Forms and methods of working with dictionaries in Russian lessons

Review of work with dictionaries of different types in Russian language lessons. Methods used by the teacher when working with dictionaries. A system of tasks that develop work with a dictionary when studying a particular section of the language.

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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 10.10.2024
Ðàçìåð ôàéëà 10,0 K

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Forms and methods of working with dictionaries in Russian lessons

Petrashova A.O.


working with dictionaries russian language lessons

the article discusses the features of working with dictionaries of different types in the Russian language lessons. Particular attention is paid to the methods used by the teacher when working with dictionaries. The article includes a system of tasks that involve working with a dictionary when studying a particular section of the language.

Keywords: dictionary, method, lesson, vocabulary, students, textbook.


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â ñòàòüå ðàññìîòðåíû îñîáåííîñòè ðàáîòû ñî ñëîâàðÿìè ðàçíûõ òèïîâ íà óðîêàõ ðóññêîãî ÿçûêà. Îñîáîå âíèìàíèå óäåëÿåòñÿ ìåòîäàì, èñïîëüçóåìûì ó÷èòåëåì ïðè ðàáîòå ñî ñëîâàðÿìè. Ñòàòüÿ âêëþ÷àåò ñèñòåìó çàäàíèé, êîòîðûå ïîäðàçóìåâàþò ðàáîòó ñî ñëîâàðåì ïðè èçó÷åíèè òîãî èëè èíîãî ðàçäåëà ÿçûêà.

Êëþ÷åâûå ñëîâà: ñëîâàðü, ìåòîä, óðîê, ñëîâàðíûé çàïàñ, ó÷àùèåñÿ, ó÷åáíèê.

Work to enrich and activate the vocabulary of students is carried out in all Russian lessons. The problem of the development of speech activity of students has always been given great attention. At the moment, general trends in the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of students have been established, problems of speech development have been identified, possible ways of forming the language competence of schoolchildren have been outlined, an analysis of monologic and dialogic forms of speech activity has been carried out, psychological features of the formation of oral and written speech of students have been identified [3 ñ.102].

An important role in the system of enriching the vocabulary of students in the lessons of the Russian language is played by the work on the word, its meaning, use, ability to enter into synonymous and antonymous relations, combined with other words. Of great interest, from this point of view, is the work with a linguistic dictionary. The famous methodologist A.V. Tekuchev believed that "vocabulary work is not an episode in the teacher's work, but a systematic, well -organized, pedagogically expediently constructed work related to all sections of the Russian language course" [4 ñ.41].

The methodology of vocabulary work at school provides for four main lines:

1. Enrichment of the student's vocabulary, that is, the assimilation of new words previously unknown to students, as well as new meanings of those words that were already in their vocabulary.

2. Refinement of the student's dictionary is the widest area of vocabulary work, which includes: filling with content those words that are not quite accurately learned by schoolchildren, i.e. clarifying their meanings by including them in the context, comparing words with similar meanings and contrasting antonyms, comparing meanings and using paronyms, etc.; mastering the lexical compatibility of words, including in phraseological units; assimilation of allegorical meanings of words, polysemy of words; the assimilation of lexical synonyms and those shades of semantic meanings of words that are characteristic of individual synonyms in a synonymic group.

3. Activation of the student's vocabulary, that is, transferring as many words as possible from the passive dictionary to the active dictionary.

4. Elimination of non-literary words, their translation from the active dictionary into the passive one. This refers to dialectal, colloquial, slang words that schoolchildren learned under the influence of the speech environment [1 ñ.418].

Starting work with a dictionary, it is necessary to familiarize students with its structure. Any dictionary begins with a preface about how to use it, what it is for, how the dictionary entry is organized, the abbreviations found in the dictionary, the dictionaries and reference books used. Students should read and review this material.

In the Russian language lessons, you should refer to dictionaries as often as possible in order to study the accompanying topic in the Russian language well and find useful material. It is interesting to compare how the meanings of words are given in the explanatory dictionary, where one word is explained, and how - in the dictionary of antonyms, where the interpretation of a pair of antonyms is given; the same applies to synonymic rows in the dictionary of synonyms. You can also work with dictionaries when reading fiction, especially in the course of linguistic analysis of literary texts. The dictionary should be used to work on the culture and enrichment of your speech. Words and expressions can be written out, memorized and quoted in essays, in oral presentations, and also taken for various kinds of language exercises [2 ñ.33].

In addition to the above dictionaries on the Russian language, at the end of any textbook on the Russian language you can find several dictionaries (spelling, orthoepic, explanatory, dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, dictionary of morphemes, etc.). This material can and should also be referred to.

When studying the "Phonetics" section, you can give the task to find words from the spelling dictionary for voicing (station) and stunning (dialogue, impression, relief, assistant) of the consonant.

When studying the topic "Vocabulary" you can come up with a large number of tasks. For example:

- find the etiquette word (“please”, “goodbye”, etc.);

- find an unusual word in the dictionary, explain why it is interesting, what mistake can be made in this word;

- choose a synonym for the words humanism, bully, illustration, collective, clumsy, stun, portrait, etc.

In particular, when studying synonyms, it is important to draw students' attention both to the similarities of synonymous words and to the differences between them. So, for example, schoolchildren are invited to choose synonyms for the word "homeland". When completing this task, students should take into account that synonyms, forming a synonymous series, belong to the same lexico- grammatical class. The second identification feature lies in the fact that synonyms are united by one meaning. So, comparing the words "motherland", "fatherland", "fatherland", students using a dictionary of synonyms should come to the conclusion that they are all united by one meaning - native country, state. Then the differential features of these words are revealed. The noun "motherland" is a synonymous reference word, stylistically neutral, does not contain restrictions in use, and may have a narrower meaning, indicating a specific place of birth (city, village, etc.). The words "fatherland" and "fatherland" act as stylistic synonyms for a neutrally colored word and belong to a high style.

After studying the topic “How the vocabulary of the Russian language is replenished”, students can be given the task to name and write out borrowed words from the spelling dictionary at the end of the textbook and explain why they are borrowed, what exactly gives out their “non -Russian” appearance. You can make a game out of this task: students unite in groups and compete who will find and name the most borrowed words.

When studying the topic “Professional words”, students can be given the task to find professional words that are used, for example, by a doctor (“anesthesia”, “injection”, “palpation”, “resuscitation”, etc.).

In the spelling dictionary you can find words that are interesting from the point of view of etymology (“ring”, “enchant”, “cloud”, “teacher”, “school”). For example, students can work with an etymological dictionary to find the etymology of these words. Working with etymological dictionaries is often of great interest to schoolchildren.

In the process of studying the "Spelling" section, you can give schoolchildren tasks to search for words with spelling. For example, find words with a checked unpronounceable consonant ("starry", "happy") and with an unchecked unpronounceable consonant ("ladder", "holiday").

An interesting form of working with a dictionary when studying spelling can also be the task of compiling a dictionary dictation with words with a double consonant (“alley”, “appetite”, “certificate”, “college”, “team”, “eleven”, “shade”, “ passenger", "territory", "terrace", etc.).

When studying the topic “Alternation of vowels in the roots”, you can invite the children to find in the spelling dictionary words with alternating vowels in the root o-a (“burn”, “tan”, “light up”, etc.)

Words from the spelling dictionary, of course, can be useful in speech development lessons when writing essays. Schoolchildren can be offered to find adjectives in the dictionary for writing an essay on the topic “Colors of Autumn” (“crimson”, “golden”, “brown”, “lilac”, “gray”). In addition, students can search the dictionary for the names of flowers (“carnation”, “chamomile”, “peony”), the n ames of professions (“actor”, “engineer”, “cashier”, “cook”), etc.

When studying the topic "Morfemics", the dictionary can also be a great helper. For example, children can write out words with suffixes -eni-, -yan-, -va-, - tel-, -ova-; words with prefixes for-, -over, about-, from-, under-, etc.

No less interesting in the lessons of the Russian language is the work with an explanatory dictionary. Students can complete the following tasks:

- define the word according to the given meaning "premises adapted for the retail sale of goods"; "do something. with zeal, work, fuss";

- look up obsolete words in the dictionary (“aspid”, “baydak”, “damask steel”, “room”, “millstones”, “krynitsa”, “lytka”, etc.);

- find the meaning of the word used by philologists ("pronoun", "circumstance", "subordinate"), mathematicians ("root", "plus", "sum");

-find words that have only the masculine form (“coffee”, “tulle”, “ruffle”, “shampoo”);

- study the dictionary entry "Root". What is the meaning of this word in the article? What synonyms can you find for all the meanings of this word?

You can also refer to the materials of dictionary entries in the lessons of studying syntax and punctuation. Using the example of a dictionary entry, one can show the meaning and use of participial and adverbial phrases.

Monologue. The speech of one person, addressed to himself, to the audience, to the listeners. Long monologue.

Circumstance. A phenomenon that accompanies something else. Clarification of the circumstances of the case.

Robbery. Assault with intent to rob, followed by violence, sometimes murder. They start fights at night, murders and robbery.

So, we see that in the methodology of teaching the Russian language there are many forms of working with a dictionary and their effective use in the classroom depends entirely on the teacher. The more diverse the methods used by the teacher in the Russian language lesson when working with the dictionary, the better the students' knowledge will be.

Sources Used

1. Baranov, M.T. Dictionary work at school / M.T. Baranov / Pedagogical encyclopedia, vol. 3. - M.: Education, 2008. - P. 417-422

2. Ivanova, A.M. A lesson on dictionaries // Russian language at school. - 1991. - No. 6. - S.33-34.

3. Kapinos, V.I. Speech development: theory and practice of teaching: 5-7th grade: Book. for the teacher / V.I. Kapinos, N.N. Sergeeva, M.S. Soloveichik. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 191 p.

4. Tekuchev, A.V. On the spelling and punctuation minimum in high school. - M.: Enlightenment. - 1982. - 39 p.

Ðàçìåùåíî íà

Ïîäîáíûå äîêóìåíòû

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