Політичний імідж регіону: особливості формування в сучасній Україні

Аналіз основних концептів політичної іміджології та маркетингу. Дослідження умов та факторів формування авторитету територій, оцінка ролі політичних технологій у його створенні. Проблеми та перспективи розвитку ділового та культурного потенціалу регіонів.

Рубрика Политология
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.07.2015
Размер файла 51,8 K

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The conditions and factors forming the political image of the region are described. The basic concepts of regional imagebuilding «donor area», «capital», «unique», «regional goods», «little homeland», «distinguished compatriot» and the main types of regional mass consciousness myths: the myth of the quality of the region, the myth regional elites, the myth about the structure of the regional economy, the myth of political, economic, social significance of the region. Determined the possibility of influencing the political image of the region, including: identifying the characteristics of the territory that you want to create or adjust; identification of available resources, as well as those, but necessary to achieve goals; identifying ways to use resources; identifying ways of achieving goals; identification of specific methods and techniques to achieve the desired characteristics reputation.

Summary of procedures and sequence of actions in shaping the image of the region provides activities in three stages: 1) building an organizational base, 2) the creation of information products, 3) formation of an information space. It was found problems and prospects of development and promotion of the political image of the region and the possibility of political technologies in the process. Among the problems include: lack of close communication with regional branding strategy of its development strategy in politics, economy, social sector, and focus on the interests of one target group - people of the region.

The basic directions of formation of positive image of the region are determined. First direction includes organizing, which involves the formation of structures responsible for the study of the existing impression of the region and the development of measures for its transformation. Second - the identification and assessment features areas that may leave a good impression of the region in different target groups. Third - the creation of information products that contain elements of a positive image of the region. Fourth - the formation of structures responsible for promoting a positive image and exclusive features of the region in the media. Fifth - to promote a positive image and exclusive features of the region in the media and the activities (exhibitions, forums, conferences, and seminars) aimed at different target groups.

Efficient construction of a positive image of the region and its successful promotion is impossible only when applied simultaneously the full range of communications technologies. In the process of forming image of the region used technologies: relations with the press and the city of PR. Today, clearly shape the trend: in most cases the region is moving technology relations with the press. The city of PR as a technology is not so popular in the regions, but precisely for this technology in the regional imagebuilding - the future.

We describe the features of image Head of Regional State Administration, which is different diversity objectives of its formation and orientation of the large number of target groups with different needs and demands, requirement of a positive valence relations and high intensity of communication with all target groups, increasing demand for permanence Communications communication.

The target groups are imagebuilding including inhabitants of the region, representatives of business - potential investors to the regional economy, tourists. They adopted a set of conventionally divided into two groups: a) external: authorities and central government representatives, representatives of international organizations, potential investors, qualified personnel, tourists, «foreign» in relation to regional media, although their importance from the fact that by themselves they are a channel of communication that can promote a positive impression of the region, the task of imagebuilding; b) Internal: local business, residents of the region, graduates of local universities.

Set of concepts shaping territorial identity, which is a general set of characteristics that differentiate one area from another. It includes on the one hand, official, «distinctive» characteristics of the territory. On the other hand, the structure of territorial identity also includes features and characteristics of the aggregate resources of the territory.

Territorial identity, but objectively defined features (geographical location and climatic conditions, history, security, resource, previously formed difference in infrastructural prerequisites of economic development, etc.) also includes technologies and approaches to work, trust partners and expert information, the level and quality of management, especially communication.

Keywords: imagebuilding, branding, regional marketing, the political image of the region, symbolic politics, concepts, image of the governor.

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