Manipulative information operations: factors of influence on the social unconscious and cultural values

Influence on the mass consciousness and unconsciousness of society manipulative technologies that are implemented in the modern geopolitical space to change cultural values in Ukraine. Conducting a hybrid war by directing manipulative influence.

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Дата добавления 14.10.2018
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UDC 316.4.06:316.752 Karpenko Oleksandr

D. Sc. (Public Administration), Ohairman of Information Policy and Digital Technologies faculty, National Academy of Public Administration, under the President of Ukraine

Manipulative information operations: factors of influence on the social unconscious and cultural values

The purpose of this article is to reveal the mechanism of penetration of technologies of manipulative influence on the mass consciousness and unconsciousness that are carried out in the modern geopolitical space to change the cultural values of the Ukrainian society. The methodological basis of the research consists in the use of methods of social informatics, in particular social and communicative psychoanalysis, through which the role, possibilities and technology of penetration of manipulative influence on the unconsciousness of society are revealed through mass consciousness of the population. Scientific novelty of the article consists of expanding theoretical ideas about mechanisms of the society control through application of influence on its mass unconsciousness in order to induce necessity for certain subjects to manipulate and change the cultural values. Conclusions. The necessity of using offensive information operations as an effective mechanism for implementing public information policy in the context of hybrid war is described in the article, as directing manipulative influence on the mass consciousness / unconsciousness of the enemy, which disrupts the public administration, threatening the national security of the country, encroaching on its territorial integrity and independence, attempts to affect the historical and cultural values of the Ukrainian society.

Key words: Manipulative, Communication Process, Communicative Crisis, Social Unconscious, Cultural Values.

Карпенко Олександр Валентинович, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувач кафедри інформаційної політики та цифрових технологій Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України

Маніпулятивні інформаційні операції: детермінанти впливу на масове несвідоме та культурні цінності суспільства

Метою статті є розкриття механізму впливу на масову свідомість та несвідомість суспільства маніпулятивних технологій, які реалізуються у сучасному геополітичному просторі для зміни культурних цінностей в Україні. Методологічною основою дослідження є методи соціальної інформаціології, зокрема соціального та комунікативного психоаналізу, за допомогою яких розкрито роль, можливості та технологію проникнення маніпулятивного впливу на несвідомість суспільства через масову свідомість населення. Наукова новизна полягає в розширенні теоретичних уявлень щодо механізмів управління суспільством через застосування впливу на його масову несвідомість з метою необхідних певному суб'єкту маніпулятивного управління дії, спрямованих на зміни культурних цінностей. Висновки. Обґрунтовано необхідність застосування наступальних інформаційних операцій як ефективного механізму реалізації державної інформаційної політики в умовах ведення гібридної війни шляхом спрямування маніпулятивного впливу на масову свідомість/несвідомість супротивника, який, дезорганізуючи державне управління, загрожуючи національній безпеці країни, зазіхаючи на її територіальну цілісність та незалежність, намагається змінити історичні культурні цінності українського суспільства.

Ключові слова: маніпулювання, комунікативні процеси, комунікативні кризи, несвідоме суспільства, культурні цінності.

Карпенко Александр Валентинович, доктор наук по государственному управлению, заведующий кафедрой информационной политики и цифровых технологий Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины

Манипулятивные информационные операции: детерминанты влияния на массовое бессознательное и культурные ценности общества

Целью статьи является раскрытие механизма проникновения технологий манипулятивного воздействия на массовое сознание и бессознательное общества, которые применяются в современном геополитическом пространстве для изменения существующих культурных ценностей в Украине. Методологической основой исследования являются методы социальной информациологии, в том числе социального и коммуникативного психоанализа, с помощью которых раскрыты роль, возможности и технология проникновения манипулятивного воздействия на бессознательное общества через массовое сознание населения. Научная новизна заключается в расширении теоретических представлений о механизмах управления обществом через влияния на его массовое бессознательное с целью проведения необходимых определенному субъекту манипулятивного управления действий, направленных на изменения культурных ценностей. Выводы. Обоснована необходимость применения наступательных информационных операций как эффективного механизма реализации государственной информационной политики в условиях ведения гибридной войны путем направления манипулятивного воздействия на массовое сознание и бессознательное противника, который дезорганизовывая государственное управление, угрожая национальной безопасности страны, посягая на ее территориальную целостность и независимость, пытается изменить исторические культурные ценности украинского общества.

Ключевые слова: манипулирование, коммуникативные процессы, коммуникативный кризис, бессознательное общества, культурные ценности.

Current information influence on Ukrainian society is politically determined and complicated. According to Resolution of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, "One of the current actual threats to national interests and national security in the information sphere is the inefficiency of the public information policy and the conflicts of law concerning to regulation of interaction in the information sphere, which defines the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine" [1,8]. Public policy is always connected with ensuring the needs and interests of people in the context of governance of functions' implementation and activity of civil society institutions. In return, politics as an art of governance is the communication between its subjects. As a result of itscommunication some hidden interaction between the conscious activity of politicians and social unconscious is formed. Communication is carried out via information. Information in the communication process is always an influence on individual's psychics. At the Information Age of virtual reality many unexplored phenomena of human psychics, which were formed during information processing by brain at unconscious level, appear. The socio- psychological information determines the combination of knowledge, messages and facts about the situation, functioning and trends of the development of object-subject, subject-object and subject-subject relations that arise in society. That is to say, a definite systematized and reasonable array of such information is a knowledge-based system about needs, interests, feelings, mood, thoughts, motivations and behavior of people.

Information provided by specialists, who carry out the corresponding communication and information activities via media, obtains a socio-psychological character. The communication process becomes management process by mediocracy. However, when trust relations between society and media break down, crisis communications arise. Information power is a new type of power from the view of social and communicative psychoanalysis, therefore, subjects of management must always take into account needs and interests of the society. That means to have a motivated impact not only on the mass consciousness but also on the subconscious, effectively force from conscious to unconscious (under the influence of emotional perception of some event) the necessary information that in future, at crisis time, will be able return into conscious of object of management and cause definite actions that are required by the subject of management.

The public information policy in Ukraine means not only the regulatory activity of public authorities. The need to change the content of the public administration system is determined by changes in the new information technologies of "provider - consumer" relations paradigm, which means a revision of the interaction between state and citizens as customers and clients [2, 105].

The effective interaction between public administration and civil society in the process of public information policy formation and implementation in Ukraine is supposed to promote engaging innovation means in waging the information war against the devastating impacts of Russian Federation. So, along with defensive means against aggressor, which is trying to dominate on the information space of Ukraine, it is necessary to use offensive information operations. Author supposes that the domestic and foreign national information policies in the sphere of public (national) interests' protection should be transformed by expansion of the defensive principles [3-4]. Культурологія

Modern Ukrainian geopolitical realities testify the inefficiency of official disproof of different information that comes from mass media. So, it is necessary to use offensive information operations (information attacks and information sabotage) in order to counteract information campaigns against Ukraine.

An information attack is an act of aggressive usage of information weapons during an information campaign. According to the typology of information campaigns, the information war has an offensive and defensive character, and directly or indirectly carries an information threat for security and interests of its participants.

An example of information attacks that Ukraine can successfully use in the process of implementation a particular information campaign is so-called "meme-technology". So, for example, the Ukrainian famous "meme- slogan" "Who's not jumping is ..." (in particular, in Bosnia - "... not Bosnian", in Chile - "... not Chilean", in France - "... not French", in Portugal - ". not Portuguese", in Ukraine - "...Moscal") is now also used in Russian Federation as "... he is a bear", which is frankly directed against the current regime and spread by the opposition to stand against the government.

The social psychoanalysis' researches and studies about information and psychological wars organization, creation of interethnic conflicts influenced by moral and psychological impact of a potential enemy with the use of powerful information impacts on public opinion as well as analysis of well-known manipulative technologies of public information policy in different countries, makes it possible to assume that patterns of unconscious are widely used by many actors of modern PR campaigns.

The most dangerous technologies nowadays are the implementation of tools of zombieing and information, psychological, psychophysical influence on the part of hostile minded subjects of modern geopolitics in order to create new cultural values. Apart from the influence on mass consciousness, the implementation of targeted offensive operations takes place both on collective "unconscious" and on subconscious of a particular citizen. Therefore, the dangerous mistake of the modern Ukrainian public information policy is to ignore the need of creation an integral system of information security that would be able to protect from these actions. However, in Ukrainian society, the officials will always have a new temptation to control social instincts by manipulating of their consciousness and via exploitation of the unconscious in order to create new cultural values. Information and psychological weapons are the most terrible ways of influence, so the obvious task for the civil society is the mastering by every thinking individual the effective ways of protection against manipulation in order to survive during modern hybrid wars.

Consciousness is a rational perception, reflection, feeling and assimilation of what is happening in reality, herewith, the feature of collective unconscious according to V. Popov [5] is "the presence of an "autonomous psychological fund", which consists of the experience of previous generations of the mankind". The principle of social justice, the desire for accumulation (concealment) or the so-called instinct of "The Power of the Herd" can be regarded as examples of unconscious. The ideas that were forgotten by consciousness and displaced to unconscious field, continue to exist. An individual cannot (at his own will) reproduce them, since they are beyond the threshold of consciousness and memory, but these ideas can return from there to conscious at any moment, sometimes in many years. The reproduction of forgotten ideas from the unconscious takes place under the influence of certain social causes, which are accumulated on some background (events, phenomena, facts, etc).

Consciousness is the perception that occurs both: outside and inside us, as the basis of consciousness are sensations and feelings as a result of interaction with the real world. Nowadays the majority of subjects of information influence in Ukraine do not realize the consequences of information they produced, that gets into mass consciousness, and under what circumstances and emotions it is able to return from unconscious to consciousness. However, nowadays the experienced manipulators work effectively with the collective unconscious, for example, artificially propagating facts about how normal can homosexual relationships or the life without children can be ("child free"), which under the influences of various emotions and circumstances are displaced in the unconscious (inserted into the subconscious), from where after a while, under certain conditions they return to the consciousness of a particular individual. Most of the spread information has situational and temporary character and is only perceived by a person, but there is also such information that provokes strong emotions, distress that displaces this information into collective unconscious. Subsequently however, under influence of some technologies, for example, neuro-linguistic programming, unconscious desires and thoughts may return into consciousness. Internal beliefs (including moral principles, upbringing, values, etc.) are powerful phenomenon as well as strong resistance against transfer of unconscious' content into conscious. In the period of social upheavals (wars, revolutions, famines, genocides, reforms) a large number of complexes, aspirations, desires and ever existing instincts are accumulated in social unconscious. The aim of manipulator's activity is breaking up the resistance mechanism during a designed communication campaign via means of social influence (social media, Internet) at the right time, so that the necessary unconscious' content has got rapidly into conscious, causing transformation of public opinion and inevitably provoking corresponding processes in society. geopolitical manipulative hybrid war

Thus, personal beliefs of an individual towards one or another idea are the mechanism of resistance. Depending on the nature of the provocation and sphere of unconscious, both negative and positive components come into the consciousness (for instance, enthusiasm, self-sacrifice). Collective unconscious can be a destructor (causing revolutions, revolts, massacres, etc.) as well as a creator (patriotism, heroism, national consciousness, etc.).

Value component of the mechanism of resistance to negative content transfer from unconscious into consciousness is conscience that performs censor function. If morals and conscience of some part of society are weak, there is a perfect space for manipulation of consciousness, as well as sale of truth for material goods, corruption and bribery. Thus, in order to control unconscious, it is necessary to spread certain information in consciousness with the use of definite provoking technologies (means) in order to intensify the mechanisms of displacement from conscious into unconscious or creating resistance to information from unconscious in order to obtain a pre-planned result at a level of human behavior motivation.

Creation of endless array of negative information can be regarded as an example of influence on the mechanisms of resistance/displacement (news about disasters, murders, etc.). This leads to the situation that an individual, becoming accustomed to constant cataclysms, perceives in their convictions violence and cruelty as the norm of the modern society (the mechanism of resistance is atrophied), and its unconscious begins to generate violence of the particular individual towards others. At the same time, collective unconscious is based not only on instincts but also on historical memory, generic, clan and religious traditions, archetypes, myths and national mentality. Via impact manipulative and zombieing technologies on the patterns of unconscious, a person becomes controllable even without realizing it.

In the context of rapid development of information and communication technologies, the offensive information operations within the framework of targeted information campaigns should become an effective tool for providing the modern information war against any opponents who are trying to disorganize public administration control, threaten national security, usurp Ukrainian territorial integrity and independence.

The required level of national security is provided via implementation of a domestic innovation system for the development of new resources and modernization of public authorities. The primary task is to implement innovations, legal, institutional and information mechanisms to ensure the national interests of Ukraine. National security is a basic guarantee of development of any state. In the context of external challenges increasing and permanent social crisis, which is observed in Ukrainian society, the problem of ensuring national security and information state security as well becomes especially urgent. Modern Ukrainian society is actively opposing the destructive propaganda of Russian Federation, whereas the information infrastructure of public authorities and the personnel of the state military formations are increasingly becoming the objects of information weapons used by aggressor during the realization of special information operations.


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Стаття надійшла до редакції 27.01.2018 р.

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