Англійська мова. Виконання практичних занять

Відбір мовного матеріалу в плані його типовості для стиля науково-технічної прози. Підбір текстів з оригінальної загальнонаукової та суспільно-політичної літератури. Система граматичних і лексичних вправ, що має на меті закріплення навчального матеріалу.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид методичка
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.07.2017
Размер файла 409,2 K

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

17. to increase - зростати, збільшувати. Decreasing gas volume we increase pressure.

18. to bring about - викликати, бути причиною. The discovery and use of electricity brought about the industrial revolution.

19. essential - істотний. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential to life.

20. environment - навколишнє середовище. All countries have to protect the environment on their own territory and in their own space.

21. to solve - вирішувати. The most promising way to solve the problem of clean air is to improve technology.

22. therefore - тому, отже. We don't have enough money. Therefore we cannot buy a new car.

23. necessary - необхідний, потрібний. I'll come back if necessary.

23. datum (pl. data) - дана величина (дані). We keep the data in a computer data bank.

24. joint - спільний, з'єднаний. Joint efforts of all countries can solve the problem of environmental protection.

25. to deal with … - мати справу з These articles deal with the investigations and achievements of world science in the field of radioactivity.

26. confident - упевнений. The government is confident of winning the next election.

27. achieve - досягати. He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work.

28. to purify - очищати. Many operations are used to purify water.

28. soil - грунт, земля. A layer of soil formed in the course of 100 or 200 years may be destroyed in a few days of heavy rain or dust storms.

29. circumstances - обставини, умови. We can judge what he did till we know all circumstances.

Task II. Read and translate the text.

Text 5 A

Environmental Protection must be Global

That the problem of pollution and ecology has become the most important one for mankind is evident to all. The more civilization is developing, the greater the ecological problems are becoming. Air and water pollution by industry is now reaching tremendous proportions. In our era it is changing from a national to an international problem, especially in territories where rivers cross several countries. The seas and oceans are also becoming seriously polluted. A similar situation is developing in the atmosphere. It is known that many cities throughout the world suffer from air pollution.

However, our scientific knowledge and technological advancement make it possible to eliminate it if people use good will and make considerable investments for that purpose. The development of natural resources on a global scale is already possible from a scientific and technical standpoint. Large-scale experimental work in this area is successfully being carried out.

At present scientists in industrially developed counties are working on the theory of interaction of all the atmospheric and oceanic global processes that determine the climate and weather of the world. Increasing growth of population, industrialization and the use of resources are slowly but surely changing the global climate and water balance. This can be described as a great experiment, one that may bring about changes in the environment more serious than ever before.

The essential feature in the environment protection is that many problems can be solved only on the level of world community. Therefore, the planning of protection against pollution by human society as a whole is imperative today and in the near future. It is necessary to develop an international program to study data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources, both renewable and non-renewable. It is the joint efforts of many scientists and special public organizations that can deal with the problem and take necessary measures to protect environment.

It is still a big job and much remains to be done. However, scientists are confident that planned actions of all countries can eliminate pollution and achieve successes in purifying air, water and soil and in safeguarding natural resources. At the same time one must realize that social and political circumstances may stand in the way of further progress in this field.

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. What is this text about? 2. How do water and air become polluted? 4. Why is the problem of water pollution becoming a global problem? 5. What are the ways of eliminating this problem?

Exercise 13. Translate the following clusters of words into Ukrainian and state their part of speech.

Pollute - pollution, evident - evidence, ecology - ecological, nation - national, especial - especially, serious - seriously, science - scientific, technology - technological, advance - advancement, eliminate - elimination, invest - investment, develop - development, nature - natural, experiment - experimental, success - successful - successfully, interact - interaction, atmosphere - atmospheric, ocean - oceanic, globe - global, sure - surely, protect - protection, new - renew - renewable - non-renewable, organize - organization, pure - purify.

Exercise 14. Translate the following word-combinations.

Air and water pollution; tremendous proportion; several countries; polluted seas and oceans; similar situation; throughout the world; technological advancement; good will; considerable investments; on a global scale; scientific and technical standpoint; developed countries; interaction of all processes; growth of population; water balance; use of resources; to bring about changes; essential feature; world community; renewable and non-renewable resources; joint efforts; to take necessary measures; to eliminate pollution; to achieve success; safeguarding natural resources; social and political circumstances.

Exercise 15. Form questions to which the following are answers. Begin your questions with the words given in brackets.

1. Water and air are becoming more and more polluted. (What …?) 2. There are government and public organizations that are analysing data on land, forest and air. (What …?) 4. The situation at the Sea of Azov is remaining very serious. (Where …?) 5. At present scientists are working on the theory of interaction of all the atmospheric and oceanic global processes. (What … on?)

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying atten-tion to the active vocabulary of the text.

1. All-round automation determines the social consequences of the scientific-technological progress. 2. Transport is one of the main offenders in noise pollution. 3. Atomic energy must be used for peaceful purposes. 4. Only a strictly scientific approach to the industrial-technological development can solve ecological problems. 5. As the planet's natural resources diminish, and a growing world population increases demands on those resources, competition for access to them will escalate. 6. Recent scientific research proved data that the protective layer of ozone around our planet is under severe attack. 7. Machine tillage of the soil affects its natural fertility. 8. Wars and preparations for them, such as tests of new types of armament, are having a tremendous destructive effect on the natural environment. 9. The use of nuclear weapons in a large scale war destroy vegetation and erode soil over vast territories. 10. The Sea of Azov suffers greatly from serious and chronic coastal water pollution. 11. Considerable improvements should be introduced into motor transportation operation to eliminate air pollution. 12. It's very difficult and very costly to purify every hour hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of air containing compounds of lead and mercury. 13. Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy, the World Ocean and outer space. 14. It is evident now, however, that often man is adversely affecting the environment.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Text 5B. Killer rain

What is acid rain? To answer this question we need to go back about three decades. In the 1960s, people in Sweden were alarmed to discover that the fish in their West Coast lakes were dying. There were no apparent reasons for this - no poison in the water, for example. The lakes were still clear and fresh.

When the scientists did their tests, however, they found that the lake water was much more acid than is normal. Some lakes, in fact, were a hundred times more acid than had been in the 1930s.

And the cause for this? It was the rain. Instead of being clean pure water, it had become contaminated by industrial processes and was now very acidic. When it fell on parts of Sweden where the soil was already acidic, the result was that acid water poured into Sweden's lakes. This eventually killed the fish, and caused a good deal of other problems which are still being discovered.

To understand how the process works, imagine a factory in Britain. It needs heat for its manufacturing, so it burns oil. This has a high sulphur content, which turns into Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) after the oil burnt, and goes up the factory chimney into the air.

The SO2 can travel for hundreds of thousands of kilometres, depending on the wind. The longer it is in the air, the more chance there is of it oxidizing - combining with oxygen - to form sulphuric acid. The acid becomes a cloud, and eventually falls to earth as rain. This rain contains sulphate (SO4) which has been produced by the sulphuric acid.

If there was only one factory doing this, there would be no problem. Europe, however, is such an industrialized area that it sends about 20 million tones of sulphur into the air every year.

There is an old saying in English: “What goes up, must come down”. This 20 million tones is picked up by the wind. Some lands in the streets around the factory, but most of it is carried some distance, often to another country. Each nation in Europe produces hundreds of thousands of tons of poison each year, and then sends it abroad.

Obviously, all this sulphur must have an effect on the environment.

Take Sweden, for example. This country is in an unfortunate position, because of the direction of the winds across Europe, and because of the fact that large sections of its soil are already acidic.

Every day, Sweden receives more than 1,000 tonnes of sulphur from the air, most of it from other countries. This has been dropping on Swedish soil for the last forty years, and the result is horrific. 18,000 of the country's 85,000 lakes are now acidified: 4,000 have no fish left and about another 6,000 have been seriously damaged.

The result can be seen in other countries, too. Germany suffers an estimated $800 million loss a year from lost trees - killed by acid rain - and another $600 million a year in damage to crops and agriculture. Approximately 1 million hectares in Central Europe have been affected.

As more countries become more heavily industrialized, then the amount of coal and oil that is burnt will increase. At the moment, the world sends between 75 and 100 million tons of sulphur into the air each year. Some scientists have estimated that, by the year 2100, this figure will have grown to 700 million tons.

Currently, the problem occurs in Europe, Scandinavia, Usa and states of the former USSR; but it is expected to appear soon in Brasil, Nigeria, Southern Africa, India, and South-East Asia. And there is another problem: it has recently been discovered that large sections of the Arctic are covered during the spring and winter by a sulphurous haze - and no one knows yet what the effects of this will be.

The problem of acidification started in the early 1950s, so after only forty years we have caused a huge amount of environmental damage. There are a few short-term ways of correcting the acidification damage, but they are not permanent solutions. In the long term, we will have to find a way of getting the sulphur out of our oil and coal. It is possible to do this, either by treating the fuel before it is burnt, or by cleaning the smoke which comes out of the factory chimney.

The problem, however, is that both processes are expensive, and the countries which are the worst offenders (for example, the USA and the UK) are frightened of the amount of money they would have to spend. In the USA, for example, a sulphur cleaning scheme would cost between $2,500,000,00 and $4,000,000,000 per year.

Eventually, something will have to be done. Acid rain has been described as a “catastrophe of a leisurely kind, trouble building up a shower at a time”. The catastrophe is getting less leisurely every year. Either we spend money now, and sort the problem out, or we spend a lot more in the future, when the ecology becomes completely overloaded, and a disaster occurs.

Vocabulary notes

1. haze - імла

2. acidification - ацилювання (підкислення грунту)

3. offender - порушник (тут)

4. treating - обробка

Exercise 17. Pick out from the text and group the terms as follows:

raw materials;

natural phenomenon;

chemicals (gases, liquids, solids);

chemical processes;

geographical names;

weights and measures

Exercise 18. Match the verbs from the text to the nouns:

e. g. wind - blows

rain - (2) …. factory - (2) … acid rain - (3) ….

water - …. oil - …. sulphur - ….

Exercise 19. Translate into English the following sentences using active vocabulary from the text.

1. Щоб довідатись, що таке кислотний дощ, нам слід повернутися назад на чотири десятиліття. 2. Шведські вчені виявили, що кислотність води у озерах західного узбережжя у сотні разів перевищує норму. 3. Причиною окислення озерної води був дощ. 4. Заводські димарі викидають у повітря сотні і тисячі тон двоокису сірки. 5. Чим довше двоокис сірки знаходиться у повітрі, тим більше утворюється сірчаної кислоти, яка випадає з дощем на землю. 6. Країни Європи виділяють у повітря близько 20 млн. т. сірки щорічно. 7. На Швецію щодня падає понад 1 тис. т. сірки з повітря, і більша частина її - з-за кордону. 8. Вчені підрахували, що на 2100 рік у світі випускатиметься у повітря 700 млн. т. сірки на рік. 9. Проблема окислення навколишнього середовища незабаром торкнеться країн Латинської Америки, Південно-Східної Азії та Африки. 10. Дощ-убивця - це кислотний дощ, який спричиняє втрати дерев, урожаю, сільськогосподарської продукції, риби.


Task IV. Learn the following words and word-combinations:

1. consider вважати

2. to praise вихваляти, звеличати

3. folk song народна пісня

4. picturesque мальовничий

5. vast безкраїй

6. to accompany супроводити

7. consumption споживання

8. vital життєвий, конче необхідний

9. to waste марнувати, виснажувати

10. to destroy руйнувати, знищувати

11. harm шкода

12. harmful шкідливий, згубний

13. substance речовина

14. dangerous небезпечний

15. to vanish зникати, пропадати

16. deforestation вирубка лісу, збезлісення

17. acid rain кислотний дощ

18. to maintain cooperation підтримувати співробітництво

19. primary первинний, основний

Task V. Read and translate the topic.

Environmental Protection in Ukraine

Ukraine is rightfully considered a picturesque land that nature could give. The beauty of Ukraine was praised in folk songs about the Dnieper quiet waters, the picturesque tops of the Carpathian mountains, the blue woodlands, lakes and the vast Black Sea steppes.

Many, many years ago man lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed. Now we are living in a time of rapid scientific and technological progress which is accompanied by an ever increasing consumption of the world's natural resources. Such vital sources of life as air, water, minerals as well as fauna, flora are being wasted and destroyed. The protection of nature has become one of the actual problems of the 21st century. More and more people are raising their voices in defence of nature.

Every year world industry throws into atmosphere millions of tons of dust and other harms. Environmental pollution is great today. The pollution of the air, oceans, seas, rivers and lakes can lead our planet to the global catastrophe. The air is not clean. It is full of gases, metal particles, harmful substances dangerous for the health of people. The land is dying. The flora is vanishing because of deforestation and cutting trees, because of acid rains. There are a lot of chemicals in the water.

The earth is our home. That is why we must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. We must keep our environment clean.

Environmental protection is a great concern of the Ukrainian Government. The Ministry of Environmental Protection was founded in Ukraine. Its tasks are to control the state of environment and sources of pollution, to protect the water resources of Ukraine and to maintain cooperation with international ecology organizations.

Protection of nature has become the primary duty of every citizen. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean.

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

справедливо (по праву) вважати; мальовнича країна; вершини гір; неозорі степи; жити в гармонії; час швидкого наукового та технічного прогресу; прогрес, який супроводжується; споживання, яке все більше зростає; природні ресурси; конче необхідні джерела життя; фауна і флора, виснажувати і знищувати; захист природи; все більше і більше людей; підняти голос на захист природи; викидати в атмосферу; забруднення навколишнього середовища; глобальна катастрофа; шкідливі речовини; здоров'я людей; вирубка лісу; кислотний дощ; піклуватися про.; водні ресурси; підтримувати співробітництво; основний обов'язок; робити все можливе

Exercise 21. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What was praised in Ukrainian folk songs? 2. Did a man live in harmony with nature many years ago? 3. What time are we living in now? 4. What vital sources of life are being wasted and destroyed? 5. What problem is considered to be one of the actual problems nowadays? 6. What can the pollution of water bodies lead our planet to? 7. Why must we take care of the earth? 8. What is the task of the Ministry of Environmental Protection?

Task VI. Reproduce the topic in your own words.

Key dates in science.

1326 Early guns were in use in Italy.

1451 Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in Germany.

1500 The Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci designed many devices, including a type of helicopter.

1540 The first artificial limbs were made for wounded soldiers, by the French doctor Ambroise Pare.

1543 The Polish astronomer Copernicus published his theory that the planets revolve around the Sun, not the Earth.

1590 The microscope was invented in the Netherlands.

Lesson 6

Grammar. Часи групи Continuous Passive

Text 6 A. The Ukrainian Mathematician and the Ukrainian Patriot

Text 6 B. Yuri Kondratyuk and the Moon

Topic. Science in Ukraine

Відмінювання дієслова to tell в часах групи Continuous Passive

To be + being + PII (III форма дієслова)

Present Continuous Passive

Past Continuous Passive

I am being told


She is being told



You are being told


I was being told


She was being told



You were being told


Exercise. 1. Explain the usage of Continuous tenses. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. New metro lines are being built now in Kyiv. 2. What is going on? - A new film is being discussed. 3. What grammar was being explained when you came in? 4. What questions were being discussed at that time? 5. New methods of research are being used in our lab. 6. Much is being done to improve laboratory methods. 7. Are they ready with the parcel? - No, it's being packed. 8. Pavlov is at the hospital now. His son is being operated on. 9. Where is my luggage? - It is being registered. 10. I looked through some articles. The rest are being typed now.

Exercise 2. Find sentences with the verb-predicate in Continuous Passive, translate into Ukrainian.

1. Cambridge University was formed in the 12th century. 2. The solution of ecological problems may be achieved only by joint efforts of all countries. 3. Great changes in people's lives and work were brought about by the scientific and technological progress. 4. The theory of interaction of atmospheric and oceanic processes is being developed to determine the weather of the planet. 5. The teachers at Cambridge are called “dons" and “tutors”. 6.computers and lasers are being widely introduced at plants and factories. 7. The most important ecological problems must be considered at the government level. 8. The training at Cambridge and Oxford is carried out by tutorial system. 9. Which grammar rules were explained at the last lesson? 10. Who is being examined now?

Exercise 3. Change Active voice into Passive one.

1. He is writing a letter at the moment. 2. John was preparing report all day yesterday. 3. We are learning grammar now. 4. At present mankind is making considerable investments to eliminate air pollution. 5. Today the changes in the global climate and water balance are bringing about serious changes in the environment. 6. Many scientists are constantly carrying out experimental work to solve the problem of environment protection. 7. The company is making plans for the future. 8. They are testing new equipment now. 9. Our University is paying much attention to physical training. 10. I am checking your examination tests now.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences with Present Continuous Passive.

1. While a current is flowing through a wire, the latter is being heated. 2. New iron ore deposits are already being worked. 3. Various laser-based instruments for use in engineering, chemical and ship-building enterprises are now being produced commercially in Ukraine. 4. Automation is being increasingly used at our hydro-electric stations. 5. The house in front of our school is still being built. 6. Hurry up, you are being waited for. 7. You will not be allowed to enter the hall. The movie is being shown there. 8. The movie is being shot now. 9. Where is Ann? - She is still being examined. 10. Dinner is not ready, it is being prepared. 11. Are the letters being typed now?

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences with Past Continuous Passive.

1. The lecture was being delivered when I approached the lecture hall. 2. The play was being spoken of when the people were leaving the theatre. 3. When the bell rang, this question was still being discussed. 4. We couldn't enter the room, as it was being cleaned. 5. The performance was long over, but the actors were still being applauded to. 6. At 12 o'clock the trucks were being loaded. 7. A new concert hall was being built in our street. 8. The clock was being repaired then. 9. The man was being looked at with great surprise.


Task I. Read and memorize the following words. Translate the sentences.

1. remarkable - видатний. It was a remarkable event for our country.

2. contribution - внесок. He gave a small contribution of $5.

3. research - дослідження. He did his research with the help of electronic computers.

4. to earn - заробити, заслужити. She earned her place in the team by training hard.

5. support - підтримка. Thank you for your support.

6. vast - величезний. Ukraine is famous for its vast steppes.

7. probability - імовірність. There is probability of his being appointed the chief engineer.

8. finding - знахідка. The finding of these scientists are of great help.

9. evidence - доказ. Can you give me any evidence of this rule?

10. archive - архів. The archive of our institution is in a bad state.

11. disciple - учень, послідовник. The disciples of this scientific school are in many countries.

12. responsible - відповідальний. He is responsible for all money of the firm.

13. engine - двигун. The aircraft had four engines.

14. to recollect - згадувати. Do you recollect her name?

15. oblivion - забуття. His name was fell into oblivion.

16. to install - встановлювати. We' re installing a new heating system.

17. to hold - проводити. Our University holds conferences regularly.

18. to unveil - відкривати (пам'ятник). They unveiled the plaque to open the new school.

19. campus - студентське містечко. There are some cafes in the campus.

Task II. Read and translate the text.

Text 6A

The Ukrainian Mathematician and the Ukrainian Patriot

Ukraine has given the world a number of outstanding figures who have made their remarkable contributions to world's science and culture. One of them was a mathematician of a world standing - academician Mykhailo Kravchuk.

Mykhailo Kravchuk was born in the land of Volyn, Ukraine, in 1892. In 1914 he graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics, St. Volodymyr University in Kyiv. After graduation, he came back to the university to teach and do research and in 1924 he earned his Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy). In 1929 he was elected Academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. In the period from 1921 to 1938 he worked at the Kyiv Polytechnic, rapidly rising through academic ranks to full professorship and head of the Department of Higher Mathematics. In 1938 he was arrested, charged with “support of Ukrainian nationalism" and “spying for the imperialist powers”. He died four years later, in March 1942, in a concentration camp in Kolyma, Northern Russia, where so many of the GULAG camps were concentrated.

Anyone who studies higher mathematics comes across “Kravchuk moment”, “Kravchuk formulas”,”Kravchuk oscillators”, and other mathe-matical terms associated with Mykhailo Kravchuk whose contribution to mathematics is a vast one indeed. He has authored works in various branches of mathematics: algebra, theory of numbers, function theory, theory of integral and differential equations, theory of probability, mathematical statistics and history of mathematics. Most of Kravchuk's works deal with the most fundamental problems of mathematics, with the remaining ones devoted to applied mathematics, called upon to help solve more pragmatic problems.

Kravchuk was elected to the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1929. Thus he became a full member of the Academy at age 37 - there is only a handful of people honoured to become academicians at such an early age in the history of science.

Most of his pioneering works have been written in Ukrainian. Kravchuk considered it his civic duty to develop both science and language to express the scientific findings…

Some years ago there was discovered evidence in the archives of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington and in the archives of the State University of Iowa that the creator of the first electronic computer John Atanasov had used Kravchuk's mathematical findings and even had Kravchuk's work “Use of the Means of Moments for Solving Differential and Integral Equations" translated into English back in the late 1930s.

Among Kravchuk's disciples and students we find such remarkable figures as Serhiy Korolyov, the Soviet rocket designer and main force behind the Soviet space programme, responsible for the first Sputnik launched in October 1957 and the first manned space flight in April 1961, and Archyp Lyulka, the designer of aircraft engines. Lyulka's friends recollect that in the study of his Moscow apartment he always had portraits of Taras Shevchenko and Mykhailo Kravchuk, hanging side by side on the wall. There were hundreds of others who learned a lot from Kravchuk the scientist and Kravchuk the Ukrainian patriot.

In independent Ukraine, Kravchuk's name was brought back from oblivion. In 1992 memorial plaques were installed in his native place in Volyn and at the building in Kyiv where he lived and where he was arrested in 1938. The Kyiv Polytechnic holds regular conferences in his memory, devoted to his scientific legacy and to other related scientific and mathematical problems. In 2003 a monument to Kravchuk was unveiled at the polytechnic campus.

Notes to the text

1. professorship - професорство

2. oscillator - осцилятор

3. differential equation - диференційне рівняння

4. applied mathematics - прикладна математика

5. rocket designer - конструктор ракет

6. plaque - дошка (настінна)

7. legacy - спадщина, спадок

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. When and where was M. Kravchuk born? 2. What education did M. Kravchuk get? 3. Why was he arrested? 4. What mathematical terms are associated with M. Kravchuk? 5. When did M. Kravchuk become academician? 6. What was his attitude to Ukrainian language? 7. Which of his works were used by John Atanasov? 8. What remarkable persons were among Kravchuk's disciples and students? 9. Where were memorial plaques in his honour installed?

Exercise 7. Find English equivalents of Ukrainian word-combinations:

Видатний внесок, теорія імовірності, різні галузі математики, викладання математики, в такому ранньому віці, творець першого електронного комп'ютера, розв'язання диференційних рівнянь, пілотований космічний політ, поруч, меморіальна дошка.

Various branches of mathematics, solving differential equations, teaching of mathematics, remarkable contribution, side by side, creator of the first electronic computer, theory of probability, at such an early age, manned space flight, memorial plaque

Exercise 8. Make up statements choosing the right answer according to the text:

1. The creator of the first electronic computer Atanasov had used Kravchuk's ideas in:

a) theory of probability;

b) theory of numbers;

c) theory of differential equations.

2. Serhiy Korolyov was:

a) designer of aircraft engines;

b) rocket designer;

c) helicopter designer.

3. Regular conferences in Kravchuk's memory are held:

a) in Kyiv National University;

b) in Kyiv Polytechnic;

c) in All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Exercise 9. Choose the right variant: Present Indefinite Passive or Present Continuous Passive.

1. Waiter, is my food ready? I am hungry. - It won't be long, sir. It is cooked/ being cooked at the moment. 2. Is this bag plastic or leather? - It is made/ being made of the finest leather. 3. Where is your bicycle? - It is repaired/ being repaired. 4. Why are the children sent/ being sent to bed? - Because they've been naughty. 5. How are you all getting home from the airport? - We are met/ being met by my father. 6. Delicious fruit ice cream is sold/ being sold there now. 7. New children's books are sold/ being sold in that shop very often. 8. The boy's story about saving from drowning is always listened/ being listened with great interest. 9. They are taught/ being taught drawing at this lesson. Don't bother them. 10. Two new engineers are introduced/ being introduced to the head of the department now.

Exercise 10. Choose the right variant: Past Indefinite Passive or Past Continuous Passive in the following sentences.

1. Many towns were destroyed/were being destroyed by the earthquake in Japan last year. 2. The helicopter was constructed/was being constructed in Russia. 3. He was thrown/was being thrown out of class for chatting. 4. The pop singers arrived at the airport and were welcomed/were being welcomed by thousands of fans. Flowers were thrown/were being thrown at them all the way to the exit. 5. The exposition was opened/was being opened when we drove up to the picture gallery. 6. He couldn't go out as his suit and shirt were cleaned/were being cleaned. 7. When I came into the kitchen I smelt something delicious. My favourite cookies were baked/were being baked in the oven. 8. She watched television while dinner was prepared/was being prepared. 9. Their cousins were fined/were being fined for exceeding speed limit three days ago. 10. The policeman noticed that the suitcase was carried/was being carried by the porter in a very strange way.

Exercise 11. Translate into English:

1. Його зараз екзаменують. 2. Саме тоді будувалась ця школа. 3. ЇЇ екзаменували вже протягом 20 хвилин, коли я увійшла в кімнату. 4. Не заходьте в кімнату, її прибирають. 5. В мене було таке відчуття, що за мною хтось спостерігає. 6. Чому нічого ще не робиться? 7. Вам не можна заходити. В неї беруть інтерв'ю для телебачення. 8. Нам сказали зачекати, саме в цей час його опитували. 9. Ця книжка була написана багато років тому, але вона все ще читається з великим інтересом. 10. Ми не змогли відвідати музей тому, що в цей час він був на реконструкції.

Task III. Read and translate the text.

Text 6B

Yuri Kondratyuk and the Moon

In the field of cosmic research Ukraine's contribution is represented by many well-known names among which of the first belongs to Yuri Vasylyovych Kondratyuk (Olexandr Shargey). The dramatic circumstances of his life made him live under the assumed name and world fame came to him many years after his death.

The time and place of his birth are known: June 21, 1897, Poltava. After finishing the 2nd Poltava gymnasium he entered St. Petersburg University in 1916. In 1918-1925 he was working in Poltava, Kyiv and some smaller towns and since 1925 in the Northern Caucasus. In 1927 he moved to Novosibirsk where his occupation was designing elevating gears. In the 30s he worked in Kharkiv at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Industrial Energetics. He stood at the head of the group of scientists whose task was designing and constructing a huge wind-power station. Working in Moscow before the war he devoted much of his time to energetics problems. It is a well-known fact that in building the Ostankino teletower, specialists used Y. Kondratyuk's workings out of reinforced towers construction and wind-power technique. The exact time of his death and his burial-place are unknown: early October 1941, or 1942, Kaluga district (he had been killed in action at the front).

Y. Kondratyuk is often referred to as Ukrainian Tsiolkovsky. It was Kondratyuk who suggested the idea of creating a base round the Moon and his idea was later realized in the Appolo Flight programme in 1969. This flight and landing the Moon would have been impossible without Y. Kondratyuk's solving a number of problems: defining the optimal trajectory of cosmic flights, proving the theory of multi-stage space rockets, suggesting some metals and non-metals and their hydrogen compounds as rocket fuel.

This great scientist and engineer didn't realize his gift and talent to the full. His memory is dear to us. A crater on the back side of the Moon was named after Yuri Kondratyuk.

In 1992 the National Cosmic Agency of Ukraine was established. It has worked out the cosmic program to further progress in cosmic studies and investigations.

Notes to the Text

1. сircumstances - обставини

2. assumed - вигаданий

3. Caucasus - Кавказ

4. elevating gear - підйомний механізм

5. reinforced - підсилений

6. to prove - доводити

7. multi-stage - багатоступеневий

Exercise 12. Translate into English:

внесок України, світова слава, переїхати до, на чолі групи, завдання, вітрова електростанція, присвятити багато часу, баштова конструкція, місце поховання, часто вважається, запропонувати ідею, висадка на Місяць, визначення оптимальної траєкторії, сполуки водню, дар, зворотня сторона Місяця, подальший прогрес

Exercise 13. Match the words (1-6) with their definition (a-f).

1. Оccupation a. very big

2. Research b. a job, employment

3. Construction c. consisting of a combination of two or more parts

4. Huge d. action or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave

5. Burial e. the business or work of building

6.compound f. advanced and detailed study of a subject, so as to learn

new facts, get additional information

Exercise 14. Give the comprehensive answers to these questions:

1. What dramatic facts of Yuri Kondratyuk's biography do you know?

2. What is the contribution of Kondratyuk to world science?


Task IV. Learn the following words and word-combinations.

1. research науково-дослідний

2. to come into existence виникати, з'являтися

3. credit повага, заслуга

4. event подія

5. founding member засновник

6. noted визначний

7. orientalist східознавець

mechanics-expert спеціаліст-механік

to associate пов'язувати, поєднувати

electric welding електричне зварювання

facilities обладнання

Corresponding member член-кореспондент

honorary member of Academy почесний член академії

to award нагороджувати

a great deal багато

applied science прикладна наука

data storage пристрій збереження даних

joint спільний

tool making виготовлення інструментів

top вищий

Task V. Read and translate the topic.

Science in Ukraine

In Kyiv Rus monasteries were the first seats of learning and science. Kyiv Mohyla Academy was the major institution of learning in the 18th century. The first University was founded in Lviv (1784). Then came the universities of Kharkiv (1805), Kyiv (1834) and Odessa (1868), which became research centres in which national school of science came into existence.

Much credit is due to the following scientists who made great contributions to Ukrainian science: Ostrohradsky (mathematics), Potebnia (linguistics), Hrushevsky (history), Maksymovich (ethnography), Strazhesko and Filatov (medicine).

The foundation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1918 was an event of historic importance. Among the founding members were Vernadsky, a famous 20th century scientist and naturalist; noted historians Hrushevsky and Bahaliy; orientalist Krymsky, mechanics expert Tymoshenko and many others. Associated with the Academy are the names of outstanding scientists, among them physicist and mathematician Boholyubov, biologist Kashchenko, microbiologist Zabolotny. World-known schools appeared headed by Hrave (algebra), Krylov (mathematical physics), Paton (electric welding and bridge construction), Pysarzhevsky (chemistry), Dynnyk (mechanics and elasticity theory), Bohomolets (experimental pathology).

At present the National Academy of Sciences has 170 research centres with powerful research facilities. There are about 2. 500 Doctors and 10.000 candidates of science. There are 203 academicians and 280 Corresponding members, plus 81 foreign members from 18 countries.

Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton, a noted scientist, organizer, honorary member of a number of foreign academies and scientific societies. Only recently, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, he was awarded the title “Hero of Ukraine”.

A great deal has been done in applied sciences over the past several years. Thus, the world's first laser data storage appeared as a result of joint achievements by experts of informatics, physics, physical metallurgy and chemistry. Many achievements in tool making, rocket and computer technologies, molecular biology, genetic engineering, microbiology and medicine have top priorities in the world.

Exercise 14. Answer the following questions:

1. Where was the first University founded? 2. Who was the founding member of the Ukrainian Academy of sciences? 3. What noted names in medicine can you mention? 4. What do you know about Hrushevsky? 5. What is the national Academy of Sciences now? 6. Who is the president of the Academy? 7. What field of science is associated with Paton? 8. What are the achievements of Ukrainian applied science? 9. What scientists of your University do you know? 10. Are you planning to be engaged in research work?

Exercise 15. Translate into English the following sentences:

1. Києво-Могилянська Академія - відомий науковий заклад ще з 18-го століття. 2. Національні наукові школи виникли в найстаріших університетах. 3. Українські вчені зробили великий внесок в світову науку. 4. Імена багатьох видатних вчених пов'язані з українською Академією наук. 5. В минулому столітті виникло багато наукових шкіл. 6. Євген Патон - всесвітньо відомий вчений в галузі зварювання та будівництва мостів. 7. Академія наук України має багато академіків та докторів наук. 8. Перший в світі лазерний пристрій збереження даних з'явився в Україні. 9. Україна має ряд пріоритетів в світовій науці. 10. В Україні швидкими темпами розвивається генна інженерія.

Key dates in science

1592 The Italian astronomer Galileo invented the first thermometer based on the expansion and contraction of air.

1608 The telescope was first demonstrated in the Netherlands.

1610 Galileo used a telescope to make astronomical observations.

1616 The English doctor William Harvey lectured on the circulation of blood.

1618 A German astronomer, Johannes Kepler, published laws describing the planet's elliptical orbits around the Sun.

1623 The first mechanical calculator was invented in Germany by Wilhelm Schickard.

Lesson 7

Grammar. Часи групи Perfect Active

Text 7A. Electricity

Text 7B. Non-traditional Renewable Sources of Energy

Topic. The youth of America

Відмінювання дієслова to write у часах групи Perfect Active

To have + PII (III форма дієслова)

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect



You have written



She has written





It had written







It will have written




Exercise 1. Answer the following questions, using Present Perfect 1. Have you ever got a bad mark at the exams? 2. Have you ever been to Kyiv? 3. Have you ever drunk coca-cola? 4. Have you ever gone traveling? 5. Have you ever read an English book in the original? 6. Has the weather been rainy the whole month? 7. Have you ever heared Paul Robson singing? 8. Have you ever studied French? 9. What films have you seen this month?

Exercise 2. Put the Infinitives into the correct Perfect tense. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian.

A. Present Perfect 1. Gagarin's flight (to mark) the beginning of space exploration and thus (to open) a new epoch in human history. 2. Ukrainian engineers (to make) an electric car of original construction. 3. The workers (to get) good results when the methods of their work (to improve). 4. Women (to make) a great contribution to education and scientific progress. 5. An automatic lunar self-propelled vehicle, remote - controlled from the Earth (to place) on the Moon for the first time in history of cosmonautics, and (to start) research work there. 6. The direct study of the lunar surface (to begin) with Moon landing by automatic space stations.

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