English neologisms authors in the artistic activity of the person
Neologisms in Modern English. Definition of the term "neologism", "author neologism". National-cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary. Transfer features neologisms based on the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" and the novel "Harry Potter".
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.10.2015 |
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On the other side, the expression of political texts "to take a walk" means "to vote for the candidate of the other party." Very curious word "flunkenstein" is the first appeared in the walls of American Colleges and Universities. If we consider that flunk - student expelled for academic failure, it becomes clear that flunkenstein - is a kind of "eternal loser", i.e. "student who fails in the exams."
Neologism "Street people" used in modern speech in the sense of "vagrant youth" So the U.S. is usually called a hippie and all homeless people.
The word "together" has a new meaning - "in good spirits." (For example: You "re looking really together these days)
On the contrary, it is an antonym into "downs" means " in a bad mood" (Charlie`s into downs today. - Сегодня Чарли не с той ноги встал.) In slang speech "to off" is synonymous with the verb "to kill". The new synonyms are also to do a number on someone "s hear, to rip off.
From these examples, it can be concluded that to a large extent based on neologisms arise colloquialisms and slang. Many of them, despite their initial originality, then quickly removed from the speech. Such neologisms can be called "word - of meteors." At the same time, the other firmly established in the popular language. Frenkel Retsker therefore provides these interesting data [20; 82-84]
"Special Supplement to the big Webster" Webster's New International Dictionary" 1968 has 2500 neologisms. If we compare the 1963 and 1964 editions of the dictionary's Chambers, it appears that from 2500 neologisms Publishing 1964 500 appeared in it the first time. It is clear that the commonly used dictionaries record only new words included in the language. So-called "author", individual neologisms in dictionaries do not fall. However, this category of neologisms - a rare phenomenon very few writers resort to word-spinning."
In the era of mass communication, there is a truly unprecedented opportunity for the development and spread of neologisms. A striking proof of this is the language of our time presses. Language of the American press almost daily enriched with neologisms. Many of them, however, remain "neologisms -night" while other "word -Impromptu" is gradually transformed into basic stock. This, in particular, such (now widely known) words and phrases like:
sweat shop - предприятие, на котором существует потогонная система;
trouble shooter - уполномоченный по улаживанию конфликтов,
dark horse - темная лошадка, то есть кандидат, неожиданно выдвинутый на какой-то пост в разгар предвыборной кампании;
favorite son - кандидат, выдвигаемый в президенты делегацией своего штата (на предвыборном съезде партии);
Boondoggling - word, once included in the category of slang, now widely known in the political lexicon in the value of "заниматься пустыми делами";
Term "hooverize" literally means "to live according to Hoover," meaning "to save on food", "malnourished".
Expression "pork barrel" once was part of American slang. However, now it is a recognized political term that means "бочка с салом", "кормушка", "казенный пирог" that is specially made by the Government activities in order to gain popularity among the masses.
It is now quite "respectable" political term "lame duck" was once known as political slangs. Now lame duck term used to mean "политик-неудачник", "человек, которому не везет".
It is interesting to trace the emergence of the neologism "sky marshal". This word originated in the heyday of practice hijacking kidnappers - raiders (highjackers). Wave of violent capture and hijackings in the United States brought to life a special science of identifying "профиля потенциального угонщика" (highjacker profile determination). Respectively and there were a lot of new words and concepts associated with this area.
Neologisms "lunatic fringe" and "little old lady" in tennis shoes are crudely emotive expressive phraseological units. These words have approximately the same value as the traditional political term extremist - экстремист.
This group should include words such "крылатые" neologisms as
diehards - твердолобые;
dinosaur wing - (букв) "крыло динозавра", то есть группа людей с устарелыми взглядами;
hidebounds - лица с узким политическим кругозором;
moss-backs - ультраконсерваторы
old fogies - старые консерваторы.
Referring to the history of political neologisms, it is interesting to be traced, for example, the development of a number of political terms. The number of terms in the American political lexicon very much : besides the already long settled notions of word -type political hireling - политический наймит; political drudge - работяга (о трудолюбивом работнике); stooge - политическая марионетка, there are all new and fresh. It is already mentioned above terms wardheeler, wheelhorse, as well as (party) hack, hanger-on, hangdog politician, hatchetman.
Unfortunately, the vocabulary has not yet been reflected in the modern bilingual (translated) dictionaries and translator must offer their own versions of translation based on its own independent conclusions. [21; 82-94] Wardheeler - a political term with a scornful and contemptuous coloring in Russian so its value can pass through such correspondences as "мелкий политикан, прихлебатель (при боссе) "; term "wheelhorse", is also used in speech, given the definition that is given to it in the monolingual American dictionaries, Russian equivalent lexical items: a hard worker, a person who carries on itself all impact. Consequently, the terms "drudge", "wheelhorse" very close in value. Party hack - политический наймит. Hanger-on transfer is not difficult, as the meaning is pretty clear already passed by the word (cf. to hang-on - цепляться) henchman, sycophant. Hang-dog politician should translate hanger careerist. Word "hatchet-man" appeared in the American political lexicon recently. It has clearly spoken shade and translated as a political henchman. Sometimes it is necessary to give a broader interpretation of "man, the witness ( on behalf of the boss) for the rest of the observance of party discipline and the implementation of basic party solutions. "
From the perspective of psycholinguistic analysis of a number of very interesting political synonyms constitute neologisms 60s. These are words denoting the symbolic power or imaginary power: straw man, paper tiger, stalking horse, satellite.
Term "puppet government" - a puppet government is known to all. At the same time the latest neologisms Synonyms in said series can perplex even the most experienced interpreter. In fact, how to translate this political neologism as straw man (or man of straw)? neologism author cultural vocabulary
Its literal meaning is "straw man." Clearly, this is a metaphor, and therefore, it is necessary to transmit the metaphorical element in Russian. Apparently, the best can be considered such options as a "соломенное чучело", "ненадежный человек". However rethinking neologism went further. "Straw man" in modern political language means "dummy (fake) candidate nominated to divert voters' attention from the other candidate." Neologism "paper tiger", as it is known, entered the Russian language for a long time. He translated by tracing paper - "paper tiger ", that is used to mean "неопасный противник". Phrase "stalking horse" is very difficult to translate without knowing the scope of its application. In the dictionary "The American Heritage" "stalking horse" neologism defined as follows : "any sham candidate put forward to conceal the candidacy of another or divide the opposition" ("любой "липовый" кандидат, который выдвигается для того, чтобы отвлечь внимание от другой кандидатуры или расколоть оппозицию") Since so wordy interpretation cannot be used as a transfer option , then it should be made based on at least the basic features and then given a neologism can be translated as dummy candidacy figureheads ( in the political game ) . neologism author cultural vocabulary
Most recently appeared in the political language, the term "off the reservation", where this neologism meaning "to remain in the party, but not to support the candidate nominated by the party." It appears mostly speech politicians and can not be known even English speakers.
The next step in the political sense (after "off the reservation") will be "taking a walk" - "support the candidate of the other party." And finally, the last step in this direction "bolting "- "transition into the ranks of the other party." This neologism is used mainly in speech and gradually replacing literature option switching to the other party. Without knowledge of the extra-linguistic situation is extremely difficult to translate a neologism "nervous Nellie's". According to W. Sefayera [22; 150], the first time it used the expression in his speech, U.S. President Johnson against critics of the Vietnam War: ... some nervous Nellie's and some who will become frustrated and bothered and break ranks under the strain (некоторые легко поддающиеся панике люди и те, которые будут чувствовать себя обеспокоенными и в трудные минуты могут покинуть поле боя). Thus, "nervous Nellie's" people should translate easily panicked. This expression came into political language from slang. (Cf. nice Nelly - скромница)
So what are the ways to transfer the "classical" and "disposable" neologisms should be encouraged? Analysis of the translations of neologisms convinces us that the most common is a translation by selecting the appropriate counterpart in another language. Unfortunately, dictionaries of neologisms in Russian published extremely rare. Translator much could be learned from such dictionary.
The second way - it is a translation by transcription or transliteration. So, "steel lobby" - lobby as we pass steelmakers. This is the shortest version. Translation - interpretation - a group of people who are former congressmen) that on the sidelines of the Congress are trying to put pressure on members of Congress in the interests of the owners of steel companies - can hardly be considered a success.
The third way is tracing method. For example, "street people" can be translated as street people (tracing method) or as wanderers (analog method).
" No translation quasi" transfer methods neologisms are so named because the use of these techniques would be an act of translation as a cost of borrowing and replaced by an act of sound (with transcription ) or graphic ( transliteration ) form of the word along with the value of FL in IL . However "no translation" this method is really only apparent: in fact carried out here for the sake of borrowing translation as a necessary prerequisite for its implementation. Loanword becomes fact and has as such acts as the equivalent of externally identical foreign word to him. Essentially this way is one of the oldest and most widespread natural stage (preliterate) language contacts, but he continues to play a significant role in the present. However, application of this technique in our time is due to a number of constraints (language policy, stylistic norms, traditions and different socio-linguistic groups, etc.). [36; 88-89]
Transliteration method is to using Russian letters transfer letters that make up the English word , for example , put - "пут" (опцион), Nikkei - "Никкей" (индекс курсов ценных бумаг на Токийской фондовой бирже) , etc.1 transliteration widely used interpreters until the end of XIX century. To do this, the interpreter was not necessary to know the pronunciation of the English word, and he could confine his visual perception.
Significantly more common in the translation practice of the present time has a reception transcription, which is to transfer not orthographic form of the word, and phonetic. Because of the significant differences between the phonetic systems of Russian and English, such a transfer is always somewhat arbitrary and plays only a semblance of English speakers.
Generally translator must always keep in mind that when you use coupon transcription is always an element of transliteration. Summing up what has been said in the notes to the table we can say that when transcribed elements transliteration found in the following:
* transliteration unpronounceable sounds
* transliteration of reduced vowels
* Transfer of double consonants
* if you have multiple pronunciations choice option , closer to the chart
* tracing .
Proper methods of conversion in a separate branch stands tracing, which occupies an intermediate position between fully transferable and no translate transmission methods neologisms. "No translation" tracing is remained unchanged inner form of the word (cf. restore the appearance form at no translation transfer) . Tracing presupposes the existence of bilateral interlanguage correlations between elementary lexical units, which are used as "building material" to recreate the inner form of the translated or borrowed words.
Tracing as a method akin to creating equivalent literal translation - the equivalent of a whole is created simply by adding the equivalent of its parts. It follows that the only tracing exposed neologisms compound word. For example, the word consists of multicurrency and multi currency, both individually can be translated as "many," (suffix denoting multiplicity) and "currency", with the addition of their work ' multicurrency (e.g. credit) "; or interbank (market) = inter-(" inter -") + bank ("Bank") - "межбанковский (рынок)".
The advantage of receiving tracing brevity and simplicity are obtained with the help of its unique and equivalent correlation with the initial word, reaching to the complete reversibility of conformity.
While tracing paper - equivalents "suffer" literalism, brevity and potential terminology makes them very attractive for use in newspapers and journalistic and social science papers.
* descriptive equivalents
Descriptive equivalents are neologisms and modes of transmission are fundamentally different from the tracing paper so that the modes of transmission of neologisms descriptive translation invariant is precisely the value of foreign language units unrelated to the nature of its relations with the external structure of the word, while tracing invariant under translation is a form of unity of the source language (though not graphic or sound like when transcribed or transliterated , and lexical or lexical- morphological ) , the content side is like " behind the bracket."
In other words, descriptive translation is to transmit the values of the English word with a more or less common explanation. This method can be applied to explain the value in the dictionary, and the translation text in a particular neologism.
Descriptive translation in various ways. We consider two cases.
1. Exchange term open outcry, using tracing , could be referred to as " open outcry " undeterred literalism , because we all know that on the exchange must react very quickly to supply and demand and prices in the appointment , in order to beat the competition , do not scream simply not possible. However, this mode of transmission (and especially transcription or transliteration) is unacceptable because it does not disclose the value of the word. In this case, the most appropriate technique would be descriptive translation. So, the meaning of the term can be taken in sufficiently authoritative explanation thesauruses of the source language. Thus, is in The Oxford Dictionary for the Business World (1993) [23] the meaning of open outcry is explained as "a meeting of commodity brokers with dealers in order to form a transaction. Traders usu. form a ring around the person shouting out bids and offers ", and the translation in this case would be: метод биржевой торговли путём прямого контакта продавца и покупателя
Considered in this example, the method of descriptive translation we call explanatory as equivalent as it explains the essential elements of the value of the translated words. Explanatory translation is closer to the interpretation of the words, but he still remains the translation and suitable for use in real text.
However, even with optimal choice of explanatory equivalents are inherent disadvantages such as verbosity and some optional equivalent in IL.
2. Reception descriptive translation can be implemented in a different way. Wildcard translation - reception transmission neologism in which as its equivalent already exists in the IL word (or phrase), it is not a neologism, but general enough values to the original word. In the ideal case there may be achieved semantic congruence, i.e. match denotative volume values (with the inevitable divergence in some connotative elements). Examples of complete coincidence volume values within a couple of lexicographical correspondences can serve as: order interval - "цикл заказа" (the interval between successive orders), managed floating rate-" корректируемый плавающий курс."
Coincidence volume values - a relatively rare event. Much more often occurs when substituting semantic transformation, i.e. word of the source language betrayed word of the translatable language whose value is distinguished by its volume or content. Such a transformation can be either concentric or offset. In the first case there is a narrowing or expanding value when replacing the word of the source language it's IL - equivalent. Second - incomplete coincidence values correlated pairs of words in content. [37; 44]
An example of concentric transformation can serve as "transition country"- " страна с переходной экономикой " (narrowing values , literally - " страна перехода "), industrial country - " промышленно-развитая страна " (narrowing values , literally - " промышленная страна " ) .
Equivalents with an offset value of substitution of equivalents are quite common, which is quite natural, since the detection of substitution essentially used just when in comparable languages not congruent with each other pairs of lexical equivalents. For example, exchange rate - "обменный курс" (literally - " обменный уровень").
Neologism should be seen as a normal linguistic phenomenon , and no words in the dictionary cannot be an obstacle to his transfer to the same translation is practice makes the greatest contribution to the completion of lexical structure of the target language with new words coming from other languages, and hence the vocabularies of bilingual dictionaries . In any case, when the known value of the new word, it is possible to transmit using the methods discussed.
Thus, the process of translation of neologisms from English into Russian in two phases:
1. clarification of values neologism ( or when the translator refers to the latest editions of the English monolingual ( encyclopedic ) dictionaries or clarifies the meaning of new words , taking into account the structure and context ) .
2. proper translation (transfer) by means of Russian language , namely transcription, transliteration, tracing , descriptive translation ( explanatory or wildcard , using the latter method can be seen as a complete coincidence denotative values and narrowing or widening of the translated language word or incomplete match values of pairs of words and source language).
Regarding the choice of a method of transmitting neologisms , it depends on many subjective factors ( they were not considered in the work precisely because of its subjective nature) , such as , for example , the identity of the translator , his experience , intelligence, ability to manipulate abstract concepts , situation during the translation process , as well as the text style ( journalistic, scientific , artistic , etc.) , the style of a particular author , etc. but above all, the aim must be to the equivalent of neologisms original language ( English ) to the maximum extent responsible norms and rules of the target language ( Russian) .
1.5 National-cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary of English
Analysis of new words showed that the predominant host of new vocabulary units up, as expected, nouns, since the expansion of the dictionary is mainly due to the names of objects and phenomena that fill the space of cultural studies.
Learning new words revealed trends in some particular linguistic and cultural expansion space in the period under review.
At the heart of these names may be the type of activity inherent persons : shareowner (a person who owns shares) - " владелец акциями " (direct nomination word "share" - акция ), street fighter (a tough combative person) - " драчун " ( shaped association with word street - улица), style-counselor (an arbiter of or adviser on what is currently fashionable) - "советник / советчик / консультант" (direct nomination ), staff-doctor (in Britain, a grade of hospital doctor between senior house officer and consultant) - " степень врача в больнице "); individualization of personality based on the intrinsic properties: scuzzyball (American slang, an unpleasant or disgusting person), shakers (influential people, spunk) (Australian informal, a devastatingly handsome young man). Associative- shaped component clearly represented among units called humans based on its intrinsic properties (cf. scuzzy - unpleasant and dirty; shake - to get rid of; spunk - courage, spirit). The name can testify about the effects exerted on the person referred to: shutout (American, a person who is excluded or prevented from succeeding).
Somatic lexicon plays an important role in the nomination rights. For example, the image of the serpent (snake) emphasizes movements. Fixed vocabulary phrase "snake hips" (attractively slim hips, especially in a man) indicates the possibility of the emergence of new words in the areas adequately linguistically aforesaid (names of parts of the human body).
Significantly, it's represented in business and finance. It is words like market-maker (a person whose business is buying shares, securities, bonds, etc. And selling them on, usually at a marginal profit), competitor-analysis (the finding out of information about the financial and other affairs of competitor companies). Terms such as "market - рынок, analysis - анализ, agreement - соглашение, deal - соглашение, сделка", connect in complex words form a representative reservoir vocabulary in this field.
Financial lexicon includes units silly money (money in amounts beyond most people "s experience, making possible the indiscriminate purchase of very expensive items; also funny money), balloon financing (a method of financing purchases in which the vendor lends the purchaser (part of) the price, part of which is repayable in monthly installments but leaving a large final payment to be made to discharge the debt). economic vocabulary can also be expressed using emotionally expressive and figurative components (cf. "silly - having or showing a lack of good sense and judgment "," funny - causing laughter; amusing " per unit " silly / funny money ", shaped component " balloon - a large bag of strong light material filled with gas or heated air so that it can float in the air " in one " balloon financing ").
Natural increase in medical vocabulary - new words here are registered "skin tag" (a small nonmalignant epidermal excrescence), SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), suicide gene (a gene possessed by certain bacteria which terminates their life). In this group stands principle of analogy: SIDS is formed by analogy with AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. This principle can also be applied in the following neologisms: therapy - polar therapy, psychotherapy. This model is quite common and reflects the trend in the derivation of the new English vocabulary.
The field of culture in the narrow sense (music, literature, theater) represented, for example, words sampling (taking extracts from a variety of songs and combining them to form a new one), sit-tragedy (a radio or television drama series featuring the same basic cast of characters in stories of misfortune or conflict), slamdancing (dancing engaged in by fans of heavy metal and similar forms of rock music in which dancers jump up and down frenziedly and collide violently with each other).
In the theater of life also has changed - there are new types of theaters, and with them new names, for example: theatre of absurd - "театр абсурда", theatre of cruelty - "театр жестокости, son et lumiere (Fr. = sound fnd light) - " театр с использованием звуковых и световых эффектов", theatre of fact - "театр факта", black theatre - "негритянский театр", etc. Among the neologisms relating to theatrical life, you can call such nouns as "revolve" - "вращающаяся сцена" и "theatredom" - "театральный мир".
In the film, television and video, many new technical means, followed by a large number of neologisms formed, for example: inflight movies - "кинофильмы, демонстрирующиеся в полете на борту самолета", inflight videosystem - "видеосистема, используемая на борту самолета", featurette - "короткометражный документальный фильм", satellite-delivered show - "программа, передаваемая при помощи спутника, etc.
Recently, new teaching methods indicated by the following neologisms : sleep-teaching - " обучение во сне ", CLASS (Computer-based Laboratory of Automated School System) - класс программированного обучения", multimedia lecture - "лекция с использованием нескольких средств информации (видеомагнитофона, телевизора, магнитофона и др.)", telelecture, telecourse - "учебная программа по телевидению", etc. basically, this group of neologisms formed using abbreviations that reflects the nature of the terminology in this field. It is also necessary to note the use of the prefix tele - (some experts it is recognized as prefix).
Among the new units there is a group of words, it is the behavior of people engaged in various activities, such as: skippering (бытовая сфера) (slang; the practice of taking over a deserted dwelling to live in it without permission or payment squatting), squiffing (почтовые отправления) (British slang, the practice of postal workers reposting mail that is ready for delivery). The structure of many of these units includes emotionally - expressive Seme (e.g., spree - a bout of violent activity [violent - uncontrollably fierce]), movers and shakers - people of power and influence [power - control over others; influence; influence - the power to have an effect on someone or something without the use of direct force or command]).
The new units have enriched the vocabulary of computer language - superminicomputer (an advanced powerful minicomputer), supersmart card (a smart card with a key board and display panel).
Computerization is used in various fields of science and technology, leading to a large number of terminological neologisms. For example, in linguistics: interlingual - "искусственный язык для машинного перевода на несколько языков"; biometrics, in particular to denote biometric protection from thieves: biometric locks - "биометрические замки".
Group of words denoting the commodities unit includes : scaf (American informal) self-centered-altruism fad - a currently-popular product (for example a garment or cosmetic) which as well as being attractive purports to have a beneficial effect on the user , shin-sock - a sock that reaches approximately halfway up the calf; name food - snack pellet (a convenience food in the form of an extruded and shaped mass of edible matter), drinks - super-second (a claret from the Medoc or Graves region which is officially in the second category of excellence, but is generally recognized as being superior to this). [38; 30]
Expanded group of words indicating the location, for example: skip-park (an area with skips for the deposit of various sorts of refuse), snail-park (an establishment where edible snails are commercially reared), solar pond (an artificially constructed pool of salty water designed to collect the sun "s heat for conversion to electricity). Characteristic for English use keywords (in this case, directly indicating the location - park (парк), pond (пруд)) and allow the use of complex words to form words with emotional, expressive and imaginative semami associated with this location: skip, snail, solar.
Sport enriched vocabulary words like: short tennis (a version of tennis for young children, played on a short court with small rackets and a low net), spectator catch (in cricket, a catch which to spectators appears to be a legitimate dismissal of the batsman but is not, for example, when the ball has hit the pad rather than the bat, or bounces up after being hit into the ground).
Individual words are types of motion: slo-mo or slowmo (informal, slowed-down action on film or videotape) and fittings: slipmat (a circular piece of thin rubber placed on a turntable to prevent records from slipping), the new name of the ferry - streaker (a fast, highly maneuverable ferry operating on the River Clyde). In the language of the word arose "seajack" (the hijacking of a ship at sea) by analogy with the existing "hijack".
Thus, on the one side, recently observed in the language use of multiple methods of forming a new vocabulary (affixation, compounding, mixing, abbreviation, conversion), reflecting the derivational and semantic processes in the language during this period. On the other hand, the formation of semantic neologism is the result of activity lingo creative nominator conjugated with extra-linguistic knowledge and discourse, with the transition of the new units of a particular individual in the use of the use of a linguistic community.
Euphemistic neologisms are an integral part of the lexical structure of any language. This layer is considered as a kind of vocabulary of allegory to bringing its distinctive characteristics in the use of taboo vocabulary and language as a way of political correctness , which indicates the trend of using veiled or mitigate the problem of vocabulary in thematic areas such as racism, sexism, religion , political and economic stability , etc.
A large group of euphemisms created on the principle of comity. It usually consists of words and phrases, mitigating different types of discrimination [24; 42-48]
-euphemisms mitigating age discrimination (middlescence - life period from 40 to 65 years; senior, mature, seasoned, distinguished, gracious (of a woman) - old);
-euphemisms, mitigating the estate discrimination (the neediest, the needy, the ill-provided, the socially deprived, the underprivileged, the disadvantaged, low-income people - the poor);
-euphemisms , without discrimination of persons with disabilities (differently abled, physically different, individuals with disabilities or handicapable - a cripple ; big-boned, differently sized, husky or full-figured - thick ; hair-disadvantaged - bald ; sane, mentally unbalanced (deficient), unhinged, deranged, crazy, retarded, lunatic, wrong in the head, not all there, off one "s head, off one" s rocker - mentally ill ; a bit wanting in the top storey, half-wilted, half-baked, nut, nutty, batty, barmy, dotty, having bats, in one "s belfry, crazy as a bedbug - crazy );
-euphemisms mitigating racial and ethnic discrimination (African-American, member of African Diaspora, person of black race - the representative of the Negro population of the United States; Jewish person - Jew);
-euphemisms, mitigating gender discrimination, in particular female gender (camera operator - cameraman; firefighter - fireman; police officer - policeman; chairman - chairperson; stewardess - flight attendant).
Theme Group euphemisms reducing superstitious fear of any phenomena (the principle of taboo), includes phenomena of death. It is in this group is representative of the principle of the most taboo. For example, moonchild (people born under the sign of Cancer) to replace the word cancer, causing the association with disease; hospice, originally denoting a guest house for the poor, the sick (shelter, hotel), is now a hospital for terminally ill or institution for the care of dying people.
It should be noted that in English, the subject of death verbalized exclusively using euphemisms. For example, the verb to die can be replaced by a huge number of literary and book synonyms to decease or paraphrase to pass away ( go to the other world ) , as well as to go West ( heading west ), to depart ( sail ), to breathe one "s last, to join the silent / the majority, to be no more ( do not be ), to lose one" s life to expire ( expire on the expiration date ), to go behind the eternal cloud ( go to eternal heaven ), to pay one "s debt to nature ( give back to nature ), to go to kingdom, to sleep the sleep that knows no waking ( sleep soundly ), to go the way of all flesh ( join all mortals ) . Along with them in language there are reduced crudely humorous expressions like to kick the bucket, to count daises, to pop one "s clogs, to give up the ghost, to kick off, to check out, to take a ride, to hop the twig ( give oak drop skates, kick the bucket ) .
Phrase "if anything should happen to me" in the sense of "if I die" (если я умру) recently became familiar in sale of insurance companies.
In modern English, there are many euphemism concepts God or the devil.
God ( Бог ) - Dad, Gad, God-a-mighty, Gol, Goramighty, Gord, Gorra, Garry, Gosh, Gott, Gar, Gawd, Gawsh, God Almighty, Gum, Gub, Gun, Lord, Law, Lawd, Laws, Lor, Lordy, Lorsy.
Devil ( Дьявол, Сатана ) - father of lies, the gentleman in black, the God of this world, our ghostly enemy, the Prince of Darkness, Old enemy / lad / Poker / gooseberry / Bendy / lain / deuce / dickens / Harry / Henry / Ned / One / Dragon / Scratch / Boy. "Hell" for the following word euphemisms (ад, царство дьявола): Blazes, Hail Columbia, Halifax, hallelujah, heck, HEdoubleL, Himmel, Hoboken, hot place, something.
In recent decades euphemistic vocabulary has increased markedly the tendency to form new units, raising the prestige of certain professions (e.g., hairstylist или beautician - парикмахер; morticians, funeral directors - служащие кладбища; sanitation engineer - сборщик мусора; environmental hygienist - дворник; footwear engineer - чистильщик сапог; glass maintenance engineer - мойщик окон) .
Thematic group euphemisms, distracting from the negative phenomena of reality (the principle of regulatory impact on the audience and the principle of secrecy) , it seems appropriate to divide into two subgroups [25; 161-163]
-euphemisms , undercover officers aggressive military action ( crime, drugs , aggressive policy ): involvement - агрессия; conflict - война; device - бомба; limited air strike / air support - бомбардировка; training bases - военные базы;
-euphemisms associated with negative effects in the socio - economic sphere : reserve of labor force - безработица; culturally different children - дети трущоб; downsizing, rightsizing - увольнение.
By "Neogene" areas over the past decade include:
-undesirable aspects of the business and business relationships;
-indirect name drugs;
-layoffs and downsizing from work;
-indirect names death (natural and forced);
-indirect names intimate relationship between man and woman;
-modern understanding of discrimination associated with taboo new generation - skin color.
So, in recent decades most of the euphemisms do not arise in traditional taboos and in the business relationship between people that may be associated with the commercialization of life principles and values of human society in general and the English-speaking community in particular.
2. Transfer features neologisms in modern English language (based on the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" and the novel "Harry Potter")
2.1 Modes of transfer of neologisms
In the practice of translation work prominent place is a translation problem author neologism.
Denominative education naturally became part of the language and vocabulary is indicated under the corresponding verbal droppings, for example:
plan (v) to make a plan , schedule ship (v) ship , to embark
The conversion of these verbs is not difficult. However, be aware that this method of forming a verb from a noun is productive in modern English and is one of the sources of the appearance of neologisms. Authors often resort to it, using a variety of nouns and verbs are creating an entirely new, which we do not find in a dictionary. [26; 164-167] Value of denominal tumors can be properly understood only in a certain context by comparing the value of the original noun.
1. For example:
The delegates were planed to the conference last night.
Planed verb formed from the noun plane самолет.
Appointment of passenger aircraft is to transport people. Based on this, we translate the proposal:
Yesterday evening, delegates were sent to the conference by plane.
2. another example:
The trunks were tractored to the river bank to be floated then downstream. Purpose tractor - towing carts and trunks of trees, hence the translation of the sentence:
Стволы деревьев были отбуксированы трактором к берегу реки с тем, чтобы затем сплавить их вниз по реке
3. More examples:
The river is bridged in two places.
На реке имеется два моста.
The rioters were machine-gunned by the police.
Полиция обстреляла бунтовщиков из пулемета.
Often such formations from nouns, decorated suffix - ed, used in function definitions.
There are several multi-storeyed buildings in Moscow.
В Москве имеется несколько высотных зданий.
We saw a two-funelled steamer.
Мы увидели двухтрубный пароход.
The problem of a correct understanding and translation of neologisms connected with the fact that the rapid development of modern science and technology is no dictionary is unable to keep up with the emergence of new words and terms in different fields of knowledge.
Therefore, if the text includes a neologism that is not in the dictionary, translator's responsibility to determine its value, given the derivation of the word, and based on the context, for example:
Jet propelled planes consume enormous quantities of propellant.
In this sentence we find a new word "propellant", which is not in the general dictionary and the value you want to set.
Separating the word suffix - "ant" and find the original shape "propel" (dropping the second letter 1).
We seek to "propel" the dictionary meaning of the word as a verb - "to move forward, to set in motion to move."
Given that the suffix - "ant" forms nouns from verbs, determine the approximate meaning of the word "propellant": "that sets in motion."
From the context, we select the most appropriate setting: fuel. After that translate the entire sentence:
Jets are to absorb huge amounts of fuel.
If a neologism is a common word, but the use in special terminological sense, then, obviously, the only way to establish its value rebases reliance on context, on the total of the translated text.
For example, in the sentence:
This proved to be an Arab film, but as it was dubbed into English we were able to enjoy the smartness and vividity of its dialogues.
We meet neologism "dubbed", whose value - "dub" - easy to install out of context and then translation of the sentence is straightforward:
This film proved to Arabic, but since it was dubbed into English, we were able to enjoy the wit and vivacity of his dialogues.
Meaning of denominal verbs, as indicated above, must be evacuated from the initial values of nouns with special orientation to the context. [33; 144] When translating neologisms - borrowing principal means of disclosure is the word context and, of course, a dictionary of the language from which the word is borrowed.
Syntactic context - this is the syntax, which is used in a given word or phrase (subordinate) bid.
Lexical context - a set of specific lexical items, words and phrases, which are surrounded by the unit, is found. Accounting syntactic context will allow the interpreter to determine the identity of the neologism to one of the parts of speech, but in clarifying the values of the neologism is crucial to keeping it lexical context.
New words are usually arising on the basis of already existing in the language of words and morphemes.
Analysis of these words and morphemes can have an interpreter of great assistance in understanding the value of the neologism. This requires a good knowledge of word formation processes in English, such as: giving existing word of another value. [34; 203]
For example, the word "call" in English means "называть, вызывать, призывать созывать, вызов, телефонный звонок", etc. However, with the development of the exchange business not so long ago he had the new value recorded in dictionaries as a call, a call option (i.e., the right buy within a certain period due to securities with pre- payment of the price premium), and the development of banking - the bank's claim to the borrower for early repayment of the loan in connection with the violation of its terms.
One of the most ancient, universal and common ways of word-formation in English is compounding, has not lost its activity and now: more than one third of all tumors in the modern English language - complex words.
Since the norms of modern English language allow the combination of words that have the same lexical and grammatical features that are connected by compounding basis, then determine in which cases the translator has to deal with a complex word-neologism, and in which - with the phrase, it seems quite difficult.
Currently, a number of criteria for distinguishing are compound words and phrases. When translating neologisms in English texts deserves special attention orthographic criterion, the essence of which is to consider all the complex, written together or hyphenated as a compound word, and the complex, whose components are written separately, as the phrase:
dividend-right certificate - сертификат, дающий право на получение дивиденда;
dear-money policy - ограничение кредита путем повышения процентных ставок;
fill-or-kill order - приказ клиента брокеру, который должен быть немедленно исполнен или аннулирован.
In cases where the combined words ending and beginning with the same vowel or consonant, one of them is omitted.
Analysis of the components that make up the compound word, gives interpreter to knowing their lexical meaning, figure out the meaning of the whole complex:
Graphite bombing caused power lines destruction turning off life-supports in Belgrade hospitals.
As you can see neologism "life-supports" consists of two parts: life (жизнь) and support (поддержка), then it are something that allows you to maintain life or vitality, and the suffix - s indicates that we are dealing with a countable noun in the plural form.
Thus, taking into account the context, this neologism can be translated as "life-support equipment." During the bombing of graphite bombs were damaged power lines that caused the disconnection of life support equipment in hospitals in Belgrade.
education forms by analogy with already existing language by adding to them the various productive affixes. [39; 75]
For a correct understanding of the meaning of neologisms formed in this way the interpreter must know the productive affixes in modern English language and be able to correctly divide the word into its components : kiteflyer - recipient of funds under the fictitious bill , the user fictitious bills.
Very often when a similar method for forming neologisms have a satirical painting , especially in the press : ... that they taste the same in Peking as they do in London or New York, and so it was that world burgernomics was born by McDonald's.
In this case, the author wishes to draw attention to the significant development of a chain of restaurants "McDonald's" fast food industry, which has its own laws and phenomena and, like other economic laws are equally valid in different countries:
Beijing ... что в Пекине они по вкусу такие же, как и в Лондоне или Нью-Йорке, вот так "МакДональдс" создала мировую гамбургерномику.
Conversion function is called transition words from one part of speech another, i.e. use the same words as various parts of speech.
For example, now the Internet can often be seen E-mail me / us to ... Clarifying values such neologism is not difficult.
Syntactic context makes it possible to determine the membership of a word to a transitive verb, and knowing the meaning of the word E-mail (electronic mail) transfer: Please send an e- mail to…
-borrowing from other languages.
Then his telefonino rang, or rather squeaked piercingly ... It is impossible to get away from the wretched telefonino wherever you are in Italy. Of all the countries in Europe, only Britain has more mobile telephones. Затем зазвонил, или скорее пронзительно запищал его мини-телефон. В какой бы части Италии вы ни находились, вам никуда не деться от этих назойливых телефонино. Из всех европейских стран, мобильных телефонов больше только в Великобритании.
The Soviets had Sputnik, but the Americans had their open-plan kitchen. No contest.
Советский Союз создал "Спутник", а американцы создали кухню открытого типа. Вне конкуренции.
-reverse derivation.
Contact derivation is the process of education by truncating the suffix verbs from nouns correlative type televises - показывать по телевидению from television телевидение.
Fusion - a compound or a truncated root of one word to a whole word or a combination of two truncated roots:
forex reserve (forex = foreign + exchange) - резервы в иностранной валюте;
impex transactions (impex = import + export) - экспортно-импортные сделки.
Among the existing species of this method of derivation , special attention should partially abbreviated acronyms , the essence of which is the acronym of one of the components, e.g. , B-unit (Barclays currency unit) international currency bank " Barclays Bank international ", Fed Wire - email system communication federal Reserve Banks (USA). Dixie. [40; 149]
2.2 The results of the experimental work
In the experimental part of my research I had to explore the place and role of neologisms of foreign origin in the modern language.
To understand how to neologisms are the people around me, we had made up a questionnaire and interviewed 20 people on it:
10 people aged 8 to 22 years old - Teen (from primary school to university);
10 people aged over 23 years - adults.
The questionnaire we have indicated 4 neologism of foreign origin, which we chose, and survey participants were asked to write each word next to its meaning:
Skateboard - катание на доске с роликами.
Poster - небольшой плакат с изображением артиста.
Parking - стоянка.
Investments - вложение.
Questioning revealed that among the 10 people under the age of 22 years 5 people correctly interpreted the word " poster ", 6 people - the word " skateboard " and 4 people - the word " parking ", no one in this group has not explained the word "investment" ( see Table 1).
Table 1 Results of the survey, respondents under the age of 22 years
Word/Result |
Poster |
Skateboard |
Investments |
Parking |
interpreted |
5 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
Didn't interpret |
5 |
6 |
10 |
6 |
Results are shown graphically in Pic 1.
Pic 1 - Results of the survey respondents, under the age of 22 years
Among adults, none gave the correct interpretation of the word "poster", 2 people have interpreted the word "skateboard" 4 people - explained the word investment, 3 people - "parking lot" (see Table 2).
Table 2 - Results of the survey respondents over the age of 22 years
Word/Result |
Poster |
Skateboard |
Investments |
Parking |
interpreted |
0 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
Didn't interpret |
10 |
8 |
6 |
7 |
Results graphically depicted in Pic 2.
Pic 2 - Results of the survey respondents over the age of 22 years
The word "poster" and "skateboard" often heard among adolescents, while "investment" and "parking" - among adults. However, neither they nor others have coped with his proposed task completely, despite the fact that these words are used to communicate with other people.
In the next task, the questionnaire we asked to answer two questions.
"How often do you hear from the other words, the values of which are unknown to you?" And "what do you feel when you are in a conversation with the source you use unfamiliar word (s)?"
Answering the first question, all respondents (20 people) answered "yes". From the answers to the second question, we found that many of the "shy", "embarrassed", "trying to steer the conversation to another topic," "try to interrupt the conversation."
Asking a third question: "Which interpretation of the words you want to learn?" We began to collect material for his science project. Thus, from the questionnaires we received 15 neologisms of foreign origin.
So, we conducted a survey and found that ignorance of neologisms of foreign origin in the modern Russian language not only complicates communication between people, but often makes it impossible.
Continuing, we began to search for material for research. Together with parents and friends gathered brochures , followed advertising on television and radio, listened to the news , read newspapers , went to the Internet and computer technologies discussed , with physical education teacher found out what sports have arisen in recent years and which of those were known abroad, became known recently for us.
After that, a teacher of Russian language, we have compiled a list of neologisms, and then the card index of the words, which indicated their origin, interpretation and where they are used. Card index totaled 60 neologisms.
On the origin of all the words come from different languages (see Pic 3).
British |
American |
French |
боулинг, дайвинг, спикер, ростер и др. |
паркинг, риэлтор, секьюрити |
фуршет, гриль |
Pic 3 - Groups of neologisms on linguistic origin
Part of the words is from British language. These words are noticeable by their suffixes: for example, the suffix "-ING" - bowling, roaming, lift, parking, rating, diving and other; the suffix "-ER" - poster, broker, roster, speaker, shaker, and other provider. American origin of the words: realtor security. Part refers to the French language: the grill, buffet.
Selected words will be divided into spheres of consumption (see Pic 4).
So, we have identified the following neologisms spheres of human activity:
1) Economy
Оффшор, оффшорные средства - в значении "свободный", находящийся на расстоянии от берега, в открытом море,
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