнього середовища.

У статті висвітлено одне з актуальних питань організації освітнього процесу початкової школи України, а саме: специфіка формування комунікативної компетентності молодших школярів в умовах дистанційного навчання у процесі оволодіння предметів мовно-літературної галузі: «Навчання грамоти» (1 клас), «Українська мова та читання» (2-4 класи), «Англійська мова» (1-4 класи).

В публікації здійснено ґрунтовний аналіз і узагальнення практичного досвіду фахівців початкової світи щодо збереження фізичного і психічного здоров'я учасників освітнього процесу, з одного боку, та, з іншого - створення мобільного освітнього середовища в умовах карантинних обмежень, розробки методичної системи забезпечення ефективного формування ключових та предметних компетентностей учнів початкових класів, зокрема комунікативної компетентності (рідномовної та іншомовної), на уроках мовно-літературної освітньої галузі (цифрові ресурси, інноваційні технології, методи, засоби навчання та оцінювання, специфіка он-лайн уроків, педагогічні поради). Особливу увагу автори статті акцентують на кардинальній трансформації діяльності суб'єктів освітнього процесу (педагогів, школярів), зумовлену активним використанням цифрових ресурсів та інноваційних освітніх технологій під час дистанційного навчання. Учитель початкової школи набуває функцій наставника-консультанта, тьютора, координатора пізнавальної діяльності, який забезпечує радість пізнання, дає інструмент для розвитку дитини, зберігаючи її здоров'я. Молодші школярі стають активними учасниками динамічного процесу навчання, а це забезпечує продуктивне впровадження комунікативно-діяльнісного підходу до опанування початкового курсу рідної та іноземної мови.

Ключові слова: усна і писемна комунікативна компетентність, інноваційні технології навчання, дистанційне та змішане навчання, цифрові ресурси, проєкт, мовно-літературна освітня галузь, рідномовна та іншомовна освіта.

Target setting

Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe states that it is only through a better knowledge of European modern languages that it will be possible to facilitate communication and interaction among Europeans who speak different mother tongues in order to promote European mobility, mutual understanding and co-operation, and overcome prejudice and discrimination; and the rich heritage of diverse languages and cultures in Europe is a valuable common resource to be protected and developed, and that a major educational effort is needed to convert that diversity from a barrier to communication into a source of mutual enrichment and understanding (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment, 2001)

Taking into consideration the importance of the problem of forming communicative competence in the process of teaching primary schoolchildren, all modern technologies should be treated as competency-oriented tools and methods of their use, aimed at the developing vital skills: critically evaluating information, making decisions, participate in discussions to develop common action, find different ways to solve problems, respond quickly to challenges, succeed on the basis of means of communication (Державний стандарт початкової освіти, 2018). So the priority task of the New Ukrainian School is to implement a competency-based approach to learning process, which provides molding the key competencies, including the formation of initiative, intellectual, creative, independent thinking, able to successfully realize their potential in various fields. as a means of communication and cognition of the world around but the development of communicative competence of primary schoolchildren at the lessons of native and foreign languages is of primary importance.

Literature review

According to the analysis of scientific and methodological sources, the problem of formation of communicative and speech skills of primary schoolchildren in the process of mastering their native and foreign language always attracts the attention of scientists. A significant contribution to the development of methodology and theory of the concept of communicative competence was made by V. Bader, O. Bilyaev, T. Ladyzhynska, M. Pentilyuk, L. Matsko, G. Shelekhova, V. Melnychayko, V. Bagaric, Canale, Widdowson, Savignon and Swain. The problem of teaching foreign language communication was considered by scientists S. Kagan, H. Brown and others. Some scholars, such as S. Wilson, S. Wilson, S. Yermolenko I. Kondratyuk, V. Rusanivsky, L. Shipilina and others devoted their works to the problems of culture of communication. The theoretical and practical aspects of speaking as a branch of linguistics related to psychology and stylistics, for example, F. Batsevych, O. Vovchenko, O. Petraschuk, T. Stechenko connect the communicative approach to language learning (native or foreign) on the level of interpersonal experience. The introducing modern technologies to the educational process is the subject of research for I. Abramov, N. Anikeev, N. Borisov, A. Verbitsky, Y. Yemelyanov, R. Milrud and others (Мильруд & Максимова, 2000).

The scientist M. Vatshulenko, emphasizing the sensitivity of primary school age to the formation of communicative competence, notes that communicative skills acquired in primary school, not only provide a basis for further education and upbringing of adolescents and youth, but also largely determine the quality of practical, social and professional activity of an adult (Вашуленко, 2018, p.3).

Nowadays the coronavirus pandemic requires the adaptation of the education system to the realities of life in the conditions of quarantine restrictions, exacerbated the urgent need to implement innovative technologies in the educational process, stimulated the urgent mastery of digital technologies, search for new solutions and forms of education. Therefore, it is necessary to state the need for thorough theoretical research on the specifics of the educational process in distance and blended learning, as well as the development of tools (digital resources, innovative technologies, teaching and assessment tools) to ensure effective formation of key competencies of primary school students.

The research aim and objectives of the article

The social order of society is that the pupil today is prepared to effectively perform their professional functions and full participation in all spheres of modern social life, which is impossible without mastering the skills of oral and written communication in the native and foreign language. We are going to generalize the practical experience of primary school teachers in the formation of the oral and written communicative competence of primary schoolchildren in the process of mastering the subjects of native and foreign languages and literature in the field of blended learning.

The research aim and objectives of the article - to develop methodical suggestions as to the work algorithm of the development of communicative competence in primary school taking into consideration the NUSH program requirements with preservation of physical and mental health of all participants of educational process.

The main research material

Blended learning involves the organization of the educational process with the help of online communication, when at the appointed time the teacher organizes a video conference or chat with pupils, as well as supervises the blended learning process, using certain digital tools, the teacher creates a platform for self-study (Ткаченко, 2020, p.21). Our study of the conditions of blended learning native and foreign languages and literature in primary schools No 1, 4, 18 in Lutsk showed that the goal of the teachers is to reset the primary educational system, to develop a new methodology for cooperation with schoolchildren and parents, which is ensuring the effectiveness of learning while maintaining physical and mental health of the participants in the educational process.

Analysing the experience of primary school teachers, we should stress that the effectiveness of the process of teaching subjects of native and foreign languages and literature is provided with digital resources Moodle, Google Class, GoogleMeet, Discord, Zoom, LearningApps.org, YouTube, Hangouts, Google Suite for Education; platform courses Prometheus, EdEra; channel of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "All-Ukrainian School Online", and the coursebooks, which have online platform support, published by Oxford University press, Macmillan education everywhere, ExpressPublishing etc (Організація дистанційного навчання в школі, 2020).

The teachers emphasize the convenience of the services mentioned above to ensure optimal conditions for the educational process, effective communication between teachers, parents and children. In particular, the online services LearningApps.org, Kahoot, ClassDojo are used by teachers to create interactive individual tasks for pupils. For example, while studying the topic “Letter” D” (1st grade), pupils are given the task: to divide the words into three columns (letter in the beginning, in the middle, in the end of the word). While teaching the topic “Sounds and letters” (2nd grade, consolidation of the studied material) the task is offered: “Look at the images of the animals, they are all different (duck, magpie, hare, dolphin, turkey, pig, horse). Name them, determine in which words there are fewer sounds than letters, and draw a sound-letter model of these words with the help of Mind Mapping Designer. The teacher can choose exercises to teach native or foreign language vocabulary, grammar from a list of already created or create your own according to a template. Such exercises allow you to quickly check the studied material; the advantage is that each pupil receives an individual task.

Powerpoint and Prezi services allow you to create and demonstrate interactive presentations at the lessons of foreign language, Ukrainian language and Reading. The main advantages of the services are that the information is illustrated with various materials (pictures, diagrams, photos, as well as audio and video materials), taking into account the age characteristics of primary schoolchildren. For example, the didactic game "Let's help the Stranger" (1st grade, the stage of consolidation of the studied written letters). Task: “Today Neznayko has lost elements of some letters and cannot remember them. Let's restore the letters”. The children sort out the elements of the letters, they have to restore them on the screens of tablets or other mobile devices.

Onetestpad, Google-forms, Online Test Pad services provide effective monitoring of pupils' learning and cognitive activities. In particular, pupils are offered tests to determine the level of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic of which they have already studied or are studying at that moment. The pupils are asked to choose the answer from the set of options. The Google Class platform is the easiest to use for both teachers and pupils. The teachers need to create a class, send the code to the children and attach the videos with explanations and advice to those who need it. However, according to the practical experience, parents should help primary school pupils to create an account and join the class, to control the time completion of the task. Therefore, in the conditions of quarantine restrictions, the representatives of the pedagogical community emphasize, the role of parents in this process so that the amount of information while blended learning is especially growing, and it is extremely important to establish and maintain feedback and constructive communication between participants in the educational process, defined by state educational standards (Про організацію освітнього процесу в закладах освіти під час епідемічної небезпеки, 2020).

When forming a schedule for blended learning, it is most appropriate to combine different modes of interaction: synchronous, asynchronous, using both available textbooks, manuals, workbooks and online resources and services. The teachers recommend to start working with the schoolchildren and their parents from the adopting a "Code of Conduct". They should discuss the rules of behavior in the process of blended learning. Keep in mind that not all children can attend video conferences, take online tests, follow the links, so we can use the textbook - give assignments and check them by phone; we need to be in constant connection with the children through a group in Viber or Telegram or Massanger (Павлюк & Яйко, 2020).

While planning the structure and content of an online lesson we should pay attention that it should be based on the results of the research as to the formation of the oral and written communicative skills and provide for each type of speech activity the most optimal time: listening - up to 45% of the lesson time, interactive speaking - up to 30%, reading - up to 15%, written communication - up to 10% (Humeniuk, Kuntso, Popel & Voloshchuk,2020).

According to the teachers' experience, the best option for an online lesson is a video conference on the Zoom service. For synchronous work, it is recommended to use an online board, where the teacher leaves the task and the children - the answers. An example of such a board is Google Jumboard, which allows you to attach bright stickers and form mental maps or logical chains from them. Another bright template to fill in is the Padlet service. During the lesson, children can enter the information they hear in the appropriate fields or create their own exercise cards.

Teaching oral and written communication should be aimed at developing pupils' ability to choose independently the ways of speaking (what to say and how to say), solving problems, using their creativity and initiative with minimal teacher intervention. This can be achieved through the appropriate organization of the educational process, careful selection of studying material, the use of a set of activities that develop the skills of selfand peer control, as well as selfand peer evaluation of pupils' oral and written expressions. The use of project method ensures the functioning all the factors mentioned above. This method involves using information and communication technologies (which are crucial for modern youth) and needs in corporation of data from multiple subject areas, which allows pupils to intensify their knowledge of other subjects. (Бігунова, Воробйова, Фрідріх, 2019, p. 110)

We tried to investigate the effectiveness of using the project method in the blended educational process at the lesson of native and foreign languages, and how to acquire basic skills for project implementation. From the point of view of didactics, a project is an activity that is planned and implemented by pupils independently, and in which speech communication is woven into the intellectual and emotional context of other activities. As the part of the experiment, a series of projects were conducted, such as: game project “Publish the newspaper” The World”, creative project “Poetic Almanac”, research project “Let's weed the field of English” and others. The stages of the educational project aimed at the development of oral and written communication are presented in Fig.1

Storytelling is widely used during online lessons of native and foreign languages in primary school - composing fascinating stories and broadcasting the necessary information with their help, for example, “How the Sun and the Cloud became friends”. A specific feature of the exercise is the free choice of the content of the message, the means for its creation, due to the personal interests of the pupil (Sodomora, 2021).

The practitioners emphasize the high efficiency of interactive ways of organizing children's activities in blended learning in terms of impact on the emotional, motivational, cognitive spheres of schoolchildren. In the atmosphere of emotional compassion and experience, pupils' oral and written communication is enriched with native and foreign vocabulary; there is a great development of oral and written speech, oratory and creative abilities. Thus the oral and written communication of schoolchildren are possible to be formed and improved while blended learning.

Fig. 1 Stages of the educational project aimed at the development of oral and written communication

Conclusions and further research prospects

The analysis of the studied experience convincingly proves that blended learning must be based on a mobile educational environment, provides optimal conditions for the acquisition of pupils' knowledge, skills and abilities due to a radical change in the activities of teachers and pupils. Schoolchildren should be active participants in the dynamic blended learning process: consciously support a communication with teachers and classmates, express their opinions, work in a team, formulate conclusions. Thus, the use of digital resources and innovative learning technologies provides a productive implementation of communicative-activity approach to master the native and foreign language education. It is recommended to be used as a guide for teachers who are organizing the blended learning in primary school that can easily combine storytelling, project-based learning, problem-solving, and other trends in education in order to develop communicative skills.

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