Англійська мова. Виконання практичних занять

Відбір мовного матеріалу в плані його типовості для стиля науково-технічної прози. Підбір текстів з оригінальної загальнонаукової та суспільно-політичної літератури. Система граматичних і лексичних вправ, що має на меті закріплення навчального матеріалу.

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Вид методичка
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.07.2017
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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Луцький національний технічний університет

Англійська мова

Методичні вказівки до виконання практичних занять

для студентів І-ІІ курсів технічних спеціальностей

денної форми навчання

Редакційно-видавничий відділ

Луцького національного технічного університету

Луцьк 2008

Шворак О.П., Маковська Г.Я., Мірошниченко С.І., Крам М.С. Англійська мова. Методичні вказівки до виконання практичних занять для студентів І-ІІ курсів технічних спеціальностей денної форми навчання. - Луцьк, 2008. - 208 с.

Навчальний посібник розрахований на 150-160 годин аудиторних за-нять для студентів І-ІІ курсів технічних спеціальностей. При складанні посібника велика увага приділена проблемі відбору мовного матеріалу в плані його типовості для стиля науково-технічної прози. Тексти підібрані з оригінальної загальнонаукової, загальнотехнічної та суспільно-політичної літератури. Вони відображають найактуальніші науково-технічні проблеми сучасності. Система граматичних і лексичних вправ має на меті закріплення й активізацію засвоєння навчального матеріалу.

Укладачі: Шворак О.П., Маковська Г.Я., Мірошниченко С.І., Крам М. С.

Рецензент: Голдованський Я.А., к. ф. н., доц. ЛНТУ

Відповідальний за випуск: Приходько В. Б.

Затверджено науково-методичною радою ЛНТУ, протокол № від 24.06. 2008 р.

Рекомендовано до друку Радою з навчально-виховної роботи ЛНТУ, протокол № від 2008 р.

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов, протокол № від 2008 р.


  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3
  • Lesson 5
  • Lesson 6
  • Lesson 7
  • Lesson 8
  • Lesson 9
  • Lesson 10
  • Lesson 11
  • Lesson 12
  • Lesson 13
  • Lesson 14
  • Lesson 15
  • Lesson 16
  • Додатки

Lesson 1

Grammar: Дієслова to be, to have

Зворот There + to be

Теперішній час групи Indefinite (Simple) Active

Особові та присвійні займенники.

Text 1A. Higher Education in Ukraine.

Text 1B. British Universities.

Topic. Lutsk National Technical University.

Дієслово to be в Indefinite Active




I am


She is



You are




She was



You were





It will be




Exercise 1. Insert the verb to be in the Present, Past or Future Indefinite. Translate the sentences.

1. Where … your brother now? - He … in his room.

2. … she … at work tomorrow? - Yes, she ….

3. … you in the University yesterday? - Yes, I …

4. My pens … not on the table. Where … they?

5. I … absent from class yesterday.

6. All my family … … at home tomorrow.

7. When … you at work yesterday? - I … there at 10.

8. Where … you … at 3 p. m. tomorrow? - I … probably … at home.

9. The weather … fine and we decided to go out.

10. Where … you last Friday? - I … at the cinema.

11. I … not in Kyiv now. I … in London.

12. Last year we … at school, next year we … … the second year students.

13. Can you close the window, please? I … cold.

14. According to John you … in Edinburgh last week.

15. I admit my mistake that I … wrong.

16. I don't know where I … … one hour from now.

17. They … fairly near the house when it began to rain.

18. Which sport do you think … the most dangerous?

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Вона не художник, вона співачка.

2. Україна знаходиться в центрі Європи.

3. Сьогодні тепло і сонячно.

4. Минулого року їй виповнилося 18 років.

5. Де ви були о 8. 30? - Я був вдома.

6. Було пізно. Всі крамниці були зачинені.

7. Завтра буде неділя.

8. Я там буду вчасно.

9. Менеджер повернеться в понеділок.

10. Мої книжки були на столі. Де вони зараз?

11. Моя сестра була студенткою в минулому році, а зараз вона лікар.

12. Мій батько програміст. Він не цікавиться політикою.

13. Чий це папір? - Це мій папір. - А де мій? - Твій папір в столі.

14. Ми тут є на фотографії? - Ні.

15. Містер Байк дома? - Ні, його немає.

16. Через два роки їй ще не буде 20. Їй виповниться лише 19 років.

Дієслово to have в Indefinite Active






You have



She has





It had







It will have




Exercise 3. Insert the verb to have in the Present, Past or Future Indefinite. Translate the sentences.

1. He … an opportunity to brush up his English.

2. … you any friends at the University?

3. We usually … three double periods a day.

4. This jacket … two pockets.

5. What long hair you …!

6. … you any money?

7. He … a friend who works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

8. This car … four doors.

9. What … you in your bag? - Nothing. It's empty.

10. How many English lessons … you last week? - We … three English lessons last week.

11. … you much work to do at the office yesterday? - Yes, I ….

12. … you any news of him yesterday?

13. He … good memory for names.

14. We … a lot of visitors yesterday.

15. I … no words to express my gratitude.

16. He … nothing to read.

17. What … we …for dinner?

18. We … … the tent up in no time.

19. How many English lessons … you … next week? - We … … two lessons next week.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. У нас багато проблем.

2. Ми маємо багато електричних приладів в наших оселях.

3. У вас є які-небудь пропозиції? - Ні.

4. У вас є час пограти в теніс сьогодні вдень (this afternoon)?

5. У нас немає ніяких комп'ютерів.

6. Де моя газета? - Я не знаю. У мене немає твоєї газети.

7. У вас є що-небудь почитати?

8. У мене є шанс поговорити з ним.

9. У нього був час піти з тобою?

10. У мене не було слів, щоб виразити своє здивування.

11. Їй було нічого робити.

12. У нас не було достатньо часу, тому ми не змогли відвідати музей.

13. У мене не було велосипеда 10 років тому.

14. У нього не було годинника, тому він не знав, котра година.

15. Наступного тижня у нього буде багато роботи.

16. Завтра у нас будуть ці книги в крамниці.

17. Не хвилюйся. У тебе не буде ніяких проблем.

18. У мене вдома буде багата колекція книг.

19. У вас знайдеться час, щоб обговорити це питання з нами? - Ні. Вибачте. Я буду зайнятий. Термінові справи.

Зворот there + to be в Indefinite Active




There is

There are

There was

There were

There will be

Exercise 5. Insert There + to be in the right form in the Present, Past or Future Indefinite. Translate the sentences.

1. … … seven days in a week.

2. … … usually trouble after party.

3. … … so few women in top jobs.

4. … … strong arguments for and against smoking.

5. … … somebody in the room.

6. … … not a single cloud in the sky.

7. … … hundreds of verbs in English and most are regular.

8. … … many stars and planets in space?

9. … … any good photographs at this exhibition?

10. … … not any differences between the two children.

11. … … film in the camera?

12. … … forces of attraction and repulsion between atoms.

13. … … so much traffic that we were an hour late.

14. … … no seats spare so we had to stand.

15. When we arrived at the cinema, … … a long queue.

16. … … a party at the club last Friday but I didn't go.

17. We didn't visit the museum. … … enough time.

18. I found a wallet in the street but … … any money in it.

19. A few days ago … … a storm. … … a lot of damage.

20. Do you think … … … a lot of people at the party on Saturday?

21. Tomorrow the weather will be cold. … … … some rain in the afternoon.

22. … … … a good film on TV tomorrow evening.

23. … … … a language laboratory at our University?

24. … … … somebody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow evening.

25. … … … a beautiful park in our town?

Exercise 6. Translate the following proverbs.

1. There is no place like home. 2. There is no smoke without fire. 3. There is no rose without a thorn. 4. There is no rule without an exception. 5. There is a black sheep in every flock. 6. There is no use crying over spilt milk. 7. There is a silver lining to every cloud.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Скільки книжок на столі? - Чотири. 2. Для мене є які-небудь листи? 3. На вулиці багато снігу. 4. В цій кімнаті немає телефону. Він в коридорі. 5. Є хороші новини для тебе. 6. Які книжки є на тому столі? - Там багато англійських книжок. 7. Скільки студентів в вашій групі? - Двадцять чотири. 8. Був концерт? - Так. 9. Там було щонайбільше (at the most) п'ятдесят чоловік 10. На письмовому столі були якісь папери. 11. Чи були якісь новини по телебаченню? 12. Не було ніякої інформації. 13. Не було часу для виконання цієї роботи. 14. Для мене були листи? 15. Минулої зими було дуже холодно і було багато снігу. 16. В офісі в цей час нікого не буде. 17. Завтра не буде занять. 18. На столі буде лежати тільки словник, аркуш паперу і текст для перекладу. 19. Для вас будуть листи. 20. Завтра будуть короткочасні (occasional) дощі.

Відмінювання дієслова to work у Present Indefinite Tense



You work



She works




You do not work



She does not work




Do you work?



Does she work?


Exercise 8. Translate into Ukrainian and explain the use of the tense.

1. The Earth goes round the Sun. 2. Birds fly. 3. Theories of physics affect us all. 4. Heat expands gas. 5. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 6. He always gets up at five. 7. She never puts honey in her tea. 8. Do we generally act from habit? 9. Does he always sleep with his windows closed? 10. She often speaks French. 11. He doesn't smoke at all. 12. She doesn't usually work very hard. 13. The train leaves at 4. 40 p. m. 14. The train arrives at 8. 30. 15. The Moon revolves (turns) round the Earth. 16. What time do you arrive in Berlin? 17. When you see Tom tomorrow, remember me to him. 18. If I have enough money next year, I will go to Great Britain. 19. If you do that, it will only make matters worse. 20. We know what you mean. 21. I see her clearly. 22. Now we understand everything. 23. He doesn't hear what you are saying. 24. I do believe you! 25. I do think you ought to go there!

Exercise 9. Write the following verbs in the third person singular of the Present Indefinite Tense.

read, write, finish, march, rise, dress, study, lie, go, say, have, see, copy, take, explain, wash, be, know, do, play

Exercise 10. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Peter (live, lives) in Lviv. 2. His friends (live, lives) in Lviv too. 3. Every morning we (meet, meets) and (discuss, discusses) business matters with them. 4. He (work, works) at the factory. 5. I (work, works) for a firm as a secretary. 6. The secretary (come, comes) to her working place at 8. 30. 7. He (greets, greet) the secretary and (tell, tells) her he (have, has) an appointment with Mr. Brown. 8. I (think, thinks) you (know, knows) that girl. 9. We (buy, buys) foreign equipment for our plant. 10. How long do you (plan, plans) to stay? 11. When Mr. Smith (come, comes) to Kyiv, he usually (stay, stays) at the “Ukraina” hotel. 12. I always (go, goes) to my office by bus. 13. He seldom (stay, stays) at this hotel. 14. My friend (help, helps) me with my documents.

Exercise 11. Translate into English.

1. Вони вчаться в університеті. 2. Де живуть твої нові друзі? 3. Я не розумію вашого запитання. 4. Де ти береш такі книги? 5. Вони не пам'ятають своїх батьків. 6. Мій потяг відходить о шостій годині. 7. Коли ти звільнишся, зателефонуй мені. 8. Тепер ми рідко ходимо в кіно. 9. Звідки він родом? 10. Що ти маєш на увазі? 11. Я не впізнаю його. 12. Це немає значення. 13. Мені потрібна ваша допомога. 14. Він хоче бачити тебе зараз. 15. Восени часто йде дощ. 16. Мені подобаються великі міста. А тобі? 17. Я п'ю каву, але не п'ю чай. 18. Ви не працюєте наполегливо. 19. Я не часто дивлюся телевізор. 20. Ви граєте в теніс? - Ні. 21. Ваші батьки розмовляють якоюсь іноземною мовою? - Так. 22. Ваша сестра живе в Лондоні? - Ні.


Task 1. Read and memorise the following words. Translate the sentences.

1.education - освіта. He never had a university education.

2. important - важливий. This question was very important.

3. to provide - доставляти, постачати, забезпечувати. That hotel provides good meal.

4. to train - навчати; готувати. 1) They train to be engineers. 2) He trains for the race spending two hours a day.

5. steadily - постійно. He works steadily for hours.

6. to mean - означати. The red light means “Stop”.

7. kind - сорт, вид, різновид. There are different kinds of books.

8. enough - достатньо, досить. You know well enough what I mean.

9. necessary - необхідний. It's not necessary for you to come.

10. quality - якість. She shows qualities of leadership.

11. to improve - поліпшити, удосконалити. I want to improve my English.

12. besides - крім того. I don't want to go; (and) besides, I'm tired.

13. knowledge - знання. He has a good knowledge of Shakespeare.

14. to affect - впливати. Smoking affects health.

15. science - наука. Science helps us to understand our world.

16. to require - вимагати. It requires careful consideration.

17. as well - також. I study English; John does it as well.

18. (to) approach - 1) підхід;

2) підходити, наближатися. 1) It's a new approach to teaching English. 2) He was unable to approach any nearer.

19. while - доки; у той час як. 1) Finish the work while there is light. 2) Their country has plenty of oil, while ours has none.

20. to remain - залишатися. It only remains for me to thank you.

21. to enable - давати змогу. This dictionary enables you to understand English words.

22. field - галузь, поле діяльності. He is a specialist in his field.

23. to last - тривати. Our summer vacation lasts two months.

24. to obtain - одержувати. By this method you will obtain good results.

25. thorough - повний, досконалий. Thorough knowledge of foreign languages is necessary for an engineer.

26. engineering - 1) техніка;

2) технічний. 1) An engineer must know all the latest achievements of science and engineering. 2) The students of this faculty take courses in city engineering structures as well.

27. to enrich - збагатити. Music can enrich your whole life.

28. to broaden - розширюватись. The river broadens at this point.

29. language - мова. He speaks two foreign languages.

30. subject - предмет. They take six subjects in their examinations.

31. to graduate (from) - закінчувати вищий навчальний заклад. Every year thousands of young people graduate from the higher educational establishments.

32. to receive - отримати. He receives only good and excellent marks.

33. own - власний. The country has its own oil and doesn't need to buy any.

Task II. Read and translate the text.

Text 1A.

Higher Education in Ukraine

Higher education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for future development and progress. It trains people to become teachers, engineers, doctors and other professional workers.

In all the industrial countries standards of living are steadily changing. This means that the kind of education, which was good enough thirty years ago, is not necessarily good for them today, therefore styles of teaching, quality of learning materials and organization of the university itself have to be continuously brought up to date and improved.

Besides, knowledge and information which comes through the mass media must also be taken into consideration. This information explosion has affected every field of study, especially, of course, in the natural and applied sciences and in all other sciences as well. The increase of information requires new methods and new approaches to students' training and instruction.

англійська мова лексична вправа

At present a new system of education is introduced in this country - a distance education system. This computer system of learning helps working professionals to continue their education while remaining at their jobs. This system enables people to get knowledge and a good foundation in the sciences basic to his or her field of study. Distance learning has developed over years from satellite video courses to modern videoconferencing through personal computers.

The academic year usually lasts 9 months and is divided into two terms (semesters). The first - and second-year students obtain thorough instructions in such subjects as foreign languages, history and economics.

At the third year students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests, so to say, their “major” subject and take many courses in this subject. Specialized study and courses will help students to become specialists and prepare them for their future work.

After four years students will get a bachelor's degree. Then the students may go on with their studies and in a year or two of further study and research get a master's degree. After graduating from the university they may go on with their study and research and may get a still higher degree.

About 75 percent of students receive state grants and 15 percent are sponsored by enterprises. Universities have their own students' hostels and some of them have large and excellent sport centers.education is a process through which culture is preserved, knowledge and skills are developed, values are formed, and information is exchanged.

Education is the way to success.

Notes to the Text

1. learning materials - учбовий матеріал

to bring up to date - довести до сучасних вимог

information explosion - інформаційний вибух

training and instruction - підготовка і навчання

over years - за багато років

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. When does the academic year begin in this country? 2. How many exams did you pass to enter the University? 3. Do you pay for your education? 4. Do students get grants? 5. What subjects do students study in the first year? 6. Is there a sport center in your University? 7. What degree can a student get after four years of study? 8. What degree can a student get after two years of further study and research? 9. What new educational system is introduced in this country? 10. What specialities do people get after graduating from a University? 11. Why is higher education important in the life of every country?

Exercise 13. Read and translate the following words of the common root.

to educate - education; to adopt - adoption; to organize - organization; to found - foundation.

to develop - development; to inform - information

to teach - teacher; to explode - explosion;

to instruct - instruction; to continue - continuous;

industry - industrial; to know - knowledge;

Exercise 14. Translate the following word-combinations.

higher education, highly-qualified specialists future development, standards of living, kinds of education, serious need, to find ways and means, contemporary needs, the quality of learning materials, to bring up to date, through mass media, to take into consideration, to affect every field, natural and applied sciences, new approaches, students' training and instruction, distance education system, to continue one's education, to get knowledge, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, to receive state grants, students' hostel, way to success

Exercise 15. Insert the corresponding interrogative words.

1. … is your name? 2. … doesn't understand this grammar rule? 3. … of you studies French? 4. … is the answer to my question? 5. do you live in Kyiv? 6. … were you born? 7. … lectures you on Mathematics? 8. … do you study? 9. Here are the books. … is yours? 10. … knows the answer to this question?

Exercise 16. Answer the following questions according to the model.

Model: Are there two presidents in the United States?

No, there are not. There are not two presidents in the United States. There is one president in the United States.

1. Are there thirteen months in a year? 2. Are there eight days in a week? 3. Are there fifty minutes in an hour? 4. Are there seventy seconds in a minute? 5. Are there forty days in a month? 6. Are there thirty days in February? 7. Are there thirty-two days in January? 8. Are there five seasons in a year?

Exercise 17. Choose the appropriate pronoun.

A. 1. (We, us) all went with (their, them) to the dean's office. 2. My friend came to see (I, me) last night. 3. Victor gave Peter and (I, me) a book and we went to the reading-room with (he, him) and his friend. 4. He told Mary and (me, I) to go with (he, him) and his sister. 5. They know all about my friends and (I, me). 6. I came to University with Michael and (her, she). 7. An old man asked (we, us) to come and see (him, his). 8. Go with David and (her, she) to visit (they, them).

B. 1. They invited me to (them, their) party. 2. He could not answer (his, her) teacher. 3. They were (your, you) former students. 4. You are (us, our) colleagues. 5. This is (my, me) brother. 6. Ann went to (his, her) room and put on (his, her) new dress because she was going to a dance given by (his, her) company. 7. Where is the dictionary? (He, it) is in (his, its) place on the table.

C. 1. Your dictionary is new, but (my, mine) is not. 2. She says that this dictionary is (her, hers). 3. You can do it without my help, but not without (theirs, their). 4. Will you help me to sort out the things? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (our, ours). 5. He is an old friend of (me, mine). 6. Do you know your lesson today? He does not know (him, his). 7. This is your notebook and this is his, but where is (her, hers)?

Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the active vocabulary of the text.

1. Was it your own decision to get a higher education? 2. What does this English word mean? 3. You don't work hard enough at your languages, do you? 4. A double period in our University lasts eighty minutes. 5. The film wasn't very interesting; besides, it was very late. 6. Many students receive grants. 7. They have everything necessary for their study. 8.government tries to solve the problems of higher education. 9. At all British Universities colleges don't provide the students with sports equipment, every student must buy himself all that is necessary for any kind of sport. 10. The international contacts with all other countries in all fields of science steadily grows. 11. The academic year lasts ten months and ends in July. 12. The first-year students study mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, and a number of many subjects. 13. Universities are sources of scientific knowledge and culture.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Text 1B

British Universities

Today there are 89 universities in Britain. Major universities in Great Britain include three in England (University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, and the University of London) and one in Scotland (the University of Edinburg). Many new universities and other institutions of higher education have been founded since World War II ended in 1945.

For seven hundred years Oxford and Cambridge universities dominated the British education.

Oxford university is a sort of federation of colleges. It has twenty-three ordinary colleges for men and five for women. All these are parallel and equal institutions, and none of them is connected with any particular field of study. No matter what subject a man proposes to study, he may study at any of the men's colleges.

Colleges choose their own students. Students are chosen mainly by academic merit, but the policy of colleges in this respect varies from college to college. Some tend to be rather keen to admit a few men who are very good at rugby or some other sport, or sons of former students or of lords, or eminent citizens, or of millionaries.

Each college has a dining-hall and residential rooms. It is governed by its Fellows (commonly called “dons”), of whom there are usually about twenty or thirty. The dons are also responsible for teaching the students of the college through the tutorial system which is a system of individual tuition organized by the colleges. Each student goes to his tutor's room once every week to read out an essay which he has written, and for an hour he and the tutor discuss the esssay.

The University prescribes syllabuses, arranges lectures, conducts examinations, and awards degrees. Any student may attend any university lecture. At the beginning of each term (there are three terms in the Oxford academic year) a list is published showing all the lectures being given during the term within each faculty, and every student can choose which lectures he will attend. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory, and no records of attendance are kept.

A person who has taken the lowest degree, a degree of bachelor, is called a graduate, while any graduate that continues his studies or research to receive a degree of master or doctor is called a postgraduate. A degree costs a lot of money.

About 90 percent of students get state grants to cover tuition fees and living costs. The size of the grant is determined by parents income. Since the late 1980s, however grants have been frozen; students can apply for a student loan. Tuition costs a lot of money. The students have to pay for taking examinations, for attending lectures, for borrowing books from the library, for hostel accomodation, etc.

Notes to the Text

Fellow - член ради коледжу

don - (розм.) викладач (в Кембріджі і Оксфорді)

tutorial system - університетська система навчання, коли студентів прикріпляють до певних консультантів

4. tutor - викладач (в англійських університетах)

5. college - вищий навчальний заклад, який може входити до складу університету, а також може існувати як самостійна одиниця (в інших університетах, крім Кембріджа і Оксфорда)

6. undergraduate - студент останнього курсу університету чи уні-верситетського коледжу

7. state grant - державна стипендія

8. tuition - навчання

9. tuition fee - плата за навчання

10. parents income - прибуток батьків

11. student loan - студентська позика

Exercise 19. Match the words (1-11) with their definition (a-k).

1. university a. instruction, teaching

college b. a person who has completed auniversity

degree course

don c. short piece of writing on a subject

syllabus d. part of a university

a postgraduate e. one of the periods of time into which university

year is divided

exam f. an arrangement of subjects for study

term g. money given by the state to a university to

support a student during his/her studies

tuition h. a teacher

essay i. an institution for teaching and learning

grant j. a person doing studies that are done at a university

after one has received one's first degree

a graduate k. the act or process of testing students

Exercise 20. Find the English equivalents of the following in the text.

головні університети, інші заклади вищої освіти, звичайні коледжі, немає значення, зарахувати (до університету), бути відповідальним за …, зачитати перший начерк, складати програму курсу, присуджувати науковий ступінь, відвідувати лекції, реєстрація присутніх, одержати ступінь бакалавра наук, отримати науковий ступінь магістра, отримати державну стипендію, плата за навчання, прибуток батьків, звернутися за позикою

Exercise 21. Answer the following questions.

What are the major universities in Great Britain?

2. Where is Oxford located?

In which way do colleges choose their own students? What students' merits are taken into account?

What is a “tutorial system”?

Is attendance at lectures compulsory?

What degrees can the students at Oxford be awarded? Does it cost much?

How are the students at Oxford called?

Why do the majority of the students come from rich families?

Would you like to study at Oxford? Why?


Task IV. Learn the following words and word-combinations:

1. Branch філіал, відділення

2. General Engineering Faculty загальнотехнічний факультет

3. Motor-Car and Highway

Engineering Institute автодорожній інститут

4. to reveal виявляти

5. to carry out виконувати

6. full time training навчання на денному відділенні

7. training by correspondence заочне навчання

8. to give the opportunity дати можливість

9. curriculum курс навчання

10. Bachelor бакалавр

11. Master магістр

12. post graduate аспірант

13. to envisage передбачати

14. thorough повний, досконалий

15. defence of a thesis захист дисертації

16. facilities можливості

17.comprehensive всебічний

18. to involve залучати

19. contest конкурс

20.competition змагання, олімпіада

21. prize-winner лауреат

22. participant учасник

23. to devote присвячувати

24. promotion сприяння

25. bilateral agreement двостороння угода

26. to maintain contacts підтримувати контакти

27. to master оволодіти

28. to be engaged займатися

29. activity діяльність

30. club of cheerful and ready-witted КВК

31. to go in for захоплюватися, займатися

32. embrace охоплювати, включати

Task V. Read and translate the topic.

Lutsk National Technical University

Lutsk National Technical University is one of the youngest higher educational establishments of Ukraine. It was founded as the General Engineering Faculty of Kyiv Motor-Car and Highway Engineering Institute in 1966. In 1975 it became the Branch of Lviv Polytechnical Institute and in 1991 it was reorganized into the independent Industrial Institute. In 1997 it has got the highest - the fourth grade of accreditation, the Status of University and in 2008 it has got the status of the National University and at present its name is Lutsk National Technical University.

The University widely opens the way for young people who have the ability to work and reveal much interest to knowledge and mysteries of science.

The University trains specialists for various fields of economy. There is a full time training and training by correspondence at the University, the latter being for those who want to combine their work and study. There is also the Preparatory department for those who want to enter the University.

The students are given the opportunity to choose the curricula and subject courses by themselves. The university programmes are: Bachelor and Master. There is also a Post-graduate programme which envisages thorough training in a chosen speciality. The final result of post-graduating training is the defence of a thesis for a Candidate degree in engineering or economics.

All educational and scientific work is organized and carried out by highly qualified teachers.

The students of the University are involved in research work right from their first year of study. The contest of students' works, competitions, exhibitions are held annually here. A lot of students are prize-winners of all Ukrainian students' competitions and participants of international students' conferences.

The University is a complex of modern lecture and study rooms and well-equipped laboratories. It provides all the conditions and facilities necessary for the comprehensive education and training of future engineers, researchers and scientists.

Foreign languages are taught at all faculties of the University. To read and translate original scientific and technical literature in English, German or French is the main aim of study here.

The University devotes much attention to the promotion of cooperation with institutions of higher education in foreign countries on the basis of bilateral agreements. International contacts are maintained with higher schools in Germany, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Belgium.

The students of the University are not only mastering their future profession, but also have a good rest. The University has all necessary facilities for the development of young people's abilities and for their rest. They organize evening parties with interesting concert programmes prepared by representatives of all faculties. The Club of cheerful and ready-witted is popular not only in our town but also beyond it.

Students go in for different kinds of sports. They have all facilities for this: sports complex embracing 3 gyms, a swimming pool and various sports grounds. The University teams are winners of many town, regional, all-Ukrainian competitions. Sport has become an important part of students' life.

Exercise 22. Read the following international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

technical, history, faculty, institute, polytechnical, industrial, interest, speciality, programme, specialist, result, candidate, economics, complex, laboratory, apparatus, international, conference, basis, method, contact, profession, music, club, concert, popular, sports, regional

Exercise 23. Translate into English.

вищий учбовий заклад, загально-технічний факультет, філіал, автодорожній інститут, індустріальний інститут, здатність працювати, виявляти значний інтерес до знань, наукова робота, поєднувати роботу і навчання, програми підготовки аспірантів, передбачати поглиблене вивчення, захист дисертації, вчений ступінь кандидата, аудиторія, бути оснащеним, забезпечувати всіма умовами, бути залученим до науково-дослідної роботи, конкурси студентських робіт, олімпіада, приділяти багато уваги, на основі двосторонніх угод, обмінюватись досвідом, підтримувати контакти, обмін студентами, оволодіти майбутньою професією, вечори з концертними програмами, клуб веселих і кмітливих, займатися спортом

Exercise 24. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. When does the history of the formation and the development of LNTU begin? 2. What are the landmarks of its history? 3. Who does the University open the way for? 4. What are the University programmes? 5. What does a Post-graduate programme envisage? 6. What is the final result of post-graduating training? 7. What conditions and facilities does the University provide for future engineers? 8. Are the students involved in research work? 9. What countries does the University maintain contacts with? 11. What facilities does the University have for developing the abilities of young people and for their rest?

Task VI. Reproduce the topic in your own words.

Key dates in science

c. 4240 BC The Egyptian calendar was introduced, making this the first year in which events could be dated precisely.

c. 4000 BC The alloy bronze was first made in Mesopotamia.

c. 3500 BC The first wheels were made out of sections of tree trunks (стовбур дерева).

c. 3000 BC TheBabylonians divided the day into 24 hours. They also invented the abacus, the first adding machine.

c. 1600 BC The first records were made of the study of astronomy.

c. 1500 BC Iron smelting (плавка) was fist developed in Asia Minor (Turkey).

Lesson 2

Grammar. Ступені порівняння прикметників

Text 2A. Science and Technological Progress in Modern Society

Text 2B. Massachusets Institute of Technology

Topic. I am a Student

Ступені порівняння прикметників

Звичайний ступінь

Вищий ступінь

Найвищий ступінь



the smallest

II. difficult

more difficult

the most difficult

III. good


much, many







farther/ further

the best

the worst

the most

the least

the farthest/ the furthest

Exercise 1. Give the missing degrees of comparison:

the biggest, longer, faster, the hardest, the heaviest, thinner, narrower, lower, the greatest, newer, colder, the hottest, the shortest, less, the worst

Exercise 2. Put adjectives in comparative or superlative degree.

1. Kyiv University is one of (large) Universities in Europe. 2. Strength of materials is (difficult) than chemistry. 3. Is it (interesting) to study at the institute than at school? 4. My brother is (old) than I but he is (short). 5. My friend works (hard) at his English than I. 6. The Ukraina hotel is one of (high) buildings in Kyiv. 7. Days in summer are (long) than in winter. 8. This group studies (good) than that one. 9. Oxford is (old) University in Britain. 10. This is (good) film I have ever seen.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Which is the most difficult subject for you? 2. Which is the easiest subject? 3. Which of the subjects is more difficult: physics or mathematics? 4. Who is the tallest in your group? 5. Which is the most interesting subject for you? 6. Is English as difficult as mathematics? 7. When is it more difficult to get up early: in winter or in summer? 8. What is easier for you: to read English or to speak it? 9. What is colder: the Black Sea or the Sea of Azov? 10. What is the highest building in your city?

Exercise 4. Insert the missing words than, as . as, not so as.

1. In winter days are … long … in summer. 2. Chemistry is … difficult … physics. 3. I study English … long … my friend. 4. My sister is older … I. 5. English is … so difficult … mathematics. 6. Moscow is bigger … Tallinn. 7. This machine is … old … that one. 8. The new transistor is more powerful … the old one. 9. The task of school education is … important … that of higher education. 10. John is … tall … his brother, but he is … tall … his father.

Exercise 5. Translate the phrases in comparative degree as in the example:

Example: The longer the nights, the shorter the days. (Чим довші ночі, тим коротші дні).

1. The harder we study, the more we know. 2. The more you work, the better you know English. 3. The more we study nature, the more we know about it. 4. The nearer the earth is, the denser the atmosphere is. 5. The stronger the wind, the harder the conditions of work for weather observers. 6. The quicker we finish, the sooner we will go home. 7. The bigger the cities are, the greater the pollution is. 8. The more computers and robots are used in industry, the quicker technological progress will be. 9. The more automobiles appear in the streets, the worse the air in the cities is. 10. The more effective is the technology, the quicker is the development of this country. 11. The quicker we join our efforts in protecting the environment, the quicker the ecological problems are solved.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

1. Найсильніша людина світу живе в Україні. 2. Чим більше ми знаємо, тим більше ми забуваємо. 3. Чим темніша ніч, тим краще ми бачимо Венеру на небі. 4. Ти встаєш раніше, ніж я. 5. Він - найрозумніша людина, яку я будь-коли зустрічав. 6. Чим більше ми читаємо, тим більше ми знаємо. 7. Вона молодша за тебе? 8. Сьогoдні найтепліший день жовтня. 9. Твоя кімната не така велика, як моя. 10. Ти такий же сильний, як і він. 11. Говоріть, будь-ласка, голосніше, я вас погано чую. 12. Я думаю, що навчитися говорити іноземною мовою складніше, ніж навчитися писати. 13. Як туди краще їхати: потягом чи літаком? 14. Давайте підемо завтра в бібліотеку раніше, ніж сьогодні. 15. Якщо ти прийдеш сьогодні додому пізніше, тобі доведеться вечеряти самому. 16. Він розуміє французьку краще, ніж англійську. 17. Найменші країни світу - Ватикан і Монако. 18. Протягом дня погода в Англії змінюється декілька разів, набагато частіше, ніж на континенті. 19. Моя кімната така ж світла, як і ваша. 20. Чим більше я вивчаю англійську, тим більше вона мені подобається.


Task I. Read and memorize the following words. Translate the sentences.

1. to influence - впливати. He can't influence my decision.

2. to create - створювати. They creayed a new city in the desert.

3. to bind - зв'язувати. The problem is bound up with many others.

3. abundant - багатий (достаток), розкішний, величезний. We have abundant resources of wood.

4. to feed - нагодувати. I feed my dog on meat.

5. merely - тільки. I merely asked his name.

6. article - виріб. I am wearing several articles of clothing.

7. to expand - розширяти. Metals expand when heated.

8. impact - вплив. Her new idea made a great impact in the office.

9. mind - розум. She has a very quick mind.

10. enterprise - підприємство. Private enterprise is the basis of USA's industry.

11 attempt - спроба. She failed in her attempt to pass exams.

12. previously - раніше. I hadn't seen him previously.

13. to exist - існувати. The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.

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