Dialogue teaching and determination of the sociometric status of English-speaking students as a component of group work

The motivation in university students during term online learning. The principle of a dialogic approach involves transforming the dominant position of the teacher and the position of the student into personally equal positions of individuals cooperating.

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Дата добавления 17.12.2024
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Dialogue teaching and determination of the sociometric status of English-speaking students as a component of group work

Vakulenko Liudmyla Ivanivna MD, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, the head of the department of propaedeutics of children's diseases and Pediatrics 2, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro,

Obolonska Olha Yuriivna MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department propaedeutics of children's diseases and Pediatrics 2, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro

Badogina Liudmyla Petrivna MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the department of propaedeutics of children's diseases and Pediatrics 2, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro

Samsonenko Svitlana Volodymyrivna MD, PhD, assistant of Professor of the Department of propaedeutics of children's diseases and pediatrics 2, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro


Today, society demands that graduates possess the ability to solve problems not only individually but also adapt communicatively and flexibly in changing life conditions. In this regard, modern educators need to focus not only on imparting knowledge, skills, and abilities to students in mastering the discipline but also on developing competencies that include communication. In the context of distance learning, these skills become the most vulnerable. The need to increase motivation in medical university students during long-term online learning is undeniable. The principle of a dialogic approach involves transforming the dominant position of the teacher and the subordinate position of the student into personally equal positions of individuals cooperating with each other. There is a specific sequence of relationships--from the teacher's maximum assistance to students in the early years in solving educational tasks to the gradual increase in their own activity in learning and the emergence of equal relationships between them in the senior years. To optimize group work, the sociometric status of students from different groups is determined during both classroom preparation and online sessions. This method allows identifying the nature of intra-collective relationships, group cohesion, leaders and isolated individuals, and the presence of micro-groups. Students categorized into four groups: sociometric "stars" (leaders), preferred individuals, neglected individuals, and isolated persons (outsiders). The dialogic principle of learning and the preparation of joint presentations at scientific conferences help address many issues related to the separation and ostracism of certain students. The study aimed to determine the impact of the dialogic approach on changes in students' sociometric status under classroom and extracurricular learning conditions. The research conducted on the sociometric status of 230 fifth- year international medical faculty students at the Department of Propaedeutics of Pediatric Diseases and Pediatrics 2 at the Dnipro State Medical University from 2021 to 2024. The status was determined twice per cycle: at the beginning and the end. Approximately half of the students fell into the preferred category. About 10% identified as outsiders. With pedagogical work (dialogic learning and the development of joint projects), the number of outsiders did not change significantly, but the number of neglected students decreased, as they moved into the preferred group. This fact explained by the "stars" and outsiders typically depend significantly on the actual level of knowledge, which cannot be changed in a single cycle. During distance learning, up to 30 percent of students experienced various degrees of ostracism. Most students opted for independent work and agreed to collective interaction only at the teacher's initiative, which helped reduce this indicator. Dialogic spaces in the form of scientific conferences and summits deepen thinking and development, contributing not only to success at university but also restoring communication as a countermeasure to student bullying. An emotionally comfortable group environment during lessons enhances knowledge acquisition. Given the data, working in mixed groups more productive. Conducting sociometric analysis allows the teacher to adjust relationships between students to create a comfortable group environment.

Keywords: Sociometric status, dialogic learning, higher education, classroom and extracurricular preparation.

Вакуленко Людмила Іванівна доктор медичних наук, професор, завідувачка кафедри пропедевтики дитячих хвороб та педіатрії 2, Дніпровський державний медичний університет, м. Дніпро

Оболонська Ольга Юріївна доктор філософії, доцент, асистент кафедри пропедевтики дитячих хвороб та педіатрії 2, Дніпровський державний медичний університет, м. Дніпро

Бадогіна Людмила Петрівна к.мед.н, доцент кафедри пропедевтики дитячих хвороб та педіатрії 2, Дніпровський державний медичний університет, м. Дніпро sociometric status dialogic learning

Самсоненко Світлана Володимирівна доктор філософії, асистент кафедри пропедевтики дитячих хвороб та педіатрії 2, Дніпровський державний медичний університет, м. Дніпро

Різник Альона Валеріївна к.мед.н., асистент кафедри пропедевтики дитячих хвороб та педіатрії 2, Дніпровський державний медичний університет, м. Дніпро


Анотація. Сьогодні суспільство вимагає від випускника умінь вирішувати проблеми не тільки індивідуально, але і комунікативно, гнучко адаптуватися в мінливих життєвих умовах. У зв'язку з цим, сучасному викладачеві крім знань, умінь і навичок, які необхідно дати студентам при освоєнні дисципліни, необхідно займатися ще і формуванням компетенцій, до яких входить комунікація. В умовах дистанційного навчання ці навички стають найбільш уразливими. Необхідність у підвищенні мотивації у навчанні студентів старших курсів медичного університету у період довгострокового он-лайн навчання не викликає сумнівів. Принцип діалогового підходу передбачає перетворення домінуючої позиції педагога та субкоординованої позиції студента в особистісно-рівноправні позиції людей, які співпрацюють один з одним. Певна послідовність відносин - від максимальної допомоги педагога студентам на перших курсах навчання у вирішенні навчальних завдань до поступового зростання їхньої власної активності у навчанні та появі рівноправних відносин між ними на старших курсах. Для оптимізації групової роботи на кафедрі проводиться визначення соціометричного статусу у студентів з різних груп, як в період аудиторної підготовки, так і в період занять on-line. Цей метод дозволяє виявити характер внутрішньо колективних взаємин, згуртованість колективу, лідерів та відторгнутих, ізольованих, наявність мікрогрупи. Студенти за методикою розділяються на 4 категорії: соціометричні «зірки» (лідери); особи, яким надається перевага; особи, якими нехтують; ізольовані особи (аутсайдери). Діалоговий принцип навчання, використання підготовки сумісних доповідей на наукові конференції дозволяє долати багато проблем, пов'язаних з сепарацією та остракізмом окремих студентів.

Метою дослідження стало визначення впливу принципу діалогового підходу на зміни соціометричного статусу студентів за умови аудиторного та поза аудиторного навчання. Для досягнення мети проведено дослідження соціометричного статусу за методикою Дж. Морено у 230 студентів V курсу міжнародного медичного факультету на кафедрі пропедевтики дитячих хвороб та педіатрії 2 Дніпровського державного медичного університету протягом 2021- 2024 років. Визначення статусу виконувалось двічі за цикл: на початку та вкінці циклу. До категорії переважного відносились до половини студентів. Аутсайдерами визначались близько 10%. При педагогічній роботі (діалогове навчання та розробка сумісних проектів) кількість аутсайдерів не сильно змінювалась, але значно зменшувалась цифра студентів якими нехтують, вони переходили в групу осіб, яким надається перевага. Це можливо пояснюється, що «зірки» та аутсайдери зазвичай все ж таки значно залежать від рівня реальних знань, що неможливо змінити на одному циклі. На дистанційному навчанні до 30 відсотків студентів знаходились в різного ступеню обструкції. Більшість студентів вибирали самостійну роботу і погоджувались на колективну взаємодію тільки за ініціативи викладача, але це дозволило знизити цей показник.

Діалогові простори, у вигляді наукових конференцій та саммітів дозволяють поглибити мислення та розвиток, сприяючи не тільки успіху в університеті, але й відновлюють спілкування, що є протидією при булінгу у студентів.

Емоційно комфортне середовище в групі на занятті сприяє засвоєнню знань. З огляду на дані вважаємо більш продуктивною роботу в змішаних групах. Проведення соціометрично аналізу дозволяє викладачеві коригувати відносни між студентами за для складання комфортного середовища у групі.

Ключові слова. Соціометричний статус, діалогове навчання, вища школа, аудиторна та поза аудиторна підготовка.

Problem Statement

Today, society demands that graduates possess the ability to solve problems not only individually but also adapt communicatively and flexibly in changing life conditions. In this regard, modern educators need to focus not only on imparting knowledge, skills, and abilities to students in mastering the discipline but also on developing competencies that include communication. In the context of distance learning, these skills become the most vulnerable. The need to increase motivation in senior medical university students during long-term online learning is undeniable.

Analysis of Recent Research and Publications

The principle of a dialogic approach involves transforming the dominant position of the teacher and the subordinate position of the student into personally equal positions of individuals cooperating with each other. There is a specific sequence of relationships--from the teacher's maximum assistance to students in the early years in solving educational tasks to the gradual increase in their own activity in learning and the emergence of equal relationships between them in the senior years. However, other approaches to dialogic education focus not on the elements of dialogue itself that influence the learning process but rather on the social activities that facilitate dialogue. When students engage in truly collaborative activities that require them to interact to discuss their ideas and build shared knowledge, dialogue is not only the means by which students complete the task but also the goal of the collaborative activity and overall education. Thinking and reasoning necessarily involve listening to each other's ideas and learning from different perspectives in dialogue with each other. Therefore, education should create dialogic spaces to prepare students for these dialogues to deepen their learning, thinking, and development, contributing not only to their success in university but also in new contexts throughout their lives. Fostering behaviors and relationships based on values such as solidarity and peer support reduces conflict. Every group experiences to some extent issues related to the separation and ostracism of certain students.

Purpose of the Article

To determine the impact of the dialogic approach on changes in students' sociometric status.

Main Material Presentation

To achieve the goal and solve the set tasks, the sociometric status was determined at the Department of Propaedeutics of Pediatric Diseases and Pediatrics 2 at the Dnipro State Medical University among fifth-year international medical faculty students from 2021 to 2024. The study covered 230 students. Sociometric status is determined according to the method of J. Moreno. The status was determined twice per cycle: at the beginning and the end. This method allows identifying the nature of intra-collective relationships, group cohesion, leaders and isolated individuals, and the presence of micro-groups. The dialogic principle of learning helps address many issues related to the separation and ostracism of certain students. Students asked to complete a questionnaire and identify those group mates with whom they would like to prepare a report. The calculation of the number of points made it possible to divide students into categories by leadership qualities: from leaders (category 1) to outsiders (category 4).


During wartime, we conduct classes using the Moodle system. This platform is an open system for managing distance learning, offering a wide range of tools for educational interaction between teachers, students, and the educational institution administration. It allows presenting educational material in various formats: text, presentation, video material, and conducting tests with closed-type questions. Students can complete assignments and submit the necessary files. Additionally, the system has a wide range of tools for monitoring students' educational activities. We achieve group work skills through joint case studies, preparing reports by two students. This is particularly relevant for developing students' research skills through student scientific circles and joint department meetings. In classroom settings, we conduct case studies at the patient's bedside. During wartime, we used video conferences to achieve this goal. We invited a patient relevant to the lesson topic to the class, with a demonstration of clinical symptoms and anamnesis data. We asked students to prepare a short joint report with a rationale for the diagnosis, treatment plan, and prevention. Each year, we prepare reports for the young scientists' conference within the framework of the student scientific circle. Students choose the direction of the report and work quite independently in preparation. The teacher needs to ensure control and evaluation not only of the result but also mainly of the learning process, developing logicality in presenting the material. We post summarized reports and theses on the website. Each conference participant receives a certificate, which we consider in the student rating. Guided independent work of students ensures the qualitative development of sustainable skills and abilities for independent knowledge acquisition and scientific methods. Students develop the ability to independently formulate self-development tasks, develop strategies and tactics to achieve the set goal, extract necessary information, and operate it to solve educational tasks. To optimize group work, we determine the sociometric status of foreign students from different groups both during classroom preparation and during online sessions (Table 1).

Table 1.

Distribution of Students by Sociometric Status


Classroom Learning (%) (n=108)

Distance Learning (%) (n=122)

Before the cycle

After the cycle

Before the cycle

After the cycle

Sociometric "stars" (leaders)





Preferred individuals





Neglected individuals





Isolated persons (outsiders)





We revealed differences between students in different learning formats. Up to half of the students were in the first and second categories. About 10% students identified as outsiders. With pedagogical work (dialogic learning and the development of joint projects), the number of outsiders did not change significantly, but the number of neglected students decreased, as they moved into the preferred group. We explain this by the fact that "stars" and outsiders typically depend significantly on the actual level of knowledge, which cannot be changed in a single cycle. During distance learning, up to 30 percent of students experienced various degrees of ostracism. Most students opted for independent work and agreed to collective interaction only at the teacher's initiative, which helped reduce this indicator. During distance learning, the number of leaders decreased. Most students chose independent work and communicated only at the teacher's initiative, but with joint work, these data were comparable during classroom and extracurricular work.

An interesting observation was revealed when determining the sociometric status of Indian students - the choice was influenced not only by personal qualities and the level of knowledge, but also by the social status in the homeland. Echoes of bullying based on the characteristics of the group resemble the phenomenon of bullying in high school, but are not obvious and transformed into a form of ignoring [11]. Therefore, a competent student from India who had good grades was in the fourth category, in a group consisting only of her compatriots, as she was a representative of a low caste. There was no such distribution in groups of Arab students and in mixed groups of students from different countries. There, students with the highest level of knowledge were among the leaders. Based on the data, we consider it more productive to work in mixed groups. Conducting a sociometric analysis is an effective method of determining relationships in the student environment, even in the conditions of distance learning.

When preparing a scientific report, in most cases, it was possible to involve the most active students and they quite actively joked with each other, while the number of neglected persons significantly decreased.

Active involvement in communication, joint preparation of reports and analysis of the material in a dialogic form with the support of all categories of students gives a significant (Table 1), but not always sustainable result, such consistent work is advisable in different courses.

Summary and conclusions

1. Dialogue spaces, in the form of scientific conferences and summits, allow to deepen thinking and development, contributing not only to success at the university, but also restore communication, which is an antidote to bullying among students.

2. Emotionally comfortable environment in the group during the lesson promotes the assimilation of knowledge. Based on the data, we consider it more productive to work in mixed groups.

3. Conducting a sociometric analysis allows the teacher to adjust the relationship between students to create a comfortable environment in the group.


1. Litwinska-R^czka, Katarzyna. (2018). Jacob Levy Moreno's Psychodrama As a Work Technique For Treating Patients in Group and Individual Psychotherapy. Current Problems of Psychiatry. 19. 10.2478/cpp-2018-0019.

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3. Villarejo-Carballido B., Pulido C. M., de Botton L., Serradell O. (2019). Dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts: evidence of the success of cyberbullying prevention in a primary school in catalonia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16:918. 10.3390/ijerph16060918

4. Wegerif R., Doney J., Jamison I. (2017). Designing education to promote global dialogue: lessons from generation global--a project of the tony blair institute for global change. Civitas Educ. Educ. Polit. Cult. 6 113-129.

5. Martinelli, Selma & Schiavoni, Andreza. (2009). Student's perception of the teacher- student relationship and sociometric status. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas). 26. 327-336. 10.1590/S0103-166X2009000300006

6. Aubert A. (2015). Amaya: dialogic literary gatherings evoking passion for learning and a transformation of the relationships of a Roma girl with her classmates. Qual. Inq. 21 858-864. 10.1177/1077800415614034

7. Valero D., Redondo-Sama G., Elboj C. (2017). Interactive groups for immigrant students: a factor for success in the path of immigrant students. Int. J. Incl. Educ. 22 787-802. 10.1080/13603116.2017.1408712

8. Hartgerink C. H., Van Beest I., Wicherts J. M., Williams K. D. (2015). The ordinal effects of ostracism: A meta-analysis of 120 Cyberball studies. PLoS One, 10(5), e0127002. 10.1371/journal.pone.0127002 -

9. Boros, S., Curseu, P.L., Miclea, M. Integrative tests of a multidimensional model of organizational identification. Social Pychology. 2011. Vol. 42. № 2. P. 111-123. doi:10.1027/ 1864-9335/a000051

10. Garcia-Carrion, R., Lopez de Aguileta, G., Padros, M., & Ramis-Salas, M. (2020). Implications for Social Impact of Dialogic Teaching and Learning. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 140. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00140

11. Harrison ED, Hulme JA, Fox CL. A Thematic Analysis of Students' Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying in UK Higher Education. Eur J Psychol. 2022 Feb 25;18(1):53-69. doi: 10.5964/ejop.3669.


1. Litwinska-Rqczka, Katarzyna. (2018). Jacob Levy Moreno's Psychodrama As a Work Technique For Treating Patients in Group and Individual Psychotherapy. Current Problems of Psychiatry. 19. 10.2478/cpp-2018-0019.

2. Блінова О. Є. Психологічна культура: аналіз змісту поняття. Проблеми загальної та педагогічної психології : зб. наук. праць Інституту психології ім. Г. С. Костюка НАПН України / За ред. С. Д. Максименка. К. : Гнозіс, 2010. Т. ХІІ, част. 5. С. 65-71.

3. Villarejo-Carballido B., Pulido C. M., de Botton L., Serradell O. (2019). Dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts: evidence of the success of cyberbullying prevention in a primary school in catalonia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16:918. 10.3390/ijerph16060918

4. Wegerif R., Doney J., Jamison I. (2017). Designing education to promote global dialogue: lessons from generation global--a project of the tony blair institute for global change. Civitas Educ. Educ. Polit. Cult. 6 113-129.

5. Martinelli, Selma & Schiavoni, Andreza. (2009). Student's perception of the teacher- student relationship and sociometric status. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas). 26. 327-336. 10.1590/S0103-166X2009000300006

6. Aubert A. (2015). Amaya: dialogic literary gatherings evoking passion for learning and a transformation of the relationships of a Roma girl with her classmates. Qual. Inq. 21 858-864. 10.1177/1077800415614034

7. Valero D., Redondo-Sama G., Elboj C. (2017). Interactive groups for immigrant students: a factor for success in the path of immigrant students. Int. J. Incl. Educ. 22 787-802. 10.1080/13603116.2017.1408712

8. Hartgerink C. H., Van Beest I., Wicherts J. M., Williams K. D. (2015). The ordinal effects of ostracism: A meta-analysis of 120 Cyberball studies. PLoS One, 10(5), e0127002. 10.1371/journal.pone.0127002

9. Boros, S., Curseu, P.L., Miclea, M. Integrative tests of a multidimensional model of organizational identification. Social Pychology. 2011. Vol. 42. № 2. P. 111-123. doi:10.1027/ 1864-9335/a000051

10. Garcia-Carrion, R., Lopez de Aguileta, G., Padros, M., & Ramis-Salas, M. (2020). Implications for Social Impact of Dialogic Teaching and Learning. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 140. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00140

11. Harrison ED, Hulme JA, Fox CL. A Thematic Analysis of Students' Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying in UK Higher Education. Eur J Psychol. 2022 Feb 25;18(1):53-69. doi: 10.5964/ejop.3669

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