Features of an integrated lesson of foreign literature and English language

The problem of integration in general and integrated learning in particular. The peculiarities of forms of integrated lessons. The conditions for qualitative semantic analysis and objective evaluation of the work by students of modern vocational schools.

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Features of an integrated lesson of foreign literature and English language

Deshko Mariia-Khrystyna

Rozman Iryna


The article emphasizes the need for theoretical substantiation of the features of the integrated lesson of foreign literature and English.

Emphasis is placed on the problem of integration in general and integrated learning in particular. The issue of continuous updating and development of the educational process is considered. It is noted that forms of integrated lessons have their own peculiarities; they all have many differences, but they also share a common trait: the efficiency of allocating time spent on learning and learning, and stimulating global thinking instead of closed and highly specialized. The focus is that simply reading and translating a piece of art is not enough for meaningful analysis and an objective evaluation of the work by students.

Key words: integrated lessons, ability to compare, learning process, acquired knowledge.


У статті наголошено на необхідності теоретичного обґрунтування особливостей інтегрованого уроку зарубіжної літератури та англійської мови.

Закцентована увага на проблемі інтеграції загалом та інтегрованого навчання зокрема. Розглянуто питання щодо постійного оновлення і розвитку освітнього процесу. Зазначено, що форми інтегрованих уроків мають свої особливості; всі вони мають багато відмінностей, але, також, всіх їх об'єднує така спільна риса, як: ефективність розподілу часу, виділеного на опрацювання та засвоєння навчального матеріалу, а також стимулювання глобального мислення замість замкнутого та вузькоспеціалізованого. Зосереджена увага на тому, що простого читання та перекладу художнього фрагменту не достатньо для смислового аналізу та об'єктивної оцінки твору учнями.

Ключові слова: інтегровані уроки, вміння співставити, навчальний процес, набуті знання.

Main part

integrated learning lesson student

The usual, standard presentation of educational material without cross-curricular links is a key cause of fragmented, misperception. A person loses the ability to put their theoretical knowledge into practice, to relate it to real life. Competent use of integrated lessons by the teacher in the educational process will help to improve the cognitive learning and activity of students.

At the current stage, the problem of educational integration has considerable potential for use in the activities of methodologists, educators, and scholars, especially in the aspect of the use of knowledge from one discipline to another and, as a result, enhances the mental and creative activity of students. With the correct organization of the educational process by a teacher, this can be a significant breakthrough on the way to a qualitative increase in the level of students' knowledge.

Scientists have worked on this problem and its components from year to year. Scientists like A. Belyaev, S. Goncharenko, V.R. Ilchenko, L.A. Kulichenko, M.M. Fitsula, L.I. Tkachenko, L.A. Marimonska, Diane Larsen-Freeman, Jianying Miao, Teresa Cremin, Joan Swann, Tobias Dцrfler, Maximilian Pfost and Cordula Artelt.

Integrated lessons are a type of learning organization in which learners simultaneously acquire complex knowledge from multiple disciplines (interrelated or even related to different fields of knowledge) [10].

They are characterized by depth, high informativeness, fundamentally, versatility, which helps to increase the level of students' knowledge. That is why modern pedagogical science considers integration one of the main didactic principles, which generally determines the organization of educational systems.

The structure of an integrated lesson can be organized in different ways, but its leading feature always remains the dominant position of the core discipline, which in this case is the integrator, as well as the presence of one or more side disciplines. They are used to deepen and refine the knowledge gained from the material of the core discipline. Within the framework of an integrated lesson, different disciplines can be combined.

When planning an integrated lesson, it will be necessary for a teacher to ask the special subject teacher to help with the discipline that is intended to be integrated [4].

The starting point for creating an integrated lesson is to build a proper interaction between the two educators. They should determine the order and sequence of their actions, as well as determine the methods of submitting training material. Interaction can be structured in different ways, the use of parity technology, the possible distribution of roles of facilitator and consultant, or the principle of identifying a leading teacher who will conduct the lesson independently by agreeing with his colleague, who in turn will attend the lesson as an independent observer.

The teacher must first identify the motives and main goals of the integrated lesson, the content of the integration (what materials will be used during the lesson), the form of integration, and the basic methods and techniques that will guide him in the lesson. The teacher can carry out the integrated lesson independently, without the participation of another subject-teacher, but it requires a deep knowledge of both disciplines.

When designing a lesson plan, the teacher should take into account the following structural features: the clarity and compactness of the course material, the logical interaction of the materials combined in the lesson, the maximum informativeness, and curiosity of the course material.

It is necessary to provide the lessons of summarizing in an integrated format. It is needed when a teacher wants to address some important issues across multiple disciplines. Talking about the lesson of forming new knowledge, it is possible to apply the following forms in the framework of the necessary integration: lesson-travel / excursion (studying the biography of English-speaking writers, features of the countries they were born in); multimedia lesson; lesson study. These forms of lessons will help to interest students and unlock their creative potential. The lessons, which are aimed at acquiring new skills, can be constructed as follows: lesson-game (role-playing or business game); lesson-workshop; combined training. This will help students to develop certain skills that are envisaged in the curriculum. It is also worth considering such a lesson as a lesson of repeating the material that was learned.

For the students to consolidate the submitted material as much as possible, the following forms of conducting the lesson will be suitable: lesson-game; theatrical lesson; final excursion; lesson-analysis of control works; class-conversation. Through the use of such forms of learning it is possible to systematize the acquired knowledge and deepen it to the required level. They are most often carried out in the study of volume thematic blocks or at the end of the quarter/semester [6].

When submitting material in an integrated lesson, first of all, the teacher should focus on cross-curricular communication. This helps the teacher to erase a clear distinction between the theoretical foundations of language learning and its practical use. It also helps to show students the ability to use a foreign language in general. By using cross-curricular links in the learning process, the teacher can apply a comprehensive approach to developing the skills and abilities of the students with whom he or she works. In this way, cross-curricular links perform several functions: developmental, educational and determinative [5].

The main goals of mastering English as a discipline are to develop oral, reading, writing and listening skills. The main recommendations include the choice of adapted literature and work with common vocabulary that is not oversaturated with narrow terms and concepts. The best option for selecting artistic texts to be worked out in the context of schoolwork will be to partially or fully match the overall theme by the calendar. When working with artistic texts, it is important to develop students' skills in the complex: starting with simpler tasks aimed at working out pronunciation, writing and searching for fragmentary information during complex text analysis, you need to move to a more sophisticated level - developing students' communication skills and ability to critically read [4]. Discussing the written text in a foreign language best contributes to enriching and improving students' communication skills. Broadcasting becomes more meaningful and motivated.

Among the main tasks that the teacher sets out to implement the practice of integrating English language and foreign literature are the following [2]: to deepen the students' own aesthetic and emotional perception by understanding the content of the work of art; broaden the students' cultural outlook by introducing them to different, sometimes diametrically opposed, styles and trends in fiction; develop students' skills in working with artistic details, characters and images.

At the present stage of teaching English, reading stands out as one of the most important aspects of its presentation in socio-cultural and linguistic dimensions. By engaging in the educational process of fiction, students can not only improve their level of knowledge of the lexical component but also get acquainted with the realities and traditions of the language being taught. Fiction is favorably received by the overwhelming number of students. One of the main tasks of modern Ukrainian schools is the information literacy of students. It is in the lessons of literature and language that the student learns to sort the information into necessary and minor, as well as to organize it in various forms (tablets, lists, quotations, etc.).

If the teacher correctly chooses literature to study in a lesson, he not only improves his speaking and reading skills in English but also shapes the artistic tastes of the students he works with.

When choosing an English-language work of art, the teacher should aim to: introduce students to the meaningful content of the work of art, taking into account the authenticity of the artistic text; to teach students to express their own attitude towards the portrayed in the literary work (to characterize the main characters of the work, to prove the correctness or fallacy of some of their actions, to interview in groups or in pairs about the work); develop students' skills of content prediction of the events of the work (play the first / last episode of the work, changing it, write your own continuation of the events described in the fragment of the work of art); teach students to exchange views and freely express their thoughts about the work (write a letter, essay, etc. with their own vision of the problem of the work, hold a discussion in the classroom, raising the main problematic issues of the work). Working with text requires considerable effort on the part of the teacher. It is necessary not only to correctly select a literary work by the skills, interests, and knowledge of the age group but also to properly structure the work with the text itself [5].

Just to read and translate a piece of art is not enough for meaningful analysis and objective evaluation of the work by students. The work should be divided into stages (standard differentiation from easier to the more difficult), on each of which the student solves the tasks. The system of work with artistic works increases the level of students' interest and teaches them to work with text analytically.

To increase students' interest in the learning process, as well as to intensify English lessons, it is desirable to maintain a creative atmosphere in the classroom. Students should feel that the lesson does not depress them, but develops them, enables them to assert themselves and to express themselves. One of the best ways to solve this learning problem can be the usage of fragments of theater productions on the lessons of English.

Theatricalization can take place both in thematic lessons and in the context of general lessons, school evenings, classroom hours or home reading lessons. The use of re-enactments of literary works helps to learn, remember and expand the vocabulary, as well as to develop the necessary grammatical material in a much more interesting and varied way.

Therefore, integration in modern school is a time requirement that is relevant to all teachers interested in forming a well-developed personality of a student who is holistic in the world and able to act actively in the social and professional spheres. Integrated lessons in a foreign language and foreign literature are an effective way of developing students' creativity, a means of interest for students and one of the most effective forms of work dictated by the demands of time.


1. Akademichnyy tlumachnyy slovnyk [Academic Interpretative Dictionary]. [online] Available at: http://sum.in.ua. [Accessed 18 April 2019].

2. Balabukha K.V., 2007. Pidhotovka maybutnikh uchyteliv inozemnoyi movy do navchannya starshoklasnykiv frazeolohiyi [Preparation of future foreign language teachers for teaching high school students phraseology]. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Odessa.

3. Bilyayev, O. 2003. Intehrovani uroky ridnoyi movy [Native language integrated lessons]. Dyvoslovo, 5, pp. 6-10.

4. Ivanchuk, M. 2004. Intehrovanyy urok yak spetsyfichna forma orhanizatsiyi navchannya [Integrated lesson as a specific form of learning organization]. Elementary School, 5, pp.1013.

5. Kolod'ko, T.M. 2005. Formuvannya sotsiokul'turnoyi kompetentsiyi maybutnikh uchyteliv inozemnykh mov u vyshchykh pedahohichnykh navchal'nykh zakladakh [Formation of sociocultural competence of future foreign language teachers in higher education institutions]. Abstract of dissertation. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

6. Reuter, Yves. 2013. Taking account of extracurricular literacy practices: problems and stakes. [online] Available at: https://iournals.openedition.org/reperes/511. [Accessed 26 February 2019].

Список використаних джерел

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