Student’s self-government as an environment for the formation of sociocultural activity of youth: historical discourse

Research of student self-government as one of the newest directions of social development of young people. Creating conditions for self-realization of students ' personalities and the formation of organizational skills and leadership qualities in them.

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Дата добавления 01.02.2022
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Student's self-government as an environment for the formation of sociocultural activity of youth: historical discourse

Alla Zlenko,

Ph.D. in Historical sciences, Associate professor of Department of scientific discipline of documentation

«Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda StatePedagogical University»

Olena Isaikina,

Ph.D. in Historical sciences, Associate professor of Department of scientific discipline of documentation «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda StatePedagogical University»


The concept of «self-government» is defined as a social institution that ensures the integrity of the social organism, the expression of interests and will of different communities, the participation of all segments of the population in the exercise of power, management decisions and their implementation. Selfgovernment is based on the same principles as democracy: the priority of the majority, formal equality, free expression of interests, generally accepted rights and responsibilities, a combination of elements of representation and direct expression of will. Student self-government as one of the most effective areas of social formation ofyouth in our country dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century. XX century. In the socio-political conditions of the country s development of this period, student autonomous cooperatives became the basis of modern student organizations. The peculiarity of these associations was the organization of cultural and educational activities, as well as the active struggle for democracy and autonomy of the university, protection of the rights and interests of students.

The historical origin of the modern model of student selfgovernment can be traced back to the last years of the Soviet Union, the development of the youth resistance movement and the politicization of the student environment. The ability to self-organize and the determination of young people show that the birth of a new generation in Ukraine has accumulated the necessary resources for another path of national development.

Student self-government in the Free Economic Zone is a specialform of independent social activity ofstudents and graduate students to implement the functions of managing the life of the student body in accordance with the purpose and tasks facing it. The purpose of student self-government is to create conditions for self-realization of students and the formation of their organizational skills, leadership qualities, responsibility for the results of their work and more. The activities of student self-government bodies are aimed at improving the educational process, improving its quality, ensuring the education of spirituality and culture of students, the growth of social activity in student youth.

The use of all opportunities of student self-government in accordance with current legislation will allow: to establish effective cooperation between the administration of the Free Economic Zone and students on a wide range of issues; create additional conditions for increasing the quality of training in the system of vocational education in Ukraine; to ensure further integration of the national educational system into the European and world educational space.

Thus, given the above, it can be argued that the success of our country s further integration into the European and world educational and scientific space largely depends on the extent to which the need for an effective system of student self-government in Ukraine will be realized.

Keywords: history of self-government development, student self-government, institutions of higher education, socialization, communication, world educational space.


Алла Зленко,

кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри документознавства

«Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди»


Понятие «самоуправление» определяется как социальный институт, обеспечивающий целостность общественного организма, выявления интересов и воли различных сообществ, участие всех слоев населения в осуществлении власти, принятии управленческих решений и их реализации. Самоуправление базируется на тех же принципах, что и демократия: приоритет большинства, формальное равенство, свободное выражение интересов, общепринятые права и обязанности, сочетание элементов представительства и прямого волеизъявления.

Студенческое самоуправление как один из самых действенных направлений социального становления молодежи на территории нашего государства берет начало со второй половины XIX нач.ХХ в. В социально-политических условиях развития страны этого периода студенческие автономные кооперации стали основой современных студенческих организаций.Особенностью этих объединений была организация культурно-образовательной деятельности, а также активная борьба за демократию и автономию университета, защита прав и интересов студентов.

Историческое происхождение современной модели студенческого самоуправления можно проследить с последних лет Советского Союза, развития молодежного движения сопротивления и политизации студенческой среды.Способность к самоорганизации и решимость молодых людей свидетельствуют о том, что рождение в Украине нового поколения аккумулировало необходимые ресурсы для иного пути национального развития.

Студенческое самоуправление в учреждениях высшего образования - это особая форма самостоятельной общественной деятельности студентов и аспирантов по реализации функций управления жизнью студенческого коллектива в соответствии с целью и задачами, стоящими перед ним. Целью студенческого самоуправления является создание условий для самореализации личности студентов и формирования у них организаторских навыков, лидерских качеств, ответственности за результат своего труда и т.д. Деятельность органов студенческого самоуправления

направлена на совершенствование учебного процесса, повышение его качества, обеспечение воспитания духовности и культуры студентов, рост у студенческой молодежи социальной активности.

Использование всех возможностей студенческого самоуправления в соответствии с действующим законодательством позволит: наладить эффективное сотрудничество между администрацией учреждения высшего образования и студентами по широкому спектру вопросов; создать дополнительные условия для роста качества подготовки специалистов в системе профессионального образования в Украине; обеспечит дальнейшую интеграцию национальной образовательной системы в европейское и мировое образовательное пространство.

Таким образом, учитывая вышесказанное, можно утверждать, что от того, насколько будет осознана необходимость в эффективной системе студенческого самоуправления в Украине, во многом зависит успешность дальнейшей интеграции нашего государства в европейское и мировое научно-образовательное пространство.

Ключевые слова: история развития самоуправления; студенческое самоуправление, высшие учебные заведения, социализация, коммуникация, мировое образовательное пространство.


Олена Ісайкіна, кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри документознавства «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди»

АНОТАЦІЯ student self government social youth

Поняття «самоврядування» визначається як соціальний інститут, що забезпечує цілісність суспільного організму, виявлення інтересів і волі різних спільнот, участь усіх верств населення у здійсненні влади, прийнятті управлінських рішень і їхньої реалізації. Самоврядування базується на тих самих принципах, що й демократія: пріоритет більшості, формальна рівність, вільне виявлення інтересів, загальноприйняті права й обов 'язки, поєднання елементів представництва та прямого волевиявлення. Студентське самоврядування як один з найдієвіших напрямків соціального становлення молоді на території нашої держави бере початок з другої половини ХІХ - поч.ХХ ст.В соціально-політичних умовах розвитку країни цього періоду студентські автономні кооперації стали основою сучасних студентських організацій.Особливістю цих об 'єднань була організація культурно-освітньої діяльності, а також активна боротьба за демократію та автономію університету, захист прав та інтересів студентів.

Історичне походження сучасної моделі студентського самоврядування можна простежити з останніх років Радянського Союзу, розвитку молодіжного руху опору та політизації студентського середовища.Здатність до самоорганізації та рішучість молодих людей свідчать про те, що народження в Україні нового покоління акумулювало необхідні ресурси для іншого шляху національного розвитку.

Студентське самоврядування у ЗВО - це особлива форма самостійної суспільної діяльності студентів і аспірантів з реалізації функцій управління життям студентського колективу у відповідності з метою і задачами, що стоять перед ним.Метою студентського самоврядування є створення умов для самореалізації особистості студентів і формування в них організаторських навичок, лідерських якостей, відповідальності за результат своєї праці тощо.Діяльність органів студентського самоврядування спрямована на удосконалення навчального процесу, підвищення його якості, забезпечення виховання духовності та культури студентів, зростання у студентської молоді соціальної активності.

Використання всіх можливостей студентського самоврядування згідно з чинним законодавством дозволить: налагодити ефективну співпрацю між адміністрацією ЗВО і студентами з широкого спектру питань; створити додаткові умови для зростання якості підготовки фахівців у системі професійної освіти в Україні; забезпечити подальшу інтеграцію національної освітньої системи до європейського та світового освітнього простору.

Таким чином, з огляду на вищевказане, можна стверджувати, що від того, наскільки буде усвідомлена необхідність в ефективній системі студентського самоврядування в Україні, значною мірою залежить успішність подальшої інтеграції нашої держави до європейського та світового освітньо-наукового простору.

Ключові слова: історія розвитку самоврядування, студентське самоврядування, заклади вищої освіти, соціалізація, комунікація, світовий освітній простір.

Formulation of the problem

The urgency of the topic is due to the growing influence of political and cultural factors on the social activity of students, as well as the public demand for new political leaders with a national-state worldview in the course of dynamic political transformations in Ukraine. Today requires not just raising the level of professionalism of graduates, but the fastest transition to training specialists of a qualitatively new type, able to respond effectively and flexibly to changes in social, economic and technological conditions of production. The upbringing of young people should be based on the cultural and historical experience of their people, their traditions, customs, rites, centuries-old wisdom and spirituality. During the student age there are significant changes in the structure of personality, in particular, in self-awareness and moral and value orientations. It is a question of activization in young men and women of social and moral development, formation of a clear system of values, ideals, beliefs, awareness of «I» and ethnicity, the national belonging. Student government in higher education operates to ensure that students fulfill their responsibilities and protect their rights and promotes the harmonious development of the student's personality, forms in him the skills of the future organizer, leader. The activities of student self-government bodies are aimed at improving the educational process aimed at quality education, education of spirituality and culture of students, growth in student youth of social activity and responsibility for the task. The benefits of an effective system of student self-government go beyond the education system, contributing not only to the optimization of the educational process in higher education, but also the socialization of youth, development of communication, management skills, culture of the younger generation.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The study of historical aspects of the problem of social activity of students and the formation and development of primary student groups in the universities of Ukraine during the XIX-XX centuries.devoted to the works of scientists M. Davydyuk (Davydyuk, 2015), K. Tribulkevych (Tribulkevych, 2016), M. Mandryk (Mandryk, 2015) and others. Researchers study the impact of student government on the formation of leadership qualities, humanistic orientation of students, the quality of professional training, the formation of the foundations of management culture of student youth, the formation of value orientations. The problem of socialization of youth on a wide factual array is analyzed in the publications of L. Sheina (Sheina, 2018).

Student organizations and their impact on the democratization of higher education were studied by E. Borodin, T. Tarasenko (Borodin-Tarasenko, 2010), O. Kin (Kin, 2011), T. Finikov (Finikov, 2012). The principles of self-government as a social phenomenon were analyzed in the works of S. Zubchenko (Zubchenko, 2018); problems of student self-government in the dimension of social pedagogy were studied by V. Kurylo, S. Savchenko (Kurylo-Savchenko, 2005).

All these researchers are convinced that student selfgovernment will prepare young people who will respond flexibly to the changing demands of society.

The analysis of modern research allows us to conclude that there is a certain concentration on the institutional and legal basis of student government and some underestimation of its sociocultural nature. Therefore, it is important to study the innovative potential of student organizations as a tool for increasing civic participation, political culture of youth, the formation of youth elite in the context of involving a particularly mobile social group - students - in European integration processes in modern Ukraine.

Research methodology

During the writing of the article the methods of analysis and synthesis, system approach, statistical analysis, generalization and structuring were used.

The purpose of the study - based on the analysis of student government as an environment for the formation of socio-cultural activity of youth, to theoretically substantiate and determine the historical, socio-pedagogical and socio-cultural conditions of student development in the university environment.

The realization of this goal requires the solution of the following tasks: to systematize conceptual approaches to understanding student self-government and to determine the methodological bases of research of features of formation of value orientations of student youth by means of student self-government; to study the history of development and the current state of organizational and innovative support of student government in the context of education of the national elite in the field of higher education; to carry out the applied analysis of instrumental possibilities of student's self-government taking into account change of motivational orientations of modern youth.

Presentation of the main research material

The term «self- government» has a long historical tradition. Since the end of the XIX is used as a reflection in the public consciousness of the tendency to overcome the alienation of society from power. Self-government, on the one hand, is based on the fundamental interests of all social groups and strata of society, on the other hand - it is differentiated, related to the specific interests of different social groups. Thus, self-government is a system of relations and interactions between people and in the process of exercising power (Davydyuk, 2015: 24).

Self-government can be seen as a social institution that ensures the integrity of the social organism, the expression of interests and will of different communities, the participation of all segments of the population in the exercise of power, management decisions and their implementation.

Student self-government as one of the most effective areas of social development of youth in our country dates back to the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century. XX century Having a natural tendency to be active, students became members of social movements and organizations during the 1917 revolution. As a result, in October 1918, at the first All-Russian Congress of Workers `and Peasants' Youth Unions, the Young Communist League of Ukraine (Leninist Communist Youth Union) was formed.

The goals of the union included the propaganda of communist ideas; protection of youth interests; creation of the communist international of youth. Students began to defend their interests at the pedagogical councils of higher educational institutions, to participate in the awarding of scholarships and material benefits; to ensure order during training sessions and during breaks (Tribulkevych, 2016: 140).

Until 1929, in the history of student government there was a certain democratization of student life in Soviet higher education, which by the mid-1950s was replaced by the implementation of student activity in a strictly regulated ideological field.

At the same time, in the post-war period the tendency of total control of public and private life of students weakens. Democratization of public life determines the democratization of higher education institutions; the participation of students in the management of a higher educational institution causes the intensification of student activity in various spheres: educational, scientific, artistic, sports, labor, etc. Although the heads of the higher education institution and the Komsomol organization continued to play a key role, the idea of student self-government was developed and implemented in numerous self-government structures: the student council; housing, cult, medical, sanitary, sports commissions; student scientific society, design bureau; student sports club; student construction teams; circles of different directions; interclubs, etc. (Tribulkevich, 2016: 150).

80s of the twentieth century. characterized by the mass of student self-government, when most students are involved in selfgovernment structures; student governing bodies are endowed with powers identical to the official management structures, which on the one hand gives students the opportunity to manage all spheres of life in higher education, but on the other - duplicates the existing management staff without taking into account the specifics of the youth environment; the declarative nature of student activity is activated, which does not always have a qualitative result (Tribulkevich, 2016: 198).

Among the specific features of the student movement of the late 1989-1991, scholars included the accelerated politicization of students, the struggle for deideologization and demilitarization of the educational process, higher school reform, abolition of the state exam on the history of the CPSU, «Marxism-Leninism» manifested in open opposition Universities, hunger strikes, strikes, boycotts of students of the universities of Lviv, Kyiv and Chernivtsi (Mandryk, 2015: 94).

In the course of the research it was established that a functionally effective system of student self-government bodies was formed in the 1990s. With the collapse of the USSR, the Komsomol lost its ideological value and students were forced to find a new form of association for self-realization and full participation in the life of universities. During the independence of Ukraine, student self-government took a new form. A clear embodiment of this is the All-Ukrainian Student Council - the most significant part of student government, which moves to a new quality level of selfgovernment, increases the level of attention to legislative initiatives in the field of education, science and youth policy. Its purpose is to promote the development of student self-government, to establish cooperation between public authorities and local self-government and to unite students (Trybulkevych, 2016: 223).

The first international legal instrument on self-government was the «Universal Declaration of Human Rights» (adopted and proclaimed by a resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948). Article 23 of this document declares: «Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. The will of the people should be the basis of government power» (Davydyuk, 2015). Currently, student government is based on the Constitution of Ukraine, international regulations and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine» On Higher Education «on Student Self-Government Issues» of 2010 was essential for the development of student self-government. He enshrined the basic provisions of student participation in the organization of university management.

Today, student self-government in higher education is a democratic institution, a form of education of young students, which involves active participation of students in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions on the life of higher education and its individual units, protection of students' rights and interests. professional competencies, inclusion of students in various types of socially significant activities.

Modern education, the system of educational institutions, a single educational institution, cannot develop in an isolated environment, to be isolated from society. Creating conditions for the development of creative activity of people in various spheres of life, ensuring interested, responsible and conscious participation in the management of public affairs is the goal of self-government. This goal stems from the objective and subjective needs of people. Both individuals and entire social groups need to independently manage their activities, seek to realize themselves in it. For a long time in our society this need could not be met. Under an authoritarian regime, participation in government was formal for the majority of the population. Today, due to the democratization of public life, this possibility is becoming real.

The formation of the information society actualizes the social purpose of youth, as the most mobile and creative age group, in building the culture of the post-industrial era. A special role in this falls on the student youth, on the socio-civic values and quality of professional, scientific training which depends not only on the future of their own country, region, world, but also the prospects of global humanity.

Student youth differs from other youth groups by a high level of socio-cultural development. It is characterized by: social cognition, ie knowledge about oneself, about relationships with other people; assimilation of social and cultural values; knowledge of the structure of society and the role of individual social institutions; mastering general and professional knowledge, practical experience, formation of value orientations and attitudes; acquisition of life and spiritual and moral orientations, ethics of behavior; social communications; inclusion in an active, creative environment of professional activity (Davydyuk, 2015).

Participation in student self-government is a successful condition for the socio-cultural development of student youth. One of the conceptual tasks of student government is the maximum use of creative and intellectual potential of each student, selfactualization of the future specialist, the formation of skills of self-organization and self-management of students. The range of their activities extends to the defense of the rights and interests of students, the organization of student leisure, cultural events, health and sports activities, creating favorable conditions for learning and living, involvement in scientific activities and others.

During the activity, members of the student self-government develop their leadership and management qualities, responsibility and independence are formed. Working in a creative team, each student tries to evaluate not only the work of others, but also their own. Therefore, in order to form the qualities necessary for the formation of personality, it is necessary to involve students in the work of student self-government bodies. Thus, student selfgovernment in its activities covers all areas in which the content of the process of socialization and cultural development of the individual (activity, communication and self-awareness) and creates the necessary conditions for the process of socialization of student youth (Yazlovetska, 2011).

Regulation of the process of socialization and social education of student youth takes place during socio-pedagogical activities in universities and the open field of leisure. Implementation is due to the content of socio-pedagogical paradigm - the trinity of social processes of social development of the individual, human inclusion in society, pedagogical transformation of society, based on the guiding principles of culturological approach to social pedagogy, the subject of which is social education, group, society in all spheres of society activity - scientifically substantiated culturally appropriate regulation of social education in all spheres for the purpose of non-compulsory acquisition and development of sociality of subjects of society (Maksimovska, 2015).

In particular, it is necessary to distinguish the following types of socialization:

- psychological (occurs in the process of expanding the circle of communication of students, during participation in special thematic trainings of psychological direction);

- gender (participating in student government, young people not only learn the roles of leaders, activists, initiators and organizers, but also consciously explore issues of gender identification, debunk gender myths and stereotypes);

- political (occurs during participation in various political events through awareness of the role and importance of political processes, events and phenomena);

- legal (provides for the formation of a civic position, mastering the system of knowledge on domestic and international law);

- economic (occurs during participation in thematic games and solving current financial issues that arise in the activities of student government);

- environmental (involves direct participation in the organization and conduct of economic activities aimed at improving the environment);

- humanitarian (involves the development of moral qualities, understanding of the processes of development of society and the role of their own contribution to social development);

- communicative and informative (occurs in the process of work, when students have to spend a lot of time together, resolving disputes, compromising, as well as in cooperation with various departments of universities, other organizations and institutions);

- cultural (provides for the activation of the cultural life of student youth, their involvement in world values, the search for and support of young talents, giving them the opportunity to realize their creative potential);

- cross-cultural (occurs in the process of communication between different cultures. One of the factors that requires the presence and widespread use of cross-cultural socialization is the globalization of the modern world, which involves the spread of common technologies, ideas, values, needs, standards of behavior etc. However, too fast pace of the process comes into conflict with national characteristics, which still remain in a rapidly changing world);

- linguistic, valeological, moral and ethical (Sheina, 2018).

Student self-government as an essential characteristic of democratically-minded educational institutions requires appropriate conditions of organizational, content, economic, personnel nature for the implementation of student initiatives. Most researchers emphasize such principles of self-government as voluntariness, taking into account individual characteristics; The main forms of self-government are conferences, seminars, meetings, discussions, schools of self-government, competitions, hikes, expeditions, the main methods of activity - delegation of powers, change of executive functions and responsibilities, reporting, decision-making by agreement and consultation; basic means - science, moral and material values, personalities (Davydyuk, 2015).

Student government not only represents the student community of its higher education institution, but is also designed to act effectively in a multi-vector format: from the protection of students' rights to the rational organization of their leisure. Today, student self-government bodies function in almost every higher education institution in the country. The range of their activities extends not only to the organization of cultural and recreational activities and solving current student issues, but also to accommodation in dormitories, deductions, the appointment of social scholarships.

Participation in the work of student government is not only a practical school for the application of theoretical skills acquired during educational activities, an important factor in the formation of management and leadership development, but also the main mechanism for involving students in all areas and types of sociocultural development. Student government is one of the most effective areas of social development of young people. Modern education, the system of educational institutions, a single educational institution, cannot develop in an isolated environment, be isolated from society (Babich, 2012).

In modern Europe, students are quite active in ensuring the quality of higher education and the management of higher education institutions, which is carried out, in particular, through student government. Such collective, solidary participation is considered by the management of educational institutions and officials of the education system not only as an additional guarantee of adequacy of educational services to the requirements of their recipients (students and employers), but also as a significant factor in socialization, growth of political and legal culture and social activity. students in practice to get acquainted with the functioning of the educational institution (through participation in the preparation and adoption of certain decisions within the university) and the system of representative democracy (on the example of elected bodies of student government).

In Ukraine, on the other hand, the functioning of student selfgovernment institutions is rather inefficient, both for solving student problems and from the point of view of optimizing the educational process. One of the most significant obstacles remains the almost complete dependence of student self-government institutions (student self-government, trade unions, professional and public associations, university media, etc.) on the university administration. Thus, given the need to ensure the progressive development of higher education in Ukraine, the problem of weakness of the institution of student self-government needs an immediate solution (Zubchenko, 2018).

Currently, student government is based on the Constitution of Ukraine, international regulations and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter - MES) of Ukraine. The main legal acts that regulate the activities of student government in Ukraine are: the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» of December 7, 2017 (Article 40) (ZUPVO) and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 15, 2007 № 1010 «On Approval of the Model Regulations on Student Self-Government in Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine» (NMONU).

At the level of educational institutions, student selfgovernment is regulated by:

- The charter of the higher educational institution (adopted by the highest collegial body of public self-government of the university - the general meeting (conference) of the labor collective, including elected representatives from among the persons studying at the higher educational institution - at the request of the Academic Council of the university;

- Regulations on student self-government in the university (approved by the highest body of student self-government of the university - the general meeting (conference) of persons studying at the university - and approved by the highest collegial body of public self-government of the university);

- acts of the student self-government bodies themselves, adopted in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the above documents (Zubchenko, 2018).

This legislation in the field of student self-government is not without certain shortcomings that negatively affect its effectiveness. «Regulations on student self-government in higher educational institutions of Ukraine» (PPSS) regulates the procedure for the establishment and operation of student self-government in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Student self-government in a higher education institution is a state-guaranteed right of students, cadets, external students, assistant trainees, interns, clinical residents (hereinafter - students) to decide independently or through representative bodies on issues related to their powers. Students who study at a higher educational institution in all forms of education take part in student self-government. Every student has the right to elect and be elected to student selfgovernment bodies. Student self-government bodies are created on a voluntary elective basis at the initiative of students and are part of the public self-government of a higher education institution (PPSS).

In their activities, student government bodies are guided by the legislation of Ukraine, decisions of the specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science, the relevant central executive body, which has a higher education institution, the Charter of the higher education institution and the Regulations on student self-government. institution. The list of powers of student self-government bodies is determined by the «Regulations on student self-government in a higher educational institution» (hereinafter - the Regulations) and is agreed with the management of the higher educational institution.

In their activities, student self-government bodies do not duplicate the work of the primary trade union organization of students, but cooperate with it. Student self-government bodies may cooperate with student self-government bodies of other educational institutions and youth organizations whose activities are not of a political or religious nature. Student self-government bodies are free from the interference of political parties and movements, public and religious organizations.

The management of the higher educational institution is obliged to create conditions for ensuring the activity and development of student self-government. According to the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», representatives of student government and primary trade unions of students have the right to participate in the work of collegial bodies of higher education and its structural units.

The purpose of student government is to create conditions for self-realization of students and the formation of their organizational skills, leadership skills, responsibility for the results of their work, etc. (PPSS). The activities of student self-government bodies are aimed at improving the educational process, improving its quality, ensuring the education of spirituality and culture of students, the growth of social activity in student youth.

The main tasks of student government: protection of the rights and interests of students; ensuring that students perform their duties; promotion of educational, scientific and creative activities of students; assistance in improving the living and recreation conditions of students; promoting the creation of various student groups, societies, associations, interest clubs and coordinating their activities; cooperation with student self-government bodies of other higher educational institutions; promoting the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions and attracting students to secondary employment in their free time; ensuring participation in solving issues of international student exchange.

Student government is carried out at the level of higher education institution, its structural units (faculty (institute), department), course, academic group, specialty groups, dormitory, campus, taking into account the type and specifics of higher education (PPSS). At all levels, student governments are elected. Their formation (by secret or open ballot) and the term of office are determined by the Regulations on student self-government in the relevant higher education institution. The primary structural unit of student self-government is created at the level of the academic group.

The highest body of student self-government is a general meeting or conference of students of a higher educational institution, which:

- adopt Regulations on student self-government in higher education, which determines the structure, powers and procedure for electing executive bodies of student self-government, the procedure for reporting and informing students about the current activities of student self-government bodies;

- form and approve the composition of the executive body of student self-government and elect its chairman (deputies), determine the term of their powers; the executive body of student self-government is collegial on the basis of equal representation from all bodies of student self-government of lower levels;

- together with the primary trade union organization of students determine the procedure for electing representatives from among students to the highest collegial body of public self-government, the academic council of the higher education institution and their structural units (general meeting or conference of the higher education institution);

- at least once a year hear the reports of student self-government bodies and make a decision on their activities;

- consider the most important issues of student life, outlined the main tasks of student government (PPSS).

An extraordinary conference (general meeting) is convened at the request of 10 percent of students of a higher educational institution or in other cases, if it is provided by the Regulations on student self-government in a higher educational institution.

The head of the executive body of student self-government of the appropriate level: organizes the work and is responsible for the effectiveness of the executive body of student self-government; represents the interests of the student community; may participate in the work of other collegial, working bodies and commissions of the higher educational institution; delegates its powers to the deputy; provides the organization of the general meeting or conference of students; initiates the holding of an extraordinary general meeting or conference; has the right to receive the necessary information from the administration and student government to carry out its activities; has other rights and responsibilities provided by the Regulations on student self-government in higher education (PPSS).

The secretary of the executive body of student selfgovernment keeps minutes of meetings, keeps records of execution of decisions, is responsible for document circulation. The chairman and secretary of the executive body of student self-government are responsible for keeping the documentation of the body of student self-government. Sectors (commissions) may be created at the executive body of student self-government in accordance with the direction of work. Meetings of the executive body of student selfgovernment are held at least once a month and are considered valid if they are attended by at least two-thirds of the number of elected members. The executive body makes decisions by a simple majority of votes.

The meeting of the executive body of student self-government is chaired by the chairman or, on his behalf, the deputy. The course of the meeting is recorded in the minutes, which are signed by the chairman (deputy) and the secretary.

Student government bodies of all levels are controlled and accountable to general meetings or conferences of the respective levels. In their activities, student self-government bodies are guided by legislation, decisions of the specially authorized central executive body in the field of education and science and the relevant central executive body, which is in charge of the higher education institution, the statute of the higher education institution. Decisions of student self-government bodies within their powers are brought to the notice of the administration of the appropriate level. A cooperation agreement may be concluded between the student selfgovernment bodies, the primary trade union organization of students and the management of the higher educational institution.

Student self-government bodies have the right to: receive from the administration advisory support and information necessary to perform their tasks; to address proposals, applications, petitions to the administration of the relevant level and student selfgovernment bodies of all levels regarding issues within the competence of this body, and to receive answers to the issues raised; to conduct a constructive dialogue with the administration of the higher education institution on the actions of officials, heads of departments, student self-government bodies, if they violate the rights of students, to file complaints about their actions in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Citizens' Appeals», demand response to complaints ; to delegate representatives to the All-Ukrainian Student Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (PPSS).

Bodies of student self-government are obliged: to ensure observance of the rights and interests of students, to promote performance by students of the duties; to raise problems of Students before administration; report to the student community of the appropriate level on their activities; to promote the development and improvement of student self-government; coordinate their activities in higher education with other student associations, centers, etc .; to coordinate in the prescribed manner changes and additions to the Regulations on student self-government and other issues that need to be considered at meetings of collegial and working bodies of higher education.

The administration of a higher education institution has the right to: receive information about the activities of student selfgovernment bodies (plans, reports, copies of minutes of meetings, information about current activities, etc.); to convene an extraordinary general meeting or conference of students in cases of non-compliance by the student self-government bodies with the Charter of the higher education institution and the Regulations on student self-government bodies in the higher education institution; to participate through its representatives with an advisory voice in events held by student self-government bodies (general meetings, conferences, meetings of executive bodies, etc.) (PPSS).

The administration of a higher educational institution is obliged to: create the conditions necessary for the effective operation of student self-government bodies: to provide premises equipped with appropriate furniture, office equipment, telephone communication, Internet, etc .; to inform student self-government bodies about important decisions concerning the life of students of a higher educational institution; if possible, provide informational, legal, psychological, financial, material and other types of support for the development of student self-government in higher education.

Student self-government bodies may cooperate with student self-government bodies of higher education institutions of other countries, international student organizations and their associations to better perform their tasks within the defined powers (PPSS). Concluding agreements, holding joint events at the international level should be in agreement with the administration of the higher education institution. The international activities of student selfgovernment bodies should promote the formation of a positive image of the higher education institution and the state (PPSS).

Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we can define student self-government as a social institution that involves active participation of students in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions on the life of the university or its individual units, protection of students' rights and interests, development of civic competencies in various types of socially significant activities. The subjects of student selfgovernment can be student movements, student organizations, elected public bodies, initiative groups or individual students representing the interests of the student group. The most common organizational form of student government is the student organization. A student organization is an association of student activists created on the basis of joint activities of young people to protect their interests during their studies at universities, to promote their civic, social and professional development. Peculiarities of a student organization are the existence of a charter or regulations that determine its purpose, activities and structure, as well as formally established membership. The student organization is the most common subject of student self-government of a modern university, so, most often, student organization and student selfgovernment are used as identical concepts. The student organization promotes the realization of the creative potential of student youth in the interests of students and society as a whole. It expands a young person's ability to choose a life path, construct a professional biography and achieve personal success (Davydyuk, 2015).

Passivity, inertia, indifference of the student community in relation to many topical problems of student self-government remain a significant problem. This may be partly due to students' lack of awareness of student self-government opportunities. Nowadays, not all students are aware of how student selfgovernment can improve their situation or solve specific problems. The same applies to representatives of university administrations and sometimes public administration bodies (Zubchenko, 2018).

Despite the fact that in recent years some attention has been paid to the development of student self-government among the officials of the higher education system, some of them tend to see in these self-government bodies not full partners with whom they can solve university or even some industry problems».

At the same time, foreign experience convincingly proves that the effective functioning of student government as an organizational structure has a significant positive impact not only on the quality of educational services and management of higher education, but also has an organizational and pedagogical effect when students in partnership with university administration. within the limits of the rights granted to them by law, they are largely jointly and severally liable for what happens in the educational institution (Zubchenko, 2018).

Thus, student self-government contributes to the direct interest of students in the high quality of educational services, increasing the rating and authority of the university, and thus - has a positive effect on academic success and optimization of the educational process in higher education in general. Some states pay so much attention to these issues that they even identify them as national priorities.

In Malaysia, for example, improving academic performance is recognized as one of the seven key areas important to citizens and included in the National Transformation Program, a comprehensive government transformation plan aimed at Malaysia's status as a developed economy by 2020. This is quite justified also because the level of development of education since 1993 is recognized by the UN as one of the most important indicators in determining the index of human development of states (Zubchenko, 2018).

Given the above, it can be argued that the success of our country's further integration into the European and world educational and scientific space largely depends on the extent to which the need for an effective system of student self-government in Ukraine will be realized.

It is also important to ensure an adequate material base for the activities of student self-government bodies. It is a question of performance of norm of h. 6 Art. 38 of the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», according to which student self-government bodies are provided by the higher education institution in the amount of not less than 0.5% of the special fund of the university and provided by the university management to create appropriate conditions for student self-government bodies.

This applies, in particular, to the provision of premises, furniture, office equipment, telephone communications, permanent access to the Internet, allocation of places for the installation of information stands, etc. You also need to create opportunities to raise funds from other sources. The experience of Germany can be useful here, where student governments are allowed to receive donations from students, as well as earn money by providing students with social services such as student tickets, grants for the poor, various social and cultural activities (SSIK, 2018).

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