Создание многомерных медиа-образов на примере эволюции имиджа Арнольда Шварценеггера

Характеристика культового медиа-имиджа в мировой истории и шоу-бизнесе. Арнольд Шварценеггер как бодибилдер, актер и политик. Создание многогранного медиа-образа как нового смысла в поп-культуре. Фильмография Шварценеггера с начала актерской карьеры.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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Дата добавления 01.12.2019
Размер файла 125,5 K

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2. Have you followed Arnold Schwarzenegger over the course of his political career? If so, do you think that his action movie star fame was the main reason he was successful as a politician? I never really followed Arnie and his political career, being based in the UK I wasn't getting regular news reports from California and his governing abilities. I knew he was interested in politics during the height of his acting career and he married into the Kennedy family. Arnold had right wing views and his wife, Maria, was very much on the left so they must have had some interesting debates come election time! Being famous certainly helped him get into office, its often not about how much you know about politics its more about the personality and that played a big factor, I believe, in him getting elected. Sure Arnold is a very smart man but im sure the public were quite keen to see the Terminator in government than just another politician they had no knowledge of.

3. Do you think that Arnold Schwarzenegger is still capable of making commercially successful solo action movie? Outside of the terminator franchise his recent outings haven't been that successful at the box office, the budgets aren't what they used to be and the majority of his new films haven't been handled by great directors who knew how to get the best out of him such as James Cameron and John McTiernan. His films have sadly felt like direct to DVD movies. His big comeback film `The Last Stand' which was surprisingly entertaining you could tell Arnold's acting chops were a bit rusty but thankfully come `Escape Plan' he did a great job next to Stallone, probably his best movie since he returned to acting or possibly `Maggie' which is far from the action genre and demonstrated he was still trying something new.I'm still hoping for him to return to the Conan series!

4. What is your opinion about the movies Schwarzenegger has starred in since his return to the movie industry? Covered in the previous question.

5. Would you say that Arnold Schwarzenegger is an iconic representation of traditional masculinity on screen? I would probably say so, since his big screen debut in Conan The Barbarian, its hard to think of anyone else, sure Stallone and JCVD had the physic but Arnold appeared to tower over them and he had this overwhelming drive to further himself and his career.

6. Would you say that Arnold Schwarzenegger is presented a lot as a positive male role model & father figure due to movies like `Terminator 2' and `Kindergarten Cop'?

I don't think people have ever looked at Arnold's films and thought of him as a father figure. He was certainly an inspiration for many who wanted to get into shape and to follows their dreams in to whatever they dreamed of becoming, so as a role model definitely.7. What do you think of when someone says Arnold's name? In other words, what do you associate him with?When I think of Arnold the things that pop into my mind is big muscles, one liners, cigar smoking and of course The Terminator.

8. This one is about the pop culture in general. What made the 80s-90s action movies so iconic and can the genre rise again?The action genre is still alive and well but the market has shifted to appeal to a family audience. No longer do we get R rated big budget action films that are specifically aimed at adults and have toys and video games licensed from them to appeal to children, oh I miss those days! Now studios play it safe to appeal to a wider audience to get as many bums on seats in the cinema. What made the 80s and 90s action films so memorable and entertaining was that what you were seeing was all done for real especially during the 80s. All in camera action, which had dangerous stunts and explosive action sequences that were funded on big budgets. We had stars that didn't have training at Julliard or come from theatre these were really buff men who spent all their free time in the gym or trained as martial artists. What made them so appealing was their screen presence and charm that won over the critics and gained them a dedicated fan following. The action genre today doesn't quite have those characters like Arnie and Sly anymore. Sure The Rock is full of charm but I don't see him making an R rated action film anytime soon and will continue the trend of making family friendly action features. If you want to see hard R action flicks they're still being made but with smaller budgets, less marketing and often debut on Netflix.

Приложение 2

Список вопросов:

1. Where are you from?/Откуда вы?

2. Please, state your gender/Обозначьте свой пол

3. Please, state choose your age group/Выберите подходящую вам возрастную группу

4. What is your favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie?/Каков ваш любимый фильм Арнольда Шварценеггера?

5. Have you followed Arnold Schwarzengger's political career?/Вы следили за политической карьерой Арнольда Шварценеггера?

6. When you hear the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who do you think of?/Когда вы слышите имя Арнольда Шварценеггера, о ком вы думаете в первую очередь?

7. Do you follow Arnold Schwarzenegger on social networks?/Следите ли вы за Арнольдом Шварценеггером в социальных сетях?

8. Would you call Arnold Schwarzenegger a hero?/Вы назвали бы Арнольда Шварценеггера героем?

9. Would you vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger in case he could have participated in the U.S. presidential elections?/Вы бы проголосовали за Арнольда Шварценеггера на президентских выборах в США?

10. Do you think that Arnold Schwarzenegger projects an image of a reliable father figure?/Вы считаете, что Арнольд Шварценеггер проецирует на экранах надежный образ отца?

11. On the scale from 1 to 5, where one means 'not at all', would you say that Arnold Schwarzenegger represents conventional GOP traditions?/По шкале от 1 до 5, где 1 - это "совсем нет", вы бы сказали, что Арнольд Шварценеггер репрезентирует конвенциональные традиции Республиканской партии?

12. Do you reckon that Arnold Schwarzenegger is still capable of making a movie hit or change his career path once again?/Как вы считаете, может ли Арнольд Шварценеггер сделать еще один кинохит или вообще поменять карьеру еще раз?

13. What is your opinion of Arnold Schwarzenegger's as a politican and statesman?/Как вы относитесь Арнольду Шварценеггеру как политику и государственному деятелю?

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