The dedicate this work to describing the state of the art in biopolymers. A short case studies developed by the team that currently composes LaBioS, cover several areas, ranging from drug release, through environmental recovery, to food security.
Study vapor dynamics and growth of crystals in the solution of the two components chemically neutral - water and sucrose. The conditions under which crystals can be transformed into a solution. Conservation equations for interfacial interactions.
The pattern of pulse flows of cortical neurons is a complicated phenomenon. Apart from properties of single neurons, action of a system of neuronal circuits reflected in organisation of spike bursts. Characteristics of burst activity before irradiation.
Експериментальне дослідження та чисельне моделювання впливу температури на складні режими в автоколивальній хімічній реакції Бєлоусова–Жаботинського, що каталізується іонами церію, в проточному реакторі постійного перемішування. Зміна швидкостей реакцій.
Введение ацильной группы RCO в молекулу органического соединения путем замещения атома водорода. Получение кетонов, сложных эфиров и амидов в современном органическом синтезе. Схемы реакций Фриделя-Крафтса, этерификации и взаимодействия аммиака с ацилом.
- 36. Calcium
There are notable characteristics, occurrence, applications (compounds, H and K lines), history, compounds, isotopes, nutrition (dietary calcium supplements, prevention of fractures due to osteoporosis, possible cancer prevention, overdose) about calcium.
Physical parameter models. Thermodynamic parameter models. Brief review of the relationship between the solution model and phase equilibria. The modified quasi chemical (MQC) model. Basic quasi chemical theory. The modified binary quasi-chemical theory.
The combination of a macrocyclic platform and alfa-hydroxymethylphosphonate group for the inhibition activities of compounds. Computer-simulated docking studies using AutoDock 4.2 programme by the example of PTP1B. Stereoisomeric forms of the inhibitors.
Mechanistic aspects of the Diels-Alder reaction. The effect of micelles on it. The effects of Lewis acids on the endo-exo selectivity in water compared to the effects in organic solvents. Enantioselective cid catalysis of an organic reaction in water.
Properties, combustion, electron energy levels. Elemental molecular forms. Covalent, organic compounds. Hydrides, protons, acids, isotopes. Discovery and use. Role in quantum theory. Natural occurrence, production: laboratory, industrial, thermochemical.
Magnesium as a chemical element and a silvery-white, light-weight metal. Notable characteristics, applications. As the metal. Incendiary use, in magnesium compounds. History, sources, ores, sea water, electrolysis. Biological role, isotopes, precautions.
History of the free element. Isotopes, properties: physical, chemical. Potassium cations in the body. Biochemical function, membrane polarization. Filtration, excretion, potassium in the diet and by supplement. Applications: biological, food, industrial.
Rubidium as a chemical element and a soft, silvery-white metallic element of the alkali metal group. Characteristics, history, occurrence rubidium. Isotopes, uses and applications. Compounds, rubidium chloride. Precautions and biological effects.
Characteristics: chemical properties, compounds, spectroscopy, isotopes. History, commercial production. Applications, biological role: maintaining body fluid volume in animals, maintaining electric potential in animal tissues. Dietary uses, precautions.
Стабилизированный на матрицах оксид кобальта как хороший объект для изучения зависимости его каталитических свойств от структурно-размерных. Причины смещения температуры максимумов разложения нанесенного на оксидную матрицу гексаакванитрата кобальта.
The study of the composition and the structure of the original and modified lignocellulosic materials. Analysis of the dependence of sorption properties of lignocellulosic composites in relation to heavy metals from changes in the functional composition.
The occurrence of compensation effect on massive and supported oxide catalysts of CO oxidation is shown. The explanation of compensation effect is offered based on the data on the surface state of the catalysts that are obtained means desorption method.
Features complexation of adsorption of calixarene hydroxymethylphosphonic acid on the hypersil CN surface. Implementation the molecular modelling of calixarene hydroxymethylphosphonic acid and its complexes with tryptophan and N-acetyltryptophan amide.
Mathematical formalism of the second quantization. Application of the Wick’s theorems for calculation of the matrix elements over configurations. The interaction in the second quantization representation: basics with applications up to full chlorine.
Studies on interactions of nanomaterials with components of biosystems, development of new medicines based on magnetite, their application efficiency, chemical engineering of multilevel magnetosensitive nanocomposites with a hierarchical architecture.
Analyzing the results obtained, it can be assumed that studied structure of compound crystallizes in its own structural type. The study of crystal structure of a compound contributes to a better understanding of its physical properties (ferroelectric).
The crystal structures of the ternary intermetallics Ce3Pt5Al and Ce3Pt5Al2 from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. Pearson symbol in the triclinic space group. The coordination packings of centered polyhedra. Structures of the new intermetallics.
Характеристика карбамоілювання, аза-анелювання, внутрішньомолекулярної електрофільної гетеро циклізації, фізико-хімічні властивості цих сполук. Вивчення регіоселективності реакції карбамоілювання трифторометилу кетонів різної будови з тозилізоціанатом.
На основі фізико-хімічних досліджень підтверджених комп'ютерними розрахунками теоретично обгрунтовано та впроваджено новий оксидиметричний реагент – пербензойну кислоту. Опрацьовано методики визначення цистеїну, ацетилцистеїну, аскорбінової кислоти.
Синтез нових біологічно активних речовин в ряду похідних 2-R-4(3Н)хіназолону(тіону), вивчення їх будови, фізико-хімічних властивостей та реакційної здатності. Пошук ефективних і малотоксичних речовин з антиоксидантною, гепатопротекторною активністю.
Influence of synthesis conditions on ceria particles size. Anticorrosion properties of modified carbon nanotubes. Realization the synthesis in aqueous solution at room temperature that reduces the cost of the preparation procedure of nanosized ceria.
The use of cation exchanger as a catalyst for the esterification reaction of diisopropyl ether absolutes - a method for creating waste-free technology for the production of isopropyl alcohol. The physical-chemical properties of received esterificates.
Considers an opportunity and the effectiveness of using the solutions treated with low-temperature non-equilibrium contact plasma in order to intensify dissolution of metal gold in cyanide leaching solutions. Comparison of activation energies of the gold.
The study of the effect of structural relaxation on the basal-plane conductivity of heavily high-Tc single crystals. Increased oxygen deficiency, increased localization effect. The transition metal–insulator transition point toward higher temperatures.
Study films of CdxZn1-xTe solid solution, obtained by a close-spaced vacuum sublimation technique under different temperatures of glass substrate by energy dispersive analysis of X-rays, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods.