Prospects of political rehabilitation and aspects of retribution. The post-militaristic phase of the hybrid war
Psychological effects brought about by a manipulative influence on mass consciousness. Aspects of the guilt of Ukrainian citizens who, due to manipulation, became state criminals. The necessity moral and intellectual revival of Ukrainian society.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.12.2017 |
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Размещено на
Struhatskyi Vasyl,
Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Assistant Professor
The article of the author completes his study of an aggressor impact on mass consciousness in the context of the conflict in the East of Ukraine.
Particular attention is focused on psychological effects brought about by a manipulative influence on mass consciousness, aspects of the guilt of Ukrainian citizens who, due to manipulation, became state criminals as well as the necessity of a comprehensive moral and intellectual revival of Ukrainian society.
Key words: manipulation of mass consciousness; personality disorders; guilt; retribution; comprehensive moral and intellectual rehabilitation.
manipulation consciousness criminals society
Стругацкий Василий,
кандидат философских наук, доцент
В статье автор завершает свое исследование агрессорного воздействия на массовое сознание в контексте конфликта на Востоке Украины.
Внимание конкретизируется на психологических эффектах, к которым приводит манипулятивное воздействие на массовое сознание, аспектах вины граждан Украины, которые вследствие манипуляции, стали государственными преступниками, а также на необходимости комплексного морально-интеллектуального возрождения отечественного общества.
Ключевые слова: манипуляция массовым сознанием; расстройства личности; вина; воздаяние; комплексная морально-интеллектуальная реабилитация.
Стругацький Василь,
кандидат філософських наук, доцент
У статті автор завершує власне дослідження агресорного впливу на масову свідомість у контексті військового конфлікту на Сході України.
Увага конкретизується на психологічних ефектах, до яких призводить маніпулятивний вплив на свідомість, аспектах провини громадян України, які, зазнавши маніпуляції, зрадили свою державу та необхідності ком-плексного морально-інтелектуального відродження вітчизняного суспільства.
Ключові слова: маніпуляція масовою свідомістю; розлади особистості; провина; відплата; комплексна морально-інтелектуальна реабілітація.
Problem definition and state of research. Our previous works reviewed numerous prerequisites of success of a pre-militaristic information aggressions of the Russian Federation (the RF) [1] as well as methods, means and objectives of a manipulative influence on mass consciousness during the military operations [2] carried out by the above country, directly or indirectly, against Ukraine.
This war has not yet come to an end. In spite of the fact, we believe that as early as today it is necessary to analyze political and mental consequences of a long-term influence of aggressor's engineering technologies on Ukrainian citizens, which distort their consciousness.
Endeavoring to adhere to the principle of terminological accuracy, we note that current search of adequate nomens and definitions which could be used to reasonably name and describe the stages of the `hybrid war' and the war itself is still in progress, as evidenced by domestic researchers in their comprehensive analytics [3].
We therefore narrow down a conceptual field to `post- militaristic' already in the title, implying a future stage of `confrontation', `conflict', `war' `hybrid war', `information war' etc., which will take place when:
- the armed Russian terroristic aggression in the Ukrainian territory is stopped;
- the parties of the `conflict' are disengaged or at least the Russian troops which are currently in the East of Ukraine come back to the RF whereas local collaborationists stay mostly within the state border of Ukraine;
- effective control of this border is established;
- a political and information influence of Ukraine on the Separate Areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions (sAd&LR) is resumed.
That said, the `hybrid war' or `conflict' will obviously continue for some time with the use of its main tool - (mis)information in the political and mythological discursive confrontation.
In other words, the concept of `post-militaristic' itself is the most adequate for us.
As to the topicality of this article, it is called forth by a few contemporary theoretical studies of the kind and the significance of a humanitarian task addressing a progressor influence on consciousness of Ukrainian citizens, which is pared-down and accentuated by manipulations.
Towards this goal, it is necessary to look for an opportunity for post-war social and psychological rehabilitation of such citizens and nationwide measures on prevention of particular susceptibility of our people to manipulative intervention in the future.
In this work of the series we will seek to solve the following main objectives:
- theoretical review of the manipulated consciousness specifics;
- exploring a potentiality post-militaristic (and generally post-war) rehabilitation of people with such specifics;
- outlining topical comprehensive preventive measures for society in general, aimed at counteraction of a regressive manipulative influence.
Presentation of the basic material. As in the previous works, we will now make use of the groundwork done by some authors who explored issues, related to ours. Of particular value though are systematizing comprehensive works covering both the manipulation of mass consciousness itself and net effects. The in-depth book by S. Kara-Murza `Manipulation of consciousness', which has been already republished several times [4], stands out sharply among the above.
Specifically, in Section 18 the above author elaborates on the groundwork done by A. Moles [5], P Jeanne, S. Moscovici [6], social and political essays of his time as well as political rhetoric and draws a conclusion that the resultant state of the cogitative sphere of a technologically brainwashed part of society may be described with the help of a number of concepts such as autism, autisticity, incoherence and schizophrenization.
In our opinion, some of them are rather debatable and need additional present-day validation as the above concepts in psychiatrics and psychology imply specific nosological entities which exempt persons from liability, making them immune from jurisdiction. We believe that popularization of terms derived from `autism' and `schizophrenia' is precarious also due to the fact that it results in dilettantish stigmatization and strained interpretation of thought disorders by amateurs.
Using these metaphors however, researchers describe in a reasonable way absolutely typical specifics of manipulated thinking, namely:
- channeling of cognitive processes and emotional states (Pierre Jeanne's term). Through habituation to stimuli of a limited range, the thinking and memorization processes, tastes of people, imagination etc. are set for constructing a given picture of the perception of the world and elude any alternative information uptake. Thus, `citizens' of the D/LPRs (Donetsk/Luhansk People's Republics) look for or think up some signs of `changes for the better' and build a picture of a spectacular economic and social progress of the `Republic', based on those episodic events (for example, a roadbed repair in progress somewhere). Significant deterioration of medical services, drop in the living standards, degradation of foodstuff quality, lack of legal protection, high-handedness of punitive agencies etc. are however either disregarded or given an outright denial. People refuse to understand that roads are patched after being ruined by Russian tanks or such repair is made on the road leading to the house of a local head of mercenaries. Furthermore, the cost of each tank exceeds the basic repair budget of an ordinary school or hospital. Hence, the maximum of remaining criticality of some citizens' thinking manifests itself in the phrase, tolerant to a political myth, `we need to be patient a little'.
In simpler terms, the people's world-view picture becomes biased and loses reality.
Similarity to schizophrenia or autism here lies perhaps in the fact that the entire psychic sphere builds a worldview `capsule' which internal space a critically thinking person fails to understand. But, as mentioned above, it is hardly appropriate to use the names of psychiatric disturbances because such sick persons are immune from prosecution and never create political forces. In a broad sense, such people are usually individualists and thorough introverts.
- a wide range of violations of formal logic laws i.e. incoherence of thinking - this term, along with the channeling, seems to be fully adequate. Changed thinking without any inner conflict uses inadequate words-names, combines concepts with opposite meanings and conflicting assertions. There is also inability for valid inference observed.
There are numerous examples of the above as researchers find thousands of cases of fact distortion, forgery, fabricated false `news' which become acquired my- thologemes. The latter as well as discrepancy between the obvious reality and media information flow cause no cognitive dissonance for people of the mass. Below are given just some of the examples.
On April 17, 2014 Volodymyr Putin denied his own saying in respect of the absence of RF troops in the Crimea on March 4, 2014 [7]. That caused neither mass indignation nor criticism in the RF, Crimea or SAD&LR.
The President of the RF said that his soldiers would stand behind the backs of civilians (`women and children') to defend the Ukrainian population, which obviously means a `human shield' tactics rather than protection and is a war crime. But such simple inference was also beyond comprehension of those whose thinking was reduced to dependent judgments.
Volodymyr Putin's tale about `the crisis of power' and `nonlegitimate government' in Ukraine [7, 3d-4th minutes], spread around by propaganda, should have met with arguments that Petro Poroshenko had been elected in accordance with law as the elections had been legitimized by the Verkhovna Rada elected by the people, therefore the crisis of power in terms of its legitimacy is a myth.
Other examples of incoherence are given below.
- Volodymyr Putin who is considered `the gatherer of the - Russian lands' actually transfers large territories of the RF to China under long lease with ample powers of autonomous administration;
- The brainwashed mass of the SAD&LR believe that `their boys', `militia men' (militants, mercenaries) are allowed to break an armistice whereas `ukrops' (Ukrainian soldiers) are not;
- The word `junta', generally meaning a group of the military or security, which seized the power, may not be applied to the Ukrainian state in principle, whereas it is fully applicable to the Russian one.
“The militia' are paid money for some reason, which immediately ranks them as `mercenaries'. The questions like “Who pays this money?”, “Why are they paid in Russian Rubles and where from do they come?” don't arise either, i.e. there is no ability left to build simple strings of logic.
Citizens of Ukraine, who position themselves as its principled and uncompromising opponents, descend for some reason to registering as forced migrants, drawing pensions in Hryvnas, driving cars with Ukrainian number plates etc.
- disturbance of memory processes. In this behalf, Sergii Kara-Murza and Serge Moscovici [4, 6] generally refer to perversion of history and habituation of the mass or crowd to new concepts rather than psychology of individuals. Thus, for example, there are some tales spread in the mythology in every possible way about Russia being not only the contemporary USSR and the single bulwark of spirituality on the planet but also `that same Rus”, about the Russians as the only winners in the Second World War whereas Moscow and that `Russia-Rus' are the primary source of Orthodoxy propagation. As we mentioned above the Donbass, Crimea and Chersonese are referred to as `Russian lands'. In this way there is amnesia developed, even if temporary, simulacra instilled in `tabulae rasa' for blowing up mythic attitudinizing of the aggressor country and creating an illusory right to `liberate' `its own' lands from imaginary fascists-nationalists.
It is clear that the above are beneath any rational criticism and are often incoherent. Let us say, artificial dragging together of such discourses as positive evaluation of communist ideology in the USSR and `original Orthodoxy' in the RF gave rise to such useless social chimera as `orthodox communists' - there are over 500 thousand Internet links.
`Switching off' of prolonged memory and substitution of mythologemes for real historical data resulted in domination of short-term memory. A person of the mass has mostly become able to only reconstitute the current TV product with the imprinted main idea `Russia is Putin, Putin is Russia' and other subsidiary ideas regarding confrontation forces, the social background etc.
Obviously, Professor Sergii Kara-Murza is correct in concluding that, from the historical point of view, discipline of thinking (logic) is a relatively recent and unstable achievement of humanity and can be easily broken up and levelled by manipulations. An individual of the mass readily moves to a crucially different level of reflection - prelogical - with elements of mystic and quasireligious faith.
Note that regularities of such contradictory thinking and activity are underresearched yet. Apparently, we may acknowledge an eclectic bunching of thoughts and respective actions which are unlinkable in terms of formal logic.
Now there is no unambiguous answer yet to the question why it happens this way but, appealing to the previous research viewpoint, we point out that a similar condition is observed for people with mythological consciousness, particularly those who live in primitive societies. Without inner resistance, they also pile up and unite dissimilar objects and discourses, based only on their situational benefit from the practical or mystical viewpoint. The name of this condition is `fetishism'. Is a mercenary who calls himself `a DNR militia man' a mental savage- fetishist of the kind, when having the surname of, say, Kovalchuk, he thinks himself `a Russian', drives a Ford car with stickers `Obama is a punk' and `Death to urkrops' all over the vehicle and does not remove a Ukrainian name plate with a trident image? The question is rather rhetorical.
We believe that in the context of our topic the complex mental changes mentioned above will cover the concept of induced militarist infantilization (or primitivization) in a succinct and correct way.
In addition, we point out that for the prospects of moral and psychic rehabilitation of thousands of persons who experienced manipulation and acquired defective, channelized, incoherent and infantile thinking it is expedient to allow for obvious constructive aspects of such condition. As a matter of fact, the main problem, psychic accentuation of the kind which manifests itself in its selective susceptibility to a narrow range of stimuli: slogans, symbols etc. may turn into an advantage, subject to changing the `sign' of any translated information. Simply stated, easy controllability of such individuals probably entails its own Hegel's negation.
Prior to an analysis of fair retribution to thousands of citizens with changed consciousness, it is appropriate to review an aspect of the presence of guilt of those thousands.
Nowadays an obvious consequence of a technological influence of instilling mythology in them, which substituted for reality, is their noncriticality, a poor capacity for independent thinking and better political controllability. Now these tens of thousands of citizens, who keep in their heads an erroneous picture of social reality `stitched together' from motley patches-mythologemes, strikingly resemble a foolish person `fussing like a child over a new toy', as a famous Ukrainian proverb has it. At the moment they are a provisionally unthinking tool of the war - strange hands with which the Kremlin is comfortable to `pull the chestnuts out of the fire'.
But it is only now - in the early year 2017. The situation at the pre-militaristic stage was different, they faced a choice.
Manipulation supported by media and rumors presupposes a target i.e. an addressee who voluntarily agrees to accept and grasp discourses. In other words, it is a peculiar communication process, at which initial stages a person may agree or disagree with a translator of information flow. A manipulator's guile lies in the absence of direct coercion. He suggests replacing a world-view picture with a simulacrum.
At first, it is possible to easily refuse this proposal. A person with instincts of critical self-concept, attitude to the external reality and information, even if they are minimally sufficiently developed owing to education and upbringing, will not agree to such replacement. Moral taboo axioms, including political ones, such as `Motherland', `treason against the State', `infamy', `dishonor' etc. as well as a habit of formal logical thinking are a peculiar kind of guards that greatly complicate the manipulation of such a person.
You may also agree with the above proposal. At the beginning you may voluntarily allow the television and TV product makers to not only entertain or show achievements of contemporary sciences etc. but also shape your own political preferences, bring to nought your own taboos of shame with the help of mass culture, deprive of intimacy
the discourse of gender relations, erase your morality and ruin sacral concepts of death, life, childhood, honor by mocking at them. You may allow the television to turn yourself into an archaic prelogical immoral creature - a savage, merely an ordinary member of the human herd (crowd) and allow to think for and control yourself. And a person of the mass did allow because uncritical consumerism for the former is a typical and convenient modus vivendi.
Apparently, contemporary Ukrainian citizens who are now soldiers of fortune or political henchmen of the enemy consciously agreed to the above of their own autonomous will when they could choose one of the two flows - information or manipulative. They chose the second one and evidently bear responsibility because of that consent to intrude into their internal space.
In the 21st century a person may and has the right to refuse a commodity which is insistently pressed on him/ her by an agent, as well as religion, an unnecessary operation, a political party, a TV program etc. An individual can fairly widely exercise the right of choice, accepting or refusing something. And it is this choice as well as its result, which one is responsible for to oneself, if the choice turned out to be adverse, and to people if it harms the others.
It appears that the choice to allow the manipulator to intrude into one's own psyche is at least a moral offence. A modus operandi involving treason against the State and violence is a basically different level of responsibility as it is a crime and unlawful activity.
In other words, a discourse putting an emphasis on the necessity of a moral and legal evaluation of people with manipulated consciousness prior to any rehabilitation of the former is entirely fair.
At the same time, a weighted estimate implies taking into consideration the very same deintellectualizing general civilizational vector that was identified at the beginning of the Section. `A person of the mass' is too valuable for producers of goods and services, politicians and public officers, it is therefore no wonder that modern sociums promote the one. We cite our own thesis again: actually any contemporary community is an easy object for manipulation of consciousness.
That is to say, there are certain `alleviating circumstances' in place - people are not guilty of the fact that a superstructure above socium (the State) has for decades fostered degradation of their personality by introducing schismogenetic political discourses, failing to prevent anomization and deliver integrated national training, emasculating education through discarding rationalizing and moralizing disciplines, offering no resistance to the influence of external political agents. By the way, it is still doing it now.
Citizens of Ukraine, including those in the East or Crimea, were socialized in the context of anomie, progressing nihilism and depatriotization. This is an argument towards taking some part of the blame off. As a matter of fact, it is a fault of those Presidents of Ukraine, line ministers of power- wielding agencies, education and science, culture, youth and sport, who were involved if not in sabotage then in encouragement of a collapse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the national security system and the cultural core of the nation. Their actions have to be adequately investigated, the persons found guilty of the disruption to be held liable with recovery of damage.
Thus, average citizens may be partially exculpated as to the treason against the State.
But only partially.
Watching the above-named processes, some residents of Ukraine realized after all that since the State was by no means interested in their moral and intellectual development they had to individually resist the degradation by translating an appropriate benchmark intellectual and humanitarian discourse through the institution of family and as far as practicable through degraded education and science. But again, it was possible to make a choice whether to degrade or, in spite of external conditions, maintain and independently develop morality, national identity, rationality, even if privately.
What has to be done about anti-State degradants with manipulated consciousness if partial responsibility for such psychological state apparently rests with the others?
As pointed out at the beginning of the article, certain actions may and have to be carried out only after the victory over the aggressor, restoration of the state border control, cessation of the broadcasting of Russian `Goebbels's propaganda', establishment of at least minimum effective state juristic systems etc.
It is a discontinued operation of manipulative information supply chains, which will undoubtedly result at first in a peculiar withdrawal state caused by deprivation of a usual and so wanted programming information product. Speculatively, this state will be characterized by typical depressive and apathetic as well as neurasthenic affective conditions of the emotional sphere, extreme forms of nihilism of a wide addressing range (“I hate all of them”), large-scale attempts to flee to the RF, panic fear of the `ukrop junta' authorities, Ukrainian symbols etc.
As classics point out however, mental changes result in interesting peculiarities of memory processes. The short-term memory of manipulated individuals essentially dominates over the long-term one. The latter is in an artificially suppressed state, which was useful for substitutions of historical concepts, forgetting positive motives and discourses, related to independent Ukraine etc.
Such beguiled state may be used by simply replacing the TV product with a pro-Ukrainian one. In our opinion, when the above-mentioned abstinency is finished, an uncritical individual of the mass will consume this product and reset his cognitive and motivational sphere from Ukrainofobic to the loyal one rather quickly (within some weeks). Clearly, the process will be promoted by the improved quality of life: the economic field, expanded freedoms, better health maintenance, nourishment etc. Simply stated, the reprogramming (revivification or the first political rehabilitation) will probably take place through a usual channel - television. It is understandable that such other channels as institution of education and art will also be used in the process.
As to retribution, it is obvious that all citizens of Ukraine who were active in demonstrating their rational thinking inability must be denied the right to take part in political processes by law. Intellectual and moral degradants shall elect neither the President of Ukraine nor people's deputies of any level, they shall neither stand for elections themselves nor take part in any referenda. They shall be deprived of a political voting right because, having ignored the imperatives, they actually proved themselves to be destroyers of the country - collaborationists or at least separatists. They changed their intention to be citizens of Ukraine. Apparently, the legal framework of the State has to follow through this unwillingness, expressed freely. Competent authorities will have no difficulties in making a list of these persons by using the lists of the so-called `referenda'. Those routs were voluntary almost everywhere.
In addition, it is expedient for them to also ban by law any para-political activity such as, for example, administration and organization, propaganda etc.
As to the issue of restoring full rights of citizens of Ukraine for those people, it is debatable. Such restoration may be stipulated, for example, after successful passing of special examinations in the Ukrainian language and culture as well as following psychological and psychiatric examination at the cost of a person concerned, or after active service, similarly to efficient and approved by history systems for conferment or deprivation of nationality.
This is, so to say, the first `circle' of a peculiar Purgatorii, which is obligatory for all participants and organizers of collaborationist actions.
Those individuals who did not only participate in antiState provincial plebiscites but also voluntarily became armed mercenaries of illegal groups, apart from deprivation of civil rights, apparently have to be instituted criminal proceedings against and carry punishment according to the gravity of offences committed. A method of punishment execution and correctional rehabilitation of a deviant personality have then to be differentiated, maximal beneficial for society of Ukraine and mixed, as emphasized by penitentiary researchers [9].
Furthermore, using historical analogies, we think that such concept as `a period of limitation' for crimes shall not be probably extended to those aggressor's henchmen, their civil rights never restored in any way.
We should not however forget about a `positive' context of retribution, which is ignored by most legal science and even philosophy analysts. Classics of a social vector of the humanities, say, Plato, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella or illuminators of Europe [10-14] emphasized the necessity of a reward for law-abiding activity as implementation of the principle of justice in the social field.
In reality, a great number of citizens of Ukraine, who live in the occupied territories, experienced and are experiencing exactly the same manipulative influence as the rest, are able to resist while maintaining moral and patriotic imperatives. Nowadays there are evidently nihilistic discourses of accusatory nature such as `Ukraine has betrayed us' spread among them in the Donbas, Luhansk area or in the Crimea. The reasons for those accusations are understandable - the political will of the authorities is weak. For years the leaders of the State have been failing to act with decision so as to liberate all the Ukrainian land from the invaders. The government admits even trade and other communication with the self-proclaimed SAD&LR authorities instead but in no way protects public-spirited citizens who have to live under continuous and very real risk to life.
This category of people who are the tested, so to say, `backbone of the nation' therefore needs to be justly rewarded after the victory over the aggressor. Naturally, it is competent bodies which have to carry out a thorough and efficient check of candidates for reward. But the reward itself shall correspond to the merits. Here we propose, for example, to reduce tax rates for such persons or their relatives in a tangible way and for life, provided they did not merely live under the physical and mental oppression of the occupational Inferno but faced violence.
Despite a truism, it is of importance that delinquent manifestations of any etiology, including the anti-State ones, are easier to prevent than eradicate by means of a modern national penitentiary system of doubtful efficacy.
For years Ukraine has been in need of a developed and implemented comprehensive Program for National Pedagogics, which apart from translation of strictly educational information would pick up a person since childhood and wrap him/her around with nationally focused discourses. Such Program has to link and bring to a systematic and brand new level the influences of so far disconnected national and patriotic communities from different social institutions: leisure, recreation, art, science, sport, education, politics and religion.
For a long time Ukraine has had a scout movement, a so-called `green tourism' tens of amateur groups, unorganized and unsupported by the State, which at their own expense renovate sacral places, shoot patriotic films, raise ancient ships from the Dnieper bottom, carry out historiographic research as well as ethnographic and natural historical exploration. Ukrainian poetic and other analects, fundamental encyclopedic works in mining, Ukrainian mythology and toponymy are published owing to private funds. The State is still uninterested in comprehensive support to national science, systematic propaganda of an interesting, knowledge-intensive life, encouragement of a grounded feeling of pride in each citizen.
There are also some branches of folk art, boasting several thousand years of heritage, namely: painting Easter eggs, embroidery, pottery, smithcraft, carving, folk music and singing, sport and militaristic authentic arts etc. The above allow to efficiently translate Ukrainian mentality irrespective of gender, a demographic group and the economic status.
Linking these practices in a State supported civil society and national education system, promotion of the above-named and many other activities among individuals of `the mass' would help out some of them from Yefremov's above mentioned Inferno [15] and the state of an infantile TV attachment as well as would focus their personalities on a development vector.
The above-indicated actions may be developed and introduced rather quickly but there is no political will of the authorities to do so. One gets the impression that the latter wish to lull the pride which awoke after the Revolution of Dignity.
Then again, regarding preventive measures, Ukraine needs a radical (but not revolutionary) lustration of the government and saturation of this institution with professional, efficient people's deputies who realize well that it is a Free Person with habitual to the Ukrainians industriousness and intellectualism, who is the main strategic resource of the country - a zealous producer, patriotic soldier, efficient general, scrupulous father, doctor, mother, teacher or researcher. The key point is not fragmentarily asphalted roads, bicycle tracks, wind power stations and a fine police uniform, which, coupled with similar things, today's leaders of the country are so fond of flaunting in cyberspace. These manifestations are rather astonishing as the President, the Prime Minister and other representatives of the authorities and politics are to address larger- scale issues.
Real `Fathers of the nation' have always given preference to building a foundation rather than a fine facade. Without avoiding rigorous methods, they developed public morality, legal conscience and fair jurisdiction. In that way, the introduced system rules of Confucianism stabilized the society of China, the issues were handled by such genuine reformers rather than populists as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Charles de Gaulle, Lee Kuan Yew, Winston Churchill, Lech Walesa and Vaclav Havel, who realized that the order in the State or an economical `miracle', or else a victory in a war are a derivative, a consequence. By the way, the politicum has to eventually eliminate an old absurdity and injustice i.e. an artificially duplicated reality and abolish any immunity of anybody before justice since its retention means the continuation of an oligarchic (quasi-feudalistic) anachronism.
An obvious priority is therefore a comprehensive development of the institution of public morality of which only some traces have remained today in Ukraine, since it is weakness which caused anomization and accessibility of the people for manipulative technologies. Do we often hear obscenities in the streets, watch impolite and ill-bred children, zoological jerks of youth, children's alcoholism, garbage in the streets, groups of people who simply potter around, looking for brutal entertainment? Is there heavy propaganda of public morality, at least at the level of visual agitation? Unfortunately, the above are rhetorical questions.
We have to address the reason rather than the consequence, to vet `a horse' rather than egotistically paint `a cart', to renovate `an engine' - an intellectual and moral Human Resource. Road repairs, low-cost green energy etc. will be only general examples out of hundreds of similar ones.
And a genuinely outstanding political personality will be engraved on our memory for ever.
What has been done by the so-called `new' authorities in the context of comprehensive moralization and intel- lectualization of the society? Nothing significant and nothing tangible. Anomia and nihilism are rather common modi of Ukrainian socium.
Regeneration of national intellect is a special issue. Nominally, it is the Institute of Education and the Institute of Science, which shall address it.
Engaged in the field of higher education, I have to acknowledge that the so-called `Reform' which was implemented, inter alia, in a new Law on Higher Education has resulted in the loss of conventional high educational standards and self-will in delivery of training courses to students [16]. Today higher educational institutions which became autonomous are free to simplify and emasculate personality-focused courses of disciplines or cancel them altogether, which does happen then and there. This is not prohibited by the Ministry of Education and Science as it does not already demand delivering specific sciences to students, there is a concept of `competency' introduced instead, which can be used in a rather arbitrary fashion.
Today, as a result, under cover of pompous signs of national universities or academies there may exist technical vocational institutions of the kind, which completely lack a humanitarian constituent of education. There is no control over this degradation of higher education.
Irrespective of the manifest truth as to the fact that to became a Person with autonomous morality and developed critical thinking is much more important than merely a participant of economic relations, there is no provision in place for updating and strengthening of the humanitarian constituent for future naturalists, economists, jurists, philologists et al. Branches of science, which improve intellectual and moral or else `personal' competences such as Logic, Sociology, Ethics, Esthetics and Religion Studies are not compulsory. As to philosophy, the entire basic course is delivered within one term. This is the way non-competences are formed.
Properly speaking, the so-called `reform', despite Clause 1.1.5) of the above Law, which stipulates the inculcation of `modes of thought, professional, world-view and civil qualities as well as moral and ethical values', resulted in profanation of a constructive integrated influence on the personality and degradation of a specialist or a master to a merely single-functioned craftsman. A classical controlled and standard algorithm of Education, which formed a Person first and a specific expert then, was ruined by the Law.
By the way, `the spirit' of contemporary `reforms' is far from being pro-European. Philosophical courses in Europe are not restricted. More than that, any activity of multiple- vector departments has a potent historically established center which is a peculiar axis of the entire higher education, namely a philosophical department. There were virtually no such departments in the Donbas and Crimea. `Here we are then'.
In our opinion, a national higher educational institution which has no meaning-making philosophical department at all is a funny nonsense, organizational misconception, while officers who allowed such an essentially national shame instead of a reform have to be considered saboteurs of the kind, opposing an intellectual and moral development of the nation.
Cancellation and simplification of human nature studies and social studies as well as other such disciplines or lack of supervision and indulgence towards this situation at the level of the organizing entity - the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - is an unfortunate modus of modern education. The results of `the reform' are nihilistically disposed school teachers working for low salaries and losing enthusiasm, lecturers of ethics, sociology, philosophy and logic with degrees in humanities, who are not needed in autonomous and hence self-willed higher educational institutions, hundreds of thousands of students and schoolchildren, taught some minimum trade skills rather than how to be a Person.
We can only observe a vigorous or sustainable economic growth demonstrated by Japan, Singapore, Israel, the South Korea, China and Baltic countries. Despite their economic problems, which are rather quickly becoming less acute, these countries continuously develop the main resource i.e. a disciplined, reasonable, laborious and patriotic Person. Their youth who are willing and talented neither plagiarize nor twiddle thumbs, they truly insistently and keenly study instead: they read, write their own works, think, invent - `make themselves'.
No wonder, that these and other countries have properly developed education and science rather than only drafted `Laws on...' As we know, they faced genuine reforms of the educational sphere. With the intellectual and moralizing potential of philosophical courses retained and improved, education gained in intensification (sophistication) under State control rather than became simplified to profaned `autonomous kingdoms' as here. The traditional humanitarian `pumping' is retained even in the Republic of Belarus and for some reason the RF has not been interfering there with its moloch pax russica, though some of the above countries are rather close to it in terms of location.
A simple reason is that the major weapon of the hybrid war i.e. Goebbels'a propaganda is a priori impotent against an intellectual nation which finds its bearings in the philosophical continuum `right and wrong'. A nation has to be strenuously brought up. A nation has to be actively taught, especially if it has got out of this habit and grown very lazy.
Let us turn now to religion, the other social value- orienting as well as regulatory and controlling institution which normal operation would produce a profound preventive effect as to anomization and moral impoverishment.
For a long time religious organizations in Ukraine have been either under pressure or in a dysfunction state, which were symbiotically associated with a kleptocratic oligarchic clan policy. The symbiosis may specifically apply to Orthodox Church with its Patriarch in Moscow. The information translated to millions of people in Ukraine, who were guided by strong uncritical motivation, their faith, was also modified correspondingly to the distorted essence of this religious organization.
One may state that the subjects of peaceableness, forgiveness, humility, a focus on the sacral, chastity and spirituality were replaced with syncretic discourses of worshiping the idols: the cults of the personality of Moscow patriarch, the President of the RF and national advantages of the Russians. Such pseudoreligious activity must be stopped, swindlers and hypocrites exposed in public. Actually some religious figures of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate have turned into popular actors of sorts, who, dressed in special clothes, perform before spectators to order and for money of specific political forces. The religious of any confessions have therefore to know how many material resources are accumulated on private accounts of the people who position themselves as ministers of God (Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah et al.). This will open the eyes of hundreds of thousands of naive people to and secure them against the influence of crooks. It is clear that controlling systems of Ukraine shall continuously trace and disable in a competent way anti-State propaganda made by quasi- or pseudoreligious persons of any church identification.
Alternatively, conventional and undogmatic cults of branches of Abrahamic religions, person-oriented concepts of the East and generally any constructive humanistic teachings which focus people on development of internal and public morality, decency, restrain, physical and mental health are beneficial but their interpenetration with the State and Law is inadmissible.
Thus, summing up, one may state that it is helping out of the dysfunction state of social institutions of Education, Public Morality, Civil Society, Law, Religion and Politics, which is a guarantee of creating a preventive environment promoting the cultivation of `an individual of the mass', who is a Personality protected from a manipulative influence rather than a person lacking spirit. Political will is required for the purpose as well as for drafting an adequate national Human Development Program.
Present-day civil servants who will possibly but unlikely take in hand a series of these articles do not need to pretend to be naive infantile persons and adduce such counterarguments as:
- the economic development is more important than some illusory progress of morality and intellectuality of the nation or building up some `human resource';
- the design of such comprehensive Program for a patriotically focused moral and intellectual progress and implementation of a system of effective normalizing actions would seem to require much time and engagement of experts who are very few in Ukraine.
The name of a wealthy functionary who opposes the revival of moral and intellect is known. All these countertheses are erroneous and the development of the concept does not require much time as there are analogues which were many times tested by other countries, appropriate experts are also available. By the way, the cost estimate of these actions will be far and away less than those millions and billions declared by our `feudalists', still immune people's deputies, while the economic development will be no way affected. On the contrary, it will `miraculously' speed up.
Briefly summing up the above-stated, we can point out that:
1. Instrumentally manipulated consciousness of a person of the mass demonstrates indeed typical specific properties recorded by a number of researchers. In general, these properties cover noncriticality of world-view, ignoring laws of logic, inability to look for true information and its processing for drawing weighted conclusions. Saying that, some terms used by researchers (schizophrenization, autisticity etc.) are debatable and the author of the article proposes such definition as `induced infantilization'.
2. The aspect of guilt of such persons in the hybrid war context is present though not absolute. It has to be actively explored today for a weighted estimate of actions and (or) inactivity of a manipulatively established cohort of collaborationists.
3. Post-militaristic (and postwar in general) rehabilitation of people with such specificity is basically possible only in the psychological context. Political renewal for some of them in the capacity of citizens of Ukraine is doubtful.
4. The analysis of the State failure to implement comprehensive preventive actions for society in general, topical as early as today, which aim to help a person of the mass on to a personality development road, clearly demonstrates political apathy of the politicum of Ukraine. Furthermore, some social institutions which are to address the moral and intellectual development of the nation operate against it (as saboteurs). These include, for example, modern higher education which managers actually simplify an intellectual and moral vector of influence on the youth. `Reforming' is reduced to the juggling of concepts. The State demonstrates no interest in helping the people out of the `mass' condition, probably hoping to easily manage them while forgetting that it was turning the people into the mass, which was a prerequisite of a successful foreign aggression.
1. Struhatskyi, V. (2016), Aggressive technologic impact on mass consciousness against the background of East Ukrainian conflict. Setting the stage and first myths. Skhid, 3(143), 101109. doi: 10.21847/1728-9343.2016.3(143).74859 (ukr).
2. Struhatskyi, V. (2016), Aggressive technologic influence on mass conscience against the background of the East Ukrainian conflict. Mythology of the military phase. Skhid, 4(144), 92-100. doi: 10.21847/1728-9343.2016.4(144).78100 (ukr).
3. Dodonov, R.O. (2016), The conflict in eastern Ukraine in the mirror of social and philosophical discipline, monograph, Vinnytsia, 200 p. (ukr).
4. Kara-Murza, S. (2000), Manipulation of consciousness, Algoritm, Moscow, 464 p. (rus).
5. Abraham, Moles (2008), Socio Dynamics of Culture, translation from French, Publishing house LKI, Moscow, 416 p. (rus).
6. Serge, Moscovici (2011), The age of the crowd: a historical treatise on mass psychology, Akademicheskiy proekt, Moscow, 396 p. (rus).
7. Nemtsov, Boris and Leonid Martinyuk. Putin's lie about Ukraine, available at: (rus).
8. Interview of the President of Russia to Russian journalists about the events in Crimea. March 4, 2014, available at: https:// (ukr).
9. Biletsky, V.V. (2003), Correction of deviant personality: philosophical view, East Publishing House, Donetsk, 156 p. (ukr).
10. Plato (1999), Laws, Musl, Moscow, 208 p. (rus).
11. More, Thomas (2014), Utopia. Campanella, Tomaso. City of Sun. Algoritm, Moscow, 280 p. (rus).
12. de Montaigne, Michel (1973), On the art of living worthy. Philosophical essays, Moscow, 207 p. (rus).
13. Montesquieu (1955), Selected works, Gospolitizdat, Moscow, 803 p. (rus).
14. Swift, Jonathan (2008), Diary for Stela Letters XLII-LXV; Battle of books; Pamphlets and essays; Poems, in: Collected Works in 3 vol., Moscow, Vol. 3, 368 p. (rus).
15. Yefremov, Ivan (2009), The Bull's Hour, Eksmo, Moscow, 228 p. (rus).
16. The Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education». 01.07.2014, available at: pro-vyschu-osvitu (ukr).
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