The development of the students’ language competence at business ukrainian language classes

Ways to develop students' international competence in classes from Ukrainian business language. The principles on which regional education, economic and professional development, change and the structure of education are based must be based.

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Дата добавления 11.12.2024
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Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University

The development of the students' language competence at business ukrainian language classes

Semak Liudmyla Anatoliivna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of The Philology Department


The scientific research analyzed the ways of developing language competence of students in business Ukrainian language classes in institutions of higher education. It was noticed that the acquired language education in secondary education institutions needs further improvement, taking into account the peculiarities of official-business, scientific, journalistic and conversational styles. It was noted that the discipline “Business Ukrainian language (for professional direction)” is designed to promote the development of Ukrainian language and professional competence in higher education institutions, therefore, considerable attention should be paid to the teaching methodology of this educational component. The principles that should be based on native language education, language and professional development, content and structure of language education are given. It is emphasized that learning the business Ukrainian language should be multi-level during the educational process in higher education and follow the idea of continuity and gradualness, variability of educational theoretical and practical material and technology acquisition of knowledge, internationalization. It was established that one should take into account the typical features and individual characteristics and opportunities of students of an agrarian and economic institution of higher education to master the business Ukrainian language, since it was noticed that the majority of agricultural students have a logico-mathematical type of intelligence, which correlates with their abilities. It is noted that such students mainly have a logical- mathematical type of intelligence, are able to establish cause-and-effect relationships between concepts, and teach the material in a consistent and systematic manner, therefore, in order to increase the motivation to study the language discipline for students of an agrarian and economic institution of higher education, it is necessary to create such conditions of study. It was determined that in business Ukrainian language classes, communication should be organized based on professional communication situations, using corporate training methods. It has been proven that business Ukrainian language learning should be based on an integrative approach to language learning, that is, on an interdependent process of forming skills of all types of language activities, in particular speaking, reading, and writing. It was concluded that the integrative teaching of the business Ukrainian language in institutions of higher education is based on the general language competence developed at school, and implementing the professional language component of the chosen field of knowledge. Prospects for further research are defined as the study of integrative and multi-level Ukrainian language training in institutions of higher education.

Keywords: the language education, the professional language training, business Ukrainian language.

Семак Людмила Анатоліївна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри філології, Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет



business ukrainian language

У науковій розвідці проаналізовано шляхи розвитку мовної компетентності студентів на заняттях із ділової української мови в закладах вищої освіти. Помічено, що здобута мовна освіта в закладах середньої освіти потребує подальшого вдосконалення, враховуючи особливості офіційно- ділового, наукового, публіцистичного й розмовного стилів. Зауважено, що сприяти розвиткові української мовно-професійної компетентності в закладах вищої освіти покликана дисципліна «Ділова українська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)», тому методиці викладання цієї освітньої компоненти слід приділяти неабияку увагу. Наведено принципи, що на них повинне базуватися рідномовне навчання, мовно-професійний розвиток, зміст і структура мовної освіти. Наголошено, що навчання ділової української мови повинно бути багаторівневим під час освітнього процесу у вищій школі та наслідувати ідею безперервності й поступовості, варіативності навчального теоретикопрактичного матеріалу й технологізації здобуття знань, інтернаціоналізації. Установлено, що слід враховувати типові риси й індивідуальні особливості та можливості студентів аграрно-економічного закладу вищої освіти до оволодіння діловою українською мовою, оскільки помічено, що більшість студентів-аграріїв мають логіко-математичний тип інтелекту, який і корелює їхні здібності. Зауважено, що такі здобувачі переважно мають логіко- математичний тип інтелекту, уміють установлювати причинно-наслідкові зв'язки між поняттями, послідовно й систематизовано викладати матеріал, тому з метою підвищення мотивації вивчення мовної дисципліни для студентів аграрно-економічного закладу вищої освіти слід створювати саме такі умови навчання. Визначено, що на заняттях з ділової української мови варто організовувати спілкування з опертям на ситуації професійної комунікації, використовуючи методи корпоративного навчання. Доведено, що навчання ділової української мови повинно базуватися на інтегративному підході до вивчення мови, тобто на взаємозалежному процесі формування навичок усіх видів мовної діяльності, зокрема говоріння, читання, письма. Висновковано, що інтегративне навчання ділової української мови в закладах вищої освіти відбувається, спираючись на загальну мовну компетентність, розвинену в школі, й упроваджуючи фахову мовну компоненту обраної галузі знань. Перспективами подальших досліджень визначено вивчення інтегратив- ності й багаторівневості українськомовної підготовки в закладах вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: мовна освіта, професійна мовна підготовка, ділова українська мова.

Formulation of the problem. Modern linguistic and pedagogical science is constantly working on the development of successful technologies and methods that motivate students to study their native language in a higher education institution, contribute to a better understanding of language knowledge, and meet today's demands.

Analysis of the modern labor market shows that the current world will demand professionals who are able to respond to today's global challenges, as well as specialists who have acquired professional native language communicative competence. Research results show that the future prospects of a successful career of a highly qualified specialist are mostly related to their language training, communication skills and abilities.

It was noted that the trends of globalization of the academic process provide for the formation of a high-quality educational environment, in which the perfect study of the business Ukrainian language becomes the norm. At the same time, an increased interest in agricultural, engineering, and technical specialties has been observed, due to changes in the labor market, where the demand for graduates of humanitarian fields of study decreases, and the demand for graduates of applied faculties who speak the language of the professional terminosphere increases. The training of specialists in agrarian universities consists in the development of language competence, which allows to communicate professionally in business Ukrainian in various spheres and situations, to develop a high level of linguistic competence, to apply language knowledge in professionally significant language situations, acts, styles, genres of professionally oriented linguistic activity. All this determines, firstly, the specificity of studying the Ukrainian language in agricultural universities, which is determined by the professional orientation during education, and, secondly, the relevance of the proposed work.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of educational technologies of language learning is not a new task, since outstanding foreign and domestic scientists (S. Amelina, O. Lytvynova, T. Pakhomova, I. Polyakova, I. Sekret, O. Tarnopolskyi, D. Brinton, M. Snow, M. Wesche etc.) devoted their scientific works to this topical linguistic and pedagogical problem. Today “it highlights the urgency for new approaches to improve the educational process in response to the requirements of present realities” [3]. All scientists agree that the need to use technologies in the educational process in accordance with the demands of the time in one way or another contributes to increasing the effectiveness of the perception and assimilation of educational material. Under modern socio-economic conditions, the main goal of Ukrainian-language business training at an agrarian- economic university is the formation of students' national-cultural professionally oriented competence. Ukrainian language professionally oriented education is usually integrated, since its goal is not so much the assimilation of language material, grammatical rules, linguistic and cultural features, the formation of language skills and the development of communicative skills, but the assimilation of the content of special professional information, the formation of native language professional communicative competence, the development of abstract and professional thinking. O. Piddubtseva notes: “Well-chosen technologies will make it possible not only to interest applicants, to make the educational process more diverse, but also to prepare more competitive specialists in their field of knowledge” [5].

The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of improving business Ukrainian language training of students in agricultural and economic institutions of higher education. First, the current process of digitization of all spheres of human life involves new forms and models of communication, puts forward other requirements for communication, therefore language preparation for business oral and written interaction both during synchronous communication, online in real time, and remotely, asynchronously. Secondly, the issues of the latest technologies for teaching the business Ukrainian language in agrarian institutions of higher education have not yet become an object of study.

Presenting main material. The Concept of Reform and Development of Agrarian Education and Science states: “Currently, there is a problem of training highly qualified workers, specialists with higher education and implementation of domestic scientific developments in the agro-industrial complex. The functioning of agricultural education and science does not fully meet the socio-economic needs of society, the level of development of production and food security of the state” [2]. In view of this, applied educational and educational technologies should be singled out among the pedagogical technologies, which will be effective during language and communication training of future farmers. In our opinion, professionally oriented language training should be carried out in accordance with the following principles: orientation towards professional activities, taking into account the age characteristics of students, educational autonomy and individual trajectories of professional development of students, modeling of professional activities, modularity of training content, integrability, as well as the principle of multi-level training in the conditions of the academic process of higher education. The above principles are closely interrelated and must be implemented in the process of forming Ukrainian language professionally oriented competence.

The principles of native-language professionalization, professional development, modularity of training content, as well as the principle of multi-level training in the conditions of the academic process of higher education are connected with the idea of a continuous and level nature of education. The principles of taking into account the requirements of the socioprofessional environment, the complex formation of professional native language competence, the functionality of professional native language training, the difficulty of learning, the variability of content and learning technologies, the internationalization of training, the interrelated development of speech skills, and the principle of adequacy of educational materials are derived from the idea of integrative factors of education.

Adhering to all the above principles during the acquisition of business language education, we believe that one of the real ways to increase the effectiveness of teaching the native language in an agrarian and economic university is the fundamentalization of the process of mastering business Ukrainian communicative competence, which we understand as the process and result of providing students with knowledge of the native language, the basic principles and regularities of the functioning and development of the Ukrainian language, which are necessary and sufficient for independent and under the guidance of a teacher to master a full- fledged language communicative competence, that is, the generalization of language knowledge, which is the basis of the development of competences.

In our opinion, the fundamentalization of language education in an agrarian and economic university appears as the continuity of language education during the entire course of study, carried out through the components of the educational system:

the integrity of the process of mastering the native language, which is achieved by the formation of competencies and the assimilation of linguistic knowledge;

formation of students' readiness for future professional activities with the help of native language communicative competence.

Before a business Ukrainian language professionally oriented course of study in modern conditions of shortage of classroom time, it is necessary to outline a complex didactic goal: learning business Ukrainian language through a profession. This, first of all, involves a clear structuring of the language material and an agreed content structure of the entire course between related special subjects in order to avoid unnecessary repetitions and redundant expansions of information.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of students and create conditions for increasing the motivation of students to learn the business Ukrainian language. When motivating students to learn a business language, their age characteristics and peculiarities of learning at this age should be taken into account. Representatives of this age group have common features with such features as generalization of mental activity, independence of thinking, flexibility of mental processes, semantic memory, specificity of connection between visual and abstract components of thinking.

Pakhomova T., Hryhorieva V., Omelchenko A. note, that “the increasing digitalization in all spheres of human activity demands the improvement of digital competence in the educational field” [4]. One of the main methodological rules during the analysis of the development and enrichment of an individual's lexical reserve is the distinction between language and speech, which is reflected in the generally accepted and mandatory division of lexical-synonymous units into universal and contextual ones, that is, words that are constantly close in meaning in the language and situationally synonymous in speech. Modern linguistics has finally fixed the view on lexical synonymy as a phenomenon of the language and speech levels, accordingly clearly distinguishing the constant (general language) and contextual (speech) convergence of word meanings. Linguistics has long outlined and proven the importance of studying common language lexical-synonymous resources for the formation of the professional vocabulary of students of higher education - future specialists in various fields.

It is also necessary to take into account the individual styles and strategies of mastering knowledge, the individual abilities of students of an agrarian and economic university to master the business Ukrainian language. It is known that abilities are individual psychological features that ensure the ease and speed of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. Individual abilities determine the style and strategies of mastering a business language. It has been proven that the majority of students of the agricultural and economic university have a logical-mathematical type of intelligence, which determines their abilities. Students who have a logical- mathematical type of intelligence, easily operate with numbers, have the ability to find relationships between cause and effect, easily perceive a logical, consistent presentation of the material. Therefore, in order to increase the motivation of students of an agrarian and economic university, it is necessary to create such learning conditions.

Under such conditions, in the process of forming business Ukrainian language competence, the student's activity is developed and supported, which enables him to clarify and distinguish general and individual features of business language learning; to carry out continuity of etiquette and diplomatic knowledge, skills, abilities, language experience; apply and develop own linguistic abilities.

It has been observed that it is essential to demonstrate to students the importance of training in business language for the formation of a holistic social and professional competence of a university graduate. For this, in addition to classroom classes, it is necessary to show the value of specific non-auditory activities aimed at the formation of business native language competence: conferences, briefings, debates, interviews, local and international competitions, festivals, video conferences in the aspect of forming positive professional and social motivation. To develop students' motivation to master native-language official business material by clarifying the true value of mastering a business language. To demonstrate the willingness of employers to adequately pay for this additional language competence in terms of capitalization of labor resources.

Taking into account the need for material selection, its content, structuring and forms of presentation, it is also necessary to create conditions for stimulating motivational groups that are most relevant for students at a certain stage. This approach makes it possible to maintain the optimal level of readiness of students for business professional communication. In the first year of undergraduate study, as a rule, students do not realize the urgency of learning the business Ukrainian language. At this stage, it is necessary to support high internal motivation to learn the Ukrainian language in a professional direction with the help of the gradual introduction of methods and forms of learning that distinguish language learning in a higher education institution from similar learning at school, ensuring the sequence of students' knowledge acquisition, their expectations from the effectiveness of learning and results evaluation system. It is also advisable to use innovative methods of learning the Ukrainian language, active methods and forms of learning and identifying gaps in students' knowledge. The latter may include cultural linguistic knowledge, unformed or insufficiently formed skills of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and work with texts. In such a situation, the student immerses himself in conditions under which it becomes obvious to him that he has developed business Ukrainian language competencies that are minimal and insufficient for continuing his studies at a university, therefore he realizes the fundamental difference in the approach to learning the Ukrainian language at a university and at school, as well as the degree of personal responsibility in the process of learning the business Ukrainian language.

In subsequent courses, motivation increases due to the integration of students into professional education. It was observed that learning a language for special purposes contributes to the rapid growth of motivation in the third course and its maintenance in subsequent courses. One of the significant transformations of the system of training specialists with a higher agricultural education is that business language training is actively involved in the process of forming students' skills to solve tasks posed by the modern labor market in relation to practice on the basis of general and special professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to review the methodology of teaching business language in agricultural universities, relying not on a general philological, but on a professional and pragmatic approach and a careful target selection of linguistic didactic methods. Since the specificity of the discipline “Business Ukrainian Language” dictates a communicative and activity model of learning, the learning of business activities in one's native language also involves learning through communication. In general, communication in pedagogy is understood not only as a mutual exchange of information, in the process of which each of the participants seeks to realize their communicative task, but also as a form that is a means and a goal of communication. In combination with professional competences, ordinary communication reaches the level of professional communication in business Ukrainian. The core of such communication is the situation that determines the roles of its participants.

The success of organized communication is determined in a certain way by the observance of norms, the satisfaction of participants, the effectiveness of communication both in terms of the speed and quality of the development of business language competence, and the stimulation of students' independence, the awareness of behavioral regulation, namely psychological stability, the growth and stabilization of self-esteem, the presence of social approval.

In order to achieve the appropriate level of formation of students' business language professionally oriented competence, it is recommended to widely use active and interactive forms of conducting classes (business and role-playing games, research of specific situations) in combination with extracurricular work in the Ukrainian language learning process. Situational analysis (case study) involves the analysis of cases from professional practice. Tasks of this type require students to make a reasoned decision in the given circumstances. Tasks of this type differ from discussions by clearer requirements for their construction. The solution of the cases is built according to a clear scenario: the course of the discussion and the nature of the conclusions should be set in the text of the task. Cases describe real events, while when describing problematic situations, facts may be changed, or fictional circumstances may be added.

In business Ukrainian language classes, you can organize communication using professional communication situations. The technology of cooperative learning can also be included here. The condition that must be observed is the integration of all types of language activities in the process of learning business Ukrainian. Language learning is based on an integrative approach - an approach to language learning based on the interrelated formation of skills in all types of language activities: speaking, reading, writing. Interdependent learning of types of language activity takes place within their sequence-temporal relationship on the basis of common language material, the development of one type facilitates the mastery of another type, the sequence of types of language activity is not clear and static for different learning conditions.

The problem of educational and methodological provision of language education in an agrarian and economic higher education institution is urgent, since there is a need to ensure the individual educational trajectory of each student with the help of a single textbook or study guide, to purposefully form his educational competencies; there are also questions related to the specifics of creating a training manual aimed at fulfilling a narrow range of tasks of professionally oriented training.

When creating a professionally oriented study guide on the business Ukrainian language, one should also take into account the main functions that it should perform. An important function, in our opinion, is the communicative one, which consists in the fact that the business Ukrainian language study guide provides a step- by-step mastery of business communicative competence. The informational function of the textbook is very important, because in addition to linguistic information, the business Ukrainian language training manual contains information of a substantive nature. During the development of a professionally oriented textbook, we are talking about the careful selection and presentation of information in the texts that is useful from the point of view of students' acquisition of native-language professional competences. The developmental and educational function consists in the fact that the information in the textbook also creates a basis for expanding the horizons of students, forming their worldview, beliefs.

The interdisciplinary character of the textbook and its connection with the educational environment are now of particular importance. The function of professional orientation consists in establishing a connection between the educational process and the profession of future graduates, in reflecting professional activity in educational materials. The functions of self-control and self-education ensure the student's orientation to primary sources and mastering the skills of working with them and are the basis for rational organization of educational activities, independent mastery of knowledge and skills.

During the creation of professionally oriented business Ukrainian language textbooks, it is necessary to observe some principles. Learning the business Ukrainian language at an agrarian and economic university can be successful and effective only when, throughout the entire course, a focused selection of text material is consistently carried out, so to speak, and the professional orientation of the students is taken into account. Such work should be carried out in close contact with specialized departments. The implementation of interdisciplinary connections appears as one of the main means of improving the professional training of specialists.

The principles of language-thinking activity and problem-solving are implemented on the condition that communicative tasks are included in the textbook, which make it possible to organize the students' activities in such a way that the communication in the class is as close as possible in terms of its characteristics to real communication, and the students' attention is focused on the content of the activity and its purpose. In accordance with the requirements for training manuals in the context of the professional competence approach, communicative tasks should model the tasks of professional activity. One of the most important requirements is its arrangement according to the principle of concentricity. The principle of concentric arrangement of educational material consists in the structuring of language material in which lexical and grammatical material is repeated many times in different contexts. Under such conditions, previously learned material is used to solve new tasks that involve expanding the material, complicating language-thinking tasks, combining old material with new lexical units and grammatical structures. “That is the phenomenon which can give the facts for adequate explanation of the features of transformations of a nalytical structures of speech and thinking into certain synthetic units” [1].

In view of these principles, we believe that it is necessary to create professionally oriented training manuals on the business Ukrainian language for agrarian and economic universities, taking into account the outlined requirements, observing the above principles, which contribute to the effective formation of the business Ukrainian language communicative competence of future specialists. When compiling teaching aids, it is necessary to pay attention to the modular organization of the learning content, the essence of which is the expanded structuring of the content of the educational material, the selection of adequate methods, means and forms of learning to achieve the appropriate level of education of students. The content of the module should be divided into blocks, each of which should contain a target program of actions for students. In addition, the module should contain diagnostic tests that allow students to independently assess their level of mastery of the material from a specific section. The main advantage of such an organization of the content of the discipline and education is its high adaptability to inevitable changes in the educational process. Classes are becoming increasingly professional and practically oriented. Students' participation in solving problem situations, professional tasks and project implementation become an integral part of the educational process.

In the educational process, the teacher plays an important role, performing the function of the organizer of the student's cognitive activity, being his consultant, assistant, fully contributes to the development of an effective educational process, where the student himself acquires an education, becomes an “active subject” of his own educational and cognitive, creative activity.


It is very important for the teacher not only to have the vocabulary and terminology of the field of knowledge for which students are taught business Ukrainian, but also to have a sufficient idea of those agrarian and economic processes and phenomena that will be mastered by students in the future within the framework of special disciplines. The task of the teacher is to create conditions under which the student will communicate with ease with appropriate professional content. At the same time, it is important to create an adequate situation that encourages students not only to express their attitude to the proposed problem, but also to interact with the teacher in order to obtain additional information. It is foreseen that in the new educational system, the student himself will master the ability to learn the language independently, maintain his knowledge and develop professional skills, develop his own business communication. In this way, by involving students in professional communication, it is possible to solve tasks that reflect the professionalization of a specialist by means of the business Ukrainian language, namely: to give knowledge of the native language for professional purposes; familiarize with the basics of the profession.


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Diachok N., Kuvarova O., Prystaiko, T., Kirkovska I., Semak L. Verbal compression as the implementation of universal tendency of compensative processes in the lingual world. Linguistics and Culture Review. 5 (S4). P. 344-357. URL: article/view/1580. (дата звернення: 05.03.2024). DOI:

Про схвалення Концепції реформування і розвитку аграрної освіти та науки : розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 06.04. 2011 р. № 279-р. URL: http://р. (дата звернення: 10.04.2024).

Pakhomova T., Drach A., Vasilieva P., Serdiuchenko Y., Piddubtseva O. (2021). The use of educational computer programs in the training of foreigh language teachers for speech activity. Rev. EntreLinguas, Araraquara. E-ISSN: 2447-3529. URL: https://periodicos.fclar. (дата звернення: 05.03.2024). DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.4.15664

Pakhomova T., Hryhorieva V., Omelchenko A., Kalenyk M., & Semak L. (2023). The formation of digital competence by means of information and communication technologies among students of higher education. Revista Eduweb. 17(2). P. 78-88. URL: index.php/eduweb/article/view/519/612. (дата звернення: 05.03.2024). issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.7

Піддубцева О. І. Потенціал використання технологій штучного інтелекту в закладах вищої освіти. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук. Вип. 71. Т. 3. С. 208-213. URL: (дата звернення: 05.03.2024). DOI

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  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

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  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

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  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

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  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

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