• Особенность рассмотрения основной проблемы взаимоотношения организации и среды в науке. Определение стратегии для организации на сновании проведенного анализа внутренней и внешней среды организации. Проведение исследования метода SWOT и PEST-анализа.

    курсовая работа (35,5 K)
  • На основі Стратегій розвитку західноукраїнських областей на період до 2020 р. визначення основних груп факторів, які аналізуються при дослідженні макросередовища прикордонного регіону: політико-правових, економічних, соціально-культурни та технологічних.

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  • Дослідження проблеми організації надання паліативної та хоспісної допомоги в державі. Оцінка недоліків механізмів державного управління цією системою. Реалізація інкурабельними пацієнтами конституційно гарантованого їм права на медичну допомогу.

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  • Основы анализа внешней среды фирмы. Политико-правовые факторы, влияющие на фирму. Результативное ведение бизнеса. Причинно-следственные связи экономических явлений и процессов, возникающие в сфере экономической деятельности хозяйствующих субъектов.

    курсовая работа (130,2 K)
  • Определение конкурентного давления по Портеру. Построение карты стратегических групп. Изучение конкурентного давления со стороны потребителей и поставщиков. Обеспечение благоприятных условий для развития субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства.

    контрольная работа (54,1 K)
  • Peter Seamus O'Toole - British actor of the Irish origin. Had most nominations on "Oscar" for actor's work, but without single victory. His struggle with alcoholism and stomach disease. Return to the big movie. Filmography of this outstanding actor.

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  • Основные этапы развития систем управления личными финансами, внедрение компьютерных технологий во все сферы деятельности человека. Внедрение такого продукта как PFM-сервис. Функциональность и практичность использования двадцати двух PFM-сервисов.

    статья (17,2 K)
  • Study of swelling kinetics as compared to solvents of various nature (water in various pH, ethanol, toluene) was carried out. IR comparative spectra were obtained for different composites. High anti-bacterial action of the synthesized nanocomposites.

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  • Вопрос о возможности применения pH-метрии пищевода в диагностике больных с рефлюкс-эзофагитом, осложнённым гастрокардиальным синдромом. pH-метрия пищевода как информативный метод в диагностике, оценке эффективности проведения консервативного лечения.

    статья (12,5 K)
  • To evaluate the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of YH1885, a novel proton pump inhibitor, a single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-rising, parallel-group study was conducted in forty six healthy volunteers. Dose study.

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  • The synergetic model of boundary friction - the system of equations for the stress, strain and temperature, describing the nontrivial behavior of the ultra thin lubricant film. The influence of shear modulus deformation defect on hysteresis phenomena.

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  • The concept of "interpretation of the quality of life" as a sociological category. Analysis of the problem of psychological health. Mental health and quality of life as a degree of development of psychological health, as a sociocultural phenomenon.

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  • Orthodox singing - an autonomous melodic and stylistic system, acting as a unity of liturgical everyday and authorial musical language installations. Canon as one of the leading cultural universals and key concepts in the Orthodox singing tradition.

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  • The structural-dynamic model of tolerance in interpersonal intercourse, its main levels and stages. Ideas of tolerance and tolerant thinking in interpersonal intercourse, mechanism of its formation and development in the psychotherapeutic relations.

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  • Consideration of the history of Olbia and the western Black Sea in the years of the late Roman Republic and early Principate. Analysis of the role of philosophy (including politics and medicine) in Greek and Roman conceptions about Olbia and its region.

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  • Familiarization with the humanistic view of nature and mutual analysis of social development as one of the important ecological bases for solving the modern ecological crisis. Studying the importance of preserving and increasing natural resources.

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  • Analysis of the philosophical and psychological contexts of social expectations of the individual. General scientific provisions, properties, patterns of formation, development and functioning of social expectations as a process. Mapping social reality.

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  • The analyzing of an aesthetic essence of an icon and its philosophical and theological understanding. An aesthetic act of an artistic perception of an icon is analyzed from the viewpoint of a modern vision, and, in particular, avant-garde positions.

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  • Consideration of philosophical anthropology as a special epistemological landscape. Analysis of biopolitics in the context of modern global challenges, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic, which gives reasons to update the direction of microbiopolitics.

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  • The problem of essence of human being in the history of philosophy. Continuity of views on the nature of human being. The image of human in the Ancient, Christian, New Age and modern philosophies. Differentiation of social and biological in human being.

    презентация (745,4 K)
  • Presents a summarizing view of dominant philosophical theories that have in the past dealt with the issue of "thing" with the focus on the intersections between philosophical and legal discourse. Analysis of the normative definition of a thing (rem).

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  • Exploration of translations of philosophical works from Polish to Ukrainian. Preservation of the authenticity of ancestral literary sources. Structural analysis of the motivation of Polish influences on Ukrainian state policy, culture and social life.

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  • The search for new philosophical and methodological problems of the analysis of consciousness by neuroscience methods is described. Thus, the methodologically necessary reduction of the analysis of human consciousness is presented as ontological.

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  • The hypothesis that there are significant differences in philosophical intuitions among representatives of different demographic groups. Verification of its provisions empirically in experimental philosophy. The main consequences of the observed trend.

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  • Аnalysis of the concepts of philosophical practice, united by their common application and the convergence of the analytical, conceptual and discursive. The connection between the philosophical content and the applied aspect of philosophical practice.

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  • The philosophical principle of the local in the context of modern political governance. The specifics of the formation of a special mode of being, which forms and reproduces relations of loyalty, mutual understanding, and a common feeling in the locus.

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  • The manifestation of gender-philosophical ideas interaction: feminism in the framework of objectivism. The development of the gender discourse, in particular the discourse of feminism as researched from the retrospective angle. Discourse of feminism.

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  • Relationships between women and men have always been the subject of attention of philosophers, historians, theologians, sociologists, culturologists, public figures. New worldview systems and the emergence of gender theory are becoming widespread.

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  • The cult of godparenthood in the light of Serbian folklore. The retrospective of the role and significance of the institution of godparenthood throughout the history. Semantics of cult role of the godfather in the domain of the Slavic divine pantheon.

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  • Analysis of problem approach to understanding a human being. Possibility of a procedural understanding of the objectness of philosophical knowledge. Metaphysics, as an object of criticism of the Russian positivists. System of non-metaphysical all-unity.

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