The personalist trend in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies (the 90s of the twentieth - early twenty-first century)
Personalist trend in Ukrainian pedagogical comparativism of the 20th - 21st centuries. Synchronization of Ukrainian education and science with European standards. Study of the achievements of national professional and pedagogical, scientific activity.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 16.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 24,8 K |
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian national university
Department of pedagogy of primary education
The personalist trend in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies (the 90s of the twentieth - early twenty-first century)
N. Blahun, Dr Ped. Sci., Professor
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
The article is focused on the problem of reflecting the personalist trend in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. It is emphasized that Ukraine's obtaining the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union (2022), the current challenges faced by Ukrainian pedagogical science and education, encourage the intensification of scientific research aimed at synchronizing Ukrainian education and science with European standards. In this context, Ukrainian pedagogical comparativistics is of particular importance, so there is a need for a deep and comprehensive study of the personalist direction of Ukrainian pedagogical comparativistics. It is considered an integral part of pedagogical biography. It is pointed out that, although in the era of restoration of Ukraine's independence, domestic scholars are actively studying foreign personalities, a significant layer of studies on cultural and educational figures abroad as integral scientific and pedagogical phenomena has not been fully clarified, so it is time to study their biographies, as well as the factors and conditions that contributed to their formation as pedagogical personalities, intellectual achievements, professional, pedagogical, educational, social, educational, scientific activities, and determination of their role in both national education and the development of world pedagogical thought.
The author identifies generalized works in the field of Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies that represent the development of foreign education and pedagogical thought in personalities, emphasizes the importance of the NAES of Ukraine, which has two comparative pedagogical structural units, in particular, the Institute of Pedagogy and the Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education, and emphasizes the role of scientists of the Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine in the development of Ukrainian comparative studies. The conclusion is made about the need for a comprehensive study of issues related to the personalization of pedagogical thought abroad.
Keywords: Ukrainian pedagogical comparativistics, foreign cultural and educational figures, personalist trend, pedagogical personality, comparative pedagogy, pedagogical biography, Laboratories of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, the 90s of the twentieth - early twenty-first century.
Персоналістський напрям в українській педагогічній компаративістиці (90-і рр. XХ - початок ХХІ ст.)
Н. Благун, д.п.н. наук, професор кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Стаття присвячена проблемі відображення персоналістського напряму в українській педагогічній компаративістиці кінця ХХ - початку ХХІ ст.
Зазначено, що здобуття Україною статуту кандидата на членство у Європейському Союзі (2022), сучасні виклики, перед якими опинилася українська педагогічна наука та освіта, спонукають до інтенсифікації наукових досліджень, спрямованих на синхронізацію української освіти та науки з європейськими стандартами. У цьому контексті українська педагогічна компаративістика набуває особливого значення, тому є потреба в глибокому та всебічному вивченні персоналістського напряму української педагогічної компаративістики. Його розглянуто як невід'ємний складник педагогічної біографістики. Підкреслено, що, попри те, що за доби відновлення незалежності України вітчизняні вчені активно досліджують зарубіжні персоналії, значний пласт студій про культурно-освітніх діячів закордоння як цілісні науково-педагогічні феномени до кінця не з'ясований, тому на часі вивчення їхніх біографій, а також чинників, умов, що сприяли їхньому становленню як педагогічних персоналій, творчих здобутків, професійно-педагогічної, освітньої, громадської, просвітницької, наукової діяльності, визначення їхньої ролі як у національній освіті, так і в розвитку світової педагогічної думки.
Виокремлено узагальнювальні праці в галузі української педагогічної компаративістики, що репрезентують розвиток зарубіжної освіти і педагогічної думки в персоналіях, наголошено на значенні в розвитку порівняльної педагогіки НАПН України, у структурі якої працюють два порівняльно-педагогічних структурних підрозділи, зокрема в Інституті педагогіки та в Інституті педагогічної освіти і освіти дорослих, акцентовано на ролі науковців Лабораторії порівняльної педагогіки Інституту педагогіки НАПН України в розвитку української компаративістики. Зроблено висновок про потребу цілісного вивчення питань, пов'язаних з персоналізацією педагогічної думки закордоння.
Ключові слова: українська педагогічна компаративістика, зарубіжні культурно-освітні діячі, персоналістський напрям, педагогічна персоналія, порівняльна педагогіка, педагогічна біографістика, Лабораторії порівняльної педагогіки Інституту педагогіки НАПН України, 90-ті рр. ХХ - початок ХХІ ст.
The problem formulation. Obtaining the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union (EU) by Ukraine encourages, among other things, Ukrainian pedagogical science to intensify research aimed at synchronizing the domestic education system and educational science with European standards (on February 28, 2022, Ukraine applied to the EU for membership, on June 17, 2022, the European Commission recommended granting our country the status of a candidate for membership in the EU, and on June 23, 2022, the European Council granted Ukraine candidate status, which allowed it to start negotiations on membership in the EU on December 14, 2023 after fulfilling the requirements). Under these circumstances, Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies gain special significance. Not by chance, domestic comparativists actualize the study of productive educational achievements of foreign countries to apply them in the theory and practice of education with an innovative approach, thus exchanging the experience of cross-cultural research develops a common vision of educational processes, taking into account the guidelines of the European scientific community.
Analysis of recent research. Even though pedagogical comparative studies since the renewal of independence have been the subject of active study by Ukrainian scholars (N. Abashkina, N. Avsheniuk, L. Volynets, O. Hlushko, A. Dzhurylo, O. Zabolotna, M. Krasovytskyi, T. Koshmanova, N. Lavrychenko, O. Lokshyna, O. Matviienko, B. Melnychaiko, N. Mukan, O. Ovcharuk, O. Ohiienko, O. Orzhekhovska, O. Pershukova, L. Pukhovska, I. Rozman, V. Sadova, A. Sbruieva, S. Sysoieva, M. Tymenko, A. Chekh, Yu. Chopyk, N. Sheverun, O. Shparyk, and H. Shchuka). They have developed research-methodological and categorical-conceptual tools for this research field and actualized the educational experience of foreign countries, but the issue raised in the title of the article has not been substantively comprehended by them.
The aim and research tasks. The aim of the article is to analyze the personality tendency in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies (the 90s of the XX - beginning of the XXI century).
Research methods. The methodology of the study includes the use of several groups of methods: general scientific (analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, generalization and comparison, etc., which allowed us to determine the general logic of our research); interdisciplinary (periodization, historical and logical, comparative and historical, retrospective and historical actualization, etc, that made possible to determine the dynamics, stages, trends in the development of pedagogical comparative studies in general and the personalist tendency in particular); historiographical (monographic, analysis of the literature, knowledge systems, discourse analysis, etc. that provided a scientific analysis of the literature complexity); etc.
Research results
Ukrainian comparative studies (comparative pedagogy) is a relatively young field of pedagogical knowledge. It has emerged as an independent sphere of the national pedagogical system, as it has its object, subject, scientific tasks, and functions, which help to make a significant contribution “to the modern state educational policy, especially in the formation of the international educational space, provides a dialogue of cultures, the possibility of exchanging innovative experience in the development of educational systems in different countries”, and helps to reveal “the patterns of functioning of educational systems in different countries, knowledge of similarities and differences in their development” (Sysoeva, 2021, p. 16).
Ukrainian comparative studies began to develop actively only after the renewal of independence: one of the first comparative pedagogical studies was carried out in 1995. We agree with the opinion of researcher I. Rozman that in the late 1980s “national pedagogical comparative studies began to get rid of the “inferiority complex”, because earlier studies of foreign education and pedagogical thoughts in Ukraine were rarely conducted due to the monopolization of this field by Russian scholars”: and over the next three decades, “Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies has made a great progress, accumulating a significant amount of specific and thematic studies, a large part of which is devoted to the personalities of foreign pedagogy” (Rozman, 2020, p. 388).
In the 1990s, a separate personalist trend in pedagogical comparative studies began to emerge. Summarizing works, including theses and monographs, representing the development of foreign education and pedagogical thought in personalities, were published. The National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (NAES) has made the greatest contribution to the development of pedagogical comparative studies. Today, the structure of the NAES of Ukraine includes two comparative pedagogical structural units: the Institute of Pedagogy and the Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education, whose scientists are actively involved in this field of both these structural units and in the context of their studies. In particular, we are talking about the Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which was founded as an independent research unit at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Pedagogy in 1971, and in the next year it was named the Laboratory of Scientific and Pedagogical Information (headed by B. Melnychenko). Despite the analysis of education and pedagogical ideas of foreign scientists, the publication of the journal “Foreign Pedagogical Chronicle” was dominated by clear methodological guidelines - total criticism of “bourgeois” pedagogy and worldwide education. In the late 1980s, there was a certain objectification of scientific research.
A well-known comparativist scientist A. Sbruieva compares the period of the regaining of Ukraine's independence with the second period in the development of Ukrainian pedagogical comparativism associated with the activities of the Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy, and characterizes it by the following features: “moving away from biased criticism”, “transition from the research format “foreign pedagogy” to “comparative pedagogy”, which implied the prioritization of the comparison method”. In 1992, the Laboratory was named “Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy” under the initiative of its head I. Taranenko, and scientists O. Lokshyna, O. Ovcharuk, N. Lavrychenko, R. Roman and others. They developed methodological foundations of comparative pedagogy, conceptual, and terminological frameworks (Sbruyeva, 2015, p. 6-30).
These research areas were prioritized in 1996-2005 and implemented additionally by scientists O. Pershukova, L. Volynets, and M. Krasovytskyi. The third, conditionally identified period in the development of Ukrainian pedagogical comparativistics, associated with the activities of the Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy and occurred in the first decade of the twenty-first century, when globalization processes “opened up new opportunities for Ukrainian comparativists - access to world reference databases and participation in foreign public events”, which made possible to push research in a new level: “the technology of comparison of pedagogical phenomena in Ukraine with foreign analogs are being introduced, and the regional dimension is being added to the country studies.” The current stage of development of comparative knowledge (since 2009, the laboratory has been headed by a well-known scientist O. Lokshyna) is characterized by the diversity and multidimensionality of the fields of scientific research (Lokshyna, 2015). Today, the process of developing the methodological foundations of comparative pedagogical research continues, and the methodological tools of pedagogical comparativistics are being improved, and adapted to the international standards. Scientists point out the strengthening of the practice-oriented nature of comparative pedagogical research “through the imperative to provide recommendations to educational policy designers for improving national education; optimization of the traditional functions of comparative pedagogy, when the consideration of processes and phenomena is not limited to the description and comparison of educational phenomena”. (Sbruyeva, 2015, p. 6-30). personalistic ukrainian european pedagogical comparative studies
A brief analysis of the key vectors of scientific research of Ukrainian comparativists representing the activities of the Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine gives evidence that the personalist orientation of pedagogical comparativistics is not sufficiently studied in Ukrainian historical and pedagogical thoughts. The same conclusion is reached by the scientist N. Kryvtsun, who reasonably notes that soon “this field of research is likely to be established as a 'personalized direction of comparative pedagogy', 'biographical direction of pedagogical comparativistics', etc.” (Kryvtsun, 2023, pp. 7-8), since “the key subject of its research should be pedagogical personalities worldwide as a type of holistic scientific and pedagogical phenomena that synthesize such components as personal biography (life path with several factors, conditions (sociopolitical, family, socio-cultural, etc.) that determined their personal, creative, professional formation and development); professional, pedagogical, organizational, educational and public activities, role and contribution to the development of international pedagogical and educational thought, etc.” (Kryvtsun, 2023, pp. 7-8).
A selective analysis of representative encyclopedic and reference books (Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary by S. Honcharenko, 1997), “Encyclopedia of Education” (Entsyklopediia osvity, 2008), as well as bibliographic directories, such as “Department of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (1991-2016)” (Viddil porivnialnoi pedahohiky, 2019), reflects the scientific achievements of the Department of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for 25 years of its activity (1991-2016). ), “Scientific works of the Department of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAPS of Ukraine (2018-2020)” (Naukovi pratsi viddilu porivnialnoi pedahohiky, 2021), presents systematic bibliographic illustrations of scientific works of the Department of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine, created within the framework of the research “Trends in the Development of School Education in the EU, the USA and China” (2018-2020), the bibliographic index-textbook “Comparative Pedagogy: Methodological Guidelines of Ukrainian Comparativists” (Porivnialna pedahohika, 2015), presents the views of Ukrainian comparativists on the purpose, tasks, stages and trends of its development, bibliographic index “Olena Ihorivna Lokshyna: Scholar in the Field of Comparative Education: to the 30th Anniversary of Scientific activity” (Olena Ihorivna Lokshyna, 2019) represents the scientific achievements (theses, abstracts, monographs, textbooks, articles in ongoing and periodical publications, conference proceedings, reference books) of O. Lokshyna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAES of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine for 30 years of her activity (1989-2019), etc. ). On the one hand, there is a high level of representation of foreign pedagogical thought, and on the other hand, an insufficient number of in-depth studies in the form of biographical papers, reference books, anthologies, etc. that would reflect the life, educational, scientific, public education, and other activities of cultural and educational scholars abroad.
Scholars (I. Rozman (Rozman, 2020), B. Savchuk (Rozman, & Savchuk, 2021), Y. Chopyk (Chopyk, 2016), and others) highlight a feature in the development of the personalist direction of pedagogical comparative studies of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries such as interest in the study of the phenomenon of foreign reform pedagogy of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. “Ukrainian comparativists, I. Rozman notes, review the personalities of the educational system in the context of key pedagogical trends, directions, and authorial schools of “reform pedagogy”:
- the theory of free education with its numerous branches: M. Montessori (I. Dychkivska, M. Ilchenko, N. Catalimova, O. Storonska, H. Milenina, etc.), O. Neill (L. Lutsenko, S. Muravska, O. Nekrutenko, etc.);
- experimental pedagogy, in the heart of which is the pragmatic pedagogy of J. Dewey (V. Kovalenko, N. Kravtsova, etc.), E. Maiman (A. Stepanenko), P. Petersen (O. Martynovych, O. Shtyk), V. Lai's school of action (L. Veremiuk), G. Kershensteiner's labor school (T. Tokareva), P. Natorp's social pedagogy (O. Titarenko);
- Waldorf pedagogy, personified by its founder R. Steiner (L. Lytvyn, O. Lukashenko, S. Luparenko, V. Novoselska, V. Partola, O. Perederiy, etc.) (Rozman, 2020, p. 400-401).
As our analysis has shown, the personalist dimension of Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies is represented by numerous textbooks on the history of the development of foreign pedagogy (for example, works by V. Kravets “Foreign
School and Pedagogy of the Twentieth Century” (1996); D. Skilskyi “History of Foreign Pedagogy: A Manual” (2011); I. Zaichenko “History of Pedagogy: A Textbook in 2 Books: History of Foreign Pedagogy” (2010); S. Sysoieva and I. Sokolova “Essays on the History of the Development of Pedagogical Thought” (2003), etc.), which in a synthesized form shows both the classics of pedagogy (J.-A. Comenius, J. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau, J.-G. G. Pestalozzi, I. Herbart, F. Dysterwegh, F. Froebel, etc.), prominent philosophers-educators and teachers (C. Helvetius, D. Diderot, A. Saint- Simon, S. Fourier, R. O. Fourier, R. Owen, etc.), as well as the bearers of the “new pedagogical thinking” of the twentieth century (J. Dewey, M. Montessori, A. Adler, J. Korczak, S. Frenet, R. Steiner, etc.).
The personalist orientation of Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies can be traced to the thesis studies of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Using the generalizations of the researcher I. Rozman, who systematized and analyzed about 35 theses defended in 1991-2018, the subject of which was various aspects of the life of foreign pedagogical figures, their pedagogical, scientific activities, and intellectual heritage. According to the data, “two works were devoted to the prominent educators of the Ancient East, Antiquity, and the Middle Ages; seven - to the Renaissance and the Enlightenment of the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; 11 - to the period of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; eight - to the period of the twenties and forties of the twentieth century. In the regional dimension, Ukrainian scholars focused on the pedagogical scientists of European countries, primarily Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States” (Rozman, 2020, p. 394). The above raises the issue of further study of the personalist trend in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies.
Conclusion and prospects for further research
Ukraine's obtaining the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union (2022), and the current challenges faced by Ukrainian pedagogical and education science, encourage the intensification of research aimed at synchronizing the domestic system with European standards. In this context, Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies become especially important, so there is a need for a deep and comprehensive study of the personalist vector of Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies, which we consider as an integral part of pedagogical biography. Even though since the restoration of Ukraine's independence, domestic scholars have been actively studying foreign personalities. But a significant body of research on cultural and educational figures abroad as integral scientific and pedagogical phenomena has not been fully systematized. It is time to study the biographies of foreign cultural and educational figures, as well as the factors and conditions that contributed to their formation as pedagogical personalities, to analyze their creative achievements, professional, pedagogical, educational, social, educational, scientific activities, and to highlight their role in both national education and the development of world pedagogical thought.
Despite the fact that only since the 1990s have generalised works in the field of Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies appeared, representing the development of foreign education and pedagogical thought in the personalities, with the leading place belonging to the NAES of Ukraine (it has two comparative pedagogical structural units, in particular, the Institute of Pedagogy and the Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education), there has been a significant expansion of the subject of comparative studies, the introduction of new research areas in comparative pedagogy, and the key aspects of scientific research of the Laboratory of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine are development of higher education systems, trends in reforming school and higher education in European countries in the context of the Bologna Process; problems of teacher training in the context of trends towards internationalisation of education and standardization of requirements for the teaching profession; educational reforms in different countries and geopolitical regions; etc. In our opinion, special attention should be paid to issues related to the personalization of pedagogical thought abroad, which is provided by the personalist trend in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies.
Further study is needed to generalize the experience of professional, pedagogical, and scientific activities of foreign cultural and educational figures in the research of Ukrainian comparativists.
1. Chopyk, Yu. (2016). Istoriohrafiia pedahohichnoi komparatyvistyky: problema metodolohii doslidzhennia [Historiography of pedagogical comparativistics: the problem of research methodology]. Pedahohichnyi dyskurs: zb. nauk. prats. Khmelnytskyi: KhHPA, 21, 181-187.
2. Entsyklopediia osvity [Encyclopedia of education]. (2008). / Akad. ped. nauk Ukrainy; holovnyi red. V.H. Kremen. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter.
3. Honcharenko, S.U. (1997). Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi slovnyk [Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary]. Kyiv: Lybid.
4. Kryvtsun, N. (2023). Biographical approach to studying personalities of foreign cultural-educational figures in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies (1990s - first quarter of the 21st century). Scientific research in modern conditions of instability: Education and pedagogy, Philology, Psychology and sociology, Medicine and healthcare, Biology and ecology, Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and water management. Monographic series «European Science», 24(3), 7-19.
5. Lokshyna, O. (2015). “Pedahohichna komparatyvistyka - 2015”: rukh do bahatovymirnosti [“Pedagogical comparative studies - 2015”: movement towards multidimensionality: transformatsii v osviti zarubizhzhia ta ukrainskyi kontekst: materialy nauk.-prakt seminaru (Kyiv, 11 chervnia 2015 r.) / In-t pedahohiky NAPN Ukrainy / Za zah. red O.I. Lokshynoi. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 10-13.
6. Naukovi pratsi viddilu porivnialnoi pedahohiky Instytutu pedahohiky NAPN Ukrainy (2018-2020) [Scientific works of the department of comparative pedagogy of the Institute of pedagogy of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine (2018-2020)]: nauk.-dopom. bibliohr. Pokazhch. (2021). / nauk. red. O.I. Lokshyna; uporiad. O.I. Lokshyna, S.M. Kravchenko; za uchasti I.H. Melnyk (dodatky). Kyiv: In-t pedahohiky NAPN Ukrainy.
7. Olena Ihorivna Lokshyna: doslidnytsia u haluzi komparatyvistyky v osviti: do 30-richchia nauk. diialnosti: biobibliohr. pokazhch [Olena Ihorivna Lokshina: researcher in the field of comparative studies in education: to the 30th anniversary of science. activities]. (2019). / NAPN Ukrainy,
8. In-t pedahohiky, DNPB Ukrainy imeni V.O. Sukhomlynskoho; [uporiad.: Verbova V.V., Horbenko N.A., Hlushko O.Z.; nauk. red. Berezivska L.D.]. Kyiv.
9. Porivnialna pedahohika: metodolohichni oriientyry ukrainskykh komparatyvistiv: khrestomatiia [Comparative pedagogy: methodological guidelines of Ukrainian comparativists]. (2015). / avtorskyi kolektyv. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka.
10. Rozman, I., & Savchuk, B. (2021). Poniattia «pedahohichna personalistyka» kriz pryzmu naukovo-definityvnoho dyskursu [The concept of “pedagogical personalistics” through the prism of scientific and definitive discourse]. Nova pedahohichna dumka, 1(105), 3-7.
11. Sbruieva, A. (2015). Istorychni etapy rozvytku porivnialnoi pedahohiky: hlobalnyi ta natsionalnyi konteksty [Historical stages of the development of comparative pedagogy: global and national contexts]. Porivnialna pedahohika: metodolohichni oriientyry ukrainskykh komparatyvistiv: khrestomatiia / avtorskyi kolektyv. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 6-30.
12. Sysoieva, S. (2021). Vitalne slovo. Pedahohichna komparatyvistyka i mizhnarodna osvita - 2021: innovatsii v osviti v konteksti yevropeizatsii ta hlobalizatsii [Welcome word. Pedagogical comparative studies and international education - 2021: innovations in education in the context of Europeanization and globalization]: materialy V Mizhnarodnoi nauk.-prakt. konferentsii (Kyiv, 27-28 travnia 2021 r.) / In-t pedahohiky NAPN Ukrainy / za zah. red. O.I. Lokshynoi. Ternopil: Krok, 16-17.
13. Viddil porivnialnoi pedahohiky Instytutu pedahohiky Natsionalnoi akademii pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy (1991-2016) [Department of Comparative Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (1991-2016)]: nauk.-dopom. bibliohr. Pokazhch (2019). / NAPN Ukrainy, In-t pedahohiky, vid. porivnialnoi pedahohiky; [uporiad.: Lokshyna O.I., Hlushko O.Z.; nauk. red. Lokshyna O.I.]. Kyiv.
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презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.
реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011Організаційні методичні аспекти застосування методу Case Studies. Можливість використання методу Case Studies при викладанні курсу "Політекономія". Розробка конспекту заняття з теми: "Підприємство і підприємництво" із застосуванням методу Case Studies.
курсовая работа [48,1 K], добавлен 06.04.2011