Humanitarian cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and European countries: mutual interests and results
Comparative analysis of the nature, main goals and directions, results and prospects of Azerbaijan's humanitarian cooperation with France, Vatican, great Britain, Italy, Germany. Analysis of the multilateral relations beetween Azerbaijan and Romania.
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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ | 11.04.2018 |
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà | 16,8 K |
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The article is based on the importance of humanitarian cooperation of AR with the leading countries of Europe. The comparative analysis of the nature, main goals and directions, results and prospects of humanitarian relations between Azerbaijan and France, Vatican City, Great Britain, Italy, Germany and other countries takes place central place in investigation. Special attention has been given to the following specific scientific problems: rich historical cultural relations, modern humanitarian integration potential (resources), mutual humanitarian solidarity, protection of material and non-material cultural heritage, internationalization of education; solidarity against international terrorism and etc.
Azerbaijani government enjoys strong and beneficial international humanitarian cooperation with many counties. The government collaborates with other states on humanitarian issues without discrimination on religious, racial and national factors.
France, Italy, the Vatican, Great Britain and Balkan countries are among the closest partners of Azerbaijan on the issue. Particularly, France and the Vatican are the countries with which we have much more extensive humanitarian contacts because of considerable political-diplomatic and religious-spiritual factors. This is also evident from the historical records.
Cooperation with France
It is not accident that France is one of the main partners Azerbaijan in its humanitarian relations, which can be categorized as following:
1) international reputation of France;
2) the historical humanitarian cooperation record between two nations;
3) special need of spreading Azerbaijan realities in a country with very good relations with Armenian and strong anti-Turkey sentiments [3, p. 211; 5, p. 492].
The importance of humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and France has been emphasized by Heydar Aliyev several years ago. According to him, cooperation with such a great power like France, an example of democracy with an ancient history, along with aspirations towards peace and humanism and worldwide influence, is very significant and important for us. [1, p. 40]. The main indicators of the international prestige of France are following:
1) to be one of the three leading European states and engines driving the EU;
2) a member of “Great Eights” and “Nuclear Club”;
3) one of the co-chairs of OSCE Minsk group;
4) very strong economical-cultural potential.
These and other factors played a crucial effect in determining the France as the first official presidential visit during Heydar Aliyevand Ilham Aliyev's presidencies. The first and subsequent numerous visits made considerable progress in the development of Azerbaijani-French relations, in particular in the field of humanitarian cooperation. The joining of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to international humanitarian processes has been further enhanced and effective.
While investigating and characterizing Azerbaijani-French relations, these key fields and directions are worth noting:
1) access to rich historical humanitarian cooperation capital, inheritance and experience between nations;
2) protection of material and non-material cultural heritage;
3) mutually beneficial humanitarian assistance;
4) solidarity against international terrorism and so on.
We can express the main, principal features of Azerbaijan-France historical cooperation based on “Azerbaijan Realities” analytical project team (N. Mammadova), as well as other researchers' analyses and collected theoretical-factual materials:
- the translation of Nizami Ganjavi's “Xamsa” and “Avesta” already in the 18th century
- description of French history in Axundov's works;
- the great value given to Azerbaijani's humanism and language in A. Duma's “A journey to Caucasus”;
- humanitarian protection given to Azerbaijani political emigrants (J. Hajibeyli, A. Topchubashi);
- the care given to 42 Azerbaijani students who had traveled to France for getting higher education;
- numerous performance of “Arshin mal alan” comedy in Paris, publishing thejournal of“Azerbaijan”;
- publication of Umbul Banu's “Paris days”, “Alien France” and other works in France.
The participation of Azerbaijan in international humanitarian cooperation is also significant because of promoting our country in the West. Realization of
this was possible through several international documents (“Paris Charter for New Europe” 1990), and especially the agreement about “Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Understanding”, Joint Declaration about “Cultural Relations” signed between Azerbaijan and France.
One of the most important fields of Azerbaijan-France humanitarian cooperation is joint activities on development and internalization of education. Below are some illustrations of results achieved through the cooperation.
Many Azerbaijani students study at French universities, while the French lyceum operates in Baku. Azerbaijani language and history is taught at some educational institutions in France which has been supported by opening of Azerbaijani language faculty at French State Oriental Languages and Culture Institute by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. Leading Azerbaijani university Baku State University enjoys strong cooperation with Grenoble and Nits Universities.
Cultural relations seem to be the main driving force of Azerbaijani-French cooperation. The main focus in this area directed to protection of material and non-material cultural heritage which is distinguished by diversity. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation is considered the main driving force of this cooperation working towards promotion of the truth about the past and present ofthe country. The main lines and principles of the Foundation's work stems from the ideas, views and approaches taking place in H. Aliyev's lecture about “Azerbaijan and Caucasus on the verge of XXI century” delivered during the second official visit to France at the Institute of International Relations in Paris.[3, p. 209]
We can summarize the humanitarian activity ofthe Heydar Aliyev Foundation in France as following:
- opened its representative office in Paris.
- could spread scope of its activities to more than 20 region ofthe country.
- in November 2015, held the first meeting of Azerbaijan-France Interregional Cooperation Forum in Ganja.
- gave comprehensive support for the opening of Azerbaijan Cultural Centre in Paris.
- implemented the projects on “The Days of Azerbaijani Culture” in the cities of Rheims, Champagne, and Cannes.
- provided financial aid to the restoration of the Louvre museum, Versailles Palace, Strasbourg Cathedral, about 20 churches in Lower Normandy and other historical monuments.
- organized Azerbaijani mugam, classical and other music nights in several cities of France.
- has created famous photographer R. Degati's “ Azerbaijan-land of tolerance” photo exhibition and international conference under name of “Religious tolerance: co-existence of cultures in Azerbaijan” in Paris.
- supported the opening of several sections on Islamic culture, renovated several carpets in Louvre museum and created “Azerbaijani camp” at famous “Palais Royal” square in front of palace. [2]; [2; 4; 6].
In this part of the paper, I would like to discuss the results of Azerbaijani-French humanitarian cooperation and activity of the Foundation. Humanitarian co-operation with France:
1) helped significantly advance Azerbaijan in international community, particularly educational integration to Europe. Also the rich historical cultural heritage has been revived.
2) supported recognition of our country in France and generally had a positive impact on acceptance its history and contemporary realities and appreciation of its national values in the European continent. The perception about Azerbaijan being multicultural, secular and humanitarian state has been strengthened in French society. We can see these results by the value given by French government to the Foundation. Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded with France's “Officer of the Legion of Honor” medal. She was choosen “the most influential woman” of 2014 year according to the results of a joint survey of the Arab Cultural Heritage Centre working in France and Egypt's “Nefertiti media productions” company. [2, p. 4];
3) contributed to the weakening ofthe influence of anti-Turkish propaganda carried out by Armenian diaspora and lobby in this country. But we cannot deny that satisfactory level of Azerbaijani-French humanitarian cooperation could not seriously impact Azerbaijan's just cause on the fair solution of “Nagorno-Karabakh problem” and still France remaining as an “Armenian friend”.
Cooperation with Vatican City.
Vatican City has a special place among the numerous humanitarian partners of Azerbaijan with multi-faceted humanitarian cooperation between them:
- understanding and partnership model of secular and religious states;
- an example of possibility of efficient dialogue between different civilizations;
- an example of joint action of an important part of the Islamic world (Azerbaijan) with a solid and reliable power of the Christian world Catholic Church (Vatican City).
Scientific investigation of gained valuable experience in the field of humanitarian relations between Azerbaijan and Vatican City is one of the main topics of international research. There are a lot of points and issues during the study of theoretical and practical aspects of the problem. Here we need to mention international importance and value giving by countries to each other. Very good political relations and periodic contacts between Azerbaijan's president and Roman popes (the heads ofVatican) confirm this high price. John Paul ll's official visit to Azerbaijan in 2002, can be considered international diplomatic and humanitarian act which left deep traces in the history of Azerbaijan-Vatican City relations [7]. The historical statement he made during the visit “Azerbaijan is an example of tolerance and a door between East and West” [7] is particularly noteworthy.
Several humanitarian agreements have been signed as a result of business discussions between the leadership of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Vatican City officials in Rome. Thus, the Holy See and the Foundation have signed “bilateral agreement on restoration of Roman catacombs” in 2012 [7]. It was signed by M. Aliyeva and Vatican's Culture Minister, President of the Pontifical Council for Sacred Archaeology Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. The Foundation signed another important agreement with the Vatican Apostolic Library in 2014 [7]. The essence of the agreements, provisions and, in general, results of multilateral humanitarian cooperation have been appreciated by scientific and political communities, international media, as well as by theological experts. For specific approach and considerations we need to pay attention to followings:
1) the financial provision made by the Foundation to restoration of ancient and valuable Christian monuments near Rome, some of the 60 catacombs (St. Peter's, Saint Marcellin), and ancient Azerbaijani manuscripts kept in the Vatican Apostolic Libraries enshrined in the above-mentioned agreements and other diplomatic documents. Also, it is planned to restore more than 100 valuable paintings, including the famous work belonging to Orpheus. The restoration has already started with 15 of 40 manuscripts of Vatican Apostolic Library completed [7; p. 8].
2) This humanitarian cooperation has been appreciated by several officials including G. Ravasi who assessed the nature, prospects and other aspects of before mentioned documents and mutual ties saying:
a. “known agreements are shining examples of dialogue between religions and cultures”;
b. “Azerbaijan is multi-religious, multi-ethnic, multicultural and open country to thoroughly humanitarian cooperation”;
c. “comprehensive assistance for the restoration of historical Christian monuments in Rome's pretty rare event”.
The Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Sacred Archaeology G. Carry and his authorized representative F. Biscony appreciated this assistance “as a gift and contribution of Islam world to Christian world,” “the first manifestation and fact in Rome history of care of Islamic countries fund to Christian culture” and “sign of attention serving intercultural relations and inter-religious dialogue.”
It is clear from Vatican City official's explanations that although the Holy See asked contribution for restoration of catacombs from Christian states, it has received the first positive response from a foundation of a Muslim majority country.
The features, results and prospects of humanitarian cooperation between the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Vatican has been characterized by the president of the Foundation M. Aliyeva. According to her, the fund seeks to preserve the cultural heritage and history of humanity by protection of cultural monuments of universal wealth. She believes Azerbaijan is a space of dialogue among civilizations and religions with profound respect of our people to all nationalities, religions and cultures which is a great wealth to the world. Restoration of catacombs and manuscripts created wide opportunities for tourists and pilgrims amounting to fundamental assistance to humanitarian cooperation. Such important approaches and provisions took central place in her discussions with Roman Pope R. Francis.
Humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and Vatican City includes numerous series of events. Among them “Azerbaijan the land of tolerance” has a special place within the framework of the activities carried out [8]. The agreements signed about the restoration of the statue of Zeus in the Vatican Museum and repair works on “Sistina hall” in this regard are commendable.
Humanitarian action of the Foundation in Vatican City cover “Karabakh carpets”, “Maiden Tower” art festivals, Italian version of the book “Azerbaijan” among others. The historical fact should be noted that, Azerbaijan is the first Muslim majority country that organized an exhibition in Vatican City. It is significant issue that one of the series of 20th anniversary of Azerbaijan's independence held in Vatican City. So it is very important and valuable to introduce the Azerbaijani history to the whole world.
Summarizing the issues of humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Vatican it is required to highlight two things: (a) mutual humanitarian relations have sound political and sufficient legal basis, and (b) there is no any serious problems in widening of this humanitarian cooperation.
Cooperation with the United Kingdom.
Cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UK extends well before the 600 years of mutually beneficial relations based on following two factors:
- indisputable international reputation, historically democratic traditions and strong economic, scientific and cultural potential ofthe UK;
- rich hydrocarbon resources, favorable geo-strategic position, scientific and cultural development, multiculturalism and tolerance experience of Azerbaijan.
“Joint Declaration about Friendship and Cooperation” and the “Memorandum about Cultural relations” signed in 1994 have given a boost to humanitarian cooperation between two countries. Another memorandum was signed between Azerbaijan's Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of London [10]. Overall, 12 important diplomatic documents on bilateral humanitarian relations were signed by the end of 2014 [9, p.103]. The opening of the Azerbaijani Cultural Center in London in 1995, the creation of the English-Azerbaijani Society (one of Azerbaijan's lobby organization) in 1997, “Azerbaijan: towards the twenty-first century” international seminar held in London in 1999 and other joint activities significantly strengthened humanitarian cooperation between two countries. Azerbaijan gives particular attention to education in cooperation with the UK. According to “State Program on education of Azerbaijani youth in foreign countries in the years of 2007-2015,” 419 of 1842 Azerbaijanis studying in 27 countries chose the UK [10].
Activities related to humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UK is very diverse ranging from exhibitions, culture days to music festivals. For example, “Azerbaijani day” held in Aberdine Royal University in 1992, exhibition on “the Land of Fire” held in London in 1994, “Days of Azerbaijani Culture” in 1994 and others can be mentioned. The Great Britain week held in Azerbaijan in 1999 with motto “Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom towards the new millennium”, numerous humanitarian actions have been formed under the “transition period” project since 2009 can be estimated highly in promoting Azerbaijan.
However, humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UK has much bigger potential given the capabilities and resources.
Cooperation with Italy.
Italy is another country that enjoys very good cooperation with Azerbaijan on humanitarian issues. Azerbaijan has been the first country in South Caucasus to host the Italian embassy which boosted the bilateral relations. The humanitarian cooperation between two countries has rich history with numerous presentations given by our well-known opera singers M. Mammadov, S. Mammadova, M. Magomaev, A. Zeynalov and others in Italian popular music halls which gave significant contribution to the promotion of Azerbaijan.
“A joint declaration on cooperation in culture, science and technology,” signed by H. Aliyev during his first official visit to Italy in 1997, made positive impact on Azerbaijani-ltalian humanitarian cooperation. Also the signing of the agreement about the joint action on development of culture, tourism and sports in 2002 further strengthened the relations between two countries [11]. During the meetings held in 2005 and 2008 between the presidents of two countries, humanitarian cooperation had been one of the main topics discussed.
The Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Italy-Azerbaijan Association and other various organizations carried out several activities targeting the development of bilateral humanitarian relations and promotion of Azerbaijan. Some of them were briefly reviewed by R. Jafarli in his article “Azerbaijan-ltaly relations are developing successfully” published in “Azerbaijan” newspaper. The purpose of some of the events directly relate to this very research, therefore they are studied and analyzed in here.
“The Azerbaijan-ltaly Association” was founded by the Azerbaijan-ltaly Inter-Parliamentary working group ofthe National Assembly [12, p.46]. One ofthe main objectives of the Association headed by Mrs. P. Casagranden, is the mutual recognition of humanitarian values. In the 2014 interview, given by the head of the working group A. Karimli to analytical information magazine “National Assembly”, there is factual analysis and comments regarding humanitarian activity carried out by the Association, AR Embassy in Italy and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation [12, p. 46-51]. Concrete works done in this direction include:
- Educational complex ¹ 132-134 in Baku has been teaching Italian since 2013.
- A concert of chamber music dedicated to the memory of Heydar Aliyev in Brankaccio palace in Rome was performed with the support of the Baku Musical Academy and Italian Saint Cecilia National Academy in 2013.
- An exhibition named, “The Shades of Nizami's Word” was displayed in the Roman Consorti Art Gallery in 2013.
- A trip was organized for 15 children from Karabagh refugee families to visit Italy in 2013.
- From 2013 to 2014, an Italy-Azerbaijan tourism forum was held in Rome. The forum included an international conference with the topic, “Co-Existence of Different Nationalities and Religious Sect Members: Azerbaijan is an Example of Multiculturalism and Tolerance”, the translation of the famous “Ali and Nino” work into Italian, a documentary film about ourAzerbaijan demonstrating the Italian National Geography canal, and so on.
The Italy-Azerbaijan Association together with the Heydar Aliyev Foundation realized the “Solidarity Way Camp” project for children displaced from Shusha. The “Azerbaijan The Ancient Land on the Silk Road” event organized by the Association and Foundation at the University for Foreigners in Perugia also caused great interest. Excavations took place in the area of Mercati di Triano. An archaeological museum with the assistance of the Foundation has been highly appreciated by the scientific community and the media of Italy [11].
Azerbaijan's successful participation in the Milan Expo 2015 should be considered one ofthe most successful results of its humanitarian relations with Italy. The representation of our country with a special pavilion at the exhibition has been strongly supported by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The successful presentation is characterized from many aspects:
1. The Azerbaijan pavilion was indispensable for its contributions to promoting the historical and national heritage of our country in an international community, which has been unequivocally confirmed at the press conference held about the results of representation of AR in the exhibition. Thus, more than three million people visited our pavilion during six months of the World Exhibition [13].
2. The Azerbaijan pavilion was one ofthe most successful amongst the pavilions representing numerous states in the exhibition and was named “A Pearl of Milan” by the Italian government and the press [13]. This was the first time our country has been represented in this exhibition.
3. Many humanitarian activities have been realized at the exhibition under the name “Feed Our Planet and Gain Energy for Life” at our pavilion titled “Azerbaijan A Treasure of Biodiversity”. For example, international scientific conferences called “Energy of Azerbaijan land” and “Food, Life, Science” were organized, along with live broadcasting of the first European Games and music programs.
Summarizing the numerous issues and facts analysed above, we can note that humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy is expanding in various fields and areas, has sufficient capacity and paramount importance with praiseworthy results, draws attention with good prospects, and so on.
Cooperation with Germany.
Azerbaijan-the Federal Republic of Germany humanitarian cooperation is one of the main lines of multilateral relations between the two countries. There are many factors directly and indirectly influencing the necessity, level, and characteristics of humanitarian relations. These factors help explain the different features of the AR-Germany Humanitarian Cooperation. In our opinion, the following important factors have main roles:
1. The importance both countries give each other in world politics and Europe's military, energy, and humanitarian security. For Germany's former president, R. Hersog, and former Foreign Minister, R. Kinkel, “Azerbaijan has a friend, partner and lawyer in the face of Germany ” [3, p. 219]. Numerous official and business visits by AR Presidents to Germany, discussions held in the course of these meetings, signed agreements, and other documents confirm the mutual trust between the parties.
2. Germany is the first Western European country recognized the Republic ofAzerbaijan, and is the country where one ofthe largest Turkish communities exists. At the same time, since the 19th century, German citizens have been living in Azerbaijan.
3. Germany consistently supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. For example, the solution of the “Nagorno-Karabakh problem” was a provision of the restoration of sovereign rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this regard, the Azerbaijani diplomacy efforts aimed at bringing Germany to the Minsk Group are quite logical.
These issues are distinguished from the different problems and events in humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and Germany:
- The impact of Azerbaijani-Turkish communities in Germany and German communities (diaspora) in AR to humanitarian contacts. Here our diaspora neutralizes Armenia's “Wild Turkish-Muslim” propaganda.
- The humanitarian cooperation with famous foundations (Heydar Aliyev, A. Humbold, F. Nauman). In this context, charity benefits such as education and science, teaching and learning the state languages, and other humanitarian activity should be emphasized.
- Purely humanitarian acts, namely the protection of the German military cemetery in Azerbaijan, as mentioned in the reference of MFAin 1997 [3, p. 216].
- The humanitarian assistance given to Azerbaijanian refugees by the German government and charity organizations.
- There are many humanitarian actions connecting two countries as well:
- The assistance of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the restoration ofthe Berlin Castle.
- The participation in the twin cities movement (Sumgait, Ludwigshafen connections etc.).
- The cooperation of several Azerbaijan educational and scientific institutions with Goethe Institute,
- The activity of the German Academic Exchange Service.
- The opening of the “German Language Centre” in Baku.
The perspective of the Azerbaijan-Germany Humanitarian Cooperation also seems satisfied. The above-mentioned factors, specific interests of the parties in humanitarian cooperation, and the opportunities to implement them allow us to come to such conclusion. We think that the humanitarian cooperation has a systematic and efficient, undeniable importance on the elimination of some small problems between the two countries.
Azerbaijan's humanitarian relations with other European states are expanding in various levels and degrees. Belgium, one of the main political, financial, and information network centers of the continent, makes great contributions to the promotion of our country in the Western world. Our diaspora has a strong influence in this country. Every year, different humanitarian actions take place in several cities of Belgium and, of course, the main purpose of these events is promotion of our country.
Among the Balkan States, Azerbaijan has warm relations with Croatia. In this cooperation, education takes superb direction. The Zagreb Declaration has been signed by the two countries, attaching great importance to cooperation in the field of education. AR and Croatia also signed an Understanding Memorandum about the exchange of students and teachers [12, p. 36-37].
There was presentation of cooperation with humanitarian education amongst the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, the University of Zagreb in Croatia, and the Diplomatic Academy of Croatia in an interview given by Croatian diplomat N. Milishich for the “Ambassador” column of the “National Assembly” magazine in 2014. As well, the interview gave attention to humanitarian cooperation in the fields of sport, science, tourism, and others. Milishich also announced cooperation between South-Eastern Europe, one of the biggest cultural centres in South-Eastern Europe, the Zagreb Modern Art Gallery, and the Museum of Modern Art in Baku.
Poland is also an important European country for us. One of the leading lines of cooperation between our countries is rehabilitation of history, remarkable scientific-cultural ties, and traditions in this field of these two nations.
A wide range of opportunities has been created for the development of multilateral relations with Norway with “energy diplomacy” and famous scientist/traveller T. Heyerdal's scientific mission to our country from 1981 to 1984. As well, the Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise has been involved in the restoration of historical monuments, particularly Albanian churches in Azerbaijan since 1994. Between November 2006 and April 2007, an exhibition was held under name “Azerbaijan Land of Fire” in Norway. In September 2007, a cooperation agreement was between the Azerbaijan Museum Centre and the Stavanger Archaeological Museum.
Romania was the second country that recognized our independence. In multilateral relations with this country, the integration of education and experience with Baku State University attracts attention.
In general, useful humanitarian cooperation between Azerbaijan and European countries is about to rise to the level of one of the leading areas of the multilateral cooperation system.
humanitarian cooperation multilateral azerbaijan
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