Readiness for foreign language communication in a professional environment

Communicative competence consists of certain qualities: an individual’s ability to predict the communicative situation in which communication takes place; the presence of communicative performance skills, the ability to find adequate tactics.

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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Readiness for foreign language communication in a professional environment

Nataliia Kalashnik Ph.D.(Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Ukrainian Studies Department of Vinnytsya National Mykola Pyrohov Memorial Medical University Olena Pobirchenko, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Art and Artistic Culture Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Iryna Shastko, Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of the

Social Sciences Department, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

The process of transition to market relations, the new socio-economic conditions of the development of the Ukrainian state encourage changes in all aspects of social reality, including the education system. In the process of forming personnel potential, an important task is to prepare students for professional communication in a foreign language environment. Such training aims not only to improve the quality of language education but also to contribute to the successful professional selfrealization and mobility of young specialists in the conditions of the open labor market. The most important feature of communicative competence is that the priority is not the knowledge itself, but the students ' ability to apply it in practice in the process of finding solutions to problems in various situations (transformation of knowledge into action). In the field of professional activity, a lot depends on the ability to realize oneself through communication: establish business relationships; to report and explain their thoughts and assumptions; adequately understand your colleagues, managers and subordinates; resolve the conflict constructively. A graduate of an educational institution must have a high level of communicative competence, which would allow him to use a foreign language without hindrance for the implementation of current tasks, future promotion and achievements. The question ofpreparing future specialists for professional communication in a foreign language was considered by us in the context of their professional training in a higher educational institution.

Ukrainian scientists-pedagogues consider communicative competence to be one of the most important parts of the competence of future specialists with higher education. Thus, the term "communicative competence " can be defined as the final result of education and education of students, which can be evaluated. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, it was found that the effectiveness of the interaction of specialists in a foreign language society depends on the level of their readiness for professional communication in a foreign language. As a result of the study ofpsychological and pedagogical literature, it was proved that readiness for professional communication in a foreign language environment occupies an important place in the structure of readiness offuture specialists for professional activity. The following trainings were singled out as common in the professional development system: "Pedagogical communication", "Voice training", "Lecturer's skill", "Overcoming problems in pedagogical activity", etc. The strategy of the communicative approach is the practical goal of preparing future specialists with higher education for professional and communicative interaction in professional activities thanks to the mastery of foreign language communication. Numerous studies by scientists have shown that the personal orientation of the educational process, which involves close interaction between the teacher and the student, stimulates the formation of professional competence in the latter. Thus, it is necessary to provide pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development and maintenance offuture specialists' persistent interest in learning a foreign language. They came to the conclusion that the communicative approach to the education ofnon-speaking students of foreign language higher education institutions contributes to the formation of their communicative competence as a key professional one, affects their worldview, value system, and ability to think

Keywords: specialist; professional education; professional communication; foreign language environment; higher education.

Наталія Калашнік, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри українознавства, Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М.І.Пирогова Олена Побірченко, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри образотворчого мистецтва Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини

Ірина Шастко, кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри суспільних наук Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти та газу


Процес переходу до ринкових відносин, нові соціально-економічні умови розвитку Української держави спонукають до змін усіх сторін суспільної дійсності, зокрема і системи освіти. У процесі формування кадрового потенціалу важливим завданням є підготовка студентів до професійного спілкування в іншомовному середовищі. Вона має на меті не тільки підвищення якості мовної освіти, але й повинна сприяти успішній професійній самореалізації і мобільності молодих фахівців в умовах відкритого ринку праці. Найголовнішою ознакою комунікативної компетентності є те, що пріоритетом виступають не самі знання, а вміння студентів застосувати їх на практиці в процесі пошуку рішень проблем у різноманітних ситуаціях (трансформація знань в дії). У сфері професійної діяльності дуже багато залежить від умінь реалізувати себе через спілкування: встановити ділові відносини; повідомити і роз 'яснити свої думки і припущення; адекватно зрозуміти своїх колег, керівників і підлеглих; конструктивно врегулювати конфлікт. Випускник освітнього закладу повинен володіти високим рівнем комунікативної компетентності, який дозволяв би йому безперешкодно користуватися іноземною мовою для виконання поточних завдань, майбутнього просування і досягнень.

Питання підготовки майбутніх спеціалістів до фахового спілкування іноземною мовою розглядалося нами у контексті їхньої професійної підготовки у закладі вищої освіти.

Вітчизняні вчені-педагоги вважають комунікативну компетентність однією з найважливіших частин компетенції майбутніх фахівців з вищою освітою. Таким чином, термін "комунікативна компетентність" можна визначити як кінцевий результат навчання та виховання студентів, якому можливо дати оцінку. На основі аналізу психолого-педагогічних джерел з'ясовано, що результативність взаємодії фахівців в іншомовному соціумі залежить від рівня їхньої готовності до професійного спілкування іноземною мовою. У результаті вивчення психолого-педагогічної літератури доведено, що у структурі готовності майбутніх фахівців до професійної діяльності важливе місце займає готовність до професійного спілкування в іншомовному середовищі. Поширеними в системі підвищення кваліфікації виокремили такі тренінги: "Педагогічне спілкування", "Голосовий тренінг", "Лекторська майстерність", "Подолання проблем у педагогічній діяльності", та ін. Стратегією комунікативного підходу є практична мета підготовки майбутніх спеціалістів з вищою освітою до професійно-комунікативної взаємодії у професійній діяльності завдяки оволодінню іншомовним спілкуванням. Численні дослідження вчених показали, що особистісна орієнтація освітнього процесу, яка передбачає тісну взаємодію викладача і студента, стимулює формування в останніх професійно-діяльнісної компетентності. Таким чином, необхідно забезпечити педагогічні умови, що сприяють розвитку і підтримці у майбутніх фахівців стійкого інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови. Дійшли висновку, що комунікативний підхід до навчання студентів немовних ЗВО іноземної мови сприяє формуванню у них комунікативної компетентності як ключової професійної, впливає на їх світогляд, систему цінностей, вміння мислити.

Ключові слова: фахівець; фахова освіта; професійне спілкування; іншомовне середовище; вища освіта.

Formulation of the problem. In recent years, the leading problem of pedagogy has become the process of directing the training of a future specialist to the formation of the skills to operate with one's own knowledge, manage

professional information, act actively and professionally, and quickly make decisions in atypical professional situations. The amount of knowledge and technologies that are transforming into all aspects of society is growing significantly, and we are observing a corresponding shortage of highly qualified specialists who meet today's requirements. The process of transition to market relations, the new socio-economic conditions of the development of the Ukrainian state encourage changes in all aspects of social reality, including the education system.

The problem of improving the quality of specialist training, in particular in the process of forming personnel potential with higher professional education, becomes an important task of preparing students for professional communication in a foreign language environment and acquires special importance. Such training aims not only to improve the quality of language education, but also to contribute to the successful professional selfrealization and mobility of young specialists in the conditions of the open labor market. In the process of forming personnel potential, an important task is to prepare students for professional communication in a foreign language environment. Such training aims not only to improve the quality of language education, but also to contribute to the successful professional selfrealization and mobility of young specialists in the conditions of the open labor market.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Analysis of scientific sources and publications. The question of preparing future specialists for professional communication in a foreign language was considered by us in the context of their professional training in a higher educational institution. Research on the problems of professional pedagogy, dedicated to the work in which the following are substantiated: methodological foundations of professional education (S. Goncharenko, I. Zyazyun, N. Nychkalo), pedagogical technologies (V. Bezpalko, S. Sysoev), professional training of specialists in higher educational institutions (A. Aleksiuk, V. Slastyonin, L. Khomych).

Works devoted to the problem of communication, in particular: philosophical works (K. Apel, M. Bakhtin, M. Buber, L. Bueva, M. Kagan, V. Sokovnin, Y. Habermas), sociological (S. Borysnev, M. Weber, Simmel, A. Kapska), psychological (B. Ananiev, Andreeva, O. Bodalyov, O. Leontiev, O. Leontiev, B. Lomov, V. Myasishchev, V. Semichenko). The problem of pedagogical communication was studied by S. Amonashvili, G. Ball, M. Zabrotskyi, I. Zimnia, Zyazyun, V. Kan-Kalyk, etc. Various definitions of the general ability to adapt to new life conditions are given in works (V. Stem, J. Piaget, L. Thurstone, E. Clapared); the method of acquiring knowledge (A. Binet, V. Diaborn, C. Spearman, V. Henmon); activity and self-regulation in solving tasks (M. Akimova, E. Golubeva); application of information and communication technologies in the professional education of future doctors J. Ward, V. Gryn, P. Dev, V. Kalibabchuk, M. Koval, J. Lashofor and others. The influence of information and communication technologies on the development of communication skills of medical students was considered by M. Berman, A. Deladisma, R. Ellaway, D. Cook, J. Sendan, A. Stevens and others. V. Artyomenko, L. Kovalchuk, Yu. Lyannoi, V. Martsenyuk, L. Mykhaylenko, and others studied the peculiarities of medical education in the USA. Control over the process and results of foreign language learning is revealed through the criteria for assessing the coherence of oral monologue speech (I. Andreasyan); the controlling function of the teacher in the process of learning oral language (L. Shaverneva); control of monologic and dialogic oral speech (I. Antonova); determining the level of proficiency in a foreign productive language (M. Astvatsatryan, O. Bashmakova); control of the basic level of success (L. Denisova, N. Dogonadze,

N. Yefremova, E. Zhukova, N. Yelukhina, O. Polyakov, E. Ten, etc.); control of the level of formation of students' communication skills (V. Natal'in, S. Natal'in, B. Paraschuk) [3].

Works devoted to the problem of communication, in particular: philosophical works (K. Apel, M. Bakhtin, M. Buber, L. Bueva, M. Kagan, V. Sokovnin, Y. Habermas), sociological (S. Borysnev, M. Weber, Simmel, A. Kapska), psychological (B. Ananiev, Andreeva, O. Bodalyov, O. Leontiev, O. Leontiev, B. Lomov, V. Myasishchev, V. Semichenko). The problem of pedagogical communication was studied by S. Amonashvili, G. Ball, M. Zabrotskyi, I. Zimnia, Zyazyun, V. Kan-Kalyk and other scientists. N. Ka- lashnik Formation of readiness for foreign language professional oriented communicative competence of future specialists with higher education [4].

The most important feature of communicative competence is that the priority is not the knowledge itself, but the students' ability to apply it in practice in the process of finding solutions to problems in various situations (transformation of knowledge into action). Domestic scientists-pedagogues consider communicative competence to be one of the most important parts of the competence of future specialists with higher education. Thus, the term “communicative competence” can be defined as the final result of education and education of students, which can be evaluated [7].

The problem of teaching students of professional communication in a foreign language became the subject of analysis in the research of I. Berman, G. Borozenets, E. Komarova, T. Serova, O. Tarno- polskyi, S. Folomkina At the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, a number of dissertation studies appeared devoted to certain aspects of training specialists of various profiles for professional foreign language communication (O. Bernatska, L. Dariichuk, Y. Druz, S. Kozak, V. Kolomiets, L. Morska, I. Nekoz, N. Petran- govska, S. Radetska, G. Skurativska). The analysis of these works proved that in modern conditions there is a change of emphasis in the foreign language training of students of non-language majors. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, it was found that the effectiveness of the interaction of specialists in a foreign language society depends on the level of their readiness for professional communication in a foreign language. As a result of the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, it was proved that readiness for professional communication in a foreign language environment occupies an important place in the structure of readiness of future specialists for professional activity.

Goal. The formation of the national intelligentsia, promotion of the enrichment and renewal of the intellectual gene pool of Ukraine - this is the goal that we should set before ourselves, because the quality of educational services is a set of characteristics of professional consciousness that makes an experienced specialist successfully perform professional activities in accordance with the requirements of modern economic processes [2].

Presentation of the material. The process of transition to market relations, the new socioeconomic conditions of the development of the Ukrainian state encourage changes in all aspects of social reality, including the education system. It is education that is the basis of the reproduction of the intellectual and spiritual potential of the people, a powerful means of solving the problems of the development of science and technology, culture, national revival, the establishment of statehood, the establishment of the principles of democracy and the professionalization of the life of the country.

General professional foreign language communicative training of future specialists with higher education is a component of professional training, and its fundamentalization is carried out in three main directions: informational, activity and personal and combines all structural and functional components of the pedagogical system: goals, content, process, methods, techniques, technologies, forms, personal qualities, result [4].

Today in society there is an interdependence between the quality level of the professional qualification of the university teaching corps ^ the quality of the training of a specialist - a graduate of a higher school. In this context, the necessary characteristics of a graduate of a higher school are: professional competence at the level of European and world standards, mobility, competitiveness, creativity and responsibility, flexible, independent and critical thinking, mastery of foreign languages, new information technologies, ability to operate in conditions of uncertainty and change, focus on effective selfeducation, self-improvement throughout life. Only by forming and developing the above-mentioned characteristics, we will be able to prepare a specialist of a new generation, ready to implement the evergrowing and complicated tasks of teaching and educating the younger generation, able to adapt to social changes, ready to respond to external challenges and minimize emerging risks. In turn, it is natural that a high level of specialist training is a prerequisite for the development of a student's personality, his life competencies and value orientations. Therefore, there is no doubt that “the future of the nation depends precisely on the quality of education, the mastered amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, the level of formation of creative skills and the development of creative abilities...” [2].

General professional foreign language communicative training of future specialists with higher education is a component of professional training, and its fundamentalization is carried out in three main directions: informational, activity and personal and combines all structural and functional components of the pedagogical system: goals,content, process, methods, techniques, technologies, forms, personal qualities, result [4].

In the field of professional activity, a lot depends on the ability to realize oneself through communication: establish business relationships; to report and explain their thoughts and assumptions; adequately understand your colleagues, managers and subordinates; resolve the conflict constructively. A graduate of an educational institution must have a high level of communicative competence, which would allow him to use a foreign language without hindrance for the implementation of current tasks, future promotion and achievements.

It should be noted that in the process of studying philological disciplines, the knowledge and skills of future specialists with higher education are formed, which they use throughout their lives during their professional activities. These educational disciplines directly affect the personality development of a future specialist with a higher education. In this context, foreign language communicative training in a higher educational institution (university) is expedient and methodically justified.

In this context, higher educational institutions face a responsible task - the need not only to carry out professional training of future specialists capable of solving the complex problems of building a democratic state, but also to educate literate, spiritually enriched, nationally conscious specialists whose level of knowledge would correspond to the growing ones today's requirements. At the same time, the problem of language training of a future specialist with a higher education becomes especially relevant.

Recently, trainings aimed at mastering, updating and deepening of special professional, scientific- methodical, pedagogical, social-humanitarian, and psychological competencies by pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers have become common in professional development cycles. Conducting trainings contributes to the improvement of professional skills and skills in solving a number of pedagogical tasks. During trainings, teachers practice the skills and abilities of the teacher's pedagogical technique: first of all, speech technique, psychotechnique, mimicry, pantomime, communication; techniques for restoring physical and mental well-being, overcoming psychological barriers, overcoming conflicts, preventing professional burnout, managing attention, skills for activating educational and cognitive activities and acting, etc. are mastered. In our opinion, it would be appropriate for both teachers and students to create a language training program aimed at developing communicative skills, lecturing skills, pedagogical techniques, improving the methods of conducting classes, including in foreign languages, etc. The following trainings are common in the professional development system: “Lecturer's skill”, “Voice training”, “Pedagogical communication”, “Overcoming problems in pedagogical activity”, etc. The strategy of the communicative approach is the practical goal of preparing future specialists with higher education for professional and communicative interaction in professional activities thanks to the mastery of foreign language communication.

It should be noted, despite the fact that during the last decade in higher educational institutions there has been a significant reduction in lecture hours, the image of the teacher, the level of his professional and pedagogical skills are largely determined by his lecturing skills: “... the success of any class, and lectures especially, depends on personal qualities of the teacher; the qualities of this personality are “small bricks” that form the foundation of the worldview, the moral face of the student and form him as a specialist. The excellent lecturer was the outstanding doctor and teacher M.I. Pirogov According to the testimony of contemporaries, Pirogov's lectures always took place in crowded auditoriums, since not only students and doctors but also artists, ladies and soldiers gathered for them. Pirogov's lectures were distinguished by a clear manner of teaching and extraordinary content.

Reflecting in “Letters from Heidelberg” on the need for lecture training and lecturing skills, M.I. Pirogov noted that “vox viva”, that is, a lecture, is better than a book, despite the fact that “... in practice, out of three voices, there will probably be two that will rather put the listener to sleep than revive them... The effect of the voice, that is, living speech, on the audience, indeed, is extremely noticeable when the teacher has the gift of speech and when he wants not only to convince, but also to excite and amaze his listeners. Being a talented teacher, M.I. Pirogov even then raised a pressing question about the activity of lecture attendees and wrote that he “would demand from his listeners that each of them bring to the lecture ... their comments and questions ... These comments, short and written down, would concern only what seemed to everyone when reading unclear or doubtful. Clarification of these ambiguities and doubts would be the subject of the lecture. The method of explanation would certainly depend on the personality of the teacher, on the audience and on the subject. With this in mind, the lecture would have a different appearance: a simple conversation or a more consistent presentation”. The indisputable advantages of these lectures, according to the scientist, should have been the following: 1) the lecturer would not waste time on what an educated listener can learn on his own, and therefore the lectures would become what they should be - with the help of the listener's mental work; 2) listeners would be morally obliged not to limit themselves to formal and passive attendance at lectures, because if it were not for love of science, then self-love would encourage many to become active persons at lectures; 3) classes would become more independent - there would be fewer words and more work [1].

As educational subjects, a foreign language and the Ukrainian language, as a foreign language, perform a number of important functions. In particular, as an object of knowledge, understanding the essence of language as a social phenomenon, which is a means of communication, knowledge, as well as a means of self-expression of the individual. The thought-formulating function of language contributes to the development of the student's intelligence - his memory, thinking and imagination. Language function is considered as the purpose of using a linguistic unit in an expression. In the methodology of foreign language learning, communicative functions are usually described as categories of behavior (for example, request, permission, greeting, etc.). According to the principle of repetition, functions can be repeated in different topics. Teachers will prefer one or another function in the lesson depending on the availability of educational material. Functional indicators will be determined for each function separately. Functions that can be performed in any conversation or discussion (for example, changing the topic of conversation, offering a different point of view, etc.) are not assigned to specific topics and can be used in any of them. Concepts are seen as meanings and general ideas that students need to communicate. They are divided into general and specific. General concepts (such as time, quality, duration, location, etc.) may appear in each topic. Specific concepts are directly defined by a certain topic (for example, health, everyday life, holidays, traditions, etc.).

Numerous studies by scientists have shown that the personal orientation of the educational process, which involves close interaction between the teacher and the student, stimulates the formation of professional competence in the latter. Thus, it is necessary to provide pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development and maintenance of future specialists' persistent interest in studying these disciplines.

Speaking about the formation of professional competences, one cannot fail to note the fact that this process is successful only against the background of the student's personal interest in the learning process. Traditionally, teaching a foreign language at a university was focused on reading, understanding and translating special texts, as well as studying the problems of the syntax of a scientific style, determined by the standard educational program. As part of foreign language training, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the future professional activity of students. In order to effectively prepare university graduates for professional activities in the conditions of intercultural interaction, a comprehensive training program that takes into account interdisciplinary connections should be developed. The process of learning foreign languages should follow the programs of special disciplines and include elements of professional activity, professional education and situations of professional communication. In this case, the level of students' motivation to learn foreign languages will increase, and as a result, the effectiveness of learning will increase.

The activity of the teacher with students should be aimed at:

creation of modern educational and professional projects;

development of plans, which should be based on the assessment of problems and the study of the defined goal and ensuring their implementation in order to improve the human condition;

to develop readiness to solve problems, to overcome stress;

effective protection of the most vulnerable members of society;

promotion of efficient and humane operation of systems providing services, resources and opportunities;

assessment of the quality of the work performed; continuous professional development;

acquisition by students of the historical experience of inheriting the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, which is passed through the prism of their own emotions and comparison with generally accepted values, which significantly expands the boundaries of the spiritual world, because the spiritual health of students with an inclusive and special form of education is determined by their spiritual experience that they receive in the process of realizing educational and educational potential, taking into account the peculiarities of adaptation;

involving students in scientific work, carrying out national-cultural, educational and organizational- pedagogical work;

formation of historical memory, national consciousness, dignity and a clear civic position;

helping students master a new intellectual vision of the world and their place in it, development of personal abilities, their full implementation in various types of activities;

permanent cooperation, co-creation with student assets and student self-government bodies, youth creative associations, movements, development of initiative, creativity, independence, acquisition of organizational knowledge, abilities and skills; creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate;

promoting the organization of a healthy lifestyle, solving housing problems;

permanent psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the level of intellectual development of students with inclusive and special forms of education;

attending individual classes of students with inclusive and special forms of education;

making suggestions for improving work;

encouraging student youth to actively oppose manifestations of immorality, lack of spirituality;

desire for truth, goodness, ability to act with love for one's neighbor.

After all, it is known that the lack of formation of the life priorities of young people at the level of consciousness and behavior makes this category of the population vulnerable to various influences from society and the social environment due to the insufficiency and incompleteness of the process of formation and strengthening of consciousness, due to the complexity of the process of development and formation of the personality. But it is worth remembering that the education of young people depends not only on the teacher, but is largely influenced by such circumstances and factors as the state!

The purpose of studying at a University is to prepare for those types of activities that should be used after graduating from the university. Thus, this approach makes it possible to approach the goal of education, including professional training, from the perspective of real-life tasks for which a specialist is trained (N. Talizina, N. Pechenyuk, L. Khokhlovskyi). As noted by N. Talizina, “the quality of professional training of specialists of any profile depends on the degree of validity of three main nodes: the purpose of education (why to teach), the content of education (why to teach) and the principles of organizing the educational process (how to teach)”. For students, learning is a guide in self-organization and selfcontrol for the quality of mastery of professional activities. Pedagogical evaluation is an effective stimulus for student activity, because “success in learning is the only source of internal forces that generate energy to overcome difficulties, the desire to learn”.

Psychologist B. Ananiev singled out two functions of the teacher's evaluation activity:

orienting, which affects mental work, promotes awareness of the process of this work and understanding of one's own knowledge;

stimulating, which affects the volitional sphere due to the experience of success or failure [5].

Readiness for professional communication in a foreign language environment includes three interdependent and interconnected components:

motivational (combination of motives that guide communicators, attitude to professional foreign language communication, and personality's focus on interaction);

operational (professional communicative speech competence);

normative-reflexive (the ability of communicators to normatively regulate their actions and to evaluate their communicative behavior).

Based on the selected criteria, three levels of readiness for professional communication in a foreign language environment are defined - elementary, medium, and high [3].

We analyzed an approximate list of key competencies of a future specialist, which was developed during the Council of Europe symposium on the topic “Key competencies for Europe”.

It includes the following components:

to study (to be able to benefit from experience; to organize the relationship of one's knowledge and to organize it; to organize one's own methods of study; to be able to solve problems; to independently engage in one's studies);

to search (order various databases; get information; be able to work with documents and classify them);

to think (organize the relationship between past and present events; take a position in discussions and form your personal opinion; be able to evaluate works of art and literature);

to cooperate (to be able to cooperate in a group; to make decisions; to settle conflicts);

to get down to business (get involved in a project; join a group or team and make your contribution; be able to organize your work);

to adapt (to be able to use new information technologies; to show flexibility in the face of rapid changes; to show resilience in the face of difficulties; to be able to find new solutions [6].

Research results. Realizing that knowledge and qualifications are becoming priority values in a person's life in the conditions of the information society, a modern specialist should strive to be abreast of the development of his professional field in global practice, and for this it is not always enough to have information in his native language. Hence the growing significance of learning foreign languages, the formation of communicative competence.

Solving a communicative task with the help of a foreign language, a modern specialist cannot be satisfied with a set of language stamps and basic translation skills. As part of the verbal process, the specialist must be able to listen and understand the language of the interlocutor, express his position in a reasoned manner, refute or prove this or that fact, while formulating his ideas clearly and logically. Using language as a tool, the specialist solves specific communicative tasks within the framework of his professional competence.

In the context of learning foreign languages, it is necessary to acquaint students with the culture of other peoples, their customs, traditions, and norms of behavior. The introduction of such elements into the learning process will contribute to the preparation of students for effective intercultural contacts at the level of everyday interpersonal communication. It is necessary to form practical skills and abilities that would allow to freely understand representatives of other cultures.


It is expedient to start the process of language training with students mastering initial knowledge and skills within the framework of a foreign language: its phonetic, grammatical structure, rules and the most used vocabulary units. However, already at this stage it is possible to talk about the active use of a communicative method, which will be aimed at the development of communication skills that allow you to realize a number of intentions necessary in everyday communication: getting to know each other, introducing yourself, apologizing, reminding, changing the topic (direction) of the conversation, ending the conversation, request and report infor-mation: ask questions or report a fact or event, etc.

Communicative competence consists of certain qualities: an individual's ability to predict the communicative situation in which communication takes place; the presence of communicative performance skills, i.e. the ability to find adequate communicative tactics for the topic of communication and implement a communicative plan; the ability to understand oneself, one's own psychological potential and the potential of a partner; mastery of self-regulation skills in the process of communication, including the ability to overcome psychological barriers [6]. language communication performance

Thus, we are talking about the implementation of the speech act of speaking in the process of oral communication between two or more persons.

In this regard, the communicative approach to teaching non-linguistic university students a foreign language and the Ukrainian language as a foreign language contributes to the formation of their communicative competence as a key professional, affects their worldview, value system, and ability to think. Gradually mastering the basics of communicative competence, the student achieves the highest degree of autonomy in the organization of his future activities, thus providing himself with the first step to success.


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Kalashnik, N., Adamovych, A., Baras, M. & Goliardyk, N. (2021). Regarding research and teaching staff professional development as an integral part of providing quality training for future professionals with higher education. Youth & market. No. 1 (187), pp. 64-69.

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Kalashnik, N., Kravchenko, T., Shastko, I. & Kuzmina, M. (2022). Formation of readiness for foreign language professional-oriented communicative competence of future specialists with higher education. Digitalization and information society, selected issues. Editors: A. Ostenda and T. Nes- torenko. University of Technology, Katowice, pp. 192-197.

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