Устная разговорная практика английского языка

Обучение устной разговорной практике английского языка в неязыковом вузе. Разговорные темы, которые предлагаются студентам в пределах программного материала. Упражнения, направленные на усвоение и закрепление необходимого лексического материала.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.04.2012
Размер файла 152,5 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Henry: Oh, most of us get on very well with the local people. Cambridge isn't a big place.

Liz: So you're sorry you chose Cambridge?

Henry: No, I'm reading chemistry and Cambridge is one of the best universities for any science subject. Besides, Cambridge, like Oxford, has got a special atmosphere.

Pat: I chose my university because of its progressive ideas on education and its broader and more varied courses. Many of the new universities are experimenting with new subjects. And besides I am fond of this «seminar» system which is common in the new universities. It works, because we get on well with the professors and lecturers. Some of them aren't much older than we; and they don't mind at all, if we disagree with them.

Liz: You're lucky. We have classes, but we hardly ever ask questions or discuss anything. The Profs don't seem to be able to do anything but lecture. Besides, the course itself is out of date. It hasn't changed for twenty years.

Henry: Just so the professors and lecturers are more interested in their own research than in helping students in their studies. However, we attend lectures given by some of the most brilliant scholars in the country. I go to classes at well as to lectures, but most important person in my academic life is my tutor. I enjoy my weekly tutorials.

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you are one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.


1) available - доступный

2) compulsory - обязательный

3) complicated - сложный

4) educational institutions - образовательные учреждения

5) to include - включать в себя

6) various courses - различныe курсы

7) public/private - государственный (общественный)/частный

8) to depend on - зависеть

9) the source of funding - источник финансирования

10) to finance - финансировать

11) free of charge - бесплатный

12) to cost a pretty penny - влетать в копеечку

13) the course of study - курс обучения

14) a nursery school - младшая школа, детсад

15) a primary school - начальная школа

16) a secondary school - средняя школа

17) a grammar school - грамматическая школа

18) a technical school - техническая школа

19) a secondary modern school - средняя современная школа

20) a level of education - уровень образования

21) to go on for higher education - продолжать образование до получения высшего

22) to enter the university - поступать в университет

23) to graduate from - закончить

24) curriculum - учебная программа

25) to apply to the university - подать заявления для поступления в университет

26) to obtain - приобретать

27) a bachelor's degree - степень бакалавра

28) Bachelor of Arts - бакалавр искусств

29) Bachelor of Science - бакалавр наук

30) Bachelor of Law - бакалавр закона

31) old-fashioned - старомодный

32) further education - дальнейшее образование

33) by and by - постепенно

34) democratic society - демократическое общество

35) to bring changes - приносить изменения

36) spheres of life - сферы жизни

37) true - правдивый

38) to appear - появляться

39) division - разделение

40) sorry to say - к сожалению

41) quality of education - качество образования

42) to leave much to be desired - оставляет желать лучшего

43) to compete - соревноваться

44) to take priority - принять первенство

45) pure - чистый

46) attempt - попытка

47) to turn into - превратиться

48) to prove - доказывать

49) to criticize - критиковать

50) on the one hand/on the other hand - с одной/с другой стороны

51) to make a choice - сделать выбор

52) great amount of variants - огромноe количество вариантов

53) especially - особенно

54) to undergo the crisis - претерпевать кризис

55) to face - ожидать, столкнуться

56) to look forward to - с нетерпением ждать

57) to do one's best - сделать всё возможноe

58) to struggle one's way in life - пробить дорогу в жизни

59) to find the best means - найти лучшее средство

Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

1) бесплатный курс обучения; 2) государственные школы; 3) частные учебные заведения; 4) стремиться получить высшее образование; 5) постепенно; 6) оставляет желать лучшего; 7) витают в облаках сейчас; 8) учебная программа дальнейшего образования; 9) источник финансирования начальных школ; 10) превратиться в демократическое общество; 11) претерпевая кризис; 12) пробиваю дорогу в жизни.

Exercise 2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following phrases:

1) to apply to the Amur State University; 2) to graduate from the Institute; 3) to bring changes into spheres of life; 4) to obtain a Bachelor's degree; 5) to criticize the quality of education; 6) to make choice from a great amount of variants; 7) to cost a pretty penny 8) pure attempt; 9) to compete for taking priority; 10) a division into nursery, primary, secondary and secondary modern schools; 11) to look forward to obtaining the degree of a Bachelor of Science.

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the sentences using the active vocabulary.

1.?The quality of education is not high. 2.?Secondary school includes grammar, technical and secondary modern schools. 3.?Abilities are the criteria for selecting students. 4.?Nursery schools are not cheap. 5.?We are facing a terrible crisis. 6.?We can make a choice from the alternatives. 7.?We should not only dream, waiting for the good future. 8.?He tries to use every possibility to struggle his way through life. 9.?The second tendency is that we try to Americanize our education. 10.?Some schools become gymnasiums and lyceums. 11.?They are in good relations with local people. 12.?I am studying literature. 13.?They like modern tendencies in education. 14.?The course is old-fashioned. 15.?The «seminar system» is a usual thing in new universities. 16.?You are fortunate.

Exercise 4. Find antonymic sentences.

1.?The quality of education is very low. 2.?All spheres of our life are successfully developing. 3.?Education in private institutions is free of charge. 4.?Many people don't like nursery schools, because it is impossible to pay for them. 5.?The graduates of secondary modern schools can get higher education. 6.?The results are positive. 7.?Last year he entered the university. 8.?It is a modern institution. 9.?We have got very bad single rooms. 10.?I don't like to live in a close society. 11.?This building is very new. 12.?There aren't many courses in this university.

Communicative exercises

Exercise 1. Speak about the difference between British (American) system of education and the system of education in Russia.

Exercise 2. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of modern tendencies in Russian education.

English meals

Meals are really a good subject to talk about. Ways and customs in laying the table and serving dishes differ from country to country. You need time and effort to make meals tasty and perfectly beautiful. This time you'll have a great deal of conversation about good table manners, ham and eggs, biscuit and honey breakfasts, ice-cream and jelly-cake desserts, cheese-and-coffee parties. Hope you find it useful and jolly. Here's something about English meals.

The usual meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner, or in simpler homes, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. The usual English breakfast is a breakfast of porridge (made of oats and water) or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade (made from oranges) with buttered toast and tea or coffee. Lunch is served at about one o'clock. We have cold meat (left over probably from yesterday's dinner), potatoes, salad and pickles, with pudding or fruit to follow. Sometimes we have a chop, or a steak and chips, followed by biscuits and cheese.

Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal but it is a sociable sort of thing, as friends often call in then for a chat, while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. But in a great many English homes, the midday meal is the chief one of the day, and in the evening we have a much simpler supper - an omelet, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

We have «high tea» between five and six o'clock, and we have ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or tinned fish, or sausages with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter, stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricots or pine-apples with cream and pastries or a good cake.

Dialogue A

Anne is a schoolgirl; James is a schoolboy; Mr. Jones is a businessman; and Miss Eccles is … a cook.

Anne: I never want any breakfast. Just a cup of tea and a piece of toast…

James: I don't eat much either. Just some cornflakes, and an egg, and coffee, and toast and marmalade.

Anne: I call that a huge breakfast!

James: No, it isn't! Anyhow, I haven't time for any more during the week when I have to get to school.

Mr. Jones: Well, what do you have at the weekend, James?

James: Oh, on Sundays it's different. I have orange juice, then porridge, with sugar and cream, and bacon and sausages and scrambled eggs, of course, and coffee and toast and honey.

Anne: What do you have, Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Oh! I never change, I always have the same; bacon and eggs.

Miss Eccles: But you don't have to cook it yourself, do you?

Mr. Jones: Well, no. My wife cooks the breakfast. She cooks the most perfect bacon and eggs in the world! I can smell them cooking, while I'm shaving. I just couldn't start the day in any other way!

Miss Eccles: You're lucky. I have to cook other people's breakfasts. I never eat any myself. Just half a grapefruit and a cup of tea for me.

Anne: You're like me. I can't think how people eat those great huge meals at eight o'clock in the morning!

Mr. Jones: You see, James, women are always thinking about their figures. They're afraid of getting fat…

Miss Eccles: There's just one thing: sometimes, when I'm on holiday, I have a special treat…

Mr. Jones: And what's that?

Miss Eccles: A lovely, fat, juicy kipper!

James: Oh, I'd forgotten about kippers! They're the best of all!

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you are one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.

Dialogue B

Ann and Fred are newly-weds, Jane, a group-mate of theirs, comes on a visit to them.

Ann: Good morning, Jane. Come in, please.

Jane: I hope Fred is at home?

Ann: Yes, he is. So nice of you to have come. We are about to have dinner. Will you dine with us?

Jane: With great pleasure.

Ann: That's fine. I'm off to lay the table. Excuse me, please.

Jane: By all means.

(At table)

Jane: It's good to be in a company like this, I admit.

Ann: Let me help you to some salad, Jane.

Jane: Please, do. It looks so inviting. That's quite enough, thank you.

Ann: Some soup, Jane?

Jane: Why, yes. I think I could manage a plateful.

Ann: How do you find a salad?

Jane: Awfully nice. I have never tasted such a lovely salad; will you tell me how you make it?

Ann: I'm glad you've enjoyed it and it's very nice of you to say so. It is quite easy to make. I'll write down the ingredients and the directions for mixing.

Jane: Thank you very much. Don't you think it's lovely, Fred?

Fred: Yes, it is, indeed. Kindly pass me the salt, Ann, will you?

Ann: Here you are. Some more bread, Fred?

Fred: Yes, please. What comes next, Annie?

Ann: Chops with roast potatoes and vegetables.

Fred: And what follows that?

Ann: Wouldn't you like to make a guess?

Fred: Ice-cream, I suppose.

Ann: There you are wrong, Fred, it's coffee.

Jane: Coffee? It's just to my taste.

Ann: I am happy that I've suited your taste, Jane. Do you take milk in your coffee?

Jane: Yes, I like it milky.

Fred: Well, Jane, what about fruit?

Jane: I'd be delighted.

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you are one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.

Dialogue C

Mrs. Smith: How nice of you, Mrs. Brown, to drop in. I'm so glad to see you. Jane and I are just having a cup of tea. Do join us.

Mrs. Brown: Thank you ever so much. I've been doing some shopping, as you can see, and I am a bit thirsty. I'd enjoy a cup with you.

Mrs. Smith: Jane, lay the table for Mrs. Brown and bring some fresh buns and rolls from the pantry. I haven't any cake to offer you today, Mrs. Brown, but I can treat you to a wide choice of jams, I've made this year. I'm especially fond of strawberry and black currant, while Jane prefers cherry. We always have several jars of raspberry jam in the house in case of colds. It's a good remedy, you know. Strong tea or weak, Mrs. Brown?

Mrs. Brown: Weak tea, please. What tasty buns you have here! Are they from the baker's?

Mrs. Smith: Jane did the baking today. She rather likes cooking.

Mrs. Brown: Would you mind telling me how to make such buns?

Mrs. Smith: Most willingly. All you need is a few cups of flour, some shortening (fat), a little yeast, four egg-yolks, a glass of milk and sugar. You knead the dough stiff, and then cut it up into tiny buns. When the dough has risen, you bake the buns in a hot oven for 20-25minutes. It's rather quick work and not much trouble. Served with tea, they are delicious. Help yourself to some more, Mrs. Brown.

Mrs. Brown: They're simply wonderful with strawberry jam. I must have another.

Mrs. Smith: Won't you have another cup of tea?

Mrs. Brown: I've had quite enough, thank you.

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you are one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.


1) a meal - пища, прием пищи

2) midday meal - прием пищи в середине дня

3) to lay the table - накрывать на стол

4) to serve dishes - подавать блюда

5) tasty, delicious - вкусный

6) table manners - поведение за столом

7) ham - ветчина

8) meat - мясо

9) egg - яйцо

10) scrambled eggs - яичница

11) honey - мед

12) porridge - овсяная каша

13) cornflakes - кукурузные хлопья

14) buttered toast - подрумяненный хлеб с маслом

15) potatoes - картофель

16) pickles - маринованные овощи, пикули

17) a chop - отбивная котлета

18) a steak - бифштекс

19) sausage - колбаса

20) tongue - язык

21) tinned fish - рыбные консервы

22) stewed fruit - компот

23) a pear - груша

24) an apricot - абрикос

25) a pine-apple - ананас

26) vegetables - овощи

27) juice - сок

28) cream - сливки

29) pastry - печенье, выпечка

30) kipper - копченая рыба

31) to cook - готовить пищу

32) to get fat - полнеть

33) to treat smb to smth - угощать кого-либо чем-либо

34) to dine - обедать

35) fat, shortening - жир (для приготовления пищи)

36) to have a cup of tea (coffee) - выпить чашку чая (кофе)

37) help yourself to - угощайтесь

38) it looks so inviting - выглядит так аппетитно

39) I could manage a plateful - я могу съесть целую тарелку

40) to taste - пробовать

41) it's just to my taste - это мне по вкусу

42) I've suited your taste - я угодила вашему вкусу

43) pass me … - передайте …

44) to take milk in tea (coffee) - добавить молока в чай (кофе)

45) to be thirsty - испытывать жажду

46) buns, rolls - булочки

47) pantry - кладовая

48) strawberry - клубника

49) black currant - черная смородина

50) raspberry jam - малиновое варенье

51) a good remedy - хорошее средство

52) strong tea - крепкий чай

53) weak tea -некрепкий чай

54) to do the baking - печь

55) yeast - дрожжи

56) to knead the dough stiff - круто замесить тесто

57) hot oven - горячая духовка

Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How many meals a day does an Englishman usually have?

2. What does the usual English breakfast consist of?

3. Does an Englishman like to vary his breakfast?

4. Many of them never change it, do they?

5. What can one see on the table at lunch as a rule?

6. What is the menu of an ordinary dinner?

7. What is «afternoon tea»?

8. Which is the biggest meal of the day?

9. What do you think of English meals?

Exercise 2. Answer the questions to the dialogue A.

1. What is Anne's idea of breakfast?

2. Who prefers a huge breakfast?

3. Is James' breakfast different at the weekend?

4. It is a huge meal, isn't it?

5. Is Mr. Jones' breakfast as substantial as James'?

6. What does he think of his breakfast?

7. What does Miss Eccles have for breakfast as a rule?

8. Does she ever change it?

9. A lovely, fat, juicy kipper is her special treat, isn't it?

10. Who else enjoys kippers?

11. James is a hearty eater, isn't he?

12. What is your special treat?

Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the dialogue B.

1. Who came on a visit to Ann and Fred?

2. What did Ann treat Jane to?

3. Did Jane enjoy the salad?

4. Did Ann treat her guest to chops or a grilled chicken?

5. What did they have for the third course?

6. What dishes did Jane like most at the dinner?

7. What coffee did Jane prefer?

8. What followed coffee?

9. Was Ann a poor cook and hostess?

Exercise 4. Answer the questions to the dialogue C.

1. Was Mrs. Smith delighted to see Mrs. Brown at her place?

2. Did she offer her friend a cup of tea?

3. Why did Mrs. Brown think she'd enjoy a cup of tea?

4. Did Mrs. Smith suggest that Jane should lay the table?

5. What was Jane to bring from the pantry?

6. What could Mrs. Smith treat her guest to?

7. Why did she always have several jars of raspberry jam in the house?

8. Did Mrs. Brown find the buns tasty?

9. Who did the baking?

10. Mrs. Brown got interested in the recipe of the buns, didn't she?

11. What foodstuffs were necessary to make the buns?

12. All Jane needed to make the buns was a few cups of flour, some shortening, a little yeast, 4 egg-yolks, a glass of milk and sugar, was that so?

13. Did she beat up everything into a mixture?

14. When the dough was kneaded stiff Jane cut it up into tiny buns, didn't she?

15. Was it necessary to let the buns rise nicely before putting them into the oven?

16. How long did Jane bake them?

British leisure

How do British people spend their time when they are not actually working? Leisure time of British people isn't very much organized. They might for instance watch TV. Television is the most popular entertainment in many countries. Statistics says that we spend an average of 25 hours a week watching it or at least keeping it switched on. Theatre, opera and ballet, sorry to say, are almost exclusively the pleasures of the educated middle class. The author of the book «Understanding Britain» Caren Hewitt is convinced that people who are deprived of the great works of art suffer a diminishment of spirit no matter whether they are intellectuals, blue-collar or white collar and so forth.

Private leisure is characterized by the national enthusiasm for gardening. About 44?% of the population claim to spend time gardening. In fact they don't need to grow vegetables, but home grown fruit and vegetables taste much better than those in shops, which have been grown commercially. They also grow flowers and have a passion for lawns of grass which stay green throughout the year.

The other popular home-based activity is «D-I-Y» or «Do-It-Yourself». It means improvement of one's home by decorating, making furniture, fitting in shelves, cupboards, etc. There are excellent stores (such as hardware stores), which supply the materials and tools, and books with detailed advice are everywhere on sale. Women more concentrate on needlework - sewing curtains and cushions as well as clothes. About half the women in the country spend time on needlework or knitting.

It is extremely difficult to decide how important books are for in the lives of the British citizens. There are well-stocked shops and a good public library service. Books are available, brightly coloured, cheerfully designed - and expensive. However there is an unquestionable loss when the attractions of television and videos have reduced the enthusiasm for reading, which is for many people just glancing at a newspaper. And no wonder! TV dramas and documentaries, cultural and scientific programmes and coverage of the world's news are excellent in general, by world standards. And of course, there is a lighter entertainment - games, family comedies, celebrity shows, soap operas and so on.

Music is another way of spending time. People listen to pop and rock music on the radio, on records and tapes, at home and in public places. Music magazines persuade teenagers to buy new and new records with the only purpose to make money. That is why cultivating an individual taste becomes very difficult, and cultivating a serious musical taste is extremely difficult. People often keep on spending money to catch up with what is popular. Some people are interested in music making and might play in amateur or professional orchestras or sing in choirs.

Some words should be said about holidays. Summer holidays is the time to spend as a couple or a family. It may just be like visiting friends, or hiring a caravan on the seashore, or camping. You can walk, explore mountains and streams, and take picnics on boating expeditions on lakes, and visit castles, caves and historic sites. This is the way the majority spends their time. Of course, there are minorities. They may join various clubs, or just relax each evening in pubs drinking, or do something else. People are free in their choice as they should be. It may be good or bad, but the reality is like this and you know, there are people and people.

Dialogue A. Going out

Mark: Hello, Julia. Would you like to go the movies tonight?

Julia: Why not. And what's on?

Mark: A historical film «The First Night». They say the film is worth seeing. It's praised to the sky by critics. The publicity is really good.

Julia: How wonderful! Is it a screen version of a novel? I enjoy screen versions of historical novels.

Mark: Unfortunately not. But the playwright did a very good job. The cast is brilliant: Sean O'Connery, Richard Gery and Julia Ormond are starring.

Julia: Oh, they are my favourite actors! And who is the producer?

Mark: What a shame! I'm not sure.

Julia: Never mind. Let's go and book tickets.

Mark: Yes, we should do it in advance for the film has been on for a fortnight already, but each time the house is sold out.

Julia: Oh, Mark, I'm so anxious to see this film.

Mark: No doubt, you'll be carried away by it, if you enjoy historical films.

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you were one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.

Dialogue B. Invitation for barbecuing

John: Hello, Steve, hello, Margo. How are you today?

Margo: Hi, John. We are fine as usual.

John: Planning anything special this weekend?

Margo: Actually not.

John: What would you say to barbecuing together?

Steve: It's so nice of you to invite us. We've never barbecued; it'll be so exiting!

John: Are your children going to join us?

Margo: I wish they could, but they are still camping in Michigan.

Steve: You know, there are good camping sites there. And quite civilized: showers, toilets and even a shop are available.

John: Oh, yes. They have a lot of summer activity in Michigan. Many people take in sun and swim there.

Margo: Certainly, it will do our children a lot of good.

Steve: What are we to take with us?

John: Nothing special. Just a couple of blankets and towels and tea or coffee in order not to be thirsty. Annie and I will take care of all the rest.

Steve: What time are we starting?

John: About 10 a.m. on Sunday. Is it all right with you?

Margo: It's fine.

John: Then we'll come to pick you up at 10. You're sure to have a lot of fun. Everything is so tasty when you're out of town.

Steve: Thanks again. We appreciate it so much.

John: My pleasure.

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Reproduce the dialogue.


1) leisure - свободное время

2) to convince smb of smth (Syn. to persuade, to assure, to be convinced) - убедить(убедиться, быть убежденным)

3) to deprive smb of smth ( to be deprived of smth) - лишить (быть лишенным)

4) to suffer diminishment of spirit - страдать от плохого настроения

5) blue-collar (white-collar) - «синие воротнички», (люди, занятые физическим трудом), «белые воротнички», (люди, занятые умственным трудом)

6) to claim - заявлять

7) a taste - вкус

8) to have a passion for - иметь страсть к чему-либо

9) hardware stores - магазины, продающие строительные и другие материалы

10) «Do It Yourself» stores - магазины «Сделай сам»

11) to supply (a supply of) - поставлять, снабжать (поступление)

12) to be on (for) sale - быть в продаже

13) a loss - ущерб

14) аn attraction (to attract, attractive) - привлекательность (привлекать, привлекательный)

15) to reduce (Syn. decrease, Ant. increase) - снижать, уменьшать

16) to glance at - взгляд на

17) to hire - нанимать

18) to explore - обследовать

19) a stream - поток, ручей

20) a castle - замок

21) a cave - пещера

22) majority (Ant. minority) - большинство (ант. меньшинство)

23) various (Syn. different) - различный, разный

24) to relax - расслабляться, отдыхать

25) a pub - «паб», кабачок, пивная

26) a knight - рыцарь

27) to be praised to the skies - быть расхваленным до небес, сверх меры

28) publicity (Syn. advertizing) - реклама

29) a screen version - экранизация

30) a playwright - сценарист

31) a cast - труппа

32) to star, (n. - a star) (Syn. to play the leading role (part) - играть главную роль, быть звездой (звезда)

33) to book tickets in advance (beforehand, ahead of time) - покупать билеты заранее

34) a fortnight - две недели

35) The house is sold out - Все билеты проданы, аншлаг

36) to be anxious to do smth/for smth (Syn. to be eager to do smth) - страстно желать что-либо сделать

37) to be carried away by (Syn. to be swept away by) - быть захваченным, увлеченным

38) to barbecue - выезжать «на шашлыки», барбекю

39) to camp (camping, camping sites) - останавливаться лагерем (кемпинг)

40) to take in sun and swim (Syn. to lie in the sun (to get a tan) and bathe - загорать и купаться

41) to do smb a lot of good (Ant. to do smb harm (adj. - harmful) -приносит пользу (ант. приносить вред, вредоносный, вредный)

42) a blanket - одеяло

43) thirsty - испытывающий жажду

44) to pick smb up (Syn. to give smb a lift) - подвезти кого-либо

45) to switch on (Syn. to turn on, Ant. to switch (turn) off) - включить (ант. выключить)

46) multitasking (multitasker) - многоцелевой (оборудование, имеющее несколько областей применения)

47) to be accustomed to smth / doing smth, to be used to smth / doing smth - привыкнуть что-либо делать

48) to be engaged in smth / doing smth (Syn. to indulge in smth / doing smth) - быть занятым чем-либо, иметь занятие

49) There are people and people / There are tastes and tastes / Tastes differ. - О вкусах не спорят. На вкус и цвет товарища нет.

50) What a shame! - Какой стыд!

51) What a pity! - Как жаль!

52) I appreciate it. - Я благодарен, ценю это.

53) My pleasure - мне приятно было это сделать (ответ на выражение благодарности)

54) You're welcome - Пожалуйста!

55) It was nothing - никаких затруднений (ответ на выражение благодарности)

Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations and sentences:

1) не очень хорошо организован;

2) самое популярное развлечение;

3) мы проводим в среднем 25 часов в неделю у телевизора;

4) или, по крайней мере, держим его включенным;

5) неважно, кто он, интеллектуал или синий воротничок;

6) овощи и фрукты, выращенные в домашних условиях, намного вкуснее;

7) около половины женщин страны;

8) очень трудно решить;

9) книги доступны и красиво оформлены;

10) бесспорная потеря;

11) способ проводить время;

12) с одной только целью - сделать деньги;

13) люди часто тратят деньги на то, что популярно;

14) любительские и профессиональные оркестры;

15) это может быть что-то подобное посещению друзей;

16) реальность такова.

Exercise 3. React to the statements using the phrases of agreement and disagreement. Extend your answers to the small situations.

1. Leisure time of British people is very much organized

2. Television is not very popular in England.

3. Private leisure is characterized by the national enthusiasm for gardening.

4. They need to grow vegetables because it's impossible to buy them.

5. «D-I-Y» activity is not very popular.

6. Television has reduced enthusiasm for reading.

7. Books are well-designed, brightly-coloured and expensive.

8. Music magazines persuade teenagers to buy new and new records with the purpose to develop individual taste.

9. People buy records which they like.

10. People are free in their choice, it concerns their leisure time as well.

Exercise 4. Study the text and answer the following questions.

1. Is leisure time of British people very much organized?

2. What is the most popular entertainment in Great Britain and other countries of the world?

3. Are theatre, opera and ballet available for all people?

4. What is the British national enthusiasm?

5. Why do British people grow vegetables and fruit?

6. What do British people have passion for?

7. What does "do-it yourself" activity mean?

8. What are women's activities in Great Britain?

9. Is music a perfect activity to spend one's free time?

10. What music do people listen to?

11. Is it difficult to cultivate individual taste in music and why?

12. Do people always spend their money to buy what they like?

13. Concerning one's leisure time summer is a boring season, isn't it?

14. Are people free in their choice?

Exercise 5. Make up five special, five alternative and five disjunctive questions basing on the text.

Exercise 6. Give the summary of the text «British leisure».

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1. Leisure time of British people ...

2. Statistics says that ...

3. People who are deprived of great works of art ...

4. Private leisure is characterized by ...

5. In fact ...

6. «Do-It-Yourself» means ...

7. Women concentrate on ...

8. It is extremely difficult ...

9. There is an unquestionable loss ...

10. No wonder ...

11. Music magazines ...

12. In summer you can ...

13. People are ...

Exercise 8. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1) leisure time, to be free in one's choice, there are people and people, majority, minority, to relax, to deprive smb of smth, to suffer a diminishment of spirit, to be good or bad;

2) to taste, national enthusiasm for, to have a passion for, home-based activity, improvement of one's home, to supply a detailed advice, «Do-It-Yourself» department;

3) to reduce reading, attraction, lighter entertainment, well-stocked shops, cheerfully designed, brightly coloured, to glance at;

4) music, magazines, to cultivate one's individual taste, to persuade, amateur or professional orchestras, chorus/choir?/, to hire, a stream, to explore mountains.

устная разговорная практика английский язык

Communicative exercises

Exercise 1. Find in the dialogues A-C equivalents for the following word combinations and sentences:

1.?Что идет? (в кинотеатре) 2.?Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. 3.?Мне нравится. 4.?К сожалению, нет. 5.?Какой стыд! 6.?заказать билеты заранее. 7.?Каждый раз все распродается (о билетах). 8.?Несомненно, тебе понравится (ты увлечешься им). 9.?Планируете что-нибудь на эти выходные? 10.?Ваши дети поедут с нами? - Я бы хотел. 11.?Это будет так здорово! 12.?… и довольно цивилизованных. 13.?ничего особенного. 14.?… чтобы не испытывать жажду. 15.?Я позабочусь об остальном. 16.?Когда мы выезжаем? 17.?Вас устроит? 18.?Замечательно! 19.?Будьте уверены! 20.?за городом.

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues.

Dialogue 1

A: Would you like to join us for a picnic this Saturday?


A: Is your son going to join us?


A: Oh, yes. It will do him a lot of good.


A: Nothing special. Just a couple of blankets and towels.


A: No, you needn't. My wife and I will take care of all the rest.


A: We'll come to pick you up at 10. Is it all right with you?


Dialogue 2

A: Hello. How are you doing?


A: I'd like to invite you to the movies tonight.


A: A historical film. It is said to be worth seeing.


A: Oh, the publicity is really good. The film is praised to the skies by the critics.


A: Unfortunately not. But the cast is brilliant: Sean Connery, Richard Gary and Julia Ormond.


A: Yes, we should book them ahead of time for the film has been on for a fortnight already, but each time the house is sold out.


A: You are sure to be swept away by it if you enjoy historical films.

Exercise 3. Translate the words of the Russian speaker into English.

A: Не хотела бы ты присоединиться к нашему пикнику? Мы собираемся поехать за город в субботу.

B: Thank you. It's so nice of you to invite me, but I'm afraid I won't be able to.

A: Планируешь что-нибудь на выходные?

B: Nothing special. You see, my diploma...

A: Я думаю, эти выходные твой диплом проведет без тебя. Тебе нужен отдых. Поехали с нами. Позагораем, искупаемся.

B: You seem to be right. One day in the open air will do me a lot of good. Shall I take something with me?

A: Нет, не нужно. Мы с Мэри позаботимся обо всем.

B: I'd rather take some tea in order not to be thirsty. What time are we starting?

A: Чем раньше, тем лучше. Семь утра тебя устроит?

B: It is. I'm an early riser.

A: Заехать за тобой?

B: It would be wonderful.

A: В таком случае мы заедем за тобой в 6-30. До субботы!

B: See you on Saturday morning.

A: Будь уверена, тебе понравится.

B: Thanks again. I appreciate it so much.

Exercise 4. Discuss the ways of spending spare time.

Exercise 5. Compare the leisure in Great Britain and in your country.


London is without doubt one of the most fascinating cities in the world, one of the biggest cities in the world, the capital of Great Britain. It has many faces and means many things to many people. London is a very old city even by European standards. The history of London has begun long before our time. The Roman conquerors of Britain founded Londinium (London) in 43 AD by settling and fortifying two small hills on the river Thames. More than a thousand years later, another conqueror turned the city into his capital. This was William of Normandy, who defeated the last Saxon ruler of England in 1066. In 1666 the city of London suffered the Great Fire and survived. 13?200 buildings and 87 churches were burnt down. The historic centre of the capital was turned into a heap of ashes. This natural disaster gave a rare opportunity to replan and build it anew. However the owners of the land insisted on building on the old foundations, and the streets of the city remained as narrow and winding as they had been before the fire. Now modern London is a number of cities, towns and villages, that have, during the past centuries, grown together to make one vast area. London today stretches for nearly thirty miles from north to south and nearly thirty miles from east to west. This is area, known as «Greater London», with a population of nine million. The river Thames divides London into two parts: Northern and Southern. And to the right is the West End; to the left is the East End. Many years ago the City and Westminster, where the kings and queens lived, became parts of one urban organism, and the area around the royal court was called the «West End». Today, far from being an «end» or suburb, it might be called the centre of London. In the West End there are many parks, squares, wide and straight streets, which are famous for their splendid shops and restaurants. One can see here elegant people, grand hotels, clubhouses and modern cars. The name of the «West End» is associated with wealth, luxury and goods of high quality. As for the East End it is the workers' district. There are miles of docks and great industrial areas. The East End has many old houses build in Dickens' time. Jack London described the London slums in his book «The people of the Abyss». But the people are fond of their district and are proud of being called Cockneys or true Londoners. A foreigner with a fair knowledge of Standard English can't understand their lovely Cockney dialect. Besides, there is the City of London, the commercial and business centre. It is only a very small part of modern London; it measures only one square mile and the number of people who live there is only about ten thousand. The City is famous for its offices, banks and museums. London is more than two thousand years old. Although London is a crowded and noisy city one can find many sights and memorial places there. Trafalgar Square is one of the tourist's centres of the city. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Orators often use the large platform at the foot of it. This square is a place for all sorts of meetings and demonstrations for peace and disarmament, for better schooling and pensions for the aged. To the left of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery. It has a fine collection of European painting. Another sight, which is worth to be mentioned about, is Piccadilly Circus. It is not very large, but it is dynamic and colourful. Piccadilly Circus is especially very beautiful in the evening. That famous Eros statue on the top of the fountain in the centre is very wonderful. It is the meeting point of six streets. There is Regent Street, one of London's most fashionable shopping streets. Another one leading off Piccadilly Circus in the direction of Soho is Shaftesbury Avenue. Soho is one of the entertainment centres of London. There live artists, actors and writers. There are many restaurants, cafes and clubs. Other famous streets of the centre of London are Oxford Street, the Strand and Fleet Street. The Houses of Parliament stand on the north side of the Thames. The official name of the building is the Palace of Westminster. It was built in Gothic style. In 11th century it was destroyed by fire many times. Only Westminster Hall and the crypt of the chapel were saved. It was rebuilt only in 1840. Everyone knows that Westminster Abbey is a royal church and the centre of the Westminster Area. It was founded in the middle of the 11th century by Edward the Confessor and was mainly built by Henry III in the 13th century as a fitting burial ground for English sovereigns. Also one should mention about the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food. St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren. It took him 35 years to plan and carry out his plan of building this cathedral. There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new sights. They like to say: «When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life».

Task 1. Practice your pronunciation. Repeat the words after your teacher.

1) a conqueror - завоеватель

2) to serve - служить

3) a citadel - цитадель

4) royal - королевский

5) a palace - дворец

6) a seat of the government - местонахождения правительства

7) a traitor - изменник, предатель

8) a spy - шпион

9) to murder - убивать

10) to execute - казнить, execution - казнь

11) to imprison - садить в тюрьму

12) to torture - пытать

13) arms - оружие

14) armour - доспехи

15) crown - корона, to crown - короновать

16) jewels - драгоценности

17) a bridge - мост

18) to trace - проследить, установить

19) aircraft - авиатехника

20) weapons - оружие

21) equipment - снаряжение

22) plague - чума

23) to recreate - воссоздать

24) a dungeon - темница

25) an exhibition - выставка, an exhibit - экспонат

26) an event - событие

27) horror - ужас

28) Middle Ages - средние века

29) a cathedral - собор

30) a masterpiece - шедевр

31) imposing - внушительный, впечатляющий

32) craftsmanship - мастерство; тонкая, искусная работа

33) woodcarving - резьба по дереву

34) mosaics - мозаика

35) ceiling painting - потолочная живопись

36) a resting place - место погребения

37) a square - площадь

38) to commemorate - устраивать в память, в честь; ознаменовывать commemoration - ознаменование

39) to erect - воздвигать

40) a battle - битва

41) to feed - кормить

42) a pigeon - голубь

43) an engraving - гравюра

44) a law - закон

45) to debate - обсуждать

46) to enact - принимать, вводить в действие

47) to bury - хоронить

48) a banquet - банкет, торжественный обед

49) craft - ремесло

50) wax - воск

51) solar system - солнечная система

52) a satellite - спутник

53) spacecraft - космические корабли

54) hands-on - практический

55) a screen - экран

56) carved ivories - изделия из слоновой кости

57) tapestries - изделия из гобелена

58) furniture - мебель

59) science - наука

60) road - дорожный

61) railways - железнодорожные пути

62) a wind engine - ветряной двигатель

63) nuclear physics - ядерная физика

64) a lawn - газон

65) a soft drink - безалкогольный напиток

66) to consider - считать

67) fowl - птица

68) round - круглый

69) pond - пруд

Task 2. Read and translate the text «London».

Task 3. Listen to the situations your teacher offers you and give a piece of advice.

Use the expressions of giving advice.

I advise you to go to/visit … - Я советую Вам пойти/посетить …

Be sure to see/visit … - Обязательно посмотрите/посетите …

If I were you, I would … - На Вашем месте я бы …

Task 4. Make a dialogue.

Situation: you are from London. A person from Russia is asking for a piece of advice. The person will tell you about his/her interests. Tell him/her what places of interest he/she should visit.

Use the phrases below to help you. Be polite (вежливый).

I would like to get information about … - Я хотел бы узнать о …

I would like to see … - Я хотел бы увидеть …

I am interested in … - Я интересуюсь …

I am fond of … - Я увлекаюсь …

What are you interested in / fond of? - Чем Вы интересуетесь/увлекаетесь?

In this case, you should go to/visit … - В этом случае Вам следует посетить …

There you can see/get information about … - Там Вы сможете увидеть/узнать о …

If I were you, I would go to/visit … - Если бы я был на Вашем месте, я бы сходил/посетил …

Formulas of politeness

Excuse me, may I ask you …? - Извините, позвольте спросить Вас …

Excuse me, could you help me …? - Извините, не могли бы Вы мне помочь …?

You see, I am a stranger here … - Знаете ли, я …

Thank you. I am so grateful to you! - Спасибо. Я так Вам благодарен.

Don't mention it. - Рад, что смог помочь.

You are welcome. - Пожалуйста.

Task 5. Imagine, that you are in London. What places would you like to see/visit? Explain your choice. Use the model.

Model. If I were in London, I would see/visit …, because …

Если бы я был в Лондоне, я бы посмотрел/посетил …, потому что …

Task 7. Watch the film about places of interest in London and enjoy it.

Dialogue A

Sightseeing in London

There are a lot of places of interest in London. One of them is the Tower of London. Thousands of tourists visit it every year to see the Crown Jewels and the famous Beefeaters. There is not only one tower of the site. You can notice several towers with different names: the White Tower, the Bloody Tower, the Green Tower and others. There is much to see in the Tower of London. Natasha and Jane are there now.

Natasha: Well… There's so much history here. Everything is so impressive, almost terrifying.

Jane: Exactly. Let's have another look at the White Tower, which is 900 years old.

Natasha: And who are those men in the striking uniforms, Jane?

Jane: You see, those are the «beefeaters», the wardens. There are a lot of them here. I suggest coming here tonight. A very interesting ceremony will take place at 10 o'clock here. The Ceremony of the Keys.

Natasha: Very well, let's come tonight. There must be very many stories about the Tower.

Jane: Oh, sure! Quite a lot. Generally speaking there are also a lot of books and films about it; and they are about English kings and queens at the same time. And the Tower Bridge… Isn't it beautiful?

Natasha: Certainly it's beautiful and quite unique in design. And as far as I know Tower Bridge is the most spectacular of the bridges crossing the river Thames. The roadway is raised to allow the ships to pass through.

Jane: It goes without saying. But there are lots of bridges over the Thames and they are all different. I suppose we'd better make a trip on the Thames in one of the water buses one of these days instead of wandering about the city.

Natasha: That's a good idea! And how many palaces are there in London, Jane? One?

Jane: You must be joking! There are two main ones - Buckingham Palace and St. James's Palace and also there is Kensington Palace with the Russian embassy quite near.

Natasha: I think the palaces are far from each other, aren't they?

Jane: They are rather. But you should see them all, all the same. There's a lot to see. In Buckingham Palace there is the Queen's picture gallery and in Kensington Palace - the London museum.

Natasha: Oh, how interesting!

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Task 2. Retell the dialogue, as if you were one of the participants.

Task 3. Reproduce the dialogue.

Dialogue B

Chernov, an engineer of the Russian Trade Delegation, met Borisov at the airport and took him to the Embassy Hotel, which is in the centre of London near Hyde Park. On the way to the hotel some things impressed Borisov: bright advertisements, red London buses (double-deckers), left-hand traffic and terraced houses.

Chernov: Good afternoon!

Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

Chernov: I'm from the Russian Trade Delegation. We have reserved accommodation for Mr. Borisov at your hotel.

Receptionist: Wait a minute please. I'll check it. Yes, that's right. One single room, with private bath from today. The room is on the third floor. № 301.

Chernov: Thank you.

Receptionist: Will Mr. Borisov check in?

Borisov: What shall I write here?

Receptionist: Your name and address, please. (Borisov fills in the form).

Thank you, Mr. Borisov. Here's your key.

(Now Chernov and Borisov are in the room).

Borisov: I've only caught a glimpse of London on the way to the hotel. But frankly speaking this city has made a great impression on me.

Chernov: Yes. They say one can't judge about the country without being in London and I entirely agree London is the largest and the most beautiful city all over the world.

Borisov: You are quite right. So in such a case there must be many interesting places to see.

Chernov: Of course! Here are some photos. Look! This is Madam Tussaud's museum.

Borisov: I see, but what is it?

Chernov: Oh, you don't know? Shame on you! Madam Tussaud's has one of the largest collections of wax models of famous people in the world.

Borisov: You don't say so! I should never have thought that such things can exist. It's very exciting!

Chernov: And have you ever heard about Canary Wharf? It's a huge business complex on the north bank of the River Thames. It's served by its own railway.

Borisov: I must confess that the more I learn about London the more I am astonished. But look! I believe this castle is the largest one in the world.

Chernov: It's Windsor Castle, that is a famous home of Queen Elizabeth II of England. You see there are many sights and memorial places a visitor will want to see. But to tell the truth I have no time and I must go. See you later.

Borisov: See you.

Task 1. Read the dialogue and translate it.

Dialogue C

A: I'm afraid of failing the exam in history.

B: Why? You can't be serious! You are a top student.

A: That's one way of looking at it. But I don't remember the history of London at all. Neither history nor modern time.

B: Oh! Cheep up! I'll help you. I think what you need is to collect your wits.

A: Of course! But I'm so excited and that's why everything has slipped out of my mind.

B: OK! Let's begin with…

Task 1. Complete the dialogue, using the text.

Explanatory notes

AD - anno domini (лат.) - нашей эры

Cockney - «кокни», лондонец, уроженец Ист-Энда

«The people of the Abyss» - «Люди бездны»

Beefeaters - бифитеры, «мясоеды» - прозвище стражников лондонского Тауэра

Edward the Confessor - Эдуард-Исповедник, английский король

The Ceremony of the Keys - церемония передачи ключей

Terraced houses - ряд одинаковых домов, соединенных в один квартал


1) a conqueror - завоеватель

2) to found - основывать

3) to defeat - разбить, нанести поражение

4) to suffer - страдать

5) to survive - выживать

6) a heap of ashes - груда пепла

7) to insist on - настаивать на …

8) winding - извилистый

9) to associate with - ассоциировать с

10) slums - трущобы

11) an abyss - бездна

12) an entertainment - развлечение

13) to destroy - уничтожать

14) a crypt - склеп

15) a chapel - часовня, церковь

16) to save - спасать, сохранять

17) a tower - башня

18) royal - королевский

19) a burial ground - кладбищe, мeсто погребения

20) a sovereign - монарх

21) a fortress - крепость

22) a prison - тюрьма

23) a cathedral - собор

24) a church - церковь

25) a raven - ворон

26) to settle - поселяться

27) to fortify - сооружать

28) to turn into - превращать

29) impressive - впечатляющий

30) a warden - смотритeль

31) an embassy - посольство

32) spectacular - импозантный

33) to pass through - пересекать

34) on the way to - по дорогe

35) a double-decker - двухэтажный автобус

36) left-hand traffic - левостороннее движение

37) to catch a glimpse of something - увидеть что-то мельком

38) to make an impression on somebody - произвести впечатление на…

39) wax - воск

40) huge - огромный

41) a wharf - пристань, причал

42) a castle - замок

43) financial - финансовый

44) commercial - коммерческий

45) to be famous for - быть известным чeм-либо

46) a column - колонна

47) a statue - статуя

48) a fountain - фонтан

49) an abbey - аббатство

50) a palace - дворец

51) bright advertisements - яркая реклама

Conversational formulas

It goes without saying. - Само собой разумеется.

That's one way of looking at it. - Это с одной стороны.

Frankly speaking. - Откровенно говоря.

You don't say so. - Да что ты говоришь!

Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1. Read the text «London» and translate it.

Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

square, restaurant, luxury, dialect, museum, column, statue, European, fountain, chapel, sovereign, burial, ground, cathedral, tourist.

Exercise 3. Read and guess the meaning of the international words:

restaurant, elegant, grand hotels, dock, industrial, commercial centre, office, bank, column, statue, platform, meeting, demonstration, avenue, National Gallery, collection, fountain, gothic style, memorial, museum, legend, architect, tourist, cafe.

Exercise 4. Listen, pronounce and remember:

The river Thames, London, William of Normandy, Cockney, Trafalgar Square, Admiral Nelson column, The National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus, Eros statue, Regent Street, Soho, Shaftesbury Avenue, Fleet Street, The Strand, Oxford Street, The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Edward the Confessor, The Tower of London, The Raven Master, St. Paul's Cathedral, Christopher Wren.

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