Pragma-communicative aspect of the uk prime minister Boris Johnson’s address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.2022

The pragma-communicative peculiarities of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’ address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22. The other types of the UK Prime Minister discourses with the focus on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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Pragma-communicative aspect of the uk prime minister Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.2022

Прагма-комунікативний аспект звернення Прем'єр міністра сполученого королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії до України, 02.24.2022

Humeniuk N.H.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor at the English Language and Communication Department Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

The following work deals with pragma-communicative peculiarities of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22. The UK Prime Minister address to the nation is defined in given work as a socio-communicative event in the UK, broadcasted by radio, TV, internet and press, with the purpose of Prime Minister to inform, to influence masses on the important, crucial and urgent problems of the nation and to propose ways of their solving. The UK Prime Minister address to the nation is given in a form of virtual communication of one person - monologue, and presented as an actual communicative event in reality - dialogue with silent addressee. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22. is studied from the angle of Discourse Analysis and presented as political, ideological, argumentative, declarative discourse with the direct address to the inhabitants of the UK, to the people of Ukraine, to the people of Russia and with indirect address to the allies. Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22 is defined as politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of goodness, with emphasis on its mission, strategic and tactic purposes. It is pointed out, that values of goodness, which are associated with Ukraine and the whole free and democratic world, are given in opposition to the values of evil, which are associated with the empire of evil - Russian Federation. Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22 as political discourse is proposed to study as item of outer and inner level. It is pointed out that Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22 as politico-ideological manifesto is declarative in its nature. It is underlined that the UK Prime Minister address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22 is considered to be argumentative discourse with its logical chain of facts and proofs to influence addressee of information with the purpose to take the view point of addressant of information. It is underlined that it is perspective to investigate the other types of the UK Prime Minister discourses with the focus on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. johnson peculiarities invasion

Key words: political discourse, ideological discourse, argumentative discourse, declarative discourse, politico- ideological manifesto.

Подана робота присвячена розгляду прагма-комунікативних особливостей звернення Прем'єр Міністра Сполученого Королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії в Україну, 24.02.22. Звернення Прем'єр Міністра Сполученого Королівства до нації визначається в даній роботі як соціально-комунікативна подія в межах Сполученого Королівства, яка транслюється по радіо, телебаченню, Інтернету та подана у пресі, з метою інформування та впливу на маси з боку Прем'єр Міністра щодо важливих, вирішальних та нагальних проблем нації та пропонування шляхів їхнього вирішення. Звернення Прем'єр Міністра Сполученого Королівства до нації є формою віртуального спілкування однієї особи - монологу, яку представлено як реальну комунікативну подію у формі діалогу з мовчазним адресатом. Звернення Прем'єр Міністра Сполученого Королівства Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії в Україну, 24.02.22, досліджується під кутом дискурс-аналізу та подається як політичний, ідеологічний, аргументний, декларативний дискурс із прямим зверненням до мешканців Сполученого Королівства, народу України та Росії, а також із непрямим зверненням до союзників. Звернення Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії в Україну, 24.02.22, визначається як політико-ідеологічний маніфест послідовників і захисників вільного, демократичного світу з його цінностями добра, з акцентуванням його місії, стратегічних та тактичних цілей. Зазначається, що цінності добра, які асоціюються з Україною та всім вільним і демократичним світом, подано на противагу цінностям зла, які асоціюються з імперією зла - Російською Федерацією. Звернення Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії в Україну, 24.02.22, як політичний дискурс пропонується вивчати як одиницю зовнішнього та внутрішнього рівня. Зазначається, що звернення Бориса Джонсона до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії в Україну, 24.02.22, як політико-ідеологічний маніфест має декларативний характер. Наголошується, що звернення Прем'єр Міністра Сполученого Королівства до нації з приводу вторгнення Росії вторгнення в Україну, 24.02.22, вважається аргументним дискурсом з логічно побудованим ланцюжком фактів і доказів для впливу на адресата інформації з метою сприйняття ним точки зору адресанта інформації. Зазначається, що перспективним є дослідження інших типів дискурсів Прем'єр Міністра Сполученого Королівства щодо вторгнення Росії в Україну.

Ключові слова: політичний дискурс, ідеологічний дискурс, аргументний дискурс, декларативний дискурс, політично-ідеологічний маніфест.

Problem statement. It is known that the UK Prime Minister address to the nation is a normative way to inform the UK community on the urgent problems of it and to draw up the ways of their solving. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22, which deals with the problems of some other nation, is created to focus the UK nation attention, transferring the given problems into the sphere of nation importance. The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22, as an actual act of communication is defined as a certain type of discourse in scientific terms with its features and peculiarities. Pragma- communicative peculiarities of the given discourse presupposes realization of the pragmatic and communicative purposes of its creator, as well as tactical actions. Pragma-communicative peculiarities of the given discourse are interconnected with cognitive ideas circulating in it, making the given discourse unique and inimitable.

Literature review. It is known that actual communication with its socio-cultural orientation, with pragma-communicative purposes of the communication participants, with the participants' ethnic, cultural, social peculiarities, peculiarities of religion, age, gender, etc. is defined in scientific terms as a certain type of discourse [10; 11; 14; 15 ].The given work continues a series of research findings dealing with the discourses of Boris Johnson as the UK Prime Minister [11; 12; 13], with emphasis on the political [1; 3; 4; 5; 6;8; 9], ideological [7; 11], declarative [11] and argumentative type [2] of discourse.

The aim of the paper is to investigate pragma-communicative peculiarities of of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22, using Discourse Analysis approach, as well as Cognitive one. Realization of this aim is possible by using several methods: pure sampling method, discourse analysis method, method of simple calculation, comparative method.

The material of the work. On the day of Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 24-th of February, 2022, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation, which was broadcasted by radio, TV, internet and press.

It is normative for the UK Prime Minister to address the nation at the important, crucial moments for it. So, Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation on the problems of Brexit [16], which was the inner challenge for UK, on the problems of COVID- 19 [17; 18], which had not only local, regional, national, but global danger. Prime Minister's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, dealing with the external problem of the neighboring countries, transformed the given problem into the plane of nation importance.

The UK Prime Minister address to the nation is defined in the given work as a socio-communicative event in the UK with the purpose of Prime Minister to inform, to influence masses on the important, crucial and urgent problems of the nation, both of internal or external nature, and to propose the ways of their solving. The given socio-communicative event is broadcasted by radio, TV, internet and press. In its form of presentation, the UK Prime Minister address to the nation is a monologue, virtual communication of one person, prepared before hand and presented as an actual communicative event in reality - dialogue with silent addressee.

Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine contains direct address of the UK Prime Minister to: the people of Ukraine (1), to the Russian people (3), to the people of the UK (4) and indirect address to the allies (5):

and I say to the Ukrainians in this moment of agony. We are with you we are praying for you and your families and we are on your side [19].

And if the months ahead are grim, and the of freedom burns low,

I know that it will blaze bright again in Ukraine because for all his bombs and tanks and missiles I dont believe that the Russian dictator will ever subdue the national feeling of the Ukrainians and their passionate belief that their country should be free [the same].

And so I say to the people of Russia, whose president has just authorised a tidal wave of violence against a fellow Slavic people, the parents ofRussian soldiers who will lose their lives. I cannot believe this is being done in your name or that you really want the pariah status it will bring to the Putin regime [the same].

and I say to the British people and all who have heard the threats from Putin against those who stand with Ukraine. We will of course do everything to keep our country safe [ the same].

Other allies have now done the same and we will do what more we can in the days ahead [the same].

Boris Johnson addresses the Ukrainian people in order to support, encourage, inspire and help them at the hard days of the Russian invasion. The UK Prime Minister addresses his compatriots to be brave, not to be afraid of Russians threats for the supporters of Ukraine and to express the Governments' readiness to safe and defend the UK community of the Russian aggression. PM Boris Johnsons addresses the people of Russian Federation to resist Putin's regime, to stop the invasion of Ukraine. He addresses the allies in indirect way to help the Ukrainians in their struggle for the sovereignty and independence, in their struggle against Russian aggression.

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson address the nationontheRussianinvasionofUkraine,February,24, 2022, is defined in the following work as the political, ideological, declarative and argumentative discourse.

Ideological discourse is known to have the purpose to influence masses and spread some ideas, which are important and relevant for a certain socio-cultural group or community [12, p. 40; 7, p. 18-19]. So, Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine as ideological discourse is considered to be focused on some ides. These ideas are centered on the concepts of “democracy-independence-law-mutual respect-love-creation-civilization culture” which are associated with highly moral and highly organized societies with the Ukraine among them, which are associated with idea of goodness, which are given in opposition to the Putin regime's and Russian Federation's ideas of evil where “democ- racy”(1) is opposed to ''tyranny”, “dictatorship”; “independence” - to “slavery” (1); “law“ is opposed to “criminal actions” (3); “mutual respect” is given in opposition to “humiliation”; “love” is opposed to “violence”, “terror” (2); “creation” is opposed to “destruction, ruination”( 2); “civilization culture” - to “barbarisms”(4, 5):

Ukraine is a country that for decades has enjoyed freedom and democracy and the right to choose its own destiny [19].

Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population [the same].

He has attacked a friendly country without any provocation and without any credible excuse [the same].

And so I say to the people of Russia, whose president has just authorised a tidal wave o f violence against a fellow Slavic people [the same].

... this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure [ the same].

Moreover, the ideas of Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine sounds like the ideological manifesto with its mission, strategic program and tactical actions of the diplomatic, political, economic and military level. The ideological mission is defined in two main ideas: 1) to fight and destroy the empire of evil - the Russian Federation barbaric state:

Our mission is clear Diplomatically, politically, economically - and eventually, militarily - this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure [19].

2:) to help the Ukraine to restore sovereignty and independence

We will work with them - for however long it takes - to ensure that the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is restored [the same].

Being the item of the ideological discourse, Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine has features of the political discourse as it sounds from the political elite - the UK Prime Minister, a member of the Conservative Party. As the main goal of the political discourse is to gain and retain power of the political entity, so Boris Johnson's address the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine presupposes realization of the given purpose by using the discrediting opponents; praising the allies; self-presenting tactics [6; 13, p. 211].

It is important to stress that within Boris Johnson's address the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine we differentiate realization of the main political purpose to gain and retain power of the political entity of two levels: inner level (local, regional, national) and outer (international, global) level. The inner level of the main political purpose realization to gain and retain power of the politic entity is associated with the activity of Boris Johnson as a member of the Conservative Party. In this case the mentioned above tactics of the political discourse are potentially present within Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, even having the implicit form of its realization, being slightly recognizable and expressed.

At the same time, it is important to state that vector of the political discourse purpose realization to gain and retain power of the political entity within Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine is directed to the international, global level. As Russian Federation with Putin's regime as empire of evil, being opposed to the global forces of goodness, started the vast invasion of Ukraine, one of the goodness state, war in Ukraine became the world wide challenge, marking danger to the whole world order with its central ideas of democracy, law, sovereignty, independence, mutual respect and help. In this case, the political purpose of the international level is shifted to the idea of retaining, protecting the world order based on the values of goodness:

President Putin of Russia has unleashed war in our European continent.

A vast invasion is underway by land by sea and by air [19].

...because this act of wanton and reckless aggression is an attack not just onUkraine. It is an attack on democracy and freedom in East Europe and around the world [the same].

As free and democratic world is proclaimed to be in danger, it presupposes struggle and fight for it. So, the idea of the free and democratic world defending sounds within Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

This crisis is about the right of a free, sovereign independent European people to choose their own future and that is a right that the UK will always defend [19].

Struggle, fight, and defense of the free, democratic world presupposes some program of the strategic and tactical actions for its realization, as well as defining the allies and enemies in this fight.

It is difficult to make Chinese wall between the ideological mission and strategic program of the political entity, they are interconnected, as any pol- lical entity has its ideological background, which is materialized in a system of certain strategic and tactical actions, which are defined within the political program of it. In this case, the ideological mission of Boris Johnson's discourse of his address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine is considered to define the strategic political purposes: 1) to destroy the empire of evil - Russian Federation; 2) to restore sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Realization of these strategic purposes is possible using the diplomatic, political, economic and military means.

As for tactical actions, Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine contains several practical (tactical) actions: 1) sending defensive weaponry to Ukraine (1); 2) package of the economic sanctions to Russian economy; 3) Russian oil and gas dependence cease (3); 4) European politics dependence cease (3):

... the UK became one of the first countries in Europe to send defensive weaponry to help the Ukrainians [19];

Today in concert with our allies we will agree a massive package o f economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy [the same];

And to that end we must also collectively cease the dependence on Russian oil and gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics [the same].

The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson stresses in his address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine that realization of the strategic and tactical purposes to defend free and democratic world is possible in a unity of allies:

Other allies have now done the same and we will do what more we can in the days ahead [19].

Today in concert with our allies we will agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy [the same].

And to that end we must also collectively cease the dependence on Russian oil and gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics [the same].

We are joined in our outrage by friends and allies around the world. We will work with them... [the same].

So, Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, having features of the political and ideological discourse, being politico-ideological manifesto of the free and democratic world followers and defenders of the global goodness values, has features of the declarative discourse, as it is given in a declarative form.

At the same time, it is important to stress that Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine is considered to be argumentative discourse with its logics of facts and proofs. The information of the UK Prime Minister is given in a certain logic chain to influence addressee of information. The logic chain as a consequence of facts and proofs may be given in the following scheme:

state of facts - the Russian vast invasion of Ukraine;

President Putin of Russia has unleashed war in our European continent. He has attacked a friendly country without any provocation and without any credible excuse [19].

sides of conflict - barbaric Russia and democratic Ukraine;

Ukraine is a country that for decades has enjoyed freedom and democracy and the right to choose its own destiny [the same].

... this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure. And so I say to the people of Russia, whose president has just authorised a tidal wave of violence against a fellow Slavic people [the same].

UK is on the side of democratic Ukraine;

We are with you we are praying for you and your families and we are on your side [the same].

Russian vast invasion of Ukraine is a danger to the free and democratic world;

. because this act of wanton and reckless aggression is an attack not just on Ukraine. It is an attack on democracy and freedom in East Europe and around the world [the same].

drawing up of the mission, strategic program and tactical actions to defend the free, democratic world with its values of goodness.

Our mission is clear. Diplomatically, politically, economically - and eventually, militarily - this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure [the same].

We will work with them - for however long it takes - to ensure that the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine is restored [the same];

. the UK became one of the first countries in Europe to send defensive weaponry to help the Ukrainians [the same].

Today in concert with our allies we will agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hobble the Russian economy [the same];

And to that end we must also collectively cease the dependence on Russian oil and gas that for too long has given Putin his grip on western politics [the same];

readiness of the UK to defend free and democratic world with its values of goodness

This crisis is about the right of a free, sovereign independent European people to choose their own future and that is a right that the UK will always defend [the same].

So, the consequence of logical facts and proofs with the usage of emotional colored language units makes it possible to appeal to the logics and feelings of the addressee of information of Boris Johnson's address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in order to influence addressee to follow the ideas proposed in message.


Summing up the material, we can state that the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson' address to the nation on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 02.24.22, contains features of the political, ideological, argumentative and declarative discourse. It is defined as the politico-ideological manifesto of the followers and defenders of the free, democratic world with its values of goodness, with its mission, strategic and tactic purposes, with its system of arguments and declarative form of presentation. It is perspective to investigate the other types ofthe UK Prime Minister discourses on the problem of Russian invasion of Ukraine.


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    презентация [671,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2013

  • Educational text from English with translation about history of Ukraine. Some information about history of Ukraine, its independence, Zaporizka Sich, activity of the Dnipro Cossacks. Short dictionary, list of questions to the text and answers to them.

    контрольная работа [1,4 M], добавлен 21.11.2010

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