English neologisms authors in the artistic activity of the person

Neologisms in Modern English. Definition of the term "neologism", "author neologism". National-cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary. Transfer features neologisms based on the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" and the novel "Harry Potter".

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Демпинг - от англ. "снижение, уменьшение", торможение развития,

Девелоперская фирма - от англ. "развивать, совершенствовать, разрабатывать", строительная фирма, разрабатывающая стройку домов,

Фьючерс - от англ. "будущее", надбавка в цене, взимаемая продавцом за отсрочку расчёта по сделке,

Лизинг, от англ. "сдавать в аренду", долгосрочная аренда машин и оборудования, транспортных средств, сооружений производственного назначения и др.,

Тендер - от англ. "обслуживать", конкурс,

Сейл - от англ. "распродажа по пониженной цене в конце сезона",

Рекрутер - от англ. "нанимать", человек, занимающийся устройством людей на работу.

2) Computer technology

Сайт - от англ. "местоположение, местонахождение", в компьютерной сети объединенная под одним адресом совокупность документов частного лица или организации,

Файл - от англ. "регистратор, досье, дело", (в информатике) - логическая единица информации, хранимая на носителе;(канцелярская принадлежность) - тонкий прозрачный пакет для бумаги, имеющий отверстия для подшивания в папку,

Апгрейд - от англ. "повышение качества") Увеличение производительности системы, путём замены модулей или добавления дополнительных элементов. Данный термин обычно используется для обозначения перекомплектации устаревших моделей персональных компьютеров, или полной замены системных блоков.

Фейк - от англ. "подделка, фальсификация, обман", как правило, используется для определения изменённых (приукрашенных, искажённых) с помощью специальных программ-редакторов оригинальных цифровых фото или видео файлов,

Флэшка - от англ. "вспышка", USB Flash, мобильное устройство хранения информации, программа, написанная на Macromedia Flash,

Редиремкт - от англ. "перенаправление", переадресция, переход с одного e-mail на другой, с сайта на сайт и т. д.,

Сканер - от англ. "поле зрения", устройство, которое, анализируя какой-либо объект (обычно изображение, текст), создаёт цифровую копию,

Принтер - от англ. "печатник", устройство печати цифровой информации на твёрдый носитель, обычно на бумагу,

Мэйл - от англ. "почта", электронная почта в Интернете.

3) Feedback:

Роуминг - от англ. "распространение, возможность широкого использования", услуга связи с дальним и ближним зарубежьем,

Рингтон - от англ. "звук", мелодия, воспроизводимая на сотовом телефоне для оповещения о входящем вызове,

Прайм-тайм - от англ. "лучшее время", услуга мобильной связи, связанная с предоставлением услуг по выгодной цене в зависимости от времени.

4) Gastronomy and household items:

Ростер -от англ. "жарить", жаровня,

Шейкер - от англ. "встряхивать", сосуд для приготовления коктейлей,

Ноу фрост - от англ. "без замораживания", тип холодильного оборудования, не нуждающийся в механическом размораживании,

Гриль - от франц. "жарить", устройство для жарения или выпечки с нагревом,

Фуршет - от франц. "вилка", совместный прием пищи, когда приглашенные едят стоя, свободно выбирая блюда и напитки,

5) Industry, Beauty:

Лифтинг - от англ. "подтягивать", косметологическая процедура, связанная с подтяжкой кожи,

Пилинг - от англ. "очищение, чистка", очищение кожи лица,

Скраб - от англ. "царапать", крем для отшелушивания, очистки кожи лица, тела.

6) Entertainment:

Клип - непродолжительная по времени художественно составленная последовательность кадров.

Сингл - от англ. "один, единственный", песня, записанная отдельно,

Ремейк - от англ. "переделка",

Реамлити-шому или реалити-телевидение - от англ. "действительность, реальность",телевизионный жанр, разновидность развлекательной программы или телевидения,

Шоу-рум - от англ. "выставочный зал", демонстрационный зал для показа образцов товаров.

7) Sport:

Боулинг- от англ. "шар; игра вшары", игра, вкоторой пущенным пополу шаром нужно сбить стоящие группой кегли,

Дайвинг - от англ. "нырять, погружаться вводу", "подводное плавание",

Дайвер - любитель подводного плавания, водолаз,

Скейтборд - от англ. skate "катание на коньках, скольжение" и board "доска", катание на доске с роликами,

Сноуборд- от англ. snow "снег" и board "доска", катание на доске по снегу",

Сноублэйд- от англ. snowblade "трюковые лыжи"; катание по снегу на наибольших по размеру трюковых лыжах.

Байкер- от англ. Bike - сокращ., разг. от bicycle "велосипед", велосипедист, мотоциклист,

Шейпинг- от англ. придание формы; вид гимнастики.

Pic 4 reflects the scope of the use of neologisms listed foreign origin more clearly.

A group of words which we have enumerated limited number of words that we found. In the future, we plan to find and analyze the neologisms of foreign origin in the modern Russian language, because

- First, so we learn a lot about the world , because the language displays the most minor changes in the world, in people's lives, and to be able to share their knowledge with their friends, parents , friends and people unfamiliar to me ,

- Second, it will help us to better understand others and communicate with them fully,

- Third, all the books say that language is a living thing, like a man, and we're interested to learn to see the process of its development, its life.

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Pic 4 - Areas of use neologisms of foreign origin

We described neologisms of foreign origin were scooped me from various sources (see Pic 5).

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Pic 5 - Sources of the information

The most effective source of advertising may be mentioned: brochures, radio and television advertising, advertising signs that tell you when a new product or service. The second most important source should be called the media: TV (transfer program shows), the airwaves. Was a particular source of internet?

In work on the source of information were the words dictionaries, textbooks.

Working on the project, we tried himself as a researcher, talked with people involved in science, visited many interesting places, met with the profession bibliographer, learned how to use the catalog of books, worked in the reading room and were on tour in the library storage, interested in their parents and friends.

2.3 Causes and sources of the appearance of neologisms Internet resources

Any language is constantly updated with new words - neologisms. These words occur in the language because of the need denote new items, or express new concepts. In CPn distinguish lexical neologisms that newly created (with the help of derivational means of language) or borrowed from other languages, words and expressions, as well as semantic - these are the new values of previously known words. Along with the common language neologisms, there are those who call individually or occasional stylistic.

In CPn one of the main sources of new words is called "World Wide Web" or the Internet. Neologisms arise in this environment with a stable consistency. We have become accustomed to become almost commonplace Internet expression, or, as they say lately, Internet memes, such as "username Bear" or "LOL." But even in the last six months internet enriched dozens, if not thousands of new words. In his work, we tried to find out the sources and reasons for their occurrence.

A large number of neologisms appeared in connection with the creation of new, not previously existing types of Internet resources, Internet posts and technologies. For example, the word demotivators (demotivation or poster), which means the image consisting of the picture in black or blue frame, and commenting on its label - slogan. Initially, demotivators appeared as a parody of motivational posters or motivators - view billboards with an optimistic appeal. Arisen in America demotivators very quickly spread throughout the world, and at the moment there are millions of them.

Флуд (as incorrectly spoken English . Flood, наводнение) - placing the same type of information in several different branches of the forum or forums, one recurring phrases , symbols, letters, words, identical image files or just short messages on web forums , chat rooms , blogs. A person who distributes flood, flooder called the Internet.

Лагать - to slow down, experience delays in communications. occurs Eng. "Lag" задерживать, зависать.

New post Internet users call odmine or admin officer responsible for network operation in normal mode. Or word - forums (moderated) - user with greater rights than ordinary visitors to the public network resources (chats, forums), he has a right to delete other people's posts, edit them, delete pages users.

Because of the advent of new technical means, there were such thing as a gadget - modern people call the original, non-standard technical device. Today gadget can assume any digital device, small enough to put on hand or connect to the phone. Another technical neologism is a word does - software for viewing Web sites to request Web pages. Interface - from the English. Interface - the totality of means methods of interaction between system elements. Depending on the context, the concept is applied to a separate element, for example, an interface element.

Set neologisms appeared in Russian language because of the spread of Japanese animation - anime, designed for teen and adult audiences. Words such as kava, from the Japanese word kavayah, which means cute, adorable Russian-speaking anime fans are most commonly used as an adjective kawaii, such as "what Kawainui earrings."

Thanks to the wide spread of different social networks appeared expressions such as зарегаться - create your own page on the site, enter your username and password; friended (Frendo, расфрендиться) i.e. add users to your friends list, who can view the page author.

One of the main distributors of new words is a site called "upachka.ru" with the slogan: "Freedom! Equality! Upyachka!" But today Upyachka - this is not just a word , and it 's destructive Internet traffic, calling to fight the so-called dull users through hacking sites, infecting computers with viruses . So Upyachka hackers broke into the website of the National Bank of Ukraine. Site history began with an attack of two dozen user's blog titled "Leprosarium" a competing blog "Habrahabr" Then was published manifesto calling for a fight. This event is considered the beginning of history Upyachka. The resource is the author of such words as military - Internet user who visits the site "upachka.ru", it is widely believed that the participants of the project "Upyachka" often "figh" with other" dull websites in their opinion." Потс, Потс зохвачен - this sites, blogs, forums, groups, "In Touch" that infect viruses , unwanted Internet advertising online community members ' Upyachka. " There are entire expression invented by users , for example, pyani - chewy candy Skittles, together with the use of lemonade " Zhivchik " cause " vzdryzhni effect."

Site users actively create cartoons featuring the same personalities, mention of these individuals in their communion, and when the "attack" other sites. Basically, all the words have the ending to -e. For example, Onotole - Anatoly Wasserman - as determined by its users is the main "god" and "mastermind" of the "military." Crab - Vladimir Putin. This nickname was born after his statement at the press conference: "All these eight years I worked like a galley slave." Fomin - Vladimir Fomin - townsman Kineshma, Ivanovo region, fighting for the right of women to wear a skirt.

Researchers divide neologisms into 3 groups: lexical, semantic, occasional. Most that has emerged in recent lexical neologisms with foreign roots. Such as: друг from the English. Погамать - from the English. Game - game gadget - from the English. Gadget - a device spam - from the English. Spam - mass mailing of commercial, political and other advertising or other types of messages to persons not express a desire to receive them. Originally the word "SPAM" appeared in 1936, and stands SPiced hAM (spicy ham) and it was a trademark for canned meat. World renown as applied to intrusive advertising term SPAM acquired after the Second World War, when the data were huge stocks of canned food, which is supplied by American soldiers. In order to sell their produce not the first freshness, the company held the first of its kind advertising campaign. The word "SPAM" conspicuous on every corner, with showcases all the cheap shops, it was written on the sides of buses and trams. This word can be read on the facades of houses and newspapers. Advertising canned "SPAM" continuously broadcast on the radio. So for the word "spam" stuck a new value, and later transformed into computer terminology to refer to intrusive advertising messages. In recent years, the word has become one of the most frequently used on the Russian Internet.

By semantic neologisms include such previously existing words like accordion (dupe, Bayan) - which means re- published joke or information, and the information should be published on the same source (website, blog, etc.). Initially, this value is derived from the well-known anecdote about mother in law (" the wife's mother was buried. Broke two accordions. "), which was published in one of the forums so often that it was banned. Quite quickly the word "accordion" has become a symbol of old jokes or just platitudes. Board - computer keyboard, stone - CPU, think - to play a computer game DOOM;

By occasional neologisms include words invented by the author's site "upachka.ru". For example, глагне - main page, including the most Upyachka, жырчик - lemonade " Zhivchik " пепякодансе - dance that dance user Upyachka, коллайдре - the Large Hadron Collider , ололо - battle cry and laugh fighting the "war" means something very funny. Also, there is the word goes against all the rules and regulations of the Russian language, most of which begin with a solid mark such as prshutezhchlo, echchozha and do not seem to carry a special meaning.

Appeared recently in most neologisms can not be attributed to the so-called " Albany " or " language of bastards " ( афтаржжеет, пастулам ) because the basic concept of this language is an alternative spelling of Russian words in which the word is the most different from the dictionary spelling. Moreover, the creators were in favor of purity of the Russian language (in their minds), for getting rid of Americanisms and use of borrowed words.

From all the above we can conclude that the neologisms in Russian language becomes every day more and more, but if it shows the enrichment of language, of its development? Unfortunately is no. Most new words are borrowings from foreign languages, primarily from English. Furthermore, these words are not urgently needed and have equivalents in Russian. So why the modern Internet user or just modern man is chooses instead of the word to friends - Friend, instead of playing - погамать? This can be explained by changing social, political attitudes in society. Only a few decades ago, the preservation of the language supports reading examples of classical art the literature. In the 21st century reading - not the most popular activity , most Russians prefer to watch movies, TV shows , and the Internet " pass " the news with the words " много букфф " sign in the comments or "ни асилил ".

Another reason for the emergence and widespread neologisms is the pursuit of economies to shrink. Compare: Comte - contacts, add friends - Friend, НУБ - newbie. But all these words, and especially word - contraction type: ЛОЛ - very funny, ИМХО - in my humble opinion, are a testament to the limited vocabulary. "The new rule, more free and at the same time less certain and unequivocal, is under the influence of mass printing. Television, radio, periodicals, popular culture in general are increasingly becoming "trendsetters", "educators" new language of taste"

Language in our country are not protected, for example, France has long passed the state law on the protection of the language, in which the journalist, ingested foreign word in the presence of the same in French, shall be punished by a fine solid.

Neologisms is definitely needed in any language, but they should not testify about the decline, and on the development of society, which must not only "steal" other people's words or borrow them from other languages, and should produce them, if necessary, and distribute the world's.

2.4 Lost in Translation neologisms (based on author neologisms)

Author neologisms in the trilogy JRR Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"

This part describes methods and techniques of word translation author neologisms examples of their use. To clarify the meaning of words from the context presented small excerpts from JRR Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy and translation Muraveva and Kistyakovsky. For the analysis of the dictionaries given the most appropriate words from the context, given a translation of the different translators, considered various allusions and associations.

2.4.1 Methods of forming author neologisms

Studies neologisms Tolkien was found that the most common and the most productive ways of education neologisms are compounding, affixed way of education and education semantic neologisms.

A) Education by compounding

For example, words such as Snowmane - from two words snow and mane. Wormtongue - from words worm and tongue. Watchwood - from the words and watch wood. Windlord - words from wind and lord. Quickbeam - from the words quick and beam. And many others that will be describe in detail when considering ways to convert.

B) affixed way education

In the work of Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings" neologisms this method of education is in second place after compounding. For example, Bywater - the way water is attached preposition by. Halfling - suffix -ling stands little creature. Easterlings and others.

C) Education semantic neologisms

As mentioned above, semantic neologisms - these are words whose meaning has already been given in all dictionaries, but the work of Tolkien, they acquire other values. Studies neologisms Tolkien found several such neologisms. For example, начальники - The Chiefs, Hill - круча, Bag End - торба.

2.4.2 Interpreters author neologisms

A studies neologism Tolkien was found that the most productive ways to transfer author of neologisms are functional replacement, tracing, transcription and transliteration. Consider this more ways:

A) Functional replacement

Word Whitfoot - тополап consists of two main whits - церк. Whit Monday - Троицын день; Whit Sunday - Духов день ; n капелька , йота , and foot - нога, ступня [27; 88] It is clear that the second element of the word translator translates tracings , but it is not clear where it came from part of the " topological " or " top " if -o- - connecting vowel Russian language if stomp - to trample, to stamp with the feet. From the context of this work, is a hero, little man, hobbit, but he is one of the main leaders of the dwarfs. To draw an analogy with the meaning of the word Whit - капелька, йота, it is clear that the hero little man. Since the translation of the first part of speech has not helped to understand its meaning, the translators invented their own neologisms, taking into account the distinctive features of being. Translators have decided to resort to a functional replacement, as they found that the most appropriate option.

They took old Will Whitfoot the Mayor, first, and they have taken a lot more. [31; 340].

Первого взяли старину Вила Тополапа, голову нашего, тем более они сажают пачками. [32; 939].

Neologism Wormtongue - Гнилоуст, is the name of one of the heroes, traitor, vile man who wanted to pick up a loot. The word is derived from two main worm - червяк, червь, глист; низкий человек, презренная личность and tongue - язык, речь, манера говорить. The authors selected the most faithful translation of the words by using the replacement: Worm - червяк, низкий человек, translators offer a translation, as гниль, что-то противное, and that actually causes this character, and he always said nasty things to shield them.

Think you that Wormtongue had poison only for Theoden's ears?…Saruman spoke them, the teacher of Wormtongue. [31; 163].

Ты думаешь, Гнилоуст отравлял только слух Теодена?…Их произнёс Саруман, наставник Гнилоуста. [32; 814].

Saruman turned to go, and Wormtongue shuffled after him. [31; 362].

Гнилоуст поплёлся за Саруманом. [32; 957]

Word Sandyman - пескунс, formed from two main sand - песок, гравий or sandy - песочный, песчаный, непрочный, зыбкий and man - мужчина, человек. Because the last component is clear that this hero's name. When reading the word translated readers the feeling that this villain, because the word "skunk" is such a sensation among readers translation. And in fact, this character - a traitor, the culprit of many evils. Translators picked the most appropriate translation using a functional change, because readers create a negative attitude to this hero.

But see here, Master Sandyman, I have a score to pay in this village, and don't you make it any longer with your jeering, or you'll foot a bit too big for your purse. [31; 359].

Только вы учтите, сударь Пескунс, что я вернулся сводить счёты, а будете зубы скалить - посчитаемся и с вами: ох и дорогонько вам это обойдётся! [32; 954].

Neologism Wilderland - Глухаманье, formed from two bases. Perhaps, based on the first constituent of the word is an English word wilderness - a desert wilderness; пустыня, дикая местность; запущенная местность and land - земля, суша, почва; страна, государство; земельная собственность. In the context of this work - it is the area that was once the habitat, but was plundered and devastated. In Russian, the word "глухоманье" has the same meaning, so translators and translate it as wilderness. Translated used reception functional replacement.

Every Elf in Wilderland has sung songs of the old Onodrim and their long sorrow. [30; 119].

Да любой тебе Эльф в Глухоманье слышал и помнит жалобные песни про онодримское разлучение. [32; 463].

The word Bracegirdle - Толстобрюхл - the name of one of their character is derived from two bases: brace - n (support) подпорка, v (make fast) скрепить, скреплять; v to make smth. stronger by supporting it; n smth. that is used to strengthen, stiffen or support smth.; и girdle - n (belt) пояс, кушак; v окружать. At first glance, the translation of the word doubts where such components did. But apparently, the translators felt welcome functional replacement of the most appropriate. Since the product in the context of the hero - a very fat man, and a belt or girdle is designed to maintain the abdomen, the translators offer a translation of the word.

For the collection of Hugo Bracegirdle, from a contributor; on an (empty) book-case. Hugo was a great borrower of books, and worse than usual at returning them. [29; 86].

"Для пополнения библиотеки Гуго Толстобрюхла от пополнителя" - книжная полка (пустая). Гуго очень любил читать чужие книги и в мыслях не имел их возвращать. [32; 37].

Neologism Quickbeam - Скоростень, is the name of incredible creatures, a huge tree that could walk and talk. The word is derived from two bases quick - быстрый, проворный, живой, скорый; сообразительный, находчивый and beam - балка, брус, перекладина; луч, сияние. The first word is used by the base tracing paper. Perhaps the basis of the translation of the second component, word beam, takes the first meaning of the word - балка, брус, перекладина. But the translators used a functional replacement for the external data transfer hero: a tree and translators seem to use the word "stalk" and come to the most accurate translation of the word.

Quickbeam bowed like a tree bending in the wind and handed to Aragorn two great keys of intricate shape, joined by a ring of steel. [31; 312].

Скоростень склонился, точно дерево под ветром, и вручил Арагорну два черных узорчатых ключа на стальном кольце. [32; 916].

Word Crickhollow - Кроличья балка, name of the area where they lived Krol (fabulous people of the work). The word is derived from two bases crick -Longman Dictionary of contemporary English interprets it as: n a sudden, painful stiffening of the muscles, especially in the back or the neck; v to do smth that produces a crick in your back or neck and in Muller Dictionary [27; 109] - n растяжение мышц; v растянуть мышцу, и вторая основа hollow - пустота, впадина, углубление, дыра; дупло; лощина, ложбина. Translators do not see the most accurate translation of the word, than to relate the name of the area and its inhabitants. A translation of the second part of speech is taken by analogy with the word "depression, deepening", as in the Ozhegov dictionary [28; 177] bar - is лощина, ложбина, овраг, one of these values is word hollow. Since the "crick" would be meaningless here, the translators have chosen the best option given word translation using a functional change.

They had not made any definite plans, but had vaguely thought of going down to Crickhollow together first, and resting there a bit. [31; 337].

Они собирались было сперва отправиться в Кроличью Балку и пожить там с недельку в свое удовольствие. [32; 937].

Neologizm Flourdumpling - Пончик, the name of one of the heroes, formed from two main flour - мука, крупчатка; порошок and dumpling - клёцка; яблоко, запеченное в тесте; разг, коротышка. The word cannot be translated as well as translation of this word corresponds to the translation of both its components and the context of work: This character was a small man, very chubby, and shows that one of the meanings of the word "dumpling" - коротышка. In the Ozhegov dictionary "sinker" - is round, fried in boiling fat pie, and donut. Crumpet, in turn, is Perrin. On the large, plump woman or child. Used when transferring reception functional replacement.

They took old Flourdumpling… [31; 340].

Взяли старину Пончика… [32; 939].

Neologism Lockholes - Исправноры, formed by way of compounding of two bases lock - замок, запор, затор и hole - дыра, отверстие, яма; разг, затруднительное положение. To translate the authors use the reception function replacement. In the context of work is the place where he was kept in custody guilty hobbits, so they do not repeat their mistakes. Both components of the translation is clear that a closed space under, so translators picked the best option transfers, using a functional change.

Old Will Whitfoot had been in the Lockholes longer than any,… [31; 340].

Старина Вил Тополап просидел в Исправнорах дольше всех остальных… [32; 939].

Neologism Skinbark - Вскорень, is the name of unusual character, tree. The word is derived from two bases skin - кожа, шкура; кожура; наружный слой, оболочка and bark - кора (дерева). Of the meaning of these words shows that these are synonyms. But in the translation we have "root" and this word has quite the opposite meaning. If the "crust" on the surface, it is seen, the "root" is not visible, it is hidden under the ground. Translators used reception functional replacement.

Skinbark lived on the mountain-slopes west of Isengard. That is where the worst trouble has been. [30; 86].

А Вскорень облюбовал горные склоны к западу от Изенгарда - самые, надо сказать, ненадежные места. [32; 439].

The word Bywater - Приречье, name of a place in the work. Neologism formed affixal way of word, but by is the English preposition. Author formed the word using the preposition by contiguity - у, при, около, that is, this shows the proximity of the preposition, the word water - вода. To translate the word water translators use reception functional replacement "water" can be "river" and the word translated as "Bywater", possibly by analogy with the common name of the locality, settlements in Russia "District."

But I would dearly like to see Bywater again,… [31; 249].

Только вот жалко, не увижу я больше Приречья… [32; 872].

Neologism Halfling - Невысоклик, so in a conversation between characters called hobbits. Hobbits - is extraordinary, fabulous, very little people, invented by the author of this work. Word is a way affixal derivation. Suffix-ling English denotes a small creature.The word half - половина; часть чего-нибудь.

Interpretation and translation of the word used reception functional replacement for the word "Невысоклик" and shows that the character - the little man. Apparently, the translation of "половинчатый" or other authors considered unsuitable.

And what of the king's esquire? The Halfling? [31,; 165]

А что с оруженосцем конунга, с тем невысокликом? [32; 816]

The word Easterlings - Вастаки, is the the name of the fabulous people living in the east, opponents of the protagonists of this work.

Perhaps the word comes from the word east - восток; восточный, because the word Easter - Пасха not appropriate to the context. In this case, the suffix-er meant a subject leader and the suffix-ling - a small creature and, accordingly, the plural of English-s. But the translators use the root of the word-a-vowel. But still in tune with the word translation "east". Used when transferring reception functional replacement.

The host of Easterlings had turned back out of Anorien,… [31; 184]

Вастаки вторглись было из Анориэна… [32; 829].

Neologism Underhill - Накручинс, the hero's name is formed affixal derivation method. Prefix English under means ниже, под. This prefix is attached to a noun hill - холм, возвышение, возвышенность. If you translate the word literally, it means "under the mountain", "at the foot of the mountain." But the translators had the task of forming a proper name. The authors translate it as "Накручинс" Apparently the word "cooler" in the Ozhegova dictionary - крутой спуск, обрыв. In Russian there is an expression "to climb the cliff," that is to climb the hill, up the hill. Translators used reception functional replacement.

I will give you a traveling name now. When you go, go as Mr. Underhill. [29; 142].

Дай-ка я придумаю тебе другое имя. Назовись ты, пожалуй, Накручинсом. [32; 61].

Semantic neologism Men - Начальники. In any English dictionary you can find the word. It is the plural of man - мужчина; человек; человечество; слуга; pl солдаты, рядовые матросы; муж; приятель. For transfer of author neologism was used functional replacement reception and translation is "Начальники". In Ozhegov dictionary начальник - должностное лицо, руководящее, заведующее чем-нибудь. Apparently, translators drew an analogy, as a man - the stronger sex, it can be the boss.

The Chief doesn't hold with beer. Leastways that is how it started. But now I reckon it's his Men that have it all. [31; 339].

Генералиссимус пива не пьет и другим не велит. Будто бы поэтому. Правда, пиво-то и сейчас варят, но только для Начальников. [32; 938].

Semantic neologism Hill - Круча, is the name of a place in this work. In any English dictionary hill - холм, возвышение, возвышенность. In the work of Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings" word acquires meaning "Круча". In Ozhegov dictionary [28; 89] "круча" - крутой спуск, обрыв. Translated used reception functional replacement.

…new holes were dug in the southward face, back into the Hill, and they were lined with brick. [31; 366].

…вырыли новые норы на южной стороне Кручи и отделали их кирпичом. [32; 960].

Semantic neologism Bag End - Торба, is the the name of the Shire, the country where the Hobbits live. Translators used reception functional replacement, because "bag" - мешок, сумка, чемодан, "торба" - in Ozhegov dictionary [28; 101] - мешок, сума.

…before even the removal of the new mill, was the cleaning of the Hill and Bag End,… [31; 366].

…не успели снести новую мельницу, а уже стали расчищать Кручу и Торбу…[32; 960].

The word Shire - Хоббитания, this is the second name of the country where the Hobbits live. In English - Russian Muller dictionary shire - графство. Maybe it was the word trace and uses it as the "Shire"; it is possible that in other translations of this work uses the word "shire". But Ants and Kistyakovsky decide not to confuse readers of translation and reception using a functional change in the translation of the word.

May the Shire live forever unwithered! [31; 167].

Да цветет Хоббитания во веки веков! [32; 817].

B) tracings

The word Watchwood - Дозорный лес derived from two main watch - n 1) внимание, наблюдение, бдительность; 2) вахта; 3)сторож, страж, стража, дозор; 4) бодрствование; v 1) наблюдать, следить; смотреть; 2) бодрствовать, дежурить; 3) караулить, сторожить, охранять; and wood - n дерево, древесина, дрова, лес, роща. In the work a group of people who surveyed the area. Translators translate this word phrase, as it is sometimes the translation is the most correct, if we translate compounding, then the option "Dozorles" is not quite appropriate. Reception tracing used in translation.

The Watchwood we will call it. Not a squirrel will go here. [30; 234].

Они будут называться Дозорный лес. Любую белку в тот же миг заприметят. [32; 549].

The word Snowmane - Белогрив, is horse nickname, which had an extraordinary beauty. The word consists of two bases snow - снег; белизна, седина and mane - грива. It is clear that the authors translate this word from receiving tracing and connecting vowel Russian language-about-. But first base word "snow" not translated as "снег", as the authors translation felt that Snegogriv not suitable and therefore came to an embodiment Belogriv.

But the king sat upon Snowmane, motionless, gazing upon the agony of Minas Tirith, as if stricken suddenly by anguish, or by dread. [31; 124].

Но конунг недвижно сидел на своем Белогриве и взирал на гибнущий Минас-Тирит; казалось, он был охвачен смятением и ужасом и дряхло понурился под бременем лет. [32; 786].

Suddenly the king cried to Snowmane and the horse sprang away. [31; 125]

Конунг что-то крикнул Белогриву и тот сорвался с места. [32; 787].

The word Treebeard - Древень, lead tree, is the leader of this fabulous people. He was very brave, despite the fact that he was the oldest. Neologism formed from two main tree - дерево, древо; родословное дерево and beard - борода; растительность на лице; v смело выступать против. Translation of the first part can be seen that the hero - an extraordinary creature, tree, or tree, and the translation of the second part tells us that the hero - the elderly, had lived his life, since the presence of a beard indicates that people are elderly. But interpreters are not kalkiruyut word beard, as pick the most suitable context the word "Treebeard". It is in tune with the word "tree" and "ancient", "antiquity". One word has two meanings.

Treebeard repeated the words thoughtfully. [30; 75].

Древень медленно и задумчиво взвесил предложенные слова. [32; 431].

Treebeard fell silent, striding along, and yet making hardly a sound with his great feet. [30; 78]

Древень примолк, вышагивая размашисто и бесшумно, потом снова забормотал… [32; 433].

Neologism Leaflock - Листвень, aloso is the tree name. The word is derived from two bases leaf - лист, листва and lock - замок, запор, затор. Translators used reception tracing the translation of the first component, but the second deliberately lowered apparently consider it necessary. Transfer options, selected translators to these fantastic characters, harmonious and sonorous flow into the context of the whole work.

Leaflock has grown sleepy, almost tree-ish, you might say: he was taken to standing by himself half-asleep all through the summer with the deep grass of the meadows round his knees. [30; 86].

Листвень заспался, совсем, можно сказать, одеревенел: все лето стоит и дремлет, травой оброс по колено. [32; 439].

Neologism Wandlimb - Приветочка, is the name of hero. The word is derived from two bases wand - волшебная палочка; прут, палочка; жезл and limb - конечность; сук, ветка. It is possible that the basis for the word translated value taken "branch" and diminutive - caressing suffix Russian-language-chk. Apparently, the version of "Sprig" translators seemed inadequate, so when using the prefix-they wanted to show that the heroine was very sweet and kind, as the word "Privetochka" also consonant with the word "hello". Translated used tracing reception.

…ah! The loveliness of Fimbrethil, of Wandlimb the lightfooted, in the days of our youth! [30; 87].

… не было краше моей Фимбретили, легконогой Приветочки в дни и годы нашей юности! [32; 440].

Neologism Smalborrow - Норочкинс, the name of the fantastic character, formed from two bases small - маленький, небольшой and borrow - нора, дыра. The translation of the word is an element of "normal", and then used tracing reception, but the word "small" interpreters decided to pass on using diminutive - pet suffix of Russian-chk-, as the translators had a task to form a proper name.

"Hey, come here Smallborrow! " he called. "I want a word with you." [31; 339].

"Эй, Норочкинс, иди-ка сюда" - позвал он. - У меня к тебе разговор. [32; 938].

Neologism Frogmorton - Лягушатник is the name of place. The translation of the word is an element of tracing as frog - лягушка. Since the product in the context of the word is the name of the locality, that the translators had a task to form the most suitable word. In Ozhegov dictionary [28; 190]"лягушатник" - 1. вместилище для лабораторного содержания лягушек. 2. Неглубокий детский бассейн (разг.). The translation of this word is more consistent and the English word, and the context of the whole work.

As evening fell they were drawing neat to Frogmorton, a village right on the Road, about twenty-two miles from the Bridge. [31; 338].

Под вечер вдали показался Лягушатник - придорожное село за двадцать две мили от моста. [32; 937].

C) Transliteration

Transcription is to transfer audio content of the word, but since we do not know the words sound, so it would be appropriate to consider the following examples from the perspective of transliteration.

Studies Translation neologisms Tolkien revealed several instances of transliteration. Basically, it is the name of fabulous people and places. Here are a few examples:

Word Hobbiton - Shire, a country where the Hobbits live. It is clear that the word is transliterated interpreters and added elements inherent in country names that sound in Russian, for example, Denmark, the United Kingdom and under.

One of the first things done in Hobbiton,… [31;366].

Одним из первых, что было сделано в Хоббитании… [32; 960].

Word mumakil - мумаки, название народа, переведено при помощи буквенной передачи.

…the mumakil of the Harad dragging through the lanes amid the fires huge towers and engines. [31; 111].

…это хородримские мумаки подвозили из-за огненных рвов осадные башни и стенобытные орудия. [32; 777].

Gorgun - горгуны, also the name of the fabulous people.

Kill gorgun in woods,... You hate gorgun too. [31; 116].

Мы стреляем горгуны в лесу…И тебе горгуны враги. [32; 781].

Pukelmen - Пукколы, in the translation of the word there are elements of transliteration and functional replacement (men - converted in the plural).

…and suddenly he remembered the Pukelmen. [31; 116].

… и вдруг ему припомнились Пукколы. [32; 781].

Orcs - Орки, people's name.

…and spread stamping ruin among the orcs innumerable that guarded it,… [31; 112].

… топча бесчисленных орков… [32; 778].

All of the above people were opposed to the protagonists.

The following example:

Galenas - галенас, the name of medicinal herb used in the product as a potion that gives force and the treatment of wounds.

…and galenas by the noble and other names in other tongues more learned… [31; 166].

…а по-ученому галенас, и другие названия на самых редких языках… [32; 817].

And the two place names Rimmon - Римон and Druadan - Друадан.

They went through Druadan to Rimmon with great wains. [31; 117].

Через Друадан к Римону ходили большие повозки. [32; 782].

D) Mixed translation

Word Windlord - Ветробой, in the product is a very brave hero, capable of feats. Neologism is formed by abutting two bases wind - ветер; дыхание; пустые слова, вздор; запах, дух; слух, намек, and lord - господин, владыка, повелитель, властитель. The first component of the word translated using tracing paper, but the second component is not interpreters and uses the reception function replacement. Although the word Lord Wind is not bad in line with the context. But the translators chose this translation "Ветробой". But this hero did not fight with the wind, as it seems from the translation, and raced with a tailwind to help others, so the option Lord of the Wind would be the most correct.

The came Gwaihir the Windlord,… who built his eyries in the inaccessible peaks of the Encircling Mountains when Middle-earth was young. [31; 269].

Появился Гваигир Ветробой,… который свил гнездо у неприступных вершин Окраинных гор - когда Средиземье еще справляло праздник юности. [32; 885].

Neologism Brandybuck - Брендизайк, the name of the hero, is formed from two bases brandy- бренди, коньяк and buck - самец (оленя, антилопы, зайца, кролика); Денди, щёголь. Translators felt right to transliterate the first component of the word, and the translation of the second component, or use the technique of tracing modulation, ie semantic development, so use the value "male hare."

As a matter or fact I'm a Brandybuck… [30; 73].

Если уж на то пошло, так меня зовут Брендизайк… [32; 430].

Neologism Longbottom Leaf - Длиннохвостье, name of a place in the work of Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings". Word formed by a compounding of bases long - длинный, долгий, bottom - дно, днище; низ, нижняя часть and leaf - лист, листва. When translating the word the translators used tracing techniques (long - длинно) and functional replacement: Replace leaf - "лист" on the "хвост". And is formed a translational occasionalism "Длиннохвост".

And anyway I have some stuff of my own. Come on now! Longbottom Leaf it is. [31; 167].

Да и у меня зелья хватит. На, возьми! То самое, из Длиннохвостья. [32; 817].

Neologism Mirkwood - Лихолесье, name dark and gloomy areas in the product. The word is derived from two bases mirk = murk - n темнота, мрак; a темный, мрачный and wood - лес, роща; дерево. The second component of the word interpreters and the translation of the first reception using functional replacement. The Ozhegov dictionary [28; 250] famously - (set) is the same as evil. There is a saying in Russian, "remember dashing" - remember bad about anyone about anything. Translation of the word good and fits the entire context.

There was songs about the hunt … sung among Elves and Men from Mirkwood to Gondor. [30; 87].

… сколько песен про это: и эльфы их пели, и люди, от Лихолесья до Гондора. [32; 439].

E) Translation occasionalisms

Studies Translation author neologisms Tolkien found several incidents of non-Russian words to English. Consider these examples more:

Neologism Shadowfax - Светозар, the name of the horse, having unrealistic possibilities: he rode faster than the wind, and had an extraordinary beauty. In Muller English - Russian dictionary shadow - тень, полумрак, мрак, уныние. The name of the horse, having unrealistic possibilities: he rode faster than the wind, and had an extraordinary beauty. In English - Russian dictionary Mueller

Over the plains Shadowfax was flying, needing no urging and no guidance. [30; 246].

Светозар мчался по темной степи, его не надо было ни понукать, ни направлять. [32; 558]

But Shadowfax will have no harness. [30; 246].

Но Светозар не терпит сбруи. [32; 558].

Neologosm Landroval - Быстрокрыл, hero's name. Word in the translation does not match either the English word. Translators Translation occasionalisms resorted to in order to compensate in the name of the hero of his extraordinary possibilities.

…and Landroval, the greatest of the Eagles of the North… [31; 269].

…и Быстрокрыл, величайшие орлы северного края… [32; 885].

Neologism Noakes - Сдубень, hero's name. If you look closely at the word, you will see the word oak - дуб. Apparently interpreters saw this word and translated it as "Сдубень" because there was a problem in front of them to form a proper name.

But what about this Frodo that lives with him? asked Old Noakes of Bywater. [29; 51].

Да ведь, кроме Бильбо, там в норе еще этот, как его, Фродо? - заметил старый Сдубень из Приречья. [32; 22].

Neologism Bree - Пригорье, is the name of a valley leading to the ominous mountains, which was inhabited by various peoples. Word Bree is not in the English language, so translators are coming up with their translational occasionalism that fits the context of the work.

Go at ones! Ever since that night at Bree we have been a nuisance to you [31; 166]. Навязались же мы еще в Пригорье на твою голову. [32; 817].

Neologism Took - Крол, the name of the fabulous people, small, hairy arms and legs. English word took - past from take - брать, взять, захватить. Translators use Translation occasionalism to transmit a proper name and the name to match the external data heroes, by analogy with the "кролик".

We Tooks, we can't live long on the heights. [31; 167].

Все ж нам, Кролам, непривычно жить на этих высотах. [32; 817].

2.5 Lost in Translation neologisms (based on author neologisms)

Author neologisms in J.K. Rowling's novel "Harry Potter"

This part describes methods and techniques of word translation author neologisms examples of their use. To clarify the meaning of words from the context of novels, short excerpts presented J. Rowling. For the analysis of the dictionaries given the most appropriate words from the context, given a translation of the different translators, considered various allusions and associations.

Methods of forming author neologisms

A) Formation of semantic neologisms

Especially a lot of the words that have acquired new meanings, JK Rowling used for the nomination of events and objects related to kvidishem, witching game on broomsticks.

The word seeker - "человек, ищущий что-либо; исследователь; самонаводящийся снаряд" gets in the works of Harry Potter new values "bloodhound" and "catcher" (in different translations) - A player who has to find and catch the Golden Rogues (Golden Snitch) Snoop before the other team.

For transfer of author neologism were applied: in the first version - the literal translation, in the second version - functional replacement, as here, in contrast to the values of the original word, expressing the first player's task (to find), depending on the context focuses on the performance of his second player , the main problem (catch).

It's the Seeker's job to catch it.

Задача Ищейки -- найти и схватить его.

The word chaser ("охотник, преследователь, истребитель, морской охотник") belongs to the semantic field of " chasing someone or something " , and while referring to the same semantic field in Rowling's books , it is in different versions of translation gets new values "hunter" or " forward" - one of three players per team for playing Квиддич (Quidditch), with problem is to send each other the Квафл (Quaffle), having tried to throw it into one of the three rings of the enemy and his team to get ten points for each hit. For translation in the first embodiment was applied literal translation, because there is a match in the target language; in the second version - functional replacement, because the interpreters here probably arose association with striker in football, because his main task as the attacker in Quidditch - score a goal.

"…The Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through one of the hoops to score a goal…"

Охотники бросают его друг другу и стараются забить гол в одно из колец, это приносит десять очков.

The word beater comes from the English word beat ("бить") and has a mean "битник" (разг.), "чемпион" (разг.), "загонщик" (охот.). It also means the person or thing that has whips, beats, etc. - by the mean of the verb beat (ср. drum-beater - барабанщик, egg-beater - взбивалка для яиц). In various editions of JK Rowling's novels in Russian neologism beater translated as "отбивала", "отбивающий" or "загонщик" - a player Quiddich team whose mission - to protect his team from the score-attack (Bludger), beating them with a special bat. To translate the second and third option was applied a literal translation of the first embodiment is applied welcome a functional change (because there is no match in the target language) and created occasional usage.

"There are two Beaters on each team who carry clubs to beat the Bludgers away from their side."

"В каждой команде по два отбивающих, у которых есть биты, которыми они отбивают бладжеры со своей половины".

The word catcher comes from the English word catch (ловить, хватать, поймать) and has a mean "игрок в бейсболе, стоящий у "домашней" базы (home base) и принимающий мяч; керновательное устройство; ограничитель; улавливатель; уловитель и др. " In the Harry Potter novels, it becomes a neologism and is the former name of "Hunter" (Chaser) in the game Quidditch. Translated as "grabber." Used for transfer admission functional replacement because created occasionalism

"We enjoyed a spirited game of Kwidditch last Saturday night, though poor Gunhilda was not up to playing Catcher, and we had to use Radulf the blacksmith instead."

"В прошлую субботу мы смогли насладиться игрой в куиддич - и это несмотря на то, что Гунхильда не могла быть Хватателем, и ее пришлось заменить кузнецом Рэдальфом".

In English, there are several translations for the word bludger - "сутенер; сводник; сачок, бездельник, тунеядец; нахлебник, прихлебала (австрал., новозел.) " If you trace the history of the word with the specified value "pimp", we see that it is of the same meaning from the word bludgeoner, which in turn comes from the bludgeon (дубинка; бить дубинкой). Comparing this value with the value of the word bludger in the Harry Potter novels - iron ball that game Quiddich pursues any player and tries to shoot it down with a broom, and Beater was removed from his players of his team with the help of special bits (clubs) - we can find a common semantic feature "beat, beat down." In various editions of this neologism translated as "attacking" or "bludger". For translation in the first case to use the methods of functional replacement because created occasional usage (i.e. no match in the target language).

"The Bludgers rocket around, trying to knock players off their brooms. That's why you have two Beaters on each team -- the Weasley twins are ours -- it's their job to protect their side from the Bludgers and try and knock them toward the other team."

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  • Theoretical aspects of relationship between technology and language. Research-based principles of vocabulary instruction and multimedia learning. Analysis of examples of vocabulary learning strategies available on the Internet during the lesson.

    контрольная работа [1,6 M], добавлен 11.03.2015

  • The meaning of the term "phraseological unit" in modern linguistics. Characteristics of the national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The internal forms of phraseological units with an integral part of the name of clothing in English.

    курсовая работа [50,4 K], добавлен 29.10.2021

  • Adjectives and comparatives in modern English. Definition, grammatical overview of the term adjectives. Expression and forms of comparative in the language. Morphological, lexical ways of expressing. Features and basic principles of their expression.

    курсовая работа [37,0 K], добавлен 30.01.2016

  • Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language.

    презентация [281,2 K], добавлен 27.03.2014

  • Teaching Vocabulary in English Language: effective Methodologies. Patterns of Difficulty in Vocabulary. Introduction of the Vocabulary. Ways of Determining the Vocabulary Comprehension and Remembering. Key Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [204,1 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

  • Comparison of understanding phraseology in English, American and post-Soviet vocabulary. Features classification idiomatic expressions in different languages. The analysis of idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance in the English language.

    курсовая работа [30,9 K], добавлен 01.03.2015

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