English neologisms authors in the artistic activity of the person
Neologisms in Modern English. Definition of the term "neologism", "author neologism". National-cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary. Transfer features neologisms based on the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" and the novel "Harry Potter".
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.10.2015 |
Размер файла | 252,7 K |
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"…Нападалы гоняют вокруг и пытаются сшибить игроков с метел. Поэтому в каждой команде есть два Отбивалы -- у нас это двойняшки Уэсли -- их задача защитить свою команду от Нападал и отогнать их к другой команде..."
In the novels of JK Rowling word squib (сквиб, шваб) is set to "a person born in the family of witchcraft, but which has no magical powers," and in the English translation of his dictionary - "nothingness; low or thin man; coward, cowardly man (austral. slang). "Of the two possible translations of words can make a general semantic feature "despised the people around the person dismissive if not contemptuous attitude", i.e. this author's neologism is stylistic. For translation of the first embodiment is applied reception transcription, for the second option - receiving a functional change? Neologism meaning squib as can be understood from the context:
"Well--it's not funny really--but as its Filch, he said."A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any magic powers. "
"Ну... на самом деле это не смешно... но раз уж речь о Филче", - не вполне связно заговорил он, - "швахом называют того, кто родился в колдовской семье, а сам не имеет никакой магической силы".
B) Formation by compounding
- Formation of complex words of phrases
Compound word quick-quotes (quill) (принципиарное перо или прямоцитирующее перо в другом переводе) consists of the basics quick - "быстрый, скорый", quote - "цитировать; ссылаться; брать в кавычки; кавычки" and the plural ending-s. Used for transfer admission functional replacement. Since the meaning of the word is obscure translation of its components, probably, the word translated at clarifying the context:
"You won't mind, Harry, if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill? It leaves me free to talk to you normally... "
Harry hooked down quickly at the quill. The moment Rita Skeeter had spoken, the green quill had started to scribble, skidding across the parchment.
"Ты не возражаешь, Гарри, если я воспользуюсь принципиарным пером? Тогда мы сможем свободно разговаривать..."
Гарри быстро перевёл взгляд на перо. Оно, стоило Рите заговорить, принялось строчить, скача по пергаменту.
Compound word nose-biting (teacups) (кусающие за нос чашки) consists of the basics nose- "нос", bite - "кусать, жалить; укус; след укуса" and closure of a complex formed from the verb adjective-ing. Applied for transfer admission distribution.
They left Zonko's with their money bags considerably lighter than they had been on entering, but their pockets bulging with Dungbombs, Hiccup Sweets, Frog Spawn Soap, and a Nose-Biting Teacup apiece.
Когда они ушли от Зонко, кошельки их сильно полегчали, зато карманы отяжелели от навозных бомб, леденцов-икунцов, мыла из лягушачьей икры и кусающих за нос чашек.
Compound word wit-sharpening (potion) (умострильное зелье) of the basics wit - "разум, ум", sharp - "заострять; точить, затачивать" and closure of a complex formed from the verb adjective-ing. Applied for transfer admission functional replacement because formed by compounding occasionalism.
Hermione gave them a sarcastic smile and a wave, and she, Harry, and Ron started unpacking the ingredients they would need for their Wit-Sharpening Potion.
Гермиона саркастически улыбнулась и помахала им рукой, после чего, вместе с Гарри и Роном, принялась доставать компоненты, необходимые для умострильного зелья.
Formation blast-ended (skrewt) (взрывастые (драклы) или огнеплюй-мантикраб) consists of the basics blast - "взрыв; взрывчатка; взрывать", end - "конец" and closure Participle I-ed. Taking this opportunity, we explain also the word skrewt, although it does not apply to this item classification. It is occasionalisms formed on the model probably unproductive or from the English word screw - "винт, шуруп, тиски для больших пальцев (орудие пытки); скручивать, сжимать" or from the Dutch kruit - "взрывчатое веществ", or from Screwtape - behalf of the demon, the hero of the book of CS Lewis' The Screwtape Letters ". For transfer of author neologism used functional replacement reception. As has been mentioned, the context helps to understand the significance of this design, as JK Rowling herself describes this magical creature:
Each of them was now approaching six feet in length. Their thick gray armor; their powerful, scuttling legs; their fire-blasting ends; their stings and their suckers, combined to make the skrewts the most repulsive things Harry had ever seen.
Каждый дракл достигал шести футов в длину. Их серые панцири, мощные крабьи ноги, жала, присоски и плюющие огнём хвосты делали драклов самыми отвратительными созданиями, когда-либо виденными Гарри.
- Formation of complex words by model
a) formation of a new compound word as the name for a particular phenomenon of reality
For example, the word hinkeypunk translated in different ways as "финтиплюх"/"болотняник"/"болотный фонарник". This word consists of two bases hinkey (от англ. hink - серп) and punk (гнилое дерево, гнилушка (амер.); чушь, чепуха, нелепость (перен.); что-л. бесполезное, ненужное; бродяга, бомж; начинающий преступник; "подмастерье" у вора; гнилой, прогнивший (о дереве); слабый, подорванный (о здоровье); разг. плохой, дрянной (перен.)) Perhaps there is in English word hinkey, but since it was not found in any dictionary, we assume it formed on unproductive model, therefore, is the word, in accordance with the views of some scholars, can be considered nonce words. Since the translation of the first part of speech has not helped to understand its meaning, the translators invented their own neologisms, taking into account the distinctive features being: habitat, make sounds, the presence of a flashlight, so the reception was applied functional replacement
Professor Lupin had brought along a glass box containing a hinkypunk, a little one-legged creature who looked as though he were made of wisps of smoke, rather frail and harmless looking.
"Lures travelers into bogs" said Professor Lupin as they took notes. "You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead -people follow the light--then --"
Профессор Люпин принёс в класс аквариум с финтиплюхом, маленьким одноногим существом. При взгляде на него можно было подумать, что он сделан из дыма, и вообще, вид у этого создания был хрупкий и безобидный.
"- Заманивает путников в трясину, - рассказывал Люпин, а ребята делали записи, - видите, у него на руке фонарик? Он прыгает впереди - люди идут следом - а потом…"
Author neologism billywig (муховертка / брюховертка) consists of the basics billy - "(полицейская) дубинка; приятель, товарищ (диал.); походный котелок (австрал.); деньги (сленг)" and wig - "парик; волосы (шутл.); должностное лицо в парике; лицо, занимающее высокий пост, сановник (разг.); нагоняй, нахлобучка, разнос", they are both ambiguous, and it is unclear what their values are meant. Possible hypothesis: like billy means "очень, изо всех сил", and one of the means wig - правда, in American slang - "наслаждаться (especially music), блаженствовать"; wig out - "улетать" (from the drug, etc.), i.e. can construct interpretation "stunning fly." But such a transfer, apparently no one gave, therefore, the word translated billywig taking a functional change, understand its meaning from the context, ie from the description of this creature:
The Billywig's wings are attached to the top of its head and are rotated very fast so that it spins as it flies.
Крылья муховёртки приделаны к голове наподобие пропеллера и вращаются с такой скоростью, что она сама вертится во время полёта.
Translation of the title bird magic jobberknoll (выскакунчик) does not seem quite appropriate. Translation of functional components of speech reception replace its value is also unclear: jobber - "сдельщик; оптовый торговец; недобросовестный делец, нечестный работник"; knoll - "холмик, бугор; прыщик; кусок". To get started here should understand the meaning from the context:
The Jobberknoll (northern Europe and America) is a tiny blue, speckled bird which eats small insects. It makes no sound until the moment of its death, at which point it lets out a long scream made up of every sound it has ever heard, regurgitated backwards.
Выскакунчик (Северная Европа и Америка) - это маленькая пёстрая птица голубого цвета, питающаяся мелкими насекомыми. На протяжении своей жизни она хранит молчание и лишь перед смертью издает продолжительный крик, состоящий из всех когда-либо услышанных ею звуков в порядке, обратном тому, как они были услышаны.
You should also find related keywords and find the association:
jobbernow (homonym) - олух, болван.
to jabber - болтать, говорить быстро и пронзительно.
a knell - похоронный звон.
[at the] death knell - на пороге смерти, "одной ногой в могиле";
to sound a death knell [for smth.] - списать что-л. со счетов, "похоронить".
There is another association with a poem Jabberwocky ("Верлиока", "Бармаглот"), complete "words purses," which explains to Alice Humpty Dumpty of works of Lewis Carroll. This technique is often used by J.K. Rowling.
Thus, the name of the birds can be transferred, such as "обратномертвоглас".
The word butterbeer (усладэль/масляный эль/сливочное пиво) consists of two bases butter - "масло" and beer - "пиво". Since Al is a kind of beer, it becomes clear the first and second transfer options. butter (Eng) - "масло", beer (Eng) - "пиво". Butterbeer consonant popular in the United States drink rootbeer. There are also buttermilk (пахта) and butterscotch (вид сладости из масла и жженого сахара). It is also possible association with Butterbur (белокопытень (farm.)), the name of the innkeeper's "The Lord of the Rings." Applied for transfer admission functional replacement.
By the sound of it--everywhere. Dervish and Banges, the wizarding equipment shop, Zonko's Joke Shop, into the Three Broomsticks for foaming mugs of hot butterbeer, and many places besides.
Они побывали - везде! У Дервиша и Гашиша, в магазине волшебного оборудования; в Хохмазине Зонко; в "Трёх метлах" - пили горячий усладэль из больших кружек; и во многих других местах.
Formation foe-glass (зеркало заклятых/вражье стекло) consists of two bases: foe - "враг, противник; недоброжелатель, недруг, неприятель" and glass -"зеркало; стекло". To translate foe-glass in the first embodiment, may have been taken as a basis for sustainable Russian expression "sworn enemy" as well as the method of functional replacement, in the second version was used reception distribution.
"Oh that's my Foe-Glass. See them out there, skulking around? I'm not really in trouble until I see the whites of their eyes. That's when I open my trunk. "
"Это Зеркало Заклятых. Видишь, там рыщут мои заклятые враги? Это нестрашно, пока не станут видны белки их глаз. А вот тогда я открываю свой сундук."
The word kwikspell (Correspondence course in beginner's magic) (Быстрочары (Магия для начинающих. Вводный курс)/Быстромаг (заочное обучение основам магии)/Скоромагия (Заочный курс колдовства для начинающих)) derived from a distorted quick - "быстрый" и spell - "заклинание, колдовской наговор". To translate kwikspell techniques were applied a functional change, because in Russian language equivalents to the given word missing. Since the practice of deliberate distortion of the spelling for promotional purposes is widespread (e.g: Kwik Save - "Куик сейв" (name branded self-service food stores and supermarkets of the same company), J. Rowling used this method to give greater credibility it has created the world.
There was only one thing on it apart from his half-completed form: a large, glossy, purple envelope with silver lettering on the front. With a quick glance at the door to check that Filch wasn't on his way back, Harry picked up the envelope and read: Kwikspell. A Correspondence Course in Beginners' Magic.
На столе, кроме полузаполненного бланка, лежала одна-единственная вещь: большой, глянцевый, пурпурного цвета конверт с серебряной надписью. Быстро оглянувшись на дверь, чтобы убедиться, что Филч еще не вернулся, Гарри взял конверт со стола и прочел: "быстрочары. Магия для начинающих. Вводный курс"
The word parselmouth (змееуст/змеиный язык) consists of bases: mouth - "рот, уста; глашатай (редк.), голос (кого-либо)" and parsel - old spelling words parcel - "надел земли, часть, отрез; распределять, разделять; группа, сборище, сброд, стая, шайка (сленг)". In an interview, Rowling said that parselmouth - a man with a wolf-air (in present-day. Engl. - Cleft palate) or cleft lip (harelip). Perhaps there is an allusion here to the forked snake tongue. Techniques used to translate a functional change.
"Hannah," said the stout boy solemnly, "he's a parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes?.. "
"Ханна, - серьезнейшим тоном проговорил плотный мальчишка, - он змееуст. Всем известно, что это признак черного мага. Ты слышала когда-нибудь о приличных людях, которые бы разговаривали со змеями?.. "
The word remembrall (вспомнивсёль/напоминар/напоминалкa) consists of the component remembr, for euphony educated loss last vowel of the verb remember - "помнить, хранить в памяти; вспоминать, думать, припоминать, воскрешать в памяти", and the base all - "весь, вся, всё; все, что есть у кого-л." To convert to a first embodiment used reception tracing combined with partial transcription of the last syllable of the original word ([?:l ] - [њ:l']), in the second and third embodiment unused reception functional replacement because Translators have created their own neologisms formed both productive model (reminder), and on unproductive model.
"It's a Remembrall!" he explained. "Gran knows I forget things -- this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do"
"Это Вспомнивсёль! -- обрадованно объявил Невилль. -- Бабушка знает, что я вечно все забываю -- а эта штука напоминает, если ты что-то забыл сделать…"
Plant name shrivelfig (фиги с маслом/эфиопская сушёная смоква/смоковницы), apparently due to its ability to reduce; also quite possible that it shriveled, which are difficult to clean, as the word is composed of bases shrivel - "сморщиваться, съеживаться" and fig - "фига, инжир, смоква, смоковница". Why was it before the name of the plant as "figismaslom" incomprehensible? Maybe base figs associate it with Russian expression "fig butter"? To put the first version was used reception functional replacement for the translation of the second - the deployment of the third - generalization (replacing the generic concept of species).
"Potter, you can skin Malfoy's shrivelfig, "said Snape, giving Harry the look of loathing he always reserved just for him.
"Поттер, почистите фигисмаслом для Малфоя." - велел Злей, выразив взглядом глубочайшее отвращение, которое у него всегда имелось про запас специально для Гарри.
The word spellotape (колдолентa/ липкая чудолента/ магическая клейкая лента) consists of the base spell - "заклинание, колдовской наговор", the base tape - "тесьма; лента, ленточка" and connective vowel - o -. To put the first version of the interpreter tracing technique created through compounding own coinage in the second and third embodiments, the word translated reception deployment.
He had patched up his wand with some borrowed spellotape, but it seemed to be damaged beyond repair.
Хотя он и заклеил, одолжив у кого-то колдоленту, свою волшебную палочку, но та, похоже, была безнадежно испорчена.
b) the formation of neologisms author by analogy by substituting components
Neologism chairwizard translated as "chairman" and "witch-chairman." Replacement for wizard man formed by analogy with the words chairman (председатель), chairwoman (председательница), chairperson (председатель (мужчина или женщина)). To convert to the first embodiment is applied welcome generalization, in the second - welcome tracing.
"And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"
"К нам, проделав далёкий путь из Египта, прибыл наш судья, горячо любимый колдун-председатель международной квидишной ассоциации, Хасан Мустафа!"
Neologism demiguise (полувидим), probably created by analogy with the word disguise (маскировка; переодевание; переодевать; маскировать) by substituting the suffix dis-, indicating deprivation anything alienation of a part on the suffix demi-, indicating half of anything, incomplete, non-standard size of something. Besides both words conformable. Used for transfer admission functional replacement as the translation was created occasional usage. Context helps to understand the meaning of the word demiguise:
The Demiguise is found in the Far East, though only with great difficulty, for this beast is able to make itself invisible when threatened and can be seen only by wizards skilled in its capture.
Полувидимы были впервые обнаружены на Дальнем Востоке, хотя и не сразу, так как эти существа способны становиться невидимыми при появлении угрозы, и заметить их могут лишь волшебники с достаточным опытом по отлову этих животных.
Formation ever-bashing (boomerangs) (бумеранги бум-бум) consists of the two bases ever - "всегда", bash - "удар; бить, сильно ударять" and forming nouns from verbs suffix - ing with the value of the process, the actions of state. Word ever-bashing is formed by analogy with the words evergreen - "вечно зеленый", everlasting - "вечный" and can be translated as "вечно-бьющий." Method used to translate a functional change.
Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs.
Мистер Филч, смотритель, просил уведомить вас, что список предметов, запрещённых к употреблению в стенах замка, в этом году расширен и теперь включает в себя укокошные уй-йяшки, зубатые халявки и бумеранги бум-бум.
С) affixed way of formation
The word blooder (бладер - мяч для игры в квидиш (Quidditch), предшественник бладжера (Bludger)) consists of the base blood (кровь) with the addition of the suffix-er, having a value of an object or device with a special function. Translated transcription process.
Radulf got a Blooder in the head because old Ugga wasn't quick enough with his club.
Рэдальф получил Бладером по голове, из-за того, что старик Угга со своей дубинкой был не слишком быстр.
Before we consider the word erkling (детоед) turn to the context:
The Erkling is an elfish creature which originated in the Black Forest in Germany. It is larger than a gnome (three feet high on average), with a pointed face and a high-pitched cackle that is particularly entrancing to children, whom it will attempt to lure away from their guardians and eat.
Детоед - это эльфоподобное существо, которое обитает в Чёрном лесу в Германии. Оно крупнее гнома (в среднем 3 фута высотой), имеет заострённую мордочку и тоненький голосок, особенно нравящийся детям, которых детоеды пытаются увести от взрослых и съесть.
There are several versions of author education neologism erkling:
1) erk - "рядовой или сержант в авиации или на флоте; болван, "чайник" (as well as any other contributions, expressing contempt);
2) erk = irk - "утомлять, раздражать, докучать, изнурять, надоедать"; ling - неформальный уменьшительно-ласкательный суффикс, eg. duckling - утенок; ling - морская щука.
3)Erlking (Eng) - злой гоблин из немецких легенд, заманивает людей, особенно детей, в лесную чащу и там убивает.
All translations of Goethe's poem "Forest King" in English called "Erlking" (Paul Dyrsen, 1878; Edgar A. Bowring, 1853; W.E. Aytoun and T. Martin, 1859; Edwin Zeydel, 1955). The text of the poems, however, some translators have used other words: Erlie-king (Ayton / Martin), elf-king (Zeydel), Erl-King (Bowring). Note that they all avoided unpronounceable combinations "lk". Maybe, erkling erlking turned out for the same reason?
Since the first version does not suit us, and from the second it turns out that erkling - in our opinion, somewhat gently toward the creatures that eats children, it is likely that the translators were guided to the third version of the nomination and being transferred its name from the context of the method of functional replacement.
The word niffler, apparently occasionalisms is formed by unproductive model as derived from niff - "неприятный или противный запах, смрад, вонь, вонища". Taking functional replacement translated as "нюхль" or "нюхлер" is probably due to the ability animal bearing this name everywhere to find shiny things:
The Niffler is a British beast. Fluffy, black and long-snouted, this burrowing creature has a predilection for anything glittery.
Нюхлер - это английское животное. Эти чёрные, пушистые, длинноносые существа живут в норах и очень любят блестящие вещи.
The word muggle (магл/маггл/муггл/простец) denotes a person who has no magical powers, i.e. the average person. As derived from the word mug - "simpleton simp also muzzle, snout mug" formed unproductive way and bears the stylistic coloring: neglectful, even derogatory attitude towards people-nevolshebnikam. Translated using transcription transliteration tracing.
""Muggle," said Hagrid, "it's what we call nonmagic folk like them.
"Мугл", -- пояснил Огрид, -- "так мы зовем всякий неволшебный люд".
The formation anticheating (spells) ((заговор) от списывания/ противосписывающие (заклинания)) consists of the base cheat - "обмановать, списывать", prefix anti - "анти-; противо-" and verbal adjectives and end-ing, in this case having a value of an abstract concept. Neologism translated by deployment and tracing techniques.
They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an antiсheating spell.
По этому случаю детям выдали новые, заговоренные от списывания, перья.
Neologism put-outer (выключалка/гасилка/серебряная зажигалка-гасилка) formed from the postpositive verb put out - "отключать, выключать, гасить" with the suffix-er, having a value in the given word object or device with a special function. This may also be a neologism occasionalisms household, i.e. new words that spontaneously occurs in speech. Translates the functional replacement techniques and deployment.
It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop. He clicked it again -- the next lamp flickered into darkness. Twelve times he clicked the Put-Outer, until the only lights left on the whole street were two tiny pinpricks in the distance, which were the eyes of the cat watching him.
Это оказалось что-то вроде серебряной зажигалки. Он зажег огонь, подождал немного и защелкнул зажигалку. Ближайший уличный фонарь потух с легким лопающимся звуком. Он снова щелкнул -- и следующий фонарь, поморгав, погас. Двенадцать раз щелкала Выключалка, до тех пор, пока на всей улице не осталось только два далеких огонька -- это светились в темноте кошкины глаза.
D) Borrowing from other languages.
Combination of words spell Avada-Kedavra (one of irreparable curses (Unforgivable Curses), causing death), though translated by transcription ( Avada Kedavra - ), but is of great interest in terms of education : Avada-Kedavra is a hypothetical spell in Aramaic language , which , according to one theory, the spell goes abracadabra, widely used in magical practice of Western European nations. In the extant Aramaic texts expression Avada-Kedavra does not occur. Its grammatical structure and the meaning are not entirely clear, that is not surprising for a spell in a dead language. Usually Avada-Kedavra interpreted as "damn how the word "either" yes it will disappear," referring to the commandment disappear disease that needed to heal spell. J. Rowling same "redirected" the commandment with the disease on a living creature.
It is also possible that the writer created his magic formula of abreq ad habra (иврит) - "метни свои молнии даже и в смерть". The same abracadabra (абракадабра) - magic spell, consisting of a single word; It was popular in the Middle Ages and served to get rid of illness, misfortune or demons. The word " abracadabra " was recorded on amulets or on paper in the form of a magic triangle , in which each subsequent row is removed one last letter , and so as long as the letters do not end there.
Furthermore , Avada-Kedavra phonetically associated with the English word sadaver ( corpse ) .
In petrificus totalus ( spell turns to stone ) are taken as a basis for the English words that have fallen from the Greek and Latin languages: petrify - "обращать в камень" (greek. petra - камень) and total - "полный, абсолютный" (from totalis (old latin), totus (classic latin)).
Rowling also uses words from other languages to the nomination of magical creatures:
The word Dementor (дементор), probably derived from the Latin demens (entis) - "безумный, сумашедший" or dementia (ae), f - слабоумие, безумие. Since Dementor is creature feeding on positive emotions and deprives the soul of man , the person with a kiss , in terms of education neologism is a connection with the term " dementia " - acquired (as opposed to mental retardation ), a form of dementia . When global dementia violated all kinds of mental activity is lost criticality degradation personality.
It is also possible link with the Greek epic hero Mentor, friend of Odysseus, who during Odisseevyh wanderings helped his family. Athena, taking the form of Mentor, advising young Telemachus . Hence the importance of 'mentor' - an authoritative mentor. De mentor - obviously something quite the opposite Mentor.
"…Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, and they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them…"
"…Дементоры - одни из самых отвратительных созданий, населяющих нашу землю. Они наводняют самые тёмные, самые омерзительные места, они процветают там, где царит упадок и отчаяние, они высасывают мир, надежду, счастье из окружающего их пространства…"
The word apparate / disapparate (аппарировать (also телепортироваться or трансгрессировать)/дезаппарировать) and their derivatives apparating/ disapparating (аппарирование/ дезаппарирование), probably derived from Latin appareo (parui, paritum, ere) - "появляться". Words disapparate/ disapparating formed with the addition of a negative prefix dis-. Translated mixed translation: transcription with the addition of Russian suffix - irova - or lexical substitution technique. The meaning becomes clear from the context:
"Maybe he knows how to Apparate," said a Ravenclaw a few feet away, "Just appear out of thin air, you know. "
"Должно быть, он умеет аппарировать, " - произнес кто-то из "Равенкло" с расстояния в несколько футов. - "Ну, знаете, появляться из воздуха. "
E) Formation of neologisms-Telescopic words
Neologism lethifold (also known as Living Shroud), probably is formed by connecting the root truncated English lethal - "смертельный; летальный; смертоносный, вызывающий смерть" and English word fold - "сгиб, изгиб, складка; кольцо (в которое сворачиваются змеи); слой (в луковице и т.п.); любой предмет, который можно сложить; перегибать, складывать; сворачивать; обертывать" on the basis of ab + cd > acd. Replacing the root vowel and a vowel i (lethal > lethifold) was produced, probably by analogy with the word lethiferous (смертельный, смертоносный). Author neologism meaning can be found in context:
The Lethifold is a rare creature found solely in tropical climates. It resembles a black cloak perhaps half an inch thick (thicker if it has recently killed and digested a victim), which glides along the ground at night, creeps into houses and smothers its victims.
Смертофалд - это редкое существо, встречается исключительно в тропическом климате. Напоминает чёрную накидку толщиной около полдюйма (может быть толще, если недавно убил и переварил очередную жертву), которая по ночам плавно скользит вдоль земной поверхности, заползает в дома и душит свою жертву.
When translating words lethifold were created translational neologism formed compounding method: The first component of the original word translated by tracing, the second - transcribing. Design Living Shroud translated tracing technique.
Author neologism quijudge (квифери) formed by connecting the truncated root author neologism Quidditch and the English word judge - "судья, рефери" on the basis of ab + cd > acd. Translation method for tracing was created neologism also formed seam way: Connect the truncated root neologism "Quidditch" and truncated root of the word "referee" on the basis of ab + cd > ad.
Mumps tells us that the referee (or Quijudge, as he or she was then known) carried the four balls into this central circle while the fourteen players stood around him.
Брюзга сообщает, что судья (или квифери, как его называли тогда) вносил четыре мяча в центральный круг, а четырнадцать игроков выстраивались вокруг него.
Neologism animagus (анимаг/зверомаг) compound formed by the truncated Latin / English basics animal (животное) and truncated ancient Persian / Russian bases magus (маг, волшебник) on the basis of ab + cd > a d. To convert to a first embodiment used reception descriptive design (see example), used in the second embodiment reception tracing.
He hardly heard what Professor McGonagall was telling them about Animagi (wizards who could transform at will into animals), and wasn't even watching when she transformed herself in front of their eyes into a tabby cat with spectacle markings around her eyes.
Ему никак не удавалось сосредоточиться на рассказе профессора МакГонаголл об анимагах (колдунах, которые умеют превращаться в животных по собственному желанию), и он даже не посмотрел, как она у всех на глазах превратилась в кошку с отметинами вокруг глаз, напоминавшими очки.
F) Formation of complex acronyms neologisms
Complex condensed neologism O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) also is "speaking" acronym as owl - in English "сова". Author neoplasm translated as "С.О.В.У. (Совершенно Обычный Волшебный Уровень)" or "С.О.В. (Стандартизированные Отметки Волшебника)" or "С.О.В (суперотменное волшебство) ": Ordinary - "обычный, обыкновенный; ординарный; простой; заурядный, банальный, посредственный", Wizarding - "волшебный, магический, колдовской", Level - "степень, ступень, уровень".
For translation here was used tracing reception, but so to create a neologism, abbreviation, which corresponds to the semantic level of neologisms J.K. Rowling.
Based on the above, in this chapter we came to the conclusion that a neologism (neo + Greek. Logos word) is a new word, linguistic innovation (figure of speech), the grammatical feature appearing in the language.
Author neologism should be seen as a normal linguistic phenomenon , and no words in the dictionary cannot be an obstacle to his transfer to the same translation is practice makes the greatest contribution to the completion of lexical structure of the target language with new words coming from other languages, and hence the bilingual glossary dictionaries. In any case, when the known value of the new word, it is possible to transmit using the methods discussed.
A large number of new lexical units appeared in connection with the development of computer technology. New semantic neologisms group are associated with the alleged land visits by aliens from outer space.
Neologisms are usually formed under the laws of the relevant language, in his productive model derivation. However, literary and book neologisms sometimes created and unproductive ways of word formation. In such cases, the effective force of derivational means becomes clearer, vivid, and tangible. Most means forming new words so often act as a stylistic device.
The most typical ways of education in the language of neologisms of modern British writers are compounding, conversion and change the meanings of words.
Analysis of new words showed that the predominant host of new vocabulary units up, as expected, nouns, since the expansion of the dictionary is mainly due to the names of objects and phenomena that fill the space of cultural studies.
Learning new words revealed trends in some particular linguistic and cultural expansion space in the period under review.
There are many ways to transfer economic topics neologisms from English into Russian. Translator can trace the" inner form "neologism with great caution and only in those cases where there is full confidence in the adequacy of the resulting translation. However, the analysis motivated "inner form" is usually an indispensable step in the transfer of such neologisms.
To achieve adequacy in translating text from one language (s) to another (IL) translator must use the equivalent compliance in the language into which the translation is done. Among the available linguistic resources need to find equivalents that would be adequate to the original.
In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the main condition for the adequacy of the translation of neologisms are:
1. Knowledge of the interaction with the context of the neologism and the main use cases of various types of structural and semantic neologisms.
2. Knowledge of the basic ways to transfer author of neologisms, and sufficient familiarity with the terminology in this area, allows you to find the appropriate equivalent Russian version English neologisms.
3. Ability to choose and use the most appropriate way to create a new translation for author compliance neologism having no Russian equivalent or reflecting specific phenomenon that is not in our reality .
The correct translation of neologisms is a rather complicated problem, despite the fact that neologisms have much higher semantic certainty and independence.
Practical study in the second chapter of our work, allows us to identify the following methods, which are used in the translation of neologisms economic topics
We came to the conclusion that the translation author neologisms from English into Russian the most commonly used techniques such as descriptive translation and translation, which is achieved by using the neologism designating the corresponding concepts of Russian reality.
When transferring coinage each case translator selects the appropriate option from the corresponding context. Duty translator is to convey not only what is said, but how it is said. It is this duty interpreter leads to the necessity of analytical steps in the translation process.
Of lexical units used to describe J. Rowling fictional magical world of objects , the most popular are the design formed by the method of compounding (Ravenclaw), which is not surprising , since the basis of the principle of compounding language worth saving . In second place on demand - suffixes (Seeker). Quite often, simultaneous use of two any method such compounding and suffixes (Leg-Locker Curse). Formation of a new word and actively is going by borrowing from other languages.
The most commonly used methods of translation - functional replacement, since author neologisms very difficult to find a match in the target language, then, of course, transcription and transliteration, as well as the necessary technique to transfer neologisms tracing.
Of lexical items used by J.R.R. Tolkien invented to describe the objects and subjects of the wizarding world , the most popular are the design formed by the method of compounding (Wingfoot), which is not surprising , since the basis of the principle of compounding language worth saving . In second place on demand is affixation (Bywater, Halfling).
The most commonly used methods of translation - functional replacement (Burrows - Glubokop (name)), since author neologisms very difficult to find a match in the target language, then, of course, transcription and transliteration, as well as the necessary technique to transfer neologisms tracing (Watchwood - sentinel forest, Wingfoot - pteropod (name)).
Thus we see that in both cases the main reception of translation is compounding.
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