Student’s self-government as an environment for the formation of sociocultural activity of youth: historical discourse

Research of student self-government as one of the newest directions of social development of young people. Creating conditions for self-realization of students ' personalities and the formation of organizational skills and leadership qualities in them.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 01.02.2022
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Thus, modern student self-government as a form of youth organization that receives higher education in higher education differs not only from its predecessors - party and Komsomol organizations, which provided student participation exclusively in socio-political activities, but also differs from other forms of higher education. associated with self-identification of the student. Despite the fact that the domestic practice of student selfgovernment has a fairly long history, during its formation have already identified certain common trends and, most importantly, common problems that require more detailed study and analysis, development of mechanisms for solving them at various levels, starting from national - and graduating from university. In the conditions of social transformations that are currently taking place in Ukraine, the priority task of social policy is the development of socio-cultural activity of young people. The development of student self-government is an urgent problem for higher education institutions, because it is during the student years that the active formation of value orientations, civic position, determination of life priorities of a young person takes place.

An integral part of every university is the student body, which has the opportunity to make decisions independently, be responsible for them, put forward and implement social initiatives, developing leadership potential. By joining the Bologna Process, Ukraine has recognized students as an equal partner in the management of higher education, and student self-government as a necessary indicative attribute of a European university. Therefore, the institution of student self-government is an important part of the political socialization of young people, which allows them to get acquainted in practice with the system of representative democracy.


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