Организация, каналы и методы пропагандистской работы органов советской военной администрации в Германии в 1945-1949 годах

Анализ советской оккупационной политики в послевоенной Германии. Основные каналы трансляции позитивного образа СССР. Идеологический контроль немецких средств массовой информации, обеспечение монополии советской пропаганды на территории Восточной Германии.

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4. Boldyrev R.Yu. Ekonomicheskie reformy v Sovetskoy okkupatsionnoy zone Germanii [Economic Reforms in Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany]. ETAP: ekonomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika, 2015, no. 1, pp. 88-105.

5. Boldyrev R.Yu., Nevskiy S.I. Denezhnye reformy v poslevoennoy Germanii (1948): podgotovka, provedenie, itogi [Monetary Reforms in Postwar Germany 1948: Preparation, Realization, Results]. Ekonomicheskaya politika, 2014, no. 5, pp. 38-65; no. 6, pp. 25-53.

6. Boldyrev R.Yu., Nevskiy S.I. Sovetskaya reparatsionnaya politika v Germanii, 1945-1949 [Soviet Reparation Policy in Germany, 1945-1949]. Voprosy istorii, 2017, no. 3, pp. 49-69.

7. Boldyrev R.Yu., Nevskiy S.I., Plьmpe W. Reparatsionnaya politika v otnoshenii Germanii [Reparation Policy on Germany]. Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya, 2016, no. 6, pp. 51-65.

8. GARF [The State Archive of the Russian Federation]. Fund 7317. List 2. File 6.

9. Zakharov VV. (Ed.) Deyatelnost upravleniya SVAG po izucheniyu dostizheniy nemetskoy nauki i tekhniki v Sovetskoy zone okkupatsii Germanii. 1945-1949: sb. dok. [Activity of the SMAG Department for Studying German Science and Technic Achievement in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany in 1945-1949: Collection of Documents]. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2007. 703 p.

10. Dokladnaya zapiska A. Russkikh - v TSK VKP(b) B. Ponomarevu o postanovkakh proizvedeniy russkikh klassikov i sovetskoy dramaturgii na stsenakh nemeckikh teatrov, 13 dekabrya 1948 g. [Report of

A. Russkikh to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to

B. Ponomarev on Performances Based on Works of Russian and Soviet Dramatists in German Theaters. December 13, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 3. File 1. Sheets 293-304.

11. Dokladnaya zapiska A. Russkikh - v TSK VKP(b) B. Ponomarevu o rabote delegatsii Demokraticheskogo zhenskogo soyuza Germanii, posetivshey Sovetskiy Soyuz, 8 dekabrya 1948 g. [Report of A. Russkikh to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to B. Ponomarev on the Work of the Delegation of the Democratic Female Union in Germany During the Visit to the Soviet Union. December 8, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 3. File 1. Sheets 259-264.

12. Dokladnaya zapiska A. Russkikh - v TSK VKP(b) B. Ponomarevu ob otkrytii detskogo filiala Doma kultury SSSR v Berline, 11 dekabrya 1948 g. [Report of A. Russkikh to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to B. Ponomarev on the Opening of the Children's Branch of the USSR Culture House in Berlin. December 11, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 3. File 1. Sheets 280-283.

13. Dokladnaya zapiska A. Russkikh - v TSK VKP(b) B. Ponomarevu. O deyatelnosti Obshchestva po izucheniyu kultury SSSR v Sovetskoy okkupatsionnoy zone (iyun - dekabr 1948 g.), 14 yanvarya 1949 g. [Report of A. Russkikh to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to B. Ponomarev on the Activity of the Society of USSR Cultural Studies in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. January 14, 1949]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 573. Sheets 122-134.

14. Dokladnaya zapiska S.I. Tyulpanova - v TSK VKP(b) L. Baranovu. O deyatelnosti Obshchestva po izucheniyu kultury SSSR, 24 iyunya 1948 g. [Report of S. Tyulpanov to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to L. Baranov on the Activity of the Society of USSR Cultural Studies in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. June 24, 1948]. RGASPI [The Russian State Archive of Social and Political History]. Fund 17. List 128. File 573. Sheets 109-121.

15. Dokladnaya zapiska S.I. Tyulpanova - v TSK VKP(b) L. Baranovu. O pervoy zonalnoy konferentsii po izucheniyu kultury SSSR, 24 maya 1948 g. [Report of S. Tyulpanov to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to L. Baranov on the First Zonal Conference on Studies ofthe USSR Culture. May 24, 1948]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 573. Sheets 98-101.

16. Informatsionnaya zapiska A. Russkikh - A. Baranovu. O tematike lektsiy sovetskikh lektorov dlya nemetskoy auditorii, 30 avgusta 1948 g. [Report of A. Russkikh to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to L. Baranov on the Lecture's Topics of Soviet Keynote Speakers for German Audience. August 30, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 3. File 1. Sheets 80-83.

17. Informatsionnaya zapiska G. Korotkevich - V.M. Khvostovu, 16 iyulya 1945 g. [Report of G. Korotkevich to the Central Committee of VKP(b) to V Khvostov. July 16, 1945]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 791. Sheets 11-12.

18. Informatsionnaya svodka № 69, 17 maya 1945 g. [Information Summary no. 69, May 17, 1945]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 125. File 321. Sheets 38-42.

19. Knyshevskiy P.N. Dobycha. Tayny germanskikh reparatsiy [Booty. Secrets of German Reparations]. Moscow, Tovarishchestvo «Soratnik», 1994. 142 p.

20. Lozhkin A.G. Pravo pobediteley. Pravovaya deyatelnost Sovetskoy voennoy administratsii v Germanii. 1945-1949 gg. [Law of Victors. Jural Activity of Soviet Military Administration in Germany 1945-1949]. Moscow, AIRO-XXI, 2006. 143 p.

21. Mudrov S.N. Neues Deutschland. Upravlenie propagandy Sovetskoy voennoy administratsii v Germanii (1945-1947 gg.): monografiya [New Germany. Propaganda Department ofthe Soviet Military Administration in Germany, 1945-1947]. Yaroslavl, Yaroslavskiy gos. ped. un-t im. K. D. Ushinskogo, 2011.

262 p.

22. Otchet o prebyvanii v SSSR delegatsii nemetskikh pisateley i deyateley kultury 7 aprelya - 4 maya 1948 g. [Report on the Delegation Visit of German Writers and Cultural Figures to the USSR. April 7 - May 4, 1948]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 574. Sheets 7-19.

23. Timofeeva N.P., Foittsik Ya. (Ed.) Politika SVAG v oblasti kultury, nauki i obrazovaniya: tseli, metody, rezultaty. 1945-1949: sb. dok. [SMAG Policy in Culture, Science and Education Area: Purposes, Methods and Results: Collection of Documents]. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2006. 975 p.

24. Prikaz № 0105 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o pechatanii s matrits zhurnala «Sovetskaya literatura» na nemetskom yazyke, 28 marta 1948 g. [Order no. 0105 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Matrix Printing the “Soviet Literature” Journal on German Language. March28, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 72. Sheets 1.

25. Prikaz № 0113 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o razvitii sredstv radioveshchaniya v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii Germanii na 1946 god, 18 dekabrya 1945 g. [Order no.0113 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Development of Radio Broadcast Network in Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany During the Year, 1946. December 18, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 8. Sheets 246-250.

26. Prikaz № 0113 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o stroitelstve radiodoma v sovetskom sektore g. Berlina, 16 maya 1946 g. [Order no.0113 ofthe SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Radiohouse Construction in the Soviet Sector of Berlin. May 16, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 23. Sheets 414-423.

27. Prikaz № 0115 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o vvedenii v deystvie radiotsentra v g. Leyptsige i o naznachenii nachalnikom sovetskoy redaktsii radioveshchaniya M.F. Bessarab, 16 maya 1946 g. [Order no.0115 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Implementation of the Radio Centre in Leipzig and on the Appointment of M. Bessarab as a Head of the Soviet Radio Broadcasting Editorial Board. May 16, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 23. Sheets 426-427.

28. Prikaz № 0127 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob ispolzovanii sredstv radioveshchaniya v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii Germanii, 7 aprelya 1948 g. [Order no. 0127 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Using the Radio Broadcasting Means in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. April 7, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 72. Sheets 114-115.

29. Prikaz № 0134 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob organizatsii v Germanii «Obshchestv po izucheniyu kultury SSSR» dlya shirokogo i sistematicheskogo oznakomleniya nemetskoy obshchestvennosti s dostizheniyami kultury v SSSR i ob utverzhdenii ustava «Obshchestv po izucheniyu kultury SSSR», 7 maya 1947 g. [Order no. 0134 ofthe SMAG Head-in-Chief on Organizing the “Societies of USSR Cultural Studies” with the Purpose of Broad and Systematic Familiarization of German Society with the USSR Cultural Achievements and on the Approval ofthe Charter of “Societies ofUSSR Cultural Studies”. May 7, 1947]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 46. Sheets 29-30.

30. Prikaz № 0158 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob ispolzovanii nemetskoy demokraticheskoy pechati dlya vypolneniya zadach, stoyashchikh pered organami SVAG, 28 aprelya 1948 g. [Order no. 0158 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Using the German Democratic Press for Achieving SMAG Objectives. April 28, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 72. Sheets 231-232.

31. Prikaz № 0184 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o rasformirovanii Nemetskogo byuro po izucheniyu pressy i o reorganizatsii Tsentralnogo byuro sovremennoy istorii v Institut sovremennoy istorii s peredachey emu funktsiy Nemetskogo byuro po izucheniyu pressy, 13 iyunya 1947 g. [Order no. 0184 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Dissolution of the German Bureau on Press Studies and on the Reorganization of the Central Bureau of Contemporary History into Institute of Contemporary History with the Delegation of the German Bureau on Press Studies Functions. June 13, 1947]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 46. Sheets 231-233.

32. Prikaz .№ 0251 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o stroitelstve i ispolzovanii radiodoma v Gryunau i stokilovatnogo dlinnovolnovogo peredatchika v Kenigsvustergauzene, 23 avgusta 1946 g. [Order no. 0251 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Construction of a Radio House in Grьnau and 100 Kilowatt LF Transmitter in Kцnigswusterhausen. August 23, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 26. Sheets 85-86.

33. Prikaz № 0261 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o vosstanovlenii i stroitelstve berlinskoy radiostantsii na radiotsentre Kenigsvustergauzen, 15 iyunya 1949 g. [Order no. 0261 of the SMAG Head- in-Chief on the Reconstruction and Establishment of the Berlin Radio Station on the Kцnigswusterhausen Radio Centre. June 15, 1949]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 92. Sheets 44-46.

34. Prikaz № 0361 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o sozdanii nemetskogo Byuro po izucheniyu pressy i ob utverzhdenii struktury i shtatov Byuro po izucheniyu nemetskoy pressy, 30 oktyabrya 1946 g. [Order no. 0361 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Establishment of the Press Studies Bureau and on the Approval of Bureau on Studying German Press Structure and Staff. October 30, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 27. Sheets 294-297.

35. Prikaz № 0393 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob otkrytii v Berline Doma kultury SSSR i naznachenii nachalnikom Doma kultury mayora Golikova i ob utverzhdenii vremennogo shtata Doma kultury SSSR, 2 dekabrya 1946 g. [Order no. 0393 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Establishment of the House of the USSR Culture, on the Appointment of Major Golikov as the Head of the House of the USSR Culture and on the Approval of Temporary Staff of the House ofthe USSR Culture. December 2, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 28. Sheets 109-116.

36. Prikaz № 074 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o formirovanii Upravleniya propagandy SVAG, 23 oktyabrya 1945 g. [Order no. 074 ofthe SMAG Head- in-Chief on the Establishment of the SMAG Propaganda Unit. October 23, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 8. Sheets 82-84.

37. Prikaz № 094 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o kontrole za soderzhaniem pedagogicheskikh, nauchno-tekhnicheskikh, selskohozyaystvennykh, meditsinskikh i drugikh spetsialnykh zhurnalov, vyhodyashchikh v Sovetskoy zone okkupatsii Germanii, 23 marta 1948 g. [Order no. 094 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Content Monitoring of Pedagogical, Scientific and Technical, Agricultural, Medical and Other Special Journals Published in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany March 23, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 71. Sheets 85-92.

38. Prikaz № 097 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o prekrashchenii retranslyatsii moskovskikh radioperedach cherez Leyptsigskiy radioperedatchik № 21 o pereklyuchenii Leyptsigskogo radioperedatchika № 2 na peredachu programmy radioveshchaniya iz berlinskogo radiodoma na nemetskom yazyke, 3 aprelya 1947 g. [Order no. 097 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Termination of the Retransmission of Moscow Radio Programmes Via Leipzig Radio Retransmitter no. 2 and on Switching the Leipzig Radio Retransmitter no. 2 to the Retransmission of Berlin Radio House Programmes on the German Language. April 3, 1947]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 7. File 44. Sheets 134.

39. Prikaz № 105 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob uluchshenii poryadka rasprostraneniya periodicheskoy pechati v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii, v sootvetstvii s direktivoy № 55 Kontrolnogo soveta, 8 iyunya 1948 g. [Order no. 105 of the SMAG Head-inChief on the Improvement of Dissemination of Periodical Press in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany According to Directive no. 55 of the Allied Control Council. June 8, 1948]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 15. Sheets 264-266.

40. Prikaz № 132 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o polzovanii radiopriemnikami nemetskim naseleniem v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii, 27 aprelya 1946 g. [Order no. 132 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Using the Radio Sets Among the German Population in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. April 27, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 5. Sheets 132-133.

41. Prikaz № 19 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob uporyadochenii raboty tipografiy i izdatelstv,

1 avgusta 1945 g. [Order no. 19 of the SMAG Head-inChief on the Regulation of the Work of Printing Houses and Publishing Houses. August 2, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 1. Sheets 38-42.

42. Prikaz № 219 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o provedenii uchitelskikh sobraniy, konferentsiy i syezdov v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii, 19 iyulya 1946 g. [Order no. 219 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Holding the Meetings, Conferences and Conventions of Teachers in the Soviet Zone of Occupation in Germany. July 19, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 6. Sheets 218-223.

43. Prikaz № 25 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob organizatsii Soveta ideologicheskim voprosam izdatelskogo dela v sovetskoy zone okkupatsii, 24 yanvarya 1947 g. [Order no. 25 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Organizing of the Board on Ideological Issues of Publishing Business in the Soviet

Occupation Zone of Germany. January 24, 1947]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 9. Sheets 121-124.

44. Prikaz № 29 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o rabote sektora propagandy i tsenzury Politicheskogo otdela SVAG, 18 avgusta 1945 g. [Order no. 29 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Work of the Propaganda and Censorship Sector at the Political Unit of the SMAG. August 18, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 1. Sheets 96-99.

45. Prikaz № 333 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob uchrezhdenii fakultetov obshchestvennykh nauk pri universitetakh gg. Leyptsiga, Jeny, Rostoke, 29 noyabrya 1946 g. [Order no. 333 of the SMAG Head- in-Chief on Establishing Faculties of Social Sciences at the Universities of Leipzig, Jena, Rostock. November 29, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 8. Sheets 72-78.

46. Prikaz № 356 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob obyazatelnom predostavlenii obraztsov pechatnoy produktsii izdatelstvami sovetskoy zony okkupatsii, 24 dekabrya 1946 g. [Order no. 356 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on the Compulsory Presentation of Printed Media Samples by Publishing Houses Working in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. December 24, 1946]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 8. Sheets 224-225.

47. Prikaz № 45 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG ob obespechenii informatsiey provintsialnykh gazet, 31 avgusta 1945 g. [Order no. 45 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Providing Information to Provincial Newspapers. August 31, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 1. Sheets 140-141.

48. Prikaz № 51 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o vosstanovlenii i poryadke deyatelnosti uchrezhdeniy iskusstva na territorii sovetskoy zony okkupatsii, 4 sentyabrya 1945 g. [Order no. 51 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Re-Establishing and Regulating the Activities of Art Institutions in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. September 4, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 1. Sheets 173-175.

49. Prikaz № 78 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o radioveshchanii v zone sovetskoy voennoy okkupatsii, 27 sentyabrya 1945 g. [Order no. 78 of the SMAG Head-in-Chief on Radio Broadcast in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany. September 27, 1945]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 1. Sheets 309-312.

50. Prikaz № 90 Glavnonachalstvuyushchego SVAG o poryadke raboty izdatelstv i tipografiy, 16 aprelya 1947 g. [Order no. 90 of the SMAG Head-inChief on Regulating Work of Publishing Houses and Printing Houses. April 16, 1947]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 8. File 10. Sheets 252-256.

51. Zaharov V.V. (Ed.) SVAG i formirovanie partiyno-politicheskoy sistemy v Sovetskoy zone okkupatsii Germanii, 1945-1949: sb. dok. [SMAG and Party and Political System Formation in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany: Collection of Documents]. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2014. [Vol. 1: 19451946, 2014. 1207 p.; Vol. 2: 1947-1949, 2014. 1150 p.]

52. Bonwetsch B., Bordyugov G., Naimark N. (Ed.) SVAG. Upravlenie propagandy (informatsii) i S.I. Tyulpanov. 1945-1949 [SMAG. Propaganda (Information) Department and S.I. Tyulpanov. 19451949]. Moscow, AIRO-XXI, 1994. 255 p.

53. Semiryaga M.I. Kakmy upravlyali Germaniey [How We Ruled on Germany]. Moscow, Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya, 1995. 349 p.

54. Spisok voprosov, postavlennykh pered VOKSom chlenami delegatsii nemetskikh politicheskikh deyateley, posetivshikh SSSR 5-18 noyabrya 1948 g. [List of Questions to the All-Union Society of Overseas Cultural Contacts from Members of the German Political Activists' Delegation During the Visit to the USSR Between November 5 and 18, 1948]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 574. Sheets 42-43.

55. Spravka o deyatelnosti predstavitelstva «Soveksportfilm» [Inquiry on Activities of “Soveksportfilm” Representative Office]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 153. Sheets 171-174.

56. Spravka o meropriyatiyakh, provedennykh VOKSom s maya po iyul 1948 g. po usileniyu raboty s Obshhestvami po izucheniyu kultury SSSR, 10 avgusta 1948 g. [Inquiry on Measures Overtaken by the AllUnion Society of Overseas Cultural Contacts Between May and July 1948 on Enforcing the Work with Societies of USSR Cultural Studies. August 10, 1948]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 128. File 574. Sheets 25-28.

57. Spravka o politicheskoy rabote sredi naseleniya Germanii, 5 iyulya 1945 g. [Inquiry on Political Work Among the Population of Germany. July 5, 1945]. RGASPI. Fund 17. List 125. File 321. Sheets 107-114.

2014. TikhomirovA.A. «Luchshiy drug nemetskogo naroda»: kult Stalina v Vostochnoy Germanii (19451961 gg.) [“Best Friend of the German People”: Stalin Cult in East Germany 1945-1961]. Moscow, ROSSPEN, 309 p.

58. Trehletniy opyt raboty Upravleniya informatsii SVAG (oktyabr 1945 - oktyabr 1948 g.) [Three-Years Experience of SMAG Information Department Work (October 1945 - October 1948)]. GARF. Fund 7317. List 19. File 1.

59. Cherednikova A.Yu. Zhenskie nemetskie obshchestvennye organizatsii v Sovetskoy okkupatsionnoy zone: k voprosu o formirovanii novoy «ideologicheskoy intelligentsii» (1945-1949 gg.) [German Women Public Organisation in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany: To the Question on New “Ideological Intelligential” Formation 1945-1949]. Intelligentsiya i mir, 2011, no. 2, pp. 40-50.

60. Amos H. Die Entstehung der Verfassung in der sowjetischen Besatzungszone/DDR 1946-1949. Darstellung undDokumentation. Speyer, FOEV, 2005. 558 p.

61. Boldyrev R. Die Kirchenpolitik der Sowjetischen Militдradministration in Deutschland von 1945 bis 1949. Bцhr Chr., Crawford C., Hoffmann L. (Ed.). Politik und Christentum - Kohдrenzen und Differenzen. Eine russisch-deutsche Sicht auf die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien, 2019, pp. 205-219. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658- 24800-0_17.

62. Broszat M. (Ed.) SBZ-Handbuch. Staatliche Verwaltungen, Parteien, gesellschaftliche Organisationen und ihre Fьhrungskrдfte in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands 19451949. Mьnchen, Oldenbourg, 1993. 1106 p.

63. Brunner D. Der Schein der Souverдnitдt. Landesregierung und Besatzungspolitik in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 1945-1949. Kцln u.a., Bцhlau, 2006. 447 p.

64. Creuzberger S. Die sowjetische Besatzungsmacht und das politische System der SBZ. Kцln u.a., Bцhlau, 1996. 215 p.

65. Fisch J. Reparationen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Mьnchen, Ch. Beck, 1992. 359 p.

66. Foitzik J. Sowjetische Militдradministration in Deutschland (SMAD) 1945-1949. Struktur und Funktion. Berlin, De Gruyter Akademie Forschung, 1999. 544 p.

67. Hilger A., Schmeitzner M., Vollnhals C. (Ed.). Sowjetisierung oder Neutralitдt? Optionen sowjetischer Besatzungspolitik in Deutschland und Цsterreich 1945-1955. Gцttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006. 574 p.

68. Jдger M. Kultur und Politik in der DDR 1945-1990. Kцln, Deutschland Archiv, 1994. 204 p.

69. Karlsch R. Allein bezahlt? Die Reparationsleistungen der SBZ/DDR 1945-1953. Berlin, Links, 1993. 302 p.

70. Karlsch R. Uran fьr Moskau. Die Wismut - Eine populдre Geschichte. Berlin, Ch. Links, 2007. 275 p.

71. Karlsch R., Ciesla B. Vom “Karthago-Frieden” zum Besatzungspragmatismus. Wandlungen der sowjetischen Reparationspolitik und ihre Umsetzung 1945/46. Mehringer H., Schwartz M., Wentker H., eds. Erobert oder befreit?: Deutschland im internationalen Krдftefeld und die Sowjetische Besatzungszone (1945/ 46). Mьnchen, Oldenburg, 1999, pp. 71-92.

72. Karlsch R., Laufer J., eds. Sowjetische Demontagen in Deutschland 1944-1949: Hintergrьnde, Ziele und Wirkungen. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2002. 550 p.

73. Lemke M., ed. Sowjetisierung und Eigenstдndigkeit in der SBZ/DDR (1945-1949). Kцln u.a., Bцhlau, 1999. 365 p.

74. Mдhlert U., Stephan G-R. Blaue Hemden, Rote Fahnen. Die Geschichte der Freien Deutschen Jugend. Opladen, Leske + Budrich, 1996. 286 p.

75. Malycha A. Auf dem Weg zur SED. Die Sozialdemokratie und die Bildung einer Einheitspartei in den Lдndern der SBZ. Bonn, Verlag

J.H.W Dietz Nachfolger, 1996. 485 p.

76. Maser P. Die Kirchen in der DDR. Bonn, Bundeszentrale fьr politische Bildung, 2000. 168 p.

77. Suckut S. Parteien in der SBZ/DDR 1945-1952. Bonn, Bundeszentrale fьr politische Bildung, 2000. 120 p.

78. Wir lernen Russisch. Ein Sprachkurs fьr jedermann. Teil 1-2 / Unter Leitung von A. Pluto. Berlin, Tдgliche Rundschau, 1947. 275 p

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