Features of the Pension Provision of Workers and Employees in the USSR During the 1920's
Analysis of the pension system of workers and employees of the Ukrainian SSR. The desire of the occupation authorities to convince the lumpenized strata of the authorities ' care for them. Research of state budget opportunities in a market economy.
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Дата добавления | 28.05.2023 |
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Features of the Pension Provision of Workers and Employees in the USSR During the 1920's
Oleh A. Melnychuk
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Dr. (History), Professor (Ukraine)
Olha P. Murashova
Vinnytsia MyKhailo Kotsiubinskyi State Pedagogical University
PhD. (History), Senior Lecture(Ukraine)
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the pension system of workers and employees of the USSR in the 20s of the 20th century. . The research methodology of the study is the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematicity. In the context of studying the problem, general and special research methods were used: problem-chronological, systemic, historical-comparative, etc. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the features of the pension of workers and employees, which was based on the principles of social insurance. Conclusions. After seizing power in Ukraine, after several unsuccessful attempts, the Bolsheviks proclaimed the need to create an effective system of social protection of workers and employees on the ground. Of course, such statements had nothing to do with reality. In the conditions of the Civil War and economic ruin, the state did not have the funds to implement this program, even for a limited number of people. Therefore, the main purpose of such declarative statements was the desire of the occupying power to convince the lumpenized strata of the authorities' concern for them. With the transition to a new economic policy, the financial situation in the country has become even more complicated due to the limited capacity of the state budget in a market economy. In view of this, the Bolshevik republican authorities made a proposal to reorganize the social protection system on the principles of social insurance. Under the new conditions, insurance premiums were the main source of social benefits. One of the most important forms of social protection at that time was the provision of pensions to the disabled. Provision was made at the expense of employers' insurance premiums, the amount of which was determined by the harmfulness and danger of production. If in the first half of the 1920s the main reason for the payment of pensions was permanent disability (disability), then later pensions for old age and seniority were introduced. A significant number of people wishing to receive pensions and the difficult financial situation of social insurance (state-owned enterprises were exempt from paying contributions) did not allow providing pensioners according to the established norms. The size of the paid pensions, for the most part, was meager and did not allow to meet basic needs. Pensions were often replaced by food rations. In addition, the authorities periodically tried to limit the range of "nonproletarian" elements provided by the legislative deprivation of pensions and the meticulous activities of hospital control bodies, which determined the degree of disability. social policy pension protection
Key words: social policy, social protection, pension provision, pensions, workers and employees, new economic policy.
Олег Мельничук
Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
доктор історичних наук, професор (Україна)
Ольга Мурашова
Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
кандидат історичних наук, асистент (Україна)
Особливості пенсійного забезпечення робітників та службовців УСРР в 1920-х рр.
Анотація. Метою статті є комплексний аналіз системи пенсійного забезпечення робітників та службовців УСРР у 20-х рр. ХХ ст. Методологічну основу дослідження становлять принципи історизму, об'єктивності та системності. У контексті вивчення поставленої проблеми використано загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи дослідження: проблемно-хронологічний, системний, історико-порівняльний та ін. Наукова новизна роботи полягає у розкритті особливостей пенсійного забезпечення робітників та службовців, що базувалося на принципах соціального страхування. Висновки. Захопивши владу в Україні, після декількох невдалих спроб, більшовики проголосили про необхідність створення на місцях дієвої системи соціального захисту робітників та службовців. Звісно, що такі висловлювання не мали нічого спільного із реальністю. В умовах Громадянської війни та економічної розрухи держава не мала коштів на реалізацію цієї програми навіть щодо обмеженого кола осіб. Тому основною метою таких декларативних заяв було прагнення окупаційної влади переконати люмпенізовані верстви в турботі влади про них. З переходом до нової економічної політики фінансова ситуація в республіці ще більш ускладнилась через обмежені можливості державного бюджету в умовах ринкової економіки. Зважаючи на це, більшовицькою республіканською владою було внесено пропозицію реорганізувати систему соціального захисту на принципах соціального страхування. В нових умовах основним джерелом для соціальних виплат слугували страхові внески. Однією із актуальних форм соціального захисту того часу було пенсійне забезпечення непрацездатних. Забезпечення здійснювалося за рахунок страхових внесків роботодавців, розмір яких визначався шкідливістю та небезпечністю виробництва. Якщо у першій половині 1920-х років основною підставою для виплати пенсій була постійна втрата працездатності (інвалідність), то згодом були запроваджені пенсії за віком та за вислугу років. Значна кількість бажаючих отримати пенсії та складне фінансове становище соцстраху (від сплати внесків звільнялись державні підприємства) не дозволяли забезпечувати пенсіонерів за встановленими нормами. Розміри виплачених пенсій, здебільш, були мізерними і не давали змоги задовольняти елементарні потреби. Нерідко виплата пенсій замінювалась видачею продовольчих пайків. Окрім того влада намагалася періодично обмежувати коло забезпечуваних за рахунок законодавчого позбавлення пенсій «непролетарських» елементів та прискіпливої діяльності органів лікарняного контролю, які визначали ступінь втрати працездатності.
Ключові слова: соціальна політика, соціальний захист, пенсійне забезпечення, пенсії, робітники та службовці, нова економічна політика.
Formulation of the problem
Social policy is one of the priority areas of domestic political activity, which, in turn, is responsible for the well-being of everyone. Its main goal is to ensure the sustainable development of society, which necessitates the development and implementation of effective social programs aimed at protecting the poor, victims of force majeure (natural disasters, hostilities, political and economic processes) and other groups in need. The effectiveness of the social function of the state is assessed in the context of evolutionary indicators of socio-economic progress of society, which are expressed in socio-demographic characteristics, living standards, economic activity, quality of social services, degree of social tension and more. An interesting historical experience is the introduction of a pension system for workers and employees of the 1920s. It was during this period that the appropriate foundations were laid, which in subsequent years were transformed into a holistic system of social and legal relations. The issue of pension reform does not lose its relevance in modern realities, and taking into account historical experience aims to improve and prevent possible miscalculations. соціальна політика захист пенсійний
Analysis of sources and recent research
The source base of the study is the archival materials of the Central State Archive of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine (CDAVOU) and published documents of this period, which outlines the main aspects of local government in the social sphere. Important issues of social security, insurance and social policy of the 1920s are covered in the works of domestic scholars [Sharpatyj, 2007; Meljnychuk, 2009; Murashova, 2019].
The purpose of the article is to reveal the content and basic forms of pension provision for workers and employees in the 1920s, implemented through the activities of state insurance bodies in the event of social risks.
Presenting ideas of research
State social protection of workers and employees in the Ukrainian lands dates back to June 2, 1903, when the Russian Empire passed a law regulating the allocation of benefits to workers injured at work. The law provided for the introduction of compulsory insurance for employees and members of their families at the enterprises of the factory and mining industries. In the event of social risk, workers received material compensation in the amount of half of earnings for the entire period of disability [Shestak, 2004: 139].
Finally, the system of social protection of these categories was formed on June 23, 1912, when the State Duma passed a package of insurance laws that introduced social benefits for workers in the event of temporary disability due to illness or accident. All employees of enterprises with at least 20 employees were subject to insurance. Payment of benefits or pensions was made at the expense of health insurance funds [CDAVOU. F342. Op.1. F.1413 Ark 14].
After the establishment of Soviet government, which in its programmatic provisions focused on social reforms, the RSFSR SNC adopted a decree of November 8, 1917, which provided for a doubling of pension benefits for victims of accidents at work, which was realized through additional contributions from employers. Another legislative confirmation of the Soviet leadership's desire to provide for the population in the event of social risks was the decree "On sickness insurance" of December 28, 1917. According to its regulations provided material assistance to workers in case of temporary disability, pregnant women and mothers, family members who have lost a breadwinner. Payment was made in the amount of wages. Employers' contributions were the financial source of the relevant payments [Dekrety, 1957: 270]. Insurance companies acted as controlling bodies that monitored the lawful implementation and observance of these provisions. However, it was not possible to count on sufficient pensions during active military campaigns. Material payments were symbolic and covered a small percentage of the population. The first pieces of legislation regulating the appointment of pensions concerned, first of all, servicemen and workers. This was due to the fact that these categories, according to the Soviet leadership, were considered the social support of the newly created Bolshevik regime [Korneev, 1921: 5].
With the introduction of the NEP with market mechanisms of economic activity, the social situation of certain categories of the population became more complicated, because with the reduction of production, the share of workers was laid off. The vast majority of such categories were elderly and disabled. According to the statistics of the NKVD of the USSR as of the end of 1921, about 180 thousand retirees were registered [Rokhlin, 1922: 11].
Lacking the financial means to provide for the disabled, the authorities were forced to restore insurance coverage through the creation of appropriate insurance funds. [Sevrjukov, 2012: 178 ]. In Ukraine, this issue was considered in the regulation "On social security of workers and their families in case of disability" approved on December 10, 1921, which regulated the procedure for assigning and issuing cash benefits to workers and employees in case of loss of breadwinner or disability. Subsequently, these principles were included in the new Code of Labor Laws of the USSR of 1922, which legally enshrined cases of temporary disability. These included: pregnancy and childbirth, illness, industrial injury, care for a sick family member [Kodeks, 1923:36] .
Necessary condition for receiving a pension was length of service, which was determined by the people's courts. The reason for the deprivation of pension benefits was the availability of additional earnings. Pensions were also deprived according to social criteria. In particular, church servants, convicts, and self-employed persons could not count on the payment of pensions [Sbornik, 1923:40].
According to the legislation of the 1920s, there were two forms of pension benefits - in-kind and cash. If in the period of subordination of social insurance to the NCC, natural benefits prevailed, then after the transition to the People's Commissariat of Labor, cash benefits for the disabled were brought to the fore [Tettenborn, 1929:12].
The degree of disability was influenced by the degree of disability. At the legislative level, six disability groups have been identified. If for the first three categories permanent employment was contraindicated, for the rest the transition to lighter work was envisaged. Persons with a common disease or the elderly were declared incapacitated. In other circumstances, the right to receive assistance was assigned to categories that suffered as a result of hostilities or received an industrial injury. The desire to prevent social differentiation of society pushed the government to make not only economic but also political decisions in the field of social protection. Under such conditions, the right to appropriate assistance was provided to employees of all enterprises, regardless of their financial status and forms of ownership. Its size was to be the average monthly earnings.
However the implementation of the tasks was economically unprofitable. This is evidenced by the fact that the circulars of the NCC indicated that the amount of payments should be less [CDAVOU. F906 Op.1. F.2623. Ark 21 ] .
During the study period, there were two types of financial assistance: basic (for illness, injury) and additional (paid during childbirth and in case of loss of a breadwinner).
In case of loss of a breadwinner, the amount of financial assistance was determined by the number of dependents. At the same time, the primary right to receive a pension was assigned to families with one dependent. This category consisted of able-bodied persons with children under 8 years; minor, incapacitated parents. The vast majority of disabled workers were concentrated in the chemical, woodworking and metallurgical industries. The amount of cash benefits for the insured was not clearly approved until the mid-1920s. Beginning in 1925, when the Union Social Security Council was established, there was a gradual unification of pension legislation. The government has approved relevant legislation regulating the principles of pensions for the disabled and families who have lost a breadwinner. In accordance with the regulations, the allied bodies were engaged in determining the amount of financial assistance and determining the grounds for its receipt. The amount of material benefits was determined by wages. In cases of occupational disease or injury at work, the amount of assistance was half the salary [Vishnevetskiy, 1926: 27].
The legislation clearly defined the duration of pension accruals Thus, the receipt of a pension began from the moment of writing the application and, depending on the circumstances, lasted until recovery, reaching the age of 16 or until death. The degree of disability was determined by the staff of the Medical Control Commission (MDC) [Baevskiy & Emdin, 1928: 24].
An important task of the newly created government was to legalize the procedure for receiving appropriate payments to prevent abuse. Thus, in the case of an employee's illness, special controllers had the right to visit him at home, to correlate the duration of sick leave with the state of health.
The legislation provided grounds for deprivation of social benefits. These mainly included: intentional trauma, alcohol intoxication, ignoring visits to medical facilities.
The control over the lawful activity on the appointment and accrual of pensions by local authorities was entrusted to the Main Commission on Pension Affairs established in May 1927. Its representatives were employees of the social insurance system, occupational medicine and trade unions. However, as practice shows, the activities of the relevant institution had some serious shortcomings, given the inconsistency in the allocation of social assistance. Quite often there were cases of unjustified refusal to award pensions. Under such circumstances, in accordance with the decision of the SNC of the USSR on December 29, 1927, this organization ceased to exist.
Employers' insurance premiums were the source of social benefits. Depending on the peculiarities of working conditions and the harmfulness of enterprises, their size ranged from 6 to 9% of the salary fund. In some cases, these contributions could be increased, but not exceeding 25%.
The amount of social benefits was not unified at the state level, but differentiated in each region depending on the size of the insurance fund. However, in the early 1920's they were generally meager, even symbolic. At best, they accounted for 2/3 of the salary, excluding allowances. Due to the difficult financial situation of the insurance system, some additional payments were often replaced by the issuance of food.
In February 1925, a meeting of the Union Council of Social Insurance was held, where the most important issues of the organization of social protection of the disabled were discussed, in particular, the increase in social benefits. At the same time, emphasis was placed on strengthening medical control in order to reduce the number of people who have been illegally granted the appropriate status [Materialy, 1922:62 ]. Therefore, the insurance authorities began to conduct mass inspections of enterprises in order to identify legal grounds for the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits. As a result, mass cases of intentional injuries at enterprises in Vinnytsia, Kharkiv and Kamianets-Podilskyi were recorded. The highest rates of occupational injuries were observed among manufacturing workers [Shtipelkov, 1926: 36].
Trying to reduce social benefits in March 1926, an insurance meeting was held in Moscow, which raised the issue of strengthening the system of medical control by subordinating it to the insurance authorities. At the same time, it was proposed to strengthen the supervision of patients in order to detect simulations. At the same time, mass violations by the insurance bodies themselves were revealed. The most common of them were: entering incorrect data on wages and duration of incapacity for work, receiving bribes.
The insured were also deprived of social benefits in case of violation of the hospital regime. Thus, the Luhansk Insurance Fund in 1928 decided to deprive 765 people of assistance. Abuses of insurance commissioners were often revealed, who resorted to falsifying documents in order to obtain part of the insurance funds. In this connection, in 1927, 20 people were imprisoned and 165 were dismissed During the second half of the 1920s, there was a tendency to increase occupational injuries, especially in the industrial areas of Donbass. This trend was unfavorable primarily for insurance companies. Therefore, in order to save insurance resources, the People's Commissariat of Labor issued a special circular on January 18, 1927, stating that the heads of enterprises are responsible for safety and working conditions at work. In case of injuries, they undertook to reimburse paid social benefits [Socialjne, 1928: 98].
The increase in injuries at work was due to a number of factors: unsatisfactory sanitary conditions, non-compliance with safety conditions, and so on. Not taking into account these factors, the leadership of social insurance saw a solution to the problem in improving the work of medical control bodies. To this end, the CEC and the SNC of the USSR on March 4, 1927 adopted a resolution according to which the relevant bodies were transferred from the health care system to the health insurance funds, reducing their number.
Under such conditions, the departments of occupational health insurance in the field were gradually liquidated. Due to this, at the end of 1927 Tulchyn Insurance Company managed to reduce and save almost 50 thousand rubles [Kravets, 1927:15].
In accordance with the orders of the Main Department of Social Insurance of the USSR, the formation of new medical control commissions was planned to be completed by September 15, 1927, while reducing the number of insurance doctors. Therefore, if earlier one doctor had 2 thousand patients, then according to the new requirements their number has increased to 5 thousand people.
The next step in reforming the social protection system was to approve maximum benefits. According to the resolution of the Union Council of Social Insurance, since 1928 their volumes were approved for six territorial strips in the range from 120 to 180 rubles. Thus the maximum payments were appointed in industrial areas of the state. Additional payments were: for burial - 21-45 rubles, for newborns - 4-8 rubles [Trefilov, 1927:167].
Due to numerous violations in the process of registration of social assistance, the commission of workers 'and peasants' inspection decided to transfer the relevant payments exclusively to enterprises. As a result of the reform, it was possible to establish a system of allocation and payment of social benefits in some way. At the same time, the staff of the service system has expanded.
The course of industrialization of the state significantly affected the attitude of the governing structures to the social security of the disabled. The intensification of labor intensification and production norms came to the fore. J. Stalin proposed to reduce the amount of benefits to the disabled who had a short service record. Under these circumstances, the government began on March 14, 1928, a new codification of pension legislation. For the first time in a long time, the list of circumstances that determined the objective causes of disability was systematized. At the same time, they were divided into three categories: general, occupational disease, occupational injury. At the same time, the People's Commissariat of Labor clearly defined the list of diseases that were related to occupational. This practice was primarily intended to deprive pensions of so-called non-proletarian categories. Therefore, the total length of service did not take into account independent activities and work in religious institutions. Pensions deprived of persons prohibited from holding public office and categories of the population who lost the right to vote [Kats, 1929:16].
In determining the degree of disability, not so much medical indicators as the class affiliation of the person were taken into account. Therefore, those categories that, according to the supervisory authorities, fell under the definition of "kulaks", lost the opportunity to receive a pension. The exceptions were members of collective farms.
On September 28, 1929, a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party was adopted, which stated the inadmissibility of skipping work due to illness, because in conditions of forced industrial construction to increase productivity and strengthen labor discipline were brought to the fore. The main task of the meeting of the Central Department of Social Insurance, held in Moscow in October 1930, was to determine the procedure for optimizing the work of the insurance apparatus and reducing the cost of social benefits. Thus, as a result of the transfer of benefits directly to enterprises, it was planned to reduce the staff of social insurance to 1,200 specialists and reduce funding for its maintenance to 2 million rubles.
Thus, in the conditions of forced industrialization, social benefits for disabled people gradually lost their protective function, as the main indicators of state development in this period was honest, dedicated work in the process of socialist construction. In May 1922, workers' pensions began. At that time, the People's Commissariat of Labor was receiving information on the accrual of disability benefits. By the end of 1922, almost 2,000 people had been granted pension benefits at the expense of social insurance [Freyman, 1926:199].
Characterizing the quantitative indicators among the categories that received pensions in 1922, we determine that the number was dominated by persons who lost their ability to work due to illness (16.5 thousand people). Maternity benefits received 5 thousand people. The following year, the number of incapacitated people increased dramatically. The highest percentage was observed in Donbass and at the enterprises of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa provinces.
The activities of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR were organized in two main directions. At the initial stage, applications were accepted from persons deprived of a breadwinner in the event of an injury at work or those who lost their ability to work due to disability. Subsequently, the People's Commissariat of Social Security transferred the affairs of pensioners (workers and employees) to the People's Commissariat of Labor. As a result, by October 1923, the total number of retirees registered in the provincial departments of social insurance increased almost 8 times [Meljnychuk, Murashova, 2018:43].
The main causes of disability in this period were considered diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. An important element of the practical activities of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR was the streamlining and systematization of pension legislation. In August 1923, a collection of normative acts came into force, which regulated the principles of providing assistance to victims of social risks by social insurance bodies. In this way, the state tried at the legislative level to consolidate the process of transfer of the majority of retirees from social security to subordination to social insurance, which was to be completed by the end of 1923. Given these circumstances, a compromise was reached in 1924, and the transfer of pensioners to the jurisdiction of social security was completed only in early 1925. During the same period, most disability organizations were liquidated.
Since the transfer of pensioners' cases to the People's Commissariat of Labor, mass inspections have been launched into the lawful allocation of pensions. Thus, social assistance was deprived of persons who did not have the appropriate length of service. Consideration of such cases was entrusted to trade unionists, employees of labor inspectorates, as well as representatives of social insurance. The commissions completed their activities by July 1, 1925, as a result of which almost 4,000 people were deprived of pension benefits and the corresponding status. Statistical data allow tracking the state of provision of pensioners by disability groups in the following order: I gr. - 11.4%; ІІ гр. - 54.5%; III gr. - 26.7%; I V - V I groups - 7.4% [Kagan, 1927:68].
The full functioning of the pension provision was determined by the financial resources of the insurance fund. According to official reports, as of 1923-1924, the pension insurance money fund amounted to almost 3.5 million rubles, which is only one-sixth of the approved budget. In this case, one insured person could expect to receive from 40 to 95 kopecks. month. The primary right to receive pensions was given to disabled people of the second group and families who lost a breadwinner and at the same time supported three disabled family members. Difficult financial situation in the state and untimely receipt of cash contributions to social insurance in the initial period significantly slowed down the process of paying pensions. In addition, insurance authorities have begun to practice the principle of equalization of pensions. Thus, at the beginning of 1924, persons with disabilities due to occupational injuries received the same funds as those with disabilities due to a general illness. This category of population was singled out during 1924-1925. [Nemchenko, 1924:1].
Due to the growing number of cases of injuries in enterprises and occupational diseases, the question arose about the development of specific methods for their possible prevention. To this end, in May 1927 a meeting of employees of the social insurance system was held, where, after analyzing the situation, the main causes of accidents were determined. First of all, it was quite outdated and, in most cases, unusable equipment, as well as the lack of proper and safe working conditions. Responsibility for labor protection at enterprises rested with the insurance authorities. A significant problem during the 1920s was the lack of periodic medical examinations, especially for workers working in hazardous industries. This, in turn, complicated the prevention and further treatment of occupational diseases [Movchan, 2006: 44].
In 1927 the organization of professional medical care in case of accidents at work has began. During this period that outpatient clinics and first aid stations were established on the territory of all industrial productions. There were medical institutions that also provided full-fledged treatment if the disease did not involve dismissal. The size of pensions, which changed during this period, was of fundamental importance. Beginning in 1924, immediately after the monetary reform, minimum pension rates were set. According to insurance reports, by the end of the 1920s the amount of cash benefits for the disabled due to general illness and old age had increased from 12 to 23 rubles, while due to occupational disease or injury it had consistently been 27 rubles. For those categories who lost a breadwinner due to general illness and old age, pension benefits increased from 10 to 16 rubles.
Comparing pension accruals in relation to the amount of wages, we have the following indicators: during 1924-1929, the share of pensions for the disabled in relation to the average wage increased from 27.5% to 33.4%, respectively. At the same time, families who lost their breadwinners increased their incomes from 22.6% to 24.3%. For disabled people of group II due to occupational injuries or occupational diseases, the share of pension benefits was 61%, while for disabled people of group I, respectively, 80% of the average monthly earnings. After the improvement of the financial situation in the social insurance system, which took place in the mid-1920s, the practice of accruing a pension for years of service for educational workers was introduced. Thus, as of June 1, 1928, there were about 4.5 thousand such categories of the population in the USSR [Meljnychuk, 2009: 57].
Significant shortcomings were observed in the practice of insurance bodies. Pensioners have repeatedly sent complaints on their behalf, emphasizing the unprofessionalism of representatives of the LCC in determining the degree of disability, exhausting bureaucratic procedures, untimely decisions on pensions.
One of the alternative forms of pension provision in the 1920's was labor assistance, which began in late 1922. As of July 1, 1924, about 12,000 disabled people were involved in agricultural and industrial cooperatives. The entrance fee was financed by the social security authorities. Such a system of assistance did not become widespread, as the amount of admission shares was much higher than social benefits. In addition, the increase in pensions allowed people with disabilities to abandon this activity, which, like entrepreneurship, provided certain risks [Sharpatyj, 2007: 179] .
At the beginning of 1928, the appointment of old-age pensions began. At the initial stage, this category was represented by workers in the textile industry. At that time, the retirement age for men was 60 years, for women - 55 years with 25 years of service. Payments amounted to 2/3 of earnings. The following year, pensions were granted to railway workers, metalworkers and miners. Under the terms of the five-year plan, it was planned to cover the pensions of about 52 thousand people. At the same time, preference was given exclusively to workers in industry, transport and construction. By the end of 1932, the government planned to provide pensions for all insured workers and rural mercenaries.
According to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), adopted on September 28, 1929, priority attention in the appointment of pensions was given to industrial workers. At the same time, the management hoped to involve young people in the production sphere. At the same time, there was a tendency to reduce the cost of insurance funds. Its essence was to introduce labor assistance to change the money, differentiation in the material security of non-productive workers, reduction of pension contributions for the category who had additional earnings [Tauber, Akhmatovskiy, 1940: 45].
Implementing the tasks set by the Soviet authorities, during 1929-1930 an old-age pension was awarded to workers in the mining, metallurgical, chemical and textile industries, water and rail transport. At the same time, the legislation stipulated that persons deprived of voting rights and persons engaged in their own trades and paying individual tax were not entitled to count on pension benefits. Based on statistics, it should be noted that old-age pensions did not become widespread during the 1920s, as the contingent receiving them was only 2,000 of the 84,000 available.
At the end of 1920's, with the expansion of the number of industrial facilities, the need for skilled workers became acute. Therefore, the government was forced to financially encourage retirees to continue working at the company. It was planned to pay 75% of the pension to specialists and at least half to unskilled workers. Also, provided that working at the company for more than two years after the appointment of a pension, workers were provided with its future increase by 20% [CDAVOU. F2851. Op.1. F.922. Ark 5].
Gradually, the authorities began to develop measures to attract people with disabilities to work, thus convincing them of the opportunity to improve their financial situation and increase their own role in building a socialist state.. Exceptions were the disabled of the first and second groups. To replenish industrial personnel, the Soviet government organized retraining of the relevant categories. Thus, during 1929-1930, about 3,000 people mastered new professions. During the period of study they were additionally awarded a scholarship.
Trying to increase the number of industrial personnel, the party and state leadership realized the importance of saving insurance resources, primarily through the so-called non-proletarian elements. To this end, in the late 1920's there were mass inspections of pensioners, as a result of which at the beginning of 1930 about 3.5 thousand people were denied a pension.
The main criterion that affected the amount of pensions or served as a basis for its refusal was the length of insurance. Its duration was determined by the peculiarities of working conditions. For workers working in hazardous enterprises, it was up to six years, for other categories - up to eight years, and for employees - up to twelve [Murashova, 2019:148].
During the 1920's there was an organizational formation of pension insurance, which was one of the forms of social protection of disabled people, which was carried out at the expense of cash contributions of employers. The main task of the insurance authorities was to provide industrial workers and employees of the Communist Party - state nomenklatura, who lost their ability to work.
The necessity to create a comprehensive system of social protection in Ukraine by the occupying Bolshevik regime was primarily due to the desire of the current government to enlist the support of the population. Temporary disability was one of the most common risks in the social protection system for workers and employees. On security temporarily incapacitated spent significantly fraction funds social security systems. However, proclaimed the Bolsheviks the principle of providing in volume average monthly wages due to difficult financial situation was not implemented in practice. As evidenced official reports insurance bodies in most favorable 1924-1926. - size maximum assistance reached only 2/3 of the average earnings the insured. Relation authorities to protect the disabled have changed dramatically from taking a course on modernization industry. Desire use insurance funds for development industrial construction manifested in the introduction administrative measures antitemporary disability. In the conditions intensification production social - assistance more and more incapacitated lose their protective function and act a stimulating factor of conscientious, dedicated work in context socialist construction. With the collapse of the NEP, the main task of social protection was to provide pension benefits to disabled workers in leading industries. To this end, periodic "cleansing" of pensioners, differentiation of pensions depending on social status and territory of residence, partial replacement of cash benefits with labor benefits.
Gratitude. We express our gratitude to all members of the editorial board of the journal for the advice provided during the preparation of the article for publication.
Financing. The authors did not receive financial support for the research, authorship and / or publication of this article.
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