Directions for improving the management system personnel in the sphere of the civil service in the modern Ukraine

Human resources as a key factor in improving the civil service system. The peculiarity of the implementation of the declared sectoral and sectoral changes, the competitiveness of the national economy and the standard of living of the population.

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Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"

Directions for improving the management system personnel in the sphere of the civil service in the modern Ukraine

Kuchmieiev O.O.


Human resources are a key factor in the improvement of the civil service system, and therefore the speed and quality of the implementation of declared sectoral and sectoral changes, the competitiveness of the national economy and the standard of living of the population depend on the professional qualification characteristics of civil servants, their compliance with European civil service standards.

Many domestic scientists devoted their work to the problem of the formation and full functioning of the personnel management system in the field of public service. Thus, the scientific team led by Oluyka V.M. (N.M. Tyurina, T.V. Gaman, R.B. Prymut, N.S. Karvatska, T.V. Nazarchuk) analyzed in detail the practical aspects of the activities of authorities and local self-government in the field of personnel management in conditions of decentralization, summarized the best experience of personnel management in the public authorities of different countries, and the current state, trends and prospects of personnel management in the public service in Ukraine are highlighted [2]. Scientists Kormyshkin Yu.A. and V.V. Umanska, researching innovative methods and tools of personnel management in the field of public service, established that for the purpose of effective personnel management, it is worth paying attention to such an approach as the formation of continuous corporate training systems [3]. The subject of scientific research of the scientist Mokhova Yu.L. there is regulatory and legal support, main tasks, principles, methods of the personnel management system in the field of public service, as well as the definition of its structure [4].

At the same time, it should be noted that, despite the sufficient number of publications devoted to the problems of the formation and functioning of the personnel management system in the field of public service, certain aspects of the discussed subject require more detailed systematization and analysis, which indicates the relevance of the chosen research topic.

Presenting main material

The personnel management system in the field of public service in Ukraine is closely related to the implementation of the state personnel policy, the main purpose of which is to forecast and program the future, determine the goals and priorities of professional development and effective use of labor resources in the country.

It includes the following components: management of the personnel selection process; organization of training, advanced training and internship of civil servants; career planning; establishment of social dialogue between civil servants and the public; ensuring effective stimulation and motivation of the work of civil servants; evaluation of the results of management activities of civil servants; organization of the activities of the state body by delimiting spheres of influence and powers [5, p. 39]. human resource competitiveness

Therefore, the personnel management system in the field of public service is the implementation of all management functions related to planning, selection, development, rational use, evaluation, motivation and reward, improvement of the potential of human resources of public bodies. It should be noted that the system of personnel management in the field of public service is based on the following basic normative legal acts: the Constitution of Ukraine [6], the laws of Ukraine "On State Service" [7], "On Local State Administrations" [8], "On Service in local self-government bodies" [9], "On Prevention of Corruption" [10] and other laws of Ukraine, international treaties, the binding consent of which was given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and of the central body of executive power, which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of public service.

Thus, it can be confidently stated that in modern Ukraine, the regulatory and legal basis for the full functioning of the personnel management system in the field of public service has been formed. The main goal of the personnel management process in the field of civil service is to increase the efficiency of civil servants by creating favorable conditions for their activities and professional, personal, and organizational development.

Let's consider the essential characteristics of some functions of the personnel management process in the field of public service. Thus, the planning function involves establishing the need for the necessary number of civil servants in a specific executive body. Determination of the set of competencies of civil servants necessary for the performance of management powers of the quality of employees.

The basis of the recruiting function is the selection of persons capable of professionally performing job duties from among the candidates who have submitted documents for the competition, which is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law for conducting the competition for public service positions, using modern personnel search methods (direct search and classic recruiting , marketing recruiting). It is also important to establish a feedback procedure with candidates and ensure cooperation with higher education institutions regarding student practice, youth internships in executive authorities.

The essential characteristic of the socialization function is the influence of the leadership and persons responsible for personnel management in the executive authority on the purposeful assimilation of professional knowledge, norms, values, assimilation, accumulation and development of professional experience by civil servants and the rational use of the professional potential of civil servants in practical activities. Moreover, the successful process of socialization of civil servants will be facilitated by: introduction of an adaptation and mentoring program; development and implementation of an adaptation program for newly appointed employees; creation and filling of the rubric dedicated to the adaptation of employees to the internal portal of the relevant executive authority [13].

The career management function of a civil servant includes a set of organizational-administrative, social-psychological, economic and moral-ethical resources, and methods of influencing his development, as well as promotion on the "career ladder". When implementing this function, it is appropriate to comprehensively use the following methods: introduction of a training system for newly hired employees; approval of individual programs of professional development of civil servants; introduction of internal staff training; filling the internal portal of the relevant executive authority with educational content; popularization of self-education among civil servants.

Personnel management is carried out on the basis of fundamental principles. The principles of the personnel management system in the field of civil service are the basic, initial provisions that determine the main content of scientific and practical activities in this field, including the construction of the personnel management system, its functioning mechanisms, and organizational culture. There are different approaches to defining management principles. Thus, the scientist L. Pashko refers to the basic principles of personnel management in the field of public service: efficiency of personnel work; division of labor and management of personnel specialization to ensure its unity and coherence in activity; observance of discipline, professionalism and competence; justice and equality of rights and responsibilities of individuals; consistency of personal and public interests [14, p. 67].

Other scientists additionally define as principles and add to this list also: support of subordinates' sense of self-respect; attention to problems; adjustment of tasks to the intellectual and physical capabilities of the performer; formulation of clear and justified requirements [15, p. 72 ].

Therefore, it can be considered that the main principle of personnel management in the field of public service comes down to establishing a balance between the authority and responsibility of personnel, as well as motivation and contribution.

An important element of the personnel management system in the field of public service is also the organizational (management) structure - an ordered set of organizational management chains (positions, divisions and services), which have the necessary material and technical base, perform specific administrative functions and are in a certain mutual relationship and subordination. In the functional structure of the personnel management system in the field of public service, the main elements are only the positions of management subjects, and the links are the links of subordination. It should be emphasized that this structure covers those entities that are directly related to the performance of personnel support functions, as well as with this goal and for its achievement are vested with administrative powers in this area, i.e. they organize and control work on personnel support [15].

So, in modern Ukraine, a personnel management system in the field of public service has already been formed and is functioning, which is characterized by clearly defined subjectobject relations, a number of functions and fundamental principles, and also has structural features.

At the same time, it should be noted that the studied system needs significant updating and modernization. The increase in the complexity of personnel management as a system in the field of civil service occurs for certain reasons: firstly, as a result of the complexity of managerial work in the civil service; secondly, human resources are the most difficult object of management in the civil service system; thirdly, there is a constant and sharp change in the values of civil servants as a result of constant political and economic reforms; fourthly, the process of optimizing the number of the apparatus of the state administration system requires more effective mechanisms for its development and rational use.

In view of the above, the following primary steps are necessary to improve the effectiveness of personnel management in the field of public service management: a clear definition of subjects and objects of managerial influence in the middle of the system itself; delineation of management functions and personnel management services of a specific executive authority in the process of developing and implementing personnel policy; ensuring the right of civil servants to professional development; settlement of the legal, social and organizational status of a civil servant; introduction of legal norms that regulate career planning, conducting qualification exams. It is the strengthening of the competitive foundations that will enable the emergence of additional motivation to improve the professionalism of civil servants.

In addition, the main problem in the system of human resources management in the field of civil service is lack of awareness and lack of feedback. Therefore, an important direction of improving the human resources management system is the active and consistent implementation of e-governance principles into management practice, which will contribute to simplifying the routine work of the department (management), improving the attestation of civil servants, conducting distance training courses, forming personal files, obtaining various certificates, etc.

This will ensure the formation of a unified and consistent personnel policy in Ukraine, solving the problem of system management at all levels.


Thus, it was established that the personnel management system in the field of public service is based on the implementation of all management functions related to planning, selection, development, rational use, evaluation, motivation and reward, improvement of the potential of human resources of executive authorities. The main goal of personnel management in the field of civil service is to increase the efficiency of civil servants by creating favorable conditions for their activities and professional, personal, and organizational development.

The components of the modernization of the personnel management process in the field of public service in modern Ukraine are: optimization of its organizational structures; institutionalization of the higher body of civil service; creation of a system of monitoring and selection of best international practices in the field of public service; introduction of monitoring of the competitiveness of the civil service and the civil servant; formation of a positive image of the civil service due to the reorientation of public services to the needs of citizens; improvement of personnel management approaches based on developed competencies; improvement of the system of training and advanced training of civil servants; creation of an effective system of appealing decisions related to public service; bringing the state closer to the status of a service state thanks to qualitative changes in the civil service system.


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