• Find the ratio of root-mean-square deviations of pixel distortions and rotations in the learning process to avoid classification errors. Simulation, training and testing of a two-layer perceptron with 250 neurons in its hidden layer for training traingda.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Plagiarism - a globally widespread phenomenon, that are associated with research and development, or in the arts. Antiplagiators systems - a psychological effect, creating a specific mechanism of supervision, the final work is inspected and evaluated.

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  • Planar and spatial design diagrams and motion equations of the vehicle in the course of straight-line motion. the elastic and dissipative characteristics of elastic constraints, longitudinal slope and road profile, changes of design characteristics.

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  • Allocation and Sizing of Distribution Transformers and Feeders. Planning of Distribution Networks under Load Growth. Optimization Methods for Power System Problems. List of Tables, Principle Symbols and Acronyms. Statement of Original Authorship.

    реферат (926,7 K)
  • Excel program and its help in working with medical data. Adapting to the needs of a medical trainee creating and using a clinical trial database. Beginning of the medical examination. Create your draft of a spreadsheet in Excel. Freezing Window Panes.

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  • The importance of public procurement planning, expressed by the legal possibility of solving the tasks set within the established time frame by concentrating resources in priority areas. Legal regulation and financial support for procurement planning.

    статья (144,5 K)
  • A leaf cell consists of metabolic compartments. The use of energy from sunlight by photosynthesis is the basis of life. Photosynthesis is an electron transport process. ATP is generated by photosynthesis. Mitochondria are the power station of the cell.

    учебное пособие (14,0 M)
  • Feature research of paracrine secretion of РВМС cells in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) under the action of isolated from the blood plasma of healthy donors exosomes in vitro. The high novelty of research in this area, relevant the investigate.

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  • Recycling as a solid waste management method is part of integrated solid waste management - a combination of strategies used for waste management. Factors affecting the amount of plastics entering the municipal solid waste stream, their treatment.

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  • Технические характеристики шлема виртуальной реальности Play Station VR - скачок в развитии визуализации современных игр и технологии виртуальной реальности. Проблемы физического состояния пользователя, головокружение и тошнота из-за конфликта восприятия.

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  • Analysis of developmental-game complex for introduction into the educational process of elementary school of games-manipulations. Activation of modal-specific and motivational resources of the cognitive process by attracting motor and emotional memory.

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  • The results of the free association experiment with the stimulus word "playfulness". Revealing common and specific features of respondents representing different "profession types". The impact of professional activity on the understanding of playfulness.

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  • Отличительные особенности таймеров. Предустановка и программирование счетчика. Построение импульсной диаграммы для отсчёта бита. Моделирование генератора включения и выключения прямоугольных импульсов с заданными величинами работы мультивибратора.

    лекция (224,1 K)
  • Characteristics of the book consisting of research papers, each analyzing how Perestroika and the consequent dissolution of Soviet Union is described in school and university textbooks of Russia. The study of Belarus official memory of Perestroika.

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  • Рассмотрение и характеристика особенностей Fidelio Suite 8, как единой базы данных под управлением одной из самых надёжных в мире систем управления базами данных Oracle. Ознакомление с главными методами гибкой интеграции с основными системами отеля.

    презентация (8,1 M)
  • Логики с PN-операторами как логический базис для систем интеллектуального анализа данных, основанных на когнитивных рассуждениях, использующих немонотонные модификационные исчисления. Анализ основных альтернатив многозначным логикам с J-операторами.

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  • The content of PNA+ receptors on the plasma membrane of intraepithelial lymphocytes and stromal lymphocytes of major salivary glands in newborn animals after intrauterine antigen action. A lower content of SBA+ lymphocytes in the experimental group.

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  • Developing the extremely dangerous and a serious infectious illness in young children. The conditions of treatment in hospital in case of pneumonia. The functional diagnostics of disease in infants. The treatment of bacterial and viral pneumonia.

    презентация (1,8 M)
  • Advantages of using podcast technology in the process of teaching a foreign language. Podcasting as a productive pedagogical tool for teaching listening and speaking. Creative approach to learning English and teaching English from teachers and students.

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  • Socio-economic processes in the agriculture of Vinnytsia that accompanied the restoration of the Soviet regime after the liberation of the region from the German-Romanian occupiers. The policy of state procurement, forced resettlement of the population.

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  • Presentation of the ways of forming a multicultural noble community on the territory of Podillya, which was the easternmost province of the Kingdom of Poland. The probable places of the gentry arriving in the XV century on the territory of Podolia.

    статья (39,9 K)
  • The analysis of Myaskovsky's chamber-vocal works according to poems of symbolist poets of the XIX-XX centuries. The romance genre in the context of the culture of the Silver Age. Stylistics Myaskovsky in romances according to the poems of different poets.

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  • Consideration of the features of poetics of modeled realism in the plays of Ukrainian playwrights. A kind of mosaic in the analyzed dramas, consisting of elements of realism, existentialism and theater of the absurd. Dynamic and expressive storylines.

    статья (20,0 K)
  • Proposes that Velychkovs’kyi carefully selects quotations from the Psalms and the Greek Testament to reverse a pedagogical prejudice and to promote poetic games as tool for teaching the Ukrainian vernacular. Collection of poetic things by Velichkovskyi.

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  • Attitude concerning the human rights case-law domestic impact of the international judgments. The publications informing about the specificity of the protection of human rights as way of necessary dissemination of information concerning the ECHR system.

    статья (33,3 K)
  • Concept of energy security. Direction of Poland's energy transformation, diagnosis of threats and challenges. Production and forecast of electricity production in country up to 2040. Reduction of emissions, nuclear power plant, renewable energy sources.

    статья (206,9 K)
  • Assessment of the extent of Poland's influence in the EU's Eastern policy since the beginning of the 21st century. The prevention of new barriers on the Eastern border. Relations with Ukraine and partners with which it collaborates in many areas.

    статья (405,6 K)
  • A comparative analysis of the Polesie and Russian components in the field of youth communication, characteristic for inhabitants of the Polesie in the mid-twentieth century. Characteristics typical for the girls from old believes’r environment.

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  • Highlighting the stages of the creation and development of police aviation, revealing the main concepts and terms, determining the direction of its further development. The role of police aviation in the effective detection and investigation of crimes.

    статья (22,3 K)
  • Important benefits from the use of many energy resources. Mix of energy resources used to support worldwide economic activity. Promote the more efficient use of energy and other resources. Estimates of future energy efficiency investment magnitudes.

    статья (262,8 K)