Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition

The formation of the philosophy of sports as a scientific direction in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Sport is a means of moral and aesthetic education, its socio-philosophical dimensions. Directions for the development of sports culture.

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Дата добавления 17.04.2022
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Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition

Bilohur Vlada

Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University (Melitopol, Ukraine)

державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького,

Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University,

Lithuanian sports university (Kaunas, Lithuania)

університет спорту, 6, Каунаський повіт, 44221 Каунас, Литва Lithuanian Sports University, 6, str. Sporto, Kaunas municipality, 44221 Kaunas, Lithuania

The relevance of the research is that the development of sports philosophy as a substantial basis for the development of personality and the expression of the generic competition essence acquires great practical importance, because the impact of sport on personality development is great. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize new knowledge about the sports philosophy as a substantial basis for the personality development and the formation of its sports culture. Objectives of the research: 1) to analyze the formation of sports philosophy as a new scientific field in the socio-philosophical discourse context; 2) to analyze sports as one of the most important ethical means and aesthetic education, meeting the spiritual society needs; 3) identify the sport problems in context of socio-philosophical discourse; 4) to carry out socio-philosophical sports dimensions as a substantial basis for the personality development and its sports culture; 5) to reveal the main sports succeed factors as an expression of the substantial basis of personality development and its sports culture; 6) to find out the sports essence as an integral part of global culture and its influential force; 7) to demonstrate the development of sports culture as a reflection of the generic nature of competition; 8) to reveal the sports essence as a substantial matrix of personality development; 9) to analyze the directions of sports culture development as an generic essence expression of competition. Research methodology. System methodology that contributes to the analysis of personality, identification of sports problems and the achievement of system sports, sports culture, sports activities as a whole. Practical measurements of sports impact on people have been contributed to human evolution. The main goal is to show that the sports philosophy is young, innovative, promising direction of development, since the sports transition from individual to mass and Olympic is a condition for competitiveness of both the individual and the state.

Key words: sport, sports culture, sports person, philosophy of sport, substantial basis,expression of generic essence, competitiveness


БІЛОГУР, В.Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Мелітополь, Запорізька область, Україна)

АНДРЮКАЙТЕНЕ, РЕГІНА - доктор PhDсоціальних наук (менеджмент), доцент, зав. кафедри бізнесу та економіки, Маріямпольська колегія (Маряямполе, Литва), лектор Литовського університету спорту (Маріямполь, Каунас, Литва)


Актуальність дослідження полягає у тому, що розвиток філософії спорту як субстанціональної основи розвитку особистості і вираження родової сутності змагальності набуває великої практичної ваги, тому що вплив спорту на розвиток особистості є величезним. Мета статті - концептуалізація нових знань про філософію спорту як субстанціональну основу розвитку особистості і формування її спортивної культури. Завдання дослідження: 1) проаналізувати становлення філософії спорту як нового наукового напрямку у контексті соціально-філософського дискурсу; 2) здійснити аналіз спорту як одного з найважливіших засобів етичного і естетичного виховання, задоволення духовних запитів суспільства; 3) виявити проблеми спорту у контексті соціально-філософського дискурсу; 4) здійснити соціально-філософські виміри спорту як субстанційної основи розвитку особистості та її спортивної культури; 5) розкрити головні фактори спортивного успіху як вираження субстанційної основи розвитку особистості та її спортивної культури; 6) з'ясувати сутність спорту як невід'ємну частину глобальної культури та її впливову силу; 7) продемонструвати розвиток спортивної культури як відображення родової сутності змагальності; 8) розкрити сутність спорту як субстанційної матриці розвитку особистості; 9) дати аналіз напрямкам розвитку спортивної культури як вираженню родової сутності змагальності. Методологія дослідження. Системна методологія, що сприяє аналізу особистості, виявлення проблем спорту та досягнення системного спорту, спортивної культури, спортивної діяльності як єдиного цілого. Практичні виміри впливу спорту на людину сприяли еволюції людини. Головна мета показати, що філософія спорту є молодим, інноваційним, перспективним напрямком розвитку, оскільки перехід спорту від індивідуального до масового і олімпійського є умовою конкурентоспроможності як особистості, так і держави.

Ключові слова: спорт, спортивна культура, спортивна людина, філософія спорту, субстанційна основа, вираження родової сутності, змагальність.


philosophy of sports discourse

БИЛОГУР, В.Е. - доктор философскихнаук, профессор, заведующаякафедройтеории и методики физического воспитания и спортивных дисциплин, Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого

(Мелитополь, Украина)

АНДРЮКАЙТЕНЕ, РЕГИНА - доктор PhDсоциальных наук (менеджмент), доцент, зав. кафедрой бизнеса и экономики, Мариямпольская коллегия (Маряямполь, Литва), лектор Литовского университета спорта (Мариямполь, Каунас, Литва)


Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что развитие философии спорта как субстанциональной основы личности и выражение родовой сущности состязательности приобретает большой практический вес, так как влияние спорта на развитие личности является огромным.

Цель статьи - концептуализация новых знаний о философии спорта как субстанциональной основы развития личности и формирование ее спортивной культуры.

Задачи исследования: 1) проанализировать становление философии спорта как нового научного направления в контексте социально-философского дискурса; 2) провести анализ спорта как одного из важнейших средств нравственного и эстетического воспитания, удовлетворения духовных запросов общества; 3) выявить проблемы спорта в контексте социальнофилософского дискурса; 4) осуществить социально-философские измерения спорта как субстанциальной основы личности и ее спортивной культуры;5) раскрыть главные факторы спортивного успеха как выражение субстанционной основы личности и ее спортивной культуры; 6) выяснить сущность спорта как неотъемлемой части глобальной культуры и ее влиятельную силу; 7) продемонстрировать развитие спортивной культуры как отражение родовой сущности состязательности; 8) раскрыть сущность спорта как субстанциальной матрицы развития личности; 9) дать анализ направлению развития спортивной культуры как выражению родовой сущности состязательности.

Методология исследования. Системная методология способствует анализу личности, выявлению проблем спорта и достижений системного спорта, спортивной культуры, спортивной деятельности как единого целого. Практические измерения влияния спорта на человека способствовали эволюции человека. Главная цель показать, что философия спорта является молодым, инновационным, перспективным направлением развития, так как переход спорта от индивидуального к массовому и олимпийскому является условием конкурентоспособности как личности, так и государства.

Ключевые слова: спорт, спортивная культура, спортивный человек, философия спорта, субстанциональную основа, выражение родовой сущности, состязательность

Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

The formation and development of the sports philosophy as one of the new scientific directions in the context of socio-philosophical discourse was formed at the intersection of sciences - philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, pedagogy, valueology. The relevance of the topic is determined by those objective processes that indicate, firstly, the growing role of sport in human life and society, which is becoming the most important indicator of selforganization of social and spiritual life, allows you to restore directly the vitality of a split human nature; secondly, about qualitative changes in human life and the application of the value-active approach to the definition of sport as a complex social and cultural phenomenon; thirdly, about the need to study the modern trends of sports in the context of globalization, its professionalization, commercialization, the transformation of sports into a spectacle; fourthly, it is sport that allows you to harmonize the body and soul, spirit and sensuality, freedom and the biological nature of man. The social issues of sports make up a whole range of issues of social, socio-psychological, political, cultural studies. In its most general form, it is a question of how sports action was and how it is now possible as a spontaneous or controlled collective function; how is sport functioning possible in its specific programs that create one of the most important areas of activity and interests in modern society? What social needs is sport capable of satisfying? What needs outside the sport contribute to the formation and development of its system?

An analysis of recent research and publications that have led to the solution of this problem and on which the author relies

How and to what extent are instrumental ranks of sports possible and justified and in what circles should they be carried out? Several sections in the book of Y. Lipets are devoted to a special consideration of the problems of Olympism: “The Logos of Modern Olympism”, “In Search of the Ideal of Modernity”, “Olympism and the Problem of Freedom”, “The Beautiful in Olympism”, “Axiological Problems of Olympic Architecture”, “Fundamentals of Olympic Education "," Olympism and culture. " Many important and topical issues are considered here, such as the relationship between specialization and universalism, sport as a means and condition for exercising freedom, the main directions and trends of physical improvement of a person, etc. Yu.Lipets highly values the place and role of sports philosophy in the system of modern philosophical knowledge, although notes that there are not so many prominent researchers here. It includes, for example, H. Lenka, R. Mackintosh, F. Landry, J. Powell, Z. Kravchik and V. Stolyarov.

As W. Morgan notes in his work “Philosophy of Sport: A Historical and Conceptual Review andAssessment of its Future,” “Two events played a decisive role in the academic debut of the philosophy of sport. The first was the emergence of sports research from the old and established field of physical education. While traditional physical education was based solely on medical and psychological studies of physical activity, the new, emerging field of sports research pursued more ambitious intellectual goals, complementing medical and pedagogicalstudies with philosophical, historical and sociological ones. This pushing back of science and pedagogy as the main areas of work made it possible to study the cultural and historical contexts of sports. ”

The place of sport still does not correspond to its true role in achieving a high level of culture and harmonization of the development vectors of modern civilization. In the conditions of crisis and catastrophes, the biological nature of people turned out to be powerless against excessive loads of the technical (industrial) century - psychological, chemical, mutagenic, which indicates that the human body loses in competition with technology (increased stress, mental illness, drug addiction, an unhealthy generation of young people). Sport as a socially-valuable and bodily- spiritual system is a normatively ordered activity of people, which arises, firstly, from a competitive comparison of the physical, technical and intellectual abilities of people; secondly, from the totality of social relations of people who are drawn into the process of preparation (training) and the implementation of a whole range of sports activities (competitions). The semantic field of the term “sport philosophy” has several vectors of its formation and development: 1) personal (a person who plays sports); 2) institutional (sports activities of business entities); 3) organizational (the organization of spectacular sports shows, which consist of various kinds of sports).

Formation of the philosophy of sport as a new scientific direction in the context of socio-philosophical discourse

In modern conditions, the formation and development of the philosophy of sports as one of the new scientific directions in the context of socio-philosophical discourse, namely the formation of the values of physical health and sports, value orientations of the individual and society, and the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of sports, is of particular importance. The principle of competitiveness in sports models the situation of sports self-determination of an individual athlete and indicates the vitality of sports as the highest axiological value. Sport as the realization of human existence is associated with the idea of self-affirmation of the “I” of an athlete personality as a unique creative spirit, a person going beyond his creative abilities, which requires the development of a sport philosophy based on a value-based approach that includes existential, axiological, phenomenological, ontological aspects .

The process of humanization of sports is aimed at creating a personality capable of achieving high sports results, a healthy lifestyle of people. The man-making function of sport, which has general cultural and objective significance, is realized thanks to such functions as: sociocultural, evaluative and normative, symbolic, humanistic, axiological,integrating, communicative, function of protecting the inner world, integrative, generalizing, cognitive, communicative, hedonistic, illusory - compensatory, socio-emotional, aesthetic-emotional, political, socialization, social mobility, value orientation. The functions of sports are aimed at developing not only the culture of movements, physique and moral health of people, but also to improve the sensory-emotional sphere, to develop universal sensuality and spirituality.

The philosophy of sport as a subsystem of vocational education and one of the scientific areas is brought to life by the fact that in the context of this direction, the horizon of socio-philosophical understanding of sports is expanding. From the very beginning of the emergence of sports, these were physical exercises, games, martial arts of a sporting nature, competitions in throwing darts, spears, stones, jumping over obstacles, running with pursuits, actions that were related to obtaining livelihoods. In the ХУШ-ХІХ century, sport is elevated to the rank of the foundation of the upbringing of the personality as a whole. According to J.-Rousseau, the theory of "natural education" will be able to heal the vices of his time. In the modern understanding of sport - a person's desire to expand the boundaries of their physical capabilities, implemented through a system of physical exercises, participation in competitions.

In our opinion, the science of sports relates, on the one hand, to social pedagogy, and, on the other, to social philosophy, which accumulates the socio-communicative and existential-personal dimensions. The main essence of the philosophy of sport is the socio-philosophical understanding of sport as the most important prerequisite for the formation of a person's culture, in the context of which the moral foundations of sport are put forward. Sport, growing out of a competitive spirit, models the situation of human self-determination, which is possible only in the “I-Other” situation, in comparing its indicators with those of the “Other”. Sport is a combination of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main forms of preparing a person for physical labor, socially necessary types of human activity.

Sport is one of the most important interests of the ethical and the natural whirlwind, the satisfaction of the spiritual energies of suspension

Sport is one of the important means of ethical and aesthetic education, satisfying the spiritual needs of society, this is a whole world of emotions generated by successes and failures in competitions, a complex set of interhuman relations and, finally, a most popular sight, the social significance of which is growing rapidly. The philosophy of sport as a subsystem of vocational education has a humanistic orientation only if the creative potentials of the person are realized in sport, rather than narrowly pragmatic interests, if sport remains a fact of culture and enriches the spiritual life of society in terms of its saturation with an original “I” imagery. Sport as a socially- valuable and bodily-spiritual system has the ability to self-organize.

The socio-communicative and spiritual-existential dimension of sports makes it possible to more deeply realize the value character of sports activity, expressed in the harmonization of bodily, spiritual and spiritual principles. The society must be different in order to realize the harmony of the sport of the highest achievements, in order to overcome the attitude to sport only as a means of commercialization. Today we need to form an interpersonal concept of sport as a substantiality and value of a person, according to which sporting achievements, on the one hand, are a product of personal development, and, with on the other hand, sport is a planetary phenomenon. Therefore, as noted by the Ukrainian philosopher M. Ibrahimov, who studies the philosophy of sports, the subject of philosophy of sports is the doctrine of the essence and life meaning of sport in the discourse of the sociocultural phenomenon, which is the creation

and reproduction of the standards of human physicality in the images of physical culture. If we truly believe that modern sport developing in the context of European culture is not only a philosophy of physicality, but also a sociocultural phenomenon, then we must develop the philosophy of sports as a new scientific field that explores the ontological, metaphysical, axiological, phenomenological, existential foundations of sports as a complex not only social, but also a cultural phenomenon. If a business invests a lot of money in sports, it means that sports meet the internal impulses of modern society and culture. Although practice shows that business speculates on the body of sports in its own selfish interests, transfers its cruel laws to the world of sports, sports nevertheless have not lost their purity and morality.

Problems in sports in the context of social-philosophical discourse

It can be concluded that in the philosophy of sports, we should pay attention to the problems of sports that occur not only in Ukraine but also in other countries: the commercialization of sports, its politicization and monopolization, deviation of sports, the market mechanism for the implementation of sports events and activities, low the level of state regulation of the sports industry, insufficient financial support from the state; the system of interaction between state, commercialization and civil structures in sports needs to be improved. It is necessary to solve the problem associated with the decline in the development of children's, youth's and mass sports, to help increase the effectiveness of the entire world and national sports system (the level of development of sports science, sports infrastructure), and the practical implementation of the National Sports Doctrine in Ukraine. We agree with M. Ibrahimov, who notes that it is necessary “to make the following definition as a subject for scientific discussion: the philosophy of sport is a discipline and an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that reveals the content of the ideals of sport and physical culture, as well as exploring the specifics of their embodiment in civilization space as cultural and historical phenomena.”

Studying the philosophy of sports, it should be emphasized that destructive phenomena and problems develop in the sports environment: a contradiction between the real orientation of participants in the sports movement towards pragmatic values and the humanistic ideals and values that the philosophy of sports proclaims. These ideals, as the famous German scientist O. Grupe notes, “can be reduced to the following five points: the concept of harmonious development of personality; the possibility of self-improvement on the way to the highest sports achievements; the principle of amateurism as a manifestation of selfdiscipline and a rejection of material benefits; code of ethics for sports; the formation of the sports elite. " In practice, these ideals come down to the concept of the unity of the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of a person, which is less and less realized in sports, since selfimprovement is no longer regarded as higher than victory at the Olympic Games; an orientation toward harmonious development is rarely found, therefore scientists raise the question: “How many adherents of the principle of unity of physical, intellectual and spiritual development of a person are in modern sport?” [O. Group, 1986]. In this situation, many scientists and public figures, pay attention to the ever-growing "need for an updated philosophy of sports, in a new formulation of the philosophical basis of the sports movement", raise the question of the need to develop a "new philosophy of Olympism." As, for example, S.Erdem, a member of the IOC, president of the Turkish NOC, emphasizes, “the very concept of Olympism, and the very role of sport in the modern world as a whole, needs to be rethought” [Erdem, 1992].

For this study, an important key point is the ideas of Miroslav Mylik, who received a religious and philosophical education, who considers the content and development of sports from the perspective of neo-Thomism, taking for initial explanatory principles the views on the relationship between spiritual and physical Thomas Aquinas. One of the central categories that characterize the essence of sport in Mylic is “sprawnosc,” which refers to the correspondence of something, someone (but above all, of course, a person) with its nature or function. Since the Latin "habitus" used by Thomas Aquinas is not covered in its meaning by the Polish "sprawnosc", Moulik identifies two senses of the concept of "serviceability": wide and narrow. In a broad sense, this concept means functionality, conformity, suitability and is applicable to things and animals. In the same meaning, it is also applicable to characterize the human body, its physical bodily capabilities and abilities. As for the person himself, only a narrow understanding of serviceability is applicable to him - as the complete submission of functional structures to spirit, mind and will. In other words, the narrow meaning of the term “serviceability” is the serviceability of the spirit acting in the body and through the body. It is spiritual health that directs and organizes the physical, and constitutes the essence and content of physical culture. Special sections of M. Mylik's book are devoted to the ethical foundations of sports, which he considers from the point of view of the ultimate goals of man in the light of Catholic teachings. From the same point of view, the question of freedom of human choice and freedom of human will is treated, clearly expressing their essence and structure in the field of sports. In the collection "Sport, Spirituality Culture" by Professor V.I. Stolyarov, translations of some key chapters from the books of Miroslav Mylik are placed.

Social and philosophical sports in the same way as the substantive basis for the development of special sports and sports culture

Sport as a substantial basis for the development of a person and his sports culture is a reflection in the inner world of a person of the totality of the diversity of human relations, turned to the world of nature, society, people, which cultivate certain ideals of beauty, dignity, self-valuable, semantic ways of a person, fixed by experiences of sports actions. At the heart of sport as a substantial basis for personality development are universal values and needs, addressed to the will, moral standards and physical and spiritual health of a person, the actualization of those values of sports being that give rise to enthusiasm, strengthen human healthy forces, cultivate sports ideals and norms. Sport as a substantial basis of human existence indicates the cultural, social or personal significance of sports phenomena and facts of life, which are evaluated in terms of good and evil, justice and injustice, morality and anti-morality, sublimation and transgression. In this regard, sports values play the role of an axiological basis of needs and interests, experiences and goals, plans and ways of implementing sports values. Sport as a substantial basis for personality development reflects the internal state of human being.

Sports values reflect the inner state of human existence in the national aspect, as they are a form of existence of the individual and universal. From ancient times the sport is an important forum for communication between people and is an important part of the life of the majority of the population. Sports values produced by the development of sports are the products of material, physical and spiritual activities, the value of which does not decrease or disappear as a result of their consumption, as is generally the case with material values. Science, which studies the nature, origin and development, the role of values in the formation of man to the world, is called axiology (the doctrine of values). According to the general theory of values, any value is determined by the significance or meaning of a particular phenomenon of culture, society, reality. The constant inner activity of the human psyche leads to the fact that there is a need: to dream, to invent, to create, in other words, to live an inner spiritual life. This life becomes not only a means of service, but also a person's self-worth, which becomes his immanent essence. Sports life is one of the forms of emotional, intellectual and sensory action, due to which the sports consciousness and selfconsciousness of the subject of action is formed, which has not been studied by scientists yet. Subjects can be not only individuals, but entire communities:society, nation,

individual. The sports life of society can be divided into the following categories: sports activities, sports production, sports culture, sports consciousness and self-awareness. Sports activity is an activity that aims to develop physical fitness, which is fixed by certain results in achieving sports goals.

Socio-philosophical dimensions of sport as a substantial basis for the development of personality and its sports culture show that this is why sport as a substantial basis for personal development gives meaning to individual existence, because sport is always transformed into certain sports practices and is an element of the individual's life process. The essential connection between sport and spirituality is the indirect beginning between intellect and instinct, a person's experience of his attitude to the world of sports and to other people. Sport ultimately leads to semantic harmony, combining images of the world with the moral laws of the individual. In the spiritual and existential sense, sport is the harmony of the soul with the individual world, the realization of the principles of sports. Sport as a substantial basis for the development of personality is the unity of material and spiritual elements of human activity, in which the main place is occupied by sports (physical) dominants of culture, moral components, which in general leads to the sports progress of society. Everyone must be aware of the physicality of his physical existence and his spiritual value, so that the existence and activities of man acquire a meaning that consists of understanding the values of sports life. The sporting development of man and society ultimately depends both on man himself and on the sociocultural conditions of the society in which man lives, on man's ability to self-regulate his essence and to emancipate his potential to be "himself."

According to philosophers, sport as a substantial basis for the development of personality and its sports culture is a self-realization realm and self-construction personality way, free sports life choice, higher self-regulation personality level, self-forming sociocultural community factor to which it belongs. Sport as an ontological realitycrystallizes in the consciousness and self-consciousness of the individual, reflection, revealing their human qualities. Sport acts as a self-realization form and individual self-determination in certain sport types competitions, a necessary stage in the formation of individuality. Sport is a way of person's being, aimed at the spirit, and the spirit is a state of activity, which is a semantic field of an individual's culture and cannot be dissolved in the universal elements.

Due to the current changes that have taken place in the world of sports today in recent decades, a natural question arises: how can modern changes affect the sports phenomenon. First of all, should be noted that new situation of the market and sports commercialization it is not a question of basic ideals change and sports values which are directed on harmonious development of the person. Therefore, in our opinion, sport should cultivate ethic ideals, culture and education, combine with culture and education, be based on the values of a way of life based on the joy achieving sports success, on the educational values of good example, respect and self-esteem to universal ethical principles. According to K. Volkwein[1995], slogans and calls to adhere to moral behavior principles in sports are unlikely to make a significant change in the real situation that exists today in modern sports, where the slogan "success at all costs" prevails.

Main sports success factors as an expression of the substantial personal development and sports culture basis

Sport as a substantial basis for the development of personality and its sports culture is the foundation of labor and moral education of a person, which forms purposefulness, a complex of volitional components, moral and ethical norms. The main sports success factors: 1) human nature, its biological predispositions; 2) diligence of the athlete, stubbornness and persistence in training; 3) psychological attitude to victory, which is set from above (unclear source of strength); psychological capabilities that control our body.

An important role is played by:

1. Athlete motivation is very important to achieve results. However, it should not be assumed that the higher the motivation of the athlete, the more productive he is. The reward is an incentive, and the idea of it is a motivation. Too high motivation increases the level of anxiety and fear of the athlete, requires stability, speed of reaction.

2. Psychological support is a crucial factor in success, so you need close cooperation between a doctor, psychologist and coach, ensuring a decent psycho-emotional climate in the team, effective psychodiagnostics, which helps to choose the optimal style of the athlete taking into account the typology of the nervous system. To begin with, it is advisable to teach the athlete the art of self-control and self-regulation, to consciously manage themselves at all stages of sports activities [1].

Sport as an integral part of global culture, its impact on global social solidarity

Today, in the context of globalization, sport is an integral part of global culture, and the concept of "big sport" has become a legitimate part of the concept of "big politics". Sport in today's world serves as an influential force that can both consolidate and divide large groups of people. Thus, the potential of sport to create collective identities could not go unnoticed by the creators of the European project, because "with the entry of mankind into the postindustrial era, sport in the mass consciousness of people began to increasingly express social and cultural solidarity." According to N. Pelagesh, sport is an important element of culture and one of the most common activities in European countries, it is engaged constantly, from time to time, the elderly, people with disabilities, children, youth and adults. About 20% of the population in the first 15 EU member states are members of sports clubs. In other words, about 70 million people in Europe play sports in 700,000 sports clubs. As the largest social movement in the member states of the European Union, it is connected not only with the social and cultural spheres, but also with business, for example, 36% of world sports trade takes place in the European Union. Ahead is only the United States, which has 42%. According to research and analytical materials of the European Commission, sport is directly related to the economic development of the association, as it is related to health, and therefore to the level of social and labor activity of citizens and the cost of medicine. Cultural differences are "overcome" in sports clubs, schools, and group classes, which promotes social integration. Thanks to sports, contacts are established not only between professional athletes from different countries, but also between ordinary citizens of different countries. As for the role of professional athletes, they, on the one hand, promote the identification of citizens with their own nation-states, and on the other hand, make them think in supranational and global categories. The participation of representatives of different ethnic groups in a single sports team strengthens interethnic solidarity and tolerance in society. In addition, people who play sports in their spare time do so outside national borders. Thus, "given the size of the sports industry in Europe, sport, if cultivated at the pan-European level, can play a unifying role" [6].

Development of sports culture as a reflection of the generic essence of competition

The development of a sports culture of a person can be explicated as an expression of the generic nature of competition in the world of sports and is not only a broadcast of the world of sports culture, but also techniques of technological attitude to sports, sports values and behavior patterns. In the world of sports culture, a holistic personality is being cultivated due to competitiveness in sport as a substantial basis for personality formation. It is no coincidence that N.Vizitey defines competitiveness as one of the basic moments of a person's self- identification. In his opinion, “competition is universal. A person is constantly involved in competitive relationships. Competition is one of the forms in which the deepest potentials of human existence are realized ”[1, p. 83].

Among the various definitions of man that exist in modern philosophy, there is no such characteristic as the formation of a sports personality, the formation of a sports culture as an expression of the interaction of culture, education, sports. Sports culture - part of the culture, which is based on: the interaction of education, sports, culture, which represent the intellectual, spiritual, physical activity of a person to develop a holistic personality. It includes the results of activities that provide the basic human desire for the game, competition, creativity in concrete reality.

Sports culture is associated with the physical improvement of a person, which embodies the physical values of the individual. A sports culture is impossible without the formation of spiritual values, which represent the reflection of the whole diversity of nature, beauty, dignity, the meaning of life, the so-called self-valuable, semantic values that contribute to the formation of a person as an integral personality and directly depend on a specific environment. Spiritual values in conjunction with physical ideals are necessary to ensure human life, they reflect the human world. In accordance with our criteria, spiritual values, together with the physical ideals of a person's self-determination and cultivation of his body, make up a person's sports culture, since it is a form of individual and human existence in the context of the interaction of culture, education, sports, aimed at developing a holistic sports person. The philosophy of sports culture of an individual as an expression of the interaction of culture, education, sports, due to its specificity as a form of unity of mind and body, represents the uniqueness of this system of imperatives. Sports culture as a general-substantive category of human existence is unique, as it includes all imperatives to follow. Sports culture is opposed to nature, it is associated with the process of a person achieving a more perfect, physically stable being, which is based on the functions of culture [2, p. 91].

The development of a sports culture of the individual as an expression of the generic nature of competition in the world of sports is a reflection of the whole diversity of human relations, turned to the natural world, society, which cultivate the humanistic intellectual aspect of social relations associated with theformation of self-valuable, semantic ways of its existence.

Sport as a substantial matrix of personality development

Sport as a substantial matrix of personality development reflects the internal position of a person's being as the creator of his destiny and is produced by the sports world, which emphasizes the intrinsic value of a sports person. Sports culture includes the formation of sports values, the value of which does not decrease, but increases. Sport as a product - an activity program - is an expression of emotional, intellectual and sensual action, thanks to which the athlete's consciousness and self-awareness, being constantly in a state of stress, is further strengthened. It is no accident that sports activities are aimed at cultivating results to achieve their sporting goals.

At the heart of sports culture individual development as an expression of the generic nature of competition in the world of sports, discourse is the development of all the makings of the personality, which are transformed in various sports practices and are an element of the individual's life process. The essential interconnection of sports, physical perfection and spirituality is the harmony of the soul with the individual world of sports, the implementation of the principles, meaning and standards of sports activity.

The development of a sports culture of an individual as an expression of the generic nature of competitiveness in the world of sportsis aimed at the interaction of culture, education, and sports, which in general lead to the formation of an effective, rational, and humanistic essence of sports culture. The basis of sports culture is self-improvement of a person's being and his values, combining the idea of a person's existence with the idea of activity, which acquire meaning in the context of cultivating sports and values. Sports competitiveness as an individual and social interaction ultimately depends both on the person himself and on the conditions that society creates in the form of sociocultural determinants for the development of the sports world, on a person's ability to self-regulate their generic nature and to free their potential to become a person as a result potential competitiveness, which is inherent in man by nature [3].

Among the various definitions of man that exist in modern philosophy, there is no such characteristic as a sports person. The basis of sports culture individual development as an expression of the generic competition nature in sports world is an interaction of education, sports, culture, which represent the intellectual, spiritual, physical activity of a person to form a holistic personality, which includes the results of activities aimed at the cult of sports victories, including biogenetic psychophysiological phenomena of man. The basis of competition is a culture that is associated with the physical and spiritual improvement of a person, which embodies the physical and spiritual values of the individual incorrelation with the processes of the society-state as a whole. A sports culture is impossible without the formation of spiritual values, which represent the reflection of the whole diversity of nature, beauty, dignity, the meaning of life, the so-called selfvaluable, semantic values that contribute to the development of man as a holistic personality. Spiritual values in conjunction with physical values play the role of axiological support for human life, which reflect the internal state of the human world. They also constitute a person's sports culture, since it is a form of individual and human existence in the context of the interaction of culture, education, sports, aimed at the formation of a holistic personality [4].

Directions for the sports culture individual development as an expression of the generic competition nature

A major role in the sports culture individual development as an expression of the generic competition nature in the sports world is played

1. Athlete motivation as one of the most important roles in achieving athlete results. But one cannot assume that the higher the athlete's motivation, the more successful the athlete's success. The reward for success is a stimulus, and the idea of it is motivation. Excessively high motivation increases the level of anxiety and fear of the athlete and requires stability, speed of reaction, endurance.

2. Psychological support seems to be a decisive factor for success, therefore, close cooperation between a doctor, psychologist, trainer, and athlete is required, which ensure the creation of a decent psycho-emotional climate in the team, create an effective psychodiagnostics of an athlete taking into account the typology of the nervous system, personality traits of a person and sports, and teach an athlete the art of self-control and selfregulation in order to consciously control themselves at all stages of sports activities [5].

In modern conditions, there is a globalization of innovation, migration processes, science and education, political institutions, culture and sports. Globalization in sports is the transformation of sports into a global, universal plan phenomenon that has a significant impact on all aspects of people's lives. Sports globalization contributes to an interdependence realization of the world as a whole. The globalization of migration processes leads to a growing number of refugees, large-scale illegal migration, various forms of displacement, increased demand for highly skilled labor. All this leads to the formation of globalism as a type of consciousness on a planetary scale that arises in the process of globalization.

Representatives of globalization model a certain image of the future and accordingly seek to rebuild society. Globalization puts social transformation in the framework of the spatial organization of social relations and compromises, which are characterized by prevalence, intensity, speed and influence. Globality today represents a qualitative characteristic of the sports world, which reveals a movement towards integration and integrity, manifests itself in all dimensions of being and human consciousness, means the formation of a community of social, economic, political, legal, sports relations. In different parts of the world, people react differently to global changes: globalization is capable of not only uniting, but also separating peoples. - and even through sports. All of the above processes indicate that globalization is turning into the main paradigm of social development [6].

Sport as a substantial basis for the development of personality is a reflection in the inner world of a person of the totality of the human diversity relations, turned to the world of nature, society, man, which cultivate certain beauty ideals, dignity, self-valuable, semantic human ways, recorded by sports experiences. At the heart of sport as a substantial basis for personality development are universal values and needs, addressed to the will, moral standards and physical and spiritual health of a person, the actualization of those values of sports being that give rise to enthusiasm, strengthen human healthy forces, cultivate sports ideals and norms. Sport as a substantial basis of human existence indicates the cultural, social or personal significance of sports phenomena and facts of life, which are evaluated in terms of good and evil, justice and injustice, morality and anti-morality, sublimation and transgression. In this regard, sports values play the role of an axiological basis of needs and interests, experiences and goals, plans and ways of implementing sports values. Sport as a substantial basis for personality development reflects the internal state of human being.

Today, in the context of globalization, sports culture is an integral part of global culture, and the concept of "big sport" has become a legitimate part of big politics. Sports culture in the modern world plays the role of an influential force that can both consolidate and disunite large groups of people. In the postindustrial era, sports culture in the mass consciousness of people began to increasingly express the social and cultural solidarity of peoples. It is the sports culture that is becoming an important element of the general culture and one of the most common types of activity in developed countries, it is constantly, occasionally engaged in it, by the elderly, people with disabilities, children, youth and adults. Sports culture is directly related to the economic prosperity of countries, insofar as it is associated with competitiveness, the level of social and labor activity of citizens and the cost of medicine. In sports clubs, schools, and group classes, group differences “fused” that contribute to social integration. Thanks to sports, contacts are established not only between professional athletes, but also between citizens of different countries. As for the role of professional athletes, they, on the one hand, contribute to the identification of their nation, and on the other, they learn to think in supranational, global categories.

As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Sports culture individual development as an expression of generic competitiveness nature in the sports world includes sports analysis as substantial basis for the development of personality and its generic features, due to which the personality realizes itself; and also thanks to their own self-construction, which is a person's free choice of his own development and self-regulation personality in sports.

2. Sport as an ontological and axiological reality crystallizes in the consciousness and self-awareness of the athlete's personality, in the reflection of his human qualities. Therefore, sport, as a competitive interaction, is a necessary stage in individuality formation.

3. Today, sports world is not without commercialization, so the question naturally arises: how does commercialization affect the change in sports personality, does commercialization harm the development of sports culture and the harmonious development of the personality. Commercialization, market laws should be combined with culture and education, based on the humanistic values of the sports lifestyle, strive to enjoy sporting success joy, educated on good sporting examples and respect for the universal principles of ethics and morality in the sports world.

4. There is another opinion. K. Volkwein[1995] believes that slogans and calls to adhere moral principles conducting in sports are unlikely to bring changes to modern sports world in global world, where slogan “victory at all costs” reigns.

5. Competition in the sports world, as an expression of generic man essence, develops determination, strong-willed feelings complex, moral and ethical standards.


Thus, it can be emphasized that the sports philosophy is very young, but promising philosophical direction, which includes many sports sectoral problems: 1) both Olympic movement formation and development in globalization context; 2) sport as the main substance of personal selfrealization; 3) formation of the modern sport concept as a system of youth value orientations in globalization context; 4) sport as a symbolic and communicative system;

5) Human sports dimension as realization of the generic man nature;

6) existential sports foundations in realization of transcendence and freedom.

In connection with foregoing, we can say that sports philosophy is the most promising direction in which interests of an individual and society, individual and organizations, individual and environment, individual and society, individual and the state are combined.

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