Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition

The formation of the philosophy of sports as a scientific direction in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Sport is a means of moral and aesthetic education, its socio-philosophical dimensions. Directions for the development of sports culture.

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Дата добавления 17.04.2022
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Список використаних джерел

philosophy of sports discourse

1. Arai, A., Ko, Y. J., & Kaplanidou, K., 2013. Athlete brand image: Scale development and model test. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13(4), 383-403.

2. Arai, A., Ko, Y. J., &Ross, R., 2014. Branding athletes: exploration and conceptualization of athlete brand image. Sport Management Review, 17, 97-106.

3. Akin, J., 2005. Mass Media [interaktyvus]. Beyond [ziьreta2019 m. kovo 22d.] Prieiga per internet^:

4. Balciene, J., Lebrikaite, S., 2007. Ziniasklaidosirvisuomeneskomunikacijosypatumai. Lietuvosziniasklaidajaunqjqtyrejqakimis. Vilnius: VPU leidykla.

5. Carlson, D. B., Donavan, T., 2013. Human Brands in Sport: Athlete Brand Personality and Identification. Journal of Sport Management, 27, 193-206.

6. Carlson, D. B., Donavan, T., Cumiskey, K.J., 2009. Consumer-brand relationships in sport: brand personality and identification. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37 (4). 370-384.

7. Charumbira, L. T., 2018. The Integrated Conceptual Framework for Understanding Perceived Brand Equity in Professional Sports Teams. International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication, Vol. 7 (4). 32-44.

8. Charumbira, L. T., 2014. The effectiveness of the sports marketing strategies used byimbabwean collegiate sports federations. International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication,3(3/4). 66-75.

9. Cornelissen, J. P., 2001. Integrated Marketing Communications and the language of marketing development. International Journal of Advertising. 20 (4). 483-498.

10. Dulworth, M., 2008. The Connect Effect: Building Strong Personal, Professional, and Virtual Networks. Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 220.

11. Drьteikiene, G., 2003. Organizacijosjvaizdzioekonominefunkcija// Ekonomika.

12. Goffman, E., 2000. Savзs pateikimaskasdieniniamegyvenime. KnygosThe Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959) vertimas. Vilnius: VAGA.

13. Habermas, J., 2008. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Great Britain: Polity Press.

14. Hasaan, A, Kerem, K., RuiBiscaia, R., Kwame J. A. Agyemang, 2016. Athlete brand construction: A perspective based on fans' perception. Motriz, Rio Claro, V.22 n.3, p. 144159.

15. Kaynak, E., Gulberk Gultekin Salmam, Tatoglu, E., 2008. An integrative framework linking brand associations and brand loyalty in professional sports. Journal of Brand Management, 15(5):336-357. DOI: 10.1057/ 2007. 29

16. Kingsley,J., 2004. The Role of the Mass Media in Community Development.

17. James M. Gladden, Richard Wolfe, 2001. Sponsorship of Intercollegiate Athletics: The Importance of Image Matching. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Vol. 3 (1), pp.29-53,

18. Mamedaityte, S., 2003. Rysiai su visuomene.Autorizuotamedziagakursams. Vilnius: LietuvosTeisesUniversitetas.

19. Neves, A., Vieira, R., Mourao, F., Rocha, L., 2015. Quantifying complementarity among strategies for influenced detection on Twitter. International Conference On Computational Science, 51. 2435-2444.

20. Pitrenaite, B., 2009. Lietuvosziniasklaidosvaidmuougdantvisuomenessavisaugoskultьrq. Ekonomikairvadyba: aktualijosirperspektyvos. 1 (16). 206-216.

21. Sato, S., Jae Ko, Y., Park, C., Tao, W., 2015. Athlete reputational crisis and consumer evaluation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15 (4). 434-453.

22. Scott D. M., 2008. Naujosiosrinkosirviesqjqrysiqtaisykles. Verslozinios

23. Urbonas, V., 2007. Zurnalistikospagrindai. Klaipeda: Klaipedosuniversitetoleidykla.

24. Uttara, M., 2008. Different Types of Mass Media.

25. Uzniene, R., 2009. Medijinisugdymas: svietimas, lavinimasirugdymasapieziniasklaidq: mokomojiknyga. Klaipeda: Klaipedosuniversitetoleidykla.

26. Akranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina &Bilohur, Vlada, 2019. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (article one). Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers.Zaporizhzhm : ZNU. 2 (79). 115-136.

27. Scott, Kretchmar R., 2005. Practical philosophy of sport and physical activity. Champaign, IL :Human Kinetics. 91.

28. William J. Morgan, 2003. The Philosophy of Sport: A Historical and Conceptual Overview and a Conjecture Regarding Its Future. Jay Coakley and Eric Dunning (eds.) Handbook of Sports Studies. London: Sage. 205-212.

29. Ібрагімов М., 2011. Філософія спорту: чи буде плідною філософія на ниві спорту? Молода спортивна наука України 4. 54.

31. Пелагеша Н. , 2008. Україна у смислових війнах постмодерну: трансформація української національної ідентичності в умовах глобалізації. К.: НІСД. 288.

32. Edensor, T., 2002. National Identity. Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Oxford - New- York. 74.

33. BilohurVlada, 2019. Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities studies:Collection of Scientific Papers.Voronkova. Zaporizhzhm: ZNU. 1 (78). 27-38.

34. Aakranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina &Bilohur,Vlada, 2019. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers.Zaporizhzhm: ZNU. 2 (79). 115-136.

35 Aakranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina &Bilohur, Vlada, 2019.Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article №2, 2019).Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers.Zaporizhzhm: ZNU.3(80). 92-111.


1. Arai A.&Kaplanidou K., 2013. Athlete brand image: Scale development and model test. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13 (4). 383-403.

2. Arai A. & Ross R., 2014. Branding athletes: exploration and conceptualization of athlete brand image. Sport Management Review. 17. 97-106.

3. Akin J., 2005. Mass Media [interactive]. Beyond [ziьreta2019 m. kovo 22d.] from internet:>.

4. Balchene J., Lebrikaite S., 2007. Features of the media and public relations. Lithuanian media through the eyes of young researchers. Vilnius: VPUPublishing House.

5. Carlson D., Donavan T., 2013. Human Brands in Sport: Athlete Brand Personality and Identification. Journal of Sport Management. 27. 193-206.

6. Carlson D., Donavan T., Cumiskey K., 2009. Consumer-brand relationships in sport: brand personality and identification. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37 (4). 370-384.

7. Charumbira L., 2018. The Integrated Conceptual Framework for Understanding Perceived Brand Equity in Professional Sports Teams. International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication, Vol. 7 (4). 32-44.

8. Charumbira L., 2014. The effectiveness of sports marketing strategies used by imbabwean collegiate sports federations. International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication,3(3/4). 66-75.

9. Cornelissen J., 2001. Integrated Marketing Communications and marketing development language. International Journal of Advertising. 20 (4). 483-498.

10. Dulworth M., 2008. The Connect Effect: Building Strong Personal, Professional, and Virtual Networks. Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers. 220.

11. Druteikiene G., 2003. The economic function of the organization's image // Economy.

12. Goffman, E., 2000. Self-presentation in everyday life. Translation into presentations Self in everyday life (1959). Vilnius: VAGA.

13. Habermas J., 2008. The Structural Public Sphere Transformation. Great Britain: Polity Press.

14. Hasaan A., KeremK., BiscaiaR., Kwame Agyemang J., 2016. Athlete brand construction: A perspective based on fans' perception. Motriz, Rio Claro, 22 n. 3. 144-159.

15. KaynakE., SalmamG., Tatoglu., E., 2007. An integrative framework linking brand associations and brand loyalty in professional sports. Journal of Brand Management, 15(5):336-357. DOI: 10.1057/ 29.

16. Kingsley J., 2004. The Role of Mass Media in Community Development.

17. Gladden J., Wolfe R., 2001. Sponsorship of Intercollegiate Athletics: Image Matching Importance. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Vol. 3 (1). 29-53, https://doi .org/10.1108/IJSMS-03 -01-2001-B005.

18. Mamedaite S., 2003. Public relations. Authorized course material. Vilnius: Lithuanian University of Law.

19. Neves A., Vieira R., Mourao F., Rocha L., 2015. Quantifying complementarity among strategies for influencers' detection on Twitter. International Conference on Computational Science, 51. 2435-2444.

20. Pitrenaite, B., 2009. The role of the Lithuanian mass media in the development of a culture of self-defense in society. Economics and Management: Actual Problems and Prospects. 1 (16). 206-216.

21. Sato S., KoJ., Park C., Tao W., 2015. Athlete reputational crisis and consumer evaluation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15 (4). 434-453.

22. Scott D., 2008. New market and public relations rules. Business Knowledge.

23. Urbonas V., 2007. Fundamentals of Journalism. Klaipeda: Klaipeda University Press.

24. Uttara M., 2008. Different Types of Mass Media.

25. Uznene R., 2009. Media education: education, training and education in the media: textbook. Klaipeda: Klaipeda University Press.

26. Akranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina &VladaBilohur, 2019. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (аЛюкone). Humanities studies:: Collection of Scientific Papers.Zaporizhzhm : ZNU.2 (79). 115-136.

27. Scott D., Kretchmar R., 2005. Practical sports philosophy and physical activity. Champaign, IL :Human Kinetics. 91.

28. William Morgan, 2003. Sports Philosophy: A Historical Conceptual Overview and a Conjecture Regarding Its Future. Jay Coakley and Eric Dunning (eds.) Handbook of Sports Studies. London: Sage. 205-212.

29. Ibragimov, M., 2011. Philosophy of sport: will philosophy be fruitful in the field of sport? Young sports Ukrainian science. 4. 54.

31. Pelagesha, N., 2008. Ukraine in postmodern semantic wars: the transformation of Ukrainian national identity in the context of globalization.Kyiv: NISS.P.288.

32. Edensor T., 2002. National Identity. Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Oxford - New- York.p.74.

33. VladaBilohur, 2019. Formation of sports management innovative concept in Ukraine. Humanities studies: Collection of ScientificPapers.Voronkova. Zaporizhzhm: ZNU.1 (78).27-38.

34. Aakranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina &VladaBilohur, 2019. Character and image formation of sportsmen as a competitive advantage in mass media. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers.Zaporizhzhm:ZNU.2 (79). 115-136.

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