Слова-маркеры "South" и его производные

Теория идентичности в социальных науках, современные лингвистические подходы к ее изучению. Жанр интервью как экспликация положительной идентичности. "South" и его производные в контекстах, относящихся к культурно-специфичному региону Соединенных Штатов.

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3. Словесное значение слова не существует вне контекста, в связи с этим мы провели анализ контекстов ЛСВ «South 3», а также слов «Southern», «Southerner», «southernness» и пришли к выводу, что значения всех вышеперечисленных слов связаны с наличием в этих контекстов двух оценочных модуляций. В зависимости от типа модуляции, представленной в контексте, мы выделили 2 основных ЛСВ каждого слова.

4. Слово «South» и его производные в интервью с американскими политиками и деятелями культуры выступают в качестве маркера южной региональной идентичности, при этом в интервью реализуются различные варианты значения слов, основанные на двух контрастных оценочных модуляциях.

5. В интервью-портретах интервьюируемые всегда представляются в положительном свете. В рамках разговора о негативных аспектах, связанных с жизнью на юге, американские политики и деятели культуры обращают внимание на свои положительные качества, которые делают их исключительными.


Проведённый анализ контекстов ЛСВ «South 3» и слов «Southern», «Southerner», «southernness» показал, что все эти слова обладают развёрнутой структурой полисемии, в рамках которой можно выделить два основных ЛСВ в зависимости от оценочной модуляции, представленной в тексте. Два этих ЛСВ в отобранных контекстах существуют отдельно, мы обнаружили только несколько примеров, в которых два ЛСВ реализуются в рамках одного высказывания, однако в таких примерах наблюдается определённая конфликтность, что свидетельствует о том, что выделенные нами ЛСВ действительно являются отдельными значениями указанных слов.

В словарных дефинициях, к которым мы обратились в рамках настоящего исследования, существует ряд методологических проблем таких, как несистемность представления структуры полисемии многозначного слова, несоответствие иллюстративных данных выделенным значением. С данным словом, стоит отметить, связана ещё одна важная теоретическая проблема - проблема разграничения полисемии и омонимии. В рамках настоящего исследования мы рассматривали слово «South» как один из ЛСВ, метонимически мотивированный нарициательным существительным «south». Такой же точки зрения придерживаются авторы большинства словарей (Macmillan, The American Heritage и Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Единственным словарём, который посвящает слову «South» отдельную словарную статью и тем самым признаёт его омонимом слова «south» является словарь Longman. Мы предполагаем, что данная точка зрения заслуживает внимания, а поставленная проблема требует дальнейшего изучения на примере ряда подобных слов.

В интервью слова «South», «Southern», «Southerner», «southernness» употребляются во всех выделенных нами значениях. Однако в отличие от контекстов из корпуса, где отчётливо проявляется отрицательная или положительная эмоциональная оценочность, в текстах интервью все эти слова употребляются говорящими в исключительно в рамках положительной оценочности, что объясняется спецификой речевого жанра интервью-портрета, основной функцией которого является представление интервьюируемого в выгодном свете. Даже во время беседы о юге как о регионе, где происходило угнетение афроамериканцев, т.е. в тех случаях, когда слова «South», «Southern», «Southerner», «southernness», очевидно, употребляются в первом значении, говорящий, употребляя это слово, связывает его с личным положительным опытом.

Наличие у ЛСВ «South 3» и его производных двух отчётливо противопоставленных друг другу вариантов, намеренное избегание реализации первого из них в случае с американскими деятелями культуры европейского происхождения, а также столкновение двух ЛСВ в одном контексте свидетельствует о конфликтности южной идентичности, которая проявляется на уровне словесной ткани.

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24. The Situation Room. Interview with Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. URL: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2010/10/15/interview_with_former_secretary_of_state_condoleezza_rice_107617.html. (Дата обращения - 02.05.16)

25. Todd C., Dann C. Landrieu on Obama: South Not Always 'Friendliest Place for African-Americans'. URL: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-voters/landrieu-obama-south-not-always-friendliest-place-african-americans-n237826. Дата обращения - 11.05.2016)

26. West R. Interciew with B.B. King. URL: http://www.mnblues.com/review/bbking-intv-rw4-00.html. (Дата обращения - 03.05.2016)


Таблица дефиниций толковых словарей

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

South1 n 1. The direction that is at the bottom of a map of the world, below the Equator. It is on the right if you are facing the rising sun: Which way is south? |from / towards the south. By now the army was approaching from the south. | to the south (of sth) Gatwick airport is a few miles to the south of London. 2. The southern part of a country or area: in the south. They lived in a small town in the south. | [+of] the South of India.

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners

South1 n the direction that is on your right when you are facing the rising sun and is usually on the bottom of a map: driving from south to north ? Their business is in the south of the city a. the south the part of a country or place that is in this direction: Did you like living in the south? > DEEP SOUTH

Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

1. 3south. noun:

1 a: the direction of the south terrestrial pole: the direction to the right of one facing east b: the compass point directly opposite to north 2 capitalized: regions or countries lying to the south of a specified or implied point of orientation; especially: the southeastern part of the United States 3: the right side of a church looking toward the altar from the nave 4 often capitalized a: the one of four positions at 90-degree intervals that lies to the south or at the bottom of a diagram b: a person (as a bridge player) occupying this position in the course of a specified activity; specifically: the declarer in bridge 5 often capitalized: the developing nations of the world: third world 3 - compare north 2b

The American Heritage Dictionary.

1. Abbr. S noun

a. The direction along a meridian 90° clockwise from east; the direction to the right of sunrise.

b. The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180° clockwise from due north and directly opposite north.

2. An area or region lying in the south.

3. often South

a. The southern part of the earth.

b. The set of developing nations of the world, largely located to the south of the developed nations of the Northern Hemisphere.

c. The southern part of a region or country.

4. South The southern part of the United States, especially the states that fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War.

5. The side of a church which is to the right as one faces the altar. Also called liturgical south.

Контексты слова «South» в корпусе современного американского английского языка

1. For the fifth year in a row, GHS received Charity Navigator's coveted four-star rating, placing us among an elite group of national not-for-profits whose financial practices exceed industry standards. Indeed, only 4 percent of all organizations in the United States reviewed by Charity Navigator receive the top rating for five consecutive years. # GHS kicked off its celebration as the South's oldest continuously operated historical organization at the 175th annual meeting on April 30, 2014. The event was held in the historic 1833 sanctuary of Savannah's First Baptist Church, a fitting location that served as the site for many of the Society's annual meetings prior to the construction of Hodgson Hall after the Civil War. That evening the members elected Robert S. Jepson Jr. and Vince Dooley chairman and vice chairman, respectively, putting into place an unbeatable leadership team. Dr. Ed Ayers, president of…

2. An award-winning novelist and frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, Pinckney blends memoir and historical reflection in the two essays that compose this book. As a legatee of the civil rights struggles that peaked in the 1960s, he considers the nature of the movement's achievements in light of present-day racial realities. He also offers a fresh appreciation of the fortitude, hope and sustained struggle that transformed American society and secured the most important legislative reforms of the past century: the Civil Rights Act, which dismantled the racial caste system in the South and expanded federal protection of equal rights for all citizens; and the Voting Rights Act, which outlawed discriminatory voting practices and provided for federal oversight in states where blacks had been denied the right to vote.

3. «I'm pretty funny, and I'm really into having a lot fun and making playful food,» Dabney says of her style. «And I like to have fun with people's ideas of Southern food and what we're doing here on the farm.» A lot of people, especially if they're not from the South, think we're just cooking grits and making dumplings. But I like to take vegetables and other ingredients and turn them into something a little fresher and more modern, while still evoking things that people enjoy. »

4. «I came to the South 25 years ago, and I never looked back,» Crawford says. «I love the South. I love how food relates to culture and vice versa here. I love the way it is progressing but still honors traditions. It's just a very unique region.»

5. Georgia will never act regional because it's not in the Southern DNA to think regional. The overall mindset in the South is all about self-perseverance and self-preservation. Southern Hospitality doesn't include making decisions based on the effect of the overall population. The decision making devolves down to the simple question, «What does this do for me?» We see that here all the time. From the website repealregionalism.com: We can all benefit from regional discussions on the issues that affect us the most.

6. Evangelicals across the South say they are feeling alienated, even under siege, as they see the nation's politics tilting toward the left. And there were few places where those fears echoed more loudly than a conference here Tuesday that attracted more than 13,000 would-be missionaries. In speeches, forums and interviews at the convention, more than a dozen evangelical leaders and rank-and-file supporters cast the Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage and failed efforts to outlaw abortion as a magnet that will draw more social conservatives to the polls.

7. This summer's mass shooting at Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church by an avowed white supremacist reopened a long-simmering conflict over Confederate and segregationist symbols across the South. In Georgia, the state's most famous Confederate memorial - the carvings at Stone Mountain - captured the public's attention, but almost forgotten is a mother lode of Civil War and segregationist artifacts located at the very seat of government: the Capitol. Counting its statues, marble busts, plaques and towering oil paintings, the Capitol boasts monuments to the vice president and secretary of state of the Confederacy, Georgia's two Confederate senators, the state's Civil War governor…

8. While it is true that they do not have a «right to commerce,» as he calls it, at that particular store, they do have a right to be treated the same as everyone else, regardless of who they are or what others think of them. This is the most fundamental right of all, and if you deny someone this right for whatever reason, you are indeed discriminating against them, plain and simple. Just as «states' rights» was not a legitimate justification for Jim Crow laws in the South, «religious freedom» is not a valid rationale for discriminating against homosexuals.

9. These threads of accuracy and art found themselves most at odds this past season in «Selma,» a film by the writer Paul Webb and director Ava DuVerney about protests led by African-Americans in 1965 to achieve voting rights in the South. Since its release the film has faced unexpectedly vigorous criticism on questions of accuracy. # And yet, it is not its portrayal of the marches that brought it trouble, nor its take on Martin Luther King Jr., African-Americans in Selma or even the viciousness of their white opponents. No; the furor has been over its presentation of President Lyndon B. Johnson.

10. Sunday's march ended with a concert on the same bridge where our national consciousness was rattled in the spring of 1965. Three marches from Selma to Montgomery to make the case for voting rights laid bare shocking racism and brutality. Just two weeks after the last March, Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. appeared on MEET THE PRESS knowing a page had been turned. DR-MARTIN-LUTHER-K# JR. (MEET THE PRESS, March 26, 1965): it was the most powerful and dramatic civil rights protest that has ever taken place in the South. CRAIG-MELVIN# And for those whose parents were not even alive in 1965, Selma shines a new light on their history and hometown.

11. Even though he escaped by train and it only took him a day to get up to New York City, the whole way he was petrified of being found. Then owners would - yes, there were professional slave catchers, some of whom who went into the North. You know, I give stories of people who were seized in Philadelphia or New York City, sometimes without any legal process at all, and just grabbed and taken to the South back to slavery. The owners put ads in newspapers.

12. Wesley lifted his hand so I would know which one he was. «The South will rise again,» I said, and they all nodded, the whole row of them, quiet and serious, like it was probably true, that they would have to fight us again. Nobody joked around here about much and just seemed to take things as they came, not worrying about much until they had to though.

13. The farmers and businessmen they wanted to protect were yeomen farmers, craftsmen, and tradesmen whose small-scale output was no match for plantations and shops run on slave labor. In 1860, there were about 4,500,000 black people in America, roughly 3,700,000 of whom were slaves residing in the Southern states. This might lead you to believe that the nation, particularly the South, was awash with people who had direct access to this enormous unpaid labor force. In fact, this is far from the truth. Fewer than 2 percent of the entire US population and just under 5 percent of the Southern population owned even one slave, and a significantly smaller percentage owned more than twenty. That means that the majority of America's slave labor force was owned by a very small - but very powerful - minority.

14. Then Vasya and Karpov went into the bathroom together, and though Marina couldn't see Karpov massage the rubbing alcohol onto Vasya's arm and jab a syringe half-full of yellowish liquid into his vein, he really did that, honest. When Karpov and the midget came out of the bathroom, the barmaid gave them a judgmental look. After all, the South has always been the most conservative part of the country.

15. « But we will always have the poor, certain uneducated bog-Irish lurking about, inebriated, intermarrying and making Saturday mischief. The facts about lynching, all over the US and not merely in the South, appall any thinking person.

16. «What part of the South you from, hon?» «Who says that's where I'm from?» «I thought that peckerwood accent might be a clue.» «The West and the South are not the same thing. I happen to be from Dalhart, Texas. That's where wind was invented.»

17. He said it was better in the north for coloreds in some ways because people acted like they liked you, even if they didn't. But he come back because he missed his family and being in the South, since he knew right off who the sons of bitches was; there wasn't as much guesswork involved in figuring who was who.

18. Odd really, when nature was going dormant for a season. But she loved the fall and desperately needed a new beginning in her life. Despite everything that had transpired with Charles and his death, Nashville was the only home she'd ever known. And as certain as fall passed into winter and spring gave way to summer, she knew she would live and die here. The South was a part of her, and for better or worse she would always be a part of it.

19. «Sweet potatoes are tubers, which means that they are a fleshy growth off the root, not the root itself. Originating in the Americas, Christopher Columbus» discovered " them in Haiti in 1492. Like many New World crops, they went to Europe and then came back. In the early 1900s, when you said potato in the South, you were referring to a sweet potato.

20. The Old South, stretching from Virginia to Texas, holds a trove of 160 electoral votes - about 60 percent of the tally needed to win the White House. And Democrats ignore the region at their own peril, said Scott Huffmon, a Winthrop University political scientist. «In modern times, if Republicans can field a candidate that can sweep the South, they have become president. Period,» he said. «And if the Democrats can field a candidate that can crack the South, they have become president. Period. That's why the South is the crown jewel in the presidential elections.» Obama successfully splintered the South in 2008, winning Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. He also made a late spending push in Georgia to reach 47 percent that year, the high-water mark for Democratic presidential candidates in the state since Jimmy Carter's run.

21. «But it is instructive to remember, as Pinckney points out, that violence and repression stalked civil rights activists in the South up through the early 1960s, while most of the nation remained indifferent.»

22. «His name never fails to ring a bell among local voters. Nearly 40 years ago, Carthan was elected mayor of Tchula, becoming the first black mayor of a Mississippi plantation town since Reconstruction, and his victory was celebrated by African Americans across the South. But Tchula's white power structure lashed back. Carthan was ousted from office, imprisoned on felony charges and tried for the murder of one of his political rivals in an astonishing saga chronicled nationally at the time.

23. I top off my uniform with a Johnny Rebel Kepi hat, gray with a narrow black visor. There are a wide range of reasons why re-enactors choose a certain side. Some tell me they chose the Confederacy because they believe in the right of secession and speak eloquently of current efforts in Texas. Some fight in gray because they are from the South. Some honor ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. I chose gray because in the 21st century the war is over; we're all on the same side. Cpl. James Taylor (his real name) is quartermaster. He checks out my kit and gingerly hands over brass firing caps and enough paper tubes of gunpowder to make a serious mess of, say, my arm.

24. Above all, they pleaded to the strategists behind the campaigns of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and her rivals to make a play for the region. «What we want is for folks in Washington to simply say: Don't write off the South,» said Gilda-Cobb Hunter, a South Carolina state legislator. «We're here today to say this is how we think it ought to be done. The South matters.» Republicans are quick to scoff at the high hopes. «Democrats' inability to win in states like Kentucky, Virginia and Mississippi is an ominous sign for their party heading into the presidential election,» Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said. «Our party heads into the 2016 election with positive momentum and with the right vision to put our country back on track.»

25. Such is a loss of cultural heritage the equivalent of barbecue or Southeastern Conference football, he conceded. But such is the timeline of sports that grow beyond the niche. «It really is (a loss). But there's two ways to look at it,» Jarrett told USA TODAY Sports. «Obviously, for the fans - and we still have a huge fan base from the South - it would be nice if they had someone in that way. And they still do, especially with Junior, but we're not that many years away from him starting to talk about the retirement side of it or getting out from driving. So then, who is going to fill that? And will the Southern fan base stay with the sport because they are getting names that they don't necessarily recognize?»

26. «We have to save these boys. They're our children.» # LANDRIEU IS THE FIRST white person to serve as mayor of New Orleans since his father, Moon Landrieu, completed his second term, in 1978. Moon, beloved by African Americans for battling segregation, still lives in the majority-black, frayed-at-the-edges neighborhood where he and his wife, Verna, raised their nine children. The Landrieu family, driven by Catholic social teachings, tied their fate to that of their African American neighbors in a manner uncommon in the South, or elsewhere in America, for that matter. They embraced desegregation and civil rights as their white friends fed for the suburbs. Moon told me that for a time in the 1960s, he lost most of his white friends. «The whites were upset that I was standing for integration,» he said. " It got so that I decided I liked black people more than I liked white people. Now I just accept people as individuals…

27. There is a question that has puzzled some sociologists for years: If America's poverty is concentrated in the South, as data clearly show, why is it that those states are the most reliably Republican voters - essentially voting against the government assistance they would seem to need? This week, there emerged a new and seemingly unrelated question, though similarly perplexing: Why has the mortality rate for middle age white Americans gone up dramatically since 1999 - even as it has gone down for other groups of Americans and whites in other countries?

28. Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing religious movements in the world, particularly in Africa and Latin America. It's an experiential faith that followers say transforms lives and empowers people - regardless of social status - to make a difference. The Church of God in Christ, which reports about 12,000 congregations, is just one of hundreds of Pentecostal denominations. Often noted for wearing lavish suits, dresses and hats, known as COGIC crowns, the denomination is in U.S. urban centers, small towns throughout the South and increasingly overseas. The last census of membership by the denomination, done about 15 years ago, counted 6.5 million «saints,» or adherents. Leaders say there are more now. They say the church is growing and putting more emphasis on social justice issues. »

29. As a first, it' s hard to top the bravery of Ruby Bridges, who tells us in our 3 Questions feature what it was like to be the first child to desegregate an American public elementary school in the South. We also use the term less formally, as in a photo essay on America' s «first» bird (the bald eagle) or a vibrant story on Africa' s «first» city (Lagos, Nigeria' s commercial center, which is driving the biggest economy on the continent).

30. There are so many paintings where the look on the lady' s face and her body language and posture or physical situation is so immediately recognizable. It' s the universal sense of, «Oh God, please leave me alone.» # MJ: What inspired your first «texts from» piece? # MO: Nicole was doing her Classic Trash series for The Awl. She was talking about Gone With the Wind, and somebody in the comments said, «I' m from the South and it' s actually exactly like this now, except everybody has cellphones.» I was like, «Oh God! The idea of Scarlett O' with the ability to get in touch with all of her friends at any time and ask them for favors is horrific and vivid and amazing.»

31. Elsewhere, African Americans attended historically black colleges and universities first founded across the United States in the mid-1800s. Before the Civil War, few African Americans were at any other Northern institutions, while in the South, African Americans were forbidden to even read. With time, more and more African Americans attended historically black colleges and universities.

32. The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.'

33. If the demands for redress made by civil rights groups didn't come as a surprise, conservative acquiescence did. The Republican Party had built a solid base in the South by courting white voters who cherished the memory of the Confederacy. Yet the party's presidential hopefuls from both the North and the South including Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Scott Walker and George Pataki said that the battle flag ought to be lowered. The most striking intervention was made by the governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, who denounced the use of the Confederate flag and signed the bill removing it.

34. Today, the proportion of people who are non-white and over 60 is about a third. But it's approaching nearly half for those under 18. As a result, politics in the South is no longer biracial: a contest between white and black. It is increasingly multiracial and uncoupled from the region's complex past. # The impact of these changes is reflected in voting patterns. In 2000, the South was still overwhelmingly Republican in presidential contests. Even the Democratic nominee, Al Gore, a southerner, lost his home state of Tennessee.

35. It took place on January 15, 1965. It largely vindicates Johnson and really shows his passion around voting rights. The two of them spur each other one, more or less. And Johnson says to Martin Luther King, you know, if you show the very worst of voting rights oppression in the South and get it on TV, get it on the radio, get it in newspapers, there isn't a fellow who drives a tractor who won't say, that isn't right. That isn't fair.

36. My God, listen, this debate has been going on for a while. There was a TV show where the car had the confederate flag on there. We've been having this conversation a long time, and people are now to the point where they're saying, okay, we can't really see very many other reasons because the only other argument you can make against having this flag be as spectacularly shown as it is around the South is the Nazis. I mean, it would be like having the swastika flag flying on your next door neighbor. And in Germany it's illegal. Oh, we have to go, right? Some religions, they took that swastika. Yes, but right now you can't, you can't do it. I agree.

37. People that, I don't wan na impose anything on you, but who may believe in traditional marriage think that a business has the right not to serve someone. People who think that the antidiscrimination laws should force every business to serve everyone, liken it to the lunch counters in the South where blacks weren't served. It is their, there are emotions on both sides. But the law, at this point is a little bit up in the air. And we'll see it play out.

38. I'm from the South. I'm from Kentucky. And as a woman, you know, a Southern woman, like, if you say you're a feminist, it automatically means liberal, it automatically means man-hater. And I still think we have a little bit of that judgment, which I wish we didn't because we can have strong views and be political and be smart, but we want equal rights.

39. While most Americans believe that the institution of slavery was an outcome of the South's plantation economy, De Tocqueville argued instead that it was its cause. Slavery seemed to have resulted from the South's inability to forge a morally bounded sense of community. Slaves were necessary to a culture designed around individualism and capital accumulation. The only way one could secure as much land and resources as possible was to find cheap, and in this sense, free labor.

40. Pinky, a nurse, played by Jeanne Crain, a White actress, has been educated in the North and returns to the South to visit her Black grandmother played by Ethel Waters. According to TCM, (n. d.) 20th Century Fox head of production, Darryl F. Zanuck, maintained that the story was purely for entertainment. He asserted that it was not a film about solving the Negro problem. It was a film about one woman who had passed for White and then returned to the South and re-identified herself as Negro.

41. Four high schools were public and two were private (one Catholic, one nonsecular). One public high school is a university-officiated «research» school with student demographics representative of the state's population. Parents all reported growing up in the South, and there was an even distribution among those who self-identified as upper class, middle class, and working class.

42. «These folks are making an investment in the community, they're living in the community, and a number of their employees are driving in from somewhere else. «' Hidden jewel of Georgia' The South is home to nearly all the country's 25 poorest counties. Hancock is 23rd on that list. One of every three Hancock residents lives below the poverty line, according to the Census.

43. «The Clintons helped hold back the shift in Arkansas, much as Jimmy Carter held it back in Georgia,» says Merle Black, an expert on Southern politics at Emory University in Atlanta. In addition, Arkansas has a big population of Evangelical white Christians. «That's the most anti-Democratic group across the South,» says Mr. Black. «They don't see President Obama advancing their interests. They see a national Democratic Party as hostile or indifferent to them.» Arkansas doesn't have a big black population, relatively speaking. So the shift there is not about the politics of racial mobilization, it's about cultural conservatism. But across much of the South, home to some of the nation's largest black populations, «racial bifurcation» is the name of the game.

44. «I can't remember it being any gloomier for Democrats in the South than it is today,» Mr. Wilkie, now a scholar at the University of Mississippi, told CNN. «The party has been demonized by Republicans. It's very bleak. I just don't see anything good for them on the horizon.»

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