Устная разговорная практика английского языка

Обучение устной разговорной практике английского языка в неязыковом вузе. Разговорные темы, которые предлагаются студентам в пределах программного материала. Упражнения, направленные на усвоение и закрепление необходимого лексического материала.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.04.2012
Размер файла 152,5 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Exercise 5. Join suitable parts.

1. Fleet, Trafalgar, Admiral Nelson, The Houses of, Shaftesbury, The London, Christopher, Edward, Westminster, Eros, The National, Cockney, Piccadilly, The Raven, The River, Buckingham.

2. Column, Street, Parliament, Square, Palace, Avenue, Tower, Wren, Abbey, the Confessor, dialect, Gallery, Statue, Master, London, Circus, Cathedral, Thames.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

1. Who founded London? When?

2. What happened to London in 1666?

3. Which parts is London divided into? Name them.

4. What can you say about Cockney?

5. Name the streets, which lead to Piccadilly Circus.

6. What is Soho?

7. What is official name of the Houses of Parliament?

8. When was it built?

9. When was Westminster Abbey founded and by whom?

10. What does the word «The Raven Master» mean?

11. What do you know about St. Paul's Cathedral?

Exercise 7. Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases:

turn into; a heap of ashes; insist on building on the old foundations; narrow and winding streets; divide into; is associated with wealth; the London slums; commercial and business centre; is famous for; a statue of; the entertainment centre; was built by; in Gothic style; was destroyed by; a fortress; the Roman conquerors; founded Londinium by settling and fortifying two small hills; the owners of the land; spectacular; unique design; a huge business complex; protect the Crown Jewels; defeat the French; the crypt of the chapel was saved; left-hand traffic.

Exercise 8. Say whether it is true or false using formulas of agreement and disagreement.


Yes, I agree entirely here. - Я полностью согласен.

I couldn't agree more. - Всецело согласен.

I'm of the same opinion. - Я того жe мнения.

Yes, that's true. - Да, это правда.

I think so. - Я тоже так думаю.

That's a fine way of putting it. - Прекрасно сказано.


It's not all the same thing. - Это нe одно и то жe.

I see your point but… - Я понимаю вашу точку зрения, но…

Just the other way round! - Как раз наоборот.

I shouldn't say so! - Я бы так нe сказал.

You can't be serious. - Ты не можешь говорить это серьезно.

It might be right but… - Может быть правильно, но…

1.?London is the capital of the USA. 2.?It was founded in 43 AD by the Roman conquerors. 3.?After the Great Fire the capital was turned into a heap of ashes. 4.?In the West End there are many docks, plants and factories. 5.?The City is the commercial and business centre of London. 6.?The statue of Admiral Nelson is situated in Buckingham Palace. 7.?Soho is the entertainment centre of London. 8.?The Houses of Parliament stand on the seashore. 9.?Only Westminster Hall and the crypt were saved after the fire. 10.?Westminster Abbey was founded in the middle of the 11th century by Edward the Confessor. 11.?London is famous for double-deckers, terraced houses and right-hand traffic. 12.?Tower Bridge is the most spectacular of the bridges.

Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences.

1. London is one of …

2. The Roman conquerors of Britain …

3. In 1666 the City of London …

4. This natural disaster gave …

5. London today stretches …

6. The name of the «West End» is …

7. The East End has …

8. Trafalgar Square is …

9. That famous Eros statue …

10. Everyone knows that …

11. St. Paul's Cathedral is …

12. Madame Tussaud's has …

13. Windsor Castle is …

14. Tower Bridge is the most …

Exercise 10. Remember the situations from the text or dialogues where the following phrases or proper names can be used:

to conquer, to defeat, a heap of ashes, a church, to insist on, William of Normandy, tower, impressive, warden, the Ceremony of the Keys, double-decker, terraced houses, to catch a glimpse of, to make an impression on, huge, Admiral Nelson, Edward the Confessor, Sir Christopher Wren, The Houses of Parliament, Jack London.

Communicative exercises

Exercise 1. Divide the text into parts, name them and retell.

Exercise 2. Speak about the four parts of London.

1. As if you are a native Londoner.

2. As if you are a guide meeting the group of foreigners.

3. As if you are a teacher of history, giving a lecture on the history of London.

Exercise 3. Make up and act out your own dialogues using the following key-words:

financial and commercial centre, to be famous for, palace, abbey, huge, to catch a glimpse of, to make an impression on, impressive, cathedral, to destroy, to be associated with.

Exercise 4. Make up and act out conversations between:

1) the English guide and the Russian tourist;

2) two Russians, who are going to leave for London.

Exercise 5. Speak on the following situations.

1. London is a very old city.

2. The East End is the worker's district.

3. The London there are many sights a visitors wants to see.

4. There is not only one Tower on the site.

5. Everything in London makes a great impression on everybody.

6. The Tower Bridge is unique in design.

Exercise 6. Imagine that you have just returned from London, speak about London to your group-mates.

Holidays in Great Britain

Task 1. Find the Russian equivalents for the names of British holidays.

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day), Mothering Sunday, St. Valentine's Day, April Fool's Day, May Day, Easter Monday, Good Friday, Boxing Day, Christmas, Easter, Guy Fawkes' Night, Hallowe'en.

Канун Дня Всех Святых, Пасха, День подарков, Ночь Гая Фокса, Страстной вторник, День святого Валентина, День смеха, 1 Мая, Пасхальный понедельник, Страстная пятница, День матери, Рождество.

Task 2. Guess the meaning of the words.

A festival (a holiday), witches and ghosts, a cc ,eldirt o kcrt r__t, a dummy, straw, a bonfire, fireworks, Easter bunny, a carol service, holly, Christmas tree, a sock, a stocking, Christmas Eve, Father Christmas, chimney, presents (gifts), turkey, Christmas pudding, cracker, Christmas message, Christmas cake, mince pie, servants, Christ, hot-cross buns, a celebration, jokes, a pancake race, valentine cards.

Task 3. Guess the names of the holidays which are described and fill in the gaps. Use the words from Task 2. One word is repeated twice.

1. A day of small family reunions. On this day absent sons and daughters return to their homes and gifts are made to mothers by their children of all ages.

2. People eat pancakes on this day. One of the main events on this day is the …

3. It is the holiday when the church marks the day of … death. On this day people eat … (buns marked on top with a cross).

4. On this day, people send … and presents to their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. You can also send a card to a person you don't know. But traditionally you must never write your name on it. Some British newspapers have a page for Valentine's Day messages on February 14th.

5. It is a day for tricks and …

6. It is … of the coming of spring. On this day different outdoor events are held. Usually May queen, the most beautiful girl of the celebration, is selected.

7. It is a traditional day for the start of the summer tourist season.

8. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or watch football. People usually give presents to … on this day.

9. This festival is connected with witches and ghosts. At parties people dress up in strange costumes and pretend they are … They cut horrible faces in potatoes and other vegetables and put … inside, which shines through the eyes. People may play difficult games such as trying to eat an apple from a bucket of water, without using their hands. Children dressed in white sheets knock on doors and ask if you would like a … If you give them something nice, a «treat», they go away. However, if you don't they play a «trick» on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep!

10. People burn …, made of … and old clothes, on … and let off …

11. People dye eggs. Children eat candy bunnies and listen to stories about the …, who supposedly brings Easter eggs in a fancy basket.

12. This is …, when many people go home to be with their families. For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year. On the Sunday before this holiday, many churches hold … where special hymns are sung. Sometimes carol singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity. Most families decorate their houses with brightly coloured paper or …, and they usually have a … in the front room, glittering with coloured lights and decorations. There are a lot of traditions connected with this holiday. But perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them under the … to be found on … morning. Children leave a long … or a … at the end of their beds on …, 24th December, hoping that … will come down the … during the night and bring them small …, fruit and nuts. On this day the family sit down to a big … dinner followed by … People pull …, which makes a loud crack and a coloured hat, a small toy and a joke fall out. Later in the afternoon they may watch the Queen on television as she delivers her traditional … to the United Kingdom. If they have room for even more food, they may enjoy a piece of a … or eat a hot…

Topic 8. THE OLYMPIC GAMES. The Ancient Olympic Games

I. Look through the list of some new vocabulary notes and try to match them with the Russian words and phrases given below

1) ancient, 2) to take place, 3) to invite, 4) to emphasize physical fitness and strength, 5) education of youth, 6) a contest, 7) discus and javelin throwing, 8) chariot racing, 9) to hold (held, held), 10) to honour the winners, 11) olive wreaths, 12) deeds, 13) to halt, 14) origin, 15) to be closely connected with, 16) in honour of, 17) supreme, 18) peculiar, 19) selected participants, 20) to take an oath, 21) to compete honestly, 22) to keep the rules, 23) sacred, 24) to follow the principle, 25) to fine, 26) to be exposed to corporal punishment, 27) to allow, 28) under the fear of death penalty, 29) a disobeyer, 30) to be cruelly punished, 31) to throw off, 32) a priestess, 33) a god/а goddess, 34) to have the right, 35) honourable place, 36) to affect, 37) to teach (taught, taught), 38) fisticuffs, 39) in a burst of joy, 40) to give oneself away, 41) to slip from, 42) to recognize, 43) a deception, 44) to reveal, 45) to forgive, 46) to introduce, 47) naked, 48) to last, 49) to be devoted to, 50) triumphant, 51) sacrifices, 52) separate, 53) to award, 54) to gain a victory.

1) соблюдать правила, 2) древний, 3) в порыве радости, 4) метание диска и копья, 5) узнать, 6) священный, 7) избранные участники, 8) чествовать победителей, 9) обман, 10) иметь тесную связь с, 11) ослушник, 12) оштрафовать, 13) позволять, 14) прощать, 15) почетное место, 16) приглашать, 17) придавать особое значение хорошей физической форме и силе, 18) следовать принципу, 19) жертвоприношения, 20) состязание, 21) гонки на колеснице, 22) бог/богиня, 23) быть подвергнутым телесному наказанию, 24) происходить (случаться), 25) обучение молодежи, 26) подвиги, 27) сбросить (сбрасывать), 28) выдать (себя), 29) соревноваться честно, 30) венки из оливкового дерева, 31) происхождение, 32) награждать, 33) проводить, 34) под страхом смерти, 35) давать клятву, 36) верховный, 37) торжественный, 38) быть жестоко наказанным, 39) завоевать победу, 40) обнаженный, 41) кулачный бой, 42) быть посвященным чему-либо, 43) ввести, 44) обучать, 45) в честь, 46) соскользнуть, 47) отдельный, 48) раскрыть, 49) иметь право, 50) длиться, 51) своеобразный, 52) жрица, 53) распространяться на (воздействовать), 54) прекратить.

II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary vocabulary notes

1) supreme, 2) ancient, 3) gain a victory, 4) sacrifices, 5) sacred, 6) halt, 7) olive wreaths, 8) under the fear of death penalty, 9) deeds, 10) triumphant, 11) compete honestly, 12) exposed to corporal punishment.

1.?To … in the ancient Olympic Games was a great honour. 2.?The ancient Olympic Games were devoted to the … god of the Greeks - Zeus. 3.?Women were not allowed to watch the competitions or to participate in them … 4.?Ancient Greeks offered up different … to the … gods and goddesses. 5.?Ancient Greek gods and heroes are famous for their … 6.?The original Olympic Games began in the … Greece, in 776 BC. 7.?The ancient Olympics were accompanied by … processions and festivals. 8.?The participants, who didn't … were … 9.?The winners of the Ancient Olympic Games were awarded … and cups of olive oil. 10.?One of the main principles of the Olympic Games was to … all the wars if there were any during the Olympiad.

III. Before reading the text, look through and remember the following words

1) Zeus [zju:s] - Зевс, верховный бог древних греков, отец богов и смертных;

2) Hera [`hr] - Гера, верховная Олимпийская богиня, жена Зевса, покровительница брака и рождения;

3) Demeter [di`mi:t] - Деметра, древнегреческая богиня плодородия, покровительница земледелия;

4) BC (Before Christ) - до нашей эры (до рождения Христова);

5) himation [h`men] - гиматий, одежда древних греков в виде прямоугольного куска ткани, прикрывавшая правое плечо и закрывавшая левое.

IV. Read and translate the text

The Ancient Olympic Games

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 776 BC and took place for nearly 1200 years in Olympia, Greece. The citizens of all the Greek states were invited to take part in the games. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honoured by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these competitions were held as games of friendship and any wars were halted to allow the contests to take place.

There are a lot of myths and legends about the origin of the Olympic Games. However, all of them are closely connected with ancient Greek Gods and heroes. Actually, the games were held in honour of the supreme God of the ancient Greeks - Zeus. During ten or twelve months before the beginning of the Games the athletes trained hard to take a peculiar physical fitness examination. After it the selected participants of the Olympic Games trained according to the special Olympic programme. The athletes took an oath to compete honestly and to keep the rules of the sacred Olympic Games. Those, who didn't follow this principle were fined or exposed to corporal punishment.

Only men could take part in the Olympic Games. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the fear of death penalty. Disobeyers were cruelly punished: they were thrown off a high mountain. Only the priestess of the ancient Greek goddess Demeter had right to be present at the competitions: a marble throne was constructed specially for her at the most honourable place at the stadium. According to some other sources this rule affected only married women. But still, the history of the ancient Olympics mentions a fact, when a woman was present at the competitions. In 404 BC a Greek woman who taught her own son fisticuffs came to the stadium dressed in a man's clothes - himation. Her son gained a victory in the competitions and in a burst of joy she gave herself away: the himation slipped from her body and everybody recognized the woman. So, the deception was revealed. But since the woman's father, her three brothers and her nephew were all the Olympic winners she was forgiven. However a new Olympic rule was introduced since then: all the participants and the spectators had to be naked during the competitions.

For about three hundred years the ancient Olympic Games lasted for three days. The first and the third days were devoted to triumphant ceremonies, processions and sacrifices to the Gods: thus, the competitions lasted for just one day.

Women had their own athletic Games, devoted to the ancient Goddess of Olympia - Hera. Greek women competed mainly in running. They had a separate stadium but its area was not as vast as the men's one. The women winners were awarded olive wreaths and half a cow, sacrificed to Hera.

V. Answer the following questions

1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin?

2. What did the ancient Greeks emphasize in their education of youth?

3. What contests did the ancient Greeks participate in?

4. How were the ancient winners honoured?

5. What is the origin of the Olympic Games connected with?

6. What did the ancient Greeks do to take part in the Olympics?

7. What kind of oath did the participants of the Games take before the beginning of the competitions?

8. Was there any punishment for those who broke the rules of the sacred Olympics?

9. Were women allowed to take part in the Games?

10. What expected women-disobeyers who dared to come to the site of the competitions?

11. Women never visited the ancient Olympics, did they?

12. For how many years did the Olympic Games last for three days?

13. What were these days devoted to?

14. Did women have their own athletic Games? Whom were they devoted to?

15. How were the Greek women awarded?

VI. Say if the given below statements are true or false. If the statement is correct, you should say «It's true» or «I agree». If the statement is not correct you should say «It's false» or «I disagree» and correct it

1. The ancient Olympic Games began in 776 BC in ancient Egypt, Cairo.

2. The best ancient Greek athletes competed every four years at the Mount Olympus.

3. The Olympic Games were devoted to the supreme god of the Greeks - Apollo.

4. There were no wars waged during the ancient Olympics.

5. Unmarried women were allowed to come and watch the competitions.

6. Women had their own athletic Games devoted to Demeter.

7. Women were traditionally awarded some jewelry for taking part in the Olympics.

VII. Make up your own three statements, using the information from the text. One of your statements should be false. Read your statements to the students. Their task is to say which of the statements is false and correct it

VIII. Use the text and give the English equivalents for the following Russian sentences

1. У Олимпийских игр очень длинная история: они начались в 776 до нашей эры и проходили в течение 1200 лет в Древней Греции.

2. Древние Олимпийские игры включали в себя состязания в беге, прыжках, метании диска и копья, гонках на колеснице, боксе и др.

3. Эти соревнования символизировали дружбу, и всякие войны, приходившиеся на период Олимпиады, прекращались.

4. Победители награждались оливковыми венками и песнями о своих подвигах.

5. Все спортсмены давали клятву соревноваться честно и соблюдать правила священных Олимпийских игр.

6. Игры проводились в честь верховного древнегреческого бога Зевса.

7. Только мужчины имели право на участие в Олимпийских играх.

8. Женщинам не позволялось даже смотреть на соревнования под страхом смерти, а ослушниц ожидало суровое наказание: их сбрасывали с высокой горы.

9. Около 300 лет древние Олимпийские игры продолжались в течение трех дней: первый и третий дни были посвящены триумфальным церемониям и только второй день отводился на проведение соревнований.

10. Женщины Древней Греции проводили соревнования, которые были посвящены богине Гере.

IX. Write an essay on the topic «The Ancient Olympic Games». Be ready to speak on the topic «The Ancient Olympic Games»

The Modern Olympic Games

I. Look through the list of some new vocabulary notes and try to match them with the Russian words and phrases given below.

1) to provide an opportunity, 2) a sport-lover, 3) to abolish, 4) a pagan rite, 5) to ban, 6) due to religious reasons, 7) renewal, 8) educator, 9) to manage to do smth., 10) to persuade, 11) the International Olympic Committee, 12) to be set up, 13) to adopt a motto, 14) «Faster, Higher, Stronger», 15) number, 16) to increase, 17) central policy-making body, 18) a representative, 19) participant countries, 20) separately, 21) to host the Games, 22) to start preparations, 23) to take great efforts, 24) to arrange, 25) to pay much attention to, 26) the opening ceremony, 27) to appear as host, 28) anthem, 29) to march past the Lodge of Honour, 30) host country, 31) to declare smth open, 32) the Olympic flag, 33) to raise, 34) the Olympic flame, 35) to light, 36) The Olympic torch, 37) to carry smth, 38) a torch bearer, 39) the oath-taking ceremony, 40) to promise, 41) to join, 42) to express, 43) triumph, 44) struggle.

1) церемония произнесения клятвы, 2) Международный олимпийский комитет, 3) требовать больших усилий, 4) из-за религиозных причин, 5) центральный орган, определяющий политику, 6) проходить мимо почетной ложи, 7) любитель спорта, 8) олимпийский факел, 9) языческий обряд, 10) триумф, 11) борьба, 12) снабдить возможностью, 13) олимпийский флаг, 14) уделять большое внимание ч.-л., 15) отменить, 16) количество, 17) начинать приготовления, 18) организовать, 19) возрождение, 20) принимать Олимпийские игры, 21) страны-участники, 22) педагог, 23) нести ч.-л., 24) поднимать, 25) суметь сделать ч.-л., 26) объявить об открытии ч.-л., 27) принять девиз, 28) «Быстрее, выше, сильнее», 29) олимпийский огонь, 30) зажечь, 31) церемония открытия, 32) представитель, 33) запрещать, 34) гимн, 35) выступать в качестве хозяина, 36) обещать, 37) отдельно, 38) присоединиться, 39) носильщик факела, 40) быть основанным, 41) убедить, 42) выражать, 43) увеличиваться, 44) страна-хозяин.

II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary vocabulary notes:

1) number, 2) educator, 3) adopted, 4) central policy-making body, 5) oath-taking ceremony, 6) joined, 7) takes great efforts, 8) banned, 9) motto,10) provide an opportunity, 11) to host, 12) a pagan rite.

1.?The … is a compulsory part of the Olympic Games. 2.?Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a great … 3.?It usually … to arrange everything for the Olympic Games. 4.?The International Olympic Committee … the Olympic …: «Faster, Higher, Stronger!» 5.?The Olympic games … for people to meet together. 6.?The International Olympic Committee is the … of the whole Olympic Movement. 7.?It is very respectful and prestigious … summer or winter Olympic Games for any city. 8.?Russia … the Olympic Movement in 1952. 9.?Once the Olympic Games were considered … by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I and he … them. 10.?The number of events, included in the programme of the modern Olympic Games has greatly …

III. Before reading the text, look through and remember the following:

AD, Anno Domini [`?n? `dom?na?] - нашей (новой) эры, от рождества Христова.

IV. Read and translate the text

The Modern Olympic Games

Today the Olympic Games are visited by thousands of people every time they are held. They provide an opportunity for sport lovers of all nations to meet together. A few people know that in ancient time they were abolished. In 394 AD the Roman Emperor Theodosius I considered the Olympics a pagan rite and banned them due to religious reasons. The renewal of the Games came when the French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin managed to persuade people to start the Olympic Games again. The International Olympic Committee was set up in 1894 and the first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens two years later, in 1896.

The motto adopted by the International Olympic Committee is «Faster, Higher, Stronger» («Citius, Altius, Fortius» in Greek). There were competitions in many kinds of sport: running, jumping, and boxing. All the nations of the world were invited to take part in the Games. From then on the Olympic Games have become international and the number of events on the programme has increased. The International Olympic Committee is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement, formed by the representatives of the participant countries.

There are summer and winter Olympic Games nowadays. They are held separately. There are always several cities which wish to host the Games. The International Committee of the Olympic Games selects the most suitable. (Over 150 countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee at present.) After that the host city starts its preparations for the competitions: builds new sport facilities, reconstructs buildings, hotels, sport centres… Thousand of athletes, journalists and guests arrive to the games and it takes great efforts to arrange everything. Much attention is paid to the opening ceremony. At the opening of the Games the International Olympic Committee appears as host. The national anthem of the host country is played and all the participants march past the Lodge of Honour. The Head of the host country declares the Games open. Then the Olympic flag - the symbol of the five continents with five interlaced rings of blue, yellow, black, green and red colours on a white background - is raised and the Olympic hymn is sung. Then the Olympic flame is lit that will burn till the end of the Games and the Olympic torch is carried by torch bearers. The oath taking ceremony also takes place and all the participants of the Games promise to compete honestly.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. Since then, Russian sportsmen and sportswomen have won a great deal of gold, silver and bronze medals. The importance of the Olympic Games was well expressed by Pierre de Coubertin: «The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle».

V. Answer the following questions

1. What opportunity do the Olympic Games provide sport-lovers today?

2. The Olympic Games were never abolished, weren't they?

3. Who banned the Olympic Games? What was the reason for it?

4. When did the renewal of the Olympic Games come?

5. When was the International Olympic Committee set up?

6. What motto did the International Olympic Committee adopt?

7. What is the International Olympic Committee?

8. What is one of the most important Olympic ceremonies?

9. What happens after the head of the host country declares the Games open?

10. What other Olympic ceremonies take place before the beginning of the Games?

11. When did Russia join the Olympic movement?

12. What are the achievements of the Russian sportsmen and sportswomen?

VI. Say if the given below statements are true or false. If the statement is correct, you should say «It's true» or «I agree». If the statement is not correct you should say «It's false» or «I disagree» and correct it

1. Today the Olympic Games are visited by many people.

2. In 394 AD the Roman Emperor Theodosius banned the Olympic Games because he thought they were not so very interesting and exciting.

3. Pierre de Coubertin managed to revive the Olympic Games.

4. The International Olympic Committee was set up in 1894 and soon adopted the Olympic motto: «Faster, Higher, Wider».

5. It doesn't take great efforts to arrange everything for the Olympic Games.

6. At the beginning much attention is usually paid to spectators.

7. There are summer, winter and spring Olympic Games.

8. The Olympic flag has five colours: blue, yellow, green, black and purple.

9. Sportsmen usually decide themselves where and when the Olympics take place.

10. Pierre de Coubertin once said: «The most important thing in the Olympic Games is to win, and not to take part, just as the most important thing in life is the triumph, and not the struggle».

VII. Make up your own three statements, using the information from the text. One of your statements should be false. Read your statements to the students. Their task is to say which of the statements is false and correct it

VIII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Use the topical vocabulary

Сегодня Олимпийские игры посещают тысячи любителей спорта. Мало людей знают о том, что однажды Олимпийские игры были запрещены римским императором Феодосием I, который посчитал их языческим ритуалом. Пьер де Кубертен сумел убедить народ возобновить Олимпийские игры. Международный олимпийский комитет был основан в 1894 году, и в 1896 году прошли первые современные Олимпийские игры. Международный олимпийский комитет - это центральный орган, определяющий политику олимпийского движения, именно он выбирает страну и город, в которых проходят Олимпийские игры. Страна-хозяин тщательно готовится к организации Олимпийских игр: строятся новые спортивные сооружения, реконструируются спортивные центры. Много внимания уделяется церемонии открытия Игр. Сначала появляется представитель страны-хозяина и объявляет открытие Олимпийских игр. Затем поднимается олимпийский флаг, исполняется гимн и зажигается олимпийский огонь, который горит до самого окончания Олимпийских игр. Церемония произнесения клятвы - также одно из важнейших событий Олимпиады, при котором спортсмены обещают соревноваться честно. Важность Олимпийских игр была хорошо сформулирована Пьером де Кубертеном: «Самое главное в Олимпийских играх не победа, а участие, подобно тому, как самое главное в жизни не победа, а борьба».

IX. Think over 5 differences between Ancient Olympic Games (see the previous text) and Modern Olympic Games. Do you find them all advantages or disadvantages? Give your reasons

X. Write an essay on the topic «The Modern Olympic Games». Be ready to speak on the topic «The Modern Olympic Games»

Pierre de Coubertin

I. Look through and remember the following vocabulary notes:

1. initiator - инициатор

2. renewal - возрождение

3. painter - живописец

4. clan - клан, родословная

5. highly-educated - высокообразованный

6. all-rounder - разносторонний человек

7. fine arts - изобразительное искусство

8. law - закон, право

9. encourage - подвигнуть, подстрекать

10. Bachelor of Arts - Бакалавр Искусств

11. instructor - наставник

12. humanistic sciences - гуманистические науки

13. rhetoric - риторика

14. unfortunate outcome - плачевный исход

15. publish - публиковать

16. gain ground - продвигаться вперед

17. necessity - необходимость

18. establishment - основание

19. integral part - неотъемлемая часть

20. upbringing - воспитание

21. attempt - попытка

22. the greatest value - величайшая ценность

23. persuade - убедить

24. get success - добиться успеха

25. bury - хоронить

26. make a great contribution - внести значительный вклад

27. serve the cause of peace - служить причиной мира

II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary vocabulary notes:

1) made a great contribution, 2) integral part, 3) attempts, 4) all-rounder, 5) published, 6) fine arts, 7) law, 8) highly-educated, 9) serve the cause of peace, 10) painter, 11) renewal.

1. The Olympic Games … in the whole world nowadays.

2. Since his early childhood Pierre de Coubertin was an …

3. Pierre de Coubertin always thought physical culture an … of people's development.

4. The father of Pierre de Coubertin was a … by profession.

5. Pierre de Coubertin … many articles and books on physical education.

6. The … of the Olympic Games happened due to Pierre de Coubertin.

7. Pierre de Coubertin made a lot of … to renew the Olympics.

8. The mother of Pierre de Coubertin was a … woman.

9. Except physical education theories Pierre de Coubertin was fond of … and …

10. Pierre de Coubertin … to the development of physical education in the world.

III. Read and translate the text.

Pierre de Coubertin

The initiator of the Olympic Games' renewal Pierre de Coubertin was born on the 1st of January in 1863, in Paris. His father, a painter by profession came from the ancient family clan of Baron Charles Louis Fredy de Coubertin. Pierre de Coubertin's mother, Agathe-Gabrielle de Mirville, was a highly-educated woman from an aristocratic family.

Since his early childhood Pierre de Coubertin was an all-rounder. He studied fine arts, science and law. He also went in for sport and was very good at riding, fencing and rowing. At the age of 12 he read the book «The School Years of Tom Brown» which encouraged him to study the basis of physical education. Having left the lycee in Paris he entered the Parisian University and after its graduation became the Bachelor of Arts, Science and Law. Pierre de Coubertin respected greatly his instructor and close friend Father Caron, professor of humanistic sciences and rhetoric who taught him the Greek language and the history of the Roman Empire and who told him a lot about the ancient Olympic Games.

The Franco-Prussian war and its unfortunate outcome stimulated de Coubertin's patriotism and he devoted himself to the study of different physical education theories. In 1886-1887 he published several articles on these problems. Pierre de Coubertin travelled a lot and his travels around Europe and the United States of America showed him that the interest in the physical education was gaining ground in quite a lot of countries: England, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands. Pierre de Coubertin often spoke about the necessity of physical education and insisted on the establishment of the Physical Education League. Later on and due to his efforts physical education became an integral part in the theory of young people's upbringing in France, his motherland.

The first attempts of Pierre de Coubertin to revive the Olympic Games began on the 30th of August, in 1887 after the publication of one of his articles on the subject.

Since that time he published a lot of other articles and books about the importance of physical education considering it the greatest value in the intellectual development of people and took part in different conferences where he persuaded people to revive the Olympic Games. And as a result he got success. Thanks to Pierre de Coubertin the International Olympic Committee was set up and de Coubertin was its president till his death. He died on the 2nd of September in 1937 in Geneva and was buried in Lausanne. His heart was buried in another place - in the monument near the ruins of ancient Olympia.

Pierre de Coubertin made a great contribution to the development of physical culture in the world. People of all nationalities will remember him as a strong-willed, purposeful and highly-educated man, and of course as a man who did all the best to revive the Olympic Games which serve the cause of peace on the Earth and unify people of the whole world today.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. Who is Pierre de Coubertin?

2. When and where was he born?

3. Who were his father and mother?

4. Pierre de Coubertin was an all-rounder, wasn't he? Prove it.

5. What encouraged him to study the basis of physical education?

6. What university did Pierre de Coubertin graduate from?

7. Who was his close friend and instructor? Why did Pierre de Coubertin respect him?

8. What countries did Pierre de Coubertin visit? What was the purpose of his travels in your opinion?

9. When did the first Pierre de Coubertin's attempts to revive the Olympic Games begin? What was the result of those attempts?

10. When did Pierre de Coubertin die?

11. Where was his heart buried? Why, do you think, his heart was buried separately from his body?

12. What kind of contribution did Pierre de Coubertin make? Prove your idea.

V. Try your hand in the following translation.

Пьер де Кубертен родился в Париже первого января 1863 года. У Пьера были высокообразованные родители. С детства Пьер де Кубертен был весьма разносторонним человеком: он изучал изобразительное искусство, науку и право, занимался спортом, в частности, верховой ездой, греблей и фехтованием. Пьер де Кубертен окончил лицей в Париже, а затем университет и стал бакалавром искусства, науки и права. После прочтения книги «Школьные годы Томаса Брауна» Пьер де Кубертен начал изучать теорию физического воспитания. Его близкий друг и наставник помогал ему в этом. После окончания Франко-прусской войны Пьер опубликовал множество книг и статей о важности физического воспитания в интеллектуальном развитии людей. Пьер много путешествовал и обращал внимание на то, как физическая культура и спорт развиваются в разных странах. Благодаря его стараниям возобновились Олимпийские игры. Это и было основной целью всей его жизни. Пьер де Кубертен умер второго сентября 1937 года в Женеве и был похоронен в Лозанне. Его сердце было захоронено в памятнике около руин древней Олимпии. Люди всего мира запомнят, какой великий вклад он внес в развитие физического воспитания.

VI. Write an essay on the biography of Pierre de Coubertin. Be ready to speak about the biography of Pierre de Coubertin.


I. Match English and Russian words and word combinations

1) society, 2) humanity (mankind), 3) to develop, 4) development, 5) growth, 6) to derive, 7) to disport, 8) to appear, 9) to mean, 10) pastime, 11) recreation, 12) pleasure, 13) to be fond of, 14) to unite, 15) to keep fit, 16) daily activity, 17) to suffer from tiredness, 18) to do jogging, 19) to go in for, 20) facilities, 21) to pay much attention to, 22) educational establishments, 23) a compulsory subject, 24) high rewards, 25) to encourage, 26) to take drugs, 27) to improve performance, 28) violence, 29) to demonstrate true value of sport, 30) to include, 31) fair play, 32) sportsmanship, 33) respect, 34) to be practiced for various reasons, 35) amusement, 36) social relationships, 37) fame, 38) to make all people kin.

1) объединять, 2) развивать, 3) отдых, 4) развлекаться, 5) слава, 6) развитие, 7) общество, 8) улучшить выступление, 9) человечество, 10) подстрекать, потворствовать, 11) спортивное мастерство, 12) высокие награды, 13) рост, 14) значить, означать, 15) бегать трусцой, 16) принимать запрещенные препараты, 17) роднить всех людей, 18) обязательный предмет, 19) увлекаться, 20) удовольствие, 21) заниматься, 22) оснащение, 23) появляться, 24) времяпрепровождение, 25) страдать от усталости, 26) показать истинную ценность спорта, 27) уделять большое внимание, 28) заниматься чем-либо по разным причинам, 29) образовательные учреждения, 30) насилие, 31) быть в хорошей форме, 32) происходить от, 33) повседневная деятельность, 34) включать, 35) честная игра, 36) уважение, 37) общественные связи, 38) развлечение.

II. Fill in the gaps

1) daily activities, 2) pleasure, 3) humanity, 4) development, 5) suffer from tiredness, 6) demonstrate the true value of sport, 7) respect, 8) educational establishments, 9) compulsory subject, 10) sportsmanship, 11) disport, 12) to keep fit, 13) recreation, 14) growth, 15) pastime, 16) unites, 17) facilities, 18) fair play, 19) amusement, 20) social relationships, 21) fame, 22) makes all people kin, 23) to take drugs, 24) recreation, 25) to improve their performance, 26) violence.

1.?Sport is probably as old as the … itself. 2.?It has been developing with the … and … of the mankind. 3.?The word sport was derived from the word «…» and first appeared in the literature in 1303 and meant sport, …, … and … 4.?Sport … people of different classes and nationalities. 5.?It helps people to become strong, … and to develop physically, makes them more organized and better disciplined in their … 6.?Regular exercises give you energy. That is why people who … should do more exercises. 7.?All necessary … are provided for people: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. 8.?Sport is paid much attention to in our … 9.?Physical culture is … at schools, colleges and universities. 10.?The high rewards encourage sportsmen … 11.?Another problem is aggression and … within the sport area. 12.?Athletes and coaches must …, which includes …, …, … for others. 13.?Despite these problems, people like sport and go in for sport, sport is practiced for various reasons: …, education, …, health, …, physical development, … 14.?Sport is a very important part of our daily life and a thing that …

III. Match English and Russian phrases

1) спорт, вероятно, существует столько же, сколько и человечество; 2) спорт обычно ассоциируется с игрой, физическими упражнениями и соревнованиями; 3) спорт объединяет людей различных классов и национальностей; 4) спорт помогает людям становиться сильными, быть в хорошей форме, развиваться физически, делает их более организованными и дисциплинированными в их повседневной деятельности; 5) спортом занимаются по разным причинам: развлечение, образование, отдых, здоровье, общественные связи, физическое развитие, слава; 6) спорт очень важная часть нашей повседневной жизни, вещь, которая роднит всех людей.

1) sport unites people of different classes and nationalities; 2) sport is practiced for various reasons: amusement, education, recreation, health, social relationships, physical development, fame; 3) sport is usually associated with play, physical exercises and competitions; 4) sport is probably as old as the humanity itself; 5) sport is a very important part of our daily life and a thing that makes all people kin; 6) sport helps people to become strong, to keep fit, to develop physically, makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

IV. Read and translate the text

Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the development and growth of the mankind. Sport is usually associated with play, physical exercises and competitions. The word sport was derived from the word «disport» and first appeared in the literature in 1303 and meant sport, pastime, recreation and pleasure.

All over the world people of different ages are fond of sports and games. Sport unites people of different classes and nationalities. It helps people to become strong, to keep fit and to develop physically, makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. Regular exercises give you energy. That is why people who suffer from tiredness should do more exercises. Some people do morning exercises or jogging, some go in for aerobics, skiing, skating, shaping, swimming, tennis, football, hockey, etc.

All necessary facilities are provided for people: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields.

Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools, colleges and universities.

Sport is also very popular among children. Many children are fond of ball games: basketball, volleyball, football. Besides they like to take part in competitions to see who is the quickest, the strongest, who can jump best, and who is the best swimmer or player.

But unfortunately there are some problems in the sport area nowadays. Sport today means business, huge sums of money for both players and sponsors. The high rewards encourage sportsmen to take drugs to improve their performance. Another problem is aggression and violence within the sport area. Athletes and coaches must demonstrate the true value of sport which includes fair play, sportsmanship, respect for others. Despite these problems, people like sport and go in for sport, sport is practiced for various reasons: amusement, education, recreation, health, social relationships, physical development, fame. Numerous international competitions and tournaments are constantly held.

Thus we can make a conclusion, that sport is a very important part of our daily life and a thing that makes all people kin.

V. Give the full answers to the following questions, do it in the written form

1. How old is sport?

2. What sport is associated with?

3. When did the word sport first appear and what did it mean?

4. Why do people go in for sport?

5. What facilities are provided for people who go in for sport?

6. What attention is paid to sport in our educational establishments?

7. Why do children like to go in for sport?

8. What problems are there in the sport area nowadays?

9. Why do people go in for sport? What are the reasons?

10. Why do you go in for sport?

VI. Read the statements, say if they are true or false, correct the false ones. If the statement is correct, you should say «It's true» or «I agree». If the statement is not correct you should say «It's false» or «I disagree» and correct it

1. People who suffer from tiredness should not do a lot of exercises.

2. Sport is not paid much attention in our educational establishments.

3. Sport is not very popular among children.

4. There are some problems in the sport area nowadays.

5. Sport is a very important part of our daily life and a thing that makes all people kin.

VII. Make up your own three statements, use the information from the text. One of your statements should be false. Read them to the students. Their task is to say which of your statements is false and correct it

VIII. Translate the sentences from Russian into English, use the information from the text and your dictionary

1. Во всём мире люди всех возрастов увлекаются разными видами спорта и играми.

2. Постоянные упражнения дают вам энергию. Вот почему людям, которые страдают от усталости, следует делать больше физических упражнений.

3. Физическая культура является обязательным предметом в школах, колледжах и университетах.

4. Многие дети увлекаются играми с мячом: баскетболом, волейболом, футболом.

5. Спорт сегодня - это бизнес, огромные суммы денег, как для игроков, так и для спонсоров.

6. Высокие награды заставляют спортсменов принимать запрещенные препараты, для того чтобы улучшить свое выступление.

7. Спортсмены и тренеры должны показывать истинную ценность спорта, которая включает честную игру, спортивное мастерство и уважение к другим.

IX. Read the statements and find the additional information proving them in the text

1. All over the world people of different ages go in for sport.

2. Children like to go in for sport very much.

3. There are some problems in the sport area today.

X. Write a composition on the topic «Sport and society». Be ready to speak on the topic «Sport and society»

Supplementary texts and dialogues

Text 1

What is better watching sports or participating in sports?

Nowadays sport and recreation have become an important feature in the people's life. But tastes differ and different people have different attitudes to sport and recreation. Some people prefer to watch different sports events, others choose to participate in them actively. Watching other people playing is a popular leisure activity. Large crowds attend numerous national and international occasions; millions watch them on television.

Among the most popular sports are football, hockey, basketball, tennis, and motor racing. Many people assemble to watch these competitions. World Football, Hockey and Basketball Championships attract people from all over the world who cover great distances in order to support their favourite team. Wimbledon Championship is the most important tournament of lawn tennis, while Grand Prix is the major motor racing competition. But of cause the most important sport event is the Olympiad that takes place every four years.

Most of the important games are shown on TV. In many countries there are special TV channels that broadcast sports programmes for 24 hours. The major sporting competitions, such as the Olympic Games, are shown on the central TV channels attracting millions of people who can be thousands of kilometres away from the event. Popularity of sports differs from country to country. In Latin America football stadiums are always crowded, while the Russian fans are so disappointed with the poor performance of our football teams that many prefer not to watch the games even on TV.

I can't agree that it is good to disapprove of watching sports events and approve of participating in sports. The desire to follow the example of sports stars induces people to take up sports that they used to watch seriously. For example many young Russians are fond of playing football. Even if the Russian teams are far from being the best in the world, Brazilian, Italian and French players become the example that young people try hard to follow.

In the past decades people's involvement in sport and recreation have grown considerably. Now there is a large variety of available opportunities and facilities. Sport is the best and the shortest way to health and fitness. Increasing number of people are involved today in activities that help them keep fit and enjoy life. Physical recreation tends to be informal and non-competitive and may include, for example, cycling, boating, jogging. Dancing has become a very popular recreation. Many Russians have started learning Latin American dances, such as samba, rumba, cha-cha-cha.

Sport and recreation facilities provided at schools and universities enable young athletes to develop their talents. In Russia schools and universities participate in sports tournaments, for example in football and basketball. Many facilities are made available by local clubs and parks. There are commercial facilities, which include bowling centres, skating rinks, tennis courts and riding stables.

According to the latest figures the most popular activity of all is walking. It is a well known fact that walking for an hour every day is healthier than rare and irregular participation in any of the more active physical activities. To keep fit some people attend special classes or take part in aerobics or yoga, do some kind of weight training in a gym. Others play football, badminton, tennis.

Evidently participating in sports has more advantages than simply watching sports competitions. At the same time these two kinds of activities are tightly interconnected. Professional sport is important not only for the professional athletes, one of its missions is to propagandize and popularize sports activities on the everyday level. At the same time it is always an individual preference. And only the individual has the right to decide what is better for him. But whatever the choice is, the pleasure is undoubted.

Dialogue 1

Let's talk about sport

- Do you like to watch sports events on TV?

- Yes, of course. It is wonderful that television is bringing all kinds of sports to our homes. Sometimes I go to the stadium to watch a game, but more often I stay at home and watch matches on TV.

- What sports do you prefer to watch?

- Football and tennis are my favourite sports. I try not to miss the most important football and lawn tennis tournaments and watch them on TV. The fact that I prefer to watch sports competitions on TV does not mean that I am lazy. Unfortunately, Russia is not the major football or tennis power. There is only one important tennis tournament that is held in Moscow - the Kremlin Cup, and the best football teams do not come to Moscow to play too often. Thus, if I want to see really good matches I shall either go abroad or watch TV. For example, in the summer of 2002 there was a World Football Championship that took place in Japan and Korea. Although it would have been nice to visit those countries, was the best possibility of seeing the strongest football teams play simply turning on the TV set.

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