The latest approaches to teaching the communicative course of the english language

The English language as a subject of intercultural education. The priority directions of effective ways of language-didactic training of future specialists. Communicative language competences include: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects.

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The latest approaches to teaching the communicative course of the english language

Olena Chetverikova, PhD of Philological Science, Associate Professor Izmail State University of Humanities


Новітні підходи до викладання комунікативного курсу англійської мови

Олена Четверікова кандидат філологічних наук, доцент Ізмаїльський державний гуманітарний університет

Сучасна вища освіта відображає зростаючий інтерес до проблеми англійської мови як засобу комунікації. Нові технології та можливості стимулюють людей продовжувати навчання в університеті. Роль магістратури у розвитку інноваційних освітніх процесів підвищується у зв'язку з інтеграцією України в європейський освітній простір. Комітет міністрів Ради Європи піклується про узгоджену, прозору та ефективну багатомовну освіту та ефективний міжкультурний діалог.

Вивчення англійської мови повинно дозволити студентам діяти в реальних життєвих ситуаціях, висловлюватись і виконувати завдання. Важливо відзначити спрямованість навчального процесу на розвиток самоорганізації та самореалізації кожного студента з урахуванням формування мотивації до самостійної навчальної підготовки та систематичного підвищення якості освіти на інноваційній основі. Комунікативна мовна компетентність включає: лінгвістичний, соціолінгвістичний та прагматичний аспекти. Підручники під назвою «Комунікація 21 століття» містять потужні ідеї про критичне та комунікативне мислення, ефективні автентичні моделі слухання та мовлення, які обов'язково допоможуть учням досягти академічного та особистого успіху. Ефективне володіння англійською мовою забезпечує якісне усне та письмове спілкування з урахуванням особливостей мови, мовлення, соціокультурних норм, ситуацій та намірів.

Англійська мова як предмет міжкультурної освіти сприяє формуванню людини як особистості. Студенти отримують фактичну інформацію про загальні теми або сюжети, пов'язані з роботою, що містять як загальні повідомлення, так і конкретну детальну інформацію. Методи комунікативного курсу англійської мови допомагають студентам досягти успіху в їхній майбутній кар'єрі.

Ключові слова: спілкування, освіта, студент, методологія, компетентність, стратегія.


Contemporary higher education reflects an increasing interest to the problem of the English language as a means of communication. New technologies and opportunities stimulate people co continue their studies at the university. The role of the master's degree in the development of innovative educational processes raises in connection with Ukraine's integration into the European educational space. The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers caters for coherent, transparent and effective plurilingual education and effective intercultural dialogue. English language learning should enable learners to act in real-life situations, expressing themselves and accomplishing tasks.

It is crucial to note the focus of the educational process on the development of self-organization and self-realization of each student, taking into account the formation of motivation for independent educational training and the systematic improvement of the quality of education on an innovative basis. Communicative language competences include: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects. The textbooks entitled “21st Century Communication”, published by National Geographic Learning, possesses powerful ideas about critical and communicative thinking, effective authentic models of listening and speaking, which are sure to help students achieve academic and personal success. Effective English language speaking ensures effective oral communication taking into account language, speech, socio-cultural norms, situations and intentions. The English language as a subject of intercultural education contributes to the formation of a person as a personality. Students receive factual information about common or job-related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details. The communication course techniques help students be successful in their future careers.

Key words: communication, education, student, methodology, competence, strategy.

Statement of the problem and relevance of investigation

In the modern world, there is an increasing interest in the problem of the English language as a means of interethnic and intercultural communication. Language is an attribute of social existence and is of great importance to student youth for the purpose of knowledge, upbringing, education and communication in the twenty-first century. Interest and motivation to master English is dictated by the development of

The effort to expand the range of educational space contributes to the improvement of the role of the master's degree in the development of innovative educational processes, taking into account the creation of an appropriate scientific and methodological base for the development of modern educational and methodological support, which focuses on a study-centered approach with effective pedagogical interaction between all participants of the educational process and promotes the possibility of productive self- educational activities master's students (Караман, 2014: 71). Various information, communication and audiovisual technologies are used today to create a new educational environment and implement new educational models.

The radical transformations taking place in education in connection with Ukraine's integration into the European educational space greatly affect the strategy and tactics of higher education development. First of all, this concerns the training of a future English language teacher, who must think creatively, develop and act innovatively, make non-standard decisions, and have all the necessary competencies.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Language education contributes to Council of Europe's core mission “to achieve a greater unity between its members” and is fundamental to the effective enjoyment of the right to education and other individual human rights and the rights of minorities as well as, more broadly, to developing and maintaining a culture of democracy. The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers recommends the “use of (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment) the CEFR as a tool for coherent, transparent and effective plurilingual education in such a way as to promote democratic citizenship, social cohesion and intercultural dialogue”. In addition to promoting the teaching and learning of languages as a means of communication, the CEFR brings a new, empowering vision of the learner (Council of Europe, 2020: 20-28).

The methodological message of the CEFR is that language learning should be directed towards enabling learners to act in real-life situations, expressing themselves and accomplishing tasks of different natures. Thus, the criterion suggested for assessment is communicative ability in real life, in relation to a continuum of ability (Council of Europe, 2020: 29).

In the process of teaching the English language, the modern term «edutainment» is often used. It presupposes such conditions for the teacher that correspond to the set goal and confirm that knowledge is well absorbed when learning becomes personal and interesting. The advantages of the communicative approach include careful development training methods, as one of the main methodical principles of the approach is the speech orientation of education and the idea of English-language education as a process transmission of foreign culture (Комар, 2020: 107).

Among the priority directions of effective ways of language-didactic training of future specialists, it is necessary to note the focus of the educational process on the development of self-organization and selfrealization of each master's student, taking into account the formation of motivation for independent educational training. Within the framework of the Bologna process, great importance is attached to the improvement of the system of organizing the independent work of master's students, which should play a major role in the professional training of future specialists, the development of their abilities and readiness for professional self-improvement. Features of the professional training of future teachers in the USA are: involvement of students in the development of individualized self-study programs; application of methods and forms of training organization based on an individual approach; lack of hard deadlines for passing educational tasks; the use of classroom classes as forms of coordination of students' independent educational activities; attaching great importance to independent written works of students; use of methodologists-consultants and tutors for correction and direction of independent work of students (Сулим - Карлір, 2008:12-14).

University teacher is the key that unlicks the imagination - explains the way we help students penetrate into the depths of translation matters. Proper university education sets people up to grow personally, professionally, and socially. It can awaken joy, curiosity and a deep desire to solve problems and help others. University teacher is a bridge between the known and the unknown - while explaining the theoretical material a teacher gives a lot of new information. We can broaden a student's horizons, helping him understand more about other cultures and corners of the world beyond the school door. a teacher forms his students' minds giving opinions, illustrating factual material, distilling information in the course of presentation of the material. Teaching students can inspire them to pursue leadership roles and positively impact those around them (Boston University Digital Learning & Innovation, 2024).

Master's training on a competency basis is implemented through a systematic technological approach to classes, designing the educational process and checking its effectiveness (Сисоєва, 2011: 19-22).

One of the main tasks of training master's students is the systematic improvement of the quality of education on an innovative basis; determination and normalization of the content of all subsystems of education, which ensures the gradual development of general (universal) competencies, competitiveness on the foreign labor market, creation of favorable conditions for professional improvement, development of leadership competencies (Муромець, 2016: 122).

Purpose. Mastering the discipline "Communicative English Language Course" in the master's degree involves the use of various forms and methods of learning in order to combine professional knowledge and methodical skills of future masters. providing an English-language cultural direction as one of the main factors in the education strategy of future teachers of the English language, aims at reproducing the understanding of the worldview of English-speaking countries, the peculiarities of their historical development, culture, character, linguistic picture of the world in comparison with the Ukrainian national - linguistic picture of the world.

Presentation of the main material

Competence-oriented approach expands the pragmatic component of the goal of teaching English in the master's degree, when there is an opportunity to improve one's communicative competence, with the help of which key competences are formed, as well as to form professional competence for the fulfillment of tasks of social and professional interaction in various spheres of human life.

In general, the possession of competence involves the use of specific knowledge in various communicative situations, to distinguish the necessary information, to make decisions, to evaluate the results. Therefore, competence is the ability to act on the basis of acquired knowledge. This term was first introduced by such Western linguists as M. Stobart and J. Raven. It is believed that the concept of competence to the greatest extent allows students to master creative forms of thinking, adapt to the conditions of a constantly changing world (Холод, 2018: 57).

Seeing learners as social agents implies involving them in the learning process, possibly with descriptors as a means of communication. It also implies recognizing the social nature of language learning and language use, namely the interaction between the social and the individual in the process of learning. Communicative language competences according to the structure of the CEFR descriptive scheme include: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. Communicative language strategies may be seen as a kind of hinge between communicative language competences and communicative language activities (Council of Europe, 2020: 30-35).

The development of communicative strategies of master's students ensures the improvement and development of their general communicative and professional-communicative competence. When learning the course, it is possible to distinguish such communicative strategies as: a) strategies for operating language material (knowledge of the structural-semantic and functional features of language units; variability in the choice of language means); b) reception strategies, the ability to determine the attitude of the speaker through intonation, the ability to understand the main idea, etc.; c) strategies for the production of speech acts through the formation of communication skills and abilities in actual communicative situations: pronunciation skills, lexical and grammatical skills, the ability to implement basic speech strategies: (start / support / end a conversation; deny / approve, etc.); the ability to produce coherent statements or replicas of dialogic / monologic / polylogic adherence to the rules of language etiquette (Ушакова, Тростинська, Кушнір, 2022:114).

Students studying to receive the Master's degree in English are given a wonderful opportunity to promote their communication skills with the help of a le vel series of textbooks entitled “21st Century Communication” published by National Geographic Learning (National Geographic Learning, 2023). It possesses powerful ideas about critical and communicative thinking, effective authentic models of listening and speaking, which are sure to help students achieve academic and personal success. Students will have an opportunity to master group collaboration, supported by critical thinking. Consequently, students will raise the level of their confidence while communicating in various situations. Their future employees might be impressed by the students' visual literacy. The online workbooks, based on audio and video program materials, and automatically graded language practice activities become ideal for both hybrid and blended courses (Lynn Bonesteel, 2016).

According to the CEFR recommendations, the traditional model of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing), which has increasingly proved inadequate in capturing the complex reality of communication has been substituted by the activities, presented under four modes of communication: reception, production, interaction and mediation.

The advantages of the four skills of the proposed categories (reception, production, interaction, mediation) make definite sense:

- such categories better reflect the way people actually use the language than the four skills do;

- these are the types of categories used in language training for the world of work, a link between general purpose language and language for specific purposes;

- pedagogic tasks involving collaborative small group interaction, project work, pen friend correspondence and language examination interviews would be easier to situate with this model;

- organization in terms of transparent activities in specific contexts of use would facilitate the recording and profiling of the “slices of life” that make up the language learner's experience;

- the genre approach encourages the activation of content and acquisition of the formal discourse organization appropriate to the corresponding genre;

- the categories that highlight interpersonal self-expression may help counterbalance the pervasive transmission metaphor that sees language as information transfer;

- a move away from the matrix of four skills and three elements (grammatical structure, vocabulary, phonology/graphology) may promote communicative criteria for quality of performance;

- the distinction “reception, interaction, production” recalls classifications used for learning and performance strategies and may well facilitate a broader concept of strategic competence;

- the distinction “reception, interaction, production, mediation” actually marks a progression of difficulty and so might aid the development of the concept of partial qualifications (Brereton Peter, 2019).

One of the components of English communicative competence is speaking competence, which ensures effective oral communication taking into account language, speech, socio -cultural norms, situations and intentions. Professionally oriented competence in English communication of master's students involves the ability to use verbal and non-verbal means of communication in accordance with the communication situation in the implementation of assigned tasks; these are the skills of argumentative speech, the logical sequence of statements, the appropriate connection with the spontaneous use of lexical units of different levels and corresponding grammatical structures.

According to V.V. Safonova's research, sociocultural competence includes three components: linguistic and regional, sociolinguistic, and cultural (Сафонова, 2001:20-23). The formation of sociolinguistic competence involves the assimilation of linguistic information, knowledge of functional styles, in particular the concept of stylistic function, personal attitude to cultural facts. The use of authentic texts on various subjects is particularly effective here.

The formation of professional language and country studies competence in master's students as an integrative education contributes to the formation of a spiritually rich linguistic personality that possesses expressive means of the English language; is oriented in the flow of a diverse array of English-language information, is able to freely, in the correct language and speech form, express his own opinion, reflect the general level of culture with the formation of appropriate professionalism and motivation to improve personal qualities, intellectual needs and interests, the ability to adapt and act rationally in the dynamic conditions of modern society (Голобородько, 2001: 15).

The application of the linguistic and regional studies approach during the "Communicative English Language Course" allows creating conditions for active interaction of master's students, as a result of which their development and self-development as future teachers takes place, as they become subjects of active cognitive and creative activity. The English language as a subject of intercultural education enriches graduates in various areas, as it increases not only the practical effect of learning, which is expressed in the acquisition of new knowledge, but also contributes to the formation of a person as a personality (Marangell, 2021). “Oral comprehension” in this sense may cover comprehension in live, face -to-face communication, as well as its remote or recorded equivalent. It may also include visuo-gestural and audio-vocal modalities.

During the course students should learn to understand the main points made in clear standard language or a familiar variety on familiar matters regularly encountered at studies, leisure, etc., including short narratives. Students understand factual information about common or job-related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, if articulated clearly and in moderate speed. They also can understand phrases and expressions related to such areas as: basic personal and family information, students' life, shopping, local geography and travelling, employment and news events, provided people articulate clearly and slowly; understand the main ideas of linguistically complex discourse on both concrete and abstract topics delivered in standard language following extended discourse and complex lines of argument. Finally, as a result of course achievement, students should understand standard English language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, social or vocational life, follow extended discourse and complex topics beyond their own field, though they may need to confirm occasional details. For that aim, they have to recognize a wide range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.

Each individual personality is valuable. Individuality of each student is to be put in the situation to realize their potential. So, my student-centered philosophy focuses on training both, students in small groups and individual students. It is the most effective way to promote students' learning.

By focusing on the needs of students, I'm able to assist and teach students within the classroom ensuring a higher level of student success. I'm going to function as a facilitator, providing resources and guidance, but the students are responsible for their own learning. My educational philosophy focuses on the needs of the learner. It is based on the belief that all learners are unique and have different learning styles and preferences. I try to inspire students to actively participate in their own learning. By giving them different tasks, I try to develop their critical thinking skills and make then understand the new material deeper. Such tasks as asking questions, discussing ideas, and solving problems, are helpful and teach students to think for themselves. Besides, the sense of community in the auditorium is very important, when students can fulfill the tasks together and build relationships with each other and with me.

Being engaged in classroom activities, they are more likely to leam effectively. Focusing on students, my role is to facilitate their learning. So, here various problematic tasks may go. Friendly learning environment is also important, as it helps those who are shy and not confident in themselves to be active and relaxed. The list of literature included after each task gives them opportunities for active learning.

We agree that all learners are different, and their personal styles and preferences should be respected. I see it when they analyze texts and propose their translation variants.

Of course, we encourage collaboration and teamwork. Students may need to make dialogues (polylogues) together, to cooperate as a team. we feel the importance of feedback and support. This could be done through individual tasks, group discussions, or written feedback. The Moodle platform allows me to react to written students' works. Collaboration in lear ning means we learn something together, by working in groups on tasks, projects, or concepts. When we collaborate, our ideas complement each other, so it helps to break down information silos and enhance the experience of every single learner.

During the communication course students are taught many techniques that will be helpful in their future work. Among them we should mention:

1) The technique of clarification pauses, which inspires active listening mode. When presenting a new important information, particularly after defining a key consequence, a future teacher stops speaking for some seconds allowing his students to think about the raised problem. Then, we may whether it is necessary to have anything clarified. During this time students may review their notes and ask questions about what they've decided.

2) The technique of discussion in a large group allows students to share their opinions on the topics, based on reading, audio or video material. To activate the discussion a special list of questions and prompts may be used.

3) The variation of the previous technique are small groups of three-four students and pair work. Students are given a problematic question to be discussed and answered and then shared with the other students in the room. It may be needed to synthesize a joint solution of the problem. All the group members should be active to achieve a positive result.

4) A very fruitful class work has the title of a “minute paper”. This activity presupposes written reaction to a problematic question, under the condition that it should be done within some 3 -5 minutes.

5) Activity of students may be stimulated with the help of self-assessment tasks, like, or some thematic quiz, or a grid. A very popular task is known as a peer review, which presupposes that a completed individual homework assignment or a short paper is given to the lecturer to be graded and the other copy - to one of the fellow-students. Such activity results a in critical feedback. Group evaluations are also possible. That means some students are given the same paper for the assessment. In this case it's interesting to compare and analyse the feedback information on the part of the teacher.

6) Using the so-called jigsaw discussion, a communicative topic is divided into smaller, interrelated pieces, which resembles a puzzle. Each member of a team is assigned to read and become an expert on a different topic. After each student has become acquainted with their piece of the puzzle, they one by one share information with the other team members. Finally, after each person has finished, the puzzle has been reassembled, and everyone on the team knows something important about every piece of the puzzle. For example, it might be information about peoples' rights, which not only informs students, but also makes then competent and confident.

7) While discussing different communicative topics, we may use the technique known as brainstorming. It usually touches upon some disputable problem making students write their solutions to it. For example: “Reduction of global warming” (Voices from the classroom, 2024).

In case of role-playing students are “acting out” some roles, like a referee during the competitions, or a statesman discussing the problems of artificial intellect. The tasks can range from the simple to the complex. Step by stem more difficult and complex questions will be successfully coped with.

Teachers and students are at the heart of education structure, interaction, and even innovation. Teachers are the conveyors of ideas and practices and the source of knowledge of their learners. (Borg, 2003). If students are shy enough to speak, we may stimulate them asking questions, which is often an underestimated aspect of teaching within higher education. Questions can be used to engage students in discussion, to check their understanding, and to encourage participation or sharing of ideas. However, while it is a useful strategy to prepare a few key questions before class, many questions will be formed on-the-spot in response to the progression of a discussion. This improvised nature can make it feel more difficult to pose clear, effective questions in front of the class (Marangell, 2021).

communicative language intercultural didactic


The modem education model should work in the interests of training undergraduates in the digital economy. It offers a clear and actionable, first-of-its-kind organizational model of the competencies needed in our century. When the content of higher education does not keep pace with technological developments, students' competencies do not meet the requirements of employe rs and they may find themselves at a disadvantage. In various countries around the world, active work is underway to create lists of skills, necessary for any person in the 21st century. The most important are critical thinking and the ability to solve complex problems, collaboration skills, adaptability to diverse teams, initiative and entrepreneurship, obtaining and analyzing information, curiosity and imagination.

The assessment of communicative competence is determined by the effectiveness of communication and the achievement of set communication goals. When assessing the communicative competence of students, its various components are considered from the point of view of the effectiveness of the communication carried out. Of particular importance is the problem of developing skills in students that will allow them, without preparation, to spontaneously communicate in any, including previously unknown, situations. The situations of the Communicative English course, their lexical content and grammatical features necessary for the implementation of communication, have the goal of teaching students to communicate freely in English in business and professional circles. Increasing the effectiveness of communication through the use of active teaching methods, the professional orientation of the course, the use of relevant language material, as well as the parallel formation of foreign language and professional competencies contributes to the growth of student motivation.

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