• The results of the study for both the national culture perspective and the transaction cost perspective. Erramilli's prediction that firms from a country with high PDI and UAI tend to choose the majority ownership when entering a foreign market.

    статья (270,1 K)
  • Liberalisation, outward orientation and in-house activity of multinational and local firms: a exploration of Indian manufacturing. The formation of the India’s national innovation system, which passes through the phases of protectionism, liberalism.

    статья (320,1 K)
  • A review of the migration theories, econometric and network models. Classical theories. Network analysis of international migration flows. Interpretation of centrality indices. Results of the evaluation of panel models of international migration data.

    дипломная работа (283,6 K)
  • The Nigerian government expects to effectively pull 100 million Nigerians out of poverty by 2030. This project is considered in the context of the reports about the ineffectiveness of previous programs and the economic realities of this country.

    статья (29,4 K)
  • The competitive industrial production like one of the basic conditions of high achievements in socio-economic development of each region. Characteristics of the main ways which promote regional authorities to raise competitiveness of enterprises.

    статья (257,5 K)
  • Acquaintance with the features of the study of the economic essence of offset agreements. Consideration of directions for increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy in world markets. The essence of the concept of "international trade".

    статья (115,9 K)
  • The relationship between omnichannel and the profitability of the trading business. Using the omnichannel approach in retail in view of the current realities caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Metrics of efficiency of application of omnichannel approach.

    статья (178,7 K)
  • Methods of investment attractiveness assessment, investigate the impact of the number of enterprises in the Baltic States on their gross domestic product. Development of productive forces in the region. Amount of capital investment in the Baltic states.

    статья (86,6 K)
  • The main methods of valuation of the company. Consideration of various indicators used in the valuation process, for example, income from ordinary activities, proceeds from the sale of products and services. Consideration of the Gordon`s model.

    статья (34,8 K)
  • Види eкoнoмiчнoї дiяльнocтi тa ocнoвнi нaпpямки їx poзвитку. Пpoмиcлoвe пiдпpиємcтвo тa мeтa йoгo дiяльнocтi. Виpoбничa пpoгpaмa, пoкaзники oцiнки oбcягiв випуcку пpoдукцiї пiдпpиємcтвa. Eкoнoмiчнa cутнicть, клacифiкaцiя i cтpуктуpa ocнoвниx зacoбiв.

    курсовая работа (116,1 K)
  • Determination of the main directions of modern modernization of the mechanism of innovative development of industrial complex. Evidence of the need for innovation and its focus on improving the efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises.

    статья (145,9 K)
  • The problem of learning in the context of the organization. Streamlining the exchange of information between its employees on the example of Apple and Google. Consideration of the essence of the concept of organizational learning in modern business.

    статья (46,4 K)
  • Consideration of manifestations of signs of emergence of interactions of industrial and commercial components of management of innovative development. Identifying management and production strategies to ensure the appropriate level of performance.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Analysis of the use of simulation modeling in the formation of a system of accounting and analysis of the contractual process at the enterprise. The peculiarity of increasing the efficiency of the formation of an enterprise development strategy.

    статья (18,2 K)
  • The interpretations of the category "innovation". The organizational principles of accounting and control over the formation of costs for agroinnovation of enterprises. The general technique of operative control of agroinnovative activity developed.

    статья (694,9 K)
  • The article considers the issues of organizational development as well as the efforts to arrange sources of organization so that its performance is effective and leads to the satisfaction of not only customers. And not only customers but also of employee.

    статья (92,6 K)
  • Development of corporate structures in Ukraine. Formation of adaptive global economic structures in the world. Introduction of the integrated corporate structures. The approach to the creation of a favorable investment environment and information.

    статья (142,8 K)
  • Definition of Informal Economy. Main Types of Financial Relations in Informal Finance. Benefits and Limitations of Informal Financial Relations. Implementing the digital technologies into Informal Financial Relations. The case of M-Peso, Kenya, UAE.

    дипломная работа (338,6 K)
  • Biography Paul Samuelson and his contribution and development economics. Samuelson award of the Nobel Prize in Economics. Foundations of Economic Analysis Samuelson and integrating them mathematics and economics. Samuelson's professional positions.

    презентация (1,6 M)
  • National innovation system - a set of interrelated institutions, engaged in production and commercialization of technology within national borders. Military-industrial complex - the most important resource for the innovative breakthrough of Russia.

    статья (64,7 K)
  • Analysis of changes in exports and imports in Ukraine during the war. Exchange rate and trade indicators of the country. Proposals regarding directions of industrial development and stimulation of economic growth and competitiveness of the economy.

    статья (1,9 M)
  • Определение факторов оказывающих влияние на продажи и прибыль компании: политических, экономических, социокультурных и технологических. Сбор информации по динамике и характеру изменения каждого фактора. Характеристика сводной таблицы PEST анализа.

    контрольная работа (25,2 K)
  • Using an expert survey, the degree of influence of each of the PEST factors on the development of social entrepreneurship was identified, actions were proposed for the coming years. The main challenges include groups of economic and technological factors.

    статья (30,5 K)
  • Особенность рассмотрения основной проблемы взаимоотношения организации и среды в науке. Определение стратегии для организации на сновании проведенного анализа внутренней и внешней среды организации. Проведение исследования метода SWOT и PEST-анализа.

    курсовая работа (35,5 K)
  • На основі Стратегій розвитку західноукраїнських областей на період до 2020 р. визначення основних груп факторів, які аналізуються при дослідженні макросередовища прикордонного регіону: політико-правових, економічних, соціально-культурни та технологічних.

    статья (18,8 K)
  • Основы анализа внешней среды фирмы. Политико-правовые факторы, влияющие на фирму. Результативное ведение бизнеса. Причинно-следственные связи экономических явлений и процессов, возникающие в сфере экономической деятельности хозяйствующих субъектов.

    курсовая работа (130,2 K)
  • Определение конкурентного давления по Портеру. Построение карты стратегических групп. Изучение конкурентного давления со стороны потребителей и поставщиков. Обеспечение благоприятных условий для развития субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства.

    контрольная работа (54,1 K)
  • Important benefits from the use of many energy resources. Mix of energy resources used to support worldwide economic activity. Promote the more efficient use of energy and other resources. Estimates of future energy efficiency investment magnitudes.

    статья (262,8 K)
  • Identification of unresolved problems in the energy sector of Ukraine. Identification of changes in the direction of renewable energy that have actively influenced its development. Calculations of the potential domestic market for biogas plants for 2020.

    статья (30,1 K)
  • Comparative analysis of non-standard forms of employment in the EU and Ukraine. Legal regulation of labor relations on the basis of differentiation. Non-standard types of employment, such as temporary management, casual work, ICT-based mobile work.

    статья (39,3 K)