Substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions of implementation of extraordinary distance learning in higher education institutions

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of emergency distance learning in higher education institutions. Advantages and difficulties of transition to distance learning. The effectiveness of blended education in a pandemic.

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Дата добавления 22.02.2023
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Vasyl Stus Donetsk national university

Department of biophysical chemistry, physics and pedagogy

Department of foreign languages of professional orientation

Substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions of implementation of extraordinary distance learning in higher education institutions

Zarishniak I.M., C. Ped. Sc., Ass. Professor,

Hrabovych M.V., аssistant

Vinnytsia, Ukraina


The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of extraordinary distance learning of students. Emphasis is placed on the differences between this type of distance education and online education. Taking into account the latest publications, the domestic experience of introducing distance education in higher education institutions has been studied and the reasons for the unpreparedness of domestic higher education institutions for the transition to the distance mode of emergency distance learning have been clarified. It is emphasized that most researchers identify the positive aspects of compulsory distance education, including the possibility of using blended learning as the optimal format in an emergency situation.

With the help of an online survey of teachers and students of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, the advantages and difficulties of transition to distance learning have been identified. It has been proven that technical difficulties are problems with power outages and problems with the Internet and so on. It has been found that the psychological disadvantage of distance learning is excessive workload, which leads to impaired vision, physical fatigue and spiritual limitations. In addition, many found it difficult to communicate with the camera and microphone turned off. Didactic difficulties of distance learning are revealed - it is identification of independence of performance by students of test tasks and necessity of creation of new materials, search of new pedagogical receptions for activization of educational activity in a remote mode. It was emphasized that the respondents mentioned the lack of all-round assistance from the management of distance learning and a large amount of reporting documentation as a lack of organizational and managerial nature.

The advantages of extraordinary distance learning are identified - it is the ability to work remotely, mobility and convenience, transparency of the assessment system, the use of cloud technologies. It is stated that the most convenient communicator for online classes is Microsoft Teams. According to the survey, 67.4% of students did not have special problems with the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities in the transition to distance learning.

The definition of “organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning in the Free Economic Zone” has been clarified. Psychological and pedagogical (subjective) and organizational and managerial (objective) conditions for the implementation of emergency distance learning in higher education institutions are substantiated.

Key words: higher education institution, distance education, online learning, emergency distance learning, organizational and pedagogical conditions of distance learning.


Обґрунтування організаційно-педагогічних умов здійснення надзвичайного віддаленого навчання у закладах вищої освіти

Зарішняк І.М., к.п.н., доцент, кафедра біофізичної хімії, фізики і педагогіки; Грабович М.В., асистент кафедри іноземних мов професійного спрямування Донецького національного університету імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця, Україна

Статтю присвячено аналізу потенціалу надзвичайного віддаленого навчання студентів. Акцентовано увагу на відмінностях такого типу дистанційної освіти від онлайн-освіти. Опрацьовано з урахуванням останніх публікацій вітчизняний досвід впровадження дистанційної освіти у закладах вищої освіти і з'ясовано причини неготовності вітчизняних закладів вищої освіти до переходу на дистанційний режим надзвичайного віддаленого навчання. Наголошено, що більшість дослідників визначає позитивні сторони примусової дистанційної освіти, серед яких насамперед можливість використання змішаного навчання як оптимального формату у ситуації надзвичайності.

За допомогою онлайн-опитування викладачів і студентів Донецького національного університету імені Василя Стуса визначено переваги і труднощі переходу у режим віддаленого навчання. Доведено, що технічними труднощами є проблеми з вимкненням електрики і проблеми із Інтернетом тощо. З'ясовано, що психологічним недоліком віддаленого навчання стало надмірне навантаження, що спричинило погіршення зору, фізичну втому і духовне обмеження. Окрім того, для багатьох виявилося проблемно спілкуватися із вимкненою камерою і мікрофоном. Виявлено дидактичні труднощі віддаленого навчання - це ідентифікація самостійності виконання студентами тестових завдань і необхідність створення нових матеріалів, пошук нових педагогічних прийомів для активізації навчальної діяльності у віддаленому режимі. Наголошено, що недоліком організаційно-управлінського характеру опитані респонденти назвали відсутність посильної допомоги від керівництва з питань навчання у віддаленому режимі і велику кількість звітної документації.

Визначено переваги надзвичайного віддаленого навчання - це можливість працювати віддалено, мобільність і зручність, прозорість системи оцінювання, використання хмарних технологій. Констатовано, що найзручнішим комунікатором для проведення онлайн-занять є Microsoft Teams. Зважаючи на опитування, у 67,4% студентів не виникало особливих проблем із засвоєнням нових знань, умінь та навичок при переході на навчання у віддаленому режимі.

Уточнено визначення «організаційно-педагогічні умови здійснення віддаленого навчання у ЗВО». Обґрунтовано психолого-педагогічні (суб'єктивні) і організаційно-управлінські (об'єктивні) умови здійснення надзвичайного віддаленого навчання у закладах вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: заклад вищої освіти, дистанційна освіта, онлайн-навчання, надзвичайне віддалене навчання, організаційно-педагогічні умови віддаленого навчання.


Articulation of a problem. This is the second year we have been living under the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and education has faced new challenges. The compulsory implementation of distance learning as the main form of education has revealed its non- availability to completely replace the recently prevailed traditional learning. According to UNESCO findings, the COVID-19 quarantine was introduced in 192 countries around the world. Many institutions of National Higher Education have faced problems with the implementation of such type of distance education as Emergency Remote Teaching. It is necessary to emphasize that firstly, this type of teaching differs from online education by its unscheduled nature, secondly, by the fact that it does not always free applicants from the usual attributes of a traditional lesson (planning their schedule during classes, trips to the places of studying, physical presence during practical classes, etc.), and thirdly, the design of educational programs and disciplines are developed for the traditional teaching in the classroom [1]. In addition, the concept of “emergency remote learning” was implemented precisely as a response to crisis situations. One of the main characteristics of emergency remote learning is temporality. A special feature of this format is the use of various platforms, communication tools, as well as video communication tools. Also, during the process of remote teaching, teachers do not take special training, there is no possibility of asynchronous discussions. The lectures are conducted mainly in a synchronous mode in the format of video conferences. Therefore, if the theoretical foundations of online education (online learning, e-learning) are fundamentally revealed, emergency remote learning is poorly studied but significant enough for modern pedagogical theory and practice and requires the attention of scientists.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. The recent publications of the domestic scientists highlight the problems of Smart education, Smart technologies, and Smart environment, compare the use of innovative and traditional learning technologies in higher education institutions (L. Lishchinska), study trends in the development of distance education in Ukraine (G. Ivanchenko), including the need of developing and implementing distance learning programs (implementation of a virtual learning environment) and providing training subjects with the necessary methodological recommendations for their use.

Most of the latest work's touch on the issues of learning foreign languages by applicants for higher education. In particular, the article O. Stativka defines the advantages and disadvantages of online courses and video conferences as the main means of teaching a foreign language to applicants for higher education in the context of distance education (in fact, we are talking about remote learning).

The researcher defines the following advantages of online courses:

a) timesaving and availability of work from anywhere in the world;

b) speed of information data transfer;

c) an effective assessment of knowledge.

The disadvantages of online courses include:

a) lack of direct communication during а compulsory self-isolation;

b) students may not understand the reasons for their (language) mistakes;

c) the difficulties in informational researches;

d) the teacher's working time for preparing lectures is increased.

The educationalist identified the following advantages of the video conference:

1) direct communication with the lecturer;

2) correction of errors with the help of the lecturer;

3) activation of interaction while working with the group;

4) implementation of various forms of training.

According to O. Stativka, the disadvantage of video conferencing are: firstly, a weakening of communication due to technical and motivational reasons; secondly, the management of the educational process is complicated by technical problems, imperfect software, and inexperience of users. O. Stativka concludes that in the conditions of uncertainty, the educational institutions “should combine the advantages of blended types of education, which can help to achieve an optimal balance between traditional and distance education” [2].

We base our paper on the fundamental theoretical analysis of the content and principles of organizing distance learning in the higher education institutions in the frameworks of the COVID-19 epidemic, in particular, the content analysis of the concept of “distance learning”, the analysis of the concepts related to distance education, such as “emergency remote teaching”, which was carried out by V. Kosyuk [3].

The medical pedagogical community also analyses the teaching conditions of applicants for higher medical education during the pandemic. In the work of I. V. Podolyak, the expediency of using distance learning in medical institutions of professional pre-higher education is analyzed using a survey of applicants. The results showed the low level of motivation and insufficient readiness of medical students for distance learning. The author recommends using elements of distance education along with traditional education [4]. A group of scientists found out the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning for medical students. According to the opinion of students, the advantages of such a form of teaching lie in the increase of a useful time. Applicants for higher education consider distance education as an auxiliary form of organizing teaching. They consider the mixed learning format as a successful form of education for medical educational institutions [5].

Researchers, who analyses the experience of distance learning in higher education institutions under quarantine and reveal the features of compulsory remote education during the pandemic, describe the methods of remote communication between teachers and applicants and analyses the problems of such teaching. Most of them identify the positive aspects of compulsory remote teaching, including, first of all, the possibility of using blended learning as an optimal format in an emergency [6]. The other scientists study the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the use of remote teaching in the training of specialists of a narrow profile by analyzing the pedagogical conditions for using the Moodle platform (professional and practical orientation of information and communication environment resources; pedagogical support for the process of forming professional competence of specialists in economic cybernetics; pedagogical monitoring of professional training of specialists; motivation of students to use ICT in professional activities, education of the need for constant selfimprovement and learning throughout life, etc.) [7]. Despite the relevance of the problem of using emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions and the active investigation of certain aspects of this issue, sufficient attention is not paid to the systematic analysis of the organization and management of emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions based on a theoretical analysis of scientific sources and generalization of the results of subjects' educational activity survey.

Theoretical foundations of the research

To achieve this goal, we first carried out a theoretical analysis of scientific developments regarding the difficulties and advantages of switching the domestic higher education institutions to remote teaching mode in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The researchers have found out the reasons for the non-availability of domestic higher education institutions to switch to the distance mode of emergency remote teaching. First, it is a technical lack of readiness, although the overall indicators of the country's Internet coverage and public access to the Internet in Ukraine are quite high, this was not enough. Often, particularly the teachers did not have the necessary equipment or Internet access.

Secondly, at the present stage of development of educational and computer technologies, the shift to remote teaching turned out to be impossible for certain specialties with a large amount of practical training (medical workers, aviation engineers, etc.), since the transition to the teaching of such specialists requires the creation and timely updating of expensive simulators involving artificial intelligence.

Third, there were psychological, methodological and managerial problems, because:

a) teachers were left alone with the problem of the general shift from traditional to remote teaching and only a small part of them were ready for the challenges of such type of teaching;

b) for many teachers, the stressful aspect was the necessity to quickly develop new materials, the search for new pedagogical techniques for a successful transition to remote teaching;

c) the process of coordinating the actions of teachers and students also became difficult [8, p. 136].

It should be pointed out that remote teaching has always looked like a rather attractive alternative to traditional education. Many scientific papers indicate the following advantages: cheapness due to savings on providing a workplace and the ability for study subjects to work remotely. In such conditions, the software technical support for educational activities is transferred to the teacher and students. In addition, the cost of teaching one student in the remote teaching system is considered the lowest. A significant advantage of remote teaching was the use of cloud technologies since it allows to adapt to the information and communication space, to determine own style of information communications, and accumulate the scope of information and knowledge in the conditions of modern socio-cultural transformations [9, p. 198].

Research methodology

Based on theoretical analysis, our own practical experience and generalization, we have found out the relevance of implementing remote teaching. To determine the difficulties of remote teaching and the organizational and pedagogical conditions for implementing emergency remote teaching at Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, we used a survey of applicants of all educational levels and teachers. To group certain organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions, we used the classification. With the aim to interpret the obtained quantitative and qualitative research results, we used graphical methods.

Research results

Despite the fact that the future of domestic education is associated with the concept of remote teaching, at the present stage, there are more problems than advantages with the implementation of this form of teaching process organization in higher education institutions. This fact prompted us to find out what difficulties arose in the process of the shift to remote teaching mode in higher education institutions in order to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions for its improvement.

We conducted an ascertaining experiment at Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University. Officially, remote teaching is not implemented at the Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, but the institution actively uses the elements of remote education: e-learning, distance education technologies (Moodle platform, online services, outlook corporate email, etc.).

Two anonymous online surveys were conducted among teachers and applicants of all educational levels of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University using the Google Form tool: 1) in the matter of the organizational management of remote teaching during the quarantine, in which 528 applicants and 74 scientific and pedagogical workers took part (it was conducted in September 2021); 2) in the matter of the advantages and disadvantages of teaching in remote mode - it was conducted at the end of October 2021 (593 applicants and 73 scientific and pedagogical workers were interviewed).

Analysis of the survey results of managing the organization of remote teaching at Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University in the quarantine conditions showed that 78.5% of students were generally satisfied with the efficiency of informing about the schedule (changes in the schedule) of classes in remote teaching conditions, papers' performance deadlines, reporting deadlines, etc. The rest of the students were either not satisfied with the information or refrained from answering (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. The results of an online survey of applicants of Vasyl' STUs DonNU in the matter of timely information on remote teaching organizational issues

Based on the findings of the survey, we can conclude that the most popular tool for remote teaching of Vasil' Stus Donetsk National University is Microsoft Teams (485 votes), the second place is occupied by Outlook email (219 votes), the third - by the Moodle platform and the Skype application (210; 208 votes) - fig. 2

Fig. 2. The results of a survey of applicants of Vasyl' STUs DonNU in the matter of the advantages of choosing information resources

Students also choose Microsoft Teams as the most convenient program for conducting online classes. According to the survey, 67.4% of students did not have any special problems with absorbing new knowledge, skills and abilities when switching to remote teaching (fig. 3). This fact may mean, first of all, good methodological, didactic, organizational, and managerial work of the educational institution.

Fig. 3. The results of a survey of applicants of Vasyl' STUs DonNU in the matter of the quality of remote teaching

According to the opinion of teachers, 94.5% of respondents adhere to the schedule of classes during remote teaching and 87.8% of teachers surveyed mainly use synchronous mode (online), with video communication, as well as the ability to assess the level of assimilation of the material (fig. 4).

As for the organization from the management side, at the beginning of the academic year, 48.6% of teachers feel support and assistance during remote teaching, 28.4% - feel support and assistance partially, 23% - do not feel support and assistance at all. This is a significant problem that needs to be solved immediately by establishing links between the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Vasily Stus DonNU and the heads of structural divisions.

58.1% of the surveyed teachers plan to use emote teaching technologies in the future. This means that the university is gradually forming a flexible system that can change in parallel with the external environment and develop together with the latest ICTs.

63.5% of research and pedagogical staff believe that the shift to remote teaching has practically not affected the level of students' knowledge and the level of their attendance. In particular, 48.6% of respondents noted that attendance at the academic year has not changed, while 39.2% indicated that attendance has increased.

Fig. 4. The results of a survey of teachers of Vasyl Stus DonNU in the matter of remote teaching mode

The second survey was conducted during the shift to remote teaching mode at the end of October 2021. These results made it possible to identify the difficulties and advantages of remote teaching and determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions for its improvement. The technical difficulties of organizing remote teaching, according to the opinion of the majority of both 325 applicants (54.8%) and 46 teachers (63%), is represented by problems with the electricity power irregularity; 51 (69.8%) teachers and 271 (45.7%) applicants had problems with the Internet access; 36 (49.3%) research and teaching staff, as well as 196 (33%) students needed to overcome the communication problems. For 35 (47.9%) teachers, the difficulty was caused by a “valid” reason for the absence of applicants, which was caused by poor Internet connection or the electricity power breakdown; for 33 (45.2%) teachers, the process of communication with the camera and microphone turned off was a psychological difficulty.

The psychological difficulties of compulsory self-isolation both applicants 202 (34%) and teachers 45 (61.6%) pointed out the excessive stress, which caused visual deterioration, physical fatigue, and spiritual limitation. 178 students (30%) found it difficult to concentrate at home, but teachers had more problems associated with excessive workload: a) 43 (58.9%) of respondents had difficulties in evaluating learning outcomes (to publish grades in a virtual classroom, to duplicate grades in an electronic journal, to maintain the paper reporting documents, to report the educational department); b) 40 (54.8%) teachers spent a lot of time and effort for developing, searching, updating and adapting educational materials for remote teaching; c) 30 (41%) of the surveyed research and teaching staff faced the problem of a large amount of reporting documentation, which drains the nervous system and contributes to emotional burnout.

Both the interviewed applicants for higher education and teachers faced didactic problems related to the difficulties of working in a virtual classroom and organizing the learning process. However, it was significant that for 225 applicants (37.9%) there were no difficulties associated with organizing the learning process during the remote mode. For 189 (31.8%) applicants, the coordination of actions of teachers and applicants turned out to be problematic, since according to the opinion of students, teachers unreasonably increase the number of tasks during remote training. For 203 (34.2%) of the applicants surveyed, it was unusual to work in a virtual classroom with the camera turned on. For teachers, the most noticeable problem 47 (64.4 %) became the identification of independence of students ' performance of test tasks. Also, 43 teachers (58.9%) had difficulties in the process of developing new materials and searching for new pedagogical techniques to activate learning activities remotely.

The surveyed teachers of the Vasyl' Stus DonNU 43 (58.9%) indicated that the optimal number of applicants in the group for a practical online lesson should be 10-15 people; 30 teachers (41% of respondents) believe that it should be 6-10 students. According to the teachers' opinions, it should be a small group.

In the matter of assistance in organizing remote teaching of students from the direction, 33 (45.2%) of the surveyed teachers of DonNU named after Vasil Stus receive it in the form of providing an opportunity to take advanced free training courses on the Moodle platform, and 28 people (38.4%) indicated that they do not receive all possible assistance from the direction on remote teaching issues (it is possible to note that the percentage of those who do not receive the help necessary during emergency conditions of management increased by 15% in a month).

Fig. 5. The results of a survey of DonNU applicants in the matter of benefits of remote teaching

According to the opinion of 50 teachers (68.5 %) of Vasyl' Stus DonNU teachers and 418 respondents (70.5%) of higher education applicants, the advantages of remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic include: a) the ability to work remotely (fig.5), b) 41 (56.2%) respondents- teachers noted the mobility, and 451 (76%) students pointed out a comfortable home atmosphere and the ability to perform tasks in accordance with their biorhythms (“owls” and “larks”); 273 (46%) applicants attributed the fact that the assessment system has become more transparent (generating letters with points, providing teachers with comments on work, reminders about the time of completing tasks, etc.) to their advantages. organizational pedagogical distance learning pandemic

In addition, our survey confirmed the importance of using the following cloud technologies for emergency remote learning subjects: 1) online services (41 (56.2%) teachers and 270 (45.5%) applicants); 2) Outlook email (333 (56.2%) students and 34 (46.6%) teachers surveyed); 3) file storage (38 (52%) teachers and 294 (49.6 %) applicants); 4) video conferencing (31 (42.5 %) teachers and 228 (38.4%) applicants of Vasyl Stus DonNU surveyed); 5) the use of electronic journals is positive only for students of Vasyl' Stus DonNU (313 (52.8 %).

The next question of an online survey of teachers of Vasyl Stus DonNU helped us find out the opinion about the organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving remote teaching in higher education institutions.

It is necessary to note that under the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of remote teaching in the higher education institutions, we understand a set of Special Purpose measures that have an effect (positive or negative) on the process of learning in remote mode (goal, interaction of subjects, content, methods, forms and organizational means), have a systematic character, a clearly defined structure with links between its elements, take into account the features of training applicants for higher education and ensure the successful solution of educational tasks in crisis situations. Organizational and pedagogical conditions reflect the sum-total of opportunities of the educational environment. They determine a set of specially developed measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of implementing emergency remote teaching in higher education institutions. According to the nature of the interaction between remote teaching subjects, such conditions can be classified into objective and subjective ones; according to the main aspects of educational process management - organizational and economic, scientific and methodological, psychological and pedagogical, organizational and managerial, etc.

The theoretical analysis of scientific sources regarding the problem, the analysis of teaching experience in higher education institutions in the context of a pandemic, the results of an ascertaining experiment made it possible to identify a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary and sufficient for the functioning of a remote teaching in a higher education institution.

Fig. 6. The results of a survey of teachers of Vasyl' Stus DonNU in the matter of organizational and pedagogical conditions of remote learning

Most of the surveyed teachers - 49 persons (67%) - indicated the need to provide teachers with the technical means of online learning; 30 persons (41%) consider it extremely necessary to form the conditions for improving the skills of research and teaching staff regarding the issue of online learning; 26 respondents-teachers (35.6%) preferred the condition for developing an automatic generation of necessary reports (visit logs, assessment information, etc.); 25 (34.2%) of the teachers

Surveyed developing Of the specific recommendations for conducting certain types of online classes as a necessary condition for remote teaching; the third part of teachers considers the required condition the possibility of constantly using online training in combination with offline learning (blended format), as well as replacing part of the classroom load with an online format: to encourage teachers to improve the level of digital competence based on the study of best practices, etc. (fig. 6). We have grouped the selected conditions into psychological and pedagogical (subjective), organizational and managerial (objective).

The first group of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the functioning of remote teaching in the higher education institutions include:

1) teachers passing trainings on self-regulation of behavior in the conditions of professional pedagogical stress;

2) the search for new effective teaching tools, new methods and motivators to attract students to study the subject and the process of systematic learning using methods and techniques of creativity (brain-storming, puzzles, crosswords, gamification, interesting tasks, battles, etc.);

3) to establish an effective communication between the directory of higher education institutions and the scientific and pedagogical staff on the issues of emergency remote teaching (to form the feedback mechanism, which would cover all participants in the educational process);

4) to restore visual deterioration and physical fatigue, it is necessary to conduct the physical activity break, to implement and adhere to the rules of virtual interaction:

a) have virtual patience (whatever happens on the process of communication), b) keep the camera always on, and turn on the microphone only during the discussion,

c) “here and now” - it is not worth to be engaged in extraneous matters, it is necessary to devote all time to classes.

The second group of organizational and managerial conditions includes technological, didactic, and managerial conditions:

1) an advanced training of all participants in the educational process with the aim to develop the digital competence;

2) providing teachers with high-quality technical means of online training and internet communication through technical, methodological and organizational support of the Center for distance education and web technologies of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University (including the formation of the specific recommendations for conducting the certain types of online classes and video sessions on their video channel);

3) formation a single University communication channel for remote teaching;

4) creation the possibility of the constant use of online teaching in combination with offline teaching and replacing the parts of the classroom load with an online format (blended format).

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Therefore, in the frameworks of the emergence conditions, the form of remote teaching was quite justified for conducting synchronous classes in the video conference format, but the technical, methodological, and organizational support for teaching was transferred to the teacher, which created the favorable conditions for professional burnout from overload and stress. In our opinion, the fulfilment of these organizational and pedagogical conditions will contribute to the improvement of emergency remote teaching and accelerate the development of blended learning in the face of modern challenges. Ensuring the development of digital competence of teachers who teach remotely based on the study of best practices is a relevant issue for higher education institutions. In addition, each higher education institution should develop a strategic plan for the introduction of digital technologies and online educational platforms in the educational process.

The prospects for further research should concern the ways to avoid cheating and spying during online learning and the search for new effective learning tools and new methods and motivators to attract students to study the subject in an emergency remote teaching environment.

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7. Kornienko E.G., Gritsyna V.P., Gordeeva O.V., Kornienko V.I. Analysis of distance learning experience in quarantine conditions and search for solutions to problems [Analiz dosvidu dystantsiinoho navchannia v umovakh karantynu ta poshuk vyrishennia problem. Innovatsiina pedahohika.]. Innovative pedagogy, 2021. 37. P. 34-38.

8. Dobrovolskaya N.V., Bondar M.B. Substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the use of distance learning in the training of specialists in economic cybernetics. Distance learning as a modern educational technology: mater. mezhvuz. webinar [Obgruntuvannia orhanizatsiino-pedahohichnykh umov zastosuvannia dystantsiinoho navchannia pry pidhotovtsi fakhivtsiv z ekonomichnoi kibernetyky. Dystantsiine navchannia yak suchasna osvitnia tekhnolohiia: mater. mizhvuz. vebinaru] (Vinnytsia, March 31, 2017) edited by L. B. Lishchinskaya. Vinnytsia: VTEI KNTEU, 2017. P. 83-85.

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10. Dolgaleva O.V., Eshchenko M.G., Puchkov I.R. Use of cloud technologies during quarantine. Emergency distance learning in Ukraine: a monograph [Vykorystannia khmarnykh tekhnolohii pid chas karantynu. Ekstrene dystantsiine navchannia v Ukraini: monohrafiia] / ed. by V.M. Kukharenko, V.V. Bondarenko. Kharkiv: publishing house of KP "City Printing House", 2020. P. 197-205.

Список використаних джерел

1. Стукало Н. Надзвичайне віддалене навчання vs онлайн освіта. Національне агентство із забезпечення якості вищої освіти.

2. Статівка О.О. Проблеми вивчення іноземних мов в умовах дистанційної освіти студентів ЗВО зі специфічними умовами навчання. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. Вип. 37. С. 116-120.

3. Косюк В.Р. Зміст та принципи організації дистанційного навчання в закладах вищої освіти. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. Вип. 37. С. 218-223.

4. Подоляк І.В. Упровадження дистанційної освіти під час вивчення дисциплін «Неврологія» і «Психіатрія та наркологія» у Волинському медичному інституті. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. С. 256-261.

5. Федорів М.Б., Джус О.В., Симчич А.В. Оцінка якості навчання студентів-медиків в умовах дистанційного навчання. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. Вип. 37. С. 375-378.

6. Корнієнко Є.Г., Грицина В.П., Гордєєва О.В., Корнієнко В.І. Аналіз досвіду дистанційного навчання в умовах карантину та пошук вирішення проблем. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. Вип. 37. С. 34-38.

7. Добровольська Н.В., Бондар М.Б. Обґрунтування організаційно-педагогічних умов застосування дистанційного навчання при підготовці фахівців з економічної кібернетики. Дистанційне навчання як сучасна освітня технологія: матер. міжвуз. вебінару (м. Вінниця, 31 березня 2017 р.) від. ред. Л.Б. Ліщинська. Вінниця: ВТЕІ КНТЕУ, 2017. С. 83-85.

8. Гавриленко К. Організаційні етапи створення дистанційного курсу. Екстрене дистанційне навчання в Україні: монографія / за ред. В. надзвичайних умовах М. Кухаренка, В.В. Бондаренка. Харків: Вид-во КП «Міська друкарня», 2020. С. 128-142.

9. Долгальова О.В., Єщенко М.Г., Пучков І.Р. Використання хмарних технологій під час карантину. Екстрене дистанційне навчання в Україні: монографія / за ред. В.М. Кухаренка, В.В. Бондаренка. Харків: Вид-во КП «Міська друкарня», 2020. С. 197-205.

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