Study crystallographic sequence of the phase transition in zirconium dioxide at heated. The transformation of monoclinic phase in tetragonal modification. The appearance of new anion vacancies, which form at evaporation of the oxygen from the lattice.
Development of a thermal model describing the beam-metal, the features of the hyperbolic relaxation of the equation of heat transfer. Characterization of failure mechanisms for irradiated and non-irradiated sample, the changes in their structure and chemi
Результати DFT і MP2 теоретичних досліджень внутрішньо-молекулярної динаміки 2-піридин-2-іл-1H-бензімідазолу. Одержання структурних параметрів для конформерів 2-піридин-2-іл-1H-бензоімідазолу. Значення внутрішніх бар’єрів обертання. Хімічні зсуви ядер.
Oxidized with solution of hydrogen peroxide multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were modified with 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) or chitosan (CTS). Morphology and surface properties of the pristine and modified MWCNTs have been investigated.
Изучение эффективности антиокислительного действия антиоксиданта N-2-этилгексил-N’-фенил-п-фенилендиамина (8ПФДА) на примере модельной реакции инициированного окисления этилбензола. Кинетика реакции окисления в присутствии ингибирующих добавок 8ПФДА.
Ацилирование - это введение ацильной группы (ацила) RCO в молекулу органического соединения путем замещения атома водорода. Механизм замещения. Ацилирование по Фриделю-Крафтсу. Образование донорно-акцепторного комплекса из ацилгалогенида и кислоты Льюиса.
Особенности получения новых функциональных производных N-гетарил-2,2-дихлорацетамидинов на основе легкодоступных N-(1-изотиоцианато-2,2,2-трихлорэтил)амидов карбоновых кислот. Анализ строения полученных соединений с помощью спектральных исследований.
Скрининг в качестве потенциальных противовирусных агентов взаимодействия этиловых эфиров 2-гидрокси-4-оксо-4Н-пиридо[1,2-а]пиримидин-3-карбоновых кислот с 2-арилэтиламинами в кипящем этиловом спирте. Синтез группы соответствующих фенетил-карбоксамидов.
Закономірності антиокиснювальної дії N-фенілантранілатів лужноземельних металів в різних дисперсійних середовищах. Кінетичні механізми обриву ланцюгів окиснення органічних сполук. Пошук малотоксичних поліфункціональних присадок до нафтопродуктів, біопалив
Established based on the theory of nuclear interactions and data on the binding energy of nucleons for the set of known nuclides. Familiarization with fragment of the periodic table of chemical elements. Characteristic of parameters of the metric tensor.
History of the nucleophilic substitution of hydrogen in aromatic compounds, obtaining picric acid. Survey of SNH Substitution. Heterocyclizations Based on SNH Reactions. Intramolecular One-Step SNH Cyclizations; cascade Sequences Based on SNH Reactions.
The study of the diffusion of salt water in the soil of Lapidusoia and Verigin. Calculation of leaching rates. Initial and boundary conditions for salt distribution. Analysis of the influence of gravity, pressure and soil resistance on water filtration.
Advances in the organometallic chemistry of heterocyclic ligands. Unique photochemical and electrochemical properties organomanganese and organorhenium complexes of polypyridine ligands, their ability to form molecular assemblies and nanocrystallites.
Schematisation of defects in oil pipelines. Numerical and analytical methods of calculating stress. Paris power dependence. Methods of definition of cyclic crack resistance of a pipe material. Characteristics of cyclic crack resistance of steel.
This work analyzes ternary phase diagrams of magnesium with two rare-earth metals of different subgroups, conducted in IMET RAS in connection with the development of high-temperature magnesium alloys. A lot number of phase diagrams were discovered.
Study of swelling kinetics as compared to solvents of various nature (water in various pH, ethanol, toluene) was carried out. IR comparative spectra were obtained for different composites. High anti-bacterial action of the synthesized nanocomposites.
Homogeneous precipitation synthesis of nanocomposites - activated carbon – zirconium(IV) oxide. Characterization of samples by x-ray diffraction analysis and electron microscopy. Sorption properties and the degree of extraction of phosphate ions.
The use of block copolymers on the basis of oxides of ethylene and propylene as demulsifiers of oil emulsions. Determination of the dependence of their physico-chemical properties from the content oxyethylene and oxypropylene groups in the molecule.
Proving that MBT fine fraction is fit-to-use as functional material for methane degradation layer. Confirmation of the methane degradation efficiency in fine MBT fraction is important from the ecological point of view. The use of a fine fraction.
Research transparent conducting n-type semiconductor zinc oxide films, which have been extensively studied in recent year because they exhibit wide band gap. Analysis of scanning electron microscopy which used for study of surface morphological changes.
Determine the optimal parameters of synthesis and base properties of nano-tubular crystals Mg-Ni chrysotiles. temperature ranges and pressure for the synthesis of nano-tubular crystals all synthesed chrysotile at the time of isothermal exposure.
Применение Pt, Ru и Pt-Ru катализаторов в реакции дегидрирования, селективного каталитического окисления метана и парокислородной конверсии СН4. Возможные изменения конверсии СН4 в реакциях СКО, парокислородной конверсии и термическом разложении СН4.
By Reaction with Alkyl Halides. Nucleophilic Addition. Oxidation of Ring Carbon Atoms Followed by Addition. Reduction of Exocyclic Double Bonds. Ring Cleavage Reactions. Coupling of Pyrazol-3-ones with Aryl Diazonium Salts. Oxidative Coupling, silylation.
Проведення розрахунку квантово-хімічних дескрипторів 9 похідних піридинкарбонових кислот методом АМ1. Описання залежності між електронно-просторовою структурою досліджуваних сполук і їх протитуберкульозною активністю з використанням QSAR-моделей.
Combination of methods quantum chemistry. Geometrical and electronic structure of clinoptilolite clusters modified by zinc and calcium. Redistribution of electronic density on the oxygen atoms of clusters during formation of bonds with zinc and calcium.
Physical and chemical properties of the drugs. Reactions to chloride ions Cl- in a solution of AgNO3 in HNO3. Photocolorimetry with painted ferum hydroxamate. Reaction on heterocyclic atom of nitrogen. Using of methods of quantitative determination.
Research and characterization of the most common used solar cells which are based on silicon technology. Determining width of the space charge region and quantum yield of solar cells. Influence and analysis of recombination losses on efficiency.
Friction units for automotive and special vehicles are designed to operate under friction conditions. The development of a unified understanding of the effect of the size and chemical nature of ceramic additives on the processes occurring in a friction.
Study of the reaction of polyelectrolytes. Research of the structure and membrane properties of sodium carboxymethylcellulose and urea-formaldehyde oligomer. Development of technology for manufacturing biocompatible polymeric materials for medicine.
- 120. Review of graphene properties in view of its use as a substrate for matrix-free mass spectrometry
The graphene basic properties is given. The possible role of intrinsic and deliberately induced structural defects in electronic and chemical properties of graphene substrates. Optimized geometric structures for the Stone-Wales defect functionalized.