Устная разговорная практика английского языка

Обучение устной разговорной практике английского языка в неязыковом вузе. Разговорные темы, которые предлагаются студентам в пределах программного материала. Упражнения, направленные на усвоение и закрепление необходимого лексического материала.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.04.2012
Размер файла 152,5 K

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B. Российская Федерация - президентская республика. Это означает, что ее возглавляет президент. Он заключает соглашения и подписывает законы. Государственная власть состоит из трех ветвей: законодательной, исполнительной и судебной. Законодательная власть представлена Федеральным собранием. Оно состоит из Совета Федерации и Государственной думы. Исполнительная власть принадлежит правительству, которое возглавляет премьер-министр. Судебная власть представлена Конституционным судом, Верховным судом и региональными судами. Сегодня государственными символами России являются национальный гимн, трехцветный флаг и герб с двуглавым орлом.

VII. Read and translate the text

Sport in Russia

Sport in Russia has always been popular. Perhaps more than a half of Russians have tried some kind of sport in their childhood. So which sports are better developed in Russia? Russia, as a rule, has good results in classical kinds of sport. This is in some ways connected with the period of Soviet Union when big attention was paid to physical education of the youth. But the lessons of Soviet school didn't go without any influence. Quite often foreign sportsmen, lead by Russian trainers, appear on world level competitions. Also often you can see Russian sportsmen fighting of medals for other countries. There are many jokes about it. For example when you watch international competitions you hear that the trainers and the sportsmen easily understand each other because they all speak Russian.

In modern kinds of sport Russians lag behind their contenders a little. We can refer here curling, springboard jumping etc. Frankly speaking some Russians still can't see these activities as serious kinds of sport. But the situation has been changing nowadays. Actually, a healthy way of life is again coming into fashion in Russia today. That is why people have started to take an interest in sport. Even those who perceived it only as something that they could watch on TV, now come to gyms and swimming pools. That is why Russians are beginning to open to new kinds of sport. Let's hope that this will reflect in results of different level competitions.

Tennis has a large popularity. Some people connect that with the fact that this sport was a hobby of Russian ex-president Boris Yeltsin. Today Russian tennis players are famous all over the world. Sharapova, Kurnikova, Kafelnikov, Miskina are only the best known Russian tennis players. They play wonderfully at Wimbledon and other competitions.

Ice-hockey is another one successful sport in the country. The Russian team takes worthy places in competitions. The traditions of Soviet school are kept here too. Though, unfortunately it isn't as strong as in the past. In USSR there was a period when hockey team won 9 world championships in a row. Furthermore, there are only 2 hockey players which became championship winners 10 times. These are Russian sportsmen Alexander Rogulin and of course Vladislav Tretyak. Nowadays there are also good players in Russian hockey. Another sport which is widespread in the country is football. There are many amateurs of this game in Russia.

And of course the favorite sport of many women is figure skating. This is a very beautiful show. And here Russia is still the leader. Though it has had very worthy rivals lately. For example Chinese sportsmen who to my mind have good perspective. But don't forget about Russian figure skaters. Today they are favorites at any competition. Besides, figure skating is quickly getting popularity in the country. New ice rinks are opened, parents take their children to sport schools. Actually many kinds of sport are popular in Russia. Both on a professional level and on an amateur one. Ski sport and volleyball are good examples here.

We should say some words about Russian supporters. Here we can call it a kind of sport too. The sense of empathy is inherent to Russians. The team spirit lives in them. Russians prepare for going and supporting their favorite team in advance. They buy flags which sometimes achieve great sizes. On the scarves, caps and etc. - everywhere it'll be possible to see the colours of Russian flag. When you watch the competitions of the international level on TV then you'll here through the voice of commentator the tribunes shouting «Rossya! Rossya!». And no matter where the match takes places in Russia or in 1000 km from it you'll anyway hear this. Russians are ready to overcome big distance to see the performance of their favourite sportsmen.

Task 1. Give English equivalents for:

откровенно говоря, здоровый образ жизни, уделять большое внимание физическому воспитанию молодежи, популярность, бороться за медали, готовиться заранее, шутка, международные состязания, командный дух, входить в моду, появляться на соревнованиях мирового уровня, иметь хорошие результаты в классических видах спорта, в наше время, любитель, влияние, соблюдать традиции, проходить, преодолевать большие расстояния, воспринимать, занимать достойные места, набирать популярность, кричать, отставать от предшественников, подряд, красивое зрелище, деятельность, возглавлять, успешный, интересоваться чем-либо, отражаться, выступление, знаменитый, болельщик, к сожалению, открываться чему-либо, широко распространенный, чувство сопереживания, соперник, к тому же.

Task 2. Use these words and phrases in sentences of your own.

Task 3. Read the statements and say whether they are true or false. If you agree you say: «You are absolutely right»; «I think so too»; «I'm of the same opinion»; «you are right in a way». If you disagree you say: «Nothing of the kind»; «far from it»; «you are pulling my leg!»; «you are kidding!». You'll sound more English if you use these models.

1. As far as I remember sport in Russia has always been unpopular.

2. Russian sportsmen, as a rule, have good results in hockey, skiing, figure skating and other classical kinds of sport.

3. Russia used to pay big attention to physical education of the youth but nowadays the situation has changed.

4. Russian sportsmen have no right to perform abroad.

5. Today we can often see both Russian trainers and sportsmen fighting of medals for other countries.

6. Frankly speaking a healthy way of life is coming out of fashion in Russia nowadays. That is why just few people take an interest in sport.

7. It is a well-known fact that in modern kinds of sport Russians are not as successful as their contenders.

8. Tennis is considered to have become so popular in Russia just because of the fact that it was a hobby of Russian ex-president Boris Yeltsin.

9. The Russian hockey team won 9 world championships in a row.

10. We may say that the Russians are sport-lovers. They are keen on hockey, football, skiing, figure skating, volleyball and many others.

11. Russian supporters are famous all over the world for their sense of empathy and team spirit. In spite of this they do not like to overcome big distances to support their favorite sportsmen.

Task 4. Write a summary of the text.

Task 5. Retell the text using the active vocabulary.

Getting about town

I. Read and translate the following text.

The Moscow Diary

If only stones could speak!

Moscow is the capital of Russia. The date of its foundation is the year 1147. Moscow began to rise in the 14th century. Under Ivan III the Great, in the mid-fifteenth century, Moscow became the principal city of the state of Muscovy. Nowadays Moscow is the largest city of Russia. It is a political, administrative, economic, industrial, educational and cultural city of the country.

Today Moscow is bubbling over with hospitality as never before. All you need to enjoy Moscow to the full is a sense of adventure, an appreciation of Russian history and several pairs of comfortable shoes! They say «Better to see once, than to hear much». Well said, isn't it? If you want to have a full idea what Moscow is today, go and see the city yourself!

So welcome to Moscow, its seat of government, its cathedrals, its entertainment, its monuments and above all its people.

The bustling capital city of Moscow lies in the Moscow River Basin, steeped in history and flowing with life. Moscow is a vast city. Famous buildings, offices, banks, department stores, markets, high-rise blocks, elegant squares, concert halls and parks are all part of Moscow. Different areas of the city have their own special character. It may take you a lot of time to get a better overall picture. But if you made up your mind to do the sights of the city, the best place to start is the Kremlin - the centre of the city: here we feel the pulse of Russian history. Its redbrick walls and towers were erected at the end of the 15th century. If only stones could speak! The former Senate building, the Kremlin Great Palace, and the modern Palace of Congresses are located within the walls of the Kremlin. The white bell tower of Ivan III the Great, the Armory Museum, and the Arsenal are grouped around Cathedral Square. The Kremlin contains several cathedrals designed by Italian architects in a style combining Renaissance details with Russian architectural tradition. A majestic sight!

An unforgettable day that includes Red Square walk! It is the ceremonial centre of the capital. The State Historical Museum closes off the northern end of the square. It is the main museum of the State history. A real highlight of Red Square is the Church of the Intercession, or Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed - a really unique creation! It was built for Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible from 1554 to 1560 by the architects Barma and Postnik. The Cathedral is the final expression of pure Russian architectural fantasy in which Byzantine elements detached from their original meaning, were multiplied in unbelievable extravagance. Without any doubt Red Square is a chance to walk through the history of Russia!

There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery is the greatest museum of Russian art, one of the world's leading museums. It was founded in 1856 by P. M. Tretyakov as a private collection but in 1892 was granted to the State. After 1917 numerous private collections were added to create this wonderful museum. The main departments are the Russian icon-painting, fine arts of the 18-19 centuries, sculpture, drawings, Soviet art.

The Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin is the second (after the Hermitage) in Russia by its collection of antiques of Egypt, ancient world, Oriental art and Western Europe.

Moscow is also a city of theatres. There are more than 30 theatres, popular with both Muscovites and tourists. The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre, Mali Theatre and Moscow Art Theatre are world-known. The Bolshoi Theatre was founded in 1776. It is famous for its vocal and ballet schools.

It is possible to trace successive epochs of the growth of Moscow by the Boulevard Ring and the Garden Ring - both following the line of former fortifications - the Moscow Little Ring Railway, and the Moscow Ring Road. They facilitate suburban commuter traffic. Beyond the Garden Ring is a middle zone dominated by 18th-19th century developments; many factories, railway stations, and freight yards are located there. Since 1960 extensive urban renewal has occurred, producing neighborhoods of high-rise apartment buildings.

If I were you I would stop for a moment to think over what you have seen. Rome wasn't built in a day; Moscow can't be seen in a day. Hope to see you here again some day!

II. Wordshop

1. Translate and transcribe:

bubble over with hospitality (with jokes, stories); to enjoy to the full; a bustling city (area, child, woman, man); steeped in history (in fog, in study, in mystery, in heritage); high-rise blocks (buildings, towers, column); to do sights; to date back hundreds of years, months; to date back to 1554; a really unique creation (book, novel, history); a highlight of the district (book, match, concert).

2. Match these Russian word combinations with those from the previous exercise:

неистощимый на гостеприимство (шутки, рассказы); получить полное удовольствие; суматошный город (деловой район; непоседливый ребенок); богатый историей (окутанный туманом, погруженный в работу, окутанный тайной, богатый наследием); многоэтажки (высокие здания, высокая башня, высокая колона); осматривать достопримечательности; насчитывать сотни лет (годы, месяцы, датироваться 1554 годом); если бы камни могли говорить; поистине уникальное сооружение; великолепный вид; гвоздь программы (острый момент матча, гвоздь концерта, «фишка»).

3. Learn to pronounce and spell properly:

cathedral, entertainment, bustling, incredible, medieval, unique, sightseer.

III. Restore the text with these questions to help

1. What can you tell us about Moscow?

2. What does Moscow attract tourist with?

3. How can you enjoy Moscow to the full?

4. What is the best way to get an idea of Moscow?

5. What kind of city is Moscow?

6. Where does the bustling capital city lie?

7. What is the best place to start sightseeing?

8. If stones could speak what would they tell us about?

9. What is Red Square famous for?

10. Who is the author of the unique creation in Red Square?

11. What can you say about Moscow museums and galleries?

12. What is the Museum of Fine Arts famous for?

13. Why is Moscow considered to be a city of theatres?

14. Where is the growth of Moscow evident?

15. What is located beyond the Garden Ring?

IV. Read and translate the dialogue and then play it out with your partner


A: Is it possible to see anything of Moscow in one or two days?

B: Well, yes, but, of course, not half enough.

A: What do you think I ought to see first?

B: Well, if you are interested in churches and historic places you should go to the Kremlin and Red Square. Do you like art galleries?

A: Rather!

B: Then why not go to the State Tretyakov Gallery?

A: I'm told one ought to see the Museum of Fine Arts. Do you think I shall have time for that?

B: Well, you might, but if I were you, I should leave that for some other day. You could spend a whole day there. It's much too big to be seen in an hour or so.

A: I suppose it is. What about going to Arbat?

B: That's not a bad idea. You could spend a couple of hours there comfortably, or even a whole afternoon walking down this street with many adjoining lanes. Here you can see all architectural styles. In Arbat you can see many houses famous for the writers, painters and other celebrities, who used to live there, and some monuments.

A: I'll do that then. How do I get there?

B: Let me see. I think your best way from here is to walk across Red Square and Prospect Kalinina.

A: Is it much of a walk?

B: Oh, no, a quarter of an hour or so, but, if you are in a hurry, why not take a taxi.

A: I think I will. Ah, here's one coming. Taxi! Arbat, please.

V. Discourse

1. Make up a plan of your trip about Moscow. Suggest places of interest you'd like to have a glimpse of and give your reasons.

Prompts: «I suggest going»; «I wish I saw»; «I'd rather see» (further see the models in the dialogue «Sightseeing»).

2. You come back from Moscow. The party of friends wants to know what you saw and learned there.

3. An English student came to your University. He/she is eager to know as much as possible about the Russian capital. What would you tell him/her about?

Use the following: «It's up to you, but I'd»; «it depends on your tastes, but I'd / but why not go»; «I don't mind, though I think».

VI. Role-play these etudes

1. You are in Moscow and having a talk of sights with your guide.

2. You are going sightseeing but it's difficult to decide on a definite plan. Your Moscow friend gives you a hand in showing you around.

3. Your English friend wants to know more about Russian history and historical places. He has a good guide at his disposal - you.

4. Take part in the «Excursion about Moscow».


I. Topical vocabulary

1) confluence - слияние рек

2) frontier - граница

3) to acquire - приобретать, получать

4) to contribute to - способствовать, вносить вклад

5) enterprise - предприятие

6) to accommodate - заселить

7) saline - соленое озеро

8) machine-tool - станок

II. Read and translate the text. Mind your pronunciation

Omsk is the principal city and administrative center of Omsk region. It is situated in the center of Russia (2555 km from Moscow) at the confluence of the rivers Irtysh and Om. Founded in 1716 as the fortress protecting Russian frontier in Siberia, Omsk acquired the town status in 1782. It had been the administrative center of Siberian Cossack Army until 1918. The construction of Trans-Siberian Railway in the late 19th century and the presence of the river port on the Irtysh contributed to the development of industrial production and commerce in Omsk. From June 1918 to November 1919 the town of Omsk was the residence of admiral A.V. Kolchak, the High Regent of Russia, who proclaimed Omsk the capital of Siberia.

During World War II (1939-1945) a lot of major industrial enterprises were evacuated from European part of Russia. It was the time when Omsk population nearly tripled. Present day Omsk is the home for about 1?200?000 citizens. 2?200?000 people live in Omsk region on the territory of 139?700 square kilometers (enough room to accommodate such countries as Austria, Belgium and Netherlands).

There are a lot of freshwater lakes and salines in Omsk region. In the south the prevailing is wooded steppe, in the north - dark-coniferous taiga. Oil is extracted in the northern part of the region.

The multinational population (more than 100 nationalities) of Omsk region consists mainly of Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Kazakhs and Tatars.

The present day Omsk is one of the major industrial centers of Siberia. The most developed industries here are machine-building, machine-tools manufacture, electrical engineering and electronics, instrument-making, petrochemistry, woodworking and foodstuffs production. Space rockets, engines, agricultural machinery, oil and gas equipment, construction materials are also manufactured in Omsk.

30 higher educational institutions and branches are situated in Omsk. The most well-known of them on the national level are Omsk State Transport University, the University of Engineering, the State University, the Pedagogic University, the Road-Transport Academy, the University of Physical Culture, the Academy of Law and the Medical Academy. Omsk is by right called the city of youth and students. Actually, each of four citizens is a student.

The city of Omsk is a cultural and sports center of Siberia. Its history is connected with the names of F. M. Dostoyevsky, the great Russian writer; M. A. Vrubel, the famous artist. Omsk Symphony Orchestra and Omsk State Russian Folk Choir are very well-known both in Russia and abroad. Omsk «Avangard», the ice hockey team, is 2004 Champion of Russia.

There are a lot of landmarks in the city - historical, cultural and architectural monuments, theaters, museums, concert halls, a circus, exhibitions, sports complexes, swimming-pools, night clubs, cafes and restaurants.

The people of Omsk are friendly and hospitable. You will always find a ready welcome in our Siberian land, the glorious city of Omsk!

III. Give full answers to the questions

1. What kind of city is Omsk?

2. When was it founded?

3. What did the Trans-Siberian Railway and the river port on the Irtysh contribute to?

4. Who proclaimed Omsk the capital of Siberia?

5. Why did Omsk population once triple?

6. What is Omsk population today? Is it much?

7. What can you say about rivers or lakes in Omsk region? Are there any?

8. Why is Omsk considered to be a rich region?

9. What nationalities live on the territory of Omsk region?

10. Why is Omsk one of the main industrial centers of Siberia?

11. Can we call Omsk a scientific center? If we can, explain why.

12. Do you find that Omsk is a big cultural and sports centre?

13. If you had a foreign guest what places of interest would you show them? Why?

14. What sorts of people live in Omsk? Do you agree?

IV. Retell the text using the active vocabulary

V. Write an essay about Omsk as your native city

VI. Make the advertisement prospect of Omsk. Say why people should visit it!


I. Topical vocabulary

1) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2) Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

3) to be situated on - быть расположенным на

4) consist of - состоять из

5) the total area - общая площадь

6) population - население

7) urban - городской

8) to be made up of - состоять из

9) to be separated from ... by - отделяться от

10) to be washed by - омываться

11) surface - поверхность

12) to vary - варьироваться, меняться

13) mountainous - гористый

14) a valley - долина

15) a plain - равнина

16) to influence something - оказывать влияние на

17) mild - умеренный

18) a highly developed industrial country - высокоразвитая промышленная страна

19) to produce something - производить что-либо

20) to export something - экспортировать что-либо

21) machinery - станки

22) electronics - электроника

23) textile - текстиль

24) a chief industry - ведущая отрасль промышленности

25) shipbuilding - судостроение

26) a constitutional monarchy - конституционная монархия

27) Head of the State - глава государства

28) cricket - крикет (английская национальная спортивная игра; отдаленно напоминает русскую лапту)

29) standard of behaviour - норма поведения

30) to attract attention - привлекать внимание

31) Association football - футбол, разг. soccer (по названию английской футбольной ассоциации, разработавшей правила современного футбола)

32) to support - поддерживать, болеть

33) football field - футбольное поле

34) fan - болельщик

35) professional - профессиональный

36) amateur - любительский

37) spectator sport - «зрительский» вид спорта, собирающий большое количество болельщиков

38) racing - бега (конские, собачьи и пр.)

39) boat-race - гребные гонки

40) tournament - турнир

41) athletics - атлетика

42) to toboggan - кататься на санях, санках

II. Fill in the gaps

1) mild, 2) Head of the State, 3) is washed by, 4) urban, 5) population, 6) football fields, 7) fans, 8) athletics, 9) toboggan, 10) attracts the greatest attention, 11) a constitutional monarchy, 12) professional and amateur, 13) chief industries, 14) tournaments, 15) influence, 16) valleys, 17) plains, 18) mountainous, 19) boat-race, 20) are separated from, 21) is made up of, 22) spectator sport, 23) support, 24) total area, 25) consist of, 26) is situated on.

1.?The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland … the British Isles. 2.?The British Isles … two large islands. 3.?… is over 244?000 square kilometers. 4.?… is over 57 million people. 5.?About 80 percent of the population is … 6.?The United Kingdom … four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 7.?The British Isles … the Continent by the North Sea and the British Channel. 8.?The western coast of Great Britain … the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. 9.?The north of Scotland is … and is called the Highlands. 10.?The South which has beautiful … and … is called the Lowlands. 11.?The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream … the climate of the British Isles. 12.?The climate is … the whole year round. 13.?One of the … of the country is shipbuilding. 14.?The United Kingdom is … with a parliament and the Queen as … 15.?But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which … is Association football, or soccer. 16.?Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May large crowds of people … their favourite sides in … 17.?True … will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. 18.?There are plenty of … soccer clubs all over Britain. 19.?The chief … in British life is horse-racing. 20.?… between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people. 21.?Tennis … at Wimbledon are known all over the world. 22.?Various forms of …, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. 23.?Of course the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or …, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.

III. Match English and Russian phrases

1) высокоразвитая промышленная страна, 2) расположено на Британских островах, 3) омывается Атлантическим океаном и Ирландским морем, 4) производит и экспортирует станки, электронику, текстиль, 5) большие любители спорта, 6) путешествуют из одного конца страны в другой, чтобы посмотреть, как играет их команда, 7) известны во всем мире, 8) можно сделать вывод, 9) состоит из двух больших островов, 10) состоит из четырех стран, 11) не всегда достаточно холодно для того, чтобы кататься на лыжах, коньках и санках, 12) хороший сезон для охоты и рыбалки, 13) существенная часть ежедневной жизни в Британии, 14) конституционная монархия с парламентом и королевой во главе государства, 15) отделены от континента Северным морем и Британским каналом, 16) поддерживают свои любимые команды на футбольных полях, 17) умеренный весь год, 18) влияет на климат британских островов, 19) проходят на Уэмбли, 20) интересуются скачками, 21) привлекает толпы людей.

1) is situated on the British Isles, 2) consist of two large islands, 3) is made up of four countries, 4) are separated from the Continent by the North Sea and the British Channel, 5) is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, 6) influence the climate of the British Isles, 7) mild the whole year round, 8) a highly developed industrial country, 9) produces and exports machinery, electronics, textile, 10) a constitutional monarchy with a parliament and the Queen as Head of State, 11) great sport lovers, 12) support their favourite sides in football fields, 13) travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play, 14) take place at Wimbley, 15) are interested in the races, 16) attracts large crowds of people, 17) are known all over the world, 18) not always cold enough to ski, skate and toboggan, 19) a good season for hunting and fishing, 20) one may come to a conclusion, 21) an essential part of daily life in Britain.

IV. Read and translate the text about Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousands small islands. Their total area is over 244?000 square kilometers. The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million. About 80 percent of the population is urban. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.

The British Isles are separated from the Continent by the North Sea and the British Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands. The South, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m).

There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the whole year round.

The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It produces and exports machinery, electronics, textile. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament and the Queen as Head of State.

Now some words about sport in Great Britain. The British are great sport-lovers, so when they don't play or watch games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain. One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country.

But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is Association football, or soccer. Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May, large crowds of people support their favourite sides in football fields. True fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches and The Cup Finals take place at Wembley. Rugby is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.

The chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the whole world. Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing. Boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.

A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. Various forms of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular.

You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing. Thus, one may come to a conclusion that sport is an essential part of daily life in Britain.

V. References

1) Wimbley - Уэмбли (знаменитый стадион в Лондоне)

2) rugby - регби (особая разновидность футбола; играется овальным мячом; по называнию привилегированной средней школы Rugby, где в 1823-м впервые стали играть в эту игру)

3) the Derby - Дерби (ежегодные скачки лошадей-трехлеток на ипподроме Epson Downs близ Лондона; названы по имени графа Дерби)

4) Wimbledon - Уимблдон (предместье Лондона, в котором находится английский теннисный и крикетный клуб и проводятся международные чемпионаты по теннису)

VI. Give the full answers to the following questions, do it in the written form

1. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain situated?

2. What is the total area of British Isles?

3. What is the population of the United Kingdom?

4. What is the United Kingdom made up of? What are their capitals?

5. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

6. What is the highest mountain?

7. What is the longest river? What is the deepest and the most important river?

8. What is the climate of the British Isles? What influences the climate of the British Isles?

9. What does the United Kingdom produce and export?

10. What is one of the chief industries of the country?

11. What is one of the most British games? Where is it played?

12. Which game attracts the greatest attention?

13. Are there any soccer clubs in Britain? What kind of clubs?

14. Where do the International football matches and the Cup Finals take place?

15. What is the chief spectator sport in British life?

16. What is the most famous single sporting event in Britain?

17. What kind of races are held in Britain?

18. What kind of tournaments are known all over the world?

19. What kind of winter sports are popular in Britain?

20. Is sport an essential part of daily life in Britain?

VII. Read the statements, say if they are true or false, correct the false ones

1. The United Kingdom is made up of three countries: England, Wales and Scotland.

2. The capital of the United Kingdom is Edinburgh.

3. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

4. There are few rivers in Great Britain.

5. The United Kingdom produces and exports machinery, electronics, textile.

VIII. Make up your own three statements, use the information from the text. One of your statements should be false. Read them to the students. Their task is to say which of your statements is false and correct it

IX. Translate the sentences from Russian into English, use the information from the text and your dictionary

1. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии расположено на Британских островах, состоящих из двух больших и тысяч малых островов.

2. Население Великобритании в основном городское и составляет более 57 миллионов человек.

3. Соединенное Королевство состоит из четырех частей: в него входят Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия.

4. Британские острова омываются Атлантическим океаном, Ирландским морем, Северным морем и проливом Па-де-Кале.

5. Британские острова состоят из гористой части и низин.

6. Реки в Великобритании не очень длинные.

7. На климат Великобритании оказывает влияние Гольфстрим.

8. Великобритания производит и экспортирует станки, электронику, текстиль, суда.

9. Великобритания - конституционная монархия.

10. Британцы - большие любители спорта.

11. Одна из самых типичных британских игр - крикет, в нее играют в школах, колледжах, университетах и клубные команды по всей стране.

12. Существует множество профессиональных и любительских футбольных клубов в Британии.

13. Преданные фанаты будут путешествовать из одного конца страны в другой, чтобы посмотреть, как играет их команда.

14. Международные футбольные матчи и финальные кубки проходят на Уэмбли.

15. Гребные гонки между командами Оксфорда и Кембриджа привлекают толпы людей.

16. На следующем месте после футбола, главным зрительским видом спорта в Британии являются скачки.

17. Множество людей играют и смотрят теннис, теннисные турниры в Уимблдоне известны во всем мире.

18. Британцам также нравится играть в гольф, бейсбол, хоккей и хоккей на траве.

X. Read the dialogue and read the part of the text about sport in Britain once again. Make up your own dialogue on the following situation: two journalists (one of them is from Britain, another one is from Russia) discuss and compare sport in Russia and in Britain. Use the information and the phrases (mind the phrases in bold) from the text and the dialogue given below

Sport in Russia

Mike: I consider, that people in Russia are great sport-lovers, aren't they?

Ben: Yes, they are, I agree with you. Many sports are popular in Russia, such as hockey, soccer, track-and-field, weightlifting, tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, shooting and many others.

Mike: Yes, sporting activities are a part of daily life in Russia. Most Russians growing up in the North, grow with outdoor winter sports and activities, such as skiing and skating. In all parts of Russia fishing is extremely popular.

Ben: Yes, it is true and it is also worth mentioning, that there are all necessary facilities for those, who wish to go in for sport. In all schools there is a gym and a sports ground. There are a lot of indoor and outdoor stadiums. Above all, much attention is paid to organized sports: there are different sporting societies and clubs. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world.

Mike: Yes, and I want to add, that a great number of our sportsmen participate in the Olympic games.

Ben: Yes, certainly, we were always proud and will be proud of them. Yes, and what about National and International matches?

Mike: Sure, they are regularly held in Russia and always attract large number of fans.

Ben: Besides, there is a lot of live broadcasting of matches and championships, many of them are televised live.

XI. Prepare a report on one of the topics mentioned below. Use any additional literature or internet

1. UK Political System.

2. Education in the UK.

3. Holidays, customs and traditions in the UK.

4. Famous people of the UK.

5. London - a capital of Great Britain.

XII. Write a composition on the topic «Great Britain. Sport in Great Britain»

XIII. Tell about Great Britain and sport in Great Britain

Supplementary texts and tasks

Sports and pastime

Athletic sports include running, boxing, rowing, jumping, fencing, diving, swimming, weight-lifting, putting-the-shot, skating, wrestling, etc. To become proficient in these sports one must practise constantly. Other popular outdoor sports are hunting, shooting, fishing, horse-racing, motor racing and mountain climbing (mountaineering). The most popular outdoor games are football, cricket, hockey and tennis. Indoor games include billiards, card games, chess, draughts.

England is the home of sport. Many of the games now played all over the world originated in Britain. Most people in England are engaged in sedentary occupations; they would feel that life was hardly worth living if they were unable in the evenings, or at the week-ends, to pursue their favourite sport. Certainly, in ordinary times, the average man is more interested in games and sport than in politics. The average schoolboy may not be able to tell you the name of the Foreign Minister (Minister of Foreign Affairs), but he is able to tell you which team won the football championship last year and who is the present boxing champion.

What is a sportsman? He is one who is interested in sport. But that is only one meaning of the word. Even if a person is not interested in any sport, and has no opportunity or inclination to play any game, he may be called a sportsman if he has something called the «sporting spirit».

This «sporting spirit» is something that the playing of games develops in people, though a person may have it who plays no games. It is the ability to endure hard knocks without getting angry or seeking revenge; the ability to smile in times of danger and hardship, the ability to win without boasting afterwards, and to lose without complaining. Some people hate playing if there is no crowd to applaud them, some play only to win prizes, others are unwilling to play against stronger opponents for fear of defeat. Such people are not sportsmen in the best sense of the word, but if they go on playing they may become sportsmen in time. We should all try to become «good losers», to accept our disappointments cheerfully. Everyone has disappointments at some time or other; sportsmen smile when they occur.

In England, hunting means fox-hunting. It is the sport of the rich; for to be able to hunt regularly one has to keep several horses and pay various subscriptions. The fox is pursued by foxhounds, which are a special breed of hunting dog. They follow the fox by scent. Riders are often injured, and sometimes even killed, as their horses jump over fences and ditches. A rider may be thrown off and his horse may fall on him; when this happens the rider may receive serious injuries. But it is a fine sight to see the hounds in full pursuit of the swift red fox, followed by the riders, men and women, dressed in brightly coloured hunting clothes, on splendid horses galloping as hard as they can go.

Shooting is an expensive sport, but fishing is practised by thousands of people. Fishing is a very quiet and peaceful occupation and is an excellent pastime for those who dislike noise and crowds.

Horse racing is practised in many countries of the world. The horses are specially trained and are ridden by professional «jockeys». The most famous horse race in the world is the Derby, run on Epsom Downs, south of London. Huge sums of money are won and lost by people betting on this and other races. Many people think that all betting is wrong and should be abolished. A few years ago two schoolmasters of Alexandria bought a ticket in a sweepstake on the Derby and were lucky enough to win ?10,000. The British Government forbids the organizing of sweepstakes, which are a kind of lottery. It is true that a few people win, but many thousands lose.

The sport of mountain climbing appeals to many adventurous people. As there are few high mountains in Britain, many people go to Switzerland, which is the centre of European mountaineering. Every year there are accidents, but every year finds bold young men and women arriving in Switzerland ready to risk their lives among the high mountain peaks.

The most popular game in the world is certainly football. This is the game that is played in nearly all countries. There is another game called rugby football, so called because it originated at Rugby, a well-known English school. In this game the players may carry the ball. There is also an American kind of football, different again from the other two. Hockey is fairly popular in England but it has not spread much to other countries; nor has cricket, which is sometimes called the national game of England. Tennis is an international game. The world championships are decided each year in times of peace in the Davis Cup Competition. Of the indoor games, billiards requires the most expensive equipment. A good table costs more than a hundred pounds. This is why few private houses possess one; the game is generally played in a club.

There are many kinds of card games of pure chance, but most are games of chance and skill. Chance decides which cards a player holds, but a skilful player makes the best use of them. Thousands of people play cards regularly, the most popular game being «bridge». This is played for money, but only for small stakes generally. The chief aim of the players is not to win money but to pass the time in a very interesting manner. A regular player neither wins nor loses much.

By far the most intellectual game is chess, which is several hundred years old. A popular game is draughts, which is played on a board similar to a chess board with twelve «men» on each side.

Unusual and eccentric British sports

Aunt Sally - involves the under-arm throwing of the dolly (a truncheon shaped stick) at a suspended target. Each player in the team has 6 throws. The best score out of 24 wins.

Barrel Walking - to stand on top of a small barrel and walk it forward. The distance walked before falling off is measured.

Cheese-Rolling - competitors race down a steep hill, attempting to catch a huge piece of cheese which has been set rolling from the top. Often this results in many injuries.

Coconut Shy - each player has 6 balls to throw at targets of coconuts balanced on raised stands. The player with the highest number of hits wins.

Pancake Racing - in which each participant carries a pancake in a frying pan. All the runners must toss their pancakes as they run and catch them in the frying pan.

People Herding - a group of three people are blindfolded and each holds onto a central hoop. The fourth member of the team has a whistle, one short blast move to the left, two short blasts move to the right, a long continuing blast move forward. The object is to direct the hooped group through a gate or gatepost. The team with the shortest time wins.

Welly/Wellie Wanging or Throwing - a freestyle sport that originated in Britain. Competitors are required to hurl a Wellington boot as far as possible within boundary lines, from a standing or running start. Each player has three throws, the longest distance thrown within the zone wins. Note that the word wellie is also often spelt as welly.

Wheelbarrow and Straw Bale Race - each player in the team races over 50 yards with 4 straw bales on the barrow, then tosses the bales over a 6ft height bar. The quickest team wins.

Education in the UK

The system of education in the United Kingdom is rather complicated. It is divided into school education, further education and higher education. There are different types of educational institutions: schools, colleges, universities and various courses. It should be mentioned that the education may be public or private. It depends on the source of funding. If an institution is financed by the government - it is public, and students study there free of charge. In private ones the course of studies costs the parents a pretty penny. For British people education is compulsory from the age of five and up to sixteen. But children can go to nursery schools at the age of three. These schools are not cheap but still available and many parents prefer them. At the age of five children go to primary schools where they get primary education. They study there up to eleven. From eleven secondary education begins. There are three types of secondary schools in the UK: grammar schools, technical schools and secondary modern schools. In grammar schools pupils get classical education. They are prepared to go on for higher education that is to enter the university. The level of education there is very high. In technical schools various technical subjects are included into the curriculum. From there pupils enter technical colleges. Secondary modern schools are opposed to grammar schools. The level of knowledge is low and the graduates can only start working but can't get higher education. After a secondary school high school (that is a college) begins. In colleges students are selected according to their abilities (like at schools). From there students apply to the university. There are three types of universities according to their age: old (Oxford and Cambridge), redbrick (London University) and new, which are built almost in every big city. Every year thousands of high school graduates apply to universities. At the university students obtain a Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Arts, Science, Law etc.). After the Bachelor's degree is obtained they may also go on to obtain a Master's degree, Doctor's degree or, at last, a Professor's degree.

Education in Russia

By and by we are becoming a democratic society and it brings changes in all the spheres of our life. This is quite true for the system of education. First of all there appeared the division of educational institutions into public, that is state supported, and private. But, sorry to say, the quality of education in many of them leaves much to be desired. There are two tendencies, which are competing to take priority. The first tendency is that we are coming back to gymnasiums, lyceums, which is a purely Russian tradition. The second tendency is the attempt to Americanize our education, and the fact that many schools and other secondary institutions are turning into colleges and students at the universities obtain Bachelor's and Master's degree, proves it. Many people criticize these new ideas. But the results are positive rather than negative. On the one hand we can make a choice from the great amount of variants, the level of education is higher, especially in universities and academies. On the other hand this choice is very often the question of money. The educational system in Russia is undergoing a crisis just like all the spheres of our life. But we hope that it's good future that faces our education. But we shouldn't live in a fool's paradise, looking forward to this good future and doing nothing. We must do our best to struggle our way through life and to find the best means of educating our future.

Dialogue A

Mary: Today is a very special workshop. There is no text to read or listen to, no exercises to do. You may ask me all sorts of questions, if you have any.

Student A: Do English students take examinations every term?

Mary: No, they don't. They do exams - they are called «finals» in their last term at the University.

Student B: Only once. Then they can enjoy life in the first years.

Mary: They have a lot of work to do. They attend lectures, seminars and tutorials and write essays. Technical students do a lot of work in the lab. And then they take class exams every year about May, but these are not public exams.

Student A: We do class exams every other week. That is not difficult.

Student C: What is a tutorial?

Mary: In a tutorial a teacher discusses individual work with a student. The teacher is called a tutor. He reports to the head of the department, so the professor knows everything about the students.

Student B: What do they do in a seminar?

Mary: Discuss things.

Student A: Do all students live in the halls of residence?

Mary: Most first year students do. Others rent a flat or a bed-sitter in town.

Student C: Where do married students live?

Mary: Married students? They do not normally marry while at the University. They wait till they get a job and can support a family.

Student C: Do English students receive grants?

Mary: It depends on their parents' income.

Student A: Are there any clubs?

Mary: A lot of them. The Students' Union organizes social, sporting and cultural activities.

Student B: What is the latest dance in England now?

Mary: I'm afraid I don't know.

Student C: What do you think of the «Police»?

Mary: Do you mean demonstrations and all that?

Student C: No, I mean the pop group.

Mary: Ah, that «Police» group. Personally I don't like them. But I have a suggestion. What about having a party - a music party in the English club? We may listen to my tapes or your records and have a nice talk.

Students: That's a great idea. When?

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you were one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.

Dialogue B

Henry Robinson is twenty-two and he is in his final year at Cambridge. Liz Robinson is twenty and is at a redbrick university in a northern industrial city. Patricia, who is nineteen, has just started at one of the new universities.

Pat: We live in halls of residence around the main university building. We are a real community. We've got comfortable common rooms and bars. We arrange dances and parties. We've got clubs, theatre groups, choirs and soon. And we've got an orchestra. I play the drums in it.

Liz: We've got bars and common rooms and clubs too. But I hate to live in the sort of closed community you live in, Pat. Two other girls and I rent a house in the middle of the city, about ten minutes walk from the university. The district is poor and the house is falling to pieces.

Henry: I couldn't work in a place like yours.

Pat: Nor could I.

Liz: You're a couple of snobs. We live among real people, who treat us as a real people. We prefer to be independent. It's nice to belong to the city and to do things outside the university.

Henry: What sort of things do you do outside the university?

Liz: Well, there's a group of us who go and help in a home for handicapped children. And I sing in the city Bach choir. We get on well with the local people - not like Henry and the people in Cambridge.

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