Authority of the teacher-educator

The concept of the true and the false authority of a teacher-educator. Experimental verification of the significance of personal and professional components the authority of the teacher. Pedagogical conditions of formation of the true authority.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 13.10.2012
Размер файла 45,7 K

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1.Glava. The essence of teaching authority

1.1 The concept of the true and the false authority of a teacher-educator

1.2 Structure of pedagogical authority

1.3 Pedagogical conditions of formation of the true authority

2.Glava. Experimental verification of the significance of the various components (personal and professional), the authority of the teacher for the various constituencies of the educational process.

2.1 Objectives, content and organization of an experiment

2.2 Analysis of the results of an experiment



Educational activity - this is the type of activity, the outcome of which affects the nature of relations between its members. The successful solution of difficult and important tasks of training and education of primary school children to a great extent depends on the teacher's personality, his moral position, skills, knowledge and culture.

Teacher and student ... two major figures in the school. Personality, whose relationship in the classroom and outside of it directly and critically affect the entire educational process, determine its success. It is no accident it is important to create a school climate of deep mutual understanding, goodwill, respect and cooperation.

What are the means and ways to achieve the spiritual community teachers with students - this fundamental principle of success in training and education?

Experience shows that the influence of the teacher on student success of its educational activities depends on the authority of the teacher.

The authority of the teacher - is, above all, a means of educational impact on students. Authoritative personality as it is advanced success. Personality recognized authoritative, attributed competence in other areas. There is a kind irradiation authority. Teacher's authority - a complex phenomenon, which qualitatively describes the system of relations between the teacher. Students' attitudes to the authoritative teacher positively emotionally colored and saturated. And the higher the authority, the more important for students of science, the foundations of which the teacher teaches, the more it seems fairer to requirements, comments, the greater his every word

"For the guys idea is inseparable from the person - wrote Krupskaya. - That says favorite teacher is perceived very differently than what he says he despised or alien people "[15 265]. Only with the right relationship can teach and educate. Be afraid, do not flatter, and to understand, to pick up a special key to everyone.

Challenge the authority of the teacher - the teacher engaged Andriadi IP, Kondratyev, M., NK Krupskaya, Makarenko AS, Samujlenko DF Stankin MI, Sukhomlinsky VA, etc. .

Scientists Makarenko, AS, MI Stankin delineated in his works both true and false authority identified forms of false authority.

Andriadi IP, Kondratyev MU, DF Samujlenko have studied the components of the authority and ways of its formation.

The importance of the teacher-educator authority said many educators and psychologists (Amonoshvili Sh., NK Krupskaya, Kondratiev M., B. Likhachev, AS Makarenko, Olshansky VB Sukhomlinsky In . A, etc.).

In connection with this problem of authority is updated teacher educator. For this reason we have chosen the theme of our study: "The authority of the teacher-educator as a pedagogical phenomenon."

The object of our study: the authority of the teacher-educator.

Subject of research: Components authority teacher educator.

The aim of our research: to identify what components make up the content (or essence) of pedagogical authority and the significance they have for the various categories of subjects of the educational process in the school.

In this paper we shall prove the following hypothesis: we have assumed that the value of the various components that constitute the teaching authority of the teacher, not the same for different categories of subjects of the educational process, depending on their age and educational experience.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problems:

1) examine the psychological and educational literature on the subject of research;

2) to examine the structure of the authority of the teacher - the teacher;

3) to study the positive experience of winning teaching authority of the students;

4) identify the pedagogical conditions for the emergence of the true authority of the teacher - the teacher.

To test this hypothesis and to solve this problem the following methods:

-Study of the problem in different sources;

Teaching-learning experience;

-Questioning, conversation analysis;


-Generalization, comparison;

Method of mathematical statistics.

The aims and objectives of the study led to the content and structure of the thesis. It consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, references and applications.

1.Glava. The essence of teaching authority

1.1 The concept of the true and the false authority of a teacher-educator

It is quite understandable that the teacher,

does not have the authority, can not be



In the organization of the educational process can not ignore such a powerful pedagogical factors as the nature of the teacher, the properties and the quality of his personality. One teacher is too strong character and a strong will, a great social activity. He strives to do everything himself, inhibits spontaneity of children, leaving them uninvolved and indifferent spectators. The other - a soft, it can not require students to elementary order. Poor knowledge of education and psychology, unwillingness to overcome yourself, create your character, in accordance with the requirements of teaching give scope to direct, sporadic manifestations of nature: short temper, stiffness or weakness of character, undemanding.

Out of this situation is that in order to properly understand what determines the nature of the educational relationship. Pedagogy determines the optimal form of the manifestation and development of the discipline and democracy in education, marketed specially prepared and having a teaching authority figure. Children voluntarily follow the same teacher and educator, who they respect. In any other case the pedagogical relationship kept on purely formal grounds, external requirements, lose their sense of positive educational and have a negative impact.

The concept of "authority" literally means a recognized meaning man, his impact on the people support his ideas and activities of public opinion, showing respect, credibility, even faith in him, in his mind, will, morality, and the ability to do good, give everything common cause.

Essence, the specific features and functions of their own pedagogical authority due to the fact that hundreds of childish eyes as x-rays, shine through and reveal the moral status of the teacher. A true teacher-educator is no other moral choice but purity, sincerity, openness and directness. Otherwise, the teacher will inevitably lose its impact on children and the right to be their teacher. The essence of the teaching authority of the ever evolving a civic educator, creative human being, true spirituality and intelligence. Child advances tutor their respect, trust, location, based on the natural assumption that the quality of his personality.

Original authority not decreed from above. It can only be earned through hard work and honest. It is believed that the position of a teacher in itself gives him credibility among students. But it is not. In our difficult time official authority completely replaced the personal authority. In this regard, the role of distinguished authority, that is, the power of authority and the power of authority. If a teacher is given first, then the second is the result of long-term relationships. The authority of the post is not reliable, quick passing, if not supported by power of the individual, voluntary recognition of students teacher professionalism [26.78].

Every teacher strives to win credibility. But not wanting to work on themselves, some teachers go to the conquest by the false authority. Which leads to the conquest of a false authority.

For the first time in the teaching of science the authority of teacher-educator in the true and false was divided AS Makarenko. True - one false - many variations. Under the false authority is understood to mean the ratio of pupils (students) to the educator (teacher), which causes them to be consumers of the final experience, passive or active. False authority is based on the desire to seek a teacher-educator obedience of a disciple. Ensuring obedience, as the nearest target and touching on a lot of time and effort, teachers-educators do not have the ability to achieve other goals, of course, the principal. In many cases, teachers can not achieve obedience, and every year the child does not become more obedient. Children, showing obedience, often develop these personality traits that are opposite the ultimate goals of education and training.

Teachers are most common following a false authority.

Authority suppression: conquered by systematically demonstrate the superiority of their rights and opportunities to keep students in constant instinctive fear of punishment or ridicule for the failure of response or the exercise, before shouting, punishment.

Now such teachers are rare, but the damage caused by them is enormous. They provoke students to cowardice, sycophancy, or conversely, an aggressive attitude to the older, the desire to annoy him, but thinly disguised breach of discipline, lack of respect for the teacher. No question about education, conscious discipline, in this case, can not go. In addition, the roughness shatter the nervous system students, instilling an aversion to learning, the educational institution, undermines respect for the elder. Demanding teacher, not supported by respect for the personal dignity of students, takes formal - bureaucratic.

The authority of the distance. Teacher, tutor always tends to keep students on the course. Comes with them only in official contacts. Aspiring to be inaccessible and mysterious, a teacher exalts his person creates for himself the privilege until the occupation by foreign affairs in class, passing the Presidium of school or student assembly, although no one there does not advance, get a meal in the dining room for you.

The authority of pedantry. The teacher-educator has a system of petty, useless conventions and traditions. He constantly finds fault involved. What does his arraignment inconsistent with common sense, they are just unreasonable. Pedant is unjust, and its actions are ineffective. Such a teacher, students are losing confidence in the classroom one of the students violates the discipline, the other - keeps shy, hard.

The authority of logic-chopping. A teacher who tries to gain credibility so infinitely teaches students the belief that notation - the main means of education. By logomachy such teachers, students quickly get used to, no longer respond to them, and irritation, and sometimes laughing, listening to the flow of morals derived from the mouth of an enthusiastic companion eloquent teacher.

The authority of the imaginary kindness. More often than other forms of false authority, in young teachers. Not having sufficient teaching experience, these leaders of youth believe that the students will appreciate their kindness, indulgence and answer obedience, attention and love. Obtained only the opposite. Pupils ignore instructions and requests even older and in addition a laugh over it [28, 117].

The real authority - it is the ratio of students to teachers, which encourages students to be always younger comrade teacher that is involved with it, and under their leadership in caring for a better life.

Teacher - the teacher should know how they live, and are interested in his children. For all it does not take long, it needs only the attention to children and their lives. In the life of a child is a lot when he does not know how to do when he needs help in the council. And if he asks for help from the teacher, it is said that he trusts him, so the teacher is his authority. The child will feel his concern, but at the same time, he will know that a teacher needs something from him, that the teacher is not going to remove his responsibility.

A requirement for an authoritative teacher is a moral cleanliness. Moral relations permeate all aspects of communication between a teacher and student. Any good or bad thing necessarily has a moral dimension. If students are working enthusiastically in class and do not hear the call to change, if not wrangling, comply with any request teacher authority last high.

Authoritative teacher is cheating and lying, even small things. Do not show impolite. Not soritsya with students and colleagues. Does not involve the students in the group against other students, parents, etc. Does not undermine the authority of friends - teachers, does not respond disparagingly about their disciplines, their work.

And not only undermines the authority of a weak knowledge of the subject, but not the ability to communicate with people. Where you need to smile, answer the prank joke and so extinguish unnecessary conflict situation, infrequent study.

Of course, the recipes for all occasions not. But there are psychological techniques that allow the teacher to find a way out of many situations in different position in which they find themselves, and even higher increase your credibility.

On the importance of the authority of the teacher educational process referred to by many educators and psychologists. IO Pies said that the relationship between teacher and student should be based on trust and respect, rather than on punishment and fear. If the children can not see the ideal of moral perfection, then, at least, we can not agree that they do not compare moral than adults. They do not lie (unless they are driven to it by fear), they herd all bad, they are keeping the sacred feelings of love for people, free of any ordinary prejudices. And these feelings the teacher should not be suppressed, and develop. If we want to pay attention to education, we must start by ceasing to look after the nature of children and consider them not able to accept the beliefs of the mind [18, 192].

AS Makarenko said that the teacher who does not have the authority, can not be a teacher.

False same authority makes students qualities such as hostility, dishonesty, cynicism, anxiety, insensitivity, negativism, fitness, and an inferiority complex.

In education and training can not do without the authority, that is, the power of the teacher, as a reflection of its responsibility for the fate of the child. However, this power is not meant to be destructive and creative. When it promotes the growing assertiveness of children's personality, the realization of its creative potential, teaching authority is a powerful catalyst for the personal influence of the teacher. If it degrades, rapes, deforms, then degenerates into a tool of authoritarianism, dictatorship and shameless manipulation of children [22, 81].

It is known that the information coming from a man who enjoys well-deserved reputation, digested much faster and better. And not just information. One well-known physician, academician I.O.Kassirsky told his disciples - students: "When you give the patient aspirin - the medicine, and when I give it - the medicine plus my authority."

To sum up, it should be noted that the authority of the teacher-educator needs in the educational process. It is necessary to distinguish between a real authority on the authority of false, based on the principles of artificial and striving to create obedience by any means. Some teachers adhere to the following provisions:

- "One I know you're all ignorant."

- Students on academic performance are divided into high, medium and weak.

- "It is important to achieve high results in the behavior and academic performance," etc.

The reality is based on the authority of the civil activities, public spirit, the knowledge of life, respect, and responsibility for his education. True authority is dependent primarily on the ratio of students to the knowledge of his subject, culture and general knowledge of the teacher.

Thus, self-education, aimed at forming qualities, without which it is impossible to win the highest authority - the primary task of the teacher. You must identify the qualities that hinder gain prestige, to form in his insistence on the process of self-education and exercise volitional efforts to achieve the goal. This task is feasible any teacher. You only need to focus yourself on a serious, hard work, overcoming laziness. "Overcoming laziness can autosuggestion, self-education. For this is the only surest way - is to make yourself do the thing you want to do. No other way, "- wrote AS Makarenko [17, 299].

1.2 Structure of teaching authority

Every profession requires individuals to certain qualities. Feature of the teaching profession is the fact that teachers have to deal with the education and training of the younger generation, the ever-changing character development in children, adolescents, boys and girls.

The success of educational activities, as well as other types of labor, depends not on the secondary qualities of the person, but from the core, leading to betray a certain color, style, actions and deeds teacher.

We consider only the main components of the authority, or, as we call them, the components of the teacher's authority. There are roughly two main components of pedagogical authority. This is a personal and professional components. Let us consider them in more detail.

The personal component of pedagogical authority includes the following quality teachers.

First, it is love for children and the teaching profession.

Crucial in every profession has man's love for his work. If people do not like your job, if it does not bring him the moral satisfaction, a high productivity can not speak. The teacher is not only to love his profession, but also to love their children.

Teachers should distinguish between love for his profession and love for children. Man's relation to his profession, the love of it depends on the socio-historical conditions. It depends on the needs of society for specialists or those of other professions and the aptitudes and abilities.

Love for children is an important condition for the formation of pedagogical authority. Some teachers have set themselves the question: "Why am I so precious teaching profession?" - And say: "First of all, I'm near and dear to the growing, young people who are able to believe and to criticize, love and hate, respect and contempt, preserve the memory of the noble his best educators. " "Every person loves morally healthy children. A love of children really - to love them in sorrow and in joy, even when their development in something deviates from the norm ... love - is to respect people, to understand it, care for it, protect it, and was on all this great fun. Live among the children, work with them, to educate and to teach them - that can give more happiness? It is important that every child does not see the naughty Vanka, and a man, a little, but this man ... "[27, 34].

Love their children - which means bring them certain requirements, without any education and training possible.

Honored teacher IO Tikhomirov said that the teaching profession is the most difficult skill to find your way to a child's heart. "Without this, can neither teach nor educate. Teacher, indifferent referring to students - an absurdity ... do not yell at their children, do not insult them. Schadite childish pride. Hurt him easily, but how deep are the traces of these injuries and how severe consequences "[27, 35].

An example of the love of children, and to the teaching profession is teaching activities LN Tolstoy.

About love teachers to children Tolstoy wrote: "If a teacher has only love for the student, as a father, a mother, it will be better than the teacher, who read all the books, but does not have any love for the cause, not the students. If the teacher combines love for the cause, and to his disciples, he - the perfect teacher. " Love to teaching is highly dependent on the love of children, from the understanding of the psychology of childhood.

But as soon as it comes to the personal authority of the component, you must specifically mention another important point. Let us remember the wise words Sukhomlinsky VA that has the right to respect for a person who respects other people.

Every adult knows perfectly how amazingly nicely captures the attitude to his children. How painful experience is not the slightest sign of confidence in them, as keenly their self-esteem. And nothing but resentment, anger, isolation, even outright hostility, no right to expect the teacher to whom the consciousness of superiority does not allow to see in each of his young ward primarily personality. What kind of personal authority of the teacher can talk! Yes, and it is unlikely to seek to gain authority and love of children, if it has no value is their opinion of it - they are not interested in him. But if it was just indifferent to the formalists, this half woes. The problem, of course, not the only problem.

Sometimes experienced, qualified teacher is not easy to recognize themselves wrong before my very own students, force yourself to act as reporting they face as equals. It is difficult to always and in all the most fully meet the requirements that we have set for children. Prevent and age range, and the fear of losing his authority, and sometimes the teacher snobbery, the idea of ??the very role of the teacher as a firm guarantee of any errors. But if the teacher managed to transcend these barriers, overcome themselves, teaching success was not long in coming.

Here is a case which recalls Sukhomlinsky VA "In our interactions with the children of a rule freely, warmly and openly express their feelings of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, gratitude and resentment, anger and surprise ... Every day the children brought from the greenhouse to the class flower chrysanthemum. If our relationship was not a cloud, if the kids believed me until the end and were ready to go with me, which I will say, on a table in a small bowl were pink, red, blue, blue flowers, depending on the mood of the team. Pink and red color symbolized the collective joy, blue - anxiety, blue - sad.

But ... was in a greenhouse shrub, which blossomed chrysanthemums unusual colors - purple ... Rarely, very rarely brought children purple chrysanthemums. That we have a flower resentment. If children put on my desk purple flower, this meant: "Master, you have wronged us."

Coming to the second lesson, I saw on the table a purple flower. The class was silent. I also do not have the strength to utter a word. I gave the children a task for independent work, and sat down, leaning over the table and wondered what happened to the first lesson? The more I hurt children?

The fact that children are unnecessarily offended that this is their whim, not out of the question. Fair austerity and strict justice children respected and honored, that I knew well. What have I offended them?

- Watch! - I remembered. - I hurt their disbelief ... Hand watches were still a rarity. I bought them yesterday. Children, of course, I look at the clock, hold them. I took the watch from your hand, put it on the table. So they lay until the end of the lesson. During the break the children take turns taking this amazing thing, held it in his hands, to your ear ... Today, the lessons my watch also on the table. But during the first changes stopped clocks in the staff room. I decided to put them in my hand watch. Walked out of class, taking the watch on the table, put them on the arm, but the kids did not say anything ...

... I took them off with his hands, put on the table. Do I need to explain to children why I took the watch? Yes, we have, but not now.

In the second clock change on the table. Going into the class for the third lesson, I saw in the bowl pink chrysanthemums. I sighed with relief: kids just ... "[30, 56].

Perhaps this form of child controls will not cause the enthusiasm of some teachers, it seems naive. But let's not argue about the form. Specifically, if I may say so, the local environment at each school will prompt, what shape should take is a mutual respect and trust.

Indisputable is that these relations must be based on the principle of reciprocity, in the case of foster children and their teacher. After all, his authority does not exist in itself as something immersed in his own personality. Only in the event that he sees in his students real partners and employees, when measured not only as students but also as a distinctive personality, he turns to them his best side, will seek to show them all the advantages and is likely to win personal authority in response to respect for their persons.

"And I won their trust, not without difficulty. I won it on the basis of reciprocity. " These words of a famous teacher Amonashvili Sh do not apply to adults, not to the young men and women, even for teenagers - they are his disciples - second-graders.

Respect and trust in the student - the most important component of the term personal credibility teacher. To come to this conclusion, no need to spend too much effort on the thorough analysis of educational systems of teachers. This principle is the basis of all their academic work and at the same time is, as they say on the surface. Maybe that's why it sometimes does not stay view many teachers - followers.

Mutual respect - a prerequisite relationship credibility, not only in the "teacher - student". And childish personal prestige among peers is also built on this basis. The foundation of true companionship is the mutual importance of people. The credibility of one, based on a non-authoritative for others - almost one hundred percent guarantee of common group failure, the typical reason why the group is not able to solve the challenges it faces. Particularly pronounced this law when it comes to relationships in the educational team.

Pedagogical authority depends on the general culture of the teacher's behavior (self-control speech, facial expressions and body language, neatness in dress and so n.).

Ethnicity and culture teacher behavior is heavily influenced by the conquest of teacher authority. The best teachers in the classroom come in a nice suit, always take care of themselves, always tight and organized. Personal example, they bring the same quality and the pupils. All this strengthens the authority of the teacher.

Students appreciate modesty, simplicity and naturalness in the appearance and behavior of their teachers. Characteristic in this respect a place of meeting with the director of the school experienced young teachers "I was sometimes treated young teachers with the question, whether the teacher is allowed lipstick, nail varnish, etc.? I'm usually in such cases, the question of the companion answer the question:

- Allow you to come to his student occupation with painted nails, paint on her lips?

- Not allowed - responsible teacher.

- In this case show an example to his disciples, and do not paint - I say the teacher ... "[27.20].

Not only in junior high, but in high school, students are particularly demanding such as their teachers, as modesty and neatness in the suit.

"Her dress and hairstyle - a student writes about a favorite teacher - were always simple and beautiful. She dressed with taste: dress in the classroom it was dark. There was evidence of its accuracy. It was all good: appearance, voice, gait, and we like it. "

Pupils like accuracy in costume, smartness and culture in behavior. Their watchful eye nothing escapes. Negligence suit (torn button, nepochischennaya shoes, etc.), not combed hair teacher reduce his authority. In the case where the teacher is not watching him, violated discipline in the classroom, with the arrival in his class heard unflattering, whispering, laughing [27, 24].

The best teachers in this respect show to ourselves stringent requirements. It goes without saying that the appearance and culture of behavior, only a factor in determining the authority of the teacher, they are peculiar to him, along with his other good qualities as a teacher and educator.

As a rule, a good teacher is always smart, tidy, demanding their own behavior and the behavior of others. In a place so students have favorite teachers do not notice and do not want to notice some of the external defects. Conversely, bad teachers who do not benefit from them authority, they get a load of all the details.

To win the students authority can only truthful, hardworking, dedicated teacher. Teaching practice shows that students are indifferent to life teacher. If the teacher allows domestic immoral act, it becomes known to students, and then even with all the positive qualities of his authority as a teacher collapses. The only way - to go to another school, change their behavior and again, step by step, to gain credibility. Reviews of students who have compromised themselves in the home are a teacher, reserved and concise. Here's an example: "She was not behaving as it should be a girl, but also a teacher."

Great importance for the teacher is his ability to keep himself in the classroom. Not only calm, restraint, tact, and known discipline in the classroom teacher are positive his qualities. Inappropriate body language, excessive gestures, walking, class teacher during the lesson does not like to explain to schoolchildren. This dispels their attention, they are worse perceive and assimilate explains the material.

One of the positive qualities of good teachers is the possession of the correct and expressive speech. If we consider that the students, especially in lower grades, teachers imitate speech, it becomes clear why the work of teachers over their speech becomes so important.

The best teachers in the classroom nemnogorechivy not allow conversations not related to the case. The strength of the teachers is also of great importance. The significance of expression of speech in teaching AS Makarenko said the teacher - he will become a master only when we learn to say "come here" with fifteen - twenty shades.

Lack of overall development of the teacher, his voice low culture undermines the authority of the teacher-educator, and reduces the quality of teaching and education.

Pedagogical optimism - a necessary quality of a good teacher. Sensitive and responsive to children combined in such a demanding teacher, who does not accept the nature of fault-finding, and pedagogically justified, that is conducted in the interests of the child. In warm, responsive attitude towards them children pay the same warmth and affection.

The teacher must be persistent until the end demanding. Nasoril - take away, offended - sorry, did not learn the lesson - stay after school and learn a lesson. Not to persuade, but absolutely require.

Demanding teacher manifested in everything - homework in assessing knowledge of pupils, in compliance with the rules of behavior in the classroom and outside of class.

School teacher twenty-eighth Smolensk school Yakovlev AI to the students demanding not only in the performance of teaching duties, but also in compliance with the rules of conduct on the street and in public places. Of its supervisory gaze nor escapes no chopping block action students. The teacher keeps a systematic relationship with the parents. The discipline of students in the classroom lovely, knowing their strong and deep class friendly. Pupils are trained to follow the rules of behavior in class and change, as well as outside of school [27, 42]. Teacher requirements are well satisfied, if it is supported apprenticeship team. In that case, if the teacher is not quite demanding, students are poorly prepared assignments, hoping for leniency "good" teachers are non-executive, are poorly digested by the program.

Such a teacher, the students do not get the deep and enduring knowledge, and this brings them great harm. A good teacher is demanding and at the same fair.

One can not deal with the question of "favorite" and "least favorite" students. There is a view that the presence of the teacher's "pets" in the class reduces its authority, ostensibly to favorite student teacher is condescending, does not impose strict requirements. Teacher can not be denied pave have favorite students, "And if you like - no goodbye, demand more." No wonder Alexander Makarenko wrote that respect for the individual pupil and demanding of him are some of the basic principles in the work of a teacher and educator. The whole point should be to the teacher in the worst student could find positive traits and, based on them, managed to fall in love with it and re. And this is possible only if the teacher is good to know their students, to know the positive and negative traits of each, for them to show sensitivity, compassion, and justice demands.

Let us now consider in more detail the professional component of teacher authority. It includes such features as professional knowledge, pedagogical tact, style, interaction between teacher and student, teacher, etc.

First, the authoritative teacher knows his subject. He must well trained in each subject. Students like teachers who not only know their subject, but also know how to present it well, explain.

The ability of teachers in the classroom and extracurricular activities to see everything, know everything, and a barely visible sign of each student or class as a whole to judge the mood of the students, of understanding or not understanding the explanation of the teacher, of their readiness for the lesson, the perfect this or that students acts as a professional - the psychological quality of a good teacher.

Teacher - a master of his craft has learned observation and understanding the emotional experiences of his students - knowledge of psychology.

In the education of teachers of culture observations are of great importance and knowledge of general psychology, pedagogics, and private practices. These sciences help to understand the laws governing the process of training and education, and to do it in an organized and focused.

Knowledge in the field of science will help the teacher to properly evaluate every action of his students and science-based methods to study each child and children's group as a whole.

In creative teaching activities are no two cases are exactly alike, requiring the same measures teacher impact. The same measure with respect to one student has a positive effect, in relation to the other - no, but in relation to the third does not give any effect. The best teachers know the individual characteristics of each student, understand the psychology of the child, find their way to the heart of the pupils and this sees the joy of creative pedagogical work.

Professional - psychological qualities the teacher brought up by systematic work on myself and borrowing the best practices of other teachers, as character traits of good teachers and educators formed in teaching staff.

Teaching profession requires teachers to continuously improve their knowledge and practical skills. Versatility of interests and knowledge of teachers is a prerequisite for its successful school and community service. Bad if the knowledge and general development of teachers do not go beyond narrow subject field. And even worse, if it fit in the scope of knowledge of the textbook. This teacher does not enjoy a reputation among students and he does not get the moral satisfaction from his work.

At a resolution of educational or training issues the teacher can not use recipes, stereotyped and mechanically apply the experience of other teachers. Manifestation of creativity in solving the teacher educational issues and is pedagogical tact. Teaching time is not possible without knowledge of their subject teacher and teaching science, especially developmental and educational psychology.

Pedagogical tact purely professional-quality teachers.

Pedagogical tact have professional, psychological and pedagogical features of the teacher's behavior in relationships with students, appropriate goals and objectives of education and is manifested in a creative, educationally justifiable ingenuity, resourcefulness, initiative, in the deliberation of action, self-control, restraint, in a sensitive and demanding respect for children [27, 127].

Pedagogical tact - is the ability to find in each case the most correct pedagogical device. Equally it relates to teaching and educational work. In a lesson teaching time is largely a consequence of a deep knowledge of their subject teacher and ownership methodology, knowledge age and individual characteristics of students. In the same paper, educational pedagogical tact - the result of knowledge of the underlying pedagogy, general and child psychology. This is the ability to keep teachers with their children, the ability to understand each case state the student, his motivations, interests, and find the most effective measure of education.

Pedagogical tact - a measure of the appropriateness and usefulness of the pedagogical actions teacher, his words, means, and general treatment of students. Everything that goes beyond the teaching of expediency, that the actions and actions against the teacher educational objectives, is a violation of pedagogical tact. Pedagogical tact allows teachers to creatively resolve issues of training and education to the particular situation, age and individual characteristics of students.

Teacher, do not show the relationship with the students of pedagogical tact, can not command respect. Teacher MP a school in Smolensk knows his business and has extensive teaching experience in the school, taking part in community work, loves his job, but no different observation and knowledge of child psychology. In his fourth grade she calls all the students by name, and a girl's name. Children, of course, pay attention to this at home resented their teacher. They are sensitive to all sorts of seemingly "little things" and this affects their attitude towards the teacher. Rigor, responsiveness, fairness and integrity in respect of teachers to students is - and then made it equally to all, and his powers of observation and "pedagogical flair" captures all changes in the behavior of the class, teaching takes time. In the pedagogical cycle intertwined best quality teachers.

Sign pedagogical tact teachers are educationally justifiable creative ingenuity, resourcefulness teacher, teacher initiative, allowing the process of working with children creatively solve educational and training issues. Fast decision making and its implementation is a necessary feature of pedagogical tact only when it is necessitated by specific conditions. Suppose a student in the classroom violated the rules of conduct. To restore order in the classroom, you should immediately choose the appropriate measure pedagogical influence. To help the teacher in this case comes his pedagogical tact, educational resource.

Teaching time is a necessary condition for the conquest of the authority of the teacher students - this foundation of educational influence. Authoritative teachers generally have pedagogical tact (sensitive, responsive, demanding children creatively solve pedagogical issues, proactive, resourceful, intelligent, have self-control and patience in the relationship with students does not allow rudeness and do not apply antipedagogicheskih interventions have skills habits and cultural behavior, an excellent knowledge of their subjects and teaching methods have a high moral character).

The authority of the teacher-tutor is also dependent on the style of interaction emerged from the teacher with the students.

So, characterizes a democratic style of pedagogical interaction, we can emphasize that it is most appropriate in the implementation of the educational process.

Teacher, showing equally high level of rigor and respect for students, uses real authority over the children, they trust him, to listen to him, often to seek help, advice. Discipline in his classes, usually conscious. If the teacher is guided by democratic principles, for its class will be marked "major" psychological climate, high levels of group cohesion.

Mimicry democratic teacher restrained, firm, but no signs of violence: his face calm, express volitional aspects of his character. Pose, as a rule, open and emphasizes self-esteem, it does not allow extra, random motions, not bound, in all his behavior speaks of balance and endurance. Democratic teacher will not yell at the kids, trying to be smooth in dealing with students, refers to them by name, do not select "pets". In organizing activities, he often uses the expressions characterizing the request reasonable and logical demand.

An authoritarian style of pedagogical interaction is more characteristic of demanding and less respect for the students. Authoritarian teacher can achieve blind obedience by diktat, pressure, psychological pressure. It is important to pay special attention to the fact that students are afraid of the teacher, trying to fulfill all its requirements only to have no trouble. Children outwardly fawn before him. Authoritarian teacher in most cases, are not trusted. He often uses an imaginary authority.

Psychological climate in the classroom, which is run by an authoritarian teacher, pseudo-intelligent. For its preponderance of facial frowning, stinging eyes, often in their expressions of discontent can be read, snobbery or exaggerated self-importance. His gestures feel overbearing intolerance of the opponents. Authoritative teacher can yell at children, can roughly break the wrong answer student. Organizes activities by fiat tone, often using with categorical statements. He is a frequent chant about.

For the liberal style of pedagogical interaction is more characteristic of respectful and less demanding attitude to students. Authority among the children of such a teacher does not use, because students feel his psychological weakness, it is not consistent in its actions, scattered, often their demands are not pursued to its logical conclusion. Respect for children provides them with the impression frivolous, good-natured man, is generally good, but that does not necessarily obey. Discipline in the classroom a teacher is bad, noisy in class, the children do not listen to explanations. Liberal style also has negative consequences. Often students complain and protest against this style of classroom management, because ultimately imaginary freedom, debilitating effect on the children themselves. Mimicry liberal educators often express kindness, but at the same time some nervousness. His posture indicates indecision, self-doubt.

Antipedagogichesky style of interaction with the students in the practice of the teachers are not allowed. This style is characterized by low demanding and disrespectful child. A teacher who receives nepedagogichno, creates confusion and uncertainty in the assessment of students' own behavior, destroys moral values and educational interests, generates personal alienation. Such a teacher is socially dangerous [32, 67].

We have considered the personal and professional components of teacher authority. It should be noted that all considered as an educator personal component (love of children, to the profession, respect for the credibility of the student, the general culture of behavior, optimism, rigor, rigor, fairness, patience, etc.) and professional component (professional knowledge pedagogical tact, interaction styles, etc.) are closely related.

Also it should be noted that these qualities in different ways meaningful to students of all ages. The authority of the teacher in front of students, usually has different determinants depending on the age characteristics of the individual.

In the early school age students recognize the authority of the teacher, as a rule, in the first instance by the authority for these positions itself role of the teacher. It is well known that the most powerful impression on children produces a primary school teacher. The reason is, in our view, the following factors. Teacher of primary school pupils in the view - the perfect man, he represents the school administration, the school order. The formation of the authority of the teachers also affect parents talk to their children about school. Children learn from childhood, that teachers need to listen, because they are told it is the closest people - the parents. Elementary school students pay more attention to kindness, compassion, courtesy teacher, his suit, the softness in dealing with them and not demanding of instructional techniques and knowledge of teachers. Thus, here we can talk more about the authority role than the authority of the individual. In most cases, especially in the first class, the teacher recognizes the right to make important decisions in a situation relevant to the class as a whole in terms of training and outside training activities.

In adolescence, the picture is fundamentally different: at this stage it is not enough only authority role. While the teacher is generally recognized right to make responsible decisions in situations that are relevant to the class as a whole, and in a learning activity. In a situation of personal interest teenagers and particularly in learning activities outside of this trust is advanced teacher to a lesser extent than is the case in the early school years. Such a constraint on the authoritative influence, recognition of the authority only in one or more areas defined as the specification of authority. Psychological studies (Con IS, NV Kuzmina and others) have shown that teenagers are more differentiated than younger students coming to an evaluation of the teacher and their relationship with him. If in this case the teacher recognizes the right to make responsible decisions in situations of personal interest teens and even more so in conditions outside the educational activity, there is every reason to regard this as a true authority of the teacher.

In the senior school age, most often seen in the further strengthening of personal selectivity by reducing the orientation mainly in the role. Some teachers are respected, and some do not, some because they are teachers, and by the authority and credibility if not their identity.

Students of middle and older ages evaluate their teachers in terms of the features of their character (honesty, rigor, sensitivity, responsiveness to students, honesty, etc.), knowledge of their subject, teaching skills, and social activism. Authority in these classes are a teacher who equips students a deep and abiding knowledge.

Thus, it is clear that the authority of the teacher in front of students is closely linked to the personal and professional qualities of a teacher. And various qualities are perceived differently by children of different ages.

These components - a necessary ingredient of the authority of the teacher. But in order to have the desired result of the sum is not enough to simply mechanical addition. For this, they should be dealt with individual creativity teacher. Every teacher must himself in practice to pick up your own key to the hearts of his students and is using them to decide for themselves the mystery of authority.

1.3 Pedagogical conditions of formation of true the authority of the teacher-educator

The formation of the authority of the teacher is characterized by a length of time. This is a long process that has its own logic. We consider this process.

The first stage - the choice of a profession of "teacher." All trades on the subject of work can be divided into five types. This classification was developed E.A.Klimovym.

The most common are the profession, where the subject of labor appears technique. It consists of all professions related to servicing equipment, its repair, control: mechanic-repairman, fixer processing equipment, the driver, technician, turner, engineer, physicist, and etc

The next type of profession, "man - nature." Of course, any object in the world, and even the man himself, belongs to nature. When we link human activities with nature, meaning wildlife and above all plant and animal organisms, microorganisms. Here are a few professions, microbiologist, farmers, veterinary assistant, Florist, forester, etc.

Often the object of human labor are various signs: oral or written language, numbers, chemical and physical characters, notes, charts, graphs, pictures, etc. such professions conventionally attributed to the type of "man - a sign system." This, for example, a proofreader, an economist, a draftsman, surveyor, etc.

Very much like the profession, work which is associated with visual, musical, literary, artistic and acting. This profession "man - artistic image": designer - designer clothes, vitrazhist, photographer - artist, musician, journalist, etc.

The last type of profession - "a man is a man." The work of people in these professions is directed to education and training, information, domestic, commercial, health care people. It is associated with the management of people or leadership teams. In these kinds of activities in the labor people interact. This type of occupations include, for example, guide, dealer, teacher, etc.

In order to learn a profession and then successfully work, a person must have specific qualities that meet the requirements that makes this profession for the individual worker. Therefore it is very important when choosing a profession, to know the requirements. The teaching profession is a type of "person to person". Formulate the requirements for this type of profession. The main content of the work in them is reduced to the interaction between people. If you is not got this interaction, then do not go well and work. Therefore is essential ability to establish and maintain contact with the people, the ability to understand people, to understand their features. Here is a list of personal qualities that are very important in the work of the teacher: the stable, the good mood during the work with children, the need for communication, the ability to mentally put yourself in the other person to quickly understand the intentions, thoughts, feelings of children, the ability to understand human relationships and good memory to keep in mind the knowledge of the personal qualities of a large number of people, the ability to get along with different people, patience.

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